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Document Release Date: 
March 13, 2007
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Publication Date: 
May 17, 1982
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Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP88-01070R000100200004-9 RADIO TV REPORTS, INC. 4701 WILLARD AVENUE, CHEVY CHASE, MARYLAND 20815 656-4068 DATE The Daily Drum May 17, 1982 6:00 PM STATION CITY WHUR Radio Pacifica Network Washington, DC SUBJECT Operation Paperclip GLORIA MINOT: Earlier in the newscast you heard about an ex-federal prosecutor who charges that a State Department spy agency smuggled Nazis and other killers into the U.S. in the 1950s to spy on the Soviets. In the following report, Travis T. Hipp says that action raises serious questions about the power and the internal work- ings of the CIA. TRAVIS T. HIPP: Operation Paperclip, bent but still unbroken. The sudden discovery of Nazi war criminals alive and well in America under goverment-supplied covers is threatening to open an even bigger can of worms concerning the origins of the Central Intelligence Agency and Pentagon processing of Third Reich spies. In the closing months of the European segment of World War II, Hitler's top intelligence chief, one General Galand [?], put his vast I operat [?] in cold storage, packed his files and prepared to make a deal to save his skin and his organization. The Americans negotiated, and eventually Galand and the rest of his top aides were brought to this country along with their files, melted in with the surviving native-born American spies from the Office of Strategic Services, and installed at Langley, Virginia as the newly formed CIA. The name of the program was Operation Paperclip. By the mid-50s, the German sector had become so powerful in the agency that most European intelligence policy was in their hands, and when some of the old OSS gang tried to object through their old boss, Wild Bill Donovan, they were mostly purged to OFFICES IN: WASHINGTON D.C. ? NEW YORK ? LOS ANGELES ? CHICAGO ? DETROIT ? AND OTHER PRINCIPAL CITIES Material supplied by Radio N Reports, Inc. may be used for file and reference purposes only. It may not be reproduced, sold or publicly demonstrated or exhibited. Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP88-01070R000100200004-9 Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000100200004-9 retirement, leaving control of America's top spy agency in the hands of retread Reich spies, many of whom have since turned out to be double and even triple agents. Recent rumors of a top level mold in the CIA are said to be focused on the German connection which, in turn, may surface in the newly kindled interest of the media in post-war import of Nazi war criminals. Watching the haunts of history, for Pacific News in Kamal, I'm Travis T. Hipp. Approved For Release 2007/03/14: CIA-RDP88-0107OR000100200004-9