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Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 0 Deputy Director for National Foreign Assessment 17 July 1981 DDO OSVTR 25X1 25X1 OPA OER 1, OSR __~ NIC/AG SUBJECT: President's Decision Directive on Non-Proliferation Policy National Security Decision Directive Number 6, "United States Non-Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Policy," (attached) requires a.number of actions to be taken that entail a substantial intelligence involvement. Jack Ingley and I will be in touch with you in due course on how the planning is proceeding. 25X1 25X1 Acting SA/NPI Attachment: As Stated Above Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 C-PPICIAL USE ONLY wri SECRET ATTACHMENT - -FlEMORANDUA( THE SECRETARY OF STATE THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE THE SECRETARY OF ENERGY THE COUNSELLOR TO THE PRESIDENT THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE THE CHIEF OF STAFF TO THE PRESIDENT THE CHAIRMAN, JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF THE CHAIRMAN, NUCLEAR-REGULATORY COMMISSION THE DIRECTOR, ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY UBJECT: United States Non-Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Policy The President has formally approved the attached National Security Decision Directive on United States Non-Proliferation and Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation Policy. FOR THE PRESIDENT: of Richard' V. Allen 'Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs Attachment July 16, 1981 cc: The Director, Office of Management.and Budget = The United States Representative to the United Nations The Deputy Chief of Staff to the President The Director, Office of Science and Technology Policy OFFICIAL USE ONLY ;With SECRET ATTACHMENT NSC review(s) completed. - ac,no. R.qi~fty NFAC Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 MATIOMAL SEC3RITV VECISTON DIREC VE-49AWR 6 July 16, 1981 ? UNITED STATES NON-PROLIFERATION AND PEACEFUL NUCLEAR COOPERA I have reviewed the interagency report on United States non- proliferation and peaceful nuclear cooperation policy and related guidelines, along with agencies' recommendations, and have approved the policies set forth below. (C) Zit United States will: Seek to prevent the spread of nuclear explosives d ental security m f un a to additional countries as a and foreign policy objective. (U) "Strive to reduce the motivation for acquiring nuclear explosives by working to improve regional and global stability and to promote understanding of the legitimate security concerns of other states. (U) Continue to support adherence to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons and to the Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America (Treaty of Tlatelolco) by countries that have not accepted those treaties. (U) ? View a material violation of these treaties or of an international safeguards agreement as having .profound consequences for international order and United States bilateral relations, and also view any nuclear explosion by a non-nuclear-Weapon state with grave concern. (U) ?e Strongly support and continue to work with other nations to strengthen the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) to provide for an improved international safeguards regime and for cooperation in the areas of-nuclear safety and environmentally sound waste management. (U) SECRET Review on July 16, 2011 By RVAllen; Reason NSC 1.13(a) Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 0 o Seek to work more effectively with other countries to forge agreement on measures for combatting the risks of proliferation. (U) o Undertake prompt efforts to enhance the credibility and reliability of the United States as a responsible nuclear supplier. (U) ? Mkintain a strong intelligence collection and assessment capability as an integral part of United States non-proliferation policy and actions pursuant to that policy. (C) -_- Achieving United States objectives will require making dis- tinctions among states based on the degree of proliferation risk. The United States will cooperate with other nations in the peaceful uses of nuclear energy, including civil nuclear programs to meet their energy security needs, under a regime of'-adequate safeguards and controls.-(C) To provide. the basis for further action and decision, I hereby direct that: (U) l._:---The Secretary of State, in consultation with the Department of Energy and other. interested agencies, will make a concerted effort with other supplier nations to seek uniform nuclear supply conditions and, in particular, to (C) .(a) prevent transfers to non-nuclear-weapon states of any significant nuclear material, equipment, or technology not subject to IAEA safeguards; (U) (b) inhibit transfers of sensitive nuclear material, equipment, and technology, particularly where the danger of proliferation demands; (U) (c) require IAEA safeguards on all nuclear activities in non-nuclear-weapon states as a condition for any significant new nuclear supply commitment; (U) (d) increase the effectiveness of international nuclear export control lists; and (C) (e) consider multinational undertakings as an - alternative to the development of national facilities for reprocessing or enrichment. (U) 2. The Secretary of State, the Director of the Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, the Secretary of Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff will promptly coordinate action to obtain the Senate's advice and SECRET Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 ? ? consent to ratification of Protocol I to the Treaty for the Prohibition of-Nuclear Weapons in Latin America. (U) The Secretary of State, working with the Department of Energy and other interested agencies, will conduct the following reviews promptly, with agency views and recommendations forwarded for my consideration: (C) (a) review of more effective actions for preventing proliferation to additional countries and plans for dealing with possible proliferation events, with particular reference to South Asia and the middle East; and'(S) -- 1$%% review of possible approaches for developing a predictable policy for the exercise of United-- _ States approval rights for reprocessing spent fuel, retransferring spent fuel for reprocessing, and plutonium use under agreements for peaceful nuclear cooperation, including new and amended agreements. (U) All Executive Branch agencies having responsibilities for determinations or authorizations related to nuclear eacef l f - or tt p exports and requests under agree-ment~ nuclear cooperation will (U) (a) take steps promptly to ensure that-such actions h e necessary are carried out expeditiously where t statutory requirements are met and that authorization for retransfer of nuclear material or equipment prior to use in reactors is, absent unusual cir- cumstances, decided on by the time an export license is issued; (U) (b) give favorable consideration to requests for the retransfer of spent fuel for reprocessing in the United Kingdom and France if the necessary statutory requirements are met; and (C) (c) consider requests for-the disposition or use of plutonium on the merits of. each case.pending develop- ment of further policy on reprocessing and plutonium use. (U) I also request that the Nuclear Regulatory Commission act expeditiously in carrying out its nuclear export licensing responsibility and its consultative responsibilities on other nuclear activities with other countries where the necessary statutory requirements are met. (U) In addition, I have noted that a number of actions will be undertaken by the Secretary of State in a timely manner and S.@CFtE'T Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8 ?-- working with the interested agencies. These include, in particular : - 1. review of what steps might be appropriate, consistent with United States non-proliferation objectives, to facilitate or remove any unnecessary impediments to commercial relations in the field of nuclear energy and review of applicable laws, regulations, and procedures to determine whether changes should be sought; (U) 2. work to ensure effective physical protection for nuclear material, to support the Convention on the Physical Protection of Nuclear Material, and to substitute lower enriched fuels for research reactors at the earliest possible time; (U) 3.- negotiation of a convention for nuclear safety cooperation and assistance in civil nuclear emergencies; (U) _support of ongoing international efforts in the areas of international plutonium storage, spent fuel management-o- assurances of supply and improved safeguards, particularly- for large and advanced nuclear facilities. (U) The Secretary of Energy, in consultation with the interested agencies, shall ensure that adequate capacity is. available to provide enrichment services for domestic and foreign customers . (U) I direct that the Secretary of State, working with the other interested agencies, give priority attention to efforts to reduce proliferation risks, to enhance the international non-proliferation regime and, consistent with United States security interests, to re-establish a leadership role for the United States in international nuclear affairs. These decisions do not imply any requitements for additional federal funding. (U) Approved For Release 2007/08/14: CIA-RDP87R00029R000200310006-8