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s Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Directorate of Secret Intelligence Afghanistan's Food Balance: Implications for the Re ime and the Insurgents A Research Paper 001/22,;/0020/0079c6 FILE: COPY/SOURCED COPY CONTROL BRANCH/CPAS/PDG/IMC ROOM 7G07 HQS NO ADHOC REQUIREMENTS T>caEcTNU0-09 X7 IWMK PAGE NUMBERS TOTAL NUMBER OF COPIES DISSEM DATE ) ExTRA COPIES G 3 - 33/ RECORD CENTER 331-311i JOB NUMBER - 30:1 Secret GI 87-10001 January 1987 Copy 302 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Directorate of Secret Intelligence Reverse Blank Afghanistan's Food Balance: Implications for the Regime and the Insurgents A Research Paper This paper was prepared by Office of Global Issues, . It was coordinated with the Agency for International Development. Comments and queries are welcome and may be directed to the Chief, Strategic Resources Division, OGI Secret GI 87-10001 January 1987 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Summary Information available as of! December 1986 was used in this report. Afghanistan's Food Balance: Implications for the Regime and the Insurgents Since the Soviet invasion, Afghan farmers have generally been able to maintain adequate food supplies, but the task is becoming increasingly difficult. Only by drastically cutting production of cash crops?particularly cotton and sugar beets in the northern provinces?and replanting the land to wheat, have farmers been able to keep food output near prewar levels. While this is a natural adjustment in a wartime environment, most of the gains in food production that such actions can provide have already been achieved. Consequently, it will become increasingly difficult to offset losses in output from combat operations, or greater demand from population growth, through increased indigenous production. The war has had significant impacts on agricultural activities in Afghani- stan, but our analysis indicates that direct losses from the fighting have been important only in localized areas. These are generally along the Pakistan border where much of the heavy fighting has occurred. Despite numerous human-source reports to the contrary, we have strong evidence that neither the Soviets nor the Afghan central government is engaged in a nationwide "scorched earth" policy. little intentional agricultural destruction of any kind even in areas where fighting has been intense. Land abandonment because of the fighting is much more extensive than intentional crop destruction. However, we believe that, in the worst case, less than 5 percent of previously cultivated land on a countrywide basis has been abandoned, and that the areas of greatest abandonment are confined primarily to the eastern regions bordering Pakistan. 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 While overall food production seems adequate, war-driven urbanization and transportation difficulties are creating increasingly severe food supply problems in the cities the transportation of 25X1 food, especially from the eastern and southern provinces to Kabul, is becoming more difficult because of the fighting and destruction of the road system. While the rapidly growing populations of Kabul and other cities will most likely become more dependent on the Soviets for supplies, most subsistence farmers?about 70 to 80 percent of the Afghan population? should have sufficient food over the next few years, barring drought. To maintain urban supplies over the next few years, the Soviets will have to ship increasing amounts of food?primarily wheat?over roads from the north. This transportation network has been better maintained and secured iii Secret GI 87-10001 January 1987 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 than the routes to the south and east because it also is the lifeline for mili- tary supplies to the Kabul region. The economic burden of feeding the cities has been relatively light for the Soviets?in particular because wheat has been relatively cheap in the international marketplace in recent years. Moreover, supplying food rather than the agrotechnology to increase Afghan food output gives the government and the Soviets greater direct control over the urban population. Although food supplies are generally more ample in rural areas than in the cities, the Afghan resistance also faces serious problems. Acquiring food from farmers and local bazaars is likely to become increasingly difficult, at least in the eastern provinces, because planted area there has been reduced, and manpower is insufficient to maintain irrigation systems and produce crop surpluses. Furthermore, in nearly all areas of the country, the insurgents can expect temporary shortages of perishable nongrain and livestock products?fresh vegetables and fruits for example?when the fighting disrupts their movement to local bazaars. While insurgent groups outside the eastern provinces have better local sources of food, they face more difficult problems when the harvest is poor. Because of the great distance insurgents in these provinces must travel to friendly borders and supply sources, the transportation of perishable or bulky foods, such as vegetables, sugar, and cooking oil, is more difficult. In our judgment, periodic shortages of some of these foods are more likely to occur than grain shortages in these regions because they cannot be stored like grain in good years for use when the rains fail. For all segments of the population, trends seem to point toward a deteriorating Afghan food situation. Substantial investments are needed in the agricultural sector in the next few years, but Soviet agrotechnological trade and aid is not sufficient to reverse the trend toward falling, or at best stagnating, agricultural output. Western experts believe that more exten- sive use of chemical fertilizer alone could nearly double wheat yields, but the Afghans have only one fertilizer plant, built with Soviet aid before the invasion, and we believe it is operating at near capacity. The, inadequate road network and high transportation costs make countrywide distribution of substantial amounts of imported fertilizer nearly impossible. The effects of military operations on transportation and the lack of investment funds for new plants compound the problems. Secret iv Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Reverse Blank Secret Even if peace were restored, Afghanistan would probably require at least a decade of foreign aid?both food supplies and agrotechnology?to become nearly self-sufficient again in food production as it was in the 1970s. Land that was once productive will require extensive preparation before it will produce at previous levels. Irrigation systems that have fallen into disrepair will have to be rebuilt. Seed stocks and agricultural implements will have to be provided, and farm villages will have to be reestablished. Moreover, given the current rapidly growing population and stagnating agricultural yields, any future Afghan government?no matter how well disposed?will be unable to absorb the approximately 4 million refugees now living in Pakistan and Iran without substantial food assistance. V Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Contents Page Summary Hi Background 1 Trends in Agricultural Output 2 Maintaining Wheat Production 2 Cash Crop Production Falls 4 Livestock Output Little Affected 7 The Impact of Combat on Output 8 Trends in Food Availability 11 Rural Population Fares Better Than Urban 11 Transportation: The Weak Link in the Food Supply Chain 11 Food Prices Up 12 The Outlook 12 The Next Two Years 12 The End of the Decade and Beyond 15 Implications 16 For the Soviets 16 For Western Aid Donors 16 For the Insurgents 16 Appendixes A. Road Conditions in Afghanistan 19 B. Developments in Food Prices 21 C. Population Trends 23 vii Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Figure 1 Principal Crops and Cropland in Afghanistan China Secret r Boundary representation not necessarily authoritative\ ' is viii 6 Sugar beets c5 Citrus Sugarcane s Cotton 11.? Grapes (for export) T: Raisins (for export) Irrigated agriculture Dryland agriculture 0 150 Kilometers 1, 0 150 Miles 709118 (A01776) 1-87 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22: CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Afghanistan's Food Balance: Implications for the Regime and the Insurgents Background The adequate performance of its agricultural sector is critical to Afghanistan's economic well-being and to the provisioning of the urban population. Since the Soviet invasion in late 1979, population growth, the flight of farmers from combat areas, stagnating food production, and disruption of the internal transporta- tion network have forced the regime to import sub- stantial quantities of foodstuffs to cover shortfalls in food supplies, especially in the rapidly growing cities. Although agriculture is the most important sector of Afghanistan's economy, supporting as much as 80 percent of the nation's population and accounting for about one-third of all exports, the country is largely unsuitable for farming. Mountains, deserts, and forest extend across most of the country and only about 12 percent of the total area is arable. Furthermore, less than half of the arable land is cultivated because of the limited availability of water.' Approximately 85 percent of Afghanistan's agricultural production is from irrigated crops, and approximately 90 percent of all cropland is sown to grains?wheat, corn, rice, barley, and millet. Fruits, vegetables, and cash crops including cotton, sugar beets, oilseeds, and poppies account for the remainder of the planted area. Wheat, the staple of the Afghan diet, comprises 60 percent of the grain production. Wheat yields in Afghanistan are low by world standards and are only two-thirds those achieved in adjacent areas of the Soviet Union.' Despite low yields, Afghanistan's tra- ditional wheat varieties tend to produce stable yields ' We estimate that some 3.3 million hectares of Afghanistan's agricultural area are irrigated. Dryland crops, mostly located in the foothills of the northern plains, are estimated at 900,000 hectares. 'In recent years irrigated wheat crops in Afghanistan have aver- aged about 1.6 to 1.7 metric tons per hectare and dryland crops 0.5 to 0.6 tons per hectare. By comparison, winter wheat in the area of the USSR adjacent to Afghanistan averaged 2.4 tons per irrigated hectare and 1 ton per hectare on dryland during 1976-80. Secret Increasing Opium Poppy Cultivation The amount of land devoted to poppy cultivation has increased dramatically in recent years. However, in 1985 total planted area still amounted to only about 10,000 hectares, and the number of farmers involved in growing the plant was relatively small compared with the number growing food crops. Nonetheless, opium poppies are an ideal cash crop for subsistence farmers when wartime conditions disrupt commerce in traditional crops. Profits from poppies are as much as two to three times more than the next most profitable crop, yet cultivation costs are low. Poppies are a hearty, multipurpose crop that yield a variety of products besides opium gum. The seeds can be eaten whole or processed into poppyseed cake or edible oil, the seed pods can be used for medicines or liquor, the straw for fuel, and the resulting ash for soap. Because opium does not spoil, it can be stored or stockpiled indefinitely. because they are well adapted to the harsh environ- ment. As a result, grain production does not show wide fluctuations from year to year. Two-thirds of the Afghan population rely on livestock raising for a major portion of their income and food requirements. Sheep and goats are the principal sources of red meat, and wool, hides, and pelts are important export items. Cattle (oxen) are the major source of draft power for agriculture. Milk and milk products from cows, sheep, and goats are the chief sources of animal protein and a significant portion of the diet of many families. Meat, however, is generally considered a luxury except among the nomads. UN statistics for the last 10 years indicate that on average livestock herds consist of about 80 percent sheep and goats, 13 percent cattle, and the remainder beasts of burden?such as camels, horses, and mules. 1 Secret 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Wheat and Livestock Outlook for 1986 Afghan farmers should harvest a slightly-above- average wheat crop in 1986. Analysis of meteorologi- cal data indicates precipitation during March 1986? a critical month for winter wheat in Afghanistan? averaged about 75 percent higher than during March 1985. We do not know how much precipitation fell during the remainder of the year, but rivers and streams flowing at normal levels all during the summer. Water in the Ghazni and Kabul reservoirs was also observed at normal levels during the summer. early-to-mid-May indicated vigorous crop growth throughout the coun- try. In the border provinces of Nangarhar, Paktia, and Konarha, where fighting has been very heavy and abandonment of agricultural land the greatest, grain crops looked healthy throughout the growing season. Fair to good yields? based on the number of grain shocks a stacked in the fields this year compared with previous years?were observed at harvest time in these three provinces. Elsewhere yields at harvest time, on average, ap- peared equal to or better than last year: ? Good irrigated winter grain yields were observed in the eastern provinces of Parvan, Vardak, Ghazni, Lowgar, and Kabol. ? In the northern provinces near or along the border with the Soviet Union?Badakhshan, Takhar, Kon- duz, Baghlan, Balkh, Badghis, and Jowzjan? yields of dry/and and irrigated winter grains a When grain is hand harvested it is placed upright in small piles?"shocks"?to dry. appeared to be good to excellent. Late season crops, principally corn, but to a lesser extent also rice, could have been damaged by a reported late summer drought. ? In the western provinces we observed good yields in Farah and excellent yields in Herat at harvest time. Light-to-heavy grain lodging?generally another in- dicator of excellent yields?was also seen through- out Herat before the harvest. ? We believe growing conditions in Bamian were representative of those in the central provinces of the country this year, and the yields observed in the province ranged from good to excellent. ? Good-to-excellent yields were observed in the southern provinces of Helmand and Qandahar. Continued fighting around Qandahar City has ad- versely affected agriculture near the city, but good yields were observed beyond the area of intensive fighting. Although overall growing conditions in Afghanistan have been good this year?excluding the impact of the war?potential yields are limited nationwide by poor quality seed and a lack of agrochemicals. As a result, a crop exceeding the record production of 1976 by more than a few percent is highly unlikely. Since the 1985186 winter was not abnormally severe, and because we have received no information indicat- ing above-average losses due to disease, we believe the size of the livestock herds is probably little changed from last year. Secret 2 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 2bA1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Figure 2 Afghanistan: Share of Agricultural Land by Major Crops Percent Industrial crops 4 Fruits and vegetables 6 Other grain crops 30 Wheat 60 311377 1-87 Trends in Agricultural Output Our analysis indicates that production of food staples in Afghanistan has held up remarkably well since the Soviet invasion. Given a wartime environment, we attribute this performance primarily to the subsis- tence nature of Afghan agriculture: the Afghan farm- er places a higher priority on food self-sufficiency than on the production of cash crops. The output of most cash crops has fallen well below prewar levels, despite the urgings of the central goverment to in- crease production. Maintaining Wheat Production. Subsistence farmers in Afghanistan have maintained wheat output even though some traditional wheat-growing areas have been taken out of production by the fighting. They have done so by growing wheat in areas usually reserved for cash crops such as cotton and sugar beets. this displacement is most pronounced in the northern provinces. This assessment is generally consistent with reports from visitors to the region and with published Afghan statistics that indicate that average annual wheat production increased slightly during 1980-84 while cotton and sugar beet production declined sub- stantially. 3 Figure 3 Afghanistan: Changes in Major Crop Production, 1975-79 Versus 1980-84 Percent Wheat Maize Rice Barley Cotton Vegetables and melons Fruits Sugar beets -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 311378 1.87 Wheat production has been maintained at the expense of these industrial crops because: ? The first concern of Afghan subsistence farmers is to provide sufficient food?wheat?for their own families. Most of their other essential needs can be met by bartering food crops. ? Wheat production is less labor intensive than the production of industrial crops.' Thus it has been less affected by men being conscripted for military duty, volunteering to fight with insurgents, or emigrating. For example, cotton production in the United States during 1960- 64 required 16 times more man-hours per acre than wheat; moreover, US cotton agrotechnology during the period was much further advanced than cotton agrotechnology in Afghanistan today. Source: Agricultural Statistics 1985, United States Department of Agriculture. Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Table 1 Afghanistan: Selected Crop Production, 1975-84 Thousand metric tons 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1975-79 Average 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 a 1980-84 Average a Wheat 2,850 2,936 2,652 2,813 2,663 2,782 2,750 2,850 2,862 2,900 2,860 2,844 Maize 780 800 760 780 760 776 797 798 800 806 a 790 798 Rice 435 448 400 428 439 430 461 475 473 480 a 479 473 Barley 384 400 300 325 318 345 321 330 329a 336a 332 329 Cotton (unginned) 160a 159a 137a 132 105 139 65 60 55a 50a 68 59 Vegetables and melons 720a 736 660a 766a 804a 737 828a 865a 912a 93? 932 893 Fruits 880a 795 692a 824a 836a 805 891a 913a 920a 930a 940 918 Sugarcane 60a 68 64 64 64 64 70 70 72a 73 73 71 Sugar beets 100 a 91 97 73 70 86 35 20 45 16a 26 28 a Data provided by the Afghan Central Statistical Office to the International Monetary Fund or the World Bank. b Estimate provided by Afghan Government to UN FAO. All other statistics were provided by Afghanistan to the UN Food and Agricultural Organization. ? The price of wheat rose relative to cotton from 1979 to 1984, leading Afghan farmers to reduce the area planted to cotton in favor of wheat. ? Wheat price increases also have probably led Af- ghan farmers to shift some of the best cotton land to wheat production and the poorer wheat land to cotton. While this tactic leaves the amount of land devoted to both crops unchanged, it enhances wheat yields at the expense of cotton. Higher wheat yields in northern Afghanistan also may have helped keep wheat production up because fields there may have received a disproportionately high amount of fertilizer. This is possible because the areas where cash crops are likely to have been replaced by wheat are relatively near Afghanistan's only fertilizer plant, the Mazar-e Sharif urea plant. The roads are also generally in good condition in the northern provinces, allowing relatively easy movement of agrochemicals and farm equipment. Secret Cash Crop Production Falls. Analysis of export/im- port statistics indicates that the production of other cash crops besides cotton and sugar beets is also down:4 ? International Sugar Organization and FAO statis- tics show that Afghan sugar imports have increased about 20 percent between 1976-79 and .1980-83, indicating that cane production is probably drop- ping. The figures understate actual imports because they do not include Soviet grant aid, which the Afghans indicate amounted to 49,000 tons during the 1981-83 period alone. Cane is grown only in Nangarhar Province, which borders Pakistan in In some cases, we had to resort to the use of export/import statistics for indications of production trends because of the unreliability of official production statistics. For example, in some years official Afghan sugarcane statistics indicate the impossible situation of constant area planted, rising yields, and unchanged production 4 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22: CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Table 2 Afghanistan: Sugar Imports Metric tons 1976 1977 1978 1979 1976-79 Average 1980 1981 1982 1983 1980-83 Average Imports a according to: International Sugar Organization 60,000 58,000 60,228 91,226 67,364 61,785 64,979 147,390 67,076 85,308 United Nations FAO 55,200 b 47,200 81,157 92,226 68,946 56,315 72,000 135,792 55,600 79,927 a Not including grants. b Provided to FAO by Afghanistan as an estimate. Table 3 Afghanistan: Export Statistics for Dried Fruit, 1977-84 a 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Value (million US $) 84.2 100.3 175.4 169.5 171.4 154.0 192.0 NA Quantity (thousand metric tons) 79.7 58.2 93.6 89.1 100.5 96.9 111.3 80.5 Price (US $ per ton) 1,056.5 1,723.4 1,873.9 1,902.4 1,705.5 1,589.3 1,725.1 NA Source: Central Statistical Office, Kabul. Data extracted from IMF reports. a Figures vary slightly from source report because of rounding procedures. east-central Afghanistan. We believe that the heavy fighting there has probably caused a signifi- cant decline in production. ? Exports of citrus fell sharply after 1979. Although reliable statistics on citrus output are not available, we believe, on the basis of declining export volumes, that production has dropped dramatically. Accord- ing to official Afghan statistics, average annual exports of oranges fell from about 5,000 tons per 5 year during 1976-79 to about 1,500 tons per year during 1980-84. Like sugarcane, citrus is grown primarily in Nangarhar Province. The only major success story in Afghan agriculture, excluding opium, is the upward trend in the produc- tion and export of dried fruits, mostly raisins, which have been a major export item for many years. Average annual exports of dried fruits increased from 77,200 tons during 1977-79 to 95,500 tons during 1980-82. Dried fruits have probably made a good Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Figure 4 Estimated Sheep Density by Province in Afghanistan, 1985 Sheep per square kilometer 0 20 50 80 110 140 170 0 52 130 207 285 363 440 Sheep per square mile 720,500 Number of sheep in province 0 150 Kilometers I 150 Miles Iran Iran BacIghis 796,600 Herat 433,000 Farah 527,600 Faryab 1,106,200 Ghowr 433,000 Helmand 336,600 Nimraz 720,500 Secret 1,1Balkh 90,100 Jowzgan 527,600 Ortizgan 433,000 Qandahar 191,000 Soviet Union Samangan ,299,10 B?? 673,200 Zabol onduz 16,90 Badakhshan Takhir 624,000 13,400 Baghlan 1,442,800 arvan 240,200 Vardak 240,200 Ghazni 160,000 1,060,900 Bp s 720, Kabol 80,300 Lowger 336,00 Paktika 416,600 Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative. 6 Paktia 527,600 Konarha 720,500 ,000 Nangarhar 287,400 Pakistan China India 709111 (A02866) 1-87 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Figure 5 Summer and Winter Sheep Pastures in Afghanistan China -pasture= Gealg:Fnv Ltfie ? (1 (d India Boundary representation is not necessarily authoritative. showing because they are easily stored, less suscepti- ble to damage on poorly maintained roads, and suffer less spoilage when delayed en route to market?very important characteristics in a wartime environment. Livestock Output Little Affected. We believe?in large part on the basis of official statistics and foreign trade data?that the size of sheep and goat flocks has remained relatively stable during the fighting. Sheep are raised in all of the Afghan provinces, with goats more prevalent in the rugged topography of the provinces east of Kabul. The most important breed of sheep, the Karakul, is raised almost exclusively in the 7 Eastern nomads Southern and western nomads Limit of winter pasture Probable limit of winter pasture Direction of spring migration to summer pasture 150 Kilorneters It 150 Miles 709119 (A01776) 1-87 northern provinces. The Karakuls, which account for 30 percent of all Afghan sheep, are wintered in the lowlands and moved to mountain pastures for the summer. The breed is an important meat source. Karakul wool, moreover, is used in the village carpet industry, and Karakul pelts (Persian lamb) have been a major source of export earnings for decades. About 50 percent of the remaining sheep are owned by nomads and transhumants who also migrate with their flocks from lowlands to summer grazing lands in the mountains. Thus, 80 percent of the sheep are located in remote mountain pastures?for the most Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Table 4 Afghanistan: Livestock Numbers and Wool Exports 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Sheep (thousand head). 19,075 18,400 18,700 18,900 18,900* 18,900* 18,950* Goats (thousand head) a 3,000 2,885 2,850 2,900 2,900 2,950 * 2,950 * Wool (metric tons) Exports b to USSR 2,980 2,839 2,572 5,540 4,943 3,150 4,390 To all importers 3,900 * 4,800 * 5,600 * 9,900 * 9,000 * 9,000 * 8,300 * a Numbers with asterisks were provided by the Afghan Government to the IMF. They are based on the Islamic year that ends on 20 March. All other numbers for sheep and goats are taken from statistics provided to the UN by Afghanistan and are based on the Gregorian calendar year. b Statistics on Soviet wool imports from Afghanistan were extracted from the annual publication Foreign Trade USSR published by the USSR. part safe from the combat during the summer months when the fighting is most intense. The rest are kept near owners' villages. Providing feed for sheep and goats has apparently not been a major problem. The country's 65 million hectares of rangeland provide as much as 80 percent of the feed. These lands are primarily natural pas- tures, and their continuing productivity is determined by the fertility of the soils, rainfall, and herd size. Crop residues, mostly from the wheat and barley harvests, are also an important part of animal diet during the winter, although they are only a small part of total feed. The Impact of Combat on Output. Combat is directly affecting agricultural trends by forcing the abandon- ment of agricultural land and by causing the destruc- tion of crops and cropland. Because it has created labor shortages, the war is indirectly causing the irrigation system to deteriorate. 25X1 The most serious agricultural problem caused by the fighting is land abandonment.' From the study of Afghan agricultural practices, it 25X1 Secret is evident that: ? Abandonment of cropland has occurred primarily in irrigated regions where combat has been heavy, generally within 65 kilometers of the Pakistan bor- der, such as the Konar Valley. We estimate as much as 50 percent of the arable land along this border has been abandoned.' s We define abandonment as farmers leaving all farm fields unat- tended. When it occurs, land becomes weed covered, irrigation systems are not maintained, evidence of livestock can no longer be found on pastures, and villages fall into disrepair.1 It was not possible to measure precisely how much land has been abandoned in the border areas since the requisite coverage is not available. Qn the basis of published reports that indicate 12 percent of the country on average is arable, we estimate the 50-percent abandonment in the 65-kilometer strip would amount to only 2 to 3 percent of the country's arable land. 8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25)(1 ,25X1 25X1 1\1 26(1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret ? Abandonment of cropland has also occurred in a few other areas of heavy fighting, such as the Panjsher Valley, around Jalalabad Airfield, and near the cities of Herat and Qandahar. To a limited extent, some abandonment has been offset by the development of new land. We have identified newly developed farm fields in areas im- aged near Herat, Towraghondi, and Mazar-e Sharif in the north, and Lashkar Gah in the south. We also see occasional references in open source literature to modest efforts to expand existing irrigation systems. Such expansion may be occurring, but we have not identified it thus far. We estimate that about 2.5 million hectares of irrigated land were sown annually prior to the war. Assuming the worst case abandonment?no more than 5 percent?total sown area would be reduced by only about 100,000 hectares.' In areas of heavy combat, irrigation systems are deteriorating as the result of a lack of maintenance. The deterioration is not currently having a dramatic impact on total national agricultural production be- cause of its localized nature. For example, mainte- nance on the kareez systems,' at least in the eastern provinces, has been greatly reduced, but agriculture in these provinces is now supporting a much smaller population base. Moreover, open source literature indicates that the kareez systems are used to irrigate less than 15 percent of the cultivated land country- wide. while water in secondary canals continues to flow, the canals are weed choked in many areas. Manpower, however, is apparently sufficient to maintain primary canals, because on satellite imagery they appear to be clear of weeds and water can be seen flowing into secondary canals and fields. Our analysis indicates that the occurrence of crop destruction in Afghanistan?both intentional and nonintentional?is quite limited. We believe in many 'Cultivable irrigated land in Afghanistan totals 3.3 million hect- ares, but each year approximately 25 percent of the cultivable land is left fallow. g A kareez system consists of a series of wells connected at the bottom by a tunnel, dug and maintained by hand labor. The system can extend over many kilometers. Secret Indicators of a Scorched Earth Policy We specifically look for: ? Wide-scale burning of crops?particularly at har- vest time. This type of crop destruction cannot be mistaken on imagery because individual shocks must be torched to ensure destruction. ? Widespread destruction of irrigation systems with explosives or munitions. ? Destruction of crops and/or irrigation systems by tracked vehicles in areas where there is no evidence of intense combat. ? Establishment of bivouacs, vehicle parks, gun or other types of emplacements on active cropland when fallow or nonagricultural land could be used. war damage to Afghan farms decreases in direct proportion to their distance from the eastern borders, principal urban centers, and the primary roads. While heavy combat has devastat- ed some agricultural areas and undoubtedly forced some farmers to abandon their land for the duration of the war, in many cases we observed farm activities resuming shortly after the fighting had ended. cases that reports that the military intentionally de- stroy crops and irrigation canals are accurate descrip- tions of very localized events. There is no evidence to indicate that either the Soviet army or the Afghan central government is conducting a na- tionwide "scorched earth" campaign.9 Our analysis of at least 80 percent of all irrigated land and 9 The term "scorched earth" refers to a military policy of devastat- ing all land and buildings so as to leave nothing salvageable to the enemy. In the context of this paper the term refers not only to the destruction of crops, livestock, irrigation systems, farm equipment and supplies, but also to deliberate interference in normal agricul- tural activities?plowing, sowing, and harvesting. 10 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 2E25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 about 30 percent of dryland agriculture revealed fewer than 200 fields that appeared to have been intentionally burned by the military. Trends in Food Availability We believe that per capita food supplies have been generally adequate since the Soviet invasion because of near stable domestic production of grains and continuing wheat imports, which have been used to offset localized changes in wheat production. There is, however, ample reporting from refugees indicating that disruption of the distribution system has led to localized shortages, some of which have been severe. Food prices have also risen steadily since the Soviet invasion?another indication of growing shortages or distribution problems (see appendix table B-1). Rural Population Fares Better Than Urban. Our analysis indicates that the grain crops during the postinvasion years have been sufficient to feed most of the estimated 70 to 80 percent of the Afghan popula- tion living on farms or in farm villages. These farm families sell only that portion of their production that is surplus to their needs. In contrast, urban food supplies?particularly in Kabul?are heavily depen- dent on supplies shipped from the hinterland and abroad and are much more susceptible to interruption. On the basis of trends since 1979, we estimate that approximately 290,000 to 375,000 tons of grain? mostly wheat?was exported to Afghanistan in 1985. Approximately 150,000 to 200,000 tons arrived from the Soviet Union, of which 50,000 to 100,000 tons was purchased and approximately 100,000 tons was pro- vided as grant aid. The remainder?about 140,000 to 175,000 tons?arrived through unofficial channels from Pakistan, primarily as supplies for the insurgents or the remaining population in the eastern provinces. On the basis of our estimate of the in-country popula- tion, per capita wheat and flour availability when combined with other foods?cereals, meats, vegeta- bles, and fruit, for example '??should have been adequate to prevent serious malnutrition. On a per According to USDA estimates, wheat makes up about 49 percent of the Afghan diet, rice about 7 percent, and corn about 16 percent. An annual supply of traditional foods of 230 to 240 kilograms per person would meet minimal nutritional standards. 11 Secret capita basis livestock numbers actually appear to be higher now than during 1977-79 because of the extensive emigration since then." 10 to 20 percent of sheep flocks and 20 to 30 percent of the goat population were marketed each year in the 1970s. Assuming these marketing rates have not changed in the 1980s?and given the current stable size of herds coupled with the decreas- ing population since the Soviet invasion?per capita meat supplies should also have increased somewhat. Because the Soviets have provided grain to make up for most deficits, urban food supplies appear to have been adequate for most of the population in cities throughout 1985 and 1986, especially in Kabul. In March and again in November 1985, for example, the US Embassy reported that food supplies in Kabul were generally plentiful. As long as the Soviets are willing and able to send large amounts of wheat to the capital, food supplies should be adequate there. Wheat from the USSR, however, only supplements supplies from local sources, and, in times of drought or when the transportation system to the south and east is disrupted, the Soviets will have to ship in- creased amounts of wheat to Kabul. Transportation: The Weak Link in the Food Supply Chain. The food supply chain remains fragile, and distribution of food could easily be disrupted by adverse weather or by the combatants. The vast majority of farms and farm villages are located great distances by foot from any road and are isolated from the principal cities, especially during the winter and spring. Although most agricultural products are con- sumed on the farm, the nearest village bazaar usually serves as the collection point for surplus production. " Unlike other breeds, most male Karakul lambs and up to one- third of the female lambs normally are slaughtered shortly after birth for their pelts. But, when the price of wool and/or mutton increases relative to pelts, the lambs are raised to maturity like other breeds. The price of mutton and wool has increased continu- ously relative to pelts since 1979, and the quantity of pelts sold has fallen. This implies that either more of the Karakuls are being raised for meat or the pelts are being smuggled out of the country. Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Produce is moved from the bazaar by animal to the closest road, and from there it is trucked to city markets. Collateral, open sources indi- cate that food shortages occurred in 1985 and 1986? primarily in some localized areas in the eastern and northern provinces?when combat operations broke this fragile supply chain. Afghanistan's poorly developed transportation net- work is among the most vulnerable links in the food distribution chain and a continuing source of prob- lems. All food supplies must be moved by trail, road, or air because there is no rail system. The sparsity of all-weather roads makes it very difficult to move food from areas with surpluses to those with deficits and from border crossing points to the cities. Furthermore, with supplies channeled onto a few roads, they are more easily interdicted we examined approximately 40 percent of the hard-surface (primary) road running from Sheberghan and Mazar-e Sharif in the north to Kabul and Qandahar in the east and southeast and to Herat in the west. evidence of combat could be observed on nearly all segments, indicating that it is difficult at times to move farm produce to market, or from surplus-producing areas to deficit areas, even when the roads are serviceable. conditions of the roads varied widely, but in general the roads from the northern provinces to Kabul are better maintained than the roads leading south from Kabul (see appendix A and figure 7). Food Prices Up. Changing food prices can suggest how well the distribution system is meeting the popu- lation's needs. Food prices in Kabul have increased steadily since the Soviet invasion, but somewhat less than in important provincial cities where smaller food surpluses are probably available for sale and food subsidies have less of an impact. The only price index for Afghanistan, provided by the Afghan Central Statistical Office to the World Bank, indicates that the rise in prices in Kabul averaged about 20 percent annually for the period 21 March 1979 to 20 March 1985 (see appendix B). It appears that the price increase is having a significant impact on food Secret availability for the poorest portion of Kabul's popula- tion. in 1986 many of the poor, who have fled to Kabul to escape the fighting in the countryside, are malnourished. While food supplies are generally adequate in the city, these refugee families cannot afford balanced diets because wages are low and have not increased sufficiently in recent years to keep pace with rising prices. The Outlook Agricultural output and food availability will be generally adequate for the majority of the population over the next two years?given favorable weather and no significant expansion of the fighting. The longer term outlook for Afghan agriculture is less favorable, indicating an increasing need for aid. The Next Two Years. The Kabul regime can maintain wheat production at the current level or even increase it slightly at the expense of other crops, providing the weather is favorable and fighting does not expand 12 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Shortfalls in Agrotechnology Since the mid-1970s, with some Soviet assistance, Kabul claims to have taken several steps to improve Afghan agriculture through technology measures. Available evidence, however, indicates that these steps have had virtually no impact on agricultural productivity. The most important of the agrotechno- logy measures include: the setting up of agrochemi- cal, soil science, and livestock insemination laborato- ries in Balkh, Kabol, and Nangarhar Provinces; the construction of the urea fertilizer plant at Mazar-e Sharif; and the establishment of mechanized farming and tractor stations in nine provinces. Thus far, there has been no improvement in crop or livestock output that we can attribute to the work of the laboratories, although in 1983 the Soviet newspa- per Selskaya Zhizn reported that the Soviet veteri- nary service was shipping 2 million doses of cattle- plague vaccine to Afghanistan annually. Shortages of well-trained personnel have always been a problem, and it is unlikely that the laboratories will have an appreciable effect until this fundamental problem is solved. According to a mid-1970s World Bank study, the greatest improvements in agricultural production could be achieved by rapidly expanding the use of fertilizer. Grain yield increases of 50 to 100 percent would not be unreasonable according to the study. In spite of the fact that the Afghans need much more fertilizer than they produce, they continued to export large amounts of urea from their only plant at Mazar-e Sharif to the USSR until 1983. The amount exported dropped dramatically in 1983 and 1984, and, at the same time, the Soviets, apparently realiz- ing that it is cheaper and easier to ship fertilizer than food, began to ship limited amounts of phosporous fertilizer to Afghanistan. However, Afghan fertilizer consumption as late as 1984 was still extremely low, even compared with that of its South Asian neigh- bors. In our judgment, the fertilizer situation cannot be improved substantially, except in the northern- most provinces, as long as the fighting continues because the bulky products could not safely be distributed over the poorly developed and partially destroyed road network. It also seems clear that little progress is being made in the mechanization of Afghan agriculture. On the basis of trade statistics, it appears that the Soviets have sold the Afghans less agricultural equipment since the invasion than they did before. According to Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade statistics, during 1975-79 the USSR on the average annually exported $484,000 worth of tractors to Afghanistan. During 1980 to 1984, tractor sales averaged only $431,000 annually. The dollar figures represent relatively small numbers of tractors, on the basis of a 1976 transaction in which the Afghans paid $322,000 for 109 tractors. Furthermore, we do not believe the Soviets are providing tractors to the Afghans as 'fraternal aid," for such gifts would almost certainly be trumpeted in the press. greatly. By adjusting the price paid for cotton, sugar beets, and other crops, the central government can induce farmers to change their crop mix to include more foodgrain. An increase in livestock production will be more difficult because of the lack of manpow- er, the limitations of unimproved natural pastures, and endemic diseases that tend to increase with herd size. Secret the greatest damage to agriculture has occurred in the eastern border provinces, difficulties caused by the reduction of food supplies has been lessened by the refugee exodus. The crop outlook is at least as good this year as last, but localized food shortages will probably continue to occur in these provinces because food stocks are limited and can be quickly depleted when farmers do 14 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Table 6 Afghan Fertilizer Exports to the USSR Metric tons Granular Urea 1976 29,729 1977 18,281 1978 7,288 1979 20,700 1980 75,500 1981 51,600 1982 43,000 1983 21,400 1984 10,000 Source: Foreign Trade USSR, 1984. not have access to their fields as a result of combat operations. Recent reporting from refugees continues to indicate that there are pockets of serious food shortages, especially in the eastern border areas where fighting is the heaviest. In Kabul, low wages and increasing prices can effectively prevent the poorest segment of the population from acquiring food even though supplies are generally plentiful. The End of the Decade and Beyond. We believe that the overall outlook for Afghan agriculture and food availability will generally worsen as time passes. Because of combat, lack of investment, and growing population (see appendix C), per capita agricultural output in Afghanistan is likely to fall slowly or at best stagnate during the next few years, compounding the problems of food availability: ? Large increases (more than a few percent) in wheat production are unlikely. Harvested area and yields have not increased appreciably since the mid-1970s when Afghanistan was self-sufficient in food production.' 12 Yields averaged 1.22 tons per hectare during the three-year period 1974-76 and only 1.23 tons per hectare from 1982 to 1984. 15 Table 7 Soviet Agricultural Equipment Sales to Afghanistan, 1975-84 Thousand US $ Tractors Plows Small Agricultural Implements a 1975 298 11 32 1976 322 23 28 1977 973 51 92 1978 805 214 85 1979 20 0 55 1980 0 0 65 1981 282 o 14 1982 722 1983 0 0 17 1984 1,151 0 35 Source: Foreign Trade USSR, 1985 a This category most likely covers a wide variety of nonmechanized farm equipment. ? While the population decreased during 1979-85 because of the refugee exodus, it is now increasing at a faster rate than grain production and could reach the preinvasion level in the early 1990s. ? Where the fighting has been most intense, the irrigation systems are deteriorating and the capacity of the land to produce food has been reduced. If the refugees should return, the land could not immedi- ately support the population levels before the exodus. ? If irrigation systems are allowed to continue to deteriorate, repairs will become more difficult each year and the impact of periodic droughts will be exacerbated. 25X1 25X1 25X1 ? In the absence of crop failure, Soviet food aid is adequate to maintain urban food supplies, but Sovi- et agrotechnological trade and aid is not sufficient 25X1 to reverse the stagnation in total agricultural output. Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Urban food supplies depend on the Soviet/Afghan effort to keep the roads open from the USSR to Kabul, and the Soviets' determination to provide adequate food supplies for the city. For the most part, the rural farmers representing 70 to 80 percent of the total population, grow their own food and raise their own livestock. As a result, unless precipitation fails or the fighting prevents them from tending their fields and flocks, they should produce adequate food for their own use. This subsistence approach to farming, however, limits their ability to increase yields and produce surplus food for the rapidly increasing popu- lation of the cities, particularly Kabul. Implications For the Soviets. The longer the war continues, the more food aid the Soviets will have to provide, because the urban population?particularly in Ka- bul?is increasing at a faster rate than agricultural output in the surrounding regions. Although the Sovi- ets have provided the Afghans with substantial amounts of military aid, they have provided little agrotechnology to improve the agricultural outlook. There are, however, several reasons why the Soviets may prefer to provide food rather than technological aid: ? Grain and sugar, the most important foods provided by the Soviets, are relatively cheap in the world marketplace, whereas agricultural equipment and some agrochemicals are in short supply in the USSR. ? The application of agrotechnology requires an in- vestment in infrastructure and personnel?for ex- ample, maintenance equipment, storage facilities, and instructors?and the costs/risks in providing these could be considered prohibitive in a wartime environment. ? Most of the countryside is accessible to or under the control of the insurgents and the Soviets may believe that any new technology introduced would be used to the insurgents' advantage, wasted, or destroyed. Secret ? Supplying food rather than improved agrotechnol- ogy gives the Afghan Government and the Soviets at least limited control over the urban population. For Western Aid Donors. Western nations attempting to provide humanitarian relief will find it increasingly difficult to identify food deficit areas and to deter- mine the amount of food aid required. While crop production can be assessed , sizing localized food shortages is very difficult because of the lack of reliable provincial population statistics. We believe a combination of factors, including the partially destroyed road system, the inability of the farmers to perform field work in areas of intense combat, and periodic droughts, will create a continu- ing need for food aid in localized areas of Afghani- stan?particularly in the eastern provinces?as long as the fighting continues. Over the longer term, should a peace settlement be achieved and the refugees return, we believe humani- tarian aid will be required at least until farm villages are rebuilt and abandoned land can be made produc- tive again?probably for as long as a decade. The country has made little progress in improving yields over the last decade, has little unused arable land, and is faced with a high population growth rate. The backwardness of Afghan agriculture suggests that in a peacetime environment the interests of both West- ern nations and Afghanistan might best be served by supplying the country agrotechnology. For example, Western experts believe that wheat yields could be doubled by the appropriate application of fertilizer alone. For the Insurgents. The insurgents are likely to find it increasingly difficult to acquire food from local farm- ers, particularly in the eastern provinces. Lack of manpower to maintain irrigation systems and to meet labor requirements during periods of peak demand? the sowing and harvesting seasons?will limit the ability of local farmers to produce even small surplus- es. In addition, unless the insurgents can assure them that they will regularly purchase their crops, these 16 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret farmers, in our judgment, will have less incentive to increase output because the fighting and the failure of the transportation system limit their access to other markets. reports from travelers indi- cate that the insurgents should have less difficulty acquiring food staples in the interior of the country and in the western and northern provinces. However, even there weather and the fighting can also be expected to create periodic agricultural and transpor- tation problems. For example, dry conditions late this summer in the northern provinces did not reduce the 1986 wheat crop, but probably caused shortages of late season vegetables and fruits. In addition, some essential products are derived from secondary crops? for example, cooking oil from cotton, sesame, and sunflower seeds?and output from these crops has turned down since the invasion. Some of these prod- ucts must be imported or transported long distances and, in many cases, are more likely to be in short supply than staples. Reverse Blank 17 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Appendix B Developments in Food Prices The central government attempts to limit price in- creases of consumer goods through subsidies and price controls. According to a 1985 IMF report, direct budgetary subsidies rose from 3.6 billion afghanis to 4.9 billion afghanis-a 36-percent increase-in the Islamic year ending 20 March 1985. Although 75 to 85 percent of all internal Afghan trade is still carried out in the private sector at the bazaar, government- controlled food procurement department stores sell a limited assortment of items at subsidized prices to the general public. Additional discounts on selected items are given to civil servants through a system of coupons distributed by their employers. This system applies to bank employees and most public enterprises; however, any public-sector employee excluded from this system is compensated in cash for the difference by the government. The only available price index on Afghanistan is for the city of Kabul (table B-1). This index, supplied by the Afghan Central Statistical Office to the World Bank, is based on the prices of 50 commodities and uses weights based on a 1960 survey of household items. The index is biased downward because of special conditions in Kabul that do not exist in the rest of the country-special subsidies and stores for public employees. According to the index, Kabul's rate of inflation has increased steadily since the invasion with the exception of 1982 when it dropped to 16.6 percent from 22 percent the previous year. During the next two years, 1983 and 1984, it continued to climb, reaching 19.5 percent and 27 percent, respectively. For the five-year period 1980-84, inflation averaged nearly 20 percent. Reverse Blank 21 Table B-1 Price Index for Kabul, 1979-84 a Index: 1978=100 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 Total index 109.9 123.7 150.3 175.2 209.5 266.9 Cereals 117.8 119.8 133.9 157.2 171.2 264.2 Meat 102.1 121.3 171.6 230.1 251.3 280.7 Fruits/nuts 106.6 103.9 123.5 163.3 190.9 243.4 Vegetables 110.1 107.7 169.2 195.4 244.4 278.4 Other food 100.1 100.7 108.0 120.2 190.9 195.0 Nonfood 111.8 139.2 161.5 176.2 206.7 269.6 Table is based on the 1979 covers the period Islamic year ending on 20 March; that is, 21 March 1979 to 20 March 1980. Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Appendix C Population Trends We estimate from the extrapolation of prewar census data that the current population of Afghanistan is in the range of 13.5 to 14 million, still well below the preinvasion level of approximately 15.5 reported in the 1979 census. We believe the current population consists of 11.5 million settled inhabitants and 2-2.5 million nomads. Our assessment indicates that the settled population fell from about 13 million in mid-1979 to about 11.5 million by mid-1985?a reduction of about 12 per- cent.? The reduction would have been even greater except that during the refugee exodus Afghanistan was also experiencing a natural population growth rate of about 2.6 percent?according to United Na- tions reporting. the greatest reductions have occurred in the eastern and western border areas. Our estimates indicate, for example, that the total settled population of the seven eastern border provinces '4 and the three western border provinces fell 30 to 40 percent from mid-1979 to mid-1985. Most of the refugees have been from the agrarian and pastoral sectors, which made up 85 percent of the population prior to the Soviet occupation. Unless the exodus begins again on a large scale, the country's 2.6-percent growth rate will cause the popu- lation to reach the preinvasion level in the early Badakhshan, Konarha, Nangarhar, Paktm, Zabol, Paktika, and Qandahar Nimruz, Farah, and Herat Reverse Blank 23 1990s. The movement of refugees within the country has also resulted in a large population increase in Kabul. According to the US Embassy, the population of the city reached about 2.5 million in 1985, whereas Afghan statistics indicate that the 1979 population of the city was only 919,000. We calculate that only slightly more than 230,000 of the approximate in- crease of 1.6 million persons was the result of natural population growth. The 1979 census also indicated that the nomadic population of 2.5 million given earlier by the govern- ment was "much exaggerated." With a nomadic population of 2-2.5 million, our calculations show that the total population of the country?settled and no- madic?is in the range of 13.5-14 million. 25X1 25X1 25X1 Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 _ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6 Secret Secret Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/09/22 : CIA-RDP87T01127R001201050003-6