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Approved Fgr Release 2005/08/1501 " 7091,11978 "' N` T E R" A ("D EN-"C Y. CLASSIFICATION- REVIEW COMMITTEE INFORMATION SECURITY OVERSIGHT OFFICE National Security Information Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000200070001-6 46280 [6820-171 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000200070001-6 RULES AND REGULATIONS Marking Derivatively Classified Docu- ments. Classification Guides. Section III. Declassification and Downgrading Title 32-Notional Defense CHAPTER XX-INYERAGENCY CLAS- SIFICATION REVIEW COMMITTEE (Directive No. 13 INFORMATION SECURITY OVERSIGHT OFFICE National Security Information AGENCY: Interagency Classification Review Committee (ICRC). ACTION: Implementing directive. SUMMARY: The Interagency Classifi- cation Review Committee is publishing this directive to implement Executive Order 12065, relating to the classifica- tion, downgrading, declassification and safeguarding of national security in- formation. This directive was ap- proved by the National Security Coun- cil for publication and issuance on September 29. 1978. The Executive order is intended to increase openness in Government by limiting classifica- tion and accelerating declassification but at the same time, providing im- proved protection against unauthor- ized disclosure for that information that requires such protection in the interest of national security. This di- rective sets forth guidelines to agen- cies on original and derivative classifi- cation, downgrading, declassification and safeguarding of national security information. EFFECTIVE DATE: December 1, 1978. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Robert W. Wells, Executive Director, ICRC, Telephone: 202-724-1578. A Record Requirements. B Declassification Policy. C Systematic Review for Declassification. D Procedures for Mandatory Declassifica- tion Review. Section IV. Safeguarding A General. B General Restrictions on Access. C . Access by Historical Researchers Former Presidential Appointees. D Dissemination. E Accountability Procedures. F Storage- 0 Transmittal. H Loss or Possible Compromise. I Destruction. Section V. Implementation and Review: Challenges to Classification Section VI. General Provisions A Notification. B Posted Notice. C Downgrading, Declassification, grading Markings. D Combat Operations. E Publication and Effective Date. shall not create any presumption as to whether the information meets the damage tests (1-302 and 1-303). F. Foreign government infonna- tion.-1. Identification. "Foreign gov- ernment information" Is: a. Information provided to the United States by a foreign government. or international organization of gov- ernments in the expectation, express or implied, that the Information is to be kept in confidence; or b. 'Information produced by the United States pursuant to a written joint arrangement with a foreign gov- ernment or international organization of governments requiring that either the information or the arrangement, or both, be kept in confidence. Such a written joint arrangement may be evi- denced by an exchange of letters, a memorandum of understanding, or other written record (1-303 and 6-103). 2. Duration of classification. Unless the guidelines developed pursuant to section 3-404 of the ordei or other guidelines prescribe dates or,events for declassification or for review for de- classification: a. Foreign government information shall not be assigned a date or event for automatic declassification unless A. Definition. "Original classifica. such is specified or agreed to by the tion" as used in the order means an foreign government or international initial determination that information organization of governments. requires protection against unauthor b. Foreign government information ized disclosure in the interest of na- classified after the effective date of tional security, and a designation of the order shall be assigned a date for the level of classification (1).` review for declassification up to 30 B. Classification authority. In the years from the time the information absence of an authorized classifier, was classified or acquired. (1-402 and anyone designated to act in that per. 3-404). son's absence may exercise the elassi? G. Standard identification . and fier's authority (1-204). markings. At the time of original clas- C. Request for classification authori- sification, the following shall be ty. Requests for original classification shown on the face of paper copies of authority for agencies not listed in sec- all classified documents: tion 1-2 of the order shall be submit- 1. Identity of classifier. The identity ted to the President through the In- of the classifier, unless also the signer formation Security Oversight Office. or approver of the document, shall be Requests shall include: (1) The desig- shown on a "classified by" line; e.g., nation of the officials for whom or po- ?Classified by John Doe" or "Classi- (2) for level wriofauthority authority i re e soughte. fied by Director, XXX" (1-501(a)). and the h (3) the justification for such re- - 2 Date of classification and office of uingorigin. The date and office of origin type quests of information aation description that is s anticipated of on a document at the time of its origi- to the e to require original classification (1-2). nation may be considered the date of. D. Record requirements. Agencies classification and identification of the and officials granted original classifi. office of origin (1-501(b)). cation authority pursuant to section 1- 3. Date or event for declassification 2 of the order shall maintain a current or review. The date for automatic de- listing, by classification designation, of classification or for declassification individuals to whom or positions to review shall be shown on a "declassify which original classification authority on" or a "review for declassification has been delegated (1-2). on" line; e.g., "Declassify on 1 Novem. E. CIassificat'}on procedure. Except ber 1984." "Declassify on completion as provided in section 1-303 of the of State fication visit." 1 or "Review November for de lass (1- concerns the fact that the information on concerns one or more of the qualifying 501(c)). criteria or categories of information 4. Downgrading markings. When it 1 ?ification i SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This directive is issued pursuant to the provisions of section 6-204 of Execu- tive Order 12065. The purpose of the directive is to assist in the Implemen- tation of Executive Order 12065. and users of the directive shall refer con- currently to the Executive . order for guidance. TABLE OF CONTENTS Section I. Original Classification A Definition. B Classification Authority. C Request for Classification Authority. D Record Requirements. F Classification Procedure. F Foreign Government Information. G Standard identification and Markings. II Additional Markings Required. l Abbreviations. S, cLlOei 11. Derivative Classification A Definition. 13 Resp0ns1bil1ty. 'Parenthetical references are to related sections of Executive Order 12065. n a c Is determined (e.g., guide) that a classified document should be downgraded automatically FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 43, NO. 194-THURSDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1978 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000200070001-6 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87B01034R000200070001-6 RULES AND REGULATIONS at at certain date or upon a certain event, that date or event shall be re- corded on the face of the document: t'.g., "Downgraded to Secret on 1 No- vember 19f)0" or "Downgraded to Con- fidential on I December 1985" (1-5). 5. Identity of extension authority. The identity of the official who autho. rises a date for declassification or for revltw for declassificntion that is more than 6 years beyond the date of the document's classification shall be shown on the document, unless that official also is the classifier, Signer, or approver of the document. This mark- iiig shall be shown substantially as fol- lows: "Extended by (Insert name or title of position of agency head or Top Secret classification authority)" 0- 502). 6. Reason for extension. When classl- fication is extended beyond 6 years, the reason shall be stated on the docu- ment either in narrative form or by reference to an agency regulation that states the reason for extension In nar- rative form. The reason shall be shown substantially as follows: "Reason for extension: (State reason or applicable reference)" (1-502). 7. Overall and page marking of docu- rttrrits. The overall classificaLion of a document shall be marked, stamped, or affixed permanently at the top and bottom of the outside of the front cover (if any), on the title page (if any), on the first page, and on the out- side of the bark cover (if any). Each interior page of a classified document shalt be marked or stamped at the top and bottom either according to the highest classification of the content of the page. including the designation "Unclassified" when appropriate, or according to the highest overall classi- fication of the document. In any case, the classification marking of the page shall not supersede the classification marking of portions of the page marked with lower levels of classifica- tion (1-501(d)). 8. Sabjeet and titles. Whenever prac- ticable, subjects and titles shall be se- lected so as not to require classifica- t ton. Witeti the subject or title is clas- sified, an unclassified identifier may bi assigned to facilitate receipLing and reverence (1-5). 9. Alandatory portion marking. Clas- sifiers shall identify the level of clas;;i- firation of each classified portion of a (!ucurnerrt (including subjects and titles), and those portions that are not. classified. Portion marking shall he ac- complished by placing a parenthetical dcsigtiitor immediately preceding or fcllce ii' the text that it governs. The >.ymbc Ls -k'VS)" for top secret, "(S)" for Secret, "(C)" for confidential, and "(U)" for un(1:Lssi:ivd shall be used for hits purpose. It ind?,vidual portion marking Is impracticable, the ducu- ment si ill contrln a drscript.inn suffi- dent to ldt-ntify the Information that is classified and the level of such clns- sificatlon. A waiver of the portion marking requirement may be granted by the Director of the Information Se- curity Oversight Office. Requests for such waivers shall be made by the head of an agency or designee to the Director and shall include: (a) Identifi- ration of the information or classes of documents for which such waiver is sought, (b) a detailed explanation of why the waiver should be granted, (c) the agency's best Judgment as to the anticipated dLsseminatlon of the Infor- mation or class of documents for which waiver is sought, and (d) the extent to which the information sub- Ject to the waiver may form a basis for classification of other documents 0- 504). 10. Material other than documents. The classification and associated markings prescribed by this directive of documents shall, where practicable, be affixed to material other than doc- uments by stamping, tagging, or other means. If this is not practicable, recipi- ents shall be made aware of the classi- fication and associated markings by notification or other means as pre- scribed by the agency (1-5). 11. Transmittal documents. A trans- mittal document shill indicate on its face the highest classification of the information transmitted by it and the classification, if any, of the transmit- tal document. For example, an unclas- sified transmittal document should hear a notation 'substantially as fol- lows: "Unclassified When Classified Enclosure is Detached" (1-5). 12. Marking foreign government in- fonnution. Except In those cases where such markings would reveal In- telligence information, foreign govern- ment Information Incorporated in United States documents shall. when. ever practicable, be identified In such manner as?to ensure that the foreign government information is not declas- sified prematurely or made accessible to nationals of a third country without. consent of the originator. Documents classified by a foreign government or an international organization of gov- ernments shall, If the foreign classifi- cation Is not in English, be marked with the equivalent U.S. classification. Foreign government information not. classified by a foreign government or an international organization of gov- ernments but provided to the United States in confidence by a foreign gov- ernment or by an international organi- -i.Aion of governments shall be classi- fi('d at an appropriate level and shall be marked with the U.S- classification accordingly (1-5). 11. Additional markings required. In addition to the marking requirements in paragraph G. the following mark- ings shall, as appropriate. be displayed prominently on classified information. When display of these additional markings is not practicable, their ap- plicability to the Information shall be included in the written notification of the assigned classification (1-5). 1. Restricted data or formerly re- stricted data. For classified informa- tion containing restricted data or for- merly restricted data as defined in the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amend- ed, such markings as may be pre- scribed by the Department, of Energy in regulations issued pursuant to the act shall be applied. 2. Intelligence sources and methods information. For classified informa- Lion involving intelligence sources or methods: "Warning Notice-Intelli- gence Sources and Methods Involved". 3. Dissemination and reproduction notice- For classified Information that the originator has determined, pursu. ant to section 1-506 of the order, should be subject to special dissemina- tion or reproduction .limitations. 'or both, a statement placing the user on notice of the restrictions shall be in- cluded In the text of the document or on its cover sheet: e.g., "Reproduction renuires approval of originator,"' or "Further dissemination only as direct- ed by (Insert appropriate office or of- ficial)' (1-506). I. Abbreviations. ' Classified docu- ments that are transmitted electrically may be marked with abbreviations or codes in a single line to satisfy the re- quirements of each subsection of para- graphs G and 11 In a manner consist- ent with economic and efficient use of electrical transmission systems, pro? vided that the full text represented by each such abbreviation or code and its relation to each subsection of para- graphs G and H is readily available to each expected user of the classified documents affected. U. DI"RIVATrVE CLASSIFICATION A. Definition. "Derivative classlflcr.- Lion" as used in the order means a de- termination that L?rformatioti is in sub. stance the same as irJorrnation that it currently classified, and a designation of the level of classification (2-1). B. Responsibility. Derivative applica- tion of classification markings is a re- sponsibility of those who incorporate, paraphrase, restate. or generate in new fo*m information that is already classified, and of those who apply markings In accordance with instnrc- (ions from an authorized classifier or in accordance with an authorized clas- sification guide. Persons who apply de- rivative classification rarking3 should Lake care to determine whether their paraphrasing, restating, or surranari.- trig of classified information has re- moved the basis for classification. Where checks with originators or other appropriate inquiries show that Approved Fo~'We?'ltease 2 OW7681i"5":?CI~-R'bp~bYO'10`i~966016"d070001-6 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000200070001-6 ciasstltcation or a tower ciassirrca? n than originally assigned is appro- ate, the derivative document shall Issued as unclassified or shall be irked appropriately (2-101 and 2- D. Marking derivatively classified , umcnts. Paper copies of derivative- classified documents shall be rked at the time of origination as lows: . The classification authority shall shown on a "classified by" line; e.g., lassified by (Insert Identity of clas- ication guide)" or "Classified by ,sert source of original classifica- n)." If the classification is derived ?m more than one source, the single rase "multiple sources" may be ram, provided that Identification of ?h such source is maintained with file or record copy of the docu- nt (2-102(c)); :. The Identity of the office originat- the derivatively classified docu- nt shall be shown on the face of the cument (2-102); . Dates or events for declassifica- n or review shall be carried forward on the source material or classifica- n guide and shown on a "declassify " or "review for declassification on" e. If the classification Is derived on more than one source, the latest to for declassification or review ap- cable to the various source materl- shall be applied to the new infor- Aion (2-102(c)); ,. The classification marking provi- ns of sections I.G. 7 through 9 and i. 12 are also applicable to deriva- ely classified documents (2-102(c)); i. Any additional marking under sec- n I.H. of this directive appearing on source material shall be carried -ward to the new material when ap- opriate (2-102(c)); and 3. Any abbreviation or code permit- I under section I. I. of this directive Iy be applied to derivatively classi- ?d documents. ). Classification guides.-1. Require- -nLs. Classification guides issued rsuant to section 2-2 of the order all: i. Identify the Information to be otected, using categorization to the tent necessary to Insure that the in- -mation involved can be Identified tdily and uniformly (2-201); ,. State which of the classification slgnations (i.e., top secret, secret, or nfidential) applies to the Informa- .n (2-201); ~. State the duration of classification terms of a period of time or future ent. When such duration is to reed 6 years. the reason for such ex- nsion shall be provided In the guide. yaever, if the inclusion of classified asons would result in a level of clas- ication for a guide that would inhib- its desirable and required dissemina- Lion, tnose reasons ncea oe recoroea only on or with the record copy of the guide (2-201); and d. Indicate how the designations, time limits, markings, and other re- quirements of the order and this direc- tive are to be applied, or make specific reference to agency regulations that provide for such application (2-201). 2. Review and record requirements. Each classification guide shall be kept current and shall be reViewed at least once every 2 years. Each agency shall maintain a list of all Its classification guides in current use (2-2). 111. DECLASSIr1CATION AiqD DOWNGAADINO A. Record requirements. Agencies and officials granted original classifi- cation authority pursuant to section 1- 2 of the order shall maintain a record of individuals or positions designated as declassification authorities pursu- ant to section 3-103 of the order (3- 103). B. Declassification policy. In making determinations under section 3-303 of the order, officials shall respect the intent of the order to protect foreign government information and confiden- tial foreign sources (3-303). C. Systematic Review for Dcclassifi- cation.-1. Systematic review guide- tines. a. U.S. originated Information. Sys- tematic review guidelines. shall be kept current through review at least every 2 years, unless earlier review for revi- sion is requested by the Archivist of the United States (3-402). b. Foreign government information. Within 1 year after the effective date of the order, heads of affected agen- cies shall, in consultation with the Ar- chivist and in accordance with the pro- visions of section 3-404 of the order, develop systematic review guidelines for 30-year-old foreign government in- formation. These guidelines shall be kept current through review by agency heads at least once every 2 years, unless earlier review for revision Is requested by the Archivist of the United States. A copy of these guide- lines and any revisions thereto shall be furnished to the Information Secu- rity Oversight Office. Upon request, the Department of State shall provide advice and such assistance as is neces- sary to effect foreign government co- ordination of the guidelines (3-404). 2. Systematic review procedures.-a. Scheduling for systematic review. Clas- sified nonpermanent records that are scheduled to be retained for more than 20 years need not be systemati- cally reviewed but shall be reviewed for declassification upon request. Within 60 days of the effective date of the order, heads of agencies and offi- cials designated by the President pur- suant to section 1-2 of the order shall direct Ltlat air cituss lea recorua cv years old or older, whether held In stornge areas by the agency or in Fed cral records centers, be surveyed to identify these that require sehedttii.Lg for future disposition. Such scheduling shall be accomplished within 2 years of the effective date of the order (3- 401). b. Extending classification after review.-(1) Foreign governmcn; infor- mation. Agency heads listed In section 1-2 and officials designated by the President pursuant to section 1-201 of the order may extend the classifica- tion of foreign government informa- tion beyond 30 years, but only in ac- cordance with sections 3-3 and 3-404. This authority may not be delegated. When classification is extended beyond 30 years, a date no more than 10 years later shall be set for declassi- fication or for the next review. Subse- quent reviews for declassification shall be set at no more than 10-year Inter- vals (3-404). (2) Waivers of further review. Heads of agencies listed In section 1-2 and of- ficials designated by the '.President pursuant to sectior) 1-201 of the order may request from the Director of the Oversight Office a waiver of the 10- year review requirement for both U.S.- originated and foreign government in- formation. Such requests shall include a personal certification by the agency head that the classified information for which the waiver Is sought has been systematically reviewed as re- quired, and that a definitive date for declassification could not be deter- mined. Waivers should not he request- ed unless-the results of the review have established an identifiable need to continue classification for a period in excess of 20 additional years. Each request shall include a recommended date or event for subsequent review or automatic declassification (3-401). C. Assistance to the Archivist.-(1) The head of each agency shall desig- nate experienced personnel to ' assist the Archivist of the United States in the systematic review of 20-year-old U.S.-originated Information and 30- year-old foreign government informa- tion accessioned Into the National Ar- chives of the United States. Such per- sonnel shall: (a) Provide guidance and assistance to National Archives employees in identifying and separating documents and specific categories of information within documents that are deemed to require continued classification: and (b) Submit to the head of the agency recommendations for continued classi- fication that Identity documents or specific categories of information so separated. (2) The head of the agency shall then make the determinations person- ally and in writing required under sec- Approved FtGrRR1aMaW1E005/0S/M: t4PMRDPMtBMRa0K00070001-6 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000200070001-6 RULES AND FEGULATIONS nnation in Its custody that was ciassi- fled by another agency, in shall for- ward the request to the appropriate agency for review, together with a copy of the document containing the information requested where practica- ble, and with its recommendation to withhold any of the information where appropriate. Unless the agency that Classified the Information objects on grounds that Its )uuvociaLIon with the Infonnation requires protection, the agency that received the request shall also notify the requestor of the referral. After the agency that elassl- fled the information. completes Its review (in coordination with other agencies that a direct interest In the subject matter), a response shall be sent to the requestor in accordance with the procedures described above. If requested, the agency shall also communicate its determination to the referring agency (3-501). d. Action on appeal. The head of an agency or a designee shall establish procedures to act within 30 days upon all appeals of denials of requests for declassification. These procedures shall provide for meaningful appellate consideration, shall be forwarded to the Oversight Office for review, and shall be published in the FEDERAL REG- isTta.In accordance with these proce- dures, agencies shall determine wheth- er continued classification is required In whole or In part, notify the regmes- tor of the determination, and make available any information that is de- ClaLssified and otherwise releasable. If continued classification Is required under the provisions of section 3-3 of the order, the requestor shall be noti- fied of the reasons therefor. If re- quested, the agency shall also commu- nicate the appeal determination to any referring agency (3-5 and 5- 404(c)). e. Fees. If the request requires the rendering of services for which fair and equitable fees may be charged pursuant of title 5 of the Independent Offices Appropriation Act, 65 Stat. 290, 31 U.S.C. 483a (1976), such fees may be Imposed at the discretion of the agency rendering the services. Schedules of such fees shall be pub- lished in the FEDERAL REGISTER (3- 501). - 2. Foreign,oovernmcnt information. Except as provided hereinafter, re- quesui for mandatory review for the declassification of r1wssitied docu- ments that contain foreign govern- ment information shall be processed and acted upon in accordance with the provisions of section D.1 above. If the agency receiving the request is also the agency that initially received or classified the foreign government In- formation, it shall determine whether the foreign government information In the document may be dt4la-%sified arid 45283 released in accordance with 'agency policy or guidelines, aster consult Iasi with other agencies that have subject matter into:?rest as necessary. If the agency receiving the request is not the agency that received or cla3slfled the foreign government informatlo n, It shall refer the request to the appropri- ate agency, which shall take action es described above, including its recom- mendation to withhold any of the In- formation where appropriate. In those cases where agency policy or guide- lines do not apply, consultation with the foreign originator through appro- priate channels may be advisable pr:or to final action on the request (3-5). IV. SAr cuAPDtxc A- General Information classified pursuant to Executive Order 12065 or prior orders shall be afforded a level of protection against unauthorized dis- closure commensurate with Its level of classification (4-1). B. General restrictions on access, 1. Determination of need-1o-knot). Classified Information -shall be made available to a person only when the possessor of the classified Information establishes in each instance, except as provided In section 4-3 of the order. that access is essential to the accom- plishment of official Government duties or contractual obligations (4- 101). 2. Determination of tnutworthiness. A person Is eligible for access to clan i fled Information only after a showtnt of trustworthiness as determined by agency heads based upon appropriate investigations In accordance with ap- plicable standards and criteria (4-101). C. Access by historical researchers and former Presidential appointees. Agencies shall obtain: (1) Written agreements from requestors to safe- guard the information to which they are given access as permitted by the - order and this directive; and (2) writ- ten consent to the agency's review of their notes and manuscripts for the purpose of determining that no classl- tied information is contained therein. A determination of trustworthiness is a precondition to a requester's access. If the access requested by historical researchers and former Presidential appointees requires the rendering of services for which fair and equitable fees niay be charged pursuant to title 5 of the Independent Offices Appro- priations Act, 65 Stat. 290, 31 U.S.C. 483a (1976). the requestor shall be so notified and the fees may be imposed (4-3). D. Dissemination. Except as other. wL;e provided by section 102 of the Na- tional Security Act of 1941, 61 Stat- 495, 50 U.S.C. 403 (1970 arid Supp. V 1975), classified information or ig nat- Ing in one agency may not be d:sseznl- nated outside any other agency to lion 3-401 of the order as to which documents or categories of Informs. lion require continued prat ction. The agency shall inform the Archivist of the United States of this determina- tion (3-4). d. Special procedures. Special proce- dures for systematic review and declas sificatlon of classified cryptologic in- formation and classified information concerning the identities of clandes- tine human agents promulgated in ac- cordance with the provisions of section 3-403 of the order shall be pinding on all agencies (3-403). e. Foreign relations series. In order to permit the editors of foreign rela- tions of the United States to meet their mandated goal of publishing 20 years after the event, heads of depart, ments and agencies are requested to assist the editors in the Department of State by facilitating access to appro- priate classified materials in their cus- tody and by expediting declassification review of items from their files select- ed for publication (3-4). D. Procedures for mandatory declas- sification review. 1. U.S.-originated information.-a. Action on an initial request. Each Agency shall designate, in it.s imple- menting regulations published in the FEDERAL REr;ISTER, offices to which re- quests for mandatory review for de- cia_ssificat ion may be directed. Upon request for declassification pursuant to section 3-5 of the order, agencies shall apply the following procedures: (I ) The designated offices shall ac- knowledge receipt of the request. e2) Whenever a request does not rea- sonably describe the information Suugltt, the requestor shall be notified that unless additional Information is provided or the scope of the request is narrowed, no further action hill be un- dertaken (3-501). b. Information in the custody of and under the exclusive declassification authority of an agency. The designat- ed office shall determine whether, under the declassification provisions of si-clion 3-3 of the order, the re- quested information may be decl:Ls l- fu?d and, if so, shall make such infor- mation available to the requestor, uniess withholding is otherwise war- ranted tinder applicable law, If the in- tortnation may not be released in whole- or in part, the requestor shall he QRrn a brief statement as to the reasonr for denial, a notice of the ri; ht to appeal the determination to a designated agency appellate authority iink?Icding n:une, title, and address of such atitliority), and a notice that such an appeal must be filed with the a gvnc% within 60 days in order to be con>..dcred (3-501).. c. lr.'jnnation classified by agencies otter than the custodial agency. When au agency receives a request for infor- Approved FoEDRRe~g-R ~t pp5J /~~5 A~l - SUAT. Er -1,97P 70001-6 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000200070001-6 RULES AND REGULATIONS which it has been made available with- :)ut the consent of the originating 3gency(4-403). E. Accountability procedures.-1. Top secret Top secret control officers ;hall be designated to receive, trans. mit, and maintain current access and- iccountabllity records for top secret reformation. An inventory of top ,curet documents - shall be made at feast annually; however, heads of agencies may authorize the annual in- ventory of top secret documents in re- positorles, libraries, or activities that store large volumes of such Informa- tion to be limited to documents to which access has been afforded within the past 12 months. The Director of the Oversight Office 'may grant a waiver with respect to the requirement of an annual inventory for storage sys- tems involving large volumes of infor- mation If security measures with re- spect to such storage systems are ade- quate to prevent access by unauthor- ized persons (4-103). 2. Secret and confidential. Secret and confidential classified information shall be subject to such controls and current accountability records as the head of the agency may prescribe (4- 103). F. Storage Classified information shall be stored only in facilities or under conditions adequate to prevent unauthorized persons from gaining access to it (4-103). 11.. Top secret. Top secret informa- tion shall' be stored in a GSA-ap- proved, safe-type, steel file cabinet having a built-in, three-position, dial- type combination lock or within an ap- proved vault, or vault-type room, or in other storage facility that meets the standards for top secret established under the provisions of subsection 3 below. In addition, heads of agencies shall prescribe such additional, supple- mentary controls as are deemed appro- priate to restrict unauthorized access to areas where such information is stored (4-103). 2. Secret and confidential Secret and confidential Information shall be stored in a manner and under the con- ditions prescribed for top secret infor- mation, or in a container or vault that meets the standards for secret or con- fidential, established pursuant to the provisions of subsections 3 or 4 below t4-103). 3. Standards for security equipment The General Services Administration shall. in coordination with agencies originating classified information, es- tablish and publish uniform standards, specifications, and supply schedules for containers, vaults, alarm systems, and associated security devices suit- able for the storage and protection of all categories of classified information. Any agency may establish more strin- gent standards for its own use. When- ever new security equipment is pro- cured, It shall be in conformance with the standards and specifications re- ferred to above and shall, to the maxi- mum extent practicable, be of the type designated on the Federal Supply Schedule, General Services Adminis- tration (4-103). 4. Exception to standards for securi- ty equipment-a. Secret and confiden- tial information may also be stored in a steel filing cabinet having a built-In, three-position, dial-type, changeable combination lock, or a steel filing cabi- net equipped with a steel lock bar, pro- vided It is secured by a three-position, changeable, combination padlock ap- proved by GSA for the purpose. The storage of secret information in the steel filing cabinets described above re- quires the use of such supplementary controls, as the head of the agency deems necessary to achieve the degree of protection warranted by the sensi- tivity of the Information Involved (4- 103). b. For protection of bulky secret and confidential material (for example, weaponry containing classified compo- nents) in magazines, strong rooms, or closed areas, access oenlngs may be se- cured by changeable combination or key-operated, high-security padlocks approved by GSA. When key-operated padlocks are used, keys shall be con- trolled In accordance with subsection 6 below (4-103). 5. Combinations.--a. Equipment in service. Combinations to dial-type locks shall be changed only by persons having appropriate security clearance, and shall be changed whenever such equipment is placed In use, whenever a person knowing the combination no longer requires access to the combina- tion, whenever a combination has been subjected to possible compromise, whenever the equipment is taken out of service, and at least once every year. Knowledge of combinations pro- tecting classified information shall be limited to the minimum number-of persons necessary for operating pur- poses. Records of combinations shall be classified no lower than the highest level of classified information to be stored in the security equipment con- cerned (4-103). B. Equipment out of service. When security equipment having a built-in combination lock Is taken out of serv- Ice, the lock shall be reset to the standard combination 50-25-50. Com- bination padlocks shall be reset to the standard combination 10-20-30 (4- 103). 6. Keys. Heads of agencies shall es- tablish administrative procedures for the control and accountability of keys and locks whenever key-operated, high-security padlocks are utilized. The level of protection provided such keys shall be equivalent to that afford- ed the classified information being protected. Under no circumstances may keys be removed from the prem. uses. They shall be stored in at secure container (4-103). 7. Responsibilities of custodians. Persons entrusted with classified in- formation shall be responsible for pro- viding protection and accountablility for such information at all times and for locking classified information in approved security equipment when- ever it is not in use or under direct su- pervision of authorized persons; Custo- dians shall follow - procedures that insure unauthorized persons do not gain access to classified information (4-103). 8. Inspections. Individuals charged with the custody of classified informa- tion shall conduct the necessary in- spections within their areas to insure adherence to procedural safeguards prescribed to protect classified infor. mation. Agency security officers shall insure that periodic inspections are made to determine whether.procedur- al safeguards prescribed by agency regulations are in effect at all times (4-103). G. Transmittal.-1. Preparation and receipting. Classified Information shall be enclosed in opaque inner and outer covers before transmitting. The inner cover shall be a sealed wrapper or envelope plainly marked with the assigned classification and addresses of both sender and addressee. The outer cover shall be sealed and ad- dressed with no identification of the classification of its contents. A receipt shall be attached to or enclosed in the Inner cover, except that confidential Information shall,'require a receipt only if the sender deems it necessary. The receipt shall Identify the sender, addressee, and the document, but shall contain no classified Information. It shall be Immediately signed by the re- cipient and returned to the sender.. Any of these wrapping and receipting requirements may be waived by agency heads under conditions that will provide adequate protection and prevent access by unauthorized per- sons (4-103). 2. Transmittal of top secret The transmittal of top secret information shall be by specifically designated per- sonnel, by State Department diplo- matic pouch, by a messenger-courier system specially created for that pur- pose, or over authorized secure com- munications circuits (4-103). 3. Transmittal of secret The trans- mittal of secret material shall be ef- fected in the following manner: a. The 50 States, District of Colum- bia, and Puerto Rico. Secret informa- tion may be transmitted within and between the 50 States, District of Co- lumbia, and Puerto Rico by one of the means authorized for top secret infor- Approved Forft((eleas T1'g/0"/,Q'GPA-ikbOeMoibT4Rbb02Ob070001-6 Approved For Release 2005/08/15 : CIA-RDP87BO1034R000200070001-6 nintlon, by the U.S. Postal Service reg. lstered mail, or by protective services provided by U.S. air or surface com- mercial carriers under such conditions as may be prescribed by the head of the agency concerned (4-103). b. Canadian Government Installa. lions. Secret information may be transmitted to and betwten United States Government and Canadian Government Installations In the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Canada by United States arid Canadi- an registered mail with registered mail receipt (4-103). c. Other areas. Secret Information may be transmitted from, to, or within areas other than those specified In subsections a or b above by one of the means established for top secret infor- mation, or by U.S. registered mail through Army, Navy, or Air Force Postal Service facilities provided that the information does not at any time pass out of U.S. citizen control and does not pass through a foreign postal system. Transmittal outside such areas may also be accomplished under escort of appropriately cleared personnel aboard U.S. Government and U.S. Government contract vehicles or air, craft, ships of the United States Navy, civil service manned U.S. Naval ships, and ships of U.S. Registry. Operators of vehicles, captains or masters of ves- sels, and pilots of aircraft who are U.S. cftizens and who are appropriately cleared may be designated as escorts (4-103). 4. Transmittal of confidential infor- mation. Confidential Information shall be transmitted within and be- tween the 50 States, the District of Co- lumbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, and U.S. territories or posses- sions by one of the means established for higher classifications, or by U.S. Postal Service certified, first class, or express mail service when prescribed by an agency head. Outside these areas. confidential Information shall be transmitted only as is authorized for higher classifications (4-103). RULES AND REGULATIONS H. Loss or possible compromise. Any Ing of large quantities of informatiol person who has knowledge of the loss would be unduly burdensome, the cu!~ or possible compromise of classified In. todian may attach a change of classff formation shall Immediately report cation notice to the storage unit 1, the circumstances to an official desig. lieu of the marking action otherwis, nated by the agency or organization, required. Each notice shall Indicat; In turn, the orginating agency shall be the change, the authority for thl notified about the loss or compromise action, the date of the action, and th, in order that a damage assessment storage units to which it applies. Ivan may be conducted and appropriate permanently withdrawn from suci measures taken to negate or minimize storage units shall be marked prompt any adverse effect of such a compro- lytn accordance with the marking pro mise. An immediate Inquiry shall be visions herein. However, when, infor initiated by the agency under whose [nation subject to a posted dov;ngrad cognizance the loss or compromise oc. Ing, upgrading, or declass[ ficatior. curred, for the purpose of taking cor- notice Is withdrawn from one storag( rective measures and appropriate ad. unit solely for transfer to anot her, c: ministratlve, disciplinary, or legal a storage unit containing such infor action (4-103). matlon is transferred from one place I. Destruction. Nonrecord classified to another, the transfer may be made information that has served Its Intend. without marking if the notice is at ed purpose shall be destroyed in ac. Cached to or remains with each ship- eordanee with procedures and meth- ment (4-102). - ods approved by the head of the C. Downgrading, ._declassifications; agency. The method of destruction se- and upgrading markings. Whenever a lected must preclude recognition or re- change is made In the original classlfi- construction of the classified Informa- cation or in the dates of downgrading tion or material (4-103). or declassification of any classified in- formation, it shall be promptly and V. IMPLE4ENTATION AND REVIEW Conspicuously marked to Indicate the Challenges to classification. Agency change, the authority for the action. programs established to Implement the date of the action, and the Identi- the order shall encourage holders of ty of the person taking the shall on. Classified Information to challenge Earlier classification markings shall be classification in cases where there is D. Combat when practicable The provi. reasonable car ;e to believe that Infor- wens of the operations. The ect[v matlon is classified unnecessarily, Im- with e the order and this Directive properly, or for an Inappropriate regard to dissemination, of lass trans. period of time. These programs shall formation or safeguarding of fed In In. provide for action on such challenges rmation may be so modified con- or appeals relating thereto within 30 racoon with combat or combat-related days of receipt and for notification to operations as the Secretary of Defense the challenger of the results. When re- may by regulations prescribe (4-103). Puicaon and shall be ed 04(d)). Quested prnonymit 5 y of the challenger This directive shall be ep bli heda in the FEDERAL Rrc[SraR. It shall become VI. GENERAL PROVISIONS effective December 1, 1978 (6-204). A. Notification. Notification of un- scheduled changes in classification or changes in duration of classification may be by general rather than specific JAMES B. RNoses, Acting Chairman, Interagency notice (4-102). OCTOBER 2, 1978. B. Posted notice. If prompt remark- IFR Doc. 78-28101 Flied 10-4-78; 8:45 am) Approved FfiiI?R a >2?A 08t/1 o.GSA-jRQPS$jlPQ_'_Q9AR9Ofp0070001-6