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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE PARAGUAY BUREAU ASUNCION, PARAGUAY MPY-6055 4 December 1986 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, FBIS THROUGH : Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT : Monthly Report -- Paraguay Bureau -- November 1986 1. During November, the Paraguayan Government cracked down more severely than usual on the opposition. Jamming of the opposition Radio Nanduti increased during the last week of the month to its highest level since it began 7 months ago -- at times the interferen9'e has been almost continuous. Earlier in the month, the'interior minister denied that the government has anything to do with the jamming, which the station owner has said is causing sponsors to withdraw commercials, thus reducing station revenues and putting the station near bankruptcy. One of the radio's reporters was beaten and arrested, allegedly for reporting on demonstrations by politically active employees and doctors at the Hospital de Clinicas in Asuncion who have clashed with police several times this year. The reporter now is reported missing and the leader of the protesting doctors union has been jailed. 2. Further signs of government intransigence were contained in remarks by two generals. At a graduation ceremony, the major general who heads an officers training school said that President Stroessner will rule "until the and of his days." Another general, in a comment that surprised no one, said that the Army will defend the government "with arms if necessary." 3. As part of the State Department's effort to bolster security at embassies overseas, all Embassy employees are now required to wear Embassy I.D. badges and personal and official vehicles must be registered and display an Embassy decal to enter the compound. A. M9nitgESil/?4itori$1 1. Following a 30 October JORNAL DO BRASIL report that Paraguayan President Alfredo Stroessner is very ill with gallstones and an infection, and that he has been advised to receive treatment in the United States, the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Bureau initiated a log of Stroessner's daily appearances on local television news programs. The longest period during which Stroessner did not appear was 4 days -- from the 7th to the 10th. No subsequent reports of his illness have been monitored. 2. The Bureau this month began covering a new Paraguayan opposition newspaper, LA DEMOCRACIA. The paper's masthead states that it expresses the thinking of Paraguayan liberalism. 3. In November, the Bureau filed 34,340 words exclusively from Brasilsat sources, up from 18,140 words in October. A large part of this increase was the result of coverage of the announcement of the Brazilian Government's new economic measures and the subsequent protests by opposition politicians and the first violent riots against the democratic government since it was installed. B. Tgahniggti 1. The Bureau this month started experiencing some reception problems with the two press agencies monitored off Brasilsat. It was discovered that the No. 1 TVRO-270-FDM generates a signal that interferes with the No. 2 TVRO-270 FDM, causing extensive garbling. It was also discovered that there is interaction among the TVRO-270-70 and TVRO-270-FDM receivers. To improve our reception until a permanent solution is found, the Bureau has turned off the No. 1 FDM and the No. 2 "70." S.T. Research is sending a technician to the Bureau the week of 7 December to look into the problem. 2. Bureau technicians successfully tested and installed the antenna selector unit at the remote site near Luque. This system will be used with the microwave expansion project. 3. The technicians also installed the IBM-XT in the computer room. C. Cruising The cruiser spent 2 weeks cruising Brasilsat SBTS Al in an unsuccessful search for more public media sources. He also checked the frequency changes for Beijing International Service and secondary frequency changes for Moscow International Service. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 A. P sQnOgj Since receiving Headquarters approval to increase the FBN T/O to 25, the Bureau has obtained Embassy approval to bring another monitor on board. This will bring the Bureau's monitorial strength up to 15. The Bureau has sent letters to two candidates from the last hiring campaign who look promising and will begin advertising the position in local newspapers in January-February. Paraguay Bureau experienced a baby boom in November. On the 7th, Bureau Administrative Assistant gave birth to a daughter, And on the 30th, the wife of-Monitor Supervisor had a boy named Chief, FBIS Paraguay Bureau Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Paraguay Bureau Production Report for November 1986 TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 26045ci TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH: 89660 TOTAL NUMBER OF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH: 8.2 BROAD-- CASTS PRESS AGENCIES F'IJBL I - CATIONS I I . INPUT OF REGULAR COVERAGE: 1 1 020. 00 50220. 00 173.23 (minutes or issues per week) min. min. issues III. OUTPUT FROM ALL... SOURCES: (publishable words per month) ARGENTINA Buenos Aires Argentina Televisora Color Network: in Spanish 450 Buenos Aires Domestic Servi e.1h'_ Spanish 621o Formosa LT 88 Television in Spanish 0 Buenos Aires DYN in Spanish Buenos Aires NOTICIAS ARGENTINAS in Spanish Buenos Aires TELAM in Spanish Buenos Aires BUENOS AIRES HERALD in English Buenos Aires CLARIN in Spanish Buenos Aires GENTE in Spanish Buenos Aires LA NACION in Spanish Buenos Aires LA PRENSA in Spanish Buenos Aires LA RAZON in Spanish BOLIVIA L.a Paz La Red F'anamer i cana in Spanish La Paz Radio Illimani in Spanish La Paz El Diario in Spanish 8170 2886c) 17(--)10 10460 1890 i) 159o 2340 1420 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 La Paz FRESENCIA in Spanish BRAZ IL Brasilia Domestic Service in Portuguese Brasilia Radio Nacional da Amazonia Network in Portuguese Porto Alegre Radio Guaiba in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro Radio Globo in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro Rede Globo Television in Portuguese Sao Paulo Bandeirantes Television in Portuguese Sao Paulo Radio Bandeirantes in Portuguese Brasilia EBN in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro AJB in BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Portuguese Rio de Janeiro JORNAL DO BRASIL in Portuguese 3980 Rio de Janeiro MANCHETE in Portuguese 640 Rio de Janeiro 0 GLOBO in Portuguese 3000 Sao Paulo FOLHA DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese 4750 Sao Paulo 0 ESTADO DE SAO PAULO in Portuguese 2360 Sao Paulo VEJA in Portuguese 53'0 CHILE Santiago Domestic Service in Spanish 7140 Santiago Radio Chilena in Spanish 9840 Santiago Radio Portales in Spanish 18.0 Santiago QUE FASA in Spanish Santiago ALTERNATIVA in Spanish Santiago COSAS in Spanish Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 BROAD--? PRESS PURL I - CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS Santiago EL MERCURIO in Spanish 2100 Santiago HOY in Santi Santi Spanish ago LA SEGUNDA in Spanish ago LA TERCERA DE LA HORA in Spanish (i i) 640 Santiago ago MENSAJE in Spanish CHINA Beijing Beijing in Spanish FRANCE Paris AFP in Spanish PARAGUAY Asuncion Radio Nanduti in Spanish Asuncion Cerro Cora Sistema Nacional de Television in Spanish Asuncion Domestic Service in Spanish Asuncion Radio Primero de Marzo in Spanish Asuncion Red Privada de Television in Spanish Asuncion EL DIARIO in Spanish Asuncion EL PUEBLO in Spanish Asuncion HOY in Spanish Asuncion LA DEMOCRACIA in Spanish Asuncion LA TARDE in Spanish Asuncion PATRIA in Spanish Asuncion SENDERO in Spanish Asuncion ULT I MA HORA in Spanish 3450 0 287(--) 210 200 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 BROAD- PRESS PUBLI- CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS PERU Lima Cadena America Television in Spanish c_r Lima Canal 9 Television in Spanish - 650 Lima Lima Domestic Service in Spanish Latinoamericana Television in Spanish C) 460 Lima Panamericana Television Network: in Spanish 550 Lima Radio Star in Spanish C) Lima Radio del Pacifico in Spanish 1950 Lima Radioprogramas del Peru in Spanish 090 Lima Television Peruana in:- Lima CARETAS in Spanish Lima EL COMERCIO in Spanish Lima EL NUEVO D I AR I O in Spanish Lima EXPRESO Spanish Lima LA REPUBLICA in Spanish SPA I N Madrid EFE in Spanish URUGUAY Montevideo Radio Carve in Spanish Montevideo Radio El Espectador in Spanish Montevideo LA HORA in Spanish Montevideo EL DIA in Spanish Montevideo LA DEMOCRACIA in Spanish 3090 i 50 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 BROAD- PRESS PUEIL I - CASTS AGENCIES CATIONS USSR Moscow Radio Magallanes in Spanish 0 Moscow Radio Peace and Progress in Spanish to Latin America 1350 Moscow in Portuguese to Brazil i~ Moscow in Spanish to Latin America Moscow in Spanish to Chile 4550 Moscow in Spanish to Cuba Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6 WORDAGE FILED FROM ROSET SOURCES Brasilia EBN in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro AJB in Portuguese Brasilia Radio Nacional da Amazonia Network in Portuguese Brasilia Domestic Service i Portuguese Rio de Janeiro Radio Globo in Portuguese Paulo Bandeirantes Television in Portuguese Rio de Janeiro Rede Globo Television in Portuguese Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/05/02 : CIA-RDP87-01104R000100130002-6