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Publication Date: 
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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 Chief Archives and History Central Security Service National Security Agency Ft. George G. Meade, Maryland 20755 ? In response to your letter of 23 November (serial: T54-239-84) we have reviewed the collection from the proposed release to the National Archives entitled, "Army-Navy Cammuzications Intelligence Coordinating Committee, Minutes of Meetings, 18 April 1944 - 12 December 1945." The Central Intelligence Agency has no objection to the declassification and release of those OSS/FBIS items you have highlighted. Sincerely, STAT STAT STAT (thief, Classification Review Division Office of Information Services Directorate of Administration Central intelligence Agency UNCLASSIFIED WHEN SEPARATED FRQ4 ENCLOSURE Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 0 IV 5tL;Kt E NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY CENTRAL SECURITY SERVICE FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, MARYLAND 20755 ? Serial: T54-239-84 23 November 1984 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 L, %,icssZ0iL1. U view Division Office of Information Services Directorate of Administration Central Intelligence Agency Room 322, Ames Building Washington, D. C. Enclosed please find a collection of memoranda, letters and minutes extracted from a proposed release to the National Archives to be titled, "Army-Navy Communications Intelligence Coordinating Committee, Minutes of Meetings, 18 April 1944 - 12 December 1945." Each of these items contains entries which relate to the World War II organizations for which the Central Intelligence Agency is now the declassification authority, viz., the office of Strategic Services and the Foreign Broadcast Information Service. The numbered pages are those which we propose to release. In some cases, they are followed in the file by the correspon- ding classified, unsanitized versions of the numbered pages. This agency's declassification guidelines preclude uni- lateral declassification and release of any material which was originated by or relates to other government agencies. We would appreciate it, therefore, if you would review the material to determine if you concur with its release as shown. We have outlined or highlighted those items which we feel require your concurrence. Some of these items concern other elements of the U. S. Government, or of certain foreign intelligence organizations, and must be reviewed by them also. For this reason, although the numbered pages are marked as unclassified, it is requested that, until final concurrence has been received by us, and the file is released by NSA, the original classifications be observed and protected accordingly. DECLASSIFY UPON REMOVAL OF ENCLOSURE HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY TOP SECRET Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 1, Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 0 iur u cr! W The first two pages of the enclosure constitute an index, by page number, of the material; these numbers may be used as references when you reply to this request. If you have any questions,. please contact our project officer who ay be reached at 688-7553 or (secure) 972--22Z-8--.- Your cooperation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Chief, Archives and History Encl: a/s HANDLE VIA COMINT CHANNELS ONLY TOP SECRET T Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 la Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 SECURITY CLASSIFICATION TRANSMITTAL OF MATERIAL Acknowledge receipt of this material by executing and returning the below receipt. rc CONTRACT U1. co ^ This transmittal may be downgraded to ARFCOS upon removal of the enclosure(s). 2 This transmittal may be declassified upon removal of the enclosure(s). E. D. TO FROM (RsturlR Address) ONTROLJIUMRER C Director F RECEIPT S Rm 322 National Se i ? cur ty Agency PR TE PROCESS Ames Bldg Attn: T54 CIA F G t. .G. Meade, WRIGHT Washington, D.C Mar l d 20755=60 . y an 00 RE R NAME IS) Item No COPY OR SERIAL NUMBER UNCLASSIFIED TITLE/DESCRIPTION OF ITEM EM OF IT L2 USE ONLY . 1Abbrevletedl 1 letter T54-239-84, dated 23 Nov 84 U 2 Encl Proposed Special History TS-000 nothing follows APPENDED DOCUMENT S CONTAIN N5ITIVE COMPARTMENTED INFORMAT N DO NOT STAMP RECEIPT PORTION WITH CLASSIFICATION Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 STAT_ J 1 N I 1 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3 INSTRUCTIONS 1. UNWRAPPED Material,' forth- A-1295 receipt will be preps d ' in , triplicate by' the originator of any unwrapped classified'correspondence. (One to be retained by the originator and two copies are to be 2. PREWRAPPED Material, form A 1295 receipt , will. be any prewrapped classified correspondence. (One to beg inc1udel a a PP 4. Add a control/receipt number to the "Control" block. Complete "From" block. 3. The classification will be stamped at the top and bottom of the transmittal portion of the form in e,,4pppropdate block. Caveats should be stamped in lower clas fication block above perforation. Code- wor ~nfirmatbn will never on the'tr nmitt l a 6. Give an unclassified description of material in the "fitle/Description" block and state the classifi- cation of the material in the classification block. S. Number each line item. 7. Include originating element organization designator in the "Prepared By" block at the bottom of the form. Also repeat assigned "Control/Receipt Number" on receipt portion. 8. If contractor material is involved which requires L221 control, furnish one additional copy of A 1205 to L22 t. 9. Type complete address in "To" block. 10. Type or print name of individual preparing form and sign the "Signature" block in ink. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/02/01: CIA-RDP87-00181 R000200270005-3