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No forei~~n Ditlem
Western Europe
Enternat~onal Organizations
? ~! 8
No. 0132-75
February 14 , :L975
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This publication is prepared for regional specialists in the Washington com?
munity by the Western Europe Division, Office of Current Intelligi nre, with
occasional contributions from ocher offices within the Directorate of
Intelligence. Comments and queries are wel~ ame, They should be directed to
lh% authors of the individual articles.
GXpriot Turks Establish Separate State
Problems in Consolidating NF,TO Training.
EC Farm Council Marathon Ends i.n Success
Commission ~on Hutnan Rights Meets in Geneva
February 14, 1975
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Phone: 143-5413
Cypriot Turks Establish Separate State
The Turkish Cypriot declaration yesterday
establishing a separate state pending agreement
on a proposed Cyprus federation has prompted the
Greek and Greek Cypriot governments to refer the
issue to the UN Security Council. Greek Prime
Minister Karamanl.s condemned the action and
Athens called c;f a meeting this weekend in
Bonn between the Greek foreign miziister and
the U5 Secretary of State. P. resident Makarios
called the Turkish Cypriot action a "very severe
blow" to negotiations for a settlement of the
Cyprus problem and dispatched a high-leval delega-
tion, including Glaf kos Clerides, negotiator for
the Greek Cypriots in the intercommunal talks,
to Athens for conaultations.~
Turkish Cypriot negotiator Denktash, who is
president of the new state also .:~onveyed his
proposals fora settlement ,yesterday to Clerides
and requested another session of the intercommunal
talks on February 17. His proposals, which deal
with general principles, call for a bir.Pgional
federation with a weak central governmenL?. While
no mention is made of the size of the proposed
Turk3,sh Cyprit~t region or its share of the island's
resources, the Turkish Cypriots are likely to insist
that it be substantially larger than the Turkish
Cypriot share of the population, 18 percent.
The Turkish Cypriot actions apparently are in
response to the more detailed Greek Cypriot
position paper submitted earliar in the week. It
called fog a multi-regional federation and a strong
central government in which the total area controlled
by 'Turkish Cypriots would approximate their per-
centage of the population. The Turkish Cypriots
may now be trying to take back the initiativ~~
and place the onus of breaking off negotiat.;~ons
on the Greek siae.
The Greek Cypriot proposals reflect President:
Makarios' belief tihat international pressure for
concessions by the Turkish side will fade if the
February 14, 1975
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talks drag on inconclusively. Makarios has been
pessimistic about the catcome of the talks for some
time and had threatened to internationalize the
issue if no progress were made by the end of this
Proclamation of the separate Turkish Cypriot
state may convince him to abandon the talks alto-
gether, but Makarios will probably want tc sound
out the views of other governments and examine
the Turkish Cypriot position paper closely before
breaking off she talks. The initial reaction
of the international community was opposition to
?rhe Turkish Cypriot dec~.aration and reaffirmation
of the usefulness of the intercommunal talks.
In the meantime, Turkish troops in the Nicosia
area were placed on alert in anticipation of a
possible Greek Cypriot military reaction. While
this appears unlikely, demunstrations did ta'ce
place within the Greek Cypriot sector and more
may follow but in~ications are that Greek ~;ypriot
officials wil;~ not let them get out of hand.
February 14, 1975
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P one: 143-5205
Problems in Consolidating NATO T:ra'iri'inq
The chairman of the group studying the possi-
bility of consolidating military training among
NATO members has said that hij main problem is
lack of support and interest on the part of
national decision-~nakers.
Training i~ me of the three areas NATO is
currently investigating in order to increase
efficiency and, it is hoped, also lead, to sub -
stantial savings. The appeal of such an under-
taking should be great at a tune when most NATO
countries are having trouble maintaining their
level of defense expenditures. To date, however,
there has ;peen a great deal of study but very
little implementation.
Rear Admi?:al Trebesch, who chairs the Euro/
NATO Training Group, told NATO's Executive Work-
ing Group this week that training experts recog-
nize the potential of joint training projects
both to improve training and to sage money, but
that there was no such awareness on the part of
national decision-makers. He went on to outline
what he believed to be the causes:
--NATO and national military authorities
are not giving the training group adequate
--nations change their representatives to the
training group far too often;
--some governments are badly informed about
what goes on in the training group, in pars`.
because repo::cs sent to capitals probably
never reach responsible officials;
--in most NATO countries, training is the
responsibility of individual services,
and they do not take ti;~ work. of the tra~,ning
group seriausly.
February 14, 1975
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The lark of support for consolidated training
in national capitals, according to Trebesch, has
already led to the collapse of a number of promising
projects. Even the project that soemed to have
the best chance of success, basic training of
helicopter pilots, is rapidly falling apart.
25X1X 25X1
The Netherlands
has decided to train pilots in Canada because it
is cheaper. Denmark is considering withdrawing
because the U5 is cancelling a training course
in which the Danes were interested.
Several of the allied representatives who
reacted to Trebesch's presentation acknowledged
the truth of much of what he said but recommended
concentrating on practical solutions. The US
representative said that the training group's
obstacles should be made known to the Military
Committee and that the Executive Working Group
should refer problems to the Defense Planning
Committee at the ministerial level, if necessary.
Rather, the problems
should e iagnose an worx should move forward
on both the political and military fronts. He
thought that one probJ.em is that ministers are
often presented with too much material and cannot
tell what is important, and suggested that one or
two training areas should be singled ou~c for
ministerial consic:eration.
Reacting to this suggestion, the Executive
Working Group decided that Trebesch should draw
up ~ report identifying a small number of train-
ing projects most in need of political impetus.
(Cr.;nfidential/No Foreign Diss~~m)
February 14, 175
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one: 143-5205
EC Farm Council Marathon Ends in Success
European farmers were not given complete
satisfaction by the EC Council agreement this
week on prices--the farmers wanted an average
15 percent increase; they got nine percent--but
the ministers were relieved that their three-day
marathon session put an end to the negotiatio:~s,
before these could interfere with the Council
meeting of EC leaders in Dublin next month. The
agreement also gave the British another plus in
their campaign to "renegotiate"their membership
terms .
The EC Commission itself may be the biggest
winner in this week's agreement. The final package
of support prices for 1975-76 was similar to the
Commission's original proposals of last November,
thus by and large confirming the Commission's
judgment of what ultimately would be acceptable
to the member states. An initiative by the Irish
presidency of the Council was apparently instru-
mental in promoting a final compromise.
One of the major Commission aims was to
begin to retrieve the system of common prices
that had been seriously damaged by currency
fluctuations among the Nine. These required
"compensatory .measures" that were, in effect,
border taxes on farm trade within the common
market. In this week's agreement, the intra-EC
levies were decreased by different amounts for
each EC member, thus constituting a step towards
effective common prices.
The compromise worked out by the farm ministers
means that German farmers, for example, will not
receive the full benefit of the support-price
increases; in effect, they will be paying for
February 14, 1975
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the revaluation of the Deutschemark--something
which German Agricultural Minister Ertl had
wanted to protect them from. Although French
farmers will see their prices increase further as
a result of the border-tax adjustments, the govern-
ment had argued that the rise in French farm costs
due to inflation should be made up in other ways.
Britain achieved one of its reneg~~tiation aims
in getting its system of direct payments to beef
growers written into the common agricultural poli,;y.
The scheme of national and community premiums to
cattle growers represents a continuation of the
significant innovation first made last year away
from relying completely on having the EC buy up
beef when its price fell below a specified level.
The latter system entailed expensive stocking of
beef--the so-called bee; mountain--and subsidization
of exports.
The direct payments will be "experimen'--~."
and the Commission claims that once the Britis;_
realize bow much they will have to pay out under
the scheme, London will "think twice." The new
system will also allow the Italians and French to
subsidize their beef growers. (Unclassified)
February 14, 1975
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Phone: 143-5205
Commission on Human Rights Meets in Geneva
Z'he first two weeks of the 31st session of
the Human Rights Commission now meeting in Geneva
have been devoted to an inconclusive debate on
violations of human rights in numerous countries.
Resolutions on Chile and South Africa will probably
pass with majority support. Charges agains~
I~;rael for violations of human rights in the
occupied territories and against Turkish actions
in Cyprus may engendex more con?tentiotxs debate.
On Chile, the West Europeans have drawn up
a resolution that they hope will command broad
support and head off an expected Soviet blast
against the Santiago regime. The major prov..sion
of the resolution is a call for a visit by a fact-
firding group to Chile. The Chilean government
indicated this week that it would accept a Human
Rights Commission study group provided the group
only includes members from states having diplo-
matic relations with Chile. The South African
resolution is also expected to be passed, despite
i?rs relatively strong demands for action against
Pretoria's apartheid policies.
The Arab group has nc~t yet indicateu its
strategy for dealing with the agenda item on Israeli
violations. Discussion of this issue, however, will
probably provide the major forum for their customary
anti~Israeli diatribes. If_ the Arabs choose to
call on the non-aligned majority, this could lead
to the passage of inflammatory resolutions.
Despite the provocative resolution drafted by
the Greek Cypriots, which is sharply critical of
Turkish actions on Cyprus, negotiations among the
Cypriots Gnd Turks during the past few days appear
to have succeeded in working out a comprom:~se
acceptable to all parties. The recent Turkish
February 14, 1975
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proclamation o.f a federated Turkish Cypriot state
on the island and the contemplated Cypriot call
for a Security Council meeting to consider
the situation, however, may destroy this tenuous
cooperation in the human rights forum.
February 14 ,1975
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