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Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Copyright ? 1968, Geza Korda, New York, N.Y. Vol. 3, No. 1. September, 1968 The Liberty of The Press Shall Be Inviolably Preserved" 5Trademark registered 1967 United G.P.O. Box 174, New York, N.Y. 10001 AN OPEN LETTER TO FOREIGN DIPLOMATS RESIDING IN THE UNITED STATES AND AMERICAN BUSINESS LEADERS The Solution Of World Problems Through East-West Trade In a world of realities, penalties are heavy for illusions. Human nature does not change. As .Karl von Clausewitz, the German militarist- theoritician said, war remained "the continua- tion of politics by other means" and "an act of violence for the purpose of compelling the ad- versary to fulfill our will." Politics is nothing but the -concentrated form or economics. While human nature did not change, the ways and means of individuals and nations to achieve their aspirations and ends are in a process of continuous change. Science is most responsible for that change. But it has no principles, religion, nationality or race. Through science mankind arrived to the point that if and when all available ways and means would be applied in military war, the only victor would be Death itself ; hence military war de- feated its own purpose! Does that mean that peoples of the world will live together in peace? Of course, not! Peace is the irrealistic object of daydreamers. War must continue but since military war became outdated and obsolete, we must use the next pos- sibilities: the economic-political war. In such war, as before, but in other ways, the inferior struggles to become equal, and once equal he tries to become superior by toppling down the decaying pro forma superior. This perpetual struggle and change, where the fittest survive is in full accordance with the Natural Laic. The purpose of my writing to you is to invite you to a meeting where East-West trade can be discussed. If you think that competition based on initiative is the key of progress, if you promote peace in respect to military war, progress and prosperity and competitive co-existence between AN OPEN LETTER TO THE ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL COUNCIL OF THE UNITED NATIONS East-West Trade The Starting Process For The Federation Of Eastern Europea Countries Man does not live by bread alone but first of an by bread. rouct, shelter and clothes i.e. mate- rialism preoccupies man. Once the materialistic need is satisfied, then other aspects of life should be taken into consideration and not before. If a man is hungry and is freezing without adequate clothes and shelter, it would be 'a sheer nonsense to talk to him e.g. about the existence or non- existence of God. The above thoughts apply to primitive societies. Developed and civilized societies have much more problems. The progress made by science and its use for military weapons, advanced communica- tion and transportation created fundamental changes at such rapid speed, that one really has to stop once in a while and do some thinking; what should and should not to be done. In the following, I make an attempt to think in writing concerning East-West relations with the frame of mind of an Eastern European but seeing it. from the U.S. Certainly, it is not an easy task but worthwhile to try it. The most practical approach to it, is to con- sider facts. One must realize that since WW II public opinion of the world has been most in- fluenced by the propaganda machines of the two superpowers, the U.S. and the Soviet Union. The U.S. promotes such propaganda through dollar- diplomacy, the Soviet Union through the various cornmunjst parties outside the Soviet Union. For practical and tactical purposes I consider both superpowers as imperialistic and analyze them 1 y- illustrations (for lack of space a detailed j ualysis is not possible) through the same stand- (ft d of judgement. I engage diplomatic and plain language. Also tie "carrots-language" and the "stick-language" ws hich ever is necessary the name the facts and ec.'unterbalance the two propaganda machines. T) !e struggle in the arena of international power- pol.itics creates its own rules, regulations and law s. Fictions are created to cover facts, if and when, it =s necessary. One of my aims is that the workers but first of all the American workers understand mny writing. First let's take the U.S.A. In 1776 it had a territory of 386,000 sq.mi. In the Following 130 years the U.S. enlarged its posse: ;lion by war, seizure, annexion, purchase or otherwise by more than 3,000,000 sa.mi. The Historical Register of the U.S. Army published in 1903 contains a list of 114 wars in which the U.S. engaged after 1775. These wars involved 8,600 battles and engagements. Here are the principa; enlargements : Louisiana of 827,000 sq.mi. in 1803; Florida of 58,600 sq.mi. in 1819; Texas of 389,000 sq.mi. in 1845; Oregon of 286,000 sq.mi. in 1846; Utah, Arizona, New Mexico and California of 529,000 sq,mi. in 1853; Gadsen territory from Mexico of 30,000 sq.mi. in 1853. (2,119,600 sq.mi.) In the second half of the century the U.S. added another 716,666 sq.mi. to its national possession which include Alaska in 1867; Philippines, Guam, Porto Rico, Hawaiian Island in 1898-, Samoa in 1899; Panama Canal Zone in 1903 and Virgin Islands in 1917. Before entering WW I, the U.S. was a debtor country of $3,000,000,000. After WW I, the U.S. emerged as a creditor country to the extent of 816,000,000,000. According to the Soviet propa- ganda the more blood is split, the bigger the profits and wealth of the American munition tycoons, who made $46,000,000,000 net profit in WW I, and $123,000,000,000 net profit in WW II. U.S. Senator Cabot Lodge said on January 7, 1901: "The American people and the economic forces which underlie all are carrying us for- ward to the economic supremacy of the world." Harry S. Truman said on December 19, 1945: "Whether we like or not, we must recognize that the victory which we have won has placed upon the American people the continuing burder of responsibility for world leadership." Theodore Roosevelt once said: "I never take a step in foreign policy unless I am assured that I shall be able eventually to carry out my will by force." Theodore Roosevelt believed in a policy of speak- ing softly but carrying the Big Stick, i.e. if car- rots do not work, use the Big Stick. Lieut. Gen. A. C. Wedemeyer said on March 5, 1949: "We must think in terms of blood as well as of money. We must have military support and protection of our economic investments wher- ever forces threaten everything that we hold dear." East and West that meeting will be of great benefit to you or your representative. Concerning the details of the subject-matter to be discussed during the meeting, as a first step, it would be necessary to read the 60 pages I mentioned in the Open Letter to Secretary Gen- eral of the United Nations. The Xerox-copies of those 60 pages are available to you, if you request them. This copy also was mailed to 112 Ambassadors of foreign countries in Washington, D.C., 124 Ambassadors of UN-Delegations and 177 Pres- idents of large U.S. manufacturing and banking corporations, and other persons in key positions of economic-political leadership. Your inquiries are welcome. New York, September 1968. 7.7' ace General Srn,,Tev Hulce. C,.n"mr '-tn- dant oi' the U.S. Corps, summed up his experience as an imperialist gunman in the November, 1935 issue of "Common Sense" : "I spent thirty-three years and four months in active service as a member of our country's most active military force - The Marine Corps . . . and during that time. I spent most of my time as a high-class muscle man for big business, for Wall Street and the bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism . . . during those years I had, as the boys in the back room would say, a swell racket. Loekiu,ig buck on it, I feel I might have given Al Capone a few hints. The best he could do was to operate his racket in three city districts. We Marines operated in three conti- nents." By now the U.S. Armed Forces operate in five continents' One ww onders, what the Soviet Generals would write - IF - they had the freedom to do so - about the Soviet military onslaught against Hun- gary in 1956 and the Soviet military invasion of Czechoslovakia in 1968? Vic- President Hnbert H. Humphrey said on July 12, 1968: "We are not the world's police- man. How people wish to govern themselves, and how they wish to change their government - that's their business." If the U.S. government only would do what it is preaching and the ar- rogant American imperialists in the late 40-s and early 50-s represented by the Dulles-clique only would have listened to General MacArthur and Marshall Montgomery, the U.S. never would have committed the blunder to engage a military landsw ar in Asia. Neither in Korea nor in Viet- nam. Nor they should engage in any military action in the Middle Eeast! Until now more than 30.000 Americans were slaughtered in Vietnam. There are more than 180,000 casualties and more than $100,000.000,- 000 have been squandered in the senseless slaugh- ter in Vietnam. On June 25, 1968 over the Quang Bihn Province the 3,000:h L.S. aircraft was shot down. The American Air Force has dropped on Vietnam more bombs than were dropped on the territory of Germany during WW II. For the U.S. from both human and material points it costs more to cause damage, than damage itself. Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 CREATIVE HUNGARIAN (ALKOTO MAGYAR) An economic-political publication. Printed in U.S.A. Copyright Geza Korda New York, N.Y. Price 50y, a copy Publisher and editor: Geza Korda Address: G.P.O. Box 174 New York, N.Y. 10001, U.S.A. For the U.S. Vietnam is a stupid war not only from the military but also from the economic- political view. The great American dilemma is now: shall we pull out from Vietnam? The answer is given by those we follow the philosophy and tactics of Mao The-tung: No! Stay there American im- perialists until we break your arrogance, and then the Vietnam war will come to end through political settlement on our terms!!! Asia belongs to the Asians. And now, let's turn to the Soviet Union, the "Paradise of the Workers". The very existence of the Soviet Union started in 1462 by the Grand Dutchy of Muskovy. Czar- ist Russia expansion by territories of the peo- ples in European part of the Euro-Asian con = tinent is: 1462-1505: Samoyeds, Nentsis-Samo- yeds, Komi-Zyrians, Permiaks, Kerelians; 1505- 1682: Edmurts, Tartars, Bashkirs, Mordovians, Uralian Cossacks, Kalmucks, Cossacks on the Dori, Cossacks on the Terek, Little Russians, Uk- rainians; 1682-1725: Estonians; 1725-1796: Lat- vians, Lithuanians, White Russians; 1796-1825: Karachays, Ossentins, Kabardinians, Daghesti, Armenians, Azerbaidzhani, Cherkessi, Abhazi, Rumanians, Bessarabians, Poles, Fins; 1825- 1881: Georgians. The Soviet Union followed the imperialism of the Czarist Russia. 1920-1921: Ukraine, Geor- gia, Armenia, Azerbaijan; 1939-1945: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania; after 1945 with more or less results: Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Po- land, Rumania, Yugoslavia, and the Eastern part of Germany. In Asia: 1462-1584: Mari, Chuvasi, Udmurts, Manis-Voguls, Nentsis-Samoyeds, Ostyak-Khan- tys; 1584-1689: Evenkis-Tungus, Yakuts, Kha- kassis, Tuvinians, Buryats-Mongols, Yukagirs, Chukchis-Luravetianys, Koryaks, Nymylanys, Kamchadatics; 1689-1796: Oyrots, Altasi, Khal- kas; 1796-1914: Kara-Kalpaks, Turkmen, Uzbeks, Tadshiks, Kirghisi, Kurds. After 1945: Kurile Islands and Sakhalin. Sortie names appear twice, since those peoples lived in European as well as in Asian territory. Also, because some of them were liberated then subjugated again. The Soviet propaganda machine once had been very effective but as time passed by more and more people realized that under the cloak of Marx- ism-Leninism the Soviet Union is practicising im- perialism. The leaders in Moscow also have to know: you can't fool all of the peoples all of the times. Let's consider the achievements of the Soviet Union, and give the credit where it belongs. One must realize it took England 300 years to de- velop her industry; 150 years for the U.S.; 100 years for Germany; 75 years for Japan and 50 years for the Soviet Union. Each country bene- fited from the previous developments. The Soviet propaganda takes all credits. Further, it never mentions the industrial know-how and material assistance received from the U.S. in connection with WW II and a 11 what they t o o k from Germany after 1945. It never mentions the eco- nomic exploitation of Eastern Europe through "commercial" agreements, where the Soviet Union sets the price as buyer as well as seller. Of course, buying at much lower prices then world market prices, and selling at a much high- er price than world market prices. To assure hughe profits the Soviet armed forces give full guaranty. The Soviet Union is the worst of all bad imperialists! At Expo 67 in Montreal, Canada a great num- ber of people saw the show-window of "socialist realism" in the Soviet Union. At the Osaka World Exhibition in 1970 the Soviet pavilion will re- semble in shape of an unfurled red banner with the emblem of the hammer and sickle. It will be 100 meters high covering an area of 20,000 square meters. It is designed as a symbol of the Soviet Union's dynamism. Like in Montreal it will show Soviet "socialist realism" on the surface which is nothing but glorification of the Soviet Union. And now let's see American and Soviet im- perialism side by side. In order to clear the picture blurred by the propaganda machines of Soviet and American imperialists one must be first of all alert to the use of semantics and of course separate facts from fictions. Freedom; liberty; law and order; peace at home and abroad; one nation under God, invisible, with liberty and justice for all; sincere friendship; comeradely discussion; frank and comeradely ex- change; socialist solidarity; socialist democracy; independence; peace and security; territorial in- tegrity; non-interference in internal affairs; aggression and revenge ; war of liberation; just wars; unjust wars; unbridled anti-socialist dem- agogy ; treaties and agreements linking socialist countries with one another ; commercial agree- ments at mutual benefits; mutual obligations of states and peoples based on the general aspira- tion to defend socialism and ensure security of the socialist countries; military assistance to de- fend the achievements of socialism against its enemies; and so 'Prth and so on, are only im- persialists catchwords and slogans fabricated by phrasemakers to mislead the masses. One never should pay too much attention what the imperialists say, but only what they do. The word democracy e.g. is recklessly used in the Soviet Union as well as in the U.S. In both coun- tries it has no practical meaning. It's a bluff. The worst misleading word is, however: EQUAL- ITY. It is necessary to nail down, we all are equal twice in our life. At our birth and when we die. Between those two times, we are UNEQUAL, or expressed in a different way: some of us are more equal than others. Lenin said in 1920 at the Third all-Russian Trade Union Congress: "We are conducting a class struggle Our aim is to abolish classes; so long as there still exist two classes, those of peasants and workers, socialism cannot be real- ized." It is a fact, there is no communism in the Soviet Union. It will be, however, when the aim of communism: from each according to his ability to each according to his need, will be a reality. Since 1917 this aim is not yet realized. What we have now in the Soviet Union is a system, where the principle: from each according to his ability to each according to his work, prevails. That sys- tem based on such principle is now called social- ism in the Soviet Union and capitalism in the United States. In reality, however, the present economic sys- tem in the Soviet Union is state capitalism in form of state monopolism, the political system is despotism of the ruling class. In the U.S. the economic system is private monopolism, which controls the U.S. government. The U.S. government permits political freedom. but makes it ineffective by the power of the purse of private monopolism. The ruling classes of both superpowers sup- press truth but in different ways. Yet they are not equal. The despotism in the Soviet union is more oppressive than the same in the U.S. Lenin wanted to abolish all classes and make people equal. The statement of the Communist and worker's parties of the socialist countries on August 3, 1968 - as printed in Pravda - recognized the existence of three classes in the Soviet Union: working class, peasantry and in- telligentsia. Hence, according to the concepts of Lenin, not even socialism is existent in the Sov- iet Union. It exists only in the propaganda of the Soviet Union. In 1943 the Soviet press hailed the appearance of the first socialist millionaire comrade Berdy- bekov (NY Times 7/4/1943 p.8E.col.3.). V. Y. Vishinsky wrote in "Information Bul- letin" published by the Soviet Embassy in Wash- ington, D.C. on November 17, 1945: "The Soviet system is the cradle of new classes, such as have never before been known in history. Our work- ing class and our collective farmers are in their social nature new classes, as is also the new a September, 1968 Soviet intelligentsia, whose character has been formed by the new socialist relations. The same "Information Bulletin" writes on January 29, 1946: "The Constitution of the U.S.S.R. ensures . . . the right to inherit and bequeth personal property. In insuring this right, the Constitution also insures the privileges of children born to upper strata, to the offspring of Soviet mil- lionaire Berdybekov, for example." It is safe to say, in Orwellian terms, the Soviet leaders know the language of the "new-speak". Interestingly, the filmindustry of Hollywood which is the biggest promoter of immorality and crime and the servant of imperialists has no intention to make a film of George Orwell's novel "1984" written after WW II, and Imre Madach's play "The Tragedy of Man", written in 1823. Both writers were forecasting the battle against tyranny in our century. The despotism of the ruling classes of the two superpowers are sink- ing deeper, and the determination of peoples for freedom is rising higher. 30,000 Hungarians did not die in vain in 1956 against the Soviet im- perialists, and there are not 40,000 "counter- revolutionists" in Czechoslovakia but 14,000,000 Slovaks and Czechs who are nothing but the enemies of Soviet imperrialis'm! Stalin said on February 9, 1946: "The election campaign is the judgement of the electors of the communist party, as being the party of the rulers." One knows, however, that the existence of rulers inescapably implies the existence of the ruled. Through the advance of science the survival of a closed society is getting more difficult. The most open society still exist in the U.S. and the Soviet society is drifting away from being a closed society. The intelligentsia is the ruling class in the Soviet Union and the peasants and workers the ruled class. The communist parties outside the Soviet Union have a second thought about the idea that all roads lead to Moscow. Interesting is the communist party U.S.A. About 30ric of the "card-carrying communists" are F.B.I. agents, the rest of them are nothing but frustrated intellectuals. In the U.S. the monopolists are the ruling class, the rest is the ruled class not politically but eco- nomically i.e. credit-system. Life for the ruled is more bearable in the U.S. than in the Soviet Union. And now, let's see, how the ruling class live in the Soviet Union, the "Land of Equality", the "Paradise of the Workers". Officially some Soviet citizens became more equal than others through a speech of Stalin when he attacked uravnilovka, i.e. the equality of pay. Since then the officer caste of the armed forces, managers, administrative officials, intel- lectuals and professionals received 20, 30, 100 or even 300 times more payment than the work- ers and peasants. But monetary income by no means represents all the material benefits of the Soviet un-socialist, un-democratic but despotic ruling class. The dictatorship of the proletariat in Lenin's concept does not exist any more. Of- ficially it is replaced by the state of the entire people. The ruling class controls the state, hence they control the entire people i.e. the workers and the peasants. For the ruled classes in the Soviet Union freedom means to follow the orders of the ruling class, or else. The ruling class in the Soviet Union have a house and a sumptuous one, a budget for pay- ing a staff of servants, a car and a chauffeur, the privilege of buying at exclusive stores where goods otherwise unobtainable are sold at mod- erate prices, vacations for themselves and their families at exclusive resorts in the Soviet Uniola and abroad. Free railroad and air transportatuic,ii and in most cases exemption from paying taxe.;. All these "nice things of life" are provided t o them by the state, where the ruling class says : l'Etat c'est moi ! Sons and daughters of the privileged bureau. cratic ruling class enjoy all kind of priority, do as they like and climb up the social ladder ra- pidly, while those of workers, peasants and other labouring people and the working youth are be- ing squeezed out and discriminated against. Very interesting is to observe the diplon-iatic representation of the Soviet Union. Natu?eally, only the most trusted ones, the most privi,,eged ones are sent abroad. In their social acti\.,ities such as cocktail parties in their desperate att empt Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 September, 1968 ALKOTo MAGYAR Page 3 to cover their despotism at home and build up the story of the lords of wealth and their glit- they defy with impunity the law of the land : the prestige and status abroad, they excel in lavish tering clans. The book explained how America U.S. Constitution. The actions of many members extravaganza even the plutocratic Western ruling was ruled by a plutocracy of inherited wealth, of the U.S. Congress are motivated by expedi- classes. Such social "events" are well attended even under the "New Deal". At that time he could ency not by principles. Their oath of office to by the American imperialists or their represen- only provide a sampling. of the economic and protect and defend the U.S. Constitution became tatives. Yet the Czarist splendor practiced by political patterns of those families. His present a formality not to take seriously. Some of them Soviet leaders can not overshadow real life of book is more than updating the old one. It is, would like to see the U.S. Constitution as a workers and peasants in the Soviet Union. rather a systematic study of the entire wealthy museum piece to be treasured as the ancient The slogan "Workers of the world, unite!" be- class and its familial structure. The book shows, marble and dust of the Acropolis. Yet, there are came meaningless under the leadership of Mos- there are 200,000 very wealthy individuals in a few exemptions. Those exemptions can cause cow. On February 25, 1956 N. S. Khrushchev at the U.S. Most of them belong to some 500 bil- changes of important decisions, where quality the XXth Congress of the Communist Party of lionaire families. Examples are 250 Du Ponts, is versa quantity. the S.U. denounced despot Stalin, despite the 73 Rockefellers. Some 61% of the 200,000 in- One of the most suppressed book in the U.S. fact he himself was one of Stalin's comrade- herited their wealth. These families are far is "Destroy the Accuser" by Frederick Seelig. wealthier than ever before. As an example the (191 pp. 1967) It is fully documented about the in-crime. book shows how a thrifty multi-millionaire could tyranny of the U.S. government. Mr. Seelig, a prostitute In the U. and clergymen intellectuals, expediency- ake a year $19,939,652.39 and pay no income distinguished American of Jewish faith had-been orpcifit and clergymen and. csome laimed p that Stediency- taxes, while his chauffeur pays hundreds of tax tortured to death in American prisons and insane ism for-p is rofit over in the Soviet cm Union. d The Daniel- hl- dollars. It shows, how placing mighty fortunes asylums, because he exposed the corruption with-Sinyavsky and Galanskov-Ginzburg "trials" once into foundations magnifies the financial power in the U.S. Government. The reader of that book of the super-wealthy families and how the U.S. will realize that in many respect the American classmore. Karl rl proved the Marx once despotism said: : "theThe Soviet existence of ruling Senate and House of Representatives bent their terror is not different from Soviet terror. Only collective wisdom to write a tax law for one the U.S. Supreme Court acted in the spirit of the state is inseparable from the existence stence of Soviet man's benefit. Indeed the book gives explanation the U.S. Constitution and restored freedom to slavery." The existence of the state in the who really owns America and how they, keep Mr. Seelig, who after publishing the book died. Union is a reality. their wealth and their power. It explains, how He was tortured to death while John F. Kennedy Continuing the use of same standard of critic- they manipulate through tax-free investments, was the President, and Robert F. Kennedy was ism, let's further see the American imperialism. and dozen other legal means through their law- the "chief officer of law enforcement". After George Washington said in 1796 in his im- makers, the members of the U.S. Congress. How reading this book, those who tend to glorify the mortal Farewell Address: ". . . the nation which the sons and daughters of these 500 super-bil- Kennedy-clan will be nauseated from the despot- indulges toward another a habitual hatred or lionaires self-propelling and self-perpetualling ism of the Kennedy-clan. The book can be bought a habitual fondness is in some degree a slave." plutocracy managed to increase their fortunates for $3.00 from: Freedom Press Publishing Co., It is true nations do not act against or for other and control of economic and political power of P.O. Box 462, Miami, Florida 33142 and Council nations because they love or hate them. Actions the U.S. for Statehood, P.O. Box 1131, North Miami, are decided on self-interest. But since nations One should recall the groaning of Shylock: Florida 33161. consist of individuals and so leadership, it re- "You take my life when you take the means Recently a paperback book was published about mains a question which is the self-interest of whereby I live." Those 200,000 Americans are contemporary economic-political personalities in the nation, and which is the self-interest of an suffering of the "fear of powerty". To them to the U.S. describing them differently as -their individual e.g. the hunger for power of a leaders take away their fortunes, means to take away Madison Avenue-made "public image". The book having the power. by the consent of the governed? their life. That "fear of powerty" e.g. drove can be bought for $1.00 from The Revere Press, When and how comes the self-interest of the Rockefeller to the point where he was seeking P.O. Box 766 Hamilton, Montana 59840. leader in conflict with the self-interest of the the U.S. Presidency. Seemingly, he does not trust The NY Times from January 28 to March 28, nation? History gives us many examples of lead- anymore his frontmen. The American people had 1968 published detailed reports about prisons ers who betrayed the people. The U.S. is no a good chance to observe the mental dizzyness conditions in Arkansas. One had the impression exemption. of Rockefeller, when he was not nominated. His by reading them, to read about conditions in After WW II the U.S. leadership developed an power of the purse lost a battle. Siberian slaves camps. attitude that the U.S. has the "mission" to ltn- Ferdinand Lundberg is somewhat pessimistic The distinguished U.S. Senator Sam J. Ervin, pose democracy American style and the "Amer- about changing these conditions. In Menckenes- Jr. from North Carolina, Chairman of the Sub- ican way of life" (for which no definition exists) que style he thinks the average men are boobs committee On Constitutional Rights of the Com- on the rest of the world. At present the U.S. gov- and dolts who do not even try to curb the rich mittee of the Judiciary issued a 44-page Report ernment is overcommitted through international and super-rich. It is true, the average Amer- (90th Congress, 1st Session. Senate, Calender No. obligations to such an extent, that it is impossible icans so long they have prosperity will remain 519, Report No. 534) under the title "Protecting to respect anymore those obligations. Since the calm. U.S. leadership maintained since WW II privacy and the rights of federal employees". It U.S. leadership has not enough courage to ad- an artificial prosperity through "foreign aid" is a report about the tyranny of the U.S. govern- mit their blunders and through arrogance, they and through continuous "little" wars, but the ment by using prostitute psychiatrists and insane became the self-appointed policemen of the world. credibility gap is becoming wider and wider. asylums as a dumping place for lifetime without The roots of this role go back to 1945 when they One should not forget that the very beginning any human rights for those who disagree with became "drunk with victory-gin" and committed of the downfall of the Roman Empire was caused the U.S. government's policy. the biggest international crime at Yalta. The by illiterate fishermen, and the very beginning One of the most interesting Report will be specter of the "Holy Alliance" with Stalin haunts of the Great Russian Revolution was started by published in about October 1968 by the Subcom. them. Stalin with the aid of his comrades--in- illiterate Moscow housewives. Americans are no mittee on Anti-trust and MMonopoly of the Senate crime glorified himself as god-on-earth, despite docil sheep!!! Judiciary Committee about the June 1968 hear- the fact that in the years of 1906-1907 he was Those who eat steaks do not often discuss the ing in regarding to defense contractors' profit a professional bank-robber. His biggest job was stench of slaughter-houses. The professional so- i.e. those large American manufacturing, bank- done in Tiflis. The "noble" Americans who par- cial scientists can learn a lot from Lundberg. ing and trading corporations which are making ticipated in the "Holy Alliance" still are active They do not possess the intellectual honesty what huge profits from cold and hot wars but especial- in Washington, D.C. They cannot tell the truth Lundberg does. Those who write about steaks ly in Vietnam war. to the American people. They still carefully hide also must write about slaughter houses. Lund- The Fiat motor company is building a huge the complete record of the crime at Yalta, which berg did! A spade is a spade! automobile plant in the Soviet Union. This Italian they committed in 1945. In their desperation they There is another book "The Case against Con- company serves as cover for U.S. companies try to create another "Holy Alliance" but with gress" by Drew Pearson and Jack Anderson - which are the suppliers of the needed equipments. poor results. Today, the official leaders of the (473 pp.-1968) Under the Export Control Act, the U.S. Depart- U.S. the flunkeys of the U.S. imperialists are In this vitally important book, Washington's ment of Commerce is not obliged to publish the damned if they do, and damned if they don't. boldest reporting team tells an explosive story names of the participating U.S. companies in Thomas Jefferson said once: "Timid men pre- of the nation's biggest scandal - the misconduct Fiat-Soviet Union ,joint-manufacturing. It will be fer the calm of despotism to the boisterous sea of the men and women who are sent to the na- interesting to know, whether the above men- of liberty." Alexis de Tocqueville 130 years ago tion's capital to write America's laws but who tioned Report will publish them. The NY Times correctly seized up the American people in his all too often abuse their power and privilege by (June 19, 1968 p.8L.col.1.) already printed the book "Democracy in America". The enemies of placing their own interests and the interests of first 100 names of U.S. corporations manufactur- the American people prefer to say that dem- the others ahead of those of the American people. ing and selling under defense contracts to the ocracy which existed in the U.S. 130 years ago is It is a story that Congress itself has tried to U.S. Armed Forces. gone with the wind for ever. Nonsense!!! The sweep under the rug for too long now. Here are While on the surface the massproduction tele- majority of the American people are ready for the Congressional wheeler-dealers who do the vision and radio programmes, the controlled a head-on-clash with despotism, and when the bidding of their campaign contributors, who paid press, and the prostitute politicians and clergy- hour will strike there are enough Patrick Henry their payrolls with friends and relatives, who men are serving the American imperialists and Paul Revere type of Americans to save the use federal public works to reward their allies through Hollywood-inspired manners, under the U.S. It is true the U.S. Constitution is some- and punish their enemies, who promote their own surface many Americans see clearly, and can- what battle-worn but still strong enough to help financial interests - and those of their clients not be fooled. This also may apply to the peoples Americans in their fight against tyranny. Here of their law firms - through their votes at in the Soviet Union but the despotism in the are some examples. closed-door committee sessions and on the floor Soviet Union does not permit such type of pub- There is a book on the American market "The of the Congress itself. This is the world where lications as mentioned above. Of course, above Rich and the Super-Rich" by Ferdinand Lund- conflict-of-interests is a way of life, where pri- publications are unsuitable for the American berg (812 pp.-1968). vate pleasures and conveniences come before the propaganda machine, e.g. Radio Free Europe. Thirty years ago Lundberg wrote a book un- national welfare, where the best find themselves Interestingly, those who want to know the der the title "America's Sixty Families". It told compromised by a venal system - and the worst, truth about the imperialists in Moscow also can Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Dean Rusk before the Senate foreign relations committee on July 10, 1968 as the victory of American foreign policy. Former U.S. Senator Paul H. Douglas wrote a very valuable book under the title "America in the market place". He does not write about the "lofty ideals" of socialism or capitalism or about Jewish-Christian love but about economic- political matters. It's a down-to-earth approach to realism. On page 159 he gives interesting de- tails about the spheres of influences, exactly what the imperialists deny. One can easily realize to which extent the im- perialists are confused. They preach fear about thermonuclear war and extermination of man- kind. Whatever they do, they consider it as their "mission" e.g. Maj. Gen. V. Matsulenko wrote an article in the "Soviet Military Review" under the title "The liberating mission of the Soviet army". They promote the idea of "Holy Alliance" but they also fight each other. Now in Vietnam, next time in the Middle East. A leading U.S. magazine recently had an ad- vertising: Life, consider the alternative. The U.S. Post office department stamps a slogan on letters "Pray for peace". The Pentagon - ac- cording to Chinese propaganda - has another slogan: kill all, burn all, destroy all. Life, consider the alternative. Extermination of mankind, including the imperialists? It's un- thinkable! They want to live and not to die! 8) Red China. Not all roads are leading to Moscow. Peking is taking over the role of Mos- cow as leader of Marxism-Leninism. On October 10, 1911 the Chinese people under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen did overthrow the rule of the Ching-dynasty, and with that act put an end to China's feudal monarchy which lasted over 2,000 years. In September 1949 Mao Tse-tung solemnly declared: "The Chinese, form- ing one-quarter of mankind, have stood up." The fight of the Chinese people which lasted for about a century stopped not only domestic feudalism but also foreign imperialism, economic stagnation and social imperialism. The forces of Mao Tse- tung returned to the Chinese people, their na- tional identity and pride. A great country and a great people started moving ahead in every respect. Napoleon once said: "Let China sleep, when she awakes the world will be sorry." The im- perialists are already sorry. Few American lead- ers as Vice President Humphrey had the courage to speak publicly about the necessity of an Amer- ican-Chinese understanding. Red China is not anymore a "living carcass" as the Western Eu- ropean imperialists called it in the last century. It is anticipated that by 1970 Red China will have about 100 H-bombs and by 1973 it will have rockets capable of hitting targets at the West coast. At present the American and Societ propa- ganda machines still make mockery out of Red China by considering their trend as grotesque, tragicomic, absurd, fascist, racist and so on and so forth. Indeed, judged by Western standards, it is strange, how the thoughts of Mao Tse-tung can help someone to win a ping-pong contest or doctors to remove a 100 lbs. tumor from the abdomen of a woman. But a careful study of the selected works of Mao Tse-tung and the Chinese philosophers and writers Lu Hsun and Lao Tzu enables one to understand the 700,000,000 "blue ants" by Chinese standards. Indeed, they are on the right track by Chinese standards. It is very possible that in some years the American yellow journals will print "sensational" articles about the "Chinese miracle". The manipulators of American Massenver blodung are often com- pelled to use methods of the Dark Middle Ages. Those who are against Soviet imperialism and the "Holy Alliance" of the two superpowers should only welcome the trend in Red China. One concept of the Massenverblodung is of course the "yellow danger". The false prophets armed with quotations of the bible are spreading fear that the Chinese once will overrun the whole world. The Zionists in the U.S. are the chief spokes- men for the crusade against Red China, since they sense a danger to their dreams to rule once the world from Jerusalem. The Zionists are also the leaders of those "anti-communist" move- ment which prevented the UN-membership of Red China. Interestingly the "yellow danger" was once applied to the Japanese, now the Chin. find the answer right here in the U.S. in a book "Stalinist corruption of Marxism-A study in Machiavellian duplicity" (125 pp.-1940) written by Arnold Petersen a socialist following the teaching of Daniel De Leon. Lenin had great respect for De Leon. What Khrushchev "exposed" in 1956, Mr. Pet- erson exposed in 1940 while the U.S. government already started the "Holy Alliance" with that bank-robber Stalin, whom President Truman called: good old Joe!!! And now, let's see the Soviet-American im- perialists handcuffed together. Here I have to use the "stick-language" since the "carrots-lan- guage" cannot describe the imperialists. In European but especially in French political circles the opinion prevails that the U.S. and the Soviet Union are in a secret alliance which orig- inated at Yalta, continued at Camp David and further kept alive in Glassboro. According to this assumption both superpowers divided the world in spheres of influence for the purpose of eco- nomic exploitation. There is little doubt about it, if and when these two superpowers and their despotic leaders once really arrived to a success- ful cooperation, human freedom and rights would be extinct as the dodo. But will they be true al- lies? Here are some thoughts how and why, they NEVER will be true allies. 1) Co-existence between the American eco- nomic-political system called capitalism and the Soviet economic-political system called socialism is impossible, because the Constitutions of the two superpowers are diametrically opposed on irreconcilable principles. The acceptance of the principles of the Soviet Constitution in the U.S. would lead to a total economic-social collapse of the U.S., and vice versa. The "Holy Alliance" during WW II was based not on principles but on temporary expediency. L. I. Brezhnev put it flat- ly in his speech on March 29, 1968 at the Moscow city party conference: "Our party has always warned that in ideological field there can be no peaceful coexistence, just as there can be no class between proletariat and bourgeoise." Eco- nomic-political competitive co-existence excluding all military actions should be promoted, however. 2) The formation of power-centers and division of spheres of influence for the purpose of ex- ploitation, i.e. the subjugation of men by men is nothing new in the history of world. But his- tory teaches us, when empires have divided the world between themselves and arrived to the saturation point, then they have the tendency to divide one another. Paraphrased it differently, they become cannibalistic. A careful study of American-Soviet relations since WW II reveals such cannibalistic attitude, e.g. when Eisenhower one of the most docil puppet of the American monopolists invited Khrushchev to the U.S. and he, like other "noble" Americans were bowing their heads and bending themselves before Khrushchev like abject servants, in the true men- tality of abject servants, they also sent U-2 re- connaissance planes over the Soviet Union. On the other hand, despite the grinning and hand- shaking and babykissing of Soviet diplomats at cocktail parties in the U.S. the Soviet UN-MiS- sion remains the biggest spyorganization for the Soviet Union in the U.S. 3) In Vietnam the Soviet-American imperial- ists are realizing that they are sinking in quick- sand. They both are losing face and are desperate to find a way out. They act now, like malicious beasts after being trapped and trying to save their hides. 4) Great will be the day, when the war is over in Vietnam! The prostitute politicians will praise their masters, and the prostitute clergy- men will ring-the churchbells. The imperialists will be described as the benefactors of man- kind, but .. . '5) Very few suspects, Vietnam is not the last war. The imperialists are already carefully pre- paring the Israeli-Arab war in the Middle-East. This time not for a Blitzkrieg but for a long, long war. The Soviet union will be with the Arabs, the U.S. with Israel and the Zionists in the U.S. The Jews in Europe but especially in Eastern Europe know by experience that Zionism means to them the same disaster as Nazism did to the Germans. The American Jews do not know yet the true nature of Zionism. When European Jews were fed into ovens, the Zionists i.e. Jewish Nazis in the U.S. had deaf ears to their cries. Many Zionists were willing collaborators with the Gestapo. There is a fully documented book in the U.S. "Perfidy" written by the late prom- inent Jew, Ben Hecht. The book is out of print, and suppressed by the Zionists. There are few Jews who really believe that they are God's chosen people and once they will rule the world from Jerusalem. That's all religi- ous hogwash. The great majority of Jews all over the world but especially in the U.S. do not regard Israel as their home. The Zionist controlled Amer- ican press certainly do not admit that ten thou- sands of Jews returned from Israel. But more and more people including Jews know that Israel is established to protect the interests of the U.S. monopolies in the Middle East which have a cap- ital investment there of $2,000-million and a yearly net profit of $1,200-million, in other words the U.S. monopolies make 60%r- yearly interest! The interests of the Zionists in the U.S.; are protected by the "Anti-Defamation League" of the "B'nai B'rith". According to a report (NY Times, July 24, 1968 p.17.L.col.14-6) 62%~, of Americans expect a war between Israel and the Arab countries within the next five years. 77% does not want to help Israel, and 83%i% the Arabs. 9%i% want to help Israel, and 2%Jc the Arabs. One should remem- ber the often repeated statement of Ben Gurion: "You cannot be an American and a Jew." 6) There are many interesting "feelers" to which extent the imperialists can come to the public with the idea of the "Holy Alliance", e.g. an essay, titled "Thoughts on progress, peaceful co-existence and intellectual freedom" by Prof. Andrei D. Sakharov, the "father" of the Soviet H-bomb. The essay was not printed publicly in the Soviet Union. It was designed to be printed only abroad with the tacit consent of the Soviet lead- ers. The NY Times published it in full on July 22, 1968. Indeed, the essay is a remarkable masterpiece for the benefit of the Soviet Union. Prof. Sakharov admits that his "views were formed in the milieu of the scientific-technological intelligentsia", hence first of all Prof. Sakharov belongs to the Soviet ruling class, and as such he lost contact with the working class and peasants. This is very natural also through the fact that he has been a participant of the Pugwash con- ferences which were promoted and under the leadership of the Canadian-born American pluto- crat Cyrus S. Eaton. Eaton won the Lenin-Prize, since he never misses an opportunity to glorify the Soviet Union. The essay is written in a very eloquent language, with honey on his lips but murder in his heart, as the Chinese saying goes. While he writes about the "lofty idealism of socialism", he repeats an old trick of the bolsheviks. He proposes a 20'0 tax de facto to be paid by the American tax- payers which tax would help to establish world- wide Soviet-style "socialism". If Americans ever will accept this blueprint of Soviet world leader- ship, indeed, they reduce themselves to a huge crowd of splendid idiots! 7) Promoters of the U.S.-Soviet "Holy Al- liance" like Prof. Sakharov claim that the con- verge of the superpowers are inevitable, other- wise there will be a thermonuclear war which means the extermination of mankind. They are right, - IF -there would be such war! But thanks God, mankind also includes the Amer- ican and Western billionaires, millionaires, pri- vate bankers and the Soviet intelligentsia and so on and so forth. The American and Soviet im- perialists do not want to exterminate themselves, hence there will be no thermonuclear war. The propaganda about the extermination of mankind is, however, a necessity for both ruling classes. In the Soviet Union they can rule with the aid of K.G.B. terror, in the U.S. they can exploit the American people through taxation. Fortunate- ly by now, the wind blows in the face of the im- perialist. The wheel of time is grinding them slowly and thoroughly. While biting each other like mad dogs, the "Holy Alliance" remains only in propaganda. One proof of the non-selfextermination policy of the superpowers is the "Treaty on the non- proliferation of nuclear weapons", also signed by the two superpowers on July 1, 1968. It was hailed by L. I Brezhnev at the Soviet-Hungarian friendship rally in Moscow on July 3, 1968 as the victory of Leninist foreign policy, and by Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 September, 1968 ese are the bogeymen. One should know Red China has no foreign debt, even the Soviet debts are paid. In Red China the Zionist influence is zero! In Red China Marxism-Leninism is not a dogma but a guide for action through the endless re- petition of the process: coming from the masses and going to the masses. They prefer historical materialism to idealism and metaphysics. J. A. Hobson, British economist wrote a defini- tion about imperialism in 1902: "Imperialism is the endeavour of the great controllers of industry to broaden the channels for the flow of their surplus wealth by seeking foreign markets and foreign investments to take off the goods and capital they cannot sell or use at home." That definition does not apply to Red China. Red China's emergence as a world power is one of the best assurances against the Soviet- American "Holy Alliance". The trend in Red China once more proves the effectiveness of the Natural Law. And now, let's compare the imperialists from an other point. How the ruling class in the Soviet Union prevents criticising their wisdom. The answer is simple: brutal force: prison, Siberia, insane asylum or death. The courts of "justice" are only windowdressing. But how are conditions in the U.S.? Indeed, there is political freedom in the U.S. There is d no K.G.B. in America. One can say anything an write anything in the U.S. but the F.B.I. doe not listen. They let everyone alone. Same applies to the C.I.A. (There are many Americans who do not let the C.I.A. alone.) Some judges are crooked as e.g. well explained in the book "The Bench is warped" by Alvin H. Gershenson. But for every crooked judge - often judges are sent to jail too - the majority of judges do their best to render equal justice under law. How then the ruling class is ruling Americans? The answer is the I.R.S., the internal revenue service or as often said: the tax-office. The Amer- ican imperialists control the U.S. Congress which makes the laws for I.R.S. Americans with no tar little property seldom are effective against the imperialists. Those who have property, either belong to the imperialists in various ways and of course do not fight against them. You can not bite the hand which feeds you, as the saying goes. Those who have property and decide an open fight, will soon feel the iron hand of I.R.S. and their property will not last too long. All Americans know, that at I.R.S. Uncle Sam is dead and is replaced by Uncle Shylock since 1913 when Congress voted for the federal in- come tax. The voting was one of the worst swindle in the American history. I.R.S. can make the most pre,;osterous claim against anyone, and then force him to disprove it. If he can not disprove it - as in most cases , then I.R.S. can seize any U.S. citizen's home. automobile, bank account or any property or source of income without offering the slightest proof that he actually owns taxes. Yet I.R.S. through the media of Massenverblodung suc- ceeded in past years to make believe that those who became their victims are unpatrioting Amer- icans. In this respect "Reader's Digest" per- formed a good service to the American people by printing the articles of John Barron in August 1967 issue under the title "Tyranny in the In- ternal Revenue Service" and in the September 1968 issue under the title "Time for reform in the IRS". The trend in the U.S. calls for more and more taxes. I.R.S. of the federal government set a good example for state and city government, and American citizens became with all their po- licital freedom the most overtaxed people of the world. To make matters worse, they see that their tax-money is used in such ways and for such purposes which are against the American peo- ple's interests. Very possibly an open clash be- tween the U.S. government and the American people will occur, because of taxation. That's the way the U.S. started in 1773 with the Boston tea party against the British government, and that's the way Americans may end their own freely elected government. The U.S. is a good example that political free- dom without economic freedom has little value. Chief justice John Marshall correctly stated in the case McCulloch vs. Maryland on March 6, 1819: "The power to tax includes the power to destroy." More details about Red China in "Alkoto Ma- gyar" of September 1967. on pp.1-7 and p.16. Col.. And now, let's turn to the American people. In many countries, perhaps in most countries, peoples have little or no understanding about and for the American people. Let's take freedom at first. President Johnson said on July 8, 1968: "Free- dom to speak, freedom to listen, the full and open right to communicate and to reason together are essential to our fulfillment as individuals." Nice talk, indeed. President Johnson is not the first U.S. President who talked nicely. What Presi- dent Johnson did not say is: you Americans have the right to speak, and we the U.S. government have the right not to listen, and even if we listen, we will do what we think is right. That's what actually happens in the U.S. Chief Justice Earl Warren said on July 5, 1968: "For a long, long time we have swept un- er the rug a number of problems that are basic American life. They have piled up." Originally the judiciary was designed as the eakest of the branches of the U.S. government, ut with a do-nothing or do-wrong Congress and a do-wrong Administration, the judiciary be- came the strongest branch. One may ask of course, why the American peo- ple permits all this since they have their polit- ical freedom? Are there not enough patriots like in 1773? Is there something wrong with Amer- icans??? L. I. Brezhnev at the Soviet-Hungarian friend- ship rally at Moscow on July 3, 1968 claimed, that the "Great Society" is a rotting, degrading and disintegrating society. It is a fact that in the U.S. since 1960, the rate of crime is up to 88% or 9 times more than the population growth. One rape occurs every 21 minutes and a mugging in every 2 minutes. One must only turn on a television set to see how crime is glorified. Last year in racial riots 84 Americans were slaughtered and 1,950 injured with 16,471 ar- rests and more than $160 million in property damage. And yet, looters and arsonists are cod- dled, kowtowed and rewarded by corrupt po- liticians and clergymen, while the police remained handcuffed. Major General Archibald Sproul re- signed his National Guard Commission with the following statement: "Our soldiers were not only told that they could not load their weapons, but they were told that they could not even use their rifles as clubs to protect themselves or stop looting." The streets of large cities are not any- more safe even in day time. Why free Americans permit this? Why Americans considered to send abroad the U.S. Armed Forces allegedly in defense of their homeland in WW I & WW II? Why Americans permitted the U.S. government - which is free- ly elected by them - to establish about 3,000 military installations all over the world and be- come the self-appointed policeman of the world? Why the God-fearing Americans permitted the slaughter of more than 30,000 Americans the best sons of America? Why they permit killing the innocent people of Vietnam, burning their homes and destroying that little property what they have? Why Americans permitted that their prestige all over the world sunk to the level of Nazi-Germany or Stalinist Soviet Union? Here are some answers. For centuries the U.S. have been protected by the Atlantic and Pacific oceans against foreign invasion. The U.S. Founding Fathers learned from history. They included in the U.S. Constitu- tion all those factors which were building up a country and excluded those factors which destroy- ed countries. At the beginning of the century the Western European colonial empires became restless. Through their conflict of interest and by their cannibalistic nature a showdown was prepared. The events in Russia made matters even more complicated. These circumstances gave a splendid opportunity for greedy American profiteers, and they sold the idea to the American people, that their country is in danger and it is the duty of Americans to "make the world safe for dem- ocracy" with a "war to end all wars". Led by a Page 5 noble motives the American people decided to interfere in other nations' internal affairs by armed forces. The point of no return was passed! The American opportunists having made their huge profits became imperialists. Through deceit right after WW I they sowed the seeds of WW II. They found a maniac by the name of Adolf Hitler to start WW II. The majority of the American people did not want to participate in WW 11. The fiction of the "four freedoms" and other slogans were not sufficient for Americans to enter WW II, so they had to be pushed in. Pearl Harbor did it. On December 7, 1941 very few Americans even thought, that they have been betrayed by their own government. Then came the victory and the big-sellout at Yalta where the signatures of F.D.R. and that of the bank-robber Stalin served the same pur- pose. F.D.R. not only sold out Eastern Europe but also the U.S. The Yalta agreement was an international crime committed by governments. Compared to that crime, the crimes of the Mafia and Cosa Nostra are only kindergarten-plays. Today in Vietnam not Europeans but Americans are slaughtered. The roots of Vietnam are ' at Yalta. After WW II of course the Soviet-American alliance outlived its purpose. Americans were told that the U.S. became the last citadel of freedom and as such must help the "good guys" all over the world. Mr. & Mrs. America firmly believed in Main Street that the "foreign aid" billions of their tax-money help the "good guys" abroad which, however, included the most cor- rupt government exploiting peoples. Americans are against the "bad guys" who always are the communists. Since Americans do not listen to foreign broad- casts and do not read publications from abroad, especially not from the socialist camp, they could not realize, that the "good guys" government only help the communists, since exactly the corn- munists can tell the peoples that Americans are supporting their corrupt government. And so, the "foreign aid" made nothing but enemies to the U.S. Correctly the -peoples-,of various coun- tries claim Americans are responsible for their government, after all there is political freedom in the U.S.! While the "good guys" and "bad guys" concept costs billions of taxmoney, Americans realized that the U.S. government remained idle when it was necessary to act against the communists economically and politically (not with military force) in such cases as June 1953 in East-Berlin, July 1956 in Posnan, Poland, October-November 1956 in Hungary and in August 1968 in Czecho- slovakia. Except do-nothing promises, say-nothing words and false crocodile tears, the U.S. gov- ernment (lid nothing. William C. Bullitt, once American Ambassador to France said on August 18, 1940: "The prob- lems of world affairs have become so complex, in this day of volcanic changes, that the average citizen has the greatest difficulty in understanding them and judging what is the best for this coun- try, before it is too late". That remarks was cor- rect in 1940 and even more correct in 1968. Rating poor in foreign languages, having not the true facts of life abroad and preoccupied with domestic problems, it is safe to say, the majority of Americans are rather confused about the in- ternational situation, e.g. they can not grasp how the spyship was grabbed by North Koreans. The case of the Pueblo remains a mystery to most Americans. There are various types of American, of cour,,c. Some of them believe in their "god". By pray- ing, they say: Oh Lord ! Almighty U.S. Dollar. .. They have three things on their mind: dollars, dollars, and more dollars. - Some Americans have lost all their faith. They think, that Armageddon is just around the cor- ner, and only the reappearance of Jesus Christ can save America (including the dollar) and the rest of the world (after the U.S.). Some Americans are fighting against "the in- ternational communist conspiracy" and selling signs of "Impeach Earl Warren" (the Chief, Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court). And then there are the hippies, yippies, beatniks and flapniks. They hate everything and every- body, but most of all: The Soap! While some of those Americans are getting Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Page 6 a lot of publicity concerning the economic-polit- ical life in the U.S. they amount to little or nothing. Bernard Shaw once wisely remarked : "A healthy nation is as unconscious of its nationality as a healthy man of his bones. But if you break a nation's nationality it will think of nothing else but getting it set again." Same applies to freedom. Americans never were slaves or serfs. The acid test was not yet made. Presently rather confused but still calm and calculating Americans are not easily bluffed either by the American or Soviet imperialists. The rugged truth always triumphs over illusions and deceit. The Patrick Henry and Paul Revere type of Americans are here. The platform of the Liberty Party of 1843: "When freemen un- sheathe the sword, it should be to strike for Liberty, not for despotism" still prevails. Amer- icans did realized, they have been betrayed, and now they are cautious. The claim that the Amer- ican society is on its deathbed exist only in the mind of the enemies of Americans. Perhaps, Americans still need some more "bone-breaking", more insults against their nationality and free- dom, perhaps they had or having enough already. The resistence to the gun control is significant. Such control will not stop or even reduce crime, solong TV-programs glorify crime. And besides that in an open clash it means nothing. Hunga- rians did not fight the 'tyrants in 1956 with "bare hands" but with the guns of the Hungarian Armed Forces. It is not the gun which decides the victory but the spirit which handles the gun! The most important cause of internal problems of the U.S. - which are well exploited by the enemies of the Americans - is the misunderstnd- ing of the concept of equality based on the Decla- ration of Independence, that: "All men art creat- ed equal. They are endowed by their creator with certain inherent and inalianable rights ...". The original text of Thomas Paine reads: "All men are created equal and independent: That from that equal creation they derive rights in- herent and inalianable". This statement is un- equivocal. It is political truism. We are all born equal, politically. From both a social and philo- sophical point of view, the statement is incon- trovertible. And when Thomas Paine wrote that sentence he had in mind that kings and royalty were not born, superior to other people. There was no divine right in the political philosophy of Thomas Paine. To simplify the statement, it meant equality before the law : not equality in person. For those who do not believe in God, the state- ment of the Declaration of Independence has no meaning, since.those rights originate from God. Those who believe in God, know that life is based on the Natural Law where the fittest survive. That is proved by the history of the world. Solon, the lawgiver 2,500 years ago laid down the maxim that "equality causes no war". Those who believe in equality sooner or later will real- ize that others believe in un-equality and ultimate- ly will be subjugated. The struggle between masters and slaves will go on forever ! The struggle over the concept of equality on individual, national and international level caused problems since ages. In Ancient Greece Aristotle was wrestling with it, in his work of "Politics". He found no solution. In Athene seemingly they found a solution. Legally all citizens were equal, but reality only the 90,000 citizens with property, the rest of 500,000 Athenians were slaves and were considered no citizens at all. About 2,300 years later James Madison (The Federalist; Other Writings of James Madison Vo.IV.) tried to solve the problem of unequality. He found no solution. Some vote-chasing politicians and money-chas- ing clergymen hope to solve that problem by race-mixing. The results are race-riots in the U.S. The human and material damage caused by race-riots in 1968 is worse than in 1967. Years ago the blackman in the U.S. had many friends amongst whiteman. By now they have more enemies. The whiteman knows his taxmoney sup- ports the leaders of the race-riots. The leaders of the two major political parties, the Tweedle- dum Party and the Tweedledee Party are accus- ing each other, while Americans know well, basi- cally there is no difference between them. They both are serving the interests of the American imperialists. The water in the American kettle is boiling and steaming. The steam is artifically suppressed, so long the kettle will blow up. And that is what the Soviet imperialists are wait- ing for. On the other hand the Soviet kettle is even in worse condition than its American counterpart. Prague was not the equivalence of Chicago. The Soviet kettle already is blowing up, and that's what Peking is waiting for. The Chinese are no race-mixers, neither in Red China nor in the U.S. or elsewhere. They know what they want, and they are going to get it. Farseeing American leaders do some serious thinking about the im- proving of relations with Red China, instead of the Soviet Union. One difficulty is the member- ship of Red China at the United Nations. Already Peking claims, the UN needs Red China more, than Red China the UN. Time is changing fast in our days ! Speaking of un-equality on international level in East-West relations it is interesting to com- pare the historic events of Hungary in 1956 and the historic events of Czechoslovakia in 1968. In 1956 the American-Soviet imperialists were looking for another "little" war, i.e. anything but WW III. Prof. Zbigniew Brezinski, director ,of the Columbia University's Research Institute on Communist Affairs correctly stated the pos- sibility of a Hungarian civil war in 1956 (NY Times 8/22/68 p.20L+col.8) Janos Kadar pre- vented the "little" war in Hungary. In 1968, there is no need for "little" war. There is Viet- nam. In 1956 Hungarians like all other Eastern Europeans believed in the "liberation" promises of the Eisenhower-Dulles clique as were told them through Radio Free Europe. Then the hour stroke on October 23, 1956 and the "champions of freedom" the U.S. government stood still. The hypocrisy of the U.S. government was ex- posed. Cowardly they pushed the whole matter to the UN which kept on debating. The editorial of the Wall Street Journal stated on December 11, 1956: "The Soviet world, at any rate, will never be the same as was before October 23, 1956." The Slovaks and the Czechs, like anyone else, learned from the events in 1956. In 1968 they expected nothing from the U.S. or the UN. Janos Kadar saved Hungary in 1956 to become a Vietnam. It was a brutal action but like a sur- geon he knew it is better to lose a limb than the whole body. Vietnam is more brutal than the Soviet onslaught against Hungary in 1956. The onslaught, nevertheless, remains unjustified by Western moral and legal standards, and also ac- cording to the teaching of Marxism and Lenin- ism. In 1968 there was no need for a Janos Kadar in Czechoslovakia. The Slovaks and Czechs argued with the in- vading Soviet troops in Russian language. There was no fighting, only 100-300 deaths. Writing about Czechs and Slovaks "Pravda" of August 22, 1968 stated : ". , . the century-old traditions of Slav affinity ..." There is no Hungarian af- finity to the Soviet Union. Hungarians belong to the great family of Turanian peoples. They are not Slavs. Hungarians did not argue with the Soviet troops but actually defeated the Soviet armed forces which occupied Hungary at that time. Not with their "bare hands" but with Sov- iet-made guns in full cooperation with the Hun- garian Armed Forces. About 30,000 Hungarians died in that battle. Some professional Western observers (NY Times of 9/10/68 p.1. col.2-4 & p.16.col.1.) glori- fied the invasion of Czechoslovakia by Soviet armed forces as a "brilliantly and faultlessly executed military operation", and a "million-man magnitude". They also claim "The Soviet force employed in the intervention in Hungary in 1956 was both considerably smaller and much less ad- vanced than what Moscow sent to Czechoslova- kia in 1968". The facts are that in 1956 the brainless bullies in Moscow never in their worst nightmare fore- saw the dead communist bodies dangling on the lampposts of Budapest. The Hungarian people used the element of surprise and completely de- feated those Soviet armed forces which were oc- cupying Hungary. In 1968 Moscow's leadership of Marxism-Leninism in bad shape through Red China, they tried to regain some of past "glories". Therefore, after a careful preparation of six months they invaded Czechoslovakia by knowing September, 1968. well that : a) The Slovaks and Czechs will not fight; b) the U.S. remains an idle onlooker. The invasion of Czechoslovakia remains the "magni- tude" of frantic and desperate bullies. And those "professional Western observers" who try to glorify the shameful action of the Soviet armed forces remain as phony as three-dollar bills. The "observation" no doubt intends to create fear for those who are against Soviet imperial-- ism. Indirectly it is, another form of promotion for the "Holy Alliance". In 1956 Imre Nagy (not to be confused with Ferenc Nagy, a traitor paid by Radio Free Eu- rope) wanted to withdraw from the Warsaw Treaty and did establish a genuine multi-party democracy in Hungary which lasted to November 4, 1956. Imre Nagy was executed by the Soviet' imperialists. In 1968 Alexander Dubcek said, that the "al- liance with the Soviet Union is the alpha and omega of our foreign policy," for which he was arrested, beaten and humiliated. The Soviet im- perialists recognize only complete subjugation. Reporting about Czech refugees in Austria, the NY Times writes 8/31/68 p.2.L+ col.6+7) : ". . . is fairly well dressed, drives his own car .. . He is unlike the 200,000 ragged and desperate individuals who fled from Hungary 12 years ago . . ." About 80,000 of those "ragged and des- perate" Hungarians already returned to Hun- gary. There were some Hungarians who arrived in car in Austria, e.g. the fascist-stalinist crim- inal Monsignor Bela Varga who is on the pay- roll of Radio Free Europe serving well the in- terests of the American imperialists AND the Vatican. One may suspect the tacit approval of the U.S. government for the events in 1956 and in 1968. In 1956 it was Hungary with not the best rela- tions to the U.S. In 1968 in the U.S. many leaders saw in Czechoslovakia one of the principal sup- plier of arms to North Vietnam. The U.S. government under the Administra- tion of President Truman returned the gold of the Hungarian National Bank-which they seized after WW II-to the stalinist criminal-regime of Rakosi-Gero. It did not happened in the case of Czechoslovakia. Fortunately, the U.S. did not return the St. Stephan's Crown. In the American emigration, there are few Czechs and Slovaks participating in anti-com- munist activities. Those who protested during August 1968 were mostly American-born citizens. The Hungarian emigration has strong anticom- munist groups, yet they became totally ineffec- tive, because their leaders have been the pretend- ers and dissemblers of the semi-dictatorship of Horthy regime, opportunists, and fascist and/or stalinist criminals of Nazi resp. Stalinist regime. The so-called Hungarian Committee under the leadership of arch-criminal Monsignor Bela Var- ga is paid by Radio Free Europe. That so-called private organization in service of the American imperialists nipped in bud all genuine attempts of Hungarians as well as in the emigration to improve the U.S.-Hungarian relations. Not by force of course, but through the power of the purse and hypocrisy Those bandits of the so- called Hungarian Committee intend to "liberate" Hungary. The chief bandit is Monsignor Bela Varga. Next to him is Maj. Gen. Bela Kiraly, a nazi warcriminal. There is a big difference between Hungary and Czechoslovakia. Historic Hungary was dismem- bered after WW I through the dictate of Trianon by the Western European colonial powers and the tacit approval of the U.S. Hungary lost two- third of its territory and population, e.g. Transyl- vania which was an integral part of Historic Hungary for 900 years was "given" to Rumania. Czechoslovakia also benefited. In order to "jus- tify" the dictate of Trianon the West felt com- pelled to defame and slander Hungarians in every conceivable ways. In 1956 the West rather em- barassed by the Hungarian events, praised the Hungarians. In 1968 the Slovaks but especially the Czechs from the point of propaganda had no difficulties in the West. In 1956 there was absolutely no anti-semitism in Hungary, despite the facts that about 800 of the Rakosi-Gero Stalinist criminal regime con- sisted of the Jews. The Jews in Hungary (about 100,000 of the 10,000,000 Hungarians) were also against the Rakosi-Gero regime. Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 September, 1968 Very little is known about the "triangle", i.e. the interlocking connections between: 1) Hun- garian revolt, 2) Israel's aggression against Egypt, 3) U.S. Presidential election. There are 14,000 Jews in Czechoslovakia out of 14 million Czechs and Slovaks. In 1968 was no anti-semitism in Czechoslovakia but all sign in- dicate Zionism was involved. In 1956 the traight head-on-clash with the Sov- iet Union temporarily failed. The "social scient- ists", "Kremlinologists" and other "experts" claimed Hungarians committed a mistake. In 1968 the Czechs and Slovaks used a different ap- proach, the Good Soldier Schweik method, result- ing in surrender by the 14 points e.g. that Czecho- slovakia's political course "be changed in ac- cordance with the Soviet type of socialism". In certain respects 1956 and 1968 created sim- ilarities. The Hungarian people like the Slovaks and the Czechs consider the Soviet troops as oc- cupation troops, and the Soviet Union as an op- pressor. In 1956 Hungary and in 1968 Czechoslo- vakia became the paradise for opportunitists, trai- tors and puppets of Moscow. Having abandoned ture Marxism-Leninism and following the path of imperialism the Soviet leaders have no other choice then do what they did in 1956 and in 1968: betraying Marx and Lenin! There are few written definitions in the West about opportunists. The best definition was writ- ten by V. I. Lenin, as reproduced in "Alkoto Magyar" of September 1967 (p.9.col.2.). That definition can be applied to all opportunists every- where and at any time. Concerning Soviet imperialism related to Hun- gary the motions of two distinguished U.S. Sen- ators should be mentioned. According to U.S. Congressional Records of August 31, 1960, p.18785, col.1+2, Congressman Michael Feighan from Ohio, the U.S. State De- partment sent a telegramme to Tito of Yugosla- via on Friday, November 2, 1956 with the follow- ing text: "The government of the United States does not look with favor upon governments un- friendly to the Soviet Union on the borders of the Soviet Union." Senator Frank J. Lausche from Ohio requested the U.S. State Departrreiit to clarify this alleged statement. On June 20, 1963 Frederick G. Dutton, Assistant Secreta of State replied in a two-page letter stating tha "No such message was sent". Who is telling the truth? Or, maybe did the C.I.A. send such message??? Senator Vance Hartke from Indiana, on July 15, 1968 proposed to offer a haven for Cardinal Mindszenty in the U.S. Cardinal Mindszenty is the living symbol of unconditional and uncom- promising resistance against all tyrannies. His spirit is as unbroken as before. It is a mistake, however, to think Cardinal Mindszenty has great sympathy for the U.S. The U.S. Embassy in Bu- dapest, de facto is his prison. It is a big ques- tion, whether his writings ever will be published as actually he wrote them. If Cardinal Mind- szenty could leave his prison in Budapest in such dignity which he deserves, based on the respect and admiration of all freedom loving peoples, then Senator Hartke's proposition should be sup- ported by all means. Cardinal Mindszenty always kept Bela Varga in contempt, yet Bela Varga pretends to have the same ideas as Cardinal Mindszenty. While Cardinal Mindszenty suffered from Nazi as well as Stalinist tyrannies, Bela Varga that Mephisto- pheles, a stooge of the Zionists and imperialists served both the Nazis and the Stalinists. Yet Lela Varga, who is responsible for Law VII. in jungary which was used against Cardinal Mind- nty by the Rakosi-Gero Moscow puppets Sta- linist gangsters, still informs the American public about his "anti-communist" feelings, e.g. on August 21, 1968 during a television appearance. Varga is responsible for the murder of thousands and thousands of innocent true Hungarians. At this point one may ask: what all the fore- going has to do with East-West trade, and the establishment of the Federation of Eastern Eu- ropean Countries? Here are the answers: 1) politics is nothing but the concentrated form of economics. It is unrealistic to consider East-West trade purely from commercial point of view' 2) through in- terlocking connections one problem can not be detached from the other. Economic, national, in- ternational, religious and racial matters are in- fluencing each other, according to the skill, talents and effectiveness of the leaders. A narrow- minded rigid attitude in international matters simply is out-of-date. It's passe. The world did not shrink together. It remained the same size but there are all kind of advancements. One can not say anymore, that such and such country is far away, hence out of interests. There is no country far away anymore. One must take the whole world as a unit, and handle it as it is, not as one thinks, it should be! But what is the role of Eastern European coun- tries in this world? And, what will be? One must consider the past in order to understand the present and calculate the future. In the past Western European colonial empires used the Eastern European countries as a protec- tive belt against the invasions of the East e.g. the Mongol and 'Ottoman empire. Fomenting reli- gious, national differences and hatred, they pre- vented any type of unity. Divide and rule was their method. They succeeded for centuries. By now, the colonial empires disappeared and two powers the Soviet Union and Red China emerged. The whiteman is hated all over the world because of Western European colonialism and their U.S. support. Eastern Europeans never were colonial exploiters. This facts already have been well ex- ploited by Eastern European traders by pro- moting commerce in former colonial countries. But there are more possibilities for Eastern Europeans. In the beginning of this century Western European imperialists became cannibal- istic and destroyed themselves. At our present the two superpowers demonstrate the same can- nibalism for the benefit of the world. Since 1911 with the defeat of the Ching dynasty in China, and 1917 with the defeat of the Romanoff dyn- asty in Russia the center of gravity if internation- al powerpolitics moved toward the East. The fu- ture of Eastern Europeans are in the East, not in he West. The West still considers Eastern Euro- ean countries as a safety belt. 1956 and 1968 re the best proofs of this observation. The West through hypocrisy under the cloak of Jewish-christian religions lost credit every- where. In Asia Red China and the Soviet Union emerged. The Moslem world of 500,000,000 people are searching for unity. In Europe one must realize that the heart is Germany and the soul is France. Today Europe's heart is divided by Yalta, and the soul refused to be an American satellite. One of the most in- teresting book about the real trend in Europe is described in a book "An Empire of 400,000,000 people" by Jean Thiriart (52, avenue Louise Bruxelles 3, Belgium). All sign indicate that the old nations of Europe in the West as well in the East are able to co-operate more and more. Those who consider Eastern European countries as protective belt are losing their power. As the trend continues Eastern and Western European countries will be united but free from all influence of the Soviet Union and the U.S. There is an interesting diplomatic work by Prof. Edmund Malnasi, President of the Hun- garian Union in Vienna, Austria, under the title "after disengagement - Peace in Europe after disengagement from Russia and U.S.A." (20 pp. copyright 1963), generally known as Malnasi- Plan. Prof. Malnasi gives a plan for a Federation of Eastern European countries, which he calls: Danube Union. This plan is based on past and present economic-political realities and can be regarded as the modernized form of a plan which was propagated by the Grand Orient Lodge of Free Masons between 1935-1939. Prof. Malnasi was born in Transylvania and is the author of 47 economic-political scientific works. His works are well-known throughout the Moslem world and Asia. As socialist all his life he was a prisoner of ten years of the Rakosi-Gero Moscow-puppet Stalinist criminal regime in Hun- gary. Hungary is the most natural cultural and com- mercial bridge between East and West. Not only geographically but through the fact that Hun- garians are neither Slavic nor Germanic people but belong to the Great Turanian Family of peo- ples whose ancestors were the Sumerians. Tura- nian peoples live on the Euro-Asian continent. There is no need to start bridge-building be- tween the Turanian peoples, since it has been Page 7 existing for ages but it had been partly neglected by the Turanian peoples themselves, and partly obscured by others. A good example for this existing bridge is the following cooperation. The Pak-Friends of Hun- gary in Rawalpindi, West Pakistan under the leadership of Capt. H. A. Ayaz Khan is the same organization as the World Hungarian Union, in Vienna Austria, under the leadership of Prof. Edmund Malnasi. Dr. Malnasi in the West has the most up-to-date file about economic-political factors of Hungary. He promotes true Christian principles. Dr. Ayaz Khan is also the President of the Tiszta Magyar Corporation in Rawalpindi, and is in close cooperation with the Pee-Jee Brothers Trading Corporation in Sialkot, West Pakistan. He promotes the true principles of Islam. The Kadar-regime is fully aware of Turan- ism and with the aid of their real friends in Pakistan, the Hungarian state export corpora- tions are able to sell quality product Made in Hungary not only in Pakistan but throughout the Moslem world. The Rawalpindi group cooperates directly, the Vienna group, indirectly with the Kadar-regime. All participating parties make their fair share of profit. "Alkoto Magyar" closely cooperates with the Rawalpindi AND the Vienna groups. Without any direct cooperation with the Kadar-regime it is established to participate in creating condi- tions favorable for investment-triangle trade be- tween East and West but especially between the U.S. and Hungary based not on peaceful but on competitive co-existence. Politics is the concentrated form of economics. Wladyslaw Gomulka correctly stated (Przemo- wienia 1959, Warsaw, 1960 p. 562) : "The coun- try which does not develop new methods of pro- duction . . . both in industry and agriculture, has only one prospect - the prospect of backward- ness, poverty and weakness. And the lesson of history is clear: the backward and the weak are always beaten. The backward and the poor are the rubbish of history". This is an excellent state- ment for reality, and against all illusions and delusions of the concept of equality. Eastern European countries must develop their countries by all means through all countries but there is absolutely no need that the Soviet Union plays the leading role. The U.S. is in a much bet- ter situation to develop the industry and agricul- ture of Eastern European countries than the Soviet Union. The U.S. has more know-how, more material and its imperialists are not so reckless as the imperialists of the Soviet Union. Remem- ber 1956 and 1968! The Soviet Union has no moral right to preach about Marxism-Leninism anymore. They have thrown those teaching over- board and replaced it with their naked and brutal imperialism. While American imperialists are trying harder and harder to come to an agreement with the Soviet imperialists, there are realistic Amer- icans who know if goods do not cross the fron- tiers guns will. As the saying goes, an ounce of prevention is more worth than a pound of cure. East-West trade is the best prevention of a mili- tary war between the East and West. The East- West detente is a negative concept. Nobody ever created anything in this world with a negative attitude. East-West trade is the positive and creating approach to settle international prob- lems. East-West trade is the vehicle of creative forces. On page 11 of the September 1967 issue of "Alkoto Magyar", there is the resolution of the American Bankers Association for Foreign Trade. That resolution is the finest blueprint for East- West trade void of all hypocrisy and in accordance with the Natural Lazv. One must realize, that bankers are no promoters of charitable institu- tions. Banks, even if one calls it a national asso- ciation are established to lend money to those who are the best prospect to make profit for themselves and also for the bankers. The best prospects to make profit are those who realistic- ally are able to seize up and satisfy the need of the people. The large U.S. manufacturing cor- porations are the best proofs for this statements. Those corporations are not built on any abstract ideology but on the support of their satisfied customers first of all, and then of the satisfied stockholders and employees. Any type of pro- paganda can try to twist these facts, only to Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4 Page 8 ALKOTo MAGYAR s September, 1968 find out in the long run, the promoters of that and national hatred amongst Eastern Europeans relocation of the world's resources away from propaganda have fooled only themselves. which artificially was created by Western Euro- massive military budgets and concentrate more The association of Eastern European countries pean colonial powers. Fortunately, throughout of human developments. with U.S. manufacturing corporations through Eastern Europe the role of the churches is on September, 1968. investment and triangle trade can be the first the decline. practical step toward the Federation of Eastern The Yugoslav pattern -for investment and tri Evropean Countries, since such association will angle trade, where the foreign corporation can create cooperation between Eastern European not own more than 49~/-, already has proven as countries based on mutual interest. Such mutual workable. interest will eclipse the centuries old religious East-West trade ultimately will permit the P.S. This Open Letter and a copy of the Mal- nasi-Plan were sent to the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations as certified mail No. 088437. AN OPEN LETTER TO THE SECRETARY GENERAL OF THE UNITED NATIONS A Basic Right: The Right To Criticize Governments The Charter of the United Nations was agreed at the San Francisco Conference on June 26, 1945. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was adopted by the General Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948 by a vote of 48 to 0. The Charter of the UN starts as: We the peoples of the United Nations determined . . . to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and the worth of human person .. . According to the interpretation of the Charter, in any country, a person who suffers a legal wrong and can get no redress from the courts, is a victim of the tyranny of the government. It is understood practically the UN can not be expected to render justice to all those persons who suffered injustice from the tyranny of gov- ernments. It is also reasonable to expect that the UN consider such injustices where a great number of people e.g. an entire nation is in- volved. Does that mean, however, that an individual case should be disregarded? It can't be, since the great masses of peoples consist of individuals. An individual case just because it is an indi- vidual case can affect the masses of the peoples. In an individual case a government expects the least resistance, opposition and retaliation, and for these reasons, its tyranny becomes the most brutal. Precisely an individual case of legal in- justice is the most suitable to demonstrate to which extent a government tramples on funda- mental human rights and discard human dignity. Indeed an individual case can expose the bar- barous despotism of a government. And the only way to bring a despotic government under con- trol is to expose its hypocrisy and brutality be- fore the great masses of peoples. Then and only then, they will realize the worth of the human person ! Criminal libel case No. 3495/1961 of Manhat- tan is an excellent case to prove the tyranny of the U.S. government. On November 1, 1961 I Reflections - If I were a Republican Or called a Democrat I shall confess I could not tell Which party was a bat. "Republican" and "Democrat" Ere long will not be heard; It's "liberal" or "conservative" Each one a dirty word. The pressure groups now rule the land, And politicians scare; They'll give and give and give again Until the cupboard's bare. And then will come the man and horse His countrymen to save, And all too late the fools will find Each has become a slave. For history repeats itself; Pied Pipers peep and peep. And many of our brain-washed men Will follow them like sheep. With compliments to ROY S. CHRISTIE 3 East Crescent Ave. Mahwah, N. J. 07430 was publicly indicted for criminal libel by the grand jury of Manhattan. After that, for the net four years not I, the accused, but the de facto accusers did not dare to come to the court - a jury trial -. The prosecution postponed the case thirty-seven (37) times until the case could not come to trial anymore, because of legal-tech- nical matters. Through these 37 postponements the U. S. government did b r u t a I 1~ violate the U.S. Constitution (Bill of Rights, Phar.VI.), the fundamental principles of the Charter of the United Nations, and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Articles 5,6,7,8,9,10 and 11). Pe se from the point of legality and morality, it makes no difference that the government of a member-nation of the UN violated the principles of the Charter involving one individual or the masses. The question is to which extent it com- mitted that violation, and whether the UN tole- rates such violation? Since,, if the Charter can be violated without impunity by its members, the Charter becomes worthless, hence the UN defeats its own purpose! In criminal case No. 3495/1961 the U.S. gov- ernment violated all internationally accepted legal and moral standards and displayed its moral weakness. Pages. 19-20 of the September 1967 issue of "Alkoto Magyar" and my letter to the District Attorney of Manhattan of September 10, 1968 give sufficient expalanation of the case. More details can be read from various letters to various addresses all of them dated as July 3, 1968, ex- cept marked otherwise. The first number i parentheses indicates the number of pages, second number is that of the certified mail. are the following: U.S. State Department (4-088417 tagon (2-088418) ; Federal Bureau tion (2-088419) ; Central Intelligence Agency (20088420) ; Life magazine (5-330056) ; NY Daily News (2-088416) ; NY Times (1-088415) ; NY Independent (2-088421) ; The White House (2-088422) ; Four U.S. Senators (5-088426-27- 28-088436) ; Three U.S. Representatives (3- 088423-24-25) ; District Attorney of Manhattan (2-088429; Answer of the District Attorney of Manhattan of July 18, 1968 (1) ; my reply to the District Attorney of Manhattan of Septemb 1968 (3-088435) ; The Vatican, registere (3) ; and courtrecord of criminal lib 3495/1967 (3) ; altogether 60, pad My circular letter of 8-page ted as July 1, 1967 under the title: The wast of American tax- payers' money by the C.I.A." gives further in- formation through interlocking connections about case No. 3495/1961. It gives indications how the U.S. government operates Radio Free Europe which finances the so-called Hungarian Commit- tee. In this circular some data is given about the fascist-Stalinist background of Monsignor Bela Varga - the president of the Hungarian Com- mittee - who is protected by the U.S. government AND the Vatican. The opportunists, pretenders, dissemblers and criminals of the so-called Hun- garian Committee greatly influence the American public and all of them pose as "anti-communist" claiming to represent the Hungarian people. Ac- tually they represent only themselves and their paymasters. The arch-criminal remains Bela Varga. It is a fact that Bela Varga as the president of the so-called Hungarian Committee received huge amounts of money from American individuals and corporations for those Hungarians who arrived in the U.S. under the label of "freedom fighters". All signs indicate that Bela Varga has stolen the money and used for himself. He invested it in legitimate business enterprises but paid no income and other taxes. I notified I.R.S. and I.R.S. acknowledges my letter but seemingly nothing is done against Bela Varga. Either he is smarter than Al Capone, or I.R.S. just leaves the present Al Capones undisturbed. Chapter XV, Article 100 of the Charter of the United Nations writes: In the performance of their duties the Secretary-General and the staff shall not seek or receive instructions from any government or from any other authority external of the organization. The purpose of this letter is to find out whether there is a possibility to hold an open hearing within the UN to expose all facts of criminal libel case No. 3495/1961 including the tyranny of the U.S. government, which suppressed those facts. The record of that open hearing should be available to all those who request it. The question is now, is the UN able and willing to bite the hand which feeds it i.e. is the finan- cial support of the U.S. government to the UN more important, than upholding the principles upon which the UN was built? Further does the UN respect its own rules and regulations? Legal technical obstacles are subordinated to the principles and can be changed. If there is a will, there is a way. This writing has many purposes and objectives. One of them is - in moral terms - the indict- ment against the U.S. government. Morality is superior to legality, and legality is superior to brutal force. There is an American saying: It's better to light a candle, than curse the darkness. Tyrants do not understand the meaning of that simple saying. Therefore, they have to be hauled before the people, and make them understand! New York, September, 1968. Geza Korda P.S. This Open Letter, the mentioned 60 pages and circular letter of July 1, 1967 were sent to the Secretary-General of the UN as certified mail No. 884471. - (Signed for printing on 9/16/'68) What Kind Of A "Nut" He He He He He He He He He Is He? wants to run his own business. wants to select his own doctor. wants to make his own bargains. wants to buy his own insurance. wants to select his own reading matter. wants to provide for his own old age. wants to make his own contracts. wants to select his own charities. wants to educate his own children as he wishes. He wants to make his own investments. He wants to select his own friends. He wants to provide his own recreation. He wants to compete freely in the market place. He wants to grow by his own efforts. He wants to profit from his own errors. He wants to compete with ideas. He wants to be a man of good will. What kind of a nut is he? He's an American who understands and believes in the Declaration of Independence, that's what kind. Aren't you glad you are, too? And don't you wonder why so many of our fellow Americans are trying so hard to destroy the kind of life that has made us the aim and the envy of every other peo- ple on earth? The question is: What kind of nuts are they? By Bob Segal, Editor Brownsville (Texas) Herald From the Odessa (Texas) American Approved For Release 2004/10/28 : CIA-RDP88-01314R000100010037-4