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Document Creation Date: 
December 22, 2016
Document Release Date: 
July 5, 2011
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Publication Date: 
September 11, 1986
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PDF icon CIA-RDP87M01007R000100350013-5.pdf61.17 KB
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/05: CIA-RDP87M01007R000100350013-5 DAVE DURENBERGER. MINNESOTA, CHAIRMAN PATRICK J LEAHY. VERMONT, VICE CHAIRMAN WILLIAM V ROTH. JR. DELAWARE LLOYD BENTSEN, TEXA WILLIAM S COHEN, MAINE SAM NUNN, GEORGIA FRANK MURKOWSKI. ALASKA ERNEST F. HOLLINGS, SOUTH CAROLINA ARLEN SPECTER, PENNSYLVANIA DAVID L. SOREN, OKLAHOMA CHIC HECHT, NEVADA BILL BRADLEY, NEW JERSEY MITCH MCCONNEL, KENTUCKY ROBERT DOLE. KANSAS. EX OFFICIO ROBERT C. BYRD. WEST VIRGINIA. EX OFFICIO BERNARD F McMAHON, STAFF DIRECTOR ERIC O. NEWSOM, MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR rUJ U An C '01 UU 16 J., A RLM 'United tatty senate SELECT COMMITTEE ON INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, DC 20510 September 11, 1986 IN RESPONSE PLEASE REFER TO 86- The Honorable William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. Dear Bill: The Select Committee on Intelligence plans to issue both classified and unclassified reports on U.S. counter- intelligence and security programs by the end of this month. Your personnel recently reviewed our draft classified report and made many useful suggestions. In order to issue a public report without accidentally disclosing classified information, we hereby request that you examine the latest draft of it to determine whether it contains any classified material that cannot be released. The draft public report has been marked Secret because a few portions may still be classified. Please handle it as a classified document until you determine whether it contains any material that cannot be released. Because of our tight schedule, we would appreciate an expedited review of this material by September 22. Should your personnel have any questions regarding our belief that certain material is unclassified, they should feel free to contact the head of our staff's Operations Division, Mr. Edward Levine, at 224-1712. Thank you for your assistance, which has been invaluable throughout this cooperative project. We are confident that our reports will help inform and galvanize both the public and policy-makers. Patrick J. Leahy Vice Chairman 1,14 111 evil 14"N Im i ~ i r mn wrUnvCil Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/07/05: CIA-RDP87M01007R000100350013-5