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Document Release Date:
November 17, 2010
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Publication Date:
April 11, 1984
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
Congress of tie 1niteb gttttes
(Qommitfee on Aorei$n ffairs
Xmse of Pprtsentatiues
The attached is for your information
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
ores t tttxs / , 4 " " i '~ ? L
QIQmmrlC on
April 11, 1984
The President
The White House
Washington, D. C. 20500
1 am writing to request your comments on li.Res. 484, a resolution of
inquiry directing the President to furnish certain information to the House
of Representatives concerning United States military involvement in
hostilities in Central Aierica.
Thi.S r solut{oo yas intrOttced in the :'souse or, April 10, 1Sc4 and
referred joir:tly tc tt,,~ Committees on Foreign AI-fairs and the kermament
Select Comiittee on Intelli; once. Unser the rules of the house, the
Committees crust act or. this legislation within 14 legislative day's,
beginning A-01 11. There.:ore, I respectfully rcqutRt your resporec to
this resolutior no .later tr.nrr. Friiay, C.pril. 27, ir. crc:er to give Ow.
Committee adegnAte time to ccnsi.dor hotter..
A copy of ia.Pvs. 4t%4 is enclosL.c for your ccrvLnirnt r_fcrcrrc.
With highest rVgards, I am
`:inccro ,} yours,
Dart.e' B. "asce.ll
Chi: irrsari
LDBF : ji
Enclosure -
I Executive he strj
3~1 03-3
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
Directing the President to furnish certain information to the House of Representa-
tives concerning United States military involvement in hostilities in Central
APRIL 10, 1984
Mr. MARKEY submitted the following resolution; which was referred jointly to the
Committees on Foreign Affairs and the Permanent Select Committee on In-
Directing the President to furnish certain information to the
House of Representatives concerning United States military
involvement in hostilities in Central America.
1 Resolved, That within seven days after the adoption of
2 this resolution, the President shall furnish to the House of
3 Representatives the following:
4 (1) All documents in his possession concerning in-
5 stances of United States aircraft flying intelligence-
6 gathering missions in the airspace of El Salvador since
7 August 1, 1983, including any document showing the
8 time and frequency of such flights, the type of aircraft
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
1 involved, the missions performed, or the origin of such
2 flights.
3 (2) All documents in his possession indicating that
4 intelligence gathered by United States Armed Forces
5 has been supplied to the armed forces of El Salvador,
6 Honduras, or Guatemala since August 1, 1983, includ-
7 ing any document indicating that United States Armed
8 Forces have provided tactical intelligence directly to
9 elements of the armed forces of El Salvador while
10 those Salvadoran forces were engaged in operations
11 against insurgents.
12 (3) All documents in his possession giving details
13 of actual or proposed involvement by military or civil-
14 ian agencies of the United States in combat missions in
15 El Salvador or Honduras since August 1, 1983, in-
16 cluding any documents discussing proposals by United
17 States Government authorities to have aircraft owned
by the United States Government, or manned by per-
sons paid by the United States Government (including
contract personnel), fly combat support missions
21 against insurgents in El Salvador.
22 (4) All documents in his possession discussing the
23 possible involvement of United States Armed Forces in
24 combat in Central America.
Executive Registry
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
1 (5) All documents in his possession indicating
2 what is the border between Honduras and El Salvador
3 which is recognized by the United States, all docu-
4 ments indicating how close to that border United
5 States Armed Forces in Honduras may approach under
6 the applicable rules of engagement, and all documents
7 showing the number of times that members of the
8 United States Armed Forces in Honduras have crossed
9 that border.
10 (6) All documents in his possession showing that
11 United States Armed Forces deployed in Honduras
12 have entered into the territory, airspace, or waters of
13 El Salvador or Nicaragua since August 1, 1983, for
14 any purpose other than transportation of such forces
15 into or out of Honduras.
16 (7) All documents in his possession discussing the
17 purposes of Emergency Deployment Readiness Exer-
18 cises on the Honduras-El Salvador border, the effects
19 these exercises will have on the conflict within El Sal-
20 vador, or whether these United States forces will be
21 equipped for combat.
22 (8) All documents in his possession discussing any
23 instances in which United States Armed Forces in El
24 Salvador or Honduras have come into contact with
RES 484 IH
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
1 forces hostile to the governments of those countries
2 since August 1, 1983.
3 (9) All documents in his possession discussing any
4 instances since August 1, 1983, in which members of
5 the United States Armed Forces in El Salvador or
6 Honduras either have been subject to hostile fire them-
7 selves or have been accompanying members of the
8 armed forces of El Salvador who were subject to hos-
9 tile fire.
10 (10) All documents in his possession indicating
11 that since August 1, 1983, United States Armed
12 Forces have transported elements of Honduran or Sal-
13 vadorn Armed Forces while these forces were engaged
14 in operations against insurgents, including any docu-
15 ment indicating that United States Armed Forces
16 transported elements of Honduran Armed Forces in
17 operations against insurgents in September 1983.
18 (11) All documents in his possession discussing
19 any instances in which United States Armed Forces in
20 El Salvador or Honduras have come into contact with
21 forces engaged in hostile action against the Govern-
22 ment of Nicaragua since August 1, 1983.
23 (12) All documents in his possession indicating
24 that United States Government personnel (including
25 contract personnel), or that vessels owned by the
I Executive Reflistry
i-IRF.C AAA in I / /n' l
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1 United States Government or operated by United
2 States Government personnel (including contract per-
3 sonnel), have participated in the mining of Nicaraguan
4 waters.
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/11/17: CIA-RDP87B00858R000200170019-6
Congress of the gniteb $tates
OIamnmittee an gareign -ffa rs
Xonss of ispusentatifies
The attached is for your information
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