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Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT ADMINTFTRATIVE orricIAL USE ONLY MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration Director of Information Services OIS Weekly Report (1-7 August 1985) A. WORK IN PRC, PSS 8 August 1989 1. TS DOCUMENTS. OIS annuitants continued their efforts to locate unaccounted for TS collateral documents. One annuitant found nine documents in the Intelligence Community Staff's holdings at the Agency Records Center, six charged to the Office of Global Issues and one each to the DO, OSO, and ICS. Another annuitant found 169 documents in the Office of Soviet Analysis, 52 charged to SOV A and 117 requiring additional research. 2. ADP RECORDS. A representative from the Information Management Branch attended 3 meeting hosted by the Data Center Management Division, Office of Information Technology, to discuss changes proposed for improving OIT's control over "permanent" magnetic tapes. SIGNIFICANT EVFNTS AND ACTIVITIES OF INTEREST 1. DeCLASSIFICATION OF WARNINGS HANDTIOOK. a warning expert retired from DIA is trying for the third time to obtain CIA's approval to declassify a SECRET warnings handbook that she wrote for training new analysts in the 1970s. The Agency has twice denied her request. The Classification Review Division, the NIO for Warning, and the DoD Public Affairs Office have agreed that the handbook would be of significant value to an enemy planning a surprise attack on the United States. Unfortunately, DIA has decided to support request and the latest version, reduced from 29 to 12 chapters, was accompanied by a letter from the Director, DIA, stating the belief that the handbook in its present form should be declassified. who was once supervisor at the National Warning Center, is reviewing the latest version for CRD. ADMINISTRATIVE: INTPRNAL TJET ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 STAT ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY 3. ISO? TASK FORCE. The Deputy Director of Information Services; Chief, Policy and Plans Group, Office of Security; and representatives from the Information Management Branch attended the first meeting of the Joint CIA/Air Force Task Force on Information Security Oversight Office initiatives to control the overdistribution of classified information. (Please refer to the OIS Weekly Report dated 1 August 1985.) As a result of the meeting, OIS will assemble an Agency working group of representa- tives from the four directorates to draft an initiatives paper for discussion at the next Task Force meeting. The Air Force will take similar action. 4. SUGGESTION TO CHANGE CORRESPONDENCE FORMAT. Two members of the Regulatory Policy Division reviewed a suggestion submitted by a DO division chief to change the format for internal Agency correspondence as STAT contained in In their evaluation they STAT pointed out that is the result of an Agency-wide effort to bring consistency to the preparation of correspondence and documentation and reflects the coordinated views of the Agency's senior secretaries as approved by senior Agency management. Moreover, standardizing the format is a means of increasing both readability of the product and in assisting secretaries and typists in document preparation. In addition, they pointed out that the format offered in the suggestion would take no less time or effort to prepare than the present format and would not offer the same degree of readability. 5. INFORMATION AND PRIVACY DIVISION ACTIVITIES. The backlog of initial requests has been further reduced to 2161. Among the more STAT Attacnment ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 STAT STAT ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY 7 August 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Deputy Director for Administration FROM: Chief, Information and Privacy Division, OIS SUBJECT: IPD/OIS Weekly Report (31 July - 6 August 1985) 1. The Week in Review 31 July - 6 August 1985 1985 Weekly Average 65 55.1 b. Cases closed 67 79.8 c. New appeals logged 3 2.6 d. Appeals closed 2 1.6 e. Manpower (man-weeks) 133.9 101.3 2. Current Backlogs a. New cases a. Initial requests - 2161 b. Requests in administrative appeal - 168 c. Requests in litigation - 84 3. Spotlighted Requests ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT IPD, Distribution: Orig - Adse 1 - DCl/DDCl/Executive Director 1 - DCI History Staff 1 - DDI 1 - DDO 1 - DDS&T 5 - OIS 1 - C/PAO 1 - Comptroller 1 - IG 1 - OGC 1 - OLL 1 - OP 1 - OL STAT 1 - c/Ims 1 - DDO/IRO STAT 25 - DDO/IMS 1 - DDI/IRO 1 - DDA/IRO 1 - IC/IRO 1 - OTE/MAT 1 - OIS/LA 1 - IRG/OS 1 - IPD Subject 1 - IPD Chrono 1 - IPD Reading Board 1 - HGH (7 August 1985) (Final) ADMINISTRATIVE-INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW DIVISION RECORD OF HISTORICAL REVIEW PERIOD COVERED 29 Jul-02 Aug 1985 DIVISIONAL HRB INDIVIDUAL Combined Division ACTIVITY MATERIAL EFFORT Job / Boxes RECORDS SEARCH/SURVEY FT HRS PREPARATION FOR REVIEW FT HRS DECLASSIFICATION REVIEW (Mandatory Review) DOCS 1 PGS 38 HRS 22 1 2 PROCESSING PREPARATION FOR RELEASE COMPUTER INPUT SYSTEM RIMS CAPTURING DATA FOR RIMS (Publication Review) HRS DOCS PGS HRS DOCS 36 PGS 36 HRS 40 DOCS PGS HRS TRAINING TYPE VM/RIMS/bkgrnd rdg HRS 41 ADMINISTRATIVE DUTIES TYPE HRS 42 OTHER ACTIVITIES TYPE Misc. HRS 17 TYPE Mandatory Review HRS 56 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 CLASSIFICATION REVIEW DIVISION RECORD OF REVIEW PERIOD: 29 Jul-02 Aug 1985 REVIEWER: BRANCH: Combined Division NO. OF DOCUMENTS NO. OF PAGES SOURCE OF MATERIAL TYPE OF REVIEW EXTERNAL REQUESTS: DOD AIR FORCE ARMY DIA JCS NAVY NSA OSI) NARA Systematic 73 280 STATE CDC/SR (FRUS) CDC/MR OTHER Book Review 1 246 SUB TOTALS 74 526 INTERNAL REQUESTS: PRB Pre-publication 2 294 IPD OLL OGC SAE Separation 37 46 OTHER SUB TOTALS 39 340 SPECIAL PROJECTS: RIMS Spy-Teck Book 1 11 OTHER GRAND TOTALS 114 877 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 STAT ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY 6 August 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Information Services FROM: Acting Chief, Information Resources Management Division SUBJECT: IRMD Weekly Report (31 July - 6 August 1985) A. WORK IN PROGRESS 1. TS DOCUMENTS. OIS annuitants continued their efforts STAT to locate unaccounted TS collateral documents. found nine unaccounted documents last week in the Intelligence Community Staff's (ICS) holdings at the Records Center, six charged to the Office of Global Issues, and one each to DO and STAT ICS. found 169 documents in the Office of Soviet Analysis' (SOVA) files, 52 charged to SOVA and 117 requiring additional research. Two of the SOVA documents previously were unaccounted for and charged to ODDI. STAT STAT STAT 2. ADP RECORDS. (IMB), attended a meeting chaired by Information Mana7ement Branch Data Center Management Division, Office of Information Technology (OIT), to discuss proposed changes for improving OIT's control over "permanent" (indefinite retention) magnetic tapes. OIT wants to prevent unnecessary creation of permanent tapes; reduce tape retention periods; promote greater involvement of component Records Management Officers (RMO) in managing electronic records; and enhance existing controls over magnetic tapes. Under OIT's proposed plan, which grew out of earlier discussions with IMB representatives, users would no longer be allowed to create permanent tapes and would have to justify through their component RMO the retention of tapes beyond one year. OIT would like to implement this plan on 1 October 1985 ot yet discussed it with components outside the DA. is arranging for OIT to discuss the plan at a DirectorateRMO meeting later this month. B. SIGNIFICANT EVENTS AND ACTIVITIES OF INTEREST 1. ISO? TASK FORCE. The Deputy Director of Information Services; Chief, Policy & Plans Group, Office of Security; STAT Chief, IMB; and IMB, attended the first meeting of the joint CIA/Air Force Task Force on Information Security Oversight Office initiatives to control the overdistribution of classified information. [See IRMD weekly dated 30 July 1985.1 As a result of this meeting, OIS will assemble an Agency working group of representatives from the four Directorates to draft an ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT STAT initiatives paper for discussion at the next Task Force meeting scheduled for 20 August. The Air Force will take similar action. 2. MICROGRAPHICS. IMB, continues to assist component RMOs with micrographics applications and equipment. During the past week he met with the Intelligence Community Staff (ICS) RMO to revalidate ongoing ICS applications and to help ICS acquire several microfiche storage cabinets from surplus. He also assisted the ODDA RMO in reactivating an application for microfilming document control cards. 3. RECORDS CENTER. Records Center personnel performed the following activities during the week: RAMS: ARCINS: Accessions: Reference: Made 85 additions, 74 changes, and 7 deletions. Jobs received/edited: 21. Jobs keyed: 40 consisting of 3,956 entries. Jobs completed: 11. Title searches: 4. Received 30 jobs totaling 276 cubic feet. Serviced 2,395 requests for records. ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT 6 August 1985 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Information Services FROM: SUBJECT: Chief, Regulatory Policy Division Regulatory Policy Division Activities - 31 July through 6 August 1985 1. RPD currently is processing 120 jobs. One newly initiated proposal was EB No. 1271, Annual Awards Ceremony. This ceremony, on 18 September, commemorates the 38th anniversary of the Agency. Awards will be given to representative Agency employees for varying lengths of service. 2. Processed for publication on a priority basis was and, on an immediate basis, 3. In response to a request from the EO/DDA, RPD prepared revisions of to include paragraphs concerning relations by Agency employees with foreign nationals. These proposed and are intended to permanently incorporate the policy set forth in them into the Agency regulatory system, since the notices expire on 1 November 1985. RPD next plans to forward the proposals to the Office of Security, which initiated the notices, for review in accordance with any current policy changes. 4. As comments come in to RPD concerning the proposed revisions are based upon they have been incorporated into a revised working draft. These comments, from OIT, OL, OIS, and the DI, primarily concern the inclusion of explicit exemptions. Comments from the DS&T are anticipated. ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT STAT 5. RPD has had extensive discussions with OGC concerning the proposed revision of paragraph c(11) of The paragraph, concerning legal responsibilities of attorneys representing Agency employees, required extensive editing by RPD and, although the revised RPD version was initially concurred in by OGC (following minor changes), certain of its senior attorneys subsequently raised questions about the text. OGC has advised RPD that, unless these questions can the proposal will be cancelled. be answered, STAT 6. Following DDA approval, a comprehensive revision of STAT was prepared for forwarding to the Printing and Photography Division STAT (P&PD) of OL for initial page proofs. The final page proofs for a revision of were reviewed by RPD and returned, with corrections, to P&PD for final printing. This revision represents a complete updating of the regulation. Published by P&PD following significant editorial STAT and coordination work were STAT STAT The proposed bulletin, STAT STAT announcing the opening of the lower level of the new headquarters parking garage and the concomitant closing of a temporary parking lot on 5 August, received immediate handling and was processed for DDA approval and publishing in one day. 7. Cancelled by the Office of Personnel was the proposed reissuance of due to a decision by the initiator to confer with OGC regarding clarification of the wording. 8. reviewed a suggestion submitted by a DO division chief to change the format for correspondence contained in 2 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT They both pointed out that the information contained in the handbook reflected the coordinated views of all senior secretaries in the Agency and the approval of senior Agency officials; that the illustrated memorandum in the handbook applied primarily to correspondence being forwarded to the DDCI and DCI; that directorate correspondence might be modified for internal memoranda; and that the alternate formats provided with the DO suggestion interfered with the contents of the message. 9. In the course of the reporting period, RPD carried out what was essentially a records management function by providing numerous copies of regulatory issuances to Agency components. RPD furnished OLL with a complete set of headquarters regulations, with binders; OGC, a complete set of field regulations with binders; and a massive delivery for DO/IMS. That component requested, and received, two in addition to complete sets and one set of the former sets of headquarters regulations, with binders, of the current categories category. Other Agency components (OP, OL, OIT, OC, OS) received smaller numbers of individual regulatory issuances. 10. attended the WANG training course AL20, Advance Word Processing, on 1-2 August. RPD's newest staff member, completed her orientation training and is now receiving WANG training. Attachment 3 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 STAT Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7 R Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Declassified in Part - Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2014/02/21 : CIA-RDP87-00058R000300570004-7