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Document Release Date: 
June 27, 2008
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Publication Date: 
October 20, 1983
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PDF icon CIA-RDP88-01070R000200910009-9.pdf42.45 KB
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200910009-9 ABC NIGHTLINE 20 October 1983 KOPPEL: The topic of Soviet espionage came. up on Capitol Hill tonight in a Senate debate concerning .a new Soviet embassy building here in Washington. The story now from ABC congressional correspondent Brit Hume. HIJ : The Soviets are building a new embassy on a site near the highest point in Washington, a site some suspect will make it ideal for the interception of U.S. intelligence that pours in here by radio every day. fi-ln the Senate tonight, Wyoming Republican Wallop, a member of the Intelligence Committee,. moved to authorize the president to stop the Soviets from finishing the embassy until the U.S. is provided a comparable elevated site in Moscow. Majority Leader block the .amendment, saying the White House had just told bin' it was strenuously opposed, and so was the State Department. Said a sarcastic--Wallop, 'The State Department would-do almost anything to avoid disrupting tea time. '..And:as time ran out on the vote, 'Wallop was ahead. Baker, lobbied Republican members-frantically to switch their votes. Nevada's Laxalt, the president's friend, did.,-and so did New Hampshire'.s Audman.. Baker gazed across at Wilson of?'Cailifornia_ 'I've never done this to you,'' he could be heard saying, 'but I need your vote.' Wilson didn't switch, but Virginia's Warner and Trible did, and the Wallop amendment went down 46 to 42. The leadership put out this little brushfire, but there could be more like it. The mood around here these days is anti-Soviet and pro-U.S. intelligence. Brit Hume for Nightline on Capitol Hill.: Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200910009-9