BDM CONTRACT NO. 82-B784800-000A8

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August 7, 1985
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 12 AUG 1985 DCI/ICS 85-4087 7 August 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: FROM: SUBJECT: BDM Contract No. 82-B784800-000A8 1. Subject contract has a variety of tasks that have and are supporting various aspects of interest to the Intelligence Information Handling Committee (IHC). The contract presently terminates on 30 March 1986. Because of recent actions by the Community Information Retrieval System (CIRS) group and developments uncovered by the Geographic Information Systems Subcommittee (GISS) group of the IHC, four of the tasks should be revised in order to allow the contractor (BDM Corporation) to accomplish the desires of the IHC subcommittees. 2. Task IV, Cartographic Video Disc, was essentially completed with the presentation by the contractor of the required deliverables. The task has, however, remained open because of a strong desire on the part of the IHC to monitor the progress of a resultant DMA video disc contract. Recently, several monumental concerns within the IHC have arisen. It is the IHC's desire to reactivate this task with funds being transferred from two other tasks. 3. Task III, CIRS Security Issue, has for all intents and purposes been completed. The final letter report has been presented by the contractor. The CIRS group, however, elected to keep the task active pending internal discussions on the issues. It appears now that those discussions may be resolved. The task presently has remaining approximately $1,800 in costs and fees. 4. Task V, Telecommunications Security, work has been temporarily suspended because of a vote in the CIRS group to table action on the subject. 5. Task VI, the CIRS Security Plan, like Task V and for the same reason, work has been suspended. 6. Based on the above actions in the four tasks, the following actions have been taken, at no additional cost to the government: STAT UNCLASSIFIED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 UNCLASSIFIED SUBJECT: BDM Contract No. 82-B784800-000A8 a. A revised statement of work for Task VI has been accepted at the remaining funding level and stated scope of work (Attachment 1). b. A revised statement of work for Task V has been accepted (Attachment 2). The funding and level of effort would be reduced. Approximately $9,837 in cost and fees is to be transferred to Task IV. c. The remaining cost and fees of approximately $1,800 in Task III is also to be transferred to Task IV. d. A revised statement of work and level of effort for Task IV has been accepted (Attachment 3) and the cost and fees of approximately $11,645 transferred from Tasks III and V are to be credited to the task. 7. The resultant actions above will zero out and formally complete Task III, reduce funding available in Task V to approximately $11,733 in cost and fees, reactive Task IV per the IHC's desires as stated above at the level of effort stated in the revised statement of work, and revise the scope of work at the current and remaining funding and fee level of Task VI. 8. An approximate summary of BDM funds relating to Contract No. 82-B784800-0048 is as follows as of 25 June 1985: Task Funding Expended Remaining I $91,063 $91,063 $ 0 II 27,139 27,130 9 III 469 68 66,437 1,808 , (Required Action: Transfer remaining funds $1,808 to Task IV) 73,889 (Required Action: Total of Tasks III and V) '73,887 2 $11,645 to be transferred into task from 28,337 (Required Action: Transfer task accomplishment) 6,767 21,570 $9,837 to Task IV, leaving $11,733 for 48,420 17,772 30,648 (Required Action: Presentation of revised Statement of Work) 48,015 1,611 46,404 UNCLASSIFIED Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 i Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 UNLLA5PM V I u SUBJECT: BDM Contract No. 82-B784800-000A8 9. Request you take the required contractual actions to amend the existing contract with BDM (Contract No. 82-B74800-000A8) to reflect the funding transfer and accepted statements of worK. Attachments: As stated STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 ~ Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M0022OR000100160021-1 SUBJECT: BDM Contract No. 82-B784800-000A8 Distribution: DCI/ICS 85-4087 Orig - Adse 1 - ICS/Finance 1 - ICS Registry 1 - IHC Subject (BDM File) 1 - IHC Chrono ICS/IHC (7 Aug 85) STAT Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R00010016002i-1 1 THE BDM CORPORATION July 22, 1985 STATEMENT OF WORK FOR THE CIRS SECURITY PLAN (TASK VI) BDM will support the Government sponsored CIRS Computer Security Working Group (CSWG) in its continuing development of security criteria for CIRS components. The CSWG decided to limit the Initial CIRS Security Plan to Stage I and to include network and Stage II and Stage III security criteria in subsequent interations of the security plan. BDM proposes to perform the work required to assist the CSWG in completing its examination of these additional areas and the preparation of suitable security criteria for inclusion in the Security Plan. A. TASKS 1. Sub-Task A - CIRS Network/Telecommunications Security BDM will investigate the security aspects of the COINS, IDHSC-II, and DODIIS networks, including network gateways, as necessary to advise and assist the CSWG in defining CIRS network and associated telecommunications security criteria. The investigation will use information developed and obtained through briefings, review of official documents, and individual interviews and discussions. Network security criteria agreed upon by the CSWG will be incorporated into a CIRS Security Plan. 2. Sub-Task B - CIRS Stage and Stage III Security Criteria BDM will assist the CSWG in its examination and evaluation of State II and State III security criteria and make recommendations concerning additional security criteria necessary to enable CIRS components to reach the desired security levels. Once agreed upon by the CSWG, these criteria will be incorporated into a CIRS Security Plan. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 THE BDM CORPORATION B. DELIVERABLES 1. Monthly progress reports. 2. Reports which summarize proposals, present an analysis and evaluation of their probable impact on intelligence telecommunications and offer recommendations. 3. Reports, as appropriate, on the status of actions to support the IHC staff in its preparations for the presentation of the Intelligence Telecommunications Issues Study at MILCOM '85. C. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Work on this task will be accomplished during the period August 15, 1985 to March 30, 1986. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 hment 2 THE BDM CORPORATION July 22, 1985 STATEMENT OF WORK FOR TELECOMMUNICATIONS SECURITY (TASK V) BDM will support the Intelligence Information Handling Committee (IHC) in its responsibilities for advising the DCI concerning common objectives for Intelligence Community information handling and in coordinating the achievement of these objectives through the improvement and integration of Intelligence Community information handling systems including telecommunications. BDM proposes to evaluate and make recommendations concerning proposals to enchance the security of communications used for the transmission of special compartmented intelligence, of associated terminals and of other interfacing intelligence information handling systems. A. TASKS 1. Sub-Task A. Telecommunications Security Proposals BDM will review, analyze, and make recommendations concerning the various security proposals which have been or may be advanced and advise the IHC staff of their potential impact on intelligence telecommunications and intelligence handling systems. BDM will prepare summary reports concerning intelligence telecommunications systems. 2. Sub-Task B. Preparations for Issues Study Presentation BDM will act as technical adviser to the IHC staff in its preparations for presentation of the Intelligence Information Issues Study at the MILCOM '85 meeting. n n ~" Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 THE BDM CORPORATION B. DELIVERABLES 1. Monthly status reports. 2. Intermediate material dealing with network/telecommunications and State II and III security criteria as needed to support CSWG meetings and reviews. 3. Periodic updates of the evolving CIRS Security Plan to include newly developed or expanded descriptions and network and Stage II and Stage III security criteria. C. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE The proposed work will be accomplished during the period August 15, 1984 to March 30, 1986. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Attachment 3 THE BDM CORPORATION July 22, 1985 STATEMENT OF WORK FOR GEOGRAPHIC/CARTOGRAPHIC VIDEO DISC PRODUCTION STANDARDS AND GUIDELINES (TASK IV) In support of the Intelligence Information Handling Committee's (IHC) investigative and oversight activity in the determining the feasibility of establishing Geographic/Cartographic Video Disc Production Standards and/or Guidelines for the Intelligence Community, BDM will perform the following work, in accordance with instructions from the COTR: Provide assistance in the investigation to determine the practicality of establishing standards and/or guidelines; Provide assistance and advice on the oversight activities of the IHC in the production of georgraphic/cartographic video discs; and, Prepare, if determined feasible by COTR, a geographic/cattographic video disc production standard and/or guidelines document for use within the Intelligence Community. A. TASKS 1. Sub-Task A. Video Disc Production Documentation BDM will review previous drafts and documentation on geographic/cartographic video disc production guidelines; review Intelligence Community comments on the subject; and make recommendations to the COTR on the practicality of publishing either a standard or guideline or both on video disc production. 2. Sub-Task B. Video Disc Standards/Guidelines Production Based on the review of comments, analysis of documentation, recommendations and desires of the COTR, BDM will prepare a draft video disc production standard or guideline, if appropriate. of Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA -RDP87M00220R000100160021-1 THE BDM CORPORATION 3. Sub-Task C. GISS Attendence BDM will attend Geographic Information Systems Subcommittee (GISS) meetings as determined by the COTR. B. DELIVERABLES 1. Monthly progress report. 2. Summary reports on the analysis of the reviewed documentation, comments and previous drafts with recommendations. Reports will be provided periodically over the period of performance in coordination with the COTR. 3. Draft video disc production standards and/or guidelines as determined by analysis and decisions with the COTR. C. PERIOD OF PERFORMANCE Work on this task will be accomplished during the period August 15, 1985 to March 30, 1986. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/04/20: CIA-RDP87M00220R000100160021-1