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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 ROUTING AND `RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (optional) FRCfM: EA/ExDir TO:. (Officer designation, room number, and DATE building) i3. FORM 6.1 0 USE PREVIOUS I_~Q EDITIONS 6 MAR OFFICER'S INITIALS 985 6P0 1983 0 - 411-632 ~; . Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 d ~ MAR 19$5 COMMENTS (Number each commen? ?o show from -whom io whom. Draw a line across column aher each comment.) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Weekly Report -- During the reporting period, the Office of Security coordinated a two-day visit to CIA by the Director, Deputy Director and senior management officers of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco, Georgia. -- On the morning of 21 February, a briefcase/package inspection was held at the Headquarters Building. On 19 February, OP representatives met with Thomas Latimer and Michael O'Neill of the HPSCI staff to discuss current happenings on the Hill regarding changes in the Federal retirement systems. The advice of the HPSCI staffers is to continue educating the staff on the Agency's needs so HPSCI can better assist and meet the Agency's retirement system needs. In addition, the DDA sent a letter to the Chairman, HPSCI, providing an overview of Agency personnel and requesting continued support from the Committee for the Agency's career system. The letter specifically cited our concern over any proposed modifications of existing retirement systems. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 ALA and NIO/LA briefed HPSCI and participated in an SSCI briefing on developments in Central America. OSWR briefed Senators Glenn, Wilson and Levin of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Soviet stealth and Soviet responses to U.S. stealth. SOYA briefed OMB on Soviet defense costs and spending. Began our internal review of the Agency's major investment programs. The results of our review, along with recommendations for the 1987 program, will be considered by the EXCOM on 8 March. SF.rRRT 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 -~_.~ ~ ~ Office of Legislative Liaison -- Senator Biden has introduced legislation which would substitute the Federal Government as the defendant when law enforcement or intelligence officers are sued personally. This bill would protect all employees of the CIA provided the alleged wrongdoing was committed within the scope of their duties. The proposal was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, where Senator Biden is ranking. Briefings this week: 5 March - DDO, DO representatives, Comptroller and D/OLL will brief the SSCI on FY-86 covert action program with Ambassador Abramowitz, State. - DI representatives will brief Representative Michael DeWine on Nicaragua at HQS. - D/ALA/DDI, NIO/LA, and DO representatives will update the HPSCI on Nicaragua. NIO/USSR, NIO/SP and C/ACIS/DDI, will brief the House of Representatives Geneva Observers Group on Soviet political and military trends. The Senate will recess 8-18 March; assume we'll hear the House will follow. This will affect budget hearing schedules. SR('.RF.T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Upcoming Calendar - NFIB Meeting (DCI, DDCI) - Meeting with Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs (DCI, DDCI) 8 March - Breakfast with Secretary of Defense (DCI, DDCI) - Lunch with Deputy Secretary of State (DDCI) cFruFmi i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 DDA 85-0060/8 1 March 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Weekly Report for Period Ending 1 March 1985 1. Progress reports on tasks assigned by the DCI/DDCI: None. 2. Items/events of interest: a. During the reporting period, the Office of Security (OS) coordinated a two-day visit to CIA by the Director, Deputy Director and senior management officers of the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC), G1 nco, Georgia. During the first day of the visit, the guests traveled to where they heard briefings on Agency operational training programs. On the second day of their visit, the group was given a tour of the Headquarters compound and was briefed on the operations of the Security Protective Service by OS representatives. Following the Headquarters briefings, the DDA hosted the visitors at a luncheon in the DCI dining room. By all accounts, the visit was a great success and significantly enhanced our training relationship with FLETC. b. During the reporting period, OS began a project to compile data from all its unauthorized disclosure investigations dating from 1 October 1983 to the present to be provided to Chairman, DCI Security Committee (SECOM), for inclusion in a community computer data base being developed at SECOM's Unauthorized Disclosure Analysis Center. It is envisioned that this data base will be useful in future investigations of leaks, in coordinating Intelligence Community cooperation in leak investigations and in providing statistical data for legislative initiatives. c. On 26 February, D/OS met with the newly appointed Chief of the Counterintelligence Staff/D0. The briefing was designed to familiarize him with the organization of OS, with particular emphasis on the points of greatest interaction between the two offices. Plans were also made to create a system of regular meetings to exchange information of mutual interest in the counterintelligence arena. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 LJ/~ I d. On the morning of 21 Februar a briefcase/ acka a inspection was held at the Headquarters Building. e. On 26 February, a representative from the Office of Training and Education (OTE) briefed the Director of the Vice President's Task Force on 25X1 Narcotics and the intelligence advisors for each of the National Narcotics Border Interdiction Service's (NNBIS) Regional Centers on OTE's analytical training program. The training was developed as a result of a needs survey of each NNBIS Regional Center and reflects the special orientation of each Center. NNBIS/Southeast in Miami will receive the first analytical training package in March 1985. 2 S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 L~X1 k. An existing 6-inch water line fractured on 26 February causing a 25X1 temporary loss of water to the Headquarters Building. There was no construction activity occurring in the vicinity of the fracture and the cause has not yet been determined. Since an adjacent existing water line froze and broke last month, this line could have ex erienced undetected stress causin a later fracture. m. Anew parking area is being constructed behind the Motor Pool. A contractor is in the process of patching two soft areas in the new lot with gravel. The new ground will then be rolled, and the lot will be ready for use on 1 March. Approximately spaces will be made available for parking. Additionally, 0 angled parking spaces along the North Ring Road were added to the North Parking Lot during the week of 23 February. 25X1 n. With improved weather conditions, the repairs to the 7th-floor terrace and penthouse roof are progressing more rapidly. The installation of a gravel ballast on the front side of the 7D and 7E corridors was completed the weekend of 23 February. o. On 19 February, Office of Personnel (OP) representatives met with Thomas Latimer and Michael O'Neill of the HPSCI staff to discuss current happenings on the Hill regarding changes in the Federal retirement systems. The advice of the HPSCI staffers is to continue educating the staff on the 25X1 Agency's needs so HPSCI can better assist and meet the Agency's retirement system needs. p. A letter signed by the DDA was forwarded to the Chairman, HPSCI, Lee Hamilton providing an overview of Agency personnel and .requesting continued support from the Committee for the Agency's career system. In general, the letter contained what we think should be a general line of approach to the Hill and specifically cited our concern over any proposed modifications of existing retirement systems. 3 S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 q. OP and OLL representatives attended the first hearing of the Subcommittee on Compensation and Employee Benefits of the House Post Office and Civil Service Committee on the Administration's FY 86 budget proposals to cut employee retirement and pay benefits. The key witness was the Director, OPM, who presented the Administration's rationale for the proposed benefits cuts. It was clearly evident that there was no support for any of the proposals by either Mary Rose Oakar, who chaired the hearing, or other members of the Committee. Representatives Barnes (Maryland) and Fazio (California), who are members of the House Budget Committee, also testified indicating strong opposition to any further reductions in Federal employee entitlements. r. A Headquarter's Employee Bulletin and a worldwide station and base cable have been prepared notifying employees about the Administration's budget proposals, the supplemental retirement legislation, and developments on the Hill on these issues. s. It is clearly far too early to know exactly what action Congress will take with regard to the various retirement proposals. Much activity will take place in this arena over the next several months. A briefing package is being assembled by OP for use with all the appropriate Hill committees. t. Employment/OP is distributing a new recruiting aid called HIRE (Hiring Information and Requirements for Employment). This handbook, a handsome, three-ring binder bearing the OP emblem, is a consolidated Agencywide listing of minimum college-degree requirements grouped alphabetically by Directorate. Designed as a quick reference guide for employees involved in recruitment, the handbook represents a significant advance in our efforts to simplify and expedite analysis of the Agency's diverse criteria for employment. With this aid, a recruiter can swiftly assess an applicant's qualifications for specific jobs throughout the Agency. u. The Student Program presently has an all-time high of (student applicants in process for a variety of student positions in the Agency, and continued growth is anticipated. In the past six weeks, some 0 students have been placed in process for high-tech positions within various components and a visit to the University of Akron will be made in early March to interview some 30-plus students presently seeking engineering or computer science degrees. The anticipated growth in the number of applicants and the recent authority to provide partial tuition assistance to the best of the Student Trainees during their senior year augur well for a projected higher retention rate. v. A briefing was conducted with an OMB examiner on the need for an increase in the Agency's SIS ceiling The examiner requested some additional details on specific positions which have been designated at the SIS level, and we are working to provide this information. We are hoping for a substantive response from OMB in the near term. w. Chief, Personal Services Branch/OP attended the U.S. Savings Bond Kickoff Rally on 21 February. Guest speakers included Margaret M. Heckler, Secretary of Health and Human Services, and Jamie Farr, star of the S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 "M.A.S.H." and "After M.A.S.H." television series. The Agency's Savings Bond Kickoff is scheduled for 28 March, and the Campaign will run from 1 - 26 April. Although there will not be a specific dollar goal involved in this campaign, we will strive for 0 percent on-duty-strength participation. x. The Directorate Upward Mobility Career Day Seminars were held on 19 - 21 February, and nearly employees filed applications for various positions throughout the Agency. 3. Significant activities anticipated during the coming week: a er 5 S E C R E T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Q Next 4 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 SECRET DDI-00940-85 1 March 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Robert M. Gates Deputy Director for Intelligence SUBJECT: DDI Activity Report 25 February - 1 March 1985 DCI/DDCI Assigned Tasks ACIS contributed to a paper analyzing examples of Soviet compliance practices as a result of American protests, in response to questions by Senator Hart. Of Special Interest This Week ALA and NIO/LA briefed HPSCI and participated in an SSCI briefing on developments in Central America. ALA briefed Congressmen Lagomarsino and Barton on the election prospects in Bolivia. EURA and the DO co-hosted a series of briefings for Martin van Hauven, Director of Western Europe in the European Bureau of State . NESA met with DAS of Defense (Policy Analysis/ISA) James Blaker to discuss likely actions of Peninsula states during a US- Soviet war. OEA briefed Richard Grimmett and Kerry Dumbaugh of the Congressional Research Staff on US-China military relations. OGI briefed Denuty Assistant Secretary of State, Jean Bergaust, on the Soviet and Cuban campaign against the Jamaican International Youth Festival, Moscow's World Festival of Youth and Students, and Soviet tactics for the Nairobi UN Conference on the Status of Women. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 SECRET ~.,,_ ~ 25X1 OSWR briefed senators Glenn, Wilson and Levin of the Senate Armed Services Committee on Soviet stealth and Soviet responses to US stealth. OSWR briefed Deputy Assistant Under Secretary of Defense Gaffney and Deputy Assistant Under Secretary Faith on "treaty related aspects of the Soviet Novel BCW Agent program and proliferation issues." SOVA briefed General Ellis on compliance issues and CIA estimates of Backfire production. SOVA briefed OMB on Soviet defense costs and spending. Looking ghead ALA will be briefing Congressman Barnes on developments in Central America. EURA will present an INF briefing to the U.S. Delegation. Briefings There were 17 briefings on the Hill this past week. -2- SECRET ~~ 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 SECRET The Director of Central Intelligence Washington, D.C. 20505 NIC #01109-85 National Intelligence Council 1 March. 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence. Deputy Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Herbert E. Meyer Vice Chairman, National Intelligence Council SUBJECT: NIC Activity Report, 21 - 28 February 1985 I. DCI/DDCI-Assigned Tasks NIO/Africa (Fred Wettering) prepared a memorandum on possible new US proposals for Namibia/Angola for the DCI's use at a meeting with Mr. McFarlane, and prepared a memorandum for the DCI's signature in response to an NSC policy proposal on Sudan. NIO at Large (Hal Ford) prepared a draft DCI briefing on broad world questions with the assistance of the NIOs. Acting NIO/Economics (David Low) joined the DCI, DDCI, C/NIC, and DDI analysts in lunching with Secretary of the Treasury Baker and Deputy Secretary Darman to discuss a wide range of economic issues. NIO/Europe (Col. George Kolt) prepared talking points for the DCI's meeting with Mr. McFarlane on Italian Prime Minister Craxi's 5 - 6 March visit to Washington. NIO/USSR (Fritz Ermarth) prepared talking points for the DCI on Afghanistan; and with A/NIO/USSR prepared talking points for the DCI on the Soviet leadership National Intelligence Officers Charles Allen (Counterterrorism/ Narcotics), Fritz Ermarth (USSR), Graham Fuller (NESA), Lawrence Gershwin (SP), David Low (at Large), George Montgomery (GPF), Julian Nall (S&T), and Robert Vickers (LA) participated in the DCI's Worldwide Briefing of the Defense Subcommittee of the House Appropriations Committee. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 III. Of Interest This Week NIO/Africa (Fred Wettering) attended an interagency meeting on Somalia at the State Department; with A/NIO/AF chaired a DDI briefing for the US Ambassador to South Africa; and met with the US Ambassador to Zimbabwe. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 NIO at Large (Hal Ford) filled in as Acting VC/NIC for Herbert Meyer during the latter's TDY; with NIO/USSR (Fritz Ermarth), participated in an OTE-sponsored conference on the intelligence policy relationship; and forwarded certain materials to C/NIC concerning the progress on Radio Marti. A/NIO/ALI (with DDI analysts, met with House Foreign Affairs Committee staff member Arch Roberts to discuss nuclear issues in Brazil and Pakistan. A/NIO/ALI (participated in an Agency briefing for Deputy Assistant Secretaries of Defense Frank Gaffney and Douglas Feith on arms control implications of the Soviet novel BCW agent program; attended an Agency briefing of SSCI staff members on intelligence issues in support of arms control; NIO/CT (Charles Allen) met with the Chairman of the SIGINT Committee to discuss sensitive collection issues on terrorism and narcotics; met with the Chairman of the Working Group on Counterterrorism of the CIPC to discuss revision of a CIPC report on terrorism; met with Ed Walsh, Deputy Assistant Director of the Secret Service for Protective Research, and was briefed on Secret Service VIP protective activities; with officers of the DDO and DDS&T, met with Donald Latham, Assistant Secretary of Defense for C3I, and members of his staff to discuss coordination of Community research and development activities in the area of terrorism; with DDO officers, attended a meeting of the White House Operations Group to review potential terrorist threats to the Vice President during his upcoming visits to Africa, Central America, and South America; with a DDO officer, met with Ambassador Oakley, Director of the State Department Office for Counter-terrorism and Emergency Planning to discuss relationships between the Interagency Intelligence Committee on Terrorism and the Interdepartmental Group on Terrorism; Acting NIO/Economics (David Low), with DD/GALA, attended a meeting chaired by Special Assistant to the President Martin to review the draft final report for the President concerning economic development for Central America; with EURA analyst, attended an IG on preparations for the Bonn Economic Summit chaired by Under Secretary of State Wallis; and attended a SIG-IEP chaired by the Secretary of the Treasury on trade with Japan and aid to Sudan. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 NIO/Europe (Col. George Kolt), with NIO/USSR (Fritz~Erma C/DDI/EURA/WE and DDO officers, met with Martin Van Heuven, newly appointed Chief of the State Department West European Office. Acting NIO/GPF briefed Philadelphia area Naval ROTC units on the Soviet navy, role of the Naval Attache, life in Moscow, and the Intelligence Community. NIO/Latin America (Robert Vickers), with D/OALA and the Chief of the DDO Central American Task Force, briefed the HPSCI on the Nicaraguan military buildup and support for subversion in Central America; with H ouse D/OALA and DD/LAD, briefed the Defense Subcommittee of the ... _ ,___~ ,r .. r~rNivNL~.ca~.i~...., .,,...,...___-- -- _ briefed Gen. John Galvin, the newly designated CINC/SOUTHCOM, on the situation in Central and South America; with D/GALA and DDO officers, met with NSC staff member Oliver North to discuss Congressional briefing requirements; and with Acting A/NIO/LA met with Col. Robert Taus, SOUTHCOM J-2, and other SOUTHCOM officers to discuss two fast-track Interagency Intelligence Memoranda on Nicaragua and SOUTHCOM participation in future studies on Central America. NIO/Narcotics (Charles Allen) and A/NIO/Narcotics met with Gen. Gorman to discuss SOUTHCOM's potential involvement in the narcotics problem, and attended a narcotics intelligence coordination meeting at the State Department chaired by the Deputy Assistant Secretary for International Narcotics Matters. NIO/NESA (Graham Fuller) met with the CSIS Director of Middle East Programs to discuss the latter's recent visit to the Middle East and his discussions with regional leaders; attended an IG on arms transfer policy; attended a Council of Foreign Relations Seminar in New York on Arab radicalism; and discussed current Middle East issues with the Editor of the Foreign Affairs Quarterly. NIO/S&T (Julian Nall) attended a meeting of the SIG-Technology Transfer with D/TTAC; and with STAP Chairman met with Erich Bloch, Director of the National Science Foundation, to discuss processing of S&T information. Assistant NIO/USSR attended a Carnegie Endowment Center Face-to-Face meeting on the organization of the Defense Department; and briefed State Department officials on the visit of Ukrainian First Secretary Schcherbitskiy. SECRET 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 NIO/Warning (John Bird) met with the recently appointed Special Assistant to the President for Crisis Management, Capt. Rodney McDaniel for an introductory discussion of warning, planning, and crisis response. A/NIO/Warning participated in an OGI seminar 25X1 25X1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Q Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23 :CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 OFFICE OF THE COMPTROLLER WEIICLY REPORT FOR THE DCI 1 March 1985 -- Attended the SSCI Budget Authorization Hearing on our 1986 Bud et request. We did not encounter any major budget issues. -- Began our internal review of the Agency's major investment programs. The results of our review, along with recommendations for the 1987 program, will be considered by the ExCom on 8 March. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 SECRET 1 March 1985 OLL: 85-0475 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence FROM: Director, Office of Legislative Liaison SUBJECT: Weekly Report 1. Meeting and Lunch with SSCI Member Leahy On Monday, 25 February, DDS&T, ADDS&T, along with DDO and DI representatives met with Senator Patrick Leahy after which the Senator lunched with the DDCI, the EXDIR, senior DO officers, and D/OLL in the DCI Dining .Room. 2. Briefing of SASC Members and Staff On Monday, 25 February, DI/OSWR representatives briefed Senators Glenn, Wilson, and Levin along with SASC staffers on stealth... 3. Worldwide Briefing On Tuesday, 26 February, DCI and NIOs, accompanied by D/OLL, briefed the HAC Defense Subcommittee. 4. SSCI Briefing on Central America On Tuesday, 26 February, Robert Gates, DDI, and Ambassador Motley, State, briefed the SSCI on Central America. 5. Briefing of HAC, Defense Subcommittee on Nicaragua On Tuesday, 26 February, D/ALA/DDI, and NIO/LA briefed HAC Defense Subcommittee on Nicaragua. 25X1 SECRETi Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/'"02/23 : CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 i V~ . 6. HPSCI Hearing on FY86 NFIP On Wednesday, 27 February, DCI, DDCI, ICS, and D/OLL attended HPSCI Subcommittee on Program and Budget Authorization hearing on overview of FY86 NFIP. 7. SSCI Hearing on FY86 CIAP On Wednesday, 27 February, EXDIR, DDA, DDI, DDS&T, DDO, Comptroller, D/Comptroller, and DD/OLL attended an SSCI hearing on FY86 CIAP. 8. Briefing of HFAC, Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs On Thursday, 28 February, DI/NESA representatives briefed the HFAC, Subcommittee on Asian and Pacific Affairs on Pakistan. 25X1 9. SAC Defense Subcommittee hearing on NFIP On Thursday, 28 February, DCI, DDCI, D/ICS, DD/ICS, and DD/OLL attended NFIP overview hearing with Gen. Williams, DIA; Gen. Faurer, NSA; and Jim Hill, SAF/SS. 11. Tort Liability Protection Bill Senator Biden introduced a bill entitled the "Law Enforcement and Intelligence Officers Tort Liability Protection Act"(S. 492). This proposed legislation would substitute the Federal Government as the defendant when law enforcement or intelligence officers are sued personally. This bill would protect all employees of the CIA provided the alleged wrongdoing was committed within the scope of their duties. S. 492 was referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee, where Senator Biden is ranking. 1. Briefing for HPSCI Members On Monday, 4 March, at 1000. Representatives Robert W. Kastenmeier, Matthew F. McHugh, George E. Brown, and Anthony C. Bielenson will be briefed on the CIA and the DO by DDCI and DDO and have lunch with the DDO. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 ___~~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0 v ~..u~ +~,. ~ 2. Briefing of HFAC, Western Hemisphere Affairs Subcommittee On Monday, 4 March, at 1400 D/ALA/DDI, NIO/LA, and DO representatives will brief the HFAC, Western Hemisphere Affairs Subcommittee on Nicaragua and on the Cuban role in the Western Hemisphere. 3. SSCI Hearing on FY86 Covert Action On Tuesday, 5 March, at 0930 DDO, DO representatives, Comptroller, and D/OLL will brief the SSCI on FY86 covert action program with Ambassador Abramowitz, State. 25X1 4. Briefing for Representative DeWine on Nicaragua On Tuesday, 5 March, at 1300 DI representatives will brief Representative Michael DeWine on Nicaragua at HQS. 6. HPSCI Intelligence Update On Tuesday, 5 March, at 1530 D/ALA/DDI, NIO/LA, and DO representatives will update the HPSCI on Nicaragua. 7. Briefing of House Geneva Observers Group On Tuesday, 5 March, at 1600 NIO/USSR, NIO/SP and C/ACIS/DDI, will brief the House of Representatives Geneva Observers-Group on Soviet political and military trends. 8. Courtesy Calls on HPSCI Members On Tuesday, 5 March, at 1445 DDCI and DD/OLL will pay a courtesy call on Representative Robert L. Livingston. On Tuesday, 5 March, at 1515 DDCI and DD/OLL will pay a courtesy call on Representative Henry Hyde. On Wednesday, 6 March at 1430 DDCI and D/OLL will pay a courtesy call on Representative Dick Cheney. Charles A. Briggs Director, Office of Legislative Liaison Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/23: CIA-RDP87M00539R003004880006-0