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June 9, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200730008-0
9 June 1983
U.S./USSR/ RATHER: In Washington, CBS News has learned that Pentagon
SOVIET analysts are now very concerned about what a U.S. satellite
SUBMARINE passing over the Soviet-Union saw the other day. David Martin
MARTIN: The Pentagon has received anasty surprise, the
unanticipated launching of a new model Soviet nuclear-powered
submarine. The new submarine was spotted by an American
satellite within the past few days as it passed over the Soviet
ship-building complex at Leningrad. The shipyard is the same
one that has been turning out copies of the Alpha-class
submarine which runs so deep and fast it can outrun American
torpedoes. U.S. intelligence had assumed that the work going on
in a covered construction area like this one was another Alpha
sub, so Naval experts were stunned when a submarine nearly 50
feet longer than the Alpha slipped into the water. The added
length could give the new sub more room to carry weapons or to
house a power plant that could propel it even faster than the
50-mile-per-hour speed of the Alpha. One new Soviet submarine
does not by itself tip the undersea balance of power. The Navy
remains confident that its submarines are superior and that it
still holds a decisive edge in anti-submarine warfare. The Navy
is concerned that a new class of Soviet submarines could
suddenly be launched without any warning, that one was in the
works. That raises the question of what other Soviet weapons
are under construction that the U.S. doesn't know about. David
Martin, CBS News, the Pentagon.
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200730008-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200730008-0
9 June 1983
CUBA/ RATHER: Pentagon sources have told correspondent David Martin
SOVIET TROOPS that late last month between 1,500 and 1,700 more Soviet troops
arrived in Cuba where a 2,600-man Soviet combat brigade is
already deployed. Martin reports that it's unclear if the new
troops are a permanent reinforcement or are in Cuba for
maneuvers with the combat brigade.
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-01070R000200730008-0
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000200730008-0
9 June 1983
CUBA/ BRINKLEY: Good evening. U.S. intelligence says the Soviet
SOVIET TROOPS Union is substantially increasing its military forces in Cuba.
For what reason, nobody knows. A report on this from ABC's John
McWethy at the Pentagon.
MCWETHY: U.S. intelligence sources tell ABC News that the
number of Soviet combat troops in Cuba has risen sharply in the
last few months. The Russians already have a combat brigade in
Cuba of 2,600-to 3,000 men.7 Sources say since early April
another 1,500 combat troops have arrived. It was assumed that
these forces were part of -a normal seasonal rotation that would
leave Cuba after completing a military exercise which is now
underway. In the last few days, however, intelligence sources
report that another 1,700 troops have arrived from the Soviet
Union by ship, troops which are not participating in the joint
Cuban-Russian military exercises. Analysts are puzzled and
concerned by these latest reports. The normal rotation of
troops in the past has involved only half as many rotation
forces. Sources fear what they are seeing now is a permanent
buildup of Russian troop strength in Cuba, which could plunge
the U.S., Cuba, and the Soviet Union into a major confrontation.
U.S./ Intelligence sources also tell ABC News that
CENTRAL AMERICA the U.S. is' sharply stepping up aerial surveillance all over
Central America. For the first time, F-4c reconnaissance planes
flying out of Panama will be used over Honduras along the
Nicaraguan boarder. They will work in concert with C-130
gunships also flying out of Panama. These planes have night
vision infrared-type television cameras aboard. And flying from
Honduras itself, the U.S. will increase flights of small Army
listening aircraft. The planes specialize in intercepting and
locating low-powered radio transmissions used by Nicaraguan
gunrunners. John McWetty, ABC News, the Pentagon.
Approved For Release 2008/06/27: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000200730008-0