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Approved For Release 2000/09/14: CIA-RDP87
(Effective 17 February 1972
The intelligence effort of the United States is a national responsibility and
must be so organized and managed as to exploit to the maximum the available
resources of the Government and to satisfy the intelligence requirements of the
National Security Council and of the departments and agencies of the Govern-
ment. For the purpose of coordinating the intelligence activities of the several
Government departments and agencies 4n the interest of national security, and
pursuant to the provisions of Section 102 of the National Security Act of 1947,
as amended, the National Security Council hereby authorizes and directs that:
1. Overall Coordination
The Director of Central Intelligence shall coordinate the foreign intelligence
activities of the United States in accordance with existing law and applicable
directives. Such coordination shall include those forms. of intelligence that
constitute the foreign intelligence activities of the United States.
2. The National Security Council Intelligence Committee (NSCIC)
The National Security Council Intelligence Committee will be comprised of:
The Assistant to the President for National Security Affairs, Chairman; The
Attorney General; The Director of Central Intelligence; The Under Secretary
of State; The Deputy Secretary of Defense; and The Chairman of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff.
The National Security Council Intelligence Committee will give direction and
guidance on national substantive intelligence needs and provide for a continuing
evaluation of intelligence products frpm the viewpoint of the intelligence
3. The Director of Central Intelligence
a. The Director of Central Intelligence will discharge four major respon.
(1) Planning, reviewing and evaluating all intelligence activities and the
allocation of all intelligence resources.
(2) Producing national intelligence required by the President and
other national consumers.
(3) Chairing and staffing all. intelligence community advisory boards
and committees.
(4) Establishing and reconciling intelligence requirements and priorities
within budgetary constraints.
'This Directive supersedes NSCID No. 1 dated 4 March 1964.
*NSC -Declassification/Release Decision on File*
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b. The Director of Central Intelligence shall prepare and submit each year,
through the Office of Management and Budget, a consolidated intelligence
program/budget as directed in the Presidential memor ndum of 5 November
1971. In preparing the program/budget, the Director of Central Intelligence
will take into account such considerations as the comparative effectiveness
of collection programs and the priorities of intelligence targets.
c. The Director of Central Intelligence shall act fo the National Security
Council to provide for detailed implementation of Na ional Security Council
Intelligence Directives by issuing, after appropriate onsultation, such sup-
plementary Director of Central Intelligence Directive as may be required.
Such directive; shall, as applicable, be promulgated and implemented within
the normal command channels of the departments and agencies concerned.
d. The Director of Central Intelligence shall for ,Mate, as appropriate,
policies with r~,spect to arrangements with foreign gove nments on intelligence
e. The Director of Central Intelligence shall mako recommendations on
foreign intelligence matters to appropriate United States officials.
f . The Director of Central Intelligence shall develop and review security
standards and practices as they relate to the p.rotect'on of intelligence and
of intelligence sources and methods from unauthorized disclosure.
g. Director of Central Intelligence Directives to b issued in accordance
with the provi ;ions of subparagraph c above shall include:
(1) General guidance and the establishment o specific priorities for
the production of national and other intelligence and for collection and
other activities in support thereof and their form 1 transmission to the
National Security Council.
(2) ' Establishment of policy, procedures and pr ctices for the mainte-
nance, by the individual components of the intelligence community, of a
continuing iaterchange of intelligence, intelligence information and other
information with utility for intelligence purposes.
h. The Director of Central Intelligence, or representat ves designated by him,
in consultatior with the head of the intelligence or other appropriate com-
ponent of the department or agency concerned, shall make such surveys of
departmental intelligence activities of the various departments and agencies
as he may deem necessary in connection with his duty to advise the National
Security Council and to coordinate the intelligence effort of the United States.
i.En makin?: recommendations in matters concernin such intelligence ac-
tivities of the departments and agencies of the Government as relate to the
:national securi :y, the Director of Central Intelligence sh 11 transmit therewith a
statement indicating the dissenting views of the members of the United
States Intelligence Board and the Intelligence Res 11urces Advisory Com-
mittee in mati:ers relating to intelligence production nd resource manage-
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4. Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee (IRAC).
An Intelligence Resources Advisory Committee is hereby established to advise
the Director of Central Intelligence on the preparation of the intelligence budget
and the allocation of resources among programs and to ensure that they are
employed in accordance with approved requirements with no unwarranted
duplication. It will consist of the Director of Central Intelligence, Chairman, and
senior representatives of the Department of State, Department of Defense,
Central Intelligence Agency, and the Office of Management and Budget.
5. The United States Intelligence Board (USIB).
a. A United States Intelligence Board is hereby established under the
chairmanship of the Director of Central Intelligence. Subject to other
established responsibilities under existing law and directives, the United States
Intelligence Board will advise and assist the Director of Central Intelligence
with respect to:
(1) The establishment of appropriate intelligence objectives, require-
ments and priorities.
(2) The production of national intelligence.
(3) The supervision of the dissemination and security of intelligence
-/f (4) The protection of intelligence sources and methods.
(5) As appropriate, policies with respect to arrangements with foreign
governments on intelligence matters.
b. The membership of the United States Intelligence Board shall consist
of the following: The Director of Central Intelligence, Chairman; The Deputy
Director of Central Intelligence, Vice Chairman; the Director of Intelligence
and Research, Department of State; The Director, Defense Intelligence
Agency; The Director, National Security Agency; a representative of the
Secretary of the Treasury; a representative of the Atomic Energy Commission;
and a representative of the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation.
The Director of Central Intelligence, as Chairman, shall invite the chief of
any other department or agency having functions related to the national
security to sit with the United States Intelligence Board whenever matters
within the purview of his department or agency are to be discussed.
c. The Board shall be provided with a Secretariat staff, which shall be
under the direction of an Executive Secretary appointed by the Director of
Central Intelligence. Subordinate committees and working groups shall be
established, as appropriate, by the Director of Central Intelligence.
6. National Intelligence
a. National intelligence is that intelligence required for the formulation
of national security policy, concerning more than one department or agency,
and transcending the exclusive competence of a single department or agency.
The Director of Central Intelligence shall produce national intelligence
that will carry a statement of abstention or any substantially differing
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opinion of a United States Intelligence Board membe~ or of the Intelligence
Chief of a Military Department.
b. Departmental intelligence is that intelligence which any department or
agency requir,;s to execute its own mission.
*e. Interdep,.rtmental intelligence is integrated de artmental intelligence
required by d.partments and agencies of the Government for the execution of
their missions; but transcending the exclusive competence of a single depart-
ment or agency to produce. Such subcommittee structure of the United
States Intelligence Board as may be established by the Director of Central
Intelligence may be utilized for the production and dissemination of inter-
departmental intelligence.
d. The Dir }ctor of Central Intelligence shall disse irate national intelli-
gence to the President, members of the National Security Council, as ap-
propriate, members of the United States Intelligence Board and, subject to
existing statuses, such other components of the Government as the National
Security Council may from time to time designate or the United States Intelli-
gence Board may recommend. He is further authorized to disseminate na-
tional intelligence and interdepartmental intelligence on a strictly controlled
basis to foreil;n governments and international bodies upon his determination
after consultation with the United States Intelligence Board that such action
would substantially promote the security of the United States, provided that
such dissemination is consistent with existing statutes a it Presidential policy, in-
cluding that -eflected in international agreements; ani provided further that
any disclosure of Federal Bureau of Investigation intelligence information
shall be cleared with that agency prior to dissemination. Departmental intel-
ligence and interdepartmental intelligence produced o itside the United States
Intelligence Board subcommittee structure may be isseminated in accord-
ance with existing statutes and Presidential policy, in luding that reflected in
international agreements.
e. Whenever any member of the United States In elligence Board obtains
information that indicates an. impending crisis sit ation that affects the
security of tie United States to such an extent th it immediate action or
decision by the President or the National Security Council may be required,
he shall immediately transmit the information to the Director of Central In-
telligence and the other members of the United S tes Intelligence Board,
as well as to the National Indications Center and too her officials or agencies
as may be indicated by the circumstances. The Direct 4r of Central Intelligence
shall immedi rtely prepare and disseminate, as approp iate, the national intelli-
gence estimate of the situation.
,/ 7. Protection of Intelligence and of Intelligence Soutces and Methods
The Director of Central Intelligence, with the advic of the members of the
United States intelligence Board, shall ensure the development of policies and
procedures for the protection of intelligence and of 'ntelligence sources and
methods from unauthorized disclosure. Each department and agency shall remain
responsible for the protection of intelligence and of intelligence sources and
methods within its own organization. Each shall also establish appropriate in-
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ternal policies and procedures to prevent the unauthorized disclosure from
within that agency of intelligence information or activity. The Director of
Central Intelligence shall call upon the departments and agencies, as appropriate,
to investigate within their department or agency any unauthorized disclosure
of intelligence or of intelligence sources or methods. A report of these investiga-
tions, including corrective measures taken or recommended within the depart-
ments and agencies involved, shall be transmitted to the Director of Central
Intelligence for review and such further action as may be appropriate, including
reports to the National Security Council or the President.
a. Authorized Disclosures
The Director of Central Intelligence, with the advice and assistance of
the United States Intelligence Board, shall establish procedures for review
by intelligence authorities of all classified intelligence information con-
templated, proposed or prepared for release to the public or for use or
disclosure in other unclassified activities in the course of which there is
danger that intelligence sources and methods might be revealed. Intelli-
gence information that has been authorized for unclassified disclosure
shall be released, used or utilized only in the form and manner authorized
under the established review procedures. '
8. Community Responsibilities
a. In implementation of, and in conformity with, approved National Security
Council policy, the Director of Central Intelligence shall:
(1) Seek the attainment of the following objectives as essential to
the efficient and effective functioning of the intelligence community:
(a) The responsiveness of the United States intelligence effort
with respect to national requirements must be subject to continuing
(b) Authoritative and responsible leadership for the community
as a whole must be assured.
(c) A more efficient use of resources by the community in the
collection of intelligence information must be achieved. Utilization of
the means available must be in consonance with approved requirements
of United States security and national interests.
(d) Assignment of intelligence functions within the community
must be reviewed and revised to eliminate inefficient, unnecessary or
outmoded activities.
(e) The quality, scope and timeliness of the community's product
must be improved.
(f) The provision of intelligence and its utilization must enhance
the formulation of the foreign and economic policies of the United
States Government and the planning for and conduct of military op-
erations by United States forces.
(2) Call upon the other departments and agencies, as appropriate, to
ensure that on intelligence matters affecting the national security the in-
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telligence community is supported by the full kn wledge and technical
talent avaih.ble in or to the Government.
(3) Ensure that the pertinence, extent and q iality of the available
foreign intelligence and intelligence information r lating to the national
security is continually reviewed as a basis for im roving the quality of
intelligence and the correction of deficiencies.
(4) Tr;ke appropriate measures to facilitate t1le coordinated develop-
ment of cor.ipatible referencing systems within the d partments and agencies
engaged in foreign intelligence activities. Central eference facilities as a
service of common concern shall be provided by he Central Intelligence
Agency and/or other departments and agencies, a appropriate.
(5) Make arrangements with the department and agencies for the
assignment to, or exchange with, the Central Inteligence Agency of such
experienced and qualified personnel as may be of advantage for advisory,
operational or other purposes. In order to facilit to the performance of
their respective intelligence missions, the depart cents and agencies con-
cerned shall, by agreement, provide each other wi . such mutual assistance
as may be within their capabilities and as may be required in the interests
of the intelligence community for reasons of econ my, efficiency or opera-
tional necessity. In this connection primary depart ental interests shall be
recognized. and shall receive mutual cooperation nd support.
(6) Be provided with all information requir d from all departments
and agencies of the Executive Branch required for the exercise of his
responsibilities. JJ!!
b. Insofar as practicable, in the fulfillment of their respective responsibilities
for the proc.uct:ion of intelligence, the several depar ments and agencies shall
not dupliea :e the intelligence activities and resear h of other departments
and agencies and shall make full use of existing capabilities of the other
elements of the intelligence community.
c. The departments and agencies of the Gove ment shall establish ap-
propriate p )licies and procedures to control and 1' nit undesirable publicity
relating to intelligence activities.
,: C
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