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Document Release Date: 
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March 5, 1985
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Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5 EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP STAT 3637 (10-81' Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5 CHARLES B. RANGEL, N.Y. CHAIRMAN PETER W. RODINO, JR., N.J. FORTNEY H. (PETE) STARK, CALIF. JAMES H. SCHEUER, N.Y. CARDISS COLLINS, ILL. DANIEL K. AKAKA, HAWAII FRANK J. GUARINI, N.J. ROBERT T. MATSUI, CALIF. DANTE B. FASCELL, FLA. WALTER E. FAUNTROY, D.C. WILLIAM J. HUGHES, N.J. SAM B. HALL, JR., TEX. MEL LEVINE, CALIF. SOLOMON P. ORTIZ, TEX. LAWRENCE J. SMITH, FLA. EDOLPHUS "ED" TOWNS, N.Y. Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5 L muse of epresentatturs SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL ROOM H2-234, HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING ANNEX 2 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 March 5, 1985 The Honorable William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligence Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 BENJAMIN A. GILMAN, N.Y. RANKING MINORITY MEMBER LAWRENCE COUGHLIN. PA. E. CLAY SHAW. JR., FLA. MICHAEL G. OXLEY, OHIO JOEL PRITCHARD, WASH. STAN PARRIS, VA. GENE CHAPPIE, CALIF. DUNCAN HUNTER, CALIF. TOM LEWIS, FLA. JOHN T. CUSACK CHIEF OF STAFF RICHARD B. LOWE. III CHIEF COUNSEL ELLIOTT A. BROWN MINORITY STAFF DIRECTOR Executive Registry 85- 968 Dear Mr. Casey: The Washington Post of February 27, 1985, reports that your agency has provided Senators Alfonse M. D'Amato and Arlen Specter with a report alleging the involvement of the notorious Nazi war criminal, Josef Mengele, in the narcotics traffic in Paraguay around 1970. Would you kindly provide this Committee with that report? Your cooperation in this matter is very much With best regards. Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5 ' ~1 ~, 11AWA A s A A A Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5 Nazi Fugitive Linked To Drug Traffic Two Senators Release CIA Documents By Bill Petason w "fbK*WAnts Josef Mengele, the Nazi doctor known as the 'Angel of Death" at the Auschwitz concentration camp, may have been "heavily involved.in narcotics traffic" from his home in Paraguay in the 1970s. according to CIA documents released yesterday. The dedasa6ed .material shows that Mengele, the most notorious accused. Nazi war cimioai. believed to be still at large, traveled freely in South .America..didact try to bide his identity. and may have lived un- der the protection of Paraguayan President Alfredo Straeeeoer. The Central Intelligence Agency began receiving reports of Men- gele's alleged involvement in drug trifficking in 1972, and-as recently as 1979 it asked other federal ages- cies.if they had any arformation.on Mengele. wanted for prosecution in West Germany and Israel. Sens. Aria Specter (R-Pa.) and Alfonse-M. D'Amato (R-N.Y.). who relased the dock.. charged that federal offiiciais'faaled to fellow up leads about .Mengele- and asked the U.S. government to lad a worldwide. hunt far.him. Nazi, attnchies. nee - "a duspter in history that the United States wants to .sweep under -the rug," ..Specter said. "Nobodyrealy givesa damn about Nan war ammals." Mengele, who world be 73 if alive, was a physician and farmer major in the Nazi secret police.who allegedly sent thousands of concen- tration-camp prisoners to their deaths in gas chambers and used others. including many children. in t The Simon Wiesentbd Center in Las Angeles has ofered.a $1-mil- lion reward for information leading to his capture and ectradition. The 28 pages of heavily-censored CIA documents provide, many. fas- cinating glimpses of Mengele's_ life, but it is-.diff=lt to determine how much of the information is agile or is: head A. 1972 document said that Men- gele arrived in Paraguay for the feat time in 1951-and lived alter- nately there and .in Beam. Argen- tiam. and Uruguay, worlong at times as a salesman fora West. German farm-machioery'Srm owned. by his family, and-as.an automechaoic Mengele "never tried" to. hideehis identity in his. early -Imn-in Swab America and in 1959 was nstuoi- iaed as a Paraguayan dtiaea ender his own name, soother dowment. said. In 1970 the CIA reported:rn= mots-that Mengele lived at a iwell- guarded .ranch in.eastern Paraguay.. "bye" One socu+oe told the CIA that Mengele cuderweat plastic surgery in 1974-and"7ooks much younger - thm his age," a document said. The some source said that, in 1968; Mengeie lived with ' Martin Bof mean, Adolf Hitler's designated successor, widely believed -to have- died in Berlin in 1945. Another source who reportedly knew Mengele well told the CIA; that Mengel was "a-nice person; who provided free medical cam'- - Mengele apparently was first brought toCIA attention bye "petty c" who told Y`Am , using the name Dr..Bendque Wall- man. lived on a farm new Facar- naaoo. Paraguay, and - "heavily involved in narcotics .traffic." In 1979, the CIA's Strategic Nap cotics Team. submitatedaearti@e;tc the International Narcotics. Review mentioning the drug reports ..I artic a was withdrawn benusa if. was based on very aramstantii, evidence, according toa CIA meas. Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5 Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5 u.#. puze of ?epreoentutiues SELECT COMMITTEE ON NARCOTICS ABUSE AND CONTROL ROOM H2-234, HOUSE OFFICE BUILDING ANNEX 12 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20515 OFFICIAL BUSINESS ( ~A-o f M.C. The Honorable William J. Casey Director of Central Intelligenle Central Intelligence Agency Washington, DC 20505 4++1+{il++++i+{+it++++I+I+1++I+{ Approved For Release 2009/09/04: CIA-RDP87M00539RO01902990013-5