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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0 R Next 2 Page(s) In Document Denied Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0 25X1 1 ill 2 .. I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0 ()M,RI-SS10`.A.1 -SE \ . r. f Portro%1 It. pro\ oo. at 00..00%. Jc.r tt. pu? Pi., LA rorraleelem I.?: mr,e de, ljt. PPP'e?04 rrtyrt. e p fr,?0?0' verifiaLtIor. Li h'n,bo,r ir.t* If It.* po? Pow Of astabliOnne sr ohm r a Uhr At porn. natainei Laboesiory to esoduct &uit p/Ot MM. Mr SIMON Mr. President. I have an amendment that I are offering tor myself and Senaeor Dixos %Mesh Rend to the desk and ac l for In imme dime. cansiderat tor. The PRESIDING OFFICER Th. clerk will report The bill cirri read as follows Tref Senator frorr JJirp.. JNrSueux: lo? 1.)rilm!! ant, M: Dikop, propmer sr, In. helm, r.! nurrtm re C 27: Mr SIMON Mr. President. I asl unanimous consent that further read- inr of the amendment be dispensed wi h The PRESID/NO OFFiCER (ti-n 1/e.r OOLDet" ATER PA r. President. I Kruk) no: hear a wo-d the, wee said Whose amendrnen: is it and what is It all about' Could we have some order in this place" The. PRESIDING OFFICER- The Senator from Itnrion will suspend until the Senate is in order. Will Sena- tor. picael. Lake their seats? Mr. CiOLDWATER. Mr. President-I did not hear the name at the Senator offering the amendment. 1 have mot heard the amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment ls offered by the Senator from Illinois. I wiD ask the clerk to report the amendment .for the second time. The bill (deft lead as 'Whiles: The Senator from Illinois Ode tenon for beriaeli and Mr. Dimon proposes an amendment sumbeeed251. Mr. SIMON. Mr. President. I ailt unanimous consent theehirtber read- inf of the amend-e be -dispensed ti. The PRES/DING OFFICER. -With- out objectio,i. ilium ordered. = . The amendment is as follows ? - On Pate SC line at, before the period 111M1Shrt the following and al which ni.000.00e Mall be used le oonauetiesearet, and seyelopment programs to knerole anwo consetil verikattaat teennalou sad 1.0 allfab" list, an *Mot in the Arsonae Nahum! Lb> riku314 ? Arsorme. Illinois. so conduce auct proemnr.-. Mr. SIMON. Mr. President. today Senator Dune and 3 are offering an amendment authorizing the Arednne National Labciratory hi Argonne, n, to be one of the resource centers for arms verification for the nation. Fund- int will come-ander, Divn -C. Jae - Plolment of Energy ItatiOns) Security Applications: Department o'f Defense Authorization Act Tor fiscal year leaf. The need for such research efforts has- never been greater. Today.there is no one center for developing and Term- ini berificatiori of tniaty complianee technologies. nor then a nevem- g merit reporUng or coordinatinr body In an I Cirms Equally Ifirtatrmant. then Is irk sor. rreenonal rp.o.Jfrerreen? pre parcel te) ACDA I- i public tip at dolt Or fa our we rand On verification. Apart from periodic re ports on Soviet comPliance. Pratt Kee- which In ihernaelees speak volumes la to our highly capable monitorinr and intelligence imethode-not enough at tuition is paid to the crucial task of verification Lechnolory development This amendment will help foster err tithe R&D apart from that nos being pursued al DOE s a rations labs Thib approach has the double athantage Cl rent ed eorripetition or verification (Cr .nc.)o? l.Pt else a: tinning net tkler.! an^ untrialitiona methodology by integrating ilk nor. weapons labs ? Interdisciplinary re search (especiall). in areas not normal le pursued at Lce, Alamos. Literenore and Sandia ant' ap;.1,yinf ft It the nee challenges feeler arm control treaty erif mat ior. These chenence, are berorni14 Mott arid more cliff icuP as net weapons terns prolkeratc. as nes countries Move to acquire- nuclear weapons, and in the strains on current verification of complianr., multiply. Muth of the nee weapons technology is focused or. deception and concealment. Including increasingty smaller arid mobile sys Ie.Argarme can draw on bask re- search strengths found at the lab. pulling together the materials physi- cal. vhernical, and computer lidences Into a very sophisticated technical or trit:d data interpretation base. Argonne could be involved Li Iden- tifying promising technologies and developtrig innovative approsehes for the verification of nuclear. efherrdcal. arid bioiogical weapons treaties Peek- lem -areas long anticipated or _Dow upon us include very llos. yield =Wirer detonations deteetion. identification of warheads on deplored systems (e.g.. nuclear or chemical). chemical and bi- ological testing and prodoction *tee- =litnicapheric ma:activity_ .*Iudiesr greeter imd fuel guardsfweste disposal/ The last aettrity holds special for use in nonproliferation swim and has long been an area *I dr- gonnen strength: these applications will serve to renew ouf commitment to the Non-Proliferation Treaty whieb is to be reviewed later this fall. In addi- tion. little bask research has yet to be %conducted or: chemical weapons verifi- cation an area whose technology re- quirements are analogous to much of the environmental research -underway - at Argonne. This too is le sword with the Chemical Weapons Treaty II 'bled by the Reagan administration at The Conference on Disarmament In Genets Finally ? a host of verification issues continue to surround the ta- bling of a comprehensive test ban &testi:. arid It is to be beeped that kr- onne can address these concerns at a priori te Iteni ? ? A` . in order to pubn: ronfiderine s: sr control neeottations to continue Le trees I' b libtOluts th. L'OrranUnily Li, Irnr.c,., ;. rrie"..raXit SW equipment and foi Cor.grees to May abreast of Lie nee adrenals. There is much mon ti be done on verification. and I Intend It seek additkirmi ahanges In the env-- Lure arid Capabilities of fecerernmente verifimuon work Argonne strengthen our verification has. and help Congitia determine- at tree tin ire can verify with high cont. dente and which treaties we Wince- Trit, last function is an imperative particularly for the Senate Chartr:- nate ernneini advice and conserr. o? treaty ratification. Would It no: be better to ernbark on Our raLificaUer duties sinned with the best possiWe scientific results' I our convinced the answer can only be a res.ourraeit; bef.r. President. I see Senator V. weer, or. the floor. This ie the arnencenen: illy to the Senator. that Senator Dittos and I discussed with hienTr is the one that seeks greater Wina? tion of the Argonne Plationa tabors tory for verification and res.ekrTZ I ? doe_s not add any money to the tots authorization. I believe it is col:epic:, ly acceptable. at least we have cleared It with staffs on both aides I taw dis- cussed it briefly with Senator Go tram and Senator Num. Mr. WARNER. Mr. President. I concur to the observations of the Sen- ator from Illinois. He is aecurate In his Presentation. I 11UPPort bit amend- ment. Mr. MM. Mr. President, me have looked at the amendment and we sup- port the amendment., . r. GOLDWATER. Mr. President. We will Incept the amendment. The PRESIDING OPFICER The k question is on anreeing to the amend IOWA. The agreed do. endment Olo. ST1) was ;. IllINDIOLIT NO. sip (Purpose Ts require an annual report an re- -search ha Mot control varlinahon Web tiology.) -Jana:won. Mr. President. I have a second amendment that I send to the desk and ask for Its immediate consid- eration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk aili report- The bill clerk read as follows: The Senator from Minch Mr. anion, moons on amendment inmireeed Mr. salmi. Mr. President. I AA Wisnimous consent that further read- ing of the amendment be dispensed with The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection. Sam ordered. - The amendment Is as fellows: -Oil parr lee betweee turns and Iron; the Ionos Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0 E U Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0 ela) a 194145 CON ANNUAL REPORT ON ARMS OONTROL VOT=.7f-lCATIDK TrZ,;DIACK--? . is No: We: nut-, L one Mara I al each year the:raw. the lescretan ef Defense. In annsuitatioo with Ow ikeretars of Snern. Mat transmit to Ow Corirrels a Import on norm develop meowD the impoblintes of the Vatted Suits to monitor major wriaPiew ftridlothrill "rucks . (hex tetaL and leolores weapezi, deplosed lez the &wart Vows- Mei ucting the r-ratilliues al such weapons- and to monstar the development of Dee weaPons bi the Soviet Onion for the purpose of- f! determg the level of ecomPliance b.f the Sorbet Vnion with arms metro` agree meets trecludms agreement; whirr, he e tem mewled les noresente-rves ci? th? erraxeme of the tinned Buttes and the viel Onion hut whoa hare sot bee& swa- thed le loin government& and tr, the extent Sc Irbich. V at all. the Boric Untor, has exceeded the sr: pt.! ir giros eionirol ;rowan mad- b.. enthr- ourt government during forme OWL, with ear h staler fn Th. report ieou:red smiss-asoc oral; fricsigik? eve/tuition of the capabilities of the tinned States referred to Ir such subsecisor, as el the time of the report and eV the resew& end derelonenere objtbe- Wes ef the Department of Defensz ant the Degartmere ce IltriefTV vitt, mow te wet momentum lar the snag= le Pm" W.SfMON. Ur. IProicient, I am today offering an amendment to the Defense AuthorisaUon Act that en) be darify bur the Members of Oon- grass the mains and oonnollebted bows isarrouninng the verification of arms mono' treaty gompbanee amendment calls for an annual r to be submitted not Inter than March I of mach pear beginning le IMIS, de- bflthg tbe full nage of veitheatiso re- wards arid monitoring amiabliities ear- ned out by the Department af De- fame and the Department of lenergra laboratory acthities in this bnportarit area It is imperative that Congrew be folly informed. on an annual beats, on vercation problems and aueosmas beyond occasional moons *tallies Soviet eampliaoce behavior. These se- porta while worthwhile, are presided without much context as to where we stand am verktication state-of-theart. Oongres! needs to know with what level of confidence the DQD aisembles Its report. how niuch ic based on high. medium or low eonfidenoe In our veri- hcation technolcce. We turther need to know about a variety of proposed Westin arid treaties signed but unrati- fied. including nuclear. chemical. and bicikeine weapons accords. As weapons systems advance and become inereasingty diflicult to verify. S meentiel that verthention techisid- *gift keep pace with new weapons pro- ductions.. testing. and deployment. ? number of treatim? are pending. are now in the process of being Degotiated. or bare been proposed by one country sr anotber kr consideration. it cannot be stressed enough that Congran can bwt exercise Its defense oversight furoct.Km tf ft V ks inJortmed Don- ee rrine o ,crzist7:T...0a GRISSIONAL ECORD ?SET elven moment. and especially Our R es Y) o'-.'t5 ft)! VI, nem yea-:; 0:1kr; the road In this Way We earl then Judge with higher gonfittence than b nos possible whether stir veri- fication efforts are headed be the tight ehrecUrin and whether we ate Inds ca- pable of making an Wormed Judie - mer t an the compliance of treaties e will then be best serving the "O- bona/ security of the United States. Mr. President. I have diacturned this amendment with the minority and ma. jority mails This amendment simply WM, for an annual verifies. bor. report One of the thing disco% - ere a. I Was reseairchins the serifica? tion problem h that there is no report regularly in Congress on this wit& 8?b- n-a knos of or' controversy oc IL I Would be happy to lingoes DM flues bons. I have diamissed is with the staffs on both sides Id!- GOLDWATER . Mr. President. we have no quarrel with this amend- ment. We will accent ft. The PRESIDING OFFICEFL The Question is on agreeing to the amend- Merit. The amendment (No. ass) was sod to. trurpose- To authorise he aporepriatiren linale.0015 for construdico al a Brigade ULM; Center at the naval Anew* lo Annapolis Maryland) Mr. HATFIELD. Mr. President. I send am ainendroent to the fled and ask tor Its tonsediate fielettfideration. The PRISID1140 OFFICER. The clerk will report.. The deft read as fo'Dowr The ileitanx from Craven Mr. litaeriziol memo aa wiendoiese mosbend MT. EATFIELD. Mr. President. 7 ask unanimous consent that further read- ing of the amendment be dispensed with. The FRSSIDINO OFFICER. With- out ebjection.4ft Is so ordered. ?be ansenddient ts as follow Or page lie. line II. delete 111.1110.000 and been beu thereof 82.3.41001X4 Oil DOM He low IL delete 111.123.403A0t and insert In lieu thereof OD wee IN am I. *sac aed Mean Whet tiered 111.1nigib.005 Mr. RATFTELD Mr. President. the U.S. NSW Annierny is the only &ado - my of our military services that does toot have a brigade- activiq center. We usually refer to these as multipurpose buildings. The President of the United &ales bar asked for this In his Initial budget period. I am proposing that we vestarelble to the budget It would au- thorise the building of this center. We meogniae that the curricula have been improved to the point where they now some with any of the major lankier- pities of this country. In order to continue to attract such young men and 11001451 to the Naval Academy,I think It Is very important to add this kind of a funnily. Kr. President, this will add 821 Wi- le= for rtic.?- a fncility, and authorize TE 6701Z tion We can determine at S dffereve or vv.! t?c, fur.d year lSb.t o; whenever we sant fund it. Sul I would like to see this au thOrtned at this time. The Naval Acedetny must be tom petttive with other motor strOversitic and service academies U we are goini to continue to attract Use brith'? tom pettily, young leaders se need The Ibrigede Activity Center b /antis! to allow flee seattng of the bel gade to provlen the academic. prate- Montt and guttural program needer to ensure a well-rounded edum.nor. to. Our lti:urt Nee) leaders A umlaut- plus for pur sent,/ scui- mitt is the alstUty to frequently prc, vide truly disttnguished speakers vitt a wide variety of experleoces for tho entin brigade The Sava! Ansderr..... Amble the other service araderr.les ha cc fa--ilits adequate to seat the enter, briputf untie r reasonable acourr. 0 environment& cIrcurristanm there tore. a great opportunity is )o The design DI the hicilltY Pennlla to be divided Into smaller aernienL. which will be used sinsiiltaneousl) or e daily basis to support lect wiz" debate groups. seminars. briehor art: various clubs and Informal assemblies larger sections wiD accommodate bebnd and glee dub rehearsals as wet as large gathering for Indoctrinailor programs and aerninars The facility will also support limn Ing events asseb as basketball tennis volleyball, boxing and other sports a actively pursued at our servile wade ides. I would Ube to yield to the Serious from Ifireoln Kr. WARNER Mr. President. I have diseumed this matter with the &gin mashed Senator from Or on. ant perhaps the Senate is not aware air be is a trustee of this Institutior and s farmer sailor of great distmetior airing World War I/ I think IN leaked Into the wintirs eandolty. 1 base urged the distlogniebed alien man at the Military Otosetruetior Committee to hopefully agree Intl this amendment. Kr. THURIblOPID. Mr. !Preside's! this Item was not OP:Proved to lb Senate Armed Services Commingle. 1. was not considered such a hia-Prior ty it. There is a need for it Bt dna V. the Superintendent of th Nava! Academy has expressed i strong term a need for it I uncle- stand there ilDES not currently mist facility to assemble the entire brigad of aninshipinen antler one goof. an this b a badly seeded item Ir. view e. the fact that all of the other acad, ndes have such a buntline the heed expressed by the Superintendent. are =premed by these Senators. I arr at beg to recommend that to our abl ehainssan. Mr. SATFIELD. Mr Presi dent . thank the Senator from Sco.)11-. Carol Da I WA( eherkee t" S the Serf t- ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0 -1 L I 1 II I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0 aura CO interan the o! exchange seri in ?.? f??? d? - ieet b? in. erir. services should be pro vend under contract or franchise or by using the resources ot the exchange sere - keg IG) the process by which a military inetae lotion k selected for new or Permed levels of *ethnics of the excharete siertrkin. CB the oonsederatior given to the Impart that the sense ion of. nes activIty or an to crease in an existing activity of an eaehanee service at a military installation will have on private commercial banner operations available to the vicinity of the installations- and (11 the economic Union whoa the add:, don of it nes art)vrey or ilDeTRILsei r 'stint 11[111?11 of the exchanre 'emcee or military inr.allatioin will have or, primate. ODiamercia2 businesses operating to the Mint) of the Installation lei The Department of Defense the- An= and Ai: Porn Exchange Semler.- and the Ns Exchange Service mar net IllPerlit? authorize the operatior. of mon than one commerciel franchise food vendins busines: or. a mintan installation The torero= atentenre attan not be construed in an exam tion to the hmitationi prorkkO M subteen non ta). numAGIEVVri 0/ MILITARY RZCORDS SLAM- TAINRI TRI NATIONAI RECORDS ADMINISTRATION Sec gee. (II The Congress nada that the National Archives and Record& Administra- tion has received a substantial amber of military records and that. by lemon of the manner In which the records are math Mined, many of such records are not mutiny accessible to the public. - flit It b the sense of the COREYERS that the Aiehlvin of the United States should op point an advisory oomnlittee- (11 to study the manner le which gallium meow& reeetwed by the National /We= and Records Administration are and (II to make recommendations to Uwe Ode= on appropriate ways Is menage maintain mach records ao enhance public to the records Sc) Plot aster than Mareh Si. OM len An Odom shall transmit to the Congress a /men outlining a li-year plan. a 10-year pima. and a 20-year plan for improving the Weinagement, maintenance, storage and preetreation of military mew& mod be fie- Merl= public access to such moorde. Is illrwesents the report. the Archivist ahali sionderarr recommendaboar received 1101/Z any advisory aoadoluse appointed at esemamended to subsection Mt ntateerroanec rani nounneenst or WM'S MOBILE Emus Sac. 1146 (a) the Senate fin& that al) Verification and our shirty to monitor ikeriet forces, siv major national security' mensinerations. net) aolh the U.E. and the Sorter Union me watering an era of greater intereontinen- balikur wilerhe (ICBM) moblittr. lib Me mobile Walls deployed by Mee ?rill Minim and the Soviet Union should diffe TM Soviet Union k on the threshold of deploying two inn& of mobile ICBMs Mal mold paw monitennr ant verificttior. dilUiralties for the United &ale& - Ali The President has report= te the ellioilimm that tecreased burdent on moni? :;-.11011111 ellgiehlthies yawning hum euratelric Ibribilimeate mach at deployment& of "Rae& IICUlta earl be reduced if cooperative aireffidstlat diestsurec. are actopt..., eh k vies of then f innnr N(4:I LION Ad. RECORD ? SF \ TL S 7549 Senate directs the Actrniras..eatior, addeew the rnon1:e-174- arv? ve?:!1:42.7 s:I? ty , amid: ICBM and Sovie: sat, particular attention to the Soviet deploy - mem of. single warhead ICBM tr. either a hardened. soft. or deceptive mobile banns mode. le a dunned report. ono-, an undo" allied stmunarT: to COnSITSI Jenuall 10- 10111 (2. The Senate further u-rm the AdrolnP, 'ration to give the highcr-. pnonti to the general problem or verification of mobile ICBMs elth the Soviet Union in the ries or gotiationr on Nuclear and Space Arms or through appropriate diplomatic channels anIt'Al REPORT OP muss CIONTRO: ITEITICATION recineoLOCT Su. 047. (al not later than Marin I. 108e. and Merck) 1 of each year thereafter. the Secretary of Defenee. to consultatioc with the Secretary of Energy shot! transmit to the Conerem a report on recent develop menu to the capabflitin of the United Starer to monitor major weaponl einchechnr nuclear. chemical and bio)orice fresteom deployed to the Sone: Dmor. Mc/Jet:rig the eapabilmas cd such weapor-E, and 10 nloniter the development of nee weapons by. the florist tenon for the purpose Si- (1) determiaint the level of compliance by the Soviet Union with anns control Wee- wenti, uding agreements which have been executed by representatives of the gov- ernments of the United Stews and the Soviet Dube but which have not been rati- fied by bath governments. and Oh the OMSK to which. V Si all. the Doi= has eseeeded the limits set mu to anos mutat/ immesh made by gather such government duel= form& bib with each other. Ib) The report required by subsection al Include- (1) an evaluation hi the capabilities of the United States referred to in such subeectioe as Si the Uwe of the report; and CV the research and development objec- tives of the Department of Defense and the Elspartment Si Energy with respect to such capabilities for the wreming 10 pears. ? 11870 000P111.8.12W Peones Sec. Mit tat Section 21 Si the Arms Zxport Control Act (12 V.S.C. 276"fi h amended to read as toUoaw lit Soars ATLANTIC Tisane Oaasai- ona The Psmident may atter Mto an agreement mats theauTollorth) erprowitballenjectse:lest arhaTTreminontitiltem. 7::gedeeptipa: h sec bee Referral to es 'other perticipante. operative pants other than the United States la a eo- sumo for a sooperathe project. Partici- operative project tries (other than the United States) of "(b) Por the purposes of this section. a 'oce- nut:anent. described in a written agree- ment amount the pertien which is under- taken be order to further the objectives of Manderdiration, rationalisation. and Meer- operability of the armed forces of North At- lantic Treaty Omnaitre member eoun Vbs. and which provides- for ace or more of the other partici- PM* to share with the United States the oasts of research, developmeot. testing, eval- uation or join! productior eincluthrig folios on support, of certain defense ami- ties. -ell for concurrent productior. in the United States and in another member coun- try of a defense article jointly developed in accordence with clause Un or "4.1.) for procurement by the United State of 8 dt-lens, 11,-Lnifor deer.'-- 5:-TACe foe anoIhe- tr,fMt7 countr 'lc) Each such acre-Linen: shall provide ths the tinned eath o! the C1Z7',! 7 pL. ,&rt a,cz.rilror,.? it. the co operante project its ecluitable share Si the full cost of such cooperative project and ail! =Delve an equita.ble share of the results of such cooperative project The lull costs of Inch cooperative project shall Maude. but Dot be limited to. overhead and administra- tive oasts The Drifted States arid the other participants msi. contribute then eoultable sharm of the full cost of such cooperative project to funds or la defense articles or ek - tense services needed for such Cooperative project. *Unary assistance and financing received from the United Stater Oovern anent may not be used bt any of the other partirtpanu to provide he share of the eon of such cooperative project "Ien The President may contract or boor other obligations for a cooperative project on behalf of the other participents. without Charge to any aPoropriatior. or contract au Mon:anon if each of the other participants In the cooperative project acme (I) to pay Its equitable share Si the convert or suel, other obligations. and (Si to mate such fund aeallable in such amount/ and at such time as may be required by the contract or such other obligations and to pay any dalhateb and oasts that may accrue from the per- formance of or cancellation of such contract or other obligation in advance of the time such payments. dames. or east:- are due n(e) With the approval cif UM Secretary of State and the Secretary of Delman, a mop- mange agreement made by the United Mates before the Mae of the emillsolint Si this section that otherwise insets The re- quIremenh of this section may be treated no and after such date as having bees made under this secUon. "(Int) Por those cooperative projects SD- tared kn. On and after the date Si the es- lietatent 01 this section. the President May Bodnar or watrathe charge or charges which inelid otherwhe be =moldered appropriate under eaction ItI(e) of this Act to =mach= with sales under sectioss Si and 22 of this Act when such sales are made as part Si such cooperative project. Bowman the President may reduce or waive arch charge or Mantes only If the other partpants agree to reduce or waive correspondios charges under the asme and other or/opera- Strtdacts to which kith the; and the United States are participants. (5) Notwithstanding the protsicat Si adios 21.(elilliA) and aectioo 43W Si this Act. adminhtrative surcharges shell not be tocremed no ether mks made under this Act le order to campeiwate for reductions or webers Si mach surcharges under this ac- tion. Ponds received pursuant to mach other sales thial not be aeallehle to reimburse-the cams incurred by the United Seams Covent- scoot for which induction or waiver k ap- proved by the President under this section. "tent) Not Ism than fifteen days before a cooperative project agreement is niggled On behalf of the United States. the President shall tranizeit to the *maker of the Souse of Reprementatims. the chairman of the Committee so Vanden *elation' at the Senate. and the chairman Si the Committee on Armed Services of the Senate a num- bered eertificetion with respect to arch Pro posed agreement, setting forth- -LA) a detailed deecripUon of the coopers tire project with respect to which the cern- . ticatMn is made "01) an *animate Si the Quantity of the de- tense articles expected to be produced in furtherance of mach cooperative project: 'IC) an estimate of the full cost of the co- operative project with an estimate of that pert of the full cost to be- incurred by tti- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2011/05/24: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200240017-0