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Third United Nations International Conference on the Peaceful Uses of Atocnic Energy Confidential until official release during Conference Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 A/CONE'. 28/P/354 USSR May 1964 Originals RUSSIAN CHOICE OF SOME OPTIMUM CHARACTERISTICS FOR THE REACTOR CONTROL SYSTEM. V.V.Orlov, V.S.Andreyanov, E.I.Grish.anin, L.I.Isakova, A.G.Kalashnikov, J.G.Pashkin, G.I.Toshinsky, V.V.Chekunov. The control system compensating the excess reactivity can essentially influence upon the physical and operating reactor characteristics. This influence increases when com- pensating big reactivity excess. That is why the problems of choosing reactor control system optimum characteristics along with the problems of principal reactor characteristics optimization are of a great interest. In the first part of this report some questions of optimum burnable poison cha- racteristics choice are considered. The second part describes the choice of an optimum resonance absorber mixture for cont- rol rods . PART I. BURNABLE POISONS. In power reactors along with mechanical control devi- ces for compensating reactivity excess burnable poisons are widely used now (for instance see L1 I. Some problems of the calculation theory and of the use of burnable poisons have been considered in C 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 1. These problems of thermal reactors are discussed in C 21[ 3 some particular problems for intermediate reactors being studied in ~ 4 ~ The method of burnable poison calculation is discussed as a more general case in [ 5 ]. The main purpose of the burnable poison application is to decrease the excess reactivity compensating by the mechanical control devicese That is to say the OhOic;e of optimum burnable poison is the first of all the choice of absorption materials and a means of distribution them to provide the best agreement between the reactivity loss Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 caused by fuel depletion and poison burn-up. Thereforethe residual poisoning caused by non burnt-out absorbers and other isotopes which were present in the original material and were also formed after burning out must be minimized. To minimize the residual reactor poisoning due to the non--burnt up absorber at the end of the core lifetime the poison burn-up rate must be much more than that of fuel depletion. If such a poison can be chosen properly for the reactor under consideration the homogeneous poison distribution over the reactor results in the rapid poison burn-up and the premature reactivity release. In this case the heterogeneous poison distribution turns out to be more effective because of decreasing neutron flux (self-shielding effect) in the absorber which results in decreasing the absorber burn-up rate that in itsturn permits to reduce the reactivity mis- match caused by different burn-up laws of poison and fuel. If such poison can't be chosen properly for reactor under consideration the heterogeneous distribution results in greater reactivity loss caused by the big residual non burnt-up poison to the end of the core life-time and there- fore homogeneous distribution may by more expedient A. Homogeneous poison distribution. The homogeneous poison distribution is considered in detail in [5]. The plotts given there permit to `efine the maaimim reactivity mismatch and residual poisoning due to non burnt-up poison to the end of the core life-time if poison and fuel life-time are known. B. Heterogeneous --poison distribution a). Plate-type absorber. Heterogeneous poison distri -- bution in plane geometry is considered in C 5, and some cri- teria are found which permit to determine the poison cha- 354 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 r :cteristics providing the maximum reduction of the number of mechanical control devices (or their efficiency),. According to the method given in L5 1 some calculations were carried out to determine the region where the plate- type absorbers are the most effective ones. The pertubati- on theorAis used for calculating the reactivity change due to poison burn-up, fuel depletion and poison4ng. The approxi- mate formula derived in C5 3 to calculate reactivity change as a function of these processes is (0) = (Y)+P.1 / ~ 1 46 poRI C~- (1.1) and IUA Xr Definition of symbols: ?rtC-)-- reactivity introduced by an absorber into the reactor at tirae. 'y - dimensionless time expressed in endurance fractions - reactor life-time scaled to rated power. T - endurance. - optical width of absorber plate at the beginning of the reactor life-time PO - J`~n (o)cc a n Co}- absorber nucleus concentration in the plate at the be- ginning of the reactor life-time. ~c. -- microscopic absorption cross section averaged over the neutron spec-44i run, I~ - thickness of absorber plate . - parameter giving the best approximation of the plate self-shielding factor dependence (fS) as a function of its optical widths ~- ((b) 1/(I -'qp o )Cr - dimensionless fuel life-time Xr = i/T S Ecr(u) cu)du (5cr- fuel microscopic absorption cross section. Cu). ~.neutron flux in the reactor at the beginning of the rc actor life-time, also normalized to the rated power. 354 -- 3 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 0 ' I - ? r, (14 1 ~.,( 0 ) rn - WA _ n(i) nto 1 r.~un ~I?-y (1.4) 4r. Pn l1 /'pr.wn m I n(- )/ n(o) C 5) where ifl n(o) the ration of reactivity / un released by burnable poison at the and of the core life- time to initial reactivity excess comeneating the fuel dep- letion and poisoning. pp(y}- reactivity :2ismatoh at time t . ?n(,.}- residual poisoning at the end :,)f the col: life-time. In t 5 1 the maximum reduction of u3c'aenioa1 coxC,-.ro1 de- vices is shoTfn to take place at such velaes of the plate op- tical ~idtn ~ ~xha:~ maximwn miamateb j)n ('3) / r wr' ']f,~xi8 a Tract ion of i i tlal ceactirity axcesr for ftae1 depletica and pois?nikg - ? which are compe-a ated by the AnEohaaic J. con- trol cagier, iii. this case the res ctiv*ty inthnatch hieiz to vani-sh a.;:e during the aora. life-t i.c e, ' Itt' ^ 1.13111atx0 'n.3 Ner- 4e PK~, = ?, ;'fl ?43 ?j ~},a is I/xr:), 3 rA Xn 0 n, This 'ri ' rose~-'3 '.he cost i. 3 i.a3 P.-a ..L x..r. C ?a80a when the c0aorber msy h :i.ccapted, 'Pr,,-. a'i.tial optical x1.3. ah jSo of the absorber plate providtG the l iximur. reduc ;Scan --.31 mechanical control device 1.,i plotted as a fu notion of absorber life-t Lme Xn In i v r 'i.g.2 shows the a.ximum r?eaot'ifit ?i"'a tCa and non b,_i ahie resiw al olsct. cat culated as a function of absorber life-time for determined above. :the ar n,ge :'he7e :h8 :1?.f he. k..1-F,." :;r.b r3n ber" he cotes more e`! fec ir a U;3 ,j 1wI `IAL -In y'T f ._ ~r ~J {~'~ `?'e' 1.t ~.t .1'! t~..i o. .~..a. O.,2T he re a, idu~a1. )o ?L =, on!_r. wheit X~t, t?~25 - -iln6 ve- , qu,ich 0,30 an d t:u. vsX i. Z?rrti reuc ~l. t .. , ..:~. ;..., wz. _. )L up to 1/(1 `l - ) at The use of voc large crow absorbers AIi e'~+ Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100 distributed as plates the big reactivity mismatch is observ- ed. The mismatch can be decreased by using the combination ?30'->l that allows simultaneously to get small residual poi- section absorbers as cylindrical rods' with optical width The simplest solution is to distribute the large cross of different optical width plates. b). Rod-type absorbers. rast to the absorbers with temperate self-shielding may be Dross sections. The absorbers with surface burn-up in oont- burn-up taking place practically completely at very large reactivity mismatch and the residual poisoning vanishes with depletion and poisoning and the contradiction between the which is similar to that one required for compensating fuel hence the releasing reactivity will vary according to the law row surface layers. The diameter of rod "blackness" and In this case the rod will be burnt up only within a nar- soning and small reactivity mismatch, tion differs from zero, r - rod "blackness" radius. On the ron flux within energy range where the absorption cross see- is equal to tt) 2 T rdt D where'P (t) is integrated neut- derations . The number of neutrons absorbed during time Jt time oa, be established on the basis of the following consi- The law of rod "blackness" radius change as a function of Thus the neutrons will be absorbed in infinite thin layers. ted as (S c_ = oo at U >- u o and Gcn = 0 at u c u o ber with the very large absorption cross section 6' repre:ien- n bers it is usefull to consider the limiting case of absor- To find out physical features of tfe burnt-around absor- figuratively called burnt around absorbers. The cylinder cross section may have a convex poligonal form where circle can be inscribed. Here and below the assumptions made above are used. Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 other hand the corresponding change of the rod volume due t o burn-up at the rod surface i s equal t o 21r cl r . Thus the following relation can be written t)2JLrd.t = 2Ti.rJfn,?cr (1.6) ~)( ZF_ After integrating the relation (1.6) in the correspond-".:s." limits we obtain St~Ct~at` Rah C'- R) 0 The rod "blackness" radius as well as its absorption capacity is seen to decrease approximately as a linear function of time giving a small reactivity mismatch. Let us evaluate the reactivity mismatch arising due to uncomplete correspon- dence b ween fuel and poison burn-up laws, With (-L) cj (A:) 4 C~o(u)cu (where'(t)= i/(i- X )) and the requirement of the comps ete absorber burn up to time -~Q~ of the core life- time the expression of rod radius change can be written as En (i -- xr1 /fin Ci y? (I- e7) 1 X r) the initial rod optical width being 2 :n e `~_ 7C,) it is here convenient to take the absorber cross-: c::;tion as finite one, Using the expression (1.7) we obtain the rc Lati on for reactivity release during burning around of a -rod. I _ 1d) ~.-~y~s~~~~~ _ ~.-Ci - (/e (JI-LJO ]/(t-L)ci p8) Pn lol X 7e and From the relations (i.8) and (7.2) we find hb-- lion for reactivity mismatch under condition c hunt'`: around absorber compensating (at the tim.e) the fraction rn of tota for 'burn. up and poisoning. r 7 PO (0) at I G Lj and 0 lull, Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 optimum value rn is got Setting equal to zero the ~ derivative from the expres- sion (1.9) we obtain the relation for the maximum reactivity mismatch within the range Xr-I+m XP-1+M ( l_~ l M yrnox/rw~=(X"_~+m~ 4 P m "' P ~ xr- +rn r 1.1Oa TMXK When ~o the reactivity mismatch is 0m X)/(I (1.10b) and at theend of core life-time (uu =1) FP ? - - 1 P - (I- M) (1.100) The maximum reactivity mismatch can be easily shown from (1.1Oa) as being always negative. This means that at the be- ginning of the core life-time the burnable poison can compen- sate not the total reactivity excess for burn up and poisoning but only its fraction Tn . The residual part of the reacti- vity excess (1-11x1) must be evidently compensated by mechani- cal control devices and (1-m) has not to be smaller than maximum reactivity mismatch. With the aim of reducing the use of mechanical control devices it should be make 1-ma pr?441% and the following equation connecting ~o and m results xr,-I+rn - enC e rn x)n) (1.11) The reactivity mismatch at c4j o may be positive, negati- ve or equal to zero depending on the value of parameter ~? (1.10b). Optimum case can be shown as a oa.!re when the mis- match at ~1. is equal to zero. From there we obtain the se- cond equation connecting the values o and m IT, -XrL xr ~ (1.12) From (1.11) and (1.12) the equation to determine the where ac 6 a_i - i 4 & car 4 c1) -4 efl eri ac-i lac Xr-I+rn 1,1 = t- rn m m (1.13) Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 The results of calculations plotted it Fig-3 show the maximum reactivity mismatch (1.--m) to be considerably smaller in case when the burnable poison with the large absorption cross section is distributed in form of rods than when it is distributed in form of plates. So the use of burnable poisons with the infinite absorption cross section results in mini- mum number of necessary mechanical control devices without reactivity loss due to non burnt up poison residue. The tran- sition from ideal model to practical absorbers sets some additional problems. We shall discuss the following ones, 1). To clear up the burn up kinetics of absorbes with finite cross section 6e we shall consider the problems of determining the absorber distribution over the semi-infinite medium; the neutron flux incident at it2 surface is j neutron o m If the initial absorber distribution was uniform so by time it will be 36 6 -L .l`~ l (X JV n e. ) eX (G t. - G go o With the use of this formula the absorption capacity can be shown to decrease slowly during time t L = i /,I G . At time {^'L the X(x )distribution front of the width A X has formed and it is moving with the constant rate at inside the absorber~~ee. 'Pcg? 4) Since the value 6 being finite it could be expected the deviation from linear dependence t (t) during time t -36 at the first operation period (the incident flux being iso- tropic the front width decreases two times as compared to the normal incident flux. Thereby=). This deviation from formula (1.7) will also take place at the final stage of burn ups the optical rod width having decreased up to the value P b- , and consequently, the burn up rate will increase. The sum time turns out to be equal to -t = _ -G- and so that it would not exceed for example 10% of the core life- time it is necessary that 'C~0.1 T, or 6 - 0. k ye" . This estimation shows that the isotopes of (a > LAGS oan be used 354 - 9 N Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100 As burnt-around poisons. The cross sections greatly exceeding cross sections of fissionable isotopes exist only in the thermal region when the energy of one of the resonances is near to zero. That is why the burnt-around poisons in practice can be used only for thermal reactors, of stable isotopes only Cd113, Sm149, Gd1 55 and Gd157 satisfying the above condition. 2). The volume absorber burn up due to neutron absorp- tion in energy region where the cross sections are not large leads also to the change of the burn up low. In the thermal region very large absorption cross sections caused by low - lying resonances decrease with the energy increase according to the Brieght-Wigner formula (Gc - -i law). If the spectrum E -41Z of neutron incident onto the rod is cp (E) the number of neutrons absorbed by this rod at the energy E>E2p (their free path being 7t (E) >)L 2R) is _ AV = P(E) VN,t 66 (E)d 4 = V1 /,,' 6c (E'=p~ .~(e)1dE4w(E,,)E) and /V?? 6~ (E?p) = - so that finally A = ,,-o E? p 9(-'?p) ,o VT ~ The spectrum is assumed here to be Fermi spect . The number of neutrons absorbed as the surface is ~s = y 1P~(E)dE therefore the volume absorption fraction is O nv z /As that usually constitutes in the thermal reactors the value L 0.1. The value A must be supplemented with the absorption of resonance region which is small for the isotopes mentioned above. The volume absorption effect leads to some increase of reactivity release rate with burning up. 3). Neutron flux depression near the rod (external shi- elding) leads to decreasing of burn-up rate at the beginning of core life-time. This effect becomes negligible with using of small diameter rods. The absorber distribution over a core. The above mentioned consideration permit to choose oont- - 10 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R0001 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 tol rods (their number, diameter and absorber density) pro- viding a small change of the neutron multiplication factor in some reactor volume if the fuel burn-up reached in this volume to the end of the core life-time is known. As power distribution over the reactor depends in its turn on the rod distribution the nonlinear problem arise and they can be solved by the iterative method. In ideal case we can reduce this problems to following nonlinear equation. Suppose that a) the absorber provides constant multiplication factor Kam, as a function of time in every point over the reactor; b) the absorption probability at point? of a neutron born in point 1 is P(V` ~') and does not vary during the core life-time (for instance it takes place in thermal water-moderated reactors where L2 Then the neutron source density Q(rjor power density proporti- onal to it) is described by the following equation QCr) _ kcoC~Z)f Q(-^) PCr, - ~) cVYX' (1.15) The value K? dnay be expressed in term of fuel burn-up reached at oint' ~ at the end of the core P *r(F') Q(') life-time. So we obtain the nonlinear equation for Q(-^) QCr) = kC-?(Ct (")'r) J QC-) PCr,r dr' (1.16) Expanding Q(r) at point r -'v' and taking into account only three terms of this expansion we have at PP('-') \72Q - k c CG(, r ) - i 2 a = 0 (1.17) u.~ CQ,r) M where M2 PCr) HcA r JP(r) r2J r Boundary conditions for Q can be written with the help of reflector albedo. With known power distribution Q and with burn-up distribution proportional to it the law of absorber distribution over the core which provides constant "K" at every point r may be easily found. This distribution provides not only constant reactivity during the whole reac- tor life-time but also uniform power distribution over the 354 - 11 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 reactor' with its simultaneous flattening (compared to uniform control rod distribution), I (, Resonanceabsorbers for control rods. The absorption cross section energy dependence of the materials is especialy important for control rods. The use of resonance absorbers permits within some limits to get the most profitable absorption cross section energy depen- dence for the reactor under consideration with regard as to increasing of the effeciency so to decreasing of neutron flux depression near the rod. The latter is the most impor- tant for thermal reactors. To increase the rod efficiency or to decrease neutron flux depression near the rod it is of great interest to use a mixture of different resonance absorbers. In this case the total resonance absorption can be more than the absorption of a component with the greatest resonance integral due to the reduction of every component resonance self-shielding. For instance if there are "n" absorbers of narrow and strong resonances every one of which differs from one another only by resonance energy the maximum value of mixture reso- nance integral will be fl -1-1 times more than resonance integ- ral of a single absorber. The practical absorbers differ from one another by nucleus density, resonance energy v resonance parameters and so on. Furthermore the absorption by weak re- sonances and by "smooth" part of the absorption cross sec- tion constitutes the considerable part of the total absorp- tion. That is why the optimum mixture composition depends not only on the properties of chosen absorbers but also on the form of neutron spectrum, temperature and so on. The problems of control system providing the flat time-independent distribution over the reactor was set and solved by Sharapov V.N. 354 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 As Determination of _Utimum resonance absorber composition to obtain the maximum rod efficienw, According to the perturbation theory L GI the rod ef- ficiency is d, d u W(u) Xi,Goc Cu) 1, [d S )GC Cu) , (2,1) where W (u) product of neutron flux with energy "u" and the importance of these neutrons, ~~ - self-shielding factor of its element absorption cross section which depends on all the values of GCk and i'C ; OT)- importance of f iss ion neutrons; d - rod diameter; rl - a number of mixture compo- nents. To obtain the maximum effioiency of the rod of given size which is made of the resonance absorber mixture it is necessary to determine the maximum of , expression (2.1) with =1 (V - a volume part of i-th component). This problem is the conventional extremism one and is solved by means of vmderfined Lagraagian multipliers method. According to this method the absolute extremism of function F = 9+,-k L , where L={ii-1 onck.is an indefined multiplier must be found. Necessary condi- tions of the function F extremism I'D F: 'Z F L -o (2.2) give us the system of (n+1) differential equations with un- known quantities J'41 and I . On this system we obtain a volume part of every component. In general case the system (2.2) is solved by the iterative method. When calculating the self- shielding faotor it is necessary to tab into account the mutual resonance shielding of different nuclei, the resonance self-shielding by "smooth" part of cross section and Doppler effect for resolved and unresolved levels. Fig.5 shows the sample efficiency (diameter 10cm) in the reactor n(P-4 as a function of content for Re - duZmixture . The results of calculations point at the maximum efficiency value to exist which exceeds the effioiency of samples made 354 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Of a single component. To obtain the subsequent encrease at control rod efficiency the optimum mixture of three or more components has to be used. B.4At1mum corn sition of resonauee_ -absorber mixture to obtain the minimum depression of energy release field in thermal reactor. The absorption cross section energy dependence is very important not only for the rod efficiency but also for a neutron flux depression near the rod. Neutron flux depression can be reduced not only by means every rod absorption decrease due to increase of the rod number but also by using the resonance absorbers as an absorption material which permit to vary the correlation between the absorption in thermal and epithermal regions. In fact the more neutron will be obsorv- ed by a rod in the epithermal region the less absorption will take place in the thermal region at the fixed rod effi- ciency and therefore the neutron flux depression will be smaller in the thermal region, where the greatest part of fission take place. The least energy release shield depres- sion will be in the limiting case when the total absorption takes place only in the thermal region. As an example we consider the absorption in the plate- type rods. Using the expression 1 - G + 6/ as a resonance integral (a and b constant' X -. nucleus density, C1 - plate width) and assuming the constant "a" generally to depend on the absorption due to 1/v cross section the total resonance absorption in the plate can be written where E -plate surface f or a quit volume of a core 9 plate optical width for the nj utron of energy E=0,0253 ev, Err the energy on the boundary between Na=ellien speet- rr: and moderated neutron spectrum,. It is clear from (2.3) that the absorption contribution Gassed by s tr?ong resonances c be suitably described with the value the G 3 C ... 14 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 does not depend on the nucleus concentration and on the rea- ctor spectrum but it is function of resonance parameters. Among all the resonance absorbers hafnium (j=1.56) tanta- lum (4 X1.4) indium (6=1.04)t antiniony (6=1.07), europium (( =1.02)j -rhenium (6=0.92) are those which have the best correlation between absorption in the thermal and in the resonance regions. For 1/v-cross section this characteris- tic is equal to zero. Cadmium and gadolinium have the worst energy-dependence for the absorption cross section, the "smooth" part of their absorption cross sections decre- asing more quickly than 1/v-absorption. The contribution of their epicadmium resonances is neglected and as a result the value < for these element should be written as negative one. In Fig.6 the plate optical width Po for neutron energy E0=0.025ev is plotted as a function of value 6 which has to compensate the water reactor (ration of hydrogen nuclei to U235 nuclei is about 200, the square lattice pitch is 10cm). The dependence of the thermal neutron flux max-average ra- tio "K" for elementary cell is shown in this figure too. Using the optimum composition mixtures we can achieve the value 6 considerably exceeding that one for a single ele- ment. In this case the optimum composition L is found so as to provide the maximum resonance absorption in the plate I _Z T L under extra conditionZhi= P ~ If the element resonance levels evels are assumed to be over - lapped and non-shielding absorption to be caused only by 1/v- cross section d= const, i=1, 2, ... , n) this problem can be solved analytically by Lagrangian undefined multipliers method. The optimum weight content of i-th element (atomic weight Ai and thermal cross section 6 ~) will be described by the expression 2 66 A i /67C riK`GV_ (2.4) and maximum total resonance ab1so-r t ion is Ima-x = C~o-2. E? 4 61)"CLK ~1 Po ~Omax ~oK (2.5) 354 Eze - 15 - K Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 The optimum compositions and values d'moxfor mixture of some resonance absorbers are given in the table below. * 16 -, Material In-Ag Hf-Ta Hf-Ta-W Hf-Ta-Eu P1% 37 63 26.3 73.7 91,1 59.1 19.8 27 73 0.2 &~ 1.01 0.78 1.57 1.14 1.57 1.14 0.64 1.57 1.14 1.0 & max 1.30 1.94 2.04 2.18 REFERENCES, X11 A.P.Aleksandrov et al. "Atomic ice-beaker Lenin".(P/2140 Pro c . 2nd Ult C onf , on Atomic Energy-Genera (1958) L21 A.Radkowsky. Theory and Application of BurnablePoisons (P/1900 Proc. 2nd ?TN Conf, on Atomic Energy--Geneva (1958)), ~31 V.S.Volkov et al,. "Use of burnable poisons in power reac- tors" , "Atomic Bnergy " V,111 1961 , ~4I The Physics of IntermedLal :Spectrum Reactors. USAEC,1958, t5l G.I.Toshinsky, A.G.galashniko-r. "Methods for calculating burn up of absorbers In power reactors", "Theory and methods for calculation nuclear reactors". Gosatom- isdat , 1962. ~61 L.N.Ussachev, r'Equa t L.)n for neutron importance, reactor kinetics and .pe.e nirbation theory" , (P/2 Proc, It UN Conf.. on Atomic E:le:rgy-(", ne-ra, 1955). ?,71 I.V.Gordeev, D.A.Rardashe , A.V.Talyshev. "Iaderno-?Pizi- cheskie constanti". Gosatomisdat, 1963. c 81 A.I.Leipunsky et alp Experimental investigations of some physical features of Intermediate spectrum reactor with berillium moderator. (P SM 18/80 International symposium on physics of fast and intermediate spect- rum reactors. Vienna. 1962.) o Approved 2 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 5 10 15 20 L~ 95 X Fig. I. The initial absorber plate optical width providing the maximum reduction of the use of mechanical control devi- ces as a function of the ab- sorber lifetime Xn . z - to cduo t qqo scP nq ? ~s 11 Q S .1 . 5 Q 0 Q2 5 .-.0 Fig. 2. The maximum reactivity mismatch (1) and non-burnable re- sidual poisoning )i /p,*, (2) as a function of absorber lifetime with the optical width being optimum. 0 02 I ae 1,0- Xr Pig. 3. The maximum reactivity mismatch for absorbers of infinite cross section in plane (1) and vylindrioal geometry as a function of fuel burnup during the reactor lifetim. (1/i,. ) 6 2 - - 17 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7 I -Aorrr, of x ' o 0 of ux a y- f Fig. 4. The steady distribution of absorber nuclei in transient region. 44 O Fig. 5. The rod efficiency in the reactor /!'-4 as a function of europium oxide content in Re-Eu203 izixture. Fig. 6. Optical plate width to compensate the reactivity excess of water reactor and max-average ration for the thermal neutron flux in its elementary as a function of 6 . - 18 - Approved For Release 2009/08/26: CIA-RDP88-00904R000100110002-7