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Document Release Date: 
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Publication Date: 
July 12, 1985
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L_ I E' Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 wu.aM v. eoTN, ~.. ocwwARt cNAR~EUN fED iTMNt. A4ASRA TNOMAS i EAGLETON. wrlti0~lM ' CNA11L[t EElC MATMIAt. h. MARTlANO MM M11NM GEORG~~~ wR.LwE t. E:ONEN. MAINE ,pNN GLENN. ONTO OAVIO DUIMNfERGER. MNlNEtOTA E'ML LEVIN MICNIGAN WARREN 1. RUDMAN, NEW NAM-fNll~ ALERT OOIIE A TENNESSEE TMD COCMRAN, Mltfltf~M ~lnite~ ~tate~ senate MARGARET r. CRENSNAW. MRN)RtTT LTAii gRECTOR COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS WASHINGTON, OC 20510 July 12, 1985 The Honorable William J. Casey Director Central Intelligence Agency Washington, D.C. 20505 Dear Mr. Casey: The enclosed copy of a bill which has been referred to the Committee on Governmental Affairs is sent for your review and comment. Your views concerning the provisions of this bill and recommendations for possible Committee action would assist us in our study of the measure. In addition, Senate rules require each Committee to estimate the regulatory and paperwork impact of any legislation it reports. To assist the Committee in complying with this requirement, we would appreciate receiving your Agency's assessment of the possible paperwork and regulatory burdens which might result from the passage of the enclosed legislation. We would greatly appreciate your providing us with your response within the next 30 days so that we might have it in time for Committee action. Please address sll correspondence to the attention of Gretta Graham, Committee on Governmental Affairs (224- 4751). Thank you for your participation in this effort. WVR/gym Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 L I Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 99TH CONGRESS IsT SESSION S. 1347 To pro~~ide access to criminal histor~? record information for national securitc purposes for the Department of Defense, the Office of Personnel Manage- ment, or the Central Intelligence Agenc}?. IN THE SENATE OF THE ITNITED STATES JUNE 25 (legislative da`?, JUNE 3), 1985 Mr. NuNN (for himself, Mr. ROTH, Mr. CHILES, Mr. GORE, and Mr. STE~ENS) introduced the follov~~ng bill; which was read twice and referred to the Com- mittee on Governmental Affairs A BILL To provide access to criminal history record information for national security purposes for the Department of Defense, the Office of Personnel Management, or the Central Intelli- gence Agency. 1 Be it enacted by the Senate and House o f Kepresenta- 2 tives o f the United States o f America in Congress assembled, 3 SHORT TITLE 4 SECTION 1. This Act may be cited as the "Security 5 Clearance Information Act of 1985". 6 CONGRESSIONAL FINDINGS AND POLICIES 7 SEC. 2. The Congress finds- I Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 2 1 (1) that under the Constitution, Congress has the 2 responsibility and power to provide for the common de- 3 fense and security of our Nation; 4 (2) that the interests of national security require 5 that the Department of Defense, the Office of Person- 6 nel Management, or the Central Intelligence Agency 7 conduct investigations of individuals for the purpose of 8 determining eligibility for access to classified informa- 9 tion, assignment to or retention in sensitive national 10 security duties, or acceptance or retention in the armed 11 services; 12 (3) that the interests of national security require 13 that the Department of Defense, the Office of Person- 14 nel Management, or the Central Intelligence Agency 15 have access to criminal history record information 16 when conducting investigations of individuals for the 17 purpose of determining eligibility for access to classified 18 information, assignment to or retention in sensitive na- 19 tional security duties, or acceptance or retention in the 20 armed services; and 21 (4) that the interests of national security have 22 been adversely affected by the reluctance and refusal of 23 many State and local criminal justice agencies to pro- 24 vide criminal history record information to the Depart- 25 ment of Defense, the Office of Personnel Management, Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 . . Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 3 1 or the Central Intelligence Agency for use in investiga- 2 tions of individuals for the purpose of determining eligi- 3 bility for access to classified information, assignment to 4 or retention in sensitive national security duties, or 5 acceptance or retention in the armed services. 6 SEC. 3. Chapter 31 of title 10, United States Code, is 7 amended by striking out section 520a and substituting the 8 following: 9 "? 520a. Criminal history record information for national 10 security purposes 11 "(a) As used in this chapter: 12 "(1) The term `criminal justice agency' includes 13 Federal, State, and local agencies and means: (A) 14 courts or (B) Government agency or any subunit 15 thereof which performs the administration of criminal 16 justice pursuant to a statute or Executive order, and 17 which allocates a substantial part of its annual budget 18 to the administration of criminal justice. 19 "(2) The term `criminal history record informa- 20 tion' means information collected by criminal justice 21 agencies on individuals consisting of identifiable de- 22 scriptions and notations of arrests, detentions, indict- 23 ments, information, or other formal criminal charges, 24 and any disposition arising therefrom, sentencing, cor- 25 rection supervision, and release. The term does not in- _. ,. _.._.,..-.~.., _, .Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 4 1 clude identification information such as fingerprint 2 records to the extent that such information does not 3 indicate involvement of the individual in the criminal 4 justice system. 5 "(3) The term `classified information' means infor- 6 mation or material designated pursuant to the provi- 7 sions of a statute or Executive order as requiring pro- 8 tection against unauthorized disclosure for reasons of 9 national security. 10 "(4) The term `State' means any of the several 11 States, the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of 12 Puerto Rico, the Northern Mariana Islands, Guam, the 13 Virgin Islands, American Samoa, the Trust Territory 14 of the Pacific Islands, and any other territory or pos- 15 session of the United States. 16 "(5) The term `local' and `locality' means any 17 local government authority or agency or component 18 thereof within a State having jurisdiction over matters 19 at a county, municipal, or other local government 20 level. 21 "(b)(1) Upon request by the Department of Defense, the 22 Office of Personnel Management, or the Central Intelligence 23 Agency criminal justice agencies shall make available crimi- 24 nal history record information regarding individuals under in- 25 vestigation by the Department of Defense, the Office of Per- Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 ~_ i _ i Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 5 10 11 12 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 5 sonnel Management, or the Central Intelligence Agency for the purpose of determining eligibility for (A) access to classi- fied information, (B) assignment to or retention in sensitive national security duties, or (C) acceptance or retention in the armed services. Fees charged for providing criminal history record information pursuant to this subsection shall not exceed those charged to other government agencies for such information. "(2) This subsection shall apply notwithstanding any other provision of law or regulation of any State or of any locality within a State, or any other law of the United States. "(c) The Department of Defense, the Office of Personnel Management, or the Central Intelligence Agency shall not obtain criminal history record information pursuant to this section unless it has received written consent from the indi- vidual under investigation for the release of such information for one or more of the purposes set forth in subsection (b). "(d) Criminal history record information received under this section shall not be disclosed except for the purposes set forth in subsection (b) or as provided by section 552a of title 5, United States Code.". SEC. 4. The amendments made by this Act shall become effective with respect to any inquiry which begins after the date of enactment of this Act conducted by the Department of Defense, the Office of Personnel Management, or the Cen- - -~-~- - --- Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6 6 1 tral Intelligence Agency for any of the purposes specified in 2 subsection (b) of section 520a of title 10, United States Code, 3 as added by this Act. 4 SEC. 5. The amendments made by this Act are made 5 pursuant to the powers vested in Congress as found in sec- 6 tion 8 of article I of the United States Constitution. O Approved For Release 2011/03/02 :CIA-RDP87B00858R000400580049-6