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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 MEMORANDUM FOR: DCI DDCI This is FYI. Earlier this month, we were invited in the new arms control public diplomacy Attachment 1). Our role is identical to played in 1982-83: an observer until, an intelligence equity is involved-(w We have no active role and we keep diplomacy documents which contain control-related information. A copy also is attached the first meeting. If we can do more for yo cc: DDI DDO to articipate ort (see he one we nd unless, ch is very rare). ly those public ubstantive, arms f the memorandum from here ACI 1065/ Date 12 Feb 85 5 F01; E0. T1o.s 101 USE PREVIOUS 5. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29 : CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 S TAT1 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 TO: EXECUTIVE SECRETARIAT ROUTING SLIP ' ACTION INFO DATE INITIAL 1 DCI X 2 DDCI X 3 EXDIR X ? 4 D/ICS . 5 DDI X 6 DDA 7 DDO 8 DDS&T 9 Chm/NIC 10 GC 11 IG . 12 Compt 13 D/Pers 14 D/OLL 15 D/PAO X 16 SA/IA , 17 AO/Da ? 18 C/IPD/OIS CD C/ACIS X? 20 21 22 SUSPENSE e Date Remarks To 20: ? Please reply direct and advise ES o our representation. 3637 (1041) volecume aecrerary Ui Feb 85 Date ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29 : CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 mL. - . 830 NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON, D.C. 20506 February 1, 1985 ?GONF-IMPPIA13- 4 MEMORANDUM FOR NICHOLAS PLATT Executive Secretary Department of State SUBJECT: COLONEL R. J. AFFOURTIT Executive Secretary Department of Defense Executive Secretary Central Intelligence Agency BG GEORGE JOULMAN Executive Assistant to the Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff WILLIAM B. STAPLES Executive Secretary Arms Control and 9isarmament Agency ? C. WILLIAM LASALL i Chief of the Execultive Secretariat 1/3 U.S. Information ency 9 Interagency Group n Arms Control Public Diplomacy (U) Mr. McFarlane has asked that an interagency group be establish-s ed to coordinate USG actions in regard to arms control public diplomacy. The group will be related to the Senior Arms Control Group, from which it willj receive its guidance. . It will be co-chaired by Steven E. Steiner and Sven Kraemer of the NSC Staff. (C) The first meeting of this group 4111 take place on Tuesday, ? February 5 at 9:30 a.m. in Room 248 of the Old LOB. Meetings will be held on a weekly basis thereafter. (U) ?Each agency is requested to designate a senior substantive official to serve as its principal representative on this ? group. That representative should feel free to bring other officials to the February 5 meeting. It is_particularly important that those taking part are qualified on both the substance and public diplomacy of arms control issues. Please provide the names of all attendees to Francine Obermiller, at 395-5697 by 12:00 noon, Monday, February 4. (U) Declassify on: OADR Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 25X1I 1 '111.11 DWI 1111 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 CONYIVENTAAL ? The tentative agenda for the first meeting is as follows: 1. Public diplomacy planning for the Reinforced NAC and the London meeting on SDI, on February 14 and 15, respective- ly; ? 2. Discussion of where we stand in regard to public perceptions in the U.S. and overseas on major arms control issues, including the coming Geneva negotiations; ? 3. .Updating our public diplomacy strategies on arms control issues and on SDI; 4. Completion of speakers packets on arms control ssues and SDI; 5. Discussion of speakers and forums on arms control issues and SDI in U.S. and overseas for coming months. (C) Please feel free to offer additional suggestions on the agenda. (U) CONFIDENTIAL 8 V.1,4444 ? Robert M. Kimmitt Executive Secretary CONFIDENTIAL ? ? Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-R15-P87M00539R001001410041-7 UUlillULII I IHL ?5v e NATIONAL SECURITY COUNCIL WASHINGTON. D.C. 20506 ji(vfliv_} CONFIDENTIAL February 7, 1985 I?/ Interagency Group on Arms Control/SDI Public Diplomacy The first meeting of this group was held on February 5. The NSC Co-Chairmen stated that the group was organized at the request of National Security Advisor McFarlane in order to coordinate more effectively and to expedite our public diplo- macy actions on arms control issues and on SDI. They noted the high priority which the President attaches to equitable, verifiable U.S.-Soviet arms reductions and stressed that an effective public diplomacy effort is essential to achieving this goal. They pointed out that the group is informally associated with the SACG chaired by Mr. McFarlane and will receive guidance from that body. It was also emphasized that SDI is not an arms control issue, but will undoubtedly be treated as such by the Soviets. Therefore; effective coordination between our public diplomacy on arms control and that on SDI is obviously essential. Ambassador Nitze addressed the group and underlined the importance of successful public diplomacy to our prospects for success in arms control. He noted that the failure of the Soviet Union to intimidate European publics clearly had much to do with the Soviet decision to return to the negotiating table, and he stressed the importance of being alert to new Soviet propaganda lines. The Ambassador also recommended that we: (a) make a special effort to reach out to religious groups, scientists and think tanks; (b) link our public diplomacy efforts closely to our approach to Congress on these issues; and (c) form a prompt reaction staff which will have the capability of reacting within 24 to 36 hours to tenden- tious media play. In response to the Ambassador's suggestions, it was noted that Congressional liaison officials from State and ACDA were participating in the group and that we will indeed try to coordinate our public diplomacy with our approach to Congress on these issues. It was agreed that we, will do more to try to reach out to the groups cited by the Ambassador, and that we will seek to form a prompt reaction staff. On broad public diplomacy strategy, it was agreed that on arms control issues we will respond to all possible requests for speakers, emphasize our broad approach to bilateral and multi- lateral arms control issues and stress our four overriding . arms control goals -- real reductions,. equality, verification and stability. It was also agreed that we need to stress that arms control is part of our broad national security policy. It. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 Declassified in Part- Sanitized Copy Approved forRelease2013/03/29 : CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 CONFIEIT1AL was emphasized that speakers must make clear to their audi- ences that continued modernization of our forces is required to maintain a credible defense, to restore the military balance and to give arms control any chance of success. On arms control issues, we may be able to go into more detail once the new U.S.-Soviet negotiations have begun. We can then consider going into an even more active mode, for example by taking the initiative to organize forums. On SDI, on the other hand, it was emphasized that the SACG has already decided that we should adopt a more active public diplomacy approach. It was noted that Mr. McFarlane has already asked SACG principals to devote at least two days per month to public diplomacy on SDI. The approved SDI speakers list (USG and outside speakers) was distributed, and it was emphasized that other USG personnel on the list should also devote at least as much time to our public diplomacy effort. Also distributed were the lists of organizations in Europe and Asia with which we hope to develop forums on SDI. It was asked that USIA now seek to work with these and other organiza- tions to establish forums and that State/PA undertake a similar effort in the U.S. It was emphasized that before commitments are made to outside organizations, each proposal should be cleared through this group. It was also asked that USIA and PA present at the meeting next week initial calendars for events related to SDI. Such calendars should be updated weekly. The standing requirement of NSC clearance on speeches and national media appearances was reiterated. And it was stress- ed that policy development will continue to be the purview of the SACG. The following additional actions were agreed: 1. Budget: We will coordinate our public diplomacy with pertinent aspects of our budget efforts and provide guidance on such budget questions to our speakers. This will include questions such as the direction of our budget proposals on SDI and on strategic modernization. 2. Speakers Corps: We will add strong sections on SDI and ASAT to the arms control speakers course at FSI and use the course to expand our corps of qualified speakers. Action: Mandel/Horn. 3. Charts: We will finalize the charts on strategic offense and defense so that they can be included in the kits given to speakers. Action: Mandel/Koch. 4. Talkers: We will draft one-page talkers for use of speakers in brief interviews, e.g., TV. One-pagers will be done on arms control issues and on SDI. Action: Mandel. CONFIDENTIAL GONFIDEFITIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 ? r".1,1 '? A I L .1. 5. Research: (a) USIA/Research will provide in written form the highlights of the briefing given at the meeting on over- seas perceptions concerning arms control, SDI and ASAT. Action: Bailey. (b) A briefing on U.S. perceptions was provided in oral and written form by State/PA and will be updated regularly. Action: McCarthy. (c) FORA, too, will continue to track perceptions on these issues and keep the group informed. Action: Hinckley. 6. Compliance: A public diplomacy strategy paper on arms control compliance was distributed. It was asked that speak- ers emphasize the importance of compliance and follow these guidelines. Further talkers will be provided. 7. The speakers list on arms control issues (it differs from the SDI list) will be updated and the number of speakers to be trained will be expanded. Action: Mandel. 8. Speakers Packets: Lists were provided of items being placed in speakers packets. Two packets are being organized: one on arms control and one on SDI. The packets will be dis- tributed at the meeting of the PM/EUR group on Thursday. It was also emphasized that the ACDA briefing book will soon be printed and should be drawn on by speakers. 9. SDI European Consultations: It was noted''.that we will be meeting with USG personnel and allies in Europe next week to discuss SDI, including public diplomacy. The group will be briefed on these consultations on February 19 and a strategy paper on SDI public diplomacy for Europe will be provided. It was also pointed out that we hope to follow up about a month later with similar consultations on SDI in Asia and develop- ment of an SDI public diplomacy strategy for that region. Agenda for Next Meeting The next meeting of the group will take place on Tuesday, February 12, at 9:30 a.m. in Room 248 of the Old EOB. It will be chaired by Dr. Sven Kraemer, Director of Arms Control on the NSC Staff. The names of attendees should be provided to Sandie Kelly (395-5010) by noon, Monday, February 11. The .agenda for that meeting will include: -- Status report on arms control and public diplomacy calendars, forums and speakers. Action: Grady, McCarthy, Mandel and Horn. -- Status of Roosevelt Room briefings. Action: Mandel, J. Lehman. -- Establishment of prompt reaction staff. Action: Mandel, Guest. CONFIDENTIAL CONFIDENTIAL Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7 ("Ink inr:;11 AO I u'of CLI1 L.; 1 .4 ? -- Expansion of FSI arms control course. Action: Mandel. -- Further discussion of overall strategy. Action: Kraemer, Mandel. Followup on other items discussed at February 5 meeting. Additional suggestions for agenda items are welcome. Prepared by: CONFIDENTIAL Steven E. Steiner NSC Staff Tel. 395-5697 CffIDENIK Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2013/03/29: CIA-RDP87M00539R001001410041-7