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Approved For Release 2QQ WIW0l!fiA9IA-RDP87 4 mt-1171-)V X7 WK DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 3/31 PRODUCTION OF INTELLIGENCE ON FOREIGN ATOMIC ENERGY MATTERS DCID No. 3/3 (Effective 18 May 1976) Pursuant to section 102 of the National Security Act of 1947, Executive Order 'I90'3'i' d National Security Council Intelligence Directives, a Joint Atomic Energy in lligence Committee (JAEIC) is hereby established as a standing Director of Cen al Intelligence Committee with the following mission and functions. 1, N7ission The fission of the committee, under the general guidance of the Director of Central InteY igence, is to advise and assist the Director in the discharge of his duties onsibiI ties set forth in NSCIDs No. 1 and No. 3 with respect to production d res p an and support of p duction of intelligence on foreign atomic energy matters;' to advise the National Forei n Intelligence Board; to assist in coordinating the production of finished interdepart ntal intelligence on atomic energy responsive to intelligence objectives and prioritie established by the Director of Central Intelligence; and to promote continuously th effective use of Community resources. 2. Functions The functions of the comm' tee are a. To assess significant fo ign atomic energy developments and to produce interdepartmental intelligence d contributions to national intelligence papers as circumstances require. b. To keep the Director oftral Intelligence appropriately advised concerning the responsiveness of atic energy intelligence production to national needs, based on evaluations # the pertinence, scope, quality and ..,. -f ducts \. pr c. To formulate and make recommendans to the Director of Central Intelligence concerning the need for specific imp vements in correction, analytic and reporting capabilities in support of atomic e . ergy intelligence production, including, but not limited to: (1) The identification of new collection capa lities that should be developed and deployed. --- ? 1015 UI I.I1V0 -r.,.-.,., - .,-- ..... _, - - 2Atomic energy intelligence is intelligence related to: foreign research, deve 1gment, production, transport, control and stockpiling of nuclear weapons, special nuclear materials and of er components of warheads; reactors, nuclear power and propulsion systems, and controlled thermon lear reactions; installations, equipment, personnel and other resources related principally to these activitie ? but does not include intelligence on weapons delivery systems other than on the nuclear warheads or nuclepropulsion systems associated therewith. ONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/15: CIA-RDP87B01034R0QQ~00 JVQ06-2 COPY N 3 E7 25X1 Approved For Release 2@8t`JJI?~It`IALCIA-RDP87B01034R000500210006-2 NOFORN (2) The identification of collection capabilities that can be reduced or phased out. (3) Changes in the processing, reporting and dissemination of intelligence data and information collected, including such changes involving contractor support operations and cooperating foreign intelligence service activities. d. To recommend to the Director of Central Intelligence relative priorities on substantive requirements for collection, processing and analysis within overall national intelligence objectives. e. To make recommendations, in coordination with the Security Committee as appropriate, concerning the dissemination and release of intelligence on foreign atomic energy matters.3 f. To schedule, participate in and provide staff support for international atomic energy intelligence conferences, as approved by the Director of Central Intelligence. g. To keep the Director of Central Intelligence informed of the priorities and adequacy of resources devoted by the Intelligence Community to subjects of primary interest to the committee, as reflected in paragraph 2 above. 3. Intelligence Community responsibilities Upon request of the committee chairman, Intelligence Community organizations shall furnish to the committee within established security safeguards particular information or materials needed by the committee and pertinent to its functions. 4. Composition, organization and rules of procedure. The composition, organization and rules of procedure of the joint Atomic Energy Intelligence Committee are those stated in DCID 1/3. 'Public release of information concerning foreign nuclear tests is governed by the National Security Council NSDM-50. George Bush Director of Central Intelligence 2 CONFIDENTIAL Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000500210006-2