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Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110043-2 Third United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atomic Energy Confidential until official release during Conference A/CON?. 28/1'/721 BYELORUSSIAN sSR Mae' 1964 Originali RUSSIAN DESCRIPTION OF NEUTRON ATTENUATION BY BIOLOGICAL SHIELD WITH TI AID OP M ULTIGROU1' MODEL TO DIFFUSION APPROXIMATION by V.A.Naumov, IIeat and Mass Transfer Institute ,the B.S.S.R.Aoademy of Sciences, Minek,B.S.3R.,U.S.S.R. INTRODUCTION itecently,in some countries a large number of works is carried out in which nuclear reactors are used as power source in both great stationary power plants and transport units.Reaotors of ouch plants are powerful radiation sources because of high thermal stress in their cores, To attenuate the radiation to the level which is safe for the human health,the thickness of a biological shield may be of several meters and its weight may reach some hundreds of tons.The main demand of the reactor radiation shield,for examp- le,of a transport plant,is threferore that for its minimum weight and size ,and the design of some plants with atomic engines depends completely on the solution of that problem.The experience in des- igning of great stationary atomic power plants has revealed the im- portance of shielding since co-csts of a plant depend essentially on the shield weight.Designing of a nuclear reactor radiation shield of moderate weights and sizes is extremely difficult,and it may be successfully fulfilled only when a designer has suffici- ently reliable and simple calculation methods for reactor-radiat- ion attenuation. In the present work,the author attempts to extend. multigroup methods of the diffusion theory,used for calculation of physical effects in the reactor core,to calculation of neutron-flux atten- uation by a multilayer biological shield and to prove their ap- plicability to metal-water shields.The applicability of the pre- sent method to calculation of thermal and biological shield is shown by way of the analysis of predicted and experimental data on the neutron-flux distribution in biological shields of operat- ing reactors of the research type-IRT (U.S.S.R.) and the power type -APPR (USA). Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110043-2 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110043-2 METHOD Main assumptions and eguations.The oimpliect form of neutron- flux equations may be found by using the diffusion approximation of the kinetic equation which is widely adopted in nuclear-plant designing. Several workers have applied the diffusion approximati- on to the development of calculation method of neutron flux also [lJ, but the analysis involving assumptions of the diffusion theo- ry was,as a rule,restrioted to slowing-down and thermal neutrons solely.Moreover,fast neutron attenuation was prescribed by a cer- tain semi-theoretical method. In the present work the possibility is shown to describe the behaviour of both thermal and slowing-down as well as fast neutron in the framework of the diffusion theory.The solution is based on a number of peculiarities of the neutron-flux attenuation mechan- ism in a water-metal shield.These are: (a) Fast neutron are essentially attenuated by inelastic collision with heavy nuclei (Fe,Pb).Inelastic scattering may be considered isotropic to the first approximation. (b) Fast neutrons of high energy of the order of 4-6 Mev are very probable to excite the first levels of the medium nuclei (Fe, Ni,Cr etc.) with a relatively small energy loss.This mechanism of neutron interaction is similar to elastic scattering. (o) Though extremely anisotropic on all nuclei at high neut- ron energies elastic scattering is inessential for the attenua- tion mechanism and reactions of fast neutron 'ibsorbtion seem hard- ly possible. (d) In the range of energies below inelastic scattering thre- shold for the nuclei of Fe,Pb, elastic scattering, isotropic or slightly anisotropic on all nuclei (except hydrogen) is the main attenuation mechanism. The above factors provide promises for application of the spherical harmonic method to low approximations to calculation of attenuation of fast (and especially slowing-down) neutrons when angular neutron distribution is characterized by a small number of series terms with respect to spherical functions,in par- ticular in the diffusion approximation, by two terms.In addition because of rough representation of angular neutron distribution passing long distances inside hydrogen-containing shield,it should be expected that this method will cause worsening of the accuracy -2- I Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110043-2 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110043-2 with the cfictanoo from the source. A biological shield may be considered to a first appro- ximation to consist of a number of successive uniform media,Let us consider such a medium,assuming that: 1.The medium absorbs and scatters neutrons. 2.Inelestio scattering is isotropic. 3.According to Weiskopf's statistical theory,neutron spect- rum inelestioally scattered on heavy nuclei (Pb,U-235,U-238) has the form of Maxwellian distribution.The inelastic scattering law for medium nuclei (Al,Pe,Ni,Cr) is obtained by excitation functions of nuclear levels predicted by means of assumptions of the optical nuclear, model r21 . 4.Elastio scattering in non-isotropic In the coordinate sys- tem where the centre of the neutron mass and scattering nucleus is fixed. Scattering anisotropy is estimated by linear and angu- lar scattering law. Then, in accordance with the method,the scalar neutron flux should satisfy (as the function of space and energy),the fol- lowing equation for the steady-state case: -J(El ti 1 (? E)+ Z (El (c E)=1 ~(c' E, E ('f9Wso~E, EJdE'ff ~~z,Elzus (E)w1, , (E, E)c' ' (1) with boundary condition corresponding to the real geometry.In equation (1) Wsa , Wino are coefficients of indicatrices expan- sion of elastic Ws and inelastic Win scattering which are equal to Wso (E'EJ. (A. )2 ~4 4 A' 2 ' 4AE { 2 A1-0,6 OW' E '(92+ ~/%~, (E ~E - 4>i' Wtn = E? exp E ? - P(_ T~FyIx and the indicatrix of elastic scattering WS ? E E~= ~xAE2~~+2 y 06 - ~A= ~ _ E~' for ?CE