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Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 ~ Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 [?9] is useful. Further, we use the notation of this report. Zet ~ (Q) be a square summable with weight P(Q)(PC4,) ~' 0) in D function (Q E D). Table 1 PAR go. $ampl. ins C ~. ___ ~6 ~ 1 ,_ _ 0.0678 . 0.06 56 2 0.0689 0.0660 3 0.0624 0.0634 4 0.0843 0.0721 5 0.0596 0.0637 6 0.0688 0.0628 ? 0.0842 0.0689 8 0.0746 0.0660 9 0.0896 0.0761 10 0.056? 0.0615 Average 0.0709 0.0666 Baact value 0.0665 Consider a generalized interpolating polynomial p(~)=~~~P~(~)?cs~s(Q)ficN~-,~Q) ~ constants ~?~ (ig0~1~...,n) are defined from the conditions Rhere Qd are certain fined points o~ a region D. The tollo- wing theorem is valid.. Theorem 1. If the points Q are randomly sampled in D with the tensity of a probability~/? (G?a~Q,~ ~ ... ~ Q-, ), Wh -(n+i~ ~ [ref II ~o ~Qm) P(4~)~... ~~h (Q,~) P~ (~ ~~o ,~ ~ ~ then IInder the same assumptions it is valid. Theorem 2. A standard deviation of the random value C~ is equal to n 2 "p ~~0 a Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-0090480001 The results of the ealculat ion of a numerical gamma spectrum in the air ~y the local calculation method are pre- sented in the Table 2. The similar values obtained by a linear algebraic in- terpolation by random points are prese*~t~d in the Table 3. In a given case the weight function is not introduced. The four groups of data are presented in these tables. Each group is obtained as a result of 1 X000 tests. A point isotropic monoenergetic source with Eo~1.25Bdev is used as a gamma-ray source. The source-detector distance is 30 meters. 0-1.25Mev energy interval is divided into eight uniform g~youp s. I f the quantity pre sent ed in the t ab- les 2 and 3 multiplie2 by 10-9~ then We obtain a number of gammar-rays /second/cm ~ which is belonged to tie given energy group. No. of sampli~; No, o~ group Table 1 1.006 0.864 C.678 2 1.463 1.359 0.910 3 0.335 0.437 0.753 4 0.301 0.127 0.117 5 0,461 0.415 0.289 6 0?398 0.095 0.281 7 0.192 0.050 0.694 8 0.000 0.417 0.087 Integrated flux _. 3.986 , x.763 3.809 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 1 2 3 4 1.580 0.925 0.73? 0.808 1.039 1.162 1.123 0.975 0.450 0.296 0.342 0.496 0.82E 0.303 0.104 0.228 0.123 0.105 0.214 0.149 G.138 0.594 0.376 0.129 0.053 0.145 0.110 0.112 0.073 0.208 0.164 0.022 4.832 3.322 4.107 2.91? 0.82? 1.322 0.173 0.292 0.576 0.356 0.000 0.460 41006 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Calculation of the functionals from the flux 1. Monte Carlo method is often used for calculation of the functionals f from the flux ~ (Z X12 ~ E) in a space- energy region in the inhomogeneous problems of a neutron transport theory ~' f d-n df clEo f cl zo S(`~n,-~-a, Eo~SdnJ dEfdi f (i,,~,E~c~(ioF.~; z,~-,E~ aEn aVo aE av {20) where ~ (Z ~.~ ~ E ; Ze~.~1.~~ E,,) is a Green funotion of the cor- responding transport equati on. As a rule the regions of de- termination of the source S {Ze ~_fL ~ Ee) and the function f- (Z ~..(1 ~ E) are greatly differed ~ therefore ~ the increase of a statistic efficiency is achieved When a sampling of the original coordinates of history is performed in accordance with a ad joint function in relation to functional ~10] . Accurate finding of a ad joint function is nor less eompleg problem than the original one ~ therefore for evaluation of the functional ~ it is naturally to try to construct such adjoint function. Ti' this function (~ (Zo~.lLe~ Eo) is constructed the functional ~ may be written in a following manner ~ 1 ] ~ ~ ~ ~ ~,- ~,. ?~0~11-d J^~Eoso~~,o S (^!3-c,~c, Eo~ R { Zo, `R'o , Eo) x (21) .. ~. w erer -. -. S(~e?Ro Eo) Q CZo -moo, Eon _ .~ ~ `~o,n-o, EeJ ' J'c,1.JLnSo~Eosd'Go S (~c,~o, Eo~ (~i (~o,~'o,Eo~ J R ~Zo,-~o,~01 ~ .sol.n..fdE f oit S? Q *w 'Le, . Fe 1 and sampling of origina coordinates of the history may be performed in accordance with density S and initial Reight R iAhen determining the parameters of the resolved neutron levels according to the results of the radiation oapture measurements the necessity is apps~ared to calculate the f~n- etionals of a type {20) Whioh represent in this case the average absorption rate in a planar sample o3 thiokness H of the neutrons from a plane source With a given spectz-nm 363 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 S(Eo) in the energy interval a Eo entirely comprising the resonance considered (11 ~12~13). In this problem Monte Car- lo method 1:,s used for evaluation of the average absorption rate of neutrons suffering scattering Ps which has the following form : ,~ (~=,f c.~~,, s (E~),.f ~~1 cIEJd~~?(E~56 (~,l~,E,Eo~ s eEd -~ aE ~ d (22) where C~s (~ ~ ~i ~ E , Eo) is a neutron flog after a single scat- tering. The application o~ a ad~oint function for estimati- on of a functional (22) is of importance as a region of determination of the source Q So always co~piderably exoeeds the region where a ad~oint functioa W(Eo) J~folE fdzF~(E~~(z,N,E,Eo~ -~ ~E o is differed from zero. For a construction of the approximate function C~ (E,~ take a following model of the neutron transport. Zet us be- lieve that the neutrons diffuse-through a sample of an effe - etive thickness N~ without a collision but at the boundary some fraction of neutrons is reflected with an energy change by the magnitude of an average logarithmic loss ~ ~ Tien an approximate ad~oint ~unetion is written down in the~~ollowin.g manner: where Ktv wHr ro ~ Gs (E~) -H,~ (EK) p - C ~~ ~t r The normalized ad~oint function is always used in an importance sampling of original coordinates ~ therefore the deviations of parameter values H ~ and P from H and Z p respectively do not influence greatly on the efficiency of approximate function applioation. The main feature of this function - a maximum displace- ment relative to a resonance energy - is well interpreted by introduotion of an average logarithmic loss ,~ intQ the expression (23), In the case of realisation of Monte Carlo method for estimation of the funct ionals of a type (22) it 363 12? - Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 1-C,~~ respectively. The appl i cat ion of the method of splitting i s highly useful in the case of Conte Carlo calculation of the influ- ence function for monoenergetic isotropic source located at the block surface in the infinite cylindrical lattice. This funet ion being analogous to the Plachek' s function in a homogeneous medium is interest in the resonance absorption problems in heterogeneous media. In this problem the following quantity was considered as a functional ~ r. representing the average density of collisions in a block in the energy interval E < < E ~ E ~ + ~ As a rule the determination of boundaries of a multidi- mensional region Cry and sampling of random point from this region is a very difficult tasks therefore it is desirable to arrange the splitting by one of the variables. In the case considered a region ensuring the contribu--? tion to the functional ~ is defined by the following condi- tion: II R s~ ~ ~) where f ,,{, is a azimuthal angle of the neutron velocity direc- tion after scattering; Rsn is a block radius. The splitting is performed by one variables ~l-1 ~ a cosine of scattering angle in a system of inertia. ih8.i~ ~ one can obtain the fol- lowing rati~s for weights of the branches. G+~ a I~o,~_~oe)~, G~ ~ ~-Gi , where ;Lt ~ ~= ~,~ (M-' ~.~ xLL Si.~z O+Mzn~~.. xL~ SiN2~ o~~i M (stir D x'; ~, + 2L ~. ah31e 7,~~,=.fJ,~ -+ 1~+~~ ~ ?~ i ,x,,L =.fl COS ~ t 7-p~ SiH f , ~~= Si.t1o4 ~i1~,f,,+CO? v( C0~?1N C0~ Qn j ~,t Sc,H'oS cosfx - ~c7Si.~ ? frkfM co.s Q,, M- is a nuclear mass. Calculation of a heterogeneous Plachek's function showed a considerable improvement of a statistic efficiency of Edon-- te Carlo method at the expence of application of the split- 363 - 14 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26 :CIA-RDP88-009048000100110011-7 tang techniques particular in a case oT very thin blocks. REFERENCES. 1. V.Fano, Z. Spencers M. Berger Gamma-Ray Transport ~ M. Gosatomizdat ~ 1963. 2. G.T.Marchuk. Methods oT Calculation of Nuclear Reactors, M. , Gosatomizdat ~ 1961. 3. B.Karlson, Numerical Solution oT Problem on Neutron ginetic Theory. 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