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Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 DOWNGRADED TO ADMINISTRATIVE INTERNAL USE ONLY WHEN REMOVED FROM ATTACHMENT cue -h~ -7S ~ -~ I 1 4 AUG 1975 A'fEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Finance Director of Logistics Director of Medical Services Director of Security Director of Personnel Director of Training Director of Joint Computer Support THROUGH Deputy Director for Administration ~ ` BUG lyfs SUBJECT Communications Requirements Determination 1. The attached Communications Requirements Determination Report represents the culmination of considerable effort by the Conu~zunications Requirements Determination Working Group. It provides the Office of Communications with a comprehensive compilation of the Agency's communications needs in the areas specified and is being forwarded to each addressee for future reference. The report consists of a general section providing background information, and supplemental sections prepared as separa~C:e annexes for each Directorate containing the req~.tire- ments and projections"received during the collection process.. 2. The contribution to this effort by each member of the Ur~rking Group has been appreciated. If there are any c{uestions or conzrnents relatin to t ontact Director of Gommunicatiozz.s Attachnz:~nt Communications Requirements Determination, Final Report DOIVNGR~IDI;D TG AD~IINIS'I'I:ATItiTE I~ITERIvAL USE ONLY WIIEN RF;iviOVIJD I~ROA; ATTP~C~IIv1ENT Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 25X1 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 COi?~`?lUi~ I Cr~T IONS FE~~UI~2.F',fEtiT5 DETER'~fIVATION ? FINAL REPORT Approved For Release 2003/02~2iF: I~IA~~L3'P>~'1-000318000100120001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 RE UIRFAiENTS DETEi~'~iINATION INFOR:~fATION AND DIGITIZED L?-ATA COI~1~iUNICATIONS RE UIRF,?~iEiti'TS OF THE AGENCY AND, AS APPROPRIATE, THE IIdTELLIGE~?CE CO~i;~iiJNITY FINAL REPORT PREPARED BY: Office of Conm-unications ~. Communica4ions Engineering JUNE 1975 25X1 ?Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-0003 S I: C 1?; 11' Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 TABLE OF CONTENTS SECTION ~ - INTRODUCTION A. Purpose .~ B. Scope C, Method :D. Observations E. Requirements Considerations SECTION II - DIGITIZED DATA COi~ItitUNICATI0Id5" REQUIREP~iENTS (ANNEX D) A. Interconnection of Headquarters Building Remote Terminal Devices with ADP Centers B. Interconnection of Computer Terminals Located at Various Locations in the Headquarters Area C. Terminal and Control Sti~~itch and Resource Allocator D. Interchange of Data Transmissions Between Agency Headqua-rte-rs and Other Agencies and Remote Locations. E. Data Exchange Between Headquarters and Overseas Field Stations F. Direct Data Access From Headquarters User Offices to Remote Non-~'~gency Sites G. Data Dissemination. S E C R F. T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 SECTION III - NARRATIVIJ_TNI'OR?~1ATION' COAIMUNICATTON REQUII~Ei~I1:NTS A. Exchange of Narrative Information Between Agency Headquarters and Agency Field Stations B. Dedicated Netzti~ork Requirements C. Exchange of Narrative Information Between Agency Ieadquarters and Other Government Agencies 'D. Dissemination Requirements SECTION IV - FACSIAiILE C0~-i~IUNICATION REQUIREt-_ENTS A. Requirement for Intra-Agency Headquarters Area Facsimile Service B. Requirements for Dedicated Point-to-Point Facsimile Service C. Requirement to Include a Limited Facsimile Service Capability Between Headquarters and Overseas Field Stations SECTION ?r - VOICE COhIMUNICATIONS REQUIREMENTS A. Non-Secure Voice Requirement B. Intxa-Agency Secure Voice Requirement C. Inter-Agency Secure Voice Requirements D. Secure Voice to Distant 25X1 E. Dedicated Voice Communications Requirements F. Requirement for. Secure tTOa.ce Between Headquarters and Overseas Field Stations and Between C'~versews Field Stations G. Requirement t~ Provide 0-verseas Secure Voice to Other Agencies ii Approved For Release 2003/02/27 ECIA-~P8T-000318000100120001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 SECTION VI - INFORr'IELTION COi~4PAR~irNTATION REQliIREA1ENTS iii S E C R #: T Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 .SECTION I - IN'i'RODtJCTIO\ A. Ptiz?pose The. 0-Mice of Communications has been charged with determining; the infer;nation and Digitized data communicaticn reauirerents of the Agenc}' and, as appro- priate, t}:e Intelligence Co,;ununity. The purpose of such a dctermin~~tion is to ensure t}cat those reauirements are met b}' the Office of Communications in a timely fashion and to permit that Office to ensure the appropriate pro- gramming of the required assets. Periodically, either on their own initiative ar in response to queries from the Ofi.ce of Communications or the Deputy Director, for Administration, ;carious Agency or Intelligence Community corlponents levy reauire- ments on the Office of Communications for support to individual programs or units. The possib:~ii.ty exists for reauirements to be overlooi;ed or to become i;r~own only in a Limo frame not conducive tc support i.n t}"ie most effec- tive manner. '?'he present requirements determination will be beneficial in assuring t}cat-the broad range of communi- cation needs are known anct met, both incliviciually and collectively, and that they are met ~~;ith the mast effi- C1e7lt use of resources. Thus, the stud}r s}could be of benefit both to the supporting Office and to the com- ponents possessing the reauirements. A thorough tinderstandi'zg ar_d revie~e of i.he communication reauirements is especially desirable at this time. Reduction in the number of Agency personnel overseas has, in some instances, resulted in a tx~zZlsfer of sut;port functions Pram o?~rerseas to Iieadauarters .with a resultant increase in ~ommuni.catic;i r~uuiremer.ts.for support information. Efforts', both by this Agency ar~ci of}~ers, to convert increasing percentagos of their report- ing from dispatch to electrical form result in yet ot}ier increased rcc{uira;l;.ents. Tl;e increased s~se of automatic data processing in the day to d,zy business of the F:gency wit}1 the proliferation of re,:~ote tzrminals in the fleadau..Lrtcrs area creates a i~hcle ne~~ set of problems. '?'he growth of data cc^lr,;unicatio~~s; ul~tii r~ccntly very limited in scope, reaiaires ;reat~r attention to t}~e sup>>or.t of t}gat area. The need to improve person;ial -orD~ductivity overseas by prccluciing multiple Keying and maruwl media conversion Approved For Release 2003/02/27 3.CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 S E C P. } 'I' Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 of material to be transmitted electrically requires the application o~l ne;~ tec:hnolo;gy in se~reral areas i nc? udinl; COIllrllllI11C=1t"lens. Developing requirements for near real time exc};an4;e of data b~.,~t;ti~een re.?ate locations a.nd Head- quarters and for bulk t;?~ansrni5si.on of data also present new problems. The need to :~ul?port such diverse and in- creased requirements ;with severely limi ted assets ;makes it necessary t}.at those assets be utilized as effectively as possible. The plannin effort irz tha~~ direction is well served by early and thorough knowledge of the full ranbe of communication requirements. B. Scope This requirements determination is.ccncerned with the staff narrative message, da-La transmission, voice, facsimile and video areas. 1'ideo reouirements surfaced thus far have been very minimal and therefore are not addressed as a separate category. Instead, they are addressed ;with the data transnlis:sion rpqu`irements in Section II.A. This requirements determination does not address certain compartmented prr~jec4 requirements or covert commz.zni.catiolis . Communications meC}1~tIZ1SIns supporting these requirements are recaanZGed as a ~rital function of thu Office of, but the require- ments thems?l.vcs are (and in many cases must be} deter- other means. Regtzirem'ents of the Agency itself are addressed ' comprehensively. Requiremer_ts of the Intelligence Community- are addressed where the Office is charted ;~~ith providing support or ;where the element is housed in Agency facilities, e.g., the Intelligence Community Staff, Fox purposes of t}~iis study, th? term "narrative information" is used to denote communications k-hich are generat:cd by and/or intended for use of a human, i:.e. , - readable narrative ;naterial. The ~ernl "data" is used to denote corrmunicafiions w}_ich a-re generated by and/or in- tended for input to a data processing system, i.e. - digital material. Approved For Release ~2003/0~/2}'~ : ~I~R~P~7-000318000100120001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 This report does no< ac'.dress the mechanisms by which t}lc Office of Ccinrn~unic~~ t ions sup}?ort:s the require - ments. It is intended to bo ri compendium of the require- mei:ts themselves. The Ttieans of satisfying-those requirements vary fron, the pro~ri.sion oni}- of secure transrn:issior. means, with t}le.customer providing and operating the terminal equip- ment, to the provisior. of media ccnversicr,, retrieval capability, transmission continuity assurance and other diverse services. C. Method This requirements determination is being conducted in three phases. Phase I dealt ti~~ith those reauireraeilts which were t}ie object of already existing o-r planned. communications systems. Due to the nature of t}rose require- ments, the Phase I Rer.ort was performed largely within the Office of Communications. It was then fai?warded to all Agency components far validation and comment via their individual representatives to t:he Communications Require- ments titi'orl:ing Group. Phase II of the determination addressed those requirements projected by the Office of Communications or recently developed by users but not yet aclclrersed by existing or planned communications systems. Due to the long period of. time required far most Agency components t.o conduct a;i indepth revie~~r of their present and i'uture communications requirements, and fully coordinate their responses, the users ti~ere requested to provide long range,proje:ctions on future communications requi.rerr.ents at the time they validated the Phase I Report. This effectively served as a means t.o gather the information r.ece,ssary for the Phase II portion cif the requirements determination. The commer_ts, nel~T requirements ai:d projections received during this process, as ~ti~ell as -the secure voice survey, have noz~; been incorporated in this report. Phase II:i served primarily as a validation process of all listed requirements although some new roc{ui.rements iti~ere identified as hell as a feiJ minor modifi- cations anr} corrections which have been included in .this the I~'inal Report. The Office oz Conjmunications is presently engagod in the planning, det~Teiopricnt, and. inszalation of new commu~iications systems and the upgrading of presently existing ~~systcrns -and services based on the infor;r:atiori contained in this Report as ti~~ell as other sources. The present calaabilities and plans of the Office of Coir~municatiens Approved For Release 2003/02/273 CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 S l: ~; ;? 1: T Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 are being compared i~~ith the total requirements for communica- tions support .and reconanendaticr.s may be made for;a- tion, elimination or addition of communications programs. D. Obscrvati.ons Requirements often do not become defined until the means? of achieving them are available. Rapid develop- ments in technology, either within or outside the communications area, open make possible services which. are ti~~orthwhile but whicl: were not previously rcquc seed since they were thought to be unachievable. This a}ten limits the ability of customers to project or define requirements beyond a short time frame. Only ir_ recent years have management techrLiques been increasir_oly employed whic}~ permit and often rt~quire longer range, more detailed., and better quantified pro- jections of requirements. In the context of this communications requirements determination,_the observations of a frequent lack of. firm definiticn and quantification of needs is not vie~.ti~ec~ as a negative result, Rather, it is.viewed as a. validation of the desirability of the current review and. the probable usefulness thereof, both initially and on a continuing basis. E. Requirements Considerazion.s There are many means by which communications requirements can be characterized; even when fully defined any auanti.ficd. These include the broad cate- gories of volume of information to be har_dled, the medium in which the information must be accepted by and out}:ut by the supporting system, and the o'riticality and sensitivity of the information. In unique instancr.s, due to the need to inter- face with existing syst:~~:~Ts or fo-r ot'ier tec}~nica]. reasons, the requireme;it as levied by the cus~aTzer is quite speca.fic with respect to speed of transmission, iniormatiori code employed, link centre]. procedures or si*niiar technical paramete`i?s. 'More characteristically, z}ie require?nent ca.n and should be stated in terms of the result desired, in- cluding limiting factors on]y to the uxte,rt necessary, leaving to tl:e teehr,icwl support office the discretion of determining they precise means- of- assurinz that result. Approved For Release.2003/02/27 CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 In this manner the techlt ica l con~pi~tence as 1.Te17. as the availab3e end de?relnpin assets a:~ the supporting office can best be used. ~n almost ur.ive;rsal requirement parameter is information or data vol_ur,ie. It is freauer.tly not ape of the more v_i tal r.onsidf~rat.i..or~s ti~~hen the sup_,ortin~% mechanism is ~. totally nt>ti?, system. III th~.t instance, While t~le v011'1~!C CanSlCte]'~t1Cn c^.ffECtS t}'!t~ S1zlTIU aI'id cost of the system, i~: often does r_ot Impact greatly on the technology required car the difficulty of satisfying the rcquirerent to the extent that the information medium. criticality, sensitivity and end do. It is, cor_- versely, of sreat impart~~Iice in imposing additional workloads on existir.R s~?~~te~ms lti~hich ma}' result in a need for significant modi.iicat:ion ar even replacement of a system before its obsolescence. It is thus vital that ne"~ly devnloned support systems be sized to accommodate pat on1}T carrent tiolumes but also reasonably predictable increases. This can best be achieved if components requiring ccr..s~unication_~ =unport practice the a.rt of long range plannin, to the ma;:i^rtznl feasi.}-sle etitent and provide their requirements to the support co,:~~~onent, even in .rough forr.;, at the oar? lest possible time. The support system_=. cr:z ti;en be devel.o~,od with sufficient f.lexi.bility to accomr:adute future exrazsio_,, Due to the variety of means ~.,r ;,~hich cominunicatians~ requirements can be characterized, sr.d since the needed specificity of thc~ requirements varies ^reatly Frith t1:e particular az~plicaton, the compil:~taon of co;n::~ar_ica;:io:~s, requirements in Section II thro;~~;h vi Uf this report contains varyinC degrees of detail and varying numbers of parameters. Approved For. Release 2003/02/117 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 S E is R is T S E C R E `I" ANNEX D Approved For Release 2003/02/27 :CIA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 SECTION II - DIGITIZED DATA CO1~S~iU\'ICATIONS RLQUIREAIENTS The following requirements are those considered to fall within the broad area of communications genexated by and/or intended for input to a data processing system rather than that of huma.ri readable narrative maaerial. A. Interconnection of Headquarters Building Remote Terminal Devi~~ith :},lil' Centers TIIERE IS A RE~UIRE;~IENT FOR AN 1;?:Tk:NSIVE N11jIBER OF REMOTE TERA4INAL DEVICES LOCATED IN USER AP.EAS TO CO~Ii~IUNICATE DIRI~CTLY 1VITII TIIE AGENCY ADP CENTERS. This requirement commenced with a series of individual requests for. the interconnection of various remote terminal devices throughout the Headquarters building with the several ADP centers: It grew to the extent that it became necessary for the Office of Communications to develop a st~.ndard means of providing such service. The Ieadquarters Data Distribution Grid system resulted. In preparation for that system, it ~?aas forecast that rerr.ote devices would be installed irr '~}1e building through FY-1976 for information up to and including TOP SECRET. This tvas accepted as a reasonable projection. The Data Distr.i.bution Grid system, as installed, has a maximum capacity of Oter.minals. however, a practical r"-' capacity, due to clustering and other factors, i.s The number of remote -terminals installed has increased from Qin FY-1969, to 0 in FY-1971, to Din l;Y-1974. While certain portions of the system are fully utilized, It ~GO11t1.nlle5 to enjoy unused capacity as a tivhele. Current projections by OJCS encompassing ail of the Agency's needs indicate that a maximum of Oterminals will be required by the end of FY-1975, a rnaxirnum of 0 in FY-1976, and a maximum of 0 in FY-1977. .'The maximum. data rate of the Grid syste;n in its present form is 9600 bps. In addition to the Grid system several. remote terminals included in the above projections, renuirirg coaxial cables, which the Grid system in its .present forr~ cannot accommodate, have been provided on a one-for-one basis. Approved For Release 2003/02/2 _ ~IA-RDP87-000318000100120001-7 S L; C R 'T Approved For Release 2003/02/27: CIA-RD`p87-000318000100120001-7 'B. Interconnection of Computer Terr;:inals Located at Various Locations in the ~ieadc?uartei?s Area Several Agency components located tlzroughout the Washington metropolitan area have requirements for data exchange with ADP Centers located in the headquarters Building. . THERE IS A RIiQUIREi?IENT FORA LiI~tITED NUitiIBER Oi~ DATA ACCESS CENTERS (DAC) IN THE IIEADQt1E1RTLitS AREA TO COhiT1UNICATE WITH 'i`HE ADF CENTERS LOCATED IN THE HEADQUARTERS BUILDING. THE UPPER LIiIIT COI~~?4UNICATIO~TS 5PF:ED REQUIREMENT FO F. ANY SINGLE DEVICE ZVITIITN A DAC IS CONSIDERED TO BE 9600 BPS. DAC's were installed to meet the occasional data exchange needs of components not hGving convenient access to the Headquarters ADP Centers. Z'hey contain a variety of equipment primarily intended for the transfer of quantities of data too large for exchange via small, low speed. remote texminals and for the use of components not possessing their own texminals. THERE ARE REQUIRI;1`IENTS FOR REi+10TE TER?~1INALS OF VAR~'ING TYPES LOCATED THROUGHOIJT THE IVASHING'TON METROPOLITAN AREA TO EXCHANGE DAT~t IVITH ADP CENTERS LOCATED IN THE HEAD~UI~F