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Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 8 MAR 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Safety Staff, DDA FROM: Daniel C. King Director of Logistics SUBJECT: Annual Occupational Safety and Health Report REFERENCE: Memorandum to D/L, fm C/SS/DDA, dtd 2 April 1982, same subject (OL 2-1547) 1. In response to the referent memorandum, we have reviewed our safety and health program and completed the attached questionnaire report for CY 1982. 2. Our Safety and Health Committee continues to oversee the Office of Logistics' (OL) safety and health program, with the primary goal to provide OL personnel with a working environment free of safety and health hazards. I am pleased to report that goal was achieved again in CY 1982. 3. If we can be of futher assistance, please contact the Plans and Programs Staff, OL, extension Distribution: Orig. - Addsassaa w/atts l - OL Filos wo/atts 1 - D/L Chrono Watts el'. PIPS Official Watts I - POPS Chroao wo/atts OL/P$PS (8 March 1983) 1)L & o F5 - g3 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 3 MAR 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Safety Staff, DDA Chairman, Office of Logistics Safety and SUBJECT: Annual Occupational Safety and Health Report REFERENCE: Memo dtd 23 Jun 82 to D/L fm C/SS/DDA, subj same as above 1. In response to the referent memorandum, we have reviewed our safety and health program and completed the questionnaire report for CY 1982. 2_ If we can be of further assistance, please contact Chairman, Safety and Health Committee, Office of Logistics on extension OL-14138-83 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 OCCUPATIO1 AL SAFETY AND HEALTH PROGRAM ANNUAL REPORT FOR CY 82 NAME AiiD ADDRESS OF FACILITY/COYPOI?.ENT Office of Logistics NUMBER OF EMPLO E ES NAME OF FACILITY/COMPONENT SAFETY OFFICER Chairman OL Safety & Health sommittee Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 2. Has the head of your Facility/Component issued a policy statement that: a. Emphasizes his/her commitment to a safe and healthful workplace? b. Charges all levels of management to be responsible and accountable fur the program? c. Requires employee compliance with applicable OSHA and/or Agency 'standards? d. Has been communicated to all Agency personnel? e. Assures employee OSH rights? Does the Official in Charge directly supervise the person(s) responsible for managing the OSH program? How frequently does your Facility/Component Safety Officer meet or communicate officially with the Official in Charge on safety and health matters? Meet Communicate a. At least weekly b. At least monthly c. At least quarterly X d. Other If other, please explain. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 . ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 47.. program? a. Daily b. At least weekly c. At least monthly d. At least quarterly X e. Other How frequently does your Official in Charge communicate with the person(s) responsible . for. managing the OSH 5. Who manages your safety and health program? If you have dif- ferent individuals for safety and health, list both and identify their assignments. DC SD OL If other, please explain. L - - ----- - Title 77 and the OL Security Staff have been appointed by the Dir. of Logistics with ?ihe_responsibility for OL's overall are handl( by the divisional safety/health officers who serve on OL's Safety & Health Committee 6. What is the approximate percent of time this (each) person spends on the OSH?program? Approx. 5% for Both ? (safety) (health) * Divisional officers spend as much as 20% of their- time on both. 7. Were the financial resources received in calendar year adequate for the following purposes? a. Occupational safety and health personnel X b. Training x c. Inspections/evaluations x d. Personal protective equipment x (continued on next page.) Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 YES NO e. Abatement X* f. Program promotional.items .- X g. Medical surveillance program for employees X h. Safety and health sampling, testing, laboratory, and analytical equipment X i. Technical information, documents, periodicals, etc. x,? * at-present, a study is ongoing in P&PD to determine corrective actioi and resources required 8. Provide the total number of full-time safety and health head- quarters and field personnel in the following categories as defined in-29 CFR 1960.2(s). Hgtrs. . Field a. Safety Professionals (GS-018, 019, 081, 803, 804, 1815, 1825, 2125, etc.*) 0 0 b. Health Professionals (GS-602, 610, 645, 690, 699, 1306, 1311, 1320, etc.*) 0 0 *or equally qualified military, agency, or nongovernmental personnel. 9. Provide the total number of part-time (collateral duty) safety and health headquarters and field personnel. Approximate Total full-time- number equivalent a. Headquarters personnel 9 b. Field personnel 0 Column 2 equals the percent of column 1 in full-time equivalency- * Includes nurse (part-time) who devotes her entire time and the 8 members of OL's Safety & Health Committee whose time - ranges from 5% to 25% Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 10. Have safety and health program goals and objectives been established? 11. What were the primary occupational safety and health program goals achieved duri c Calendar Year. i (Briefly list.) 12. ::fiat rprimary occupational safety and health program goals were not achieved during Calendar Year. I (Briefly list.) -13. How often are your goals and objectives reviewed? a. Monthly b. Quarterly c. Semiannually d. Annually e. Other - ? YES NO 14. Are your OSH goals and objectives included in your Facility/Component's quarterly review system (management by objectives - MB0's, program execution plan - PEP) or other similar system? x * * Major, specific projects are included in Div level MBO's when warrented. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 /01 GOALS AND OBJECTIVES FOR CY? 15. Briefly list your primary goals for Calendar Year, * Please see attachment 16. To what extent are planning factors a. through f. below used in planning the program elements listed in the right-hand columns? (N = Never; R = Rarely; S = Sometimes; F = Frequently; and A = Always) PLANNING FACTORS a. Injury and illness inci- dence data. 1. Lost workday cases 2. Total cases b. Injury and illness (OWCP) cost data c. Recognized hazard data d. Employee reports of unsafe and unhealthful working .conditions e. Recommendations of employee representatives I- PROGRAM ELEMENTS 9' 0 Ul. I i w t S S j S S A F I F S S F I S I. S S S F I F I S I S t S * USES WILL VARY BY DIVISIONAL NEEDS Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 17. Have any special in-depth studies of specific hazards been conducted by your staff or by outside consultants within the past year? If v?s, briefly describe. NO 1. OL has been working with OGC and DDA safety staff on procedure for the disposal of hazardous waste. 2. OL, OMS, Safety. Staff, and outside consultant studied the noise level problems in P&PD. 3. Removal of asbestos insulation from work areas. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 7 MEASURES EMPLOYED TO MITIGATE INJURY AND ILLNESS IMPACTS 18. Please complete the following table. In Section I, enter the approximate percentage of employees potentially exposed to the injuries and illnesses listed a. through h. and the appro- priate letter H, M, or L (H = High, P1 = Moderate, L = Low or none) to indicate current priority in your hazard reduction program. In Section II, place an "X" in the appropriate portion of the table for each of the items a. through h. to indicate whether the particular countermeasure shown is being used to mitigate the impact of the injury or illness category. SECTION I TYPE OF OCCUPATIONAL INJURY OR ILLNESS (As defined on OSHA Form No. 100F) a. -Traumatic injuries b. Occupational skin diseases or disorders c. Dust diseases of the lungs (Pneumoconioses) d. Respiratory conditions due to toxic agents e. Poisoning (Systemic effects of toxic materials) f. Disorders due to physical agents (other than toxic materials) g. Disorders due to repeated trauma h. All other occupational illnesses (list) PERCENTIH,M,L COUNTERMEASURES EMPLOYED I I I I I I cI I I?c'I zI z c~ ~ _ F ~ I I I { { ~ { d ; I FIB .I I I X X X I .X I X I I X I I I I Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 19. The following is a list of procedures your Facility/Component developed and communicated to safety and health personnel at field establishments, to supervisors, and to employees. Please indicate by and (X) the extent of development and communication. 1I Procedure o 6 o? "' I II-~pcn el ~ 4 a. For abatement of hazards when other agencies are involved. c.-For employees exclusive of any nego- I X X tiated-procedure, to report hazardous conditions, including time limits on action, notification to report- ing employee, and inspection. d. To assure that employees are not subject to restraint, reprisal, or coercion for exercising OSH rights. e.? To maintain a log of injuries--and ~r- illnesses at each work location. f. For issuing alternate and/or supplementary standards. b. For employees to participate in OSH X I I X I X activities on official time. I 1 For resolving. conflicting standards. h. To permit entry of Agency OSH inspectors to classified' areas. i. For issuance of notice of unsafe conditions within 30 days. j.. For abatement and follow-up. k. For evaluating performance of personnel with OSH duties. * Procedure'is to notify GSA $ Safety Staff X I X X - X I X j x t X I I X X Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 r 20. How are employees notified about their occupational safety health rights and responsibilities? (Check as many of the following as appropriate.) a . Positer x b. Administrative directive x c. Routine part of new employee orientation procedures x d. Periodic publications .e. Other (list) : f . . N:o formal methods emplgyed How many of the following methods are routinely used to provide additional occupational safety and health information? (Check -. as many as appropriate). 'e. Other (list): Films, Activity Reports b. Newsletter c. Memoranda d. Pamphlets' f. None CD uses a monthly newsletter ,22. Does_ your Facility/Component have safety and health committees?._.If yes, answer questions 23 through 28. If no, proceed to question 29. X* *Plus 3 at the Division Level 23. How long have most of your safety and health committees been in operation? a. Less than one year b. 1 - 2 years c. 3 - 4 years *_Xr(Office Level) d. 5 - 6 years e. 7 years or more * Two Div have had committees for over 7 years Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 7 24. What is the typical membership of your committees? Approximate percent a. Management representatives 100% b. Safety and health specialists c. Employee members * 1 at Office level - 3 at Div level 26. How often do committees conduct meetings? a. At least weekly d. Employee representatives * Office Level Div level committees maintain a mixer of management & employees 25?.WVhat is the total number of safety and health ;committees in your Facility/Component? b. At least monthly c. At least quarterly' X d. At least annually. 27. -Are written minutes taken at committee meetings? Is a? formal report of issues and recommendations prepared? If so, to whom is it submitted? Formal reports are based on need. At present, two Div level committees (CD & P&PD) report formally to their respective chiefs Is there a formal follow-up procedure? *Based on issue and need. At present, 1 div level committee (CD) has a formal procedure Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 28. How effective would you say most of your safety and health committees have been in performing the following functions? Not Generally Somewhat Very Effective Ineffective Effective Effectiv a. Identifying hazardous conditions b. Communicating OSH problems to management c. Increasing safety" consciousness in the workplace .d. Reducing accident rates e. Improving health conditions f. Finding solutions to OSH problems that are discovered FIELD FEDERAL SAFETY AND HEALTH COUNCILS YES .NO 31. Have official (management and non- management) representatives to Field Councils been appointed by the head of each establishment? 29. Does your Facility/Component have a formal policy specifically encouraging participa- tion in Field Federal Safety and Health Councils? (If yes, please attach a copy.) OL utilizes Agency guidelines $ regulations 30. If yes, has the policy been communicated to all Facility/Component subunits and field establishments? STAT The D/L appoints the Chairman of OL Committee $ Div reps are-selected by their Div Chiefs -12- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 32. Figs your. Facility/Component developed safety and health training policies and procedures for the target populations listed below? (If yes. indicate the percent of the population trained in CY.) a. New employees Primary Training Yes Percent No * b. Employees assigned to' operate "new" equipment c. Employees assigned to "new/different" tasks d. Employees in high risk jobs e. Top management officials f. Supervisors g. Safety and health specialists h. Safety and health inspectors i. Collateral duty safety and health personnel x j. Occupational safety and health committee members x I k. Employee'representatives 1. Other employees x Refresher Yes Percent No * At present, training policies are established along Divisional lines and depends on need. training procedures are established for those populations indicated. At P&PD, the need or requirement for determines the primary training. Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 7 33. Has your Facility/Component conducted training courses during the report year to address special or unique problems identified in your areas? If yes, please list these courses. (Attach additional pages as necessary.) Course Title Course Objective Trainee (ident. problems) Classification Number Attendees Number Hour! Hazardous Cargo Proper handling of Hazardous Cargo 25 40 Forklift . Training Proper use of 2S Forklift Refresher Course 105 Fire Extin- guisher Handling Introduce types of extinguisher and h handling tec niques 150 Life Saving Techniques 34 40 34: If you developed or used training materials during the report year that you think would be helpful to others, please list below. '(Attach additional pages as necessary.) Type of Training Material Subject Matter Intended Audience (film, slides, text) "The Great Betrayal" Employees who Film cassette operate materiel handling equip .and their supervisors "Color of Danger" 16MM Film Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 ? Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 INSPECTIONS a.. Monthly b. Quarterly c. Semiannually 35.Does your Facility/Component conduct formal I .inspections as defined in 29 CFR Part 1960.2(k),/ of all areas and operations of each workplace and office? ~ .X 36. Where there is a known risk of accidents, injuries, or ill- nesses, how frequently do you conduct formal inspections? a. Daily b. Weekly c.? Monthly d. Other * At present, CD's, procedure calls for weekly inspections, P&FD schedules inspections ? quarterly, LSD & RECD has the requirement dictates. 7 How frequently are less hazardous Agency formally inspected? d. Annually X areas/operations of your * The nature of the area and hazard dictates thie frequence' of the inspection. 38- Provide an estimate of the percent of your Facility/ Component's personnel working in.areas in.i~hich at least one periodic inspection was conducted in the past calendar year. 100% % 39. Of all formal inspections in the past calendar year, approximately what percent was conducted by trained OSH professionals? * At least'l inspection per yr is conducted by a trained rep for DDA safety-staff 40. Of all formal inspections in the past calendar year, approximately what percent was conducted by super- visors? * They vary by area and Div; PF,PD 25% CD 90+% Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 7 41. Of all known unsafe oe unhealthful working conditions, approximately what percent was abated within your inspection report deadlines in the past calendar year? 42. Of all known imminent danger situations, approximate- ly what percent was abated within your inspection report deadlines in the past calendar year? SELF-EVALUATIONS Unk Unk ' -43.'Describe your Facility/Component's program'of self-evaluation. Outline the procedure(s). utilized, list types of data and how collected, and indicate who conducted the evaluation (e.g., OSh' staff, I.G. staff, private contractor, another organizational unit within your Facility/Component). (Attach additional pages as necessary.) . 44. Describe the results of your self-evaluations. Your discussion should assess, the, degree .to which your Facility/Component has', implemented the requirements of Executive Order 12196, the quality_of., the .safety and health program,,and. any ..failures to meet program requirements. It should also include a description of your .areas 1....progress .in meeting your goals and objectives, and any unusual program accomplishments during-the year. If aDDlicable, describe unusual problems encountered and the results of_any innovative means you employed to address those problems. (Attach additional pages as necessary.) While no formal measure has been ansel -evaluations, OL feels that the efforts put forth have created a -safer work place for OL employees. While there were accomplished-during CY82, the two overall goals were not only accomplished, but were the primary reasons for creatin a safer work place. They are: awareness and increase employee involvement. -16- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 45? What changes in your safety and health program have been proposed, approved, and implemented as a result of your self-evaluations? Indicate the status of each. (Attach additional pages as necessary.) -17- Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 QUESTIONS: 10. The overall objectives for OL are to provide a safe and healthy work environment for all employees; and ensure that all employees promote and encourage safety and health awareness. Specific objectives/goals have been established within OL, but along divisional lines. Whether these objectives/goals are established formally is determined by the division and based on needs. 11. By Division * RECD - Hdqs Bldg short circuit protection project. At present, 90% is completed with an ending date of 1 August 1983 - Asbestos insulation removed from GC-03 and GC-47 computor centers P&PD - Audiometric testing through OMS for P$PD, Press and Bindery, Personnel CD - Man and Manager Safety program approved by OSH - Hazardous Cargo Training Course conducted at CD - Depot Fire Brigade training - Material handling courses, promoting safety 12. By Division RECD - encourage participation in CPR and Safety courses P$PD - Noise abatement for press and bindery equipment - Repair of sidewalk in front of P&PD Bldg. - Encourage press and bindery personnel to wear protective hearing equipment 15. By Division RECD - Successfully support safety staff with engineering solution and minor funding for their projects PE1PD - Promulgate mandatory use of hearing protection equipment - Replace water filled extinguishers with ABC-Type - Encourage personnel to attend basic Safetv,and Health Course Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8 eledSe Lu I U/ I U/ 10 . U1/_\_ ur0 / -000J I I UUU I UUU UU I I -0 0 2 P. PP 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Logistics Chief, Safety Staff, DDA SUBJECT: Annual Occupational Safety and Health Report 1. Each year by 1 April the Agency must send a compre- hensive report to the Secretary of Labor covering the Agency's Occupational Safety and Health Program for the previous year. The report is required by the Occupational Safety and Health Act, Executive Order 121.96 and Title 29 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 1960. The report is based on guidelines provided by the Secretary of Labor. 2. The report for CY 1981 has just been completed based on information recorded in the Safety Staff and provided by you in the recent questionnaire. 3. The Secretary of Labor has advised that the report for CY 1982 will also be based on the same guidelines. Therefore, the questionnaire has been modified to apply to facilities and components. A copy is attached for your use throughout CY 1982. It should be completed in detail in order that the combined Agency report will be as rrnnreiensive as completed questionnaire should be returne to the Safety Staff by 1 March 1983. 4. Questions regarding the uestionnaire may be directed Sanitized Copy Approved for Release 2010/10/18: CIA-RDP87-00031 R000100040011-8