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Publication Date: 
May 7, 1986
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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 !L/~~\ll \\\~~lll FBIS FOREIGIV'-BROADCAST INFORMATION S'E''iZVICE KEY WEST BUREAU NAVAL AIR STATION MAIN P.O. BOX 1056 TRUMAN ANNEX BLDG. 1355 KEY WEST, FLORIDA 33041-1056 OFFICE: (305) 296-5444 (305)294-4338 (305) 292-5291 ~ TELEX: 803046 MFL-6012 7 May 1986 MEMORANDUM T0: Director, Foreign Broadcast Information Service THROUGH: Chief, Operations Group SUBJECT: Monthly Report--Key West Bureau--April 1986 The Navy has now formally admitted that the base housing contractor will not be able to meet the original 26 May contract completion date. Revised estimate is now o/a 16 June. Interior finish work has been postponed due to delay in delivery of window units which would offer protection from weather. All units currently have roughed-in studs, framework, plumbing and electrical wiring. Navy estimates project at 80 percent complete whereas construction schedule called for 98 percent completion by 1 May. After seemingly endless delays, on 10 April a local contractor finally completed work on repairing the roof section damaged by a falling antenna last November. Our main operations area is now back to normal. With regard to our ongoing antenna projects, Dynalectron Corporation completed installation of a temporary longwire at Boca Chica airfield on 7 April, followed by an intensive cruising survey. Much to our disappointment, it does not offer significantly better reception from Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica and Eastern Caribbean than currently available on existing bureau antennas. The "Hermes" shortwave antenna received from Bangkok was installed on 26' April, also with disappointing results. Only six of the eight arrays are marginally functional and entire antenna is in need of major overhaul due to extensive corrosion. The new Scala Yagi TV antennas for Havana Channels 9 and 13 were erected on the new 80-foot tower on 3 May, after several delays due to high winds in the area. Initial testing is underway. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 A. Monitorial/Editorial Fidel Castro made two speeches during the month, one to the Pioneers youth organization on its 25th anniversary, and again on the 25th anniversary of Playa Giron ("Bay of Pigs" invasion). The 90-minute speech to the Pioneers was processed by Key West as it was not broadcast on Havana's international service. However, processing of the 2-hour-47-minute-long Playa Giron speech was split with Panama Bureau which was able to record speech from a later rebroadcast. An initial attempt to establish a relay of speech via phone patch was unsuccessful. Cuban reaction to the U.S. attack on Libya in retaliation for support to terrorist activities was partially harsh, with Castro comparing President Reagan to Hitler during his Playa Giron anniversary speech. Comment on the Libyan attack from other countries in bureau coverage area was voluminous and primarily negative. B. Communications The Boca Chica Naval Communications unit has advised bureau that the Mode I priority software change proposal has been approved and should be installed in the near future. This would again provide input needed by MIDAS for "pinkie-coding." On 7 April bureau's antenna contractor completed installation of a 2,700-ft nonresonant longwire at Boca Chica airfield. Initial testing by cruising monitor on this antenna, with a boresight bearing of 131 degrees true north and oriented on east-central Cuba in an attempt to improve reception from Jamaica as well as Haiti and the Dominican Republic, produced only minor improvement on intended targets. However, it did bring in a few previously unheard stations in the Lesser Antilles as well as in northeastern South America. The antenna was subsequently shortened to 1,800 ft to make its receiving lobes broader and less sensitive to distant stations. Results from second survey showed improvement in most signals from intended targets, but not enough to warrant a remote operation. The eight-element Hermes Loop Array (shortwave antenna) received from Bangkok was erected on 26 April, on the enclosed field east of the operations building. Although initially we had planned to orient this antenna to the Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 southwest between Mexico and Nicaragua, political developments in the Dominican Republic and the less than satisfactory results obtained from the Boca Chica mediumwave antenna prompted a last minute change. It is temporarily oriented on 125 degrees in hopes of improving reception on the single audible shortwave station in the Dominican Republic. During installation the antenna was found to be in poor condition with highly corroded components. Six of the eight arrays are only marginally functional due to defective transmission line sections, preamplifiers and other shortcomings. Parts and labor for full rehabilitation of the array are estimated at approximately $4,000. As part of a communications upgrade, on 5 April bureau received an IBM-XT with IOMB hard disk, designed to interface with CRW's Bach software and our Extel B315 paper punch and printer. After reseating a loose plug, replacing a faulty keyboard and performing modifications to Extel ASR as instructed, it was discovered that the Bach software, set for 150 Baud, is incompatible with this bureau's Extel ASR's. A decision is now pending on whether to modify Bach software of F/ROM chips in ASR units. D. Cruising To conduct survey of experimental longwire at Boca Chica, bureau rented a van and outfitted it with necessary receivers and recording equipment. Cruising monitor conducted survey from 9 to 18 April, while "feeding" the hordes of mosquitoes at Boca Chica. Results of the survey can be summarized briefly as follows: (1) Jamaica: There was virtually no improvement on target stations. (2) Haiti: There was no significant improvement in reception of mediumwave broadcasts than currently available at bureau. (3) Dominican Republic: Although there was no significant improvement on audible mediumwave broadcasts, there was improved reception of the shortwave relay of Santo Domingo's Radio Antillas on 5956 KHZ. (4) Other Caribbean: There was significantly better reception of mediumwave broadcasts from lower priority targets in Dominica, Montserrat and Anguilla than currently available at bureau. Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 In sum, the "compromise" antenna orientation at 131 degrees failed to produce significantly better reception on priority targets over existing antennas to warrant expense of a remote operation. Bureau is currently considering reorienting antenna directly on Hispaniola which should not only improve signal strength from Haiti and Dominican Republic, but also attenuate Cuban broadcasts on the same or nearby mediumwave frequencies. Cruising observations of the Hermes shortwave antenna indicate that the functioning loops provide about a 3-decibel gain in signal strength on the tropical band from the Dominican Republic and French Guiana (other shortwave transmitters in Haiti and Guyana were either off the air or operating intermittently due to transmitter problems). Bureau is currently covering Santo Domingo's Radio Antillas via the Hermes, which is providing improved reception than previously available via the bureau's 6.0 MHZ dipole antenna. Because of its sharper directivity, the Hermes demonstrated better attenuation of voice interference. A more thorough survey will be conducted after the antenna is fully operational. Building & Grounds The bureau's auxiliary power generator, originally installed in 1979, failed during a test run on 16 April. The unit was back on line by 1 May following repair of a fuel leak and rehabilitation of the speed governor. The roof section over the main operations room area was finally repaired on 10 April, a full 5 months following the antenna tower accident last November and just in time before start of the local rainy season in May. 1. Regional engineer) (visited bureau on TDY from 10 to 14 April. 2. Bureau Chief) (visited headquarters TDY from 11-25 April to attend annual Bureau Chiefs Conference. 3. OMS safety officer visited bureau on 1-day TDY on 18 April as part of per o is nspection visit. He recommends replacing existing fire extinguishers with new equipment which his office will provide. STAT STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 9 ,~ 4. OL/RE&CD officer) (visited bureau TDY from 29 April to 1 May to survey local rental market for determination of fair market value for FBIS housing on Truman Annex. Chief, FBIS Key West Bureau Attachment: Production Report cc: C/Panama, C/Paraguay Bureaus STAT STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 TOTAL PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MDNTH: 137,666 TOTAL NON-PUBLISHABLE WORDAGE FILED DURING MONTH 26,164 TOTAL NUMBER DF PUBLISHABLE ITEMS FILED DURING MONTH : 533 BROADCAST PRESS AGENCIES PUBLICATIDNS II. INPUT OF REGULAR CDVERAGE: 2,575 14,706 21 (PUBLISHABLE WORDS PER WEE{: MIN MIN ISSUES III. DUTPUT FROM ALL SOURCES: (PUBLISHABLE WDRD5 PER MDNTH) BAHAMAS Nassau Domestic Service in English Nassau THE TRIBUNE in English BARBADOS Bridgetown CANA in English Bridgetown RDVOCATE in English Bridgetown SUNDAY ADVOCATE in English BELIZE Belize City Domestic Service in English CUBA Havana Radio Progreso Network 8,916_ in Spanish Havana Radio Reloj Netwar{; 7.806 in Spanish Havana Radio Rebelde Network 3,020 in Spanish Havana Radio Feriodico Del Aire _ 3,716_ in Spanish 2,140 51,G1U_ Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7 cusA Havana Domestic Service in Spanish 15.19U Havana Tele-Rebelde Network 5,340 in Spanish Havana Television Cubana Network -d-_ in Spanish Havana Television Service ,9,950 in Spanish DOMINICAN REPUBLIC Santo Domingo Cadena Brea Pena in Spanish Santo Domingo Radio Antilles Network 55c7 in Spanish Santo Domingo LISTIN DIARIO in Spanish JAMAICA Kingston Domestic Service in English fingston DAILY GLEANER in English Kingston SUNDAY GLEANER in English MEXICO Mexico City NOTIMEX in Spanish NETHERLANDS ANTILLES Bonaire Trans Norld Radio ~ 3,350 in English THE NETHERLANDS Hilversum International in English SURINAME Paramaribo International Service 1,42q in English Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2012/02/22 :CIA-RDP87-011048000100070008-7