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/26 : CIA-RETPB6 C ? ? ?UNIONS , E 1' [ 1AP~IL 75. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 BEST COPY Available Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 6J17!75 ru p ~ ~ 2 mm D D 1 April 75 P -./ Soviet Scientists and Scientilic 01c anization r F615 FOREIGN BROADCAST INFORMATION SERVICE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1, P"'i Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 This monthly publication contains information on the structure, activities. and personnel of Soviet scientific organizat:c,ns, as reported from periodicals, books, and newspapers of the USSR. Reporting of events which I,,~ve been covered adequately in official or public sources is not repeated in this pub- lication. Items contained in this report are !l translation, excerpts, or abstracts as indicated at the beginning of each item. Also included in the overall FBlS reporting program on Soviet science a,id technology is the monthly publication Foreign Prass Digest: Cybernetics in the USSR. When FBIS is cited, it should be in a manner clearly identifying it as the secondary source, that +s, the primary source should be cited as well. For example: "FBIS reports that according to PRAVDA, the . . ." or "FBIS has translated an article from IZVESTIYA which says ..." FBIS may be cited as the eource for items in this publication, except for certain items which are labeled FOR OFFICIAL USE ONLY because of laws relating to copyright, libel, and commu- nications. Items so labeled must not he dissami :aced or attributed outsirle government circles unles authorized by FBIS. Publication of an item in this report does not imply U.S. Government support for the opinion it expresses. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 SOVIET SCIENCE FOREIGN PRESS DIGEST NO I., II. III. IV, V. VI. VII. Academies of Sciences Republics Medicine and Health Republics Activities of Scientific Organizations Awards, Contests, Appointments, and Personalities Obituaries Foreign Scientific Cooperation New Organizations 34 VIII. Conferences 39 IX. Education 56 X. Miscellaneous 58 XI. Organizational Briefs 70 XII. Eaat Europe 84 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 ApJprove 1 For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000 JJAQ4 WENCE 1. USSR ELTA (Lithuanian News Agency) SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY OF LITHUANIAN AUADEMY OP SCIENCES Vil'nyus SOVETSKAYA LITVA in Russian 27 Feb 75 p 4 (Text) In putting ic,to effect decisions of the ;'ash Congress CPSU and fulfilling socialist pledges assumed for the Five-Year Plan, the collectives of the Lithuanian Academy (f Sciences worked last year on 36 complex problems. During the last four years they total number of subjects increased from 199 to 257. During the same period the number of scientific-technical subjects intended for practical realization in- creased more than twice. These facts were gi+en at the session of the t,oneral Meeting of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences by its president Yu. Matulis. In his opening speech he noted that in recent years the theoretical and experimental level of fundamental research has im- proved. Of great theoretical importance is the work of mathematicians on solving the fundamental problem of the relativity theory and mathematical statistics. 1/4 SOVETSKAYA, LITVA 27 Feb 75 p 4 Research in cybernetics acquires increasing importance. In the past year work also continued on the theoretical spectroscopy of atoms and molecules. Of great interest and importance are research works carrie- out to study the problems of nuclear physics and physics of the atmosphere. Much was done on studyinj the physics and chemistry of semiconductors. Investigations in thermophysics an, being systematically expanded. The president further noted that at the Institute of Biochemistry work continued on the synthesis of antitumorigenic, antileukemic, mutagenic and hemosteriliant com- pounds, and their action was studied. One hundred vnd fifty compounds were syn- thesized and thoroughly studied. Some of them are very promising. The cooperation of a number of scientific collectives was enlisted for the solution of the great com- plex problem of the creation of natural environment its rational use and protectior. . rk of great importance was accomplished on solving problems of the distribution of production forces, optimal planning of naf4.nal economy, increase of the effectiveness of production, socio-economic formations and others. Much was done cn the history _0.,..43.44-- --A --- - -. .. - Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 AA pproved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R6$'8~VoI?8b' g2 USSR SOVETSKAYA LITVA 27 Feb 75 p 4 The speaker stressed that during that period the volume of sc:.:intlfic research works in philosophy and sociology also increased considerably. The bourgeois philosophical trends among Lithuanian emigration began to be thoroughly and widely studied and their recotionary essence and connections with modern bourgeois philosophy and inter- national anti-communism was brought to light. The work was intensified in the study of social policies of the Catholic Church and ideology of the Vatican, it'b social doctrines and their eitical appraisal. While speaking of shortcomings in the fulfillment of plans and socialist pledges the president pointed out, in particular, that in the paut year 16 books were not pub- lished whose publio,ttion was planned, and that many investments were not carried into practice. Academician K. Meshkauskas, chief scientific secretary of the Presidium of the Academy, delivered a report on the scientific activity of the Lithuanian Academy of Seibnoes in 1974. In the past year the institutes worked on 206 subjects of practi- cal application, and 166 works were carried out in accordance with financial agree- ments. USSR SOVRTSTAKA LITVA 27 Feb 75 p 4 The plans for 1975 were discussed by academician-secretaries of particular divisions. "The Division of Physicotechnical and Mathematical Sciences gill work on tho solution of 17 problems and 85 subjects," said Chief of the Division, P. Brazdzhyunaa. The plan of works was set up iii the light of the decisions of the Decembc (1974 Plenum of the Central Committee CPSU. Academician-Secretary of the Division of Chemicotechnological and Biological Sciences L. Kayzyukshtis stated that all the efforts of chemists will be directed to the theory of the electrodeposition of metallic alloys and progressive technologies of coatings and to create automatic assembly lines which will increase labor productivity 1.5-- 2 times. In speaking of the plan of the Division of Social Sciences, Academician-Secretary V. Nyunka stressed that this plan includes strengthening the connection of science with practice and directir. all efforts to the fulfillment of the tasks of the 9th Five Year Plan. Ten problems, comprising 59 subjects, which are to be solved by the institutes in the present year are enlarged and complex. k/u Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 PFD SOVIET SCIENCE 1AA~pr7ved For Release 1999/09/26 3CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 2. USSR EXPERT ON CALL! Tallin SOVETSKAYA ESTONIYA in Russian 24 Jan 75 p 3 (Interview with Estonian forensic medicine expert Aleksey Antonovich Lukash by S. Dovlatov] [Texts The Republic Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of the Ministry of Health Estonian SSR recently celebrated its 30th anniversary. Thirty years on the outpost of the law is quite a bit. Our discussant is the chief forensic medical expert of the republic A. Lukash. Aleksey Antonovich is a graduate of the Therapeutic Faculty of the Smolensk Medical Vuz, Later he completed courses in advanced training with specialization on forensic medical expertise. Since 1962 he has headed the Bureau of Forensic Medical Expertise of our republic. We have asked him to answer several questions. 1/5 rAnswer) Well that is a rather long conversation. But I shall try to answer in brief. Let us start with the formulation of my work. Forensic medical expertise is the solving of modie:,l pr,alems in the light of criminal-legal legislation in the interests of investigation, inquest and justice. The field of activity of a forensic medical expert is extremely broad. Among topics of investigation for us are not only human victims of crime but material evidence as well as clinical materials: hospital charts, history of diseases, and so forth. In dealing with victims of crime or an accident, the expert gives his conclusions rela- tive to the source of trauma and the degree of its gravity. He establishes the time of the incident. He explains whether or not the place where the victim was discovered was also the place the crime 4:.^urred,... It is important to understand that forensic material expertise is one of the principal types of proving a crime. A forensic medical expert accords the maximum possible assistance to the investigation within the bounds of his competency. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Ati &696d For Release 1999/09/26 : dIA-RDP86T00608R00686~I'U1 I?'B (Answerl Let us be more precise. By profession I am a medical person. And this specialization is actually broad, The knowledge of legal standards and an acute degree of observation and accuracy in details at the scene of a crime are essential qualities of an expert. However, we are not taking the place of an investigator nor that of a lawyer. It is only in detective stories and in the movies that one can see a jaok-of-cll-trades.... [Question) Do you not like detective stories? (Answer) I read then with great pleasure. But with respect to the plots I can't help having some professional observations. In one story, for examp'.e it was said: "He shot his pointblank at three meters..." I pedantically make the observation: this is an inaccuracy. We call a pointblank hit a shot in which the cutoff muzzle rests against the object of the hit. Or moreover. In one popular film an expert with an accuracy of up to several minutes established the time of the death of the hero as wel: as categorically naming the reason for his death. All of this is much more complex.... (Question) In what type of works have you recently been participating as an expert? 3/5 IAnewdr) On the night of 15 January a taxi driver had not kvturned to the parking lot. In the morning not very far from the vil'tge Kozo a burned automobile was dis- covered. Alongside the car in a ditch lay the dead man. On body were traces of knife wotunds. The Office of Forensic Medical Expertise established certain important details off' the incident. But it is still too early to talk about It in great detail. (Answer) Yes, very. My work is connected with so-called negative emotions. Plainly spooking it requires an enormous nervous strain. [Question) Do you regret ch'osing your profession? (Answer] There is no doubt about $.t, I have quite a bit of "dirty" work. But some- one must carry out that work. So why not me? It is impossible to be a forensic medical expert by force. It is neco+ssary to love ones work and love thous for whose safetr73 sake we are ready to work day and night. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 I Apr' 7`.; 5 FPD:fOV1'ET sClf':?ICE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 u;;Srt ;;l7VE."1'SKAY f ;'['OY".iYI rf4 ,ia 7p 5 Thtr ezperta are toysl to LheJr ,,rock. "Dirty" work can also bn done and i.n necessary to be done in in ins*tti::d fa.shlori. IAnnwer1 The bureau is L.ubordtr to to the Ministry of Heal ':h and not the Ministry of' Justice. This tells a lot. He carry out preventive r:ork. . Preventton of various typed of ever;7day traum?,t,, lectures on the safety of technology, work with medical personnel--all of this is our area of' work, Besides, we undertake scientific work, we have issued three collections. 3. USSR SHARMANOV, T. Minister of Health Kazakh SSR, professor PLANNING IS PREREQUISITE FOR SUCCESS IN :SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 12 Feb 75 p 3 IText l The Kazakh public health services have to solve a lot of regional problems. They include the prophylaxis of natural-foci infections and zoonotic diseases, topi- cal problems of labor hygiene i' new branches of industry, nutritional problems. etc. Our scientists actively participate in solving these problems. The Republic has 10 scientific research institutes, an Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians, and 5 universities with over 2,500 scientific workers and teachers. Recently a Kazakh Affiliate of the Institute of Nutrition of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences and a number of laboratories were organizes. The Republic Ministry of Health attaches paramount Importance to problems of organi~tn,% and planning medical science. Communi- cations from leaders of the institutes are .ystematically discussed by the respective boards with the active participation of specialists from Ministry branch administra- tions. it was found that the Scientific Medical Council, which basically works on public lines, cannot cope with the great volume of work. Therefore the Department Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : 6CIA-RDP86T00608R00, gQ,Q4r1 Q16 E 1 Apr 75 SHARMANOV, T., MEDITSINSKAYA l}AZETA 12 Feb 75 p 3 the Scientific Medical Council is a member of the Board and the chief of the Depart- ment of Science is his deputy. Life has justified the expediency of such a structure for the Scientific Council and the Department of Science work as a single whole. Corresponding Member of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences N. D. Beklemishov, who has many years standing experience in scie.ntiftc organization work, was appointed Chair- man of the Council. The character of the Scientific Council's work was also changed; various minor problems are now solved at weekly meetings of the Bureau; the Presidium also meets less often and considers problems that are more fundamental. Such forms of work as out-of-town sessions of the 'scientific Council in those institutions whose activities are being discussed has also .lustified itself. Because of this, not only leading scientists but ordinary worker,-, .,a well take part in appraising and planning scientific research and its introduction into practice, The Scientific Medical Coun- cil and the Department of Science have considered anew the principles of planning, It warn decided to eliminate minor and non-promising subjects. The efforts of scien- tistr are concentrated on solving the most important problems of Republic publ.: health and carrying out comprehensive investigations with the participation of a number of laboratories and departments. As a result, instead of the 1,412 subjects in the 1972 plan, in 1974 only 452 subjects were approved as recommended ones. The work being done includes, comprehensive investt .tions on the influence of chromium 2/6 SHARMANOV, T., MEDITSINSKAYA GAZ1STA 12 Feb 75 p 3 on the organism (Aktyuuinsk Medical Institute) and labor hygiene and occupational pathology in the coal industry (Karaganda Medical Institute and the Kazakh Scientific Research Institute of Labor Hygiene and occupational Diseases). The administrations of the Ministry began to display greater activity in planning scientific subject matter. For example, at a meeting of the Board of the Sanitary- Epidemiological Administration and the Scientific Medical. Council, the question was raised of a fundamental change in the subject matter of the Scientific Research In- stitute of Epidemiology, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases. By a decision of the Board work was discontinued in eight direction:-, (leptospirosic, epi.demiolory of malaria, poliomyelitis, diptheria. etc.). The scientific forces th~is freed will he utilized for more active elaboration of prohl, of topical importance for the Re- public. We may also quote the following example. After a 0-~=ch by General Secretary of the Central Committee CPSU L. I. Breezhnev in Alma-Ata who raised the problem of the active -o +-M,.honrlrw on the Republic. the necessity arose to make consider- Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIAO-RDP86T00608R0002004:' 0'0 6-FIOOE 1 Apr 75 USSR SHARMANOV. T., MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA 12 Feb 75 p 3 financial agreements with the Ministry of Meat and Dairy Industry. It should be noted that while the scientific research institutes have rapidly changed to a new system of planning, in some universities this process was delayed beeai,se of the scattered character of the subject matter of many chairs, individual character of research, unwillingness to break with the established routine, and inertia of leaders. The Scientific Council of the Ministry has enjo'nell the university administrations to provide incentives for the executers of the recomme.lded subjects: in the first place to provide them with experimental animals, funds for business trips, and publication of materials (certainly provided their quality is ade;;uate). Upon re-election of the associates of chairs, beginning with professors and ending with assistants, the participation of these associates in the elaboration of recom- mended subjects should be taken into consideration. At first it was not clear which subjects should be considered recommended. Then the following order was establishe4: the subject is considered recommended only after it has been approved by one of the special commissions of the Scientific Medical Council. This way first to be approved are subjects of regional importance, as well as com- prehensive, interdepartmental, and intercollegiate subjects. 4/6 SHAR?!ANOV, T. , MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA 12 Feb 75 p 3 Unfortunately, some scientists think their mission is ct.?ipleted with the and of their research on the subject and publication of the results in r 'ournal or collection of works. But the real results make themselves felt only when the new method of diagnosis and method of treatment reach the patient and begin wide use in practice. At the meetings of the Board of the Ministry and at the sessions of the Presidium of the Scientific Council for Problems of Introduction into Use, reports were discussed from almost all scientific institutes and universities. The overall picture was rather motely. For example, it was found that the Scientific Research Institute of Pediatrics (of the 3rd Category), which met with much criticism, recently produced much more instructive materials than some large institutes. The problems of intro- ducing research into use is being treated with very little en'rgy by the Alma-Ata and Semipalatinsk Medical Institutes. At the same time the participation of brannh administrations of the Ministry in the selection of proposals for introducing research into use and their further progress is inadequate. We will have to more clearly de- fine the duties of the chief specialists in this important matter and to strengthen r-,. ennverRe relationship of institutes with practical institutions, on the base cf Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr75 8 Dee;ate some change for the better, three are still many drawbacks in medical aci:*nce management of the Republic. The overall share of large comprehensive research eub- jeots is inconsiderable. Too few generalizing monographs are being compiled, and a considerable amount of printing space reserved for the Republic by the Publishing House "Meditaina" is being left unused every year. With a switch-over tv the publication of the bubject-natter scientific collections of works the interest In them has increased but the number of copies published rerains small. There is inequality in providing various institutes and departments with scientific cadres. 1Jp to now the central scientific research laboratories of the three medical institutes were riot completely equipped. All this certainly has an adverae effect on the efficiency of scientific research and the introduction of the completed work!, into wide practice. At the end of the past year the Board of the USSR Ministry of Health was presented with a report on "The Management of Medical Science in the Republic by the Kazakh Ministry of Health." By the decision of the Board this activity was approved. At the same time the Board has noted a number of shortcomings which we are now working to eliminate, 6/6 4. USSR PETROV. V. FIRST AID EDUCATION FOR ALL INVOLVED IN TRAFFIC Kiev PRAVDA UKRAINY in Russian 8 Feb 75 p 4 [Te:t] A program of education in rendering first aid to victims of traffic accidents was approved, The ability to render first aid is now compulsory for all drivers, both professionals and amateurs, as well as for militiamen performing traffic duties. The education will last 16 hours. Its program was approved by the Ukrainian Ministry of Health and was coordinated with the Ministries of Automobile Transport and Internal Affairs. Everyone who passes this course must be capable of rendering first aid in Traumas. knot methods of carryin,; and transporting the persons i:ijured, and be aisle to organize the evacuation of the victims of accidents. One should know how to arrest bleeding, apply a bandage to an open injury, render help in respiratory disturbance, in cardiac arrest, in chilblains, and in heat and sunstroke. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 PETROV. V., PRAVDA Ukrainy 8 Feb 75 p 4 The education plan includes both lectures and practical training, Lecturers (all physicians, chiefly surgeons and orthopedists) will speak of contusions, compressions, dislocations, fractures, craniocerebrRl traumas, injuries of thorax and abdomen, and everything that directly threatens man's life. The education is conducted in courses and groups organized everywhere: in enter- prises, kolkhozee, institutions, and schools. After mastering the program the participants undergo a teat. Everyone who paceed the first aid education is given a certificate on a prescribed form (strict report card). Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 'AlppF ved For Release 1999/09/26 '.0CIA-RDP86T00608RdUB!MM 61f!? 5. USSR bro1131NI11. A AUTOMATED REPEREIICE AND I140)RHATION SYSTEM FOR SCIENCE AND T9CHH0LOOY Moscow IZVESTIYA in Rusfsian 5 Jan 75 p 3 1Textl The All-Union Institute of Scientif,c-Technical Information (VINITI) of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR Council of Ministers and of the USSR Academy of Sciences is the world's biggest information center in science and technology. All day mail trucks arrive in a constant flow at the entrance of a massive building on Baltiysksya Ulitsa. The parcels, printed matter, and heavy packages in tattered wrappings bear stamps of more than a hundred foreign countries. Thus wide is the rLn, of VIi1ITI correspondents who provide it with published literature on technology. exact and natural sciences, and agricultural machine-building. Up to 20,000 books, 25,4'0O items of foreign and Soviet journals, and over 200,000 patent descriptions, in all about a million documents annually, is handled by the Institute every year. The handling ',f this enormous multinational flow of publications (In about 70 foreign lar4uages) is complicated. It has to be carefully classified according to subjects, separated from all extraneous matter, and arranged in the form of convenient bulletins and reference collections for the use of half a million subscribers. Much has already been written about this avalanc:Fr of information that accompanies the rapid development of science and technology. Chemists were the ft-st to feel the impact of this avalanche of information. Furthermore, the volume of scientific-technical publications is constantly growing: on the average by 5-5.5 percent annually. Chemistry continues to be the record- holder with an increase over 8 percent. Physicists, geologists, machine-builders, and specialists of many other branches stand in treat need of recent scientific- technical information. ":ill this is being explained not by simple curiosity," says Deputy Director of the Institute Candidate of Technical Sciences A. Chernyy. "Science has become in full measure a branch of the national economy and has begun to function in accordance with the laws of industrial production; therefore the shortening of the time needed for the introduction of novelties is a matter of pure economics." Approved For Release, 1999/09/26: CIA-RDPS6T00608R000200110016-2 t 1 t-!-..Lohis being simultaneously coded on the papertapas. But the insertion of the papertape into an electronic computer ( there are foal of them at the Institute) can be done only after getting the approval of Yevdokiya Ramanovne Gur'yanova. the head of this unusual proofreading. (Corrections are made not with pencil but with the aid of a special device). This woman has done Ruch to provide computers with high-quality coding. In particular, special controllers developed by the Institute' designers were introduced Into use and eliminate any flays on the papertapes that formerly caused the loss of valuable computer time. The subscribers of VINXTI every fortnight receive several dozen serial bulletins of inAicative information on various branches of science, the monthly voluminous "Rererativnyy Zhurnal" (Journals of Abmt"pztsl. and 70 annual issues of "hogi Nauki I "akhniki" [Summaries of Science and T" iologyl. The i.tifo rmation on paper (bulletins, collections) has an essential sb r coming, viz. 3,1 its static character. And various specialists even of the same branch are in need of different informative selections, different information material is also required by scientists and practical workers. Achieving such elasticity, in the opinion of specialists, is possible only by cen- tralizing the processing of information and decentralizing its supply. In pra:tice it will assume the following form. on the computer's magnetic tapes is coded the dum total of news, let us say, for example, on metal working, for a definite segment of time. These tapes are sent to branch centers of informatier, where only the pertinent Information for the given field and program is extracted d,id printed. Such an automated reference and Information system for science and technology. nick- named "Assistant" (Assistantl. will begin to work with full force after the assembly and adjustment in the Machine Section of the 1'nstit.:e of the newest electronic com- puter of the third generation Yes-1050--the most powerful machine in the unified system of electronic computers of the socialist countries. The "Assistant" has a deeply symbolic name. Actually it is an irreplacerlble helper of the multimi'.lion army of scientists, engineers, and practical workers. Supported by the latest technology, the "Assistant" will attain the highest degree of its potentialities. 4/4 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 fAk; atractI In the age of scientific-technical progress the role of libraries is becoming over more active and purposeful. Bibliographies begin to play an increas- ingly important part in providing scientists with concentrated scientific informa- tion, The State Public Scientific-Technloal Library of the Siberian Department of the USSR Academy of Sciences--one of the largest in the country--has compiled such bibliographical compendia as "The Geology of Siberia and the Par East," "Plant Re- sources of Siberia and the Par East," "Animal Kingdom of Siberia and the Par Fast," and many others unique in the Soviet Union, and the current literature reference publication "Biogeooenology," which is unique in the whole %orld. Narrow specialization of libraries serving particular branches of science and tech- nology separates them instead of uniting their efforts for the common purpose, whereau discoveries are made as a rule at the junctions of various sciences. The proble^ of supplying the necessary information to scientists can be solved most suc- cessfully through the creation of universal scientific libraries which would form a 1/2 USSR KARTASHEV, N., i:.VESTIYA 11 Jan 75 p 5 leading link in the united network of scientific libraries, thus unifying and coordinating various branches of knowledge. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Dushanbe KOMMUNIST TADZHIKISTANA in Russian 15 Jan 75 p 4 (Text] Biologists and chemists of the Pacific Ocean Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of the Par Eastern Scientific Center of the Academy of Sciences USSR have developed a method of synthesizing substances which are structurally similar tr- compounds obtained from that legendary medicinal root--the ginseng plant. Scientists have begun to ex- tract those substances from the leaves of 3 Par Eastern species of birch. The universally known ginseng is a rare relict. Its closebt relatives were inhabitants of tropical forests which once grew in the present-day Par Fast. In our day only a single species of this remarkable flora has survived. Today a comparatively small amount of' the valuable roots of this plant is being recovered from dense thickets of the taiga. Studies of the Par Eastern ginseng were being made as long as 25 years ago, and parallel work has been done on various other plants. It appeared that stimulating properties were possessed also by substances obtained from the ara l1a and the samara. From ginseng leaves were extracted by laboratory means the so-called pana.,.ocides, which are substances producing the stimulating properties of the ginseng. 1 /2 M MMUNIST TADZHIKISTANA 15 Jan 75 p 4 As work continued, it was established that the basis (skeleton) of the molecules of the biologically-active substances of ginseng are present also in the white birch. In the molecules of two quite different plarts was found an Identical carcass, though the "fill-ins" (radicals conferring this or that property to the organism) were different. The ginseng and the birch therefore had different properties. Chemists now are trying to decide how the carcass of the molecule of a substance obtained from the birch can be supplied with a "fill-in" which has molecules of the substance extracted from the ginseng. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 (Text] At the Institute of Pediatrics of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences--?he Institute of Children's Diseases--I spoke with its director, corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences M. Ya. Studenikin, about healthy children. The aciesttist suggest that we acquaint ourselves with the current work of the Laboratory of Growth Physiology where studies are made on the development of behavior and emo- tions in children. Practically speaking the search is going on for the methods of bringing up, literally from the cradle, both a physically healthy and cheerful, creative, and all-round rich in spirit, generation. "Do you remember yourself at this age?" Doctor of Medical Sciences Yu. A. Makarenko points to an 8-year old child. "Our aim," continues the scientist, "is to learn what does he like and what does he dislike in the world that surrounds him, and how does he begin learning to live. 1/5 One used to consider that a child feels well when its vital requirements are satis- fied. At present, for example, we know with certainty how much and what kind of nourishing substances should be consumed by a child at this or other age. This is most important for health. But now he has had his fill, he is warm, dry, and com- fortable. Is this sufficient to be completely satisfied with life? During the very first days and months, in general, yes. But a little later... The associates of the Laboratory have found that some positive emotions are also necessary. And they are generated not only and perhaps not so much ')y the satisfaction of the simplest blo- logic,.l needs. The child develops new forms of the activity, h? yearns to know the world in all its multiformity of colors and sounds, and to associate with adults. And, in particular he feels an almost irresistible need of exercise which gives him a real "muscular joy." We observe a familiar picture: a child halds on to the bars of his crib and squats over and over again rhythmically. On the whole he is happy. It is just a pity that a rigid wooden structure does not "play up" to him. Perhaps his joy would be greater if the a-% were to respond to his movement;a? Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 simple devices were constructed such as rocking-chairs which are Doing puv L.. by children themselves until they get tired. Thus it is poosible to determine the amount of motor activity which results from the inner need of the child. And the side-issue of this research is that some of these contrivances, improved by designers, may serve as equipment of children's creches or a nursery room at home. The laboratory investigations are not necessarily aimed at the issuance at once of any practical recommendations. The formation of the physics of man making his first steps in life is an extremely complex process. We have much to learn. But certain things can be already popularized, realized, and suggested to designers of toys." "To give joy, a toy should be active," remarks Yu. A. Makarenko. "The current toys, with the exception, perhaps, of an elastic ball, are passive. For some reason, the greatest interest of children is caused by living beings such as a cat or a puppy. Animals respond to an action and educate in their own way: if there is something objectionable in the attitude of the child toward them, they run away, if they like it, they are eag:r to get in touch. 3/5 FEDOROV, A., PRAVDA 5 Dec 74 p 6 Here is the example of an "active" toy: "Signore Pomidoro," a personage from a play about Sippolino, a standard plastic puppet from the "Children's World." It has been perfected, equipped with a small electric bulb inside it and a microphone, connected with a transistor switch. A child who cannot yet speak, but who already babbles syllables, exclaims "ma," and the bulb lights up. This attracts his attention. Again "ma" and "ba," and the connection between babble and lighting up of the bulb is caught. Now the child becomes an active participant of a creative play and to judge from joyful brilliance of his eyes, he is happy. Yu. A. Makarenko shows one of the experimental stands. It has two 'Dig push button- keys, easily yielding to weak little hands of the child. If one of them is pressed, a soft bulb twinkles bewitchingly brightly, and when anothar button is pressed, a ]1w sound is heard, which evokes watchfulness in thi child, He chooses the twinkling bulb to play with. But, now and again, he presses the "lass" key: a little terrible, but interesting... Toys are made and selr:.,ted for children by adults, music is also written for them by "big uncles," who h).ve completely forgotten what had pleased and caused joy to them at their crawling age. Perhaps, such stands will help children to become the active "coa':ihors" of designers and composers. Then their leisure hours, which, unfortunately, not always can be shared by their parents, will be filled with active, emotional play,. causing joy with sounds and colors. 14/5 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 It is difficult to ask anything of a man who is not yet one year old; he cannot as yet answer with words. And to know his opinion about what gives him joy 1s indis- pensable. It is necessary b,th for his mental development and for his physical health. The associates of the Laboratory together with a psychologist carried out the fol- lowing experiment. In several wards of the Clinic, supplementing the current care and treatment, they devoted special attention to the sick children and tried to arouse in the= a maximum of positive emotions. It was found that children to who:n [ kindness was shown recovered twice as rapidly. Thus in the science which studies diseases of children and ways of their treatment a new chapter is being written. It asserts that diseases recede not only under the effect of medicines but also under the influence of joy. 9. USSR PANTYUKHINA, Stella; "Novosti" Press Agency THE INSTITUTE OF THE HYGIENE OP CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS Ashkhabad TURKMEVSKAYA ISKRA in Rtssian 14 Dec 74 p 4 [Abstract] The Institute of the Hygiene of Children and Adolescents of the USSR Ministry of Health, headed by Prof Galina Serdyukovskaya, was created in Mr~:;cow 15 years ago. At present in its modern laboratories work 130 specialists of various profiles such as pediatrics, neurology, physiology, and otorhino la.ryngology, among whom there are 15 profess,,rs and 64 candidates of sciences. The age of children being studied ranges from 3 to 18. Six years ago, in Moscow Boarding School No 95, a unique Laboratory of Mental Labor Physiology was created, which conducts its investigations with the use of computer technology. For example, boys and girls were invited to play a "game of astronauts," during which the electronic pickups provide physicians with full information on the state of their cardiovascular and nervous systems. Experiments were conducted daily, morning and evening, at the beginning and end of !'.ie week, for three months. On the basis of their results, in 1971 some important c!,anges were made in school work. In particular, teachers discontinued giving homeva,?k to children for their rest days. 1/2 roved For Release 1999/0 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Other changes suggested by the specialists of the Institute and scientists of Lenin- grad, Minsk, Kharkov, Tbilisi, and other cities, were: in primary schools, instead of the usual 45-min periods, a stepwise system of day load distribution was applied to the first graders; in the second and third grades, on Fridays and Saturdays the last periods were reduced to 35 minutes, and for sixth and seventh graders, the sixth periods in the second half of the week were altogether eliminated. Patigua- bility of children decreased and their achieveability increased, with good effect on their health. Physical exercises were also given special attention, for great loads at school and evenings spent watching television cause hypokinesia which leads to serious diseases. In the Institute this problem is studied by the Department of Physical Education with a staff of 24, headed by Doctor of Medical Sciences A. G. Sukharev. The changes to be introduced in the planning of school buildings, classrooms, lighting, etc, are also being studied, with special attention being paid to the climatic conditions in various regions of the country. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Meacow PRAVDA in Russian 6 Jul 74 p 5 fgxoerpt] .,The Iranian Ambassador to the Soviet Union. Mohammed Reza Ami.r Teymur, awarded the degree of Doctor of Teheran University to B. G. (afurov, a Soviet scien- tist and Academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The award to B. 0. Gafurov was given for great contributions in the development of oriental and Iranian stl~a.ie6. 11. USSR R. A. MALYSHEVA Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 14 Feb 75 P 1 [Excerpt] By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSFSR for service to medical science and in preparing scientific cadres, the title Honored ?cientist RSPSR is awarded to Prof Rufina Aleksandrovna Malysheva, Doctor of Medical Sciences and director of the Sverdlovsk Scientific Research Institute of Maternity and Child Welfare.... Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 (Text) A. 0. Safonov has been released from his duties as chief of the Main Administration o.' Therapeutic-Prophylactic Aid of the Ministry of Health USSR and F1s been name- Deputy Minister of Health USSR. 13. USSR E. R. STAVROVAYA Mink SOVETSKAYA BELORUSSIYA in Russian 24 May 74 p 3 [Text] Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Belorussian Decree on the awarding honors of the Supreme Soviet Belorussian SSR to Comrade E. R. Stavrovaya, For many years' active work in the Republic's dairy industry s.nd fruitful tcientitic activity and in connection with her 50th birthday, Director of the Belorussian Affiliate of the All- Unios. Scientific Research Institute of the Wiry Industry Comrado El'vira Robertovna Stavorova is given an honorary diploma of the Supreme Soviet Belorussian SSR. Signed by Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Belorussian SSR F. Surganov asad Secretary of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Belorussian SSR Ye. Chagina on 23 May 1974 in Minsk. Approved For Release 1999,09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Moscow VECHERNYAYA MOSKVA in Russian 26 Sep 74 p 1 [Text] Today, the State Committee of the Council of Ministers USSR presented cer- tificates to a group of the following scientists in recognition of their important discovery in the sphere of the physics of solid bodies: Doctors of Physicomathematical Sciences Ye. S. Mashkova, V. A. Molchanov (Moscow State University), and V. G. Tel'kovskiy (Engineering-Physics Institute) and Candidates of Phybicomathematical Sciences D. D. Odintsov (Physical-Power Engineering Institute) and V. M. Chicherov (Institute of Nuclear Energy imeni I. V. Kurcha.tov) who succeeded in discovering the previously unknown pnenomenon of changes observed in the discharge of electrons, such changes depending on the orientation of the crystal being bom- barded by the particles. Physicists of the USA, France, Holland, the GDR, as well as USSR scientists have already investigated this phenomenon as it relates to solid bodies--metals, semi- conductors and insulators. The discovery played an essential role in the development of a new sphere of science: radiation physics of well-regulated media. The discovery is of considerable practical importance, In particular it allows for the development of methods to control radiation defects in irradiated materials directly during the technological process, and also methods to control the orienta- tion the crystals being irradiated with relation to the direction of the flight of the irradiating particles, factors of great importance in the production of semi- conductor devices. The discovery laid the foundation for a number of inventions which are protected by author's certificates. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA in Russian 25 Oct 74 p 1 [Abstract] By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSPSR for service to medicine and in preparing medical cadres, the title Honored Scientist RSPSH was awarded to the following people: Prof Vasiliy Vasil'yevich Zakusov, Doctor of Medical Sciences, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, and director of the Scientific Research Institute of Pharmacology of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences; Prof Anna Vasil'yevna Kozlova. Doctor of Medical Sciences and head of a chair of the Central Institute for the Advanced Training of Physicians; and Prof Margarita Oeorgiyevna Aetapenko, Doctor of Medical Sciences and head of a department of the Scientific Research Institute of Rheumatism of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. 16. USSR HONORARY AWARDS Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 17 Jan 75 p 1 fTextJ By decree of the Presidium of the Supra %e Soviet RSFSR the title Honored Physician RSPSR were conferred on the following ;:'dical workers of Moscow thera- peutic-prophylactic institutions for servic's in public health: Galina Aje:androvna Belozerskaya, physician of Polyclinic No 92; Nina Adrianovna Burdina, department head of the City Clinical Hospital imeni S. P. Botkin; Valentina Dmitryevna Vaeilyeva, chief physician of Children's Polyclinic No 42; Anatoliy Nikolayevich Vasilyev, department head of City Clinical Hospitakl No 23; Elena Alexeyevna Gladysheva, Rayon pediatrician of the Department of Public Health of the Executive Committee of fhe October Rayon Council of Worker's Deputies; Valentina Stepanovra Grishina, chief physician of the Moscow Scientific Research Institute of Eye Diseases imeni Gel'mgol'ts; Vadim Nikolayevich Kopeyk?., docent of the Moscow Medical Storaatological Institute; Nadezhda Andreyevna Korot;cova, physician of Polyclinic No 2; Galina Petrovnz, deputy chief ph;,.ician of Polyclinic No 1; Anna Vasilyevna Merkulova, deputy chief physician if the Central Polyclinic of the RSPSR Ministry of Health; Igor' Rafailovich Obol'nikov, department read of the Joint Hospital of the RSFSR Ministry of Health under Exhibition of Achievements of the i;'tional Economy USSR; Alexandra ivanovna Pustova, chief physician of the Korolenko City Clinical Hospital of Dermato-Veneralogical Diseases; Alexandra Stepanovna Retyunskaya, chief physician 1/2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 of Children's roLycLlnl4 nu _??-?_- Contra], Clinical Tuberculosis Hospital. O1'ga Alexant!rovna Stravrovakaya, physician of the City Scientific Recearzh Institute of First Aid imeni N. V. Sklifosovskiy; and Yevgenlya Ivanovna Torki,na, department head of City Psychiatric Clinical Hospital No 4 isteni P. B. Oannushkin. 17. USSR HONORARY AWARDS Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA OAZSTA in Russian 4 Sep 74 p 1 (Abstract] Prof Arkadiy Pavlovich Nesterov, head of the Chair of Eye Diseases of the Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni N. I. Pirogov and Doctor of Medical Sciences, has been awarded the title Honored Ps:ientlet RSFSR by the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet RSPSR; Sh. A. Begelman, docent of the First Moscow Medical Institute imeni I. M. Sechenov, has been awarded the title Honored Physician RSFSR. The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet Ukrainian SSR has awarded the title Honored Scientist Ukrainian SSR to Doctor of Medical Sciences Prof Konstantin Sergeyevic_-. Ternovyy. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 (Text) Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences A. F, Se renko has been named director of the All-Union Scientific Re;,eareh Institute of Social Hygiene and the Organization of Public Health imeni N. .4. Semashko and leaves his position as a member of the board of the Ministry of Health USSR. Prof I. D. Bogntyrev has been released from his duties as director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Social Hygiene and the Organization of Public Health imeni N. A. Semashko in connection with his transfer to scientific work. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 19, USSR D. M. CHIZIIIKOV Moscow TZVE{STIYA AKADRMII HAUK SSSR, NE ALLY in Russian No 6, 1974 ;gyp 3-4 (Abstract) David Mikhaylovich Chizhikov, head of the Laboratory or the Physicochemi- cal Bases of the Metallurgy of Ferrous and Rare Metals of the institute or Metallurgy of the USSR #oadcq of Sciences. CPSU member since 1921, and Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, has died. 1/1 20. USSR N. I. OERASIMflTh Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 17 Jan 75 p 4 [Abstract] Prof Nikolay Ivanovich Gerasimanko, leader of the Surgical Clinic of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis ^f the Ministry of Health USSR, has died. His death was announced by the Ministry of Health USSR, the Central Scientific Research Institute of Tuberculosis. and the All-Union Scientific Society of Phthisiologists. 1/1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 A3p"~fvvd For Release 1999/09/26 : CPA-RDP86T00608R0002t~0' 6 ~+c& 21. USSR P. I. KOTYAKHOV Moscow ODOLOOIYA NE TI I GASA in Russian No 2, 1975 p 78 [Abstract] Pedor ivanovich Kotyakhov, specialist in the physics of oil-bearing strata, Doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, Honored Petroleum Specialist, and CPSU member since 1951, died on 24 September 1974. 22. USSR N. A. KRASIL'NIKOV Kiev MIKR0BIOLOQICHNIY ZHURNAL in Ukrainian Vol 35 No 6, 1973 pp 804-805 r Abstract] Prof Nilolay Aleksandrovich Krasil'nikov, USSR State Prize laureate, Honored Scientist RSPSR, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and head of the Chair of Soil Biology of Moscow State University, died on 11 July 1973. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 26 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 23. USSR UDC 576.89(092) Lav;uva Moscow MRDITSINSKAYA PARAZITOLOGIYA I PARAZITARNYYE BOLEZNI i? Russian No 5, 1974, pp 634-635 [Abstrn,ot) Marina Yakovlovna Lavrova, Doctor of Biological Sciences, senior scien- tific ausooiate, and head of the Karshinakiy Antileishmaniasis Expedition of the Institute of Medical Parasitology and Tropical Medicine imeni Ye. I. Martsinovakiy of the Ministry of Health USSR, died on 31 May 1974. 24. USSR K. K. MASHRYKOV Ashkhabad PROBLEMY OSVOYENIYA PUSTYNt In Rueeian No 4, 1974 p 96 (Abstract) Prof Karim Kerimovich Mashrykov, Academician of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences, Doctor of Geological-Mineralogical Sciences, and professor of the Chair of General Geology of the Turkmen Polytechnical Institute, died on 7 July 1974. His obituary 'a signed by the Presidium of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences, the Adminis- tration for Geology of the Turkmen Council of Ministers, the Turkmen Scientific Research Geological Prospecting Institute, and the Institute of Deserts of the Tur:men Academy of Sciences. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 25. USSR (Abstract) Alehaandr Ivanovich Meshoheryakov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, and head of the Laboratory for Studying and Teaching Blind and Dea!'mute Children of the Scienti'ic Research Institute of Defectology of the USSR Acade;,y of Pedagogical Sctenoes, has died. His obituary is signed by M. A. Prokofryev, V. N. Stoletov, A. I. Markuahevich, V. U. Zubov, A. 0. ihrripkovu, B. M. Kedrov, N. N. Senenev, A. N. Leont'yev, A. R. Luriya, A. V. Petrovskiy, B. F. Lomov, T. A. Vlasova, 0. 1. Skorokhodova, V. V. Davydov, D. B. Elrktnin, A. V. Zaporozhets, L, V. Il'yenkov, A. A. Oenze:&, Yu. A. Kulagin, M. I. Zemtaova, S. A. Zykov, F. F. Rau, L. I. Solntseva, R. A. Mareyeva, A. V. Apraushev, S. A. Sirotkin, Yu. M. Lerner, e. V. Suvorov, and W. M. Korneyeva. (Abstract) Prof Origoriy Lavrent'yevich Padalka, Doctor of Geological -Minamlological Sciences and associate of the Leningrad Mining Instir_;,e, died on 18 April 1974. His obituary Is signed by A. V. Sidorenko, A. D. Shcheglov, V. A. Yarmolyuk, N. F. Karpov, N. P. Laverov, A. I. Zhamoyda, A. 0. Ivarhentsev, A. A. Smyslov, D. V. Rundkvist, Yu. M. Shubalov, Yu. A. Arayov, V. N. Kotlyar, 0. N. Shanyushkin, V. S. Domarev, and A. P. Nikol 'skiy. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 A rpved For Release 1999/09/26 :26:IA-RDP86T00608R0Wggg11Yg~ 27. USSR P. P. POLYAKDV Alma-Ata IZVESTIYA AKADEMII NAUK KAZAKHSKOY SSR, SERIVA Blot ICHESKAYA in 1 ,,sian No 6, 1974 pp 84-85 [Abstrsot] Petr Petrovich Polyaloov, florist, senior associate of the Institute of Botany of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, and Candidate of Biological Sciences, died :+n 2 January 1974. 28. USSR I. V. POPOV Moscow VESTNIK MSKOVSKOGO UNIVERSITETA, OEOLOOIYA in Russian No 6, 1974 pp 122-123 rA%)stnot] Iva-, Vasil'yevich Popov, Honored Scientist RSPSR, State Prize laureate, Doctor of Geological -Mine raological Sciences, and professor of the Chair of Soil Science and Engineering Geology of Moscow State University, has died. Apip4vvM For Release 1999/09/26 : Ch -RDP86TOO6O8ROOO2Oe134O 692ENcRs 29. USSR Ye. Ya. RASHBA Kiev MIKROBIOLOOICHNIY ZHURNAL in Ukrainain Vol 36 No 1, 1974 pp 130-131 [Abstract) Pref Yelena Yako.'levna Rashba, Doctor of Biological sciences and head of the Division of the Biochemistry of Microorganisms of the Institute of Microbiology and Virology imeni Academician D. K, Zabolotnyy of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, died on 25 October 1973. Her obituary is signed by the collective of the Division. 30. USSR I. K. SNITKO Moscow OEODEZIYA I AEROPOTOS"EMKA in Russian No 4 1974 pp 161-162 rAbstrQctj Ivan Konstantinovich Snitko, professor of the Moscow Institute of Engineers of Geodesy, Aerial Photography and Cartography and Doctor of Technical Sciences, died on 8 January 1974. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86TOO608ROO0200110016-2 1 Apr 75 30 FPD:SO'VIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 31. USSR Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 28 Feb 75 p 4 rAbetractj The death of Lidiya Alekaandrovna Studnitayna, senior scientific asso- ciate and CPSU member, was announced by the administration, party, and trade union organizations of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Health Resort Science and Physiotherapy of the Ministry of N..alth USSR. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 31 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 VI. FOREIGN SCIENTIFIC COOPERATION COOPERATION OF i.EMA COUNTRY MEDICAL FORCES Riga SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA in Russian 2 Feb 75 p 1 ? (Text] The seventh extraordinary session of the Council of Plenipotekitiaries of CEMA countries on the problem "Creation of Biomedical Technology for Scientific Research and Clinical Medicine" has been held in Moscow. Signing of the protocol of this session marked the careful examination of a program of scientific and design functions, and determination of the extent of preliminn ry expenditures on realiza- tion of a plan for integrated measures In advancing medical technology during 1976- 1980. At this essior both the coming five-year plan for development of medical technology in the mayor areas and the inclusion of the most important of those within an integration plan were studied. To those problems which wi3:. be resolved on the scale of the economic policy of CEMA countries should belong, for example, the development of roentgeno-diagnostic equipment, systems of electronic diagno is, apparatus for biochemical and hematological analysis, apparatus for intensive therapy and reanimat:.on, and some others. USSR SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA 2 Feb 75 p 1 The results of the session will further the creation, in each of the CEMA countries, of a modern industrial base to serve public health. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 A,nnrf~ved For Release 1999/09/26 3PIA-RD1386T00608R09~2 09c1 aE 33. USSR KRAYANOV, L. FLOATING INSTITUTE MoRcc.w PRAVDA L~ Russian 1 Jun 74 p 5 [Text] A large international maritime expedition is underway in the Black Sea Basin. " will involve oceanographers, biologists, physicists, geologists, iehthyologirts, hydrologists, chemists, and other snecialista from the Soviet Union, Bulgaria, Romania, and Poland. The Soviet scientific research ship, the "Ernst Krenkel" based in Varna, has become, in the words of expedition leader S? 0. Oradovskiy, senior associate of the USSR Institute of oceanography, a floating oceanographic institute. On board the ship there are very modern scientific research laboratories above water, underwater apparatus, television installations, and various '"indr. of electronic navigation equipment. The main research goal is the collection of information on the pollution of the Black Sea Basin. The amount of substancos in the sea water which are danger- ous to life will be determined. Scientists are also studying some physical processes, in particular the movement of the Black Sea waters. The research carried out by the International oceanographic expedition in the Black Sea is organized in accordance with the Intergovernmental Maritime Consultative organization under the tT.v. (IMCO) ratified at the convention on maintaining the purity of ocean waters. 1/1 34. USSR SOVIET-GERMAN MEETING Moscow PRAVDA in Russian 28 Feb 75 p 5 (Text) The seventeenth session of the standing subcommission for scientific-technical cooperation between the USSR and the GDR was held in Moscow on 27 February. The same day GDR delegation leader Herbert Weiz, member of the Socialist Unity Party of Germany Central Committee, deputy chairman of the GDR Council of Ministers, and Minister for Science and Technology, was received by V. A. Kirillin, deputy chairman of the USSR Council of Ministers and chairman of the State '':)msittee for Science and Technology of the USSR Council of Ministers. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Apprdv#d Fbr Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RPP86T00608R0002001400 sciacR Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA in Russian 3 Jan 75 p 4 ITexti Por several days representatives of the Center of Scientific Information of the Association of Pharmaceutical Industry "Pol'fa" and scientific associates of the ? Odanrsk Medical Academy were guests of local [Lrvcv] medics, In their meetings with public health administrators of the Oblast, practicing physicians and pharmaceutical workers, the guests reported on near preparations turned out by the Pharmaceutical Association of Poland and held an exhibit of products manufactured by the Association. Polish medics also had an opportunity to get acquainted with the work of the Oblast Psychiatric Hospital, visited its Rehabili- tation Center and the Chair of Psychiatry of the Lvov Medical Institute, and expressed their interest in the Pharmaceutical services extended to the Oblast's population. Their meeting with the workers of the Lvov Chemicopharmaceutical Plant was truly heartwarming. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Appfgt*9c4 f or Release 1999/09/26 : CI4.4RDP86T00608R0002Wb1;IAQ46B2IEXCE 36. assn PETROV, 0., Pravla correspondent, Novosibirsk NEW SCIENTIFIC CENTER ON THE OB' Moscow PRAVDA 28 Jan 75 p 6 (Text) During this chill, windy January days a new academic town has been born to take its place alongside Novosibirsk; its first buildings are being occupied. The new town will be a Siberian center of agricultural science. It will be located on the left bank of the Ob' River. Its first task will be to accelerate the development of agriculture in the eastern parts of the USSR. The center comes under the Siberian Department of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Sciences imeni Lenin; it is to be financed from the "Fund of the Jubilee Leninist Communist Subbotnik." Twenty-two planning organizations of Moscow, Novosibirsk and other cities supplied structures for the new town. Construction materials and equipment will be sent from all the Union republics. on appeal of the Central Committee of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League to the All-Union Shock Komsomol Construction, young men and 113 PETROV, 0., PRAVDA 28 Jan 75 p 6 women have arrived at the new center from various corners of the Soviet Union. The buildings are being erected by a multinational collective of the "Sibakademe troy" administration. The first new settlers have arrived; the building of the Scientific Research In- stitute of Agricultural Chemicaliaation is now ready to go. The architectural and city-planning decisions of the new center. which first - 11 for a population of 12,000 persons, are distinguished by their great original. The buildings of all the scientific research institutes stretch out in a singlt kilow cer-long line and are joined by glass galleries at the second-story level as well as by underground passages; this makes possible the easy juncture of Liew structures with the priority buildings, the effective distribution of area occupied by the buildings, and the development of general service facilities, Not the least important factor here in the rigorous couaitions of Siberia is the possibility of visiting any particular laboratory not facing on the street. The living area is set up in the force of a circle 720 meters in diameter; this will include stores, schools, children's combines and recreation areas. The circular 1 Apr 75 35 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 USSR PETROV, a,, PRAVDA 28 Jan 75 p 6 design cuts down on walking and affords compactness and convenience. The overall plan calls for an administrative center which will include the buildings of the Presidium of the Siberian Department of the All-Union Academy of Agricultural Science, scientists' quarters, libraries, a movie house, and an info rnation-computins center. A hospital nomplc,: will adjoin the living area. Surrounding the town will be open fields, experimental agricultural structures, and yards for testing new agricultural equipment. All of this should help our scientists and skilled workers to make the severe and capricious nature of Siberia a more hospitable one, and to advance th' production of food and industrial raw materi_-t in this vast region. 37. USSR NEW ACADEMY CITY Moscow PRAVDA to Russian 29 Jan 75 p 6 [Textl An Academy City has been opened here [Tomak]. The first buildings of the future scientific center which are ready for the scientists are laboratories, workshops, and residences. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Appro'W'For Release 1999/09/26 : ClR-RDP86TOO6O8ROOO2dff1'f`~d6"-2clsNCE 38. USSR MIGSTOVSHCHIKOV, A. Vladivostok-Moscow THERE'S GOING TO BE A CITY OP SCIENCE Moscow TRUD 8 Feb 75 p 4 (Text] Work has been completed on the planning operations for an Academic complex of the Par Eastern Scientific Center of the Academy of Sciences USSR which is to be erected in the city of Vladivostok on the shore of the Amur Gulf. Usually, when driving from the airport into Vladive tok, you hr;ir bystanders remark, "Right here, between Prospekt 100-Letiya Vladivostoka anti the river, is where they're going to put up the Academic City." That distant city in Primorskiy Kray, in other words, is not only an industrial city and a very great port, but a city of science as well. In October 1970, on the basis of an affiliate on the Siberian Department of the Academy of Sciences USSR. this forepost of science on the Par Eastern coast was organized; today it embraces 15 scientific research institutes (Vladivostok, Khabarovsk, Magadan, anO in Kamchatka and Sakhalin), embracing a botanical garden, a number of game preserves, and various laboratories. Most of these are concentrated 1 /4 USSR MOSTOVSHCHI:~nV, A,, TRUD 8 Fcb 75 p 4 in Primorskiy Kray where, also, will be erected the various installations of the academic complex. "Some of the buildings, in fact, have already been constructed," se, did one of the architects of the project and Director of the Par Eastern Division of the Gipro- NIT B. F. Bogomolov begin his conversation with me. "In three large building com- pt11ites have already appeared the Institutes of Chemistry, Marine Biology, Soil Biology, Bioorganic Chemistry, and others. But this represents only a part of the gigantic scientific complex which is going to be spread out over 480 hectares on the picturesque southern spurs of the Sikhote-Alin'. The creative fantasies of the architect are plain enough to see; but before sabring anything about the wisdom of his creation, I have to make a couple of prosaic, but most important, pointa. What I have in mind are the engineering preparation of the territory an a whole and the communication system. The scientific center is certainly going to grow. It will be the city of the In- stitutes of Mechanics, Evolutionary Biology, Physiology, the Biochemistry of Marine Organisms, Geology, Ocean Geochemistry, and other subjects. Apart from this, it is quite impossible to say just what scientific devc'ilopments will take place here in 2,4 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86TOO608ROO0200110016-2 Approved fir Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-?,DP86T00608R000200110016-2 D:sovIET SCIENCE USSR MOSTOVSHCHIKov, A., THUD 8 Feb 75 p 4 the next- few decades. The present plan, therefore, quite embraces the possibility of expanded development of the Center. Just try to imagine what the whole enormous network is going to loo',c like. There will be underground communication, for example. At points where the underground routes intersect, there will be tower units housing elevators, communication facili- ties, and ventilation units. These, moreover, may be constructed in any imaginable architectural form. To this one may add that it at a point twenty years in the future, this or that institute needs to expand its facility, then new structures of any conceivable architecture may be added. The new academic center will be the site of three groups of institutes, constituted on the basis of their research interests. Close to the shore will be scientific facilities concerned with physicomathematical research, along with a complex of institutes devoted to bir' ,ical studies. Near the highway will be a complex of institutes devoted to the docial sciences. A soientifie,.social center will be the architectural nucleus of the academic center. This will have three high, distinguished structures, housing the Presidium of the Par Eastern Scientific Center, the House of Scientists with an 800-seat conference 3/4 MDSTOVSHCHIKOV, A. THUD 8 Feb T5 p 4 room, and other facilities. The new city of science will include educational and information centers, libraries, a hospital complex, dormitories, and six academic institutions in which students will enter upon the read to advanced science. In particular, I would like to say something about the buildings to be occupied by the Institute of Marine Biology. These are in a circular formation, standing some- what like a hat on a small rise near the water's edge. They include a ring-shaped aquarium for exposition purposes. Quests here will stand in the center of a darkened hall and around them, in exhibitions, will be nothing less than the eternal sea. The workers of the aquatorium are busy constructing a second, and larger. ring. On the shore will be installed special elevators, piers for exploratory ships, and covered ships... The overall plan calls for a large wooded part with a theater. On the shore there will be a stadium and a winter Palace of Sports. 41 In a fairly short time this complex of an amazing city of sr. once will arise. 1 Apr 75 38 PPD: SOVIR SCI101CE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 39. USSR (Text] The Institute of Soeio-Economic Problems of the USSR Academy of Sciences was organized in Leningrad. Among general trends of the forthcoming scientific works Is the investigation of the problem of the jontrol of scientific-technical progress, the study of the theory and methods of socio-economic planning, the analysis of the effect of social and scientific-technical progress on the character of work and way of life of the Soviet people, and the generalization of exp.irlence in socialist competition. 40. USSR N'X SCIENCE CENTER Tashkent PRAVDA VOSTOKA in Russian 5 Feb 75 p 4 [Text] The Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR adopted a decision on the conversion of the Department of Human and Animal Physiology under the Academy of Sciences Uzbek?SSR to the Scientific Research Institute of Physiology of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences. Research of Uzbek physiologists on the effect of a hot climate on vital processes in the human and animal organisms, the correspondent of UzTAO was told at the Uzbek Academy of Sciences, is of interest not only in our southern republics, gut in all countries which have abundant sunshine, The formation of a specialized scientific research institute :ill make it possible to expand research in this direction and make it more effective. The decision adopted by the USSR Academy of Sciences also provides for the creation of a cybernetic science center in Nukus on the base of the Sector (if Mathematical Computations of the Karakalpak Affiliate of the Uzbek Academy of Sciences and the State Pedagogical Institute. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 39 PPD: SOVIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 VIII. Conferences 41. USSR KRISTAPSON, Ya., Candidate of Physicomathemntical Sciences CONFERENCE IN KRAKOW Riga SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA in Russian 1.1 Sep 74 p 4 (Text] The regular Fourth International Conference on Luminescent Dosimetry was held a few days ago in the Polish city of Krakow. More than 150 scientists representing 23 countries participated in the transactions of the conference. The Soviet delega- tion of seven people included two representatives of Latvian science. K. K. Shva rts, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR and Deputy Director of the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSE, presided over the conference. This fact bears witness to the degree with.1hioh tho attainments of Latvian physicists in the sphere of luminescent dosimetry have been recognized. The participants in the conference listened with considerable attention to a report prepared jointly by the Institute of Physics of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR and the Riga Medical Institute. Considerable interest was shown in the experiment in which therlroluminesoent dosimeters were applied in clinical practice--work which is being carried out in Riga, 42. USSR RUBAKHIN, V., chairman, Committee Conference Organization MAN AND MACHINE Moscow SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA in Russian 18 Nov 74 p 2 (Textl This Conference (Fourth All-Union Conference on Engineering Psychology and Ergonomies] was recently held in Yaroslavl?. It was organized by the Institute of Psychology of the USSR Academy of Sciences and Yaroslavl' State University, with participation of the Scientific Council on the Complex Problem of "Cybe" of the USSR Academy of Sciences, the Society of Psychologists of the USSR, the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Technical Esthetics, and the Institute of Control of the National Economy of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR Council of Ministers. The Conference summed up the results of investigations and practical work in this important field of scientific knowledge carried out during the four years elapse'I since the Third All-Union Conference. Over 500 scientists, specialists in engineering psychology, ergonomics and allied disciplines and practical specialists from 42 cities of the Sr-,Let Union took part 1/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : u(dIA-RDP86TO0608ROQ$BQ04I'~QOst@mzE RIIBAKHrN, V. , SOTS IALISTICHES KAYA INDUSTRIYA 18 'ov 74 p 2 in the work of the Conference. Comrade F. I. Loahchenkov, First Secretary of the Yaroalavskaya Oblast Committee of the CPSU has welcomed the participants of the Conference. Theoretical and practical reports were delivered at the Conference by the prominent scientists of the country: Academician V. M. Glushkov, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences B. F. Lomov, Corresponding Member of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences B, B. Timofeyev, and Professors V. M. Akhutin, T. T. Dzhamgarov, V. I. Nikolayev, and N. M. Rudnyy. A report on problems of psychology in space investigations was delivered by the USSR astronaut-aviator 0. T. Beregovoy. What was the reason that caused such an increased interest of scientific-technical circles in the work of the Conference? In the first place the fact that at the present stage of scientific-technical progr6ss there occurs a sharp complication of technological means. They are being aggregated into systems and complexes in which the role of she human factor increases immeasurably. It is well known that the operator's errors are found to be the cause of 20 to 53 percent of all failures in the control system and that the cost of these errors constantly increases. The prognostication relative to the development o' the "man-machine" systems makes it plausible to assume that at the present time and in the nearest decades the chief 2/7 RUBAKHIN, V., SOTSIALISTICHSSKAYA INDUSTRIYA 18 Nov 74 p 2 difficulties will be connected not so much with the study of the characteristics of industrial equipment as with the engineering and psychological design and determina- tion of ways and means of the optimum interaction betwee man and equipment. In the solution of these problems, the Soviet engineering psychology and ergonomics proceeds from the standpolrst of the requirements of man, his possibilities. and peculiarities of his activity in relation to technology, and not vice versa. This constitutes a great humane value of our psychological science. The methodological and methodical structure of this branch of science which has now taken shape was aesumod as a basis of the organization of the Conference. Six directions with as many corresponding sections were organized, at which over 350 reports were discussed. General problems of engineering psychology were discussed in the first section under the leadership of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences V. P. Zinohenko, The prineiplas of taking into consideration the human factor in creating the systems "man-machine" and methodological and theoretical foundations of engineering and psychological investigations were analyzed. 3/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 41 PPD:SOVIST SCIENCE RUBAKHIN, V., SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA 18 Nov 74 p 2 Investigations on phyehophysiologio:.: vnd psychological characteristics of operators, the patterns of the reception, storage, and of information, the making decisions by man, and the peculiarities end structure of the activity of the operator in the "man-machine" system, were discussed in the second section. The work of the section showed that a theory of the operatorts activity has been worked out and a number of regularities of the man's capacity for work have been investigated. These investigations are of great practical importance. In particular, the estimate of regularities of fatiguability and capacity for work of man in planning the ration- al oond4.tions of labor permits us to increase its productivity by 5-1; percent. The section dealing with "The Engineering and Psychological Problems of Developing the Man-Machine System" was t'1e liveliest. The participants discussed the rational methods of planning the means of the representation of the information, communication, and control, taking into account the possibilities and liwitations of man, and the methods of the appraisal of the reliability of the control and regulating systems. It was shown that in this respect we now have certain positive experience accumulated. 4/7 RUBAKHIN, V., SOTSIALISTICHiSKAYA INDUSTRIYA 18 Nov 74 p 2 For example, on the basis of the psychological analysis of the activity of dispatchers of the Urals United Energy System there has been planned and introduced a complex of the equipment of a dispatcher unit which has considerably increased the efficiency of work of the personnel. The analogous investigations on the development of the new original mnemocircuits. taking into consideration the regularities of the.recep- tion and processing of information by man, were carried out for the purpose of the unification, of the energy systems of the republics of the Transcauca sus and a number of the Heat and Electric Power Plants of Moscow. The proposed means for the repre- sentation of information facilitate the task of the operator in the appraisal of the course of technological process and the detection of emergency conditions. About one third of communications in this section were devoted to the engineering and psychological safeguarding of the automated control systems (ASU). In discussions, the attention was paid to a need of a more thorough study of the activity of the users of computers, and a more intensive development of the "language" systems for th,: exchange of information between man and the electronic computer. In his report Prof V. I. Nilolayev gave special attention to the analysis and syn- thesis of information and documentation systems. Investigations show that the rationalization of business correspondence, formulation of standard documents, and mechanization of processes of their processing, taking into account the engineering psychology, make it possible to reduce the number of various documents by 20 times, 54 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approvred For Release 1999/09/26 : C A-RDP86T00608R000 O 6W1F-YN E USSR RUHAKHIN, V., SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA 18 Nov 74 p 2 and the density of information flow may be decreased 3-6 times. The labor outlay for the processing of information may also be considerably reduced. The section of ergonomics headed by the well known specialist in this domain, V. M. Munipov, aroused groat interest. The topical problems of ergonomieal planning, the principles and methods of the arrangement of the equipment in operators' positions, and problems relating to the organization of the production environment, were die- cussed in this section. A special section was set apart for discussing problems of modeling in engineering psychology with the analysis of ways and possibilities for constructing adequate mathe- matical models of certain pi;yehological aspects of the problem of the artificial intellect. Special interest was aroused by the report of Prof J. M. Akhutin on the synthesis of adaptive biotechnical systems harmonizing the possibilities of man and machine. In the section headed by Prof T. T. Dzhamgarov, the topical problems relating to the operation of the "man-machine" system were examined. In the center of attention were psychological questions concerning the control of production processes, occu- pational selection, and psyehologicopedagogical aspects of the training of cadres of 6/7 USSR RUBAKHIN, V., SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA 18 Nov 74 p 2 technical specialists. especially those who operate in the extreme, that is highly strained conditions (astronauts, pilots, seamen). Such were the theoretical and practical "sallies" of the Conference into various domains of human activity ranging from the outer space to the depths of the ocean, and from the instrument board of an automobile to modern methods of production con- trol. 7/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 43 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 43. USSR ?d.'TA (Lithuanian News Agency] FIRST ALL-UNION SYMPOSIUM ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF MAN Vil'nyus SOVETSKAYA LITVA in Russian 5 Sep 74 p 3 (Textl The First All-Union Symposium which fully discusses the problem of the de- velopment of man and its social and biological attpects and their interrelations ? opened today in Vil'nyus. It was organized by the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences and the Vil'nyus Pedagogical Institute. Chairman of the Organiyn tion Committee and Academician of the USSR Academy of Pedago- gical Sciences Prorector of the Vil'nyus Pedagogical Institute P. Butskus stated to the EL'TA correspGndent: "Until recently each of the various scientific research cent:irs were studying the nroblem of the development of man often separately and w+.*h,.ut intercommunication. 74is resulted in many diverse theories, sometimes contradictory, one-sided, and Independent of each other. There arose the necessity to unity the efforts of spe- cialists in various fields, philosophers, psychologists, dociologists, educators, anthropplogists, hygienists, defectologicts, and others in a complex study of man. This has already produced some definite results, 1/2 The Symposium is presented with a number of interesting works whic. consider the social and biological beginnings of the development of man. It will also include a new approach to the problems of the accelerated growth and development of man in the twentieth century. The scientists of our Republic have also made a c;)nsiderable contribution to the solution of the problem of the development of man. We should note the work of Pro- fessors S. Povilonis and E. Andryulis and Docent 0. Cht'enis, entitled "Diagnosis of the Growth and Development of Man" (it will soon be published as a separate monograph), where the development of man, from birth to maturity, is considered from various points of view. Many conclusions contained in it may be useful for specialists in various fields, who have to consider the course of the growth and development of man. About 30 reports will be delivered at the 3-day Symposium. The authors of many of these communications are well known Soviet scientists. Vice President of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sat,ences A. Khripkova arrived to welcome the scientists. To concentrate the efforts of the representatives of the various branches of science toward the investigation of this probler, a Special Council on Genetics of the De- velopment of Man was created at the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Its first meet- ing was held today in Vil'nyus. 2/2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 44 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE SMOL'YANINOV, V., Professor and Honored Scientist RSFSR; and TABAKMAN M., Doctor of Medical Sciences Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA in Russian 20 Nov 74 p 3 (Text] The All-Union Academic-Methodological Conference on the Instruction of Forensic Medicine and the Legal Instruction of Students convened in Yerevan along with a plenary session of the board of the All-Union Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians. Participating were the heads of Chairs and courses of forensic medicine and scientific and practical workers in forensic-medical expertise. Also partici- pating actively were social workers of the divisions of science and academic insti- tutions of the Central Committee CPSU and the Central Committee of the Armenian Communist Party, the Ministries of Health USSR and Armenian SSR, the Ministries of Justice, the Procurator's office of the republic, and other organizations. Instruction in the V1tz. Instruction in forensic medicine has its own peculiar features. Here the pedagogical process is guided by the fact that students who have become physicians are in a position to give qualified assistance to the organs of 3 stice in their investigation of crimes against the life and health of the indi- vidual. This requirement of procedural jurisprudence is presented, in our country, 1/7 SMCL'YANINOV, V., MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA 20 Nov 74 p 3 as a single program embracing the teaching of forensic medicine for the medical, pediatric, and sanitary hygienic faculties of vuzes. At the same time, forensic medicine serves to complement the overall medical knowledge of the physician. Particular attention is being devoted at the present time to the legal instruction of students. Unfortunately, the academic plan is at variance with the unified program, since dif- ferent amounts of time are allotted to lectures and practice exercises by the vari- ous departments. Thus, there is no motivation for cutting down on the time allotted to instruction in the theory and practice of forensic medicine in the pediatric and sanitation-hygiene departments. In addition, even the dean's offices of medical institutes do not offer the chairs of forensic medicine the number of hours called for in the academic plan. At the Vladivostok Medical Institute, to take one example, 20 lectures are given in the course, as against only 12-14 at the Blagoveshchensk, Krymsk and Ivanovo Institutes. The themez and character of the lectures differ. Only a few departments offer gen- eralized lectures, while in most cases the instructors stick to the texts given fn their manuals. This does nothing to promote independent effort on the part of the students. !/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 45 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE USSR The number of practical exercises also varies: at the Dnepropetrovsk and Kharkov Institutes, it is 19; at the Vitebsk and Yerevan Institutes, only 9-10. Thb subjects vary, ranging from the examination of witnesses to the study of corpses to the study of theoretical questions. From this arises the urgent necessity of unifying instruction with respect to the number of hours allotted to academic plans, obligatory subjects, the volume of materials to be covered in lectures and practical exercises, and a single system and volume of student testing. Only on this condition is it poesible to achieve a consistent quality of expertise in forensic medicine. One condition for the successfn: organization of instruction in the higher school is "multiple" instruction. In such a multiprofile discipline as forensic medicine this point is of particular significance. In the lecture course the students must arrive at a thorough understanding of modern scientific achievements in forensic medicine, and of their importance for medical work in general medical work. Practical exer- cises require a "ational organization of the independent work of students, work which will afford an acquaintance with modern research methods. The quality of student training is in direct relation to the visual ch.racter of 3/7 presentation -- the use of tables, modelinge, specimens, films, and the like. Unification of the use of technical means and visual aids, and also centralized pro- duction of those media, are essential. During the entire course of instruction student attention should be held to the fact that testing of their progress is precisely an examination of their right to be a physician-specialist. All these questions were actively discussed by the heads of departments and courses, and by members of the board plenum of the A11-Union' Scientific Society of Forensic Physicians. Toxicological research. The basic program of the plenum consisted of questions of forensic toxicology. In connection with the widespread distribution of chemical substances and their use in industry. agriculture and domestic life, the chances of human poisoning are always tangible, In connection with this, insufficient attention is being directed to toxi- cological research, among the various problems being work,d on in forensic medicine. 4/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 46 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE AppFoJid For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 USSR SMOLIYANONOV, V., MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA 20 Nov 74 p 3 Such research is frequently of an episodical, narrowly specialized character, and there is no planned, scientific basis for it. Expert diagnosis of poisoning is based on three forms of demonstration: ciir phenomena, pathomorphosis of intoxication, and data supplied by chemical, physical and other laboratory research directed toward the d -seovery of toxic substances. Oualified information on the clinical picture of poisoning is obtained from toxi- cological centers, the activity of which is tier' 1 with the prophylaxis and use of now, effective methods of diagnosis and therapy. to rensic-chemical research is assured by the laboratory. One subject of particular concern at the pler.ul;., was the pathomorphosis of intoxica- tion. It includes expertise analysis of the sechan ism of the action of chemical agents in the biochemical reactions which they produce, pathophysiological mani- festations, and morphological changes within the organism. In the study of expert demonstrations of intoxications, all-round allowance for the special features of the organism, the properties of the chemical substance involved, and the various condi- tions of the immediate environment is a necessity. This is a complex task, espe- cially in view of the sensitivity of the organism to poisons is based on biochemical individuality. 5/7 SMOL'YANONOV, V., MEDITSINSKAYA OAZgJA 20 Nov 74 p 3 The kinntics of the entrance of the yoisons and their ultimate fate within the or- ganism are important objects of research in reaching an expert opinion. Here it is important to compare the criteria of differentiating toxic action depending on the ways of entrance, distribution within the organism, selected deposition, and the like. O r?anization of intensive poison therapy has placed new and critical tasks before forensic toxicology. Speedy, effective medical aid in pcison cases is substantially ehangk.ig the pathomorphosis of intcxi,.stion, and this ultimately has its effect ('n the res::~'%O-s of forensic-medical and forensic-chemical research. In connection with this has arisen the necessity of studying modern methods of treating lethal and non- lethal intoxications in order to establi h diagnostic expert demonstrations of pois- oning by a given agent. The plenary session emphasized the necessity of perfecting present methods of toxi- cological. chemistry and the use of new and modified means of analyzing biological objects. The data supplied by forensic-medical practice and by toxicological treatment sta- tions attest that the moat frequent intoxications are caused by alcohol and its sub- stitutes. Also noted at the plenum was the role of alcoholic intoxication in violent 6/7 ? Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 AppRgygg For Release 1999/09/26 : Cl*-RDP86T00608R0002MI" ImlcF' SMOL'YANONOV, V.. HEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA 20 Nov 74 p 3 and unexpected death. Particular attention was directed to the social and forensic- medical and a'orensic-psychiatric significance of alcoholic intoxication, and to the necessity of its systematic prophylaxis. Noted also were ways of developing scientific research on acute problems of forensic toxicology. 45. USSR LATINPORM FORUM OF THE NATION'S HYGIENISTS Riga SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA in Russian 4 Jun 74 p 3 (Textl In Riga on 3 June the plenum of the board of the All-Union Seicntific Society of Hygienists and Sanitary Physicians opened. It was attended by leading public health workers and prominent scientists-doctors from all the union republics. The plenum was opened by P. 0. Krotkov, chairman of the board of the Society and Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences. V. V. Kanep, Minister of Health Latvian SSR and Corresponding Menber of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences, warmly greeted the meeting. The first meeting was dedicated to planning norms for the allowable effects of various chemical, physical, and biological factors on the human organism, This problem has acquired special significance in the era of the scientific-technical revolution when new sectors of industry are rapidly developing, and there are sub- stantial changes in technological processes and work conditions in traditional sectors. There was also a discussion of a wide range of problems involving the protection of the environment. 1/1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approves Fvr Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200;APg01A scIENCE 46. ussR VILENSKIY, Yu. CHEMOTHERAPY OF MALIGNANT TUMORS :fiev PRAVDA UKRAINY in Russian 27 Sep 74 p 3 [Text] The Second All-Union Conference on Chemotherapy of Malignant Tumors being held in Kiev completes its transactions today. This is most imposing assembly of oncologists in 1974. Its organizers are the Ministry of Health and Academy of Medi- cal Sciences USSR, Ministry of Health and Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, the Institute of Experimental and Clinical Oncology of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR, and the Institute of Oncology Problems of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR. The discussion of this acute problem of rontempora ry medicine attracted r. consider. able number of scientists. An expanded session ^1' the Problem Committee for Chemo- therapy of Tumors and plenary meetings were held. Talks concerning further tactics for medicinal suppression of tumors, methods of synthesis and selection of prepara- tions, and coordination of ontological service in the country were given. Particular attention was given to talks by leading researchers such as Academician of the Academy of Medical Sciences T:SSR and Hero of Socialist Labor N. N. Blokhin; Academi- cian M. L. Emanuel; Academician of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR R. Ye. Kavetskiy and Academician of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR S. A. Oilier. 1/1 47. USSR ALL-UNION CONFERENCE OF BIOCHEMISTS Riga SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA in Russian 15 Oct 74 p 1 [Text] The Third All-Union Conference of Biochemists solemnly began its transactions on 14 October in the Riga Palace of Sports. More than 1,500 delegates and guests from scientific research establishments and schools of higher education in almost 200 Soviet cities arrived in Riga for the conference. Outstanding scientists from Bulgaria, the GDR, Hungary, Poland. and Czechoslovakia also arrived for the Confer- ence of the Soviet biochemists. The Conference was opened by President of the All-Union Biochemical Society and Hero of Socialist Labor Academician S. Ye. Severn. The Soviet people, he noted, are successfully implementing the decisions adopted by the 24th Party Congress. This fully pertains also to biochemists who in recent years have made tremendous advances and established themselves in the foremost ranks of world science. The successes attained in biochemistry are due to the constant attention and solicitude of the party and government for this important branch of science, development of Soviet science as a whole, and the elevation of the culture of the multinat!.onal family of Soviet peoples. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 49 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE With great enthusiasm the participants in the Conference elected an honorary rresi- dium comprised of the Politburo of t:me Central Committee CPSU with Comrade G. I. Brezhnev, general secretary of the Central Committee CPSU, as its head. Yu. Ya. Ruben, chairman of the Council of Ministers Latvian SSR by commission of the Central Committee of the Communist. Party of Latvia, the Supreme Soviet Latvian SSR, and the Republic Council of Ministers, greeted the delegates and guests to the Con- ference. He wished the delegates and guests of the Third All-Union Conference of Biochemists successes in their work for the further development of the science of biochemistry, Academician and Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences USSR Yu. A. Ovchinnik.-v spoke on behalf of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences USSR. He noted that the science of biochemistry has now become a science of exceptional importance. It penetrates ever deeper into the different spheres of human activity including madi- cine, the chemical industry, and agriculture. The further development of biochemis- try will result in great social consequences. Yu. A. Obchinnikov stressed the fact that biochemistry has achieved substantial successes in acquiring a knowledge of living nature mainly as a result of the basic works in the spheres of genetics, stricture and synthesis of proteins, enzymes, and other biologically active 2/3 USSR SOVETSKAYA LAZ :YA 15 Oct 74 p 1 substances. In all of this the exact sciences and the physicochemical methods of investigation, in particular, played a leading role. Academician of the Academy of Sciences Latvian SSR and Chairman of the Organization Committee S. A. Giller spoke on behalf of the Presidium of the Latvian Academy of Sciences and the organization committee. A. A. brizul, secretary of the Central Ca:Tmittee of the Communist Party of Latvia was present at the opening of the Conference. At the plenary session held on the opening day of the Conference a lecture was given by the well-known Soviet scientist Hero of Socialist Labor and State Prize Laureate Academician A, Ye. Braunshteyn, who characterized some of the important problems and achievements of enzymiology--the science of enzymes. Symposiums concerning the biochemistry of farm animals, plants, nutrition, etc. have begun their work. A specialized fair at which biochemical preparations and reagents produced by the All-Union Amalgamate "Soyuzreaktiv," he Hungarian firm "Reanal," and the Swedish firm "Parmatsiya" opened at the Riga Palace if Sports. 3/3 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-I P86T00608R0002000 pyb'b6 2 scIENCE 1 Apr 75 48. ussR ALL-UNION CONFERENCE OF PHARMACISTS Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 27 Sep 74 p 3 rText] The Second All-Union Conference of Pharmacists was held in Riga. Minister of Health Latvian S8R V. V. Kanep opened the Conference Deputy Minister of Health USSR and Chairman of the Organization Committee P. I. Oerasimov in his talk characterized the basic tasks confronting the pharmacists Secretary of the Riga City Committee of the Latvian Communist Party of Latvia V. S. Klibik and delegates from Stavropol 'skiy Kray, where the first conference of pharma- cists was held, greeted the delegates. Reports presented at the first meeting of the conference were by Head of the Main Pharmaceutical Administration of the Ministry of Health USSR M. A. Klyuyev spoke of the trends in the pharmaceutical development in USSR; Deputy Minister of the Medi- cal Industry N. M. Shmakov who spoke )f t..e perspectives for he development of medicinal preparations in the next few years; Director of the Central Pha rmacoutical Scientific Research Institute of the Ministry of Health USSR Prof A. N. Tentso va who co-authored with Professors P. L. Senov and I. A. Murav'yev a report on the sta'.-! and prospects of the development of scientific investigations with regard to the preparation and analysis of medicinal substances. 1/2 MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA 27 Sep 74 p 3 Head of the Administration for the Introduction rf New Medicinal Preparation and Medical Technology under the Ministry of Health USSR A. A. Babayan told of the organization of the development and introduction of new medicinal preparations into medical practice. Academician of the Academy of Sciences USSR S. A. Giller discussed some of the results of scientific investigations being conducted in Latvia in connection with the search for new drugs. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE 51 Appro1e& Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 49. USSR KOSTIYENKO, T.. Candidate of Medical Sciences INFORMATION SYSTEMS Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA in Russian 3 Jan 75, p 3 (Text] In Moscow recently an All-Union Conference was held on the problems of de- veloping and improving scientific medical information and the resources of medical libraries in the nation. A scientific conference of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Medical-Technical Information of the USSR Ministry of Health was opened to coincide with that conference. USSR Deputy Minister of Health D. D. Venediktov listed the problems of a branch system of scientific medical information and underscored the role of scientific medical in- formation in international public health cooperation. The report of Prof. Yu. P. Lisitsyn, director of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Medical and Medical-Technical Information was devoted to problems and prospects of developing and improving the branch service of information. An im- portant part of the report dealt with the role of organizing an automated system of scientific medical information in the USSR, The participants of the conference shared the experiences of their work in medical information organs and institutions. 50. USSR CONFERENCE ON PRODUCTION FORCES AND NATURAL RESOURCES Alma-Ata KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA in Russian 27 Sep 74 p 2 (Texts On 26 September the Republic Scientific Conference on the subject of "Pre- diction of the Development of Production Forces and Utilization of Natural Resources Kazakh SSR," held in Alna-Ata at the Kazakh Academy of Sciences, ended its work. At its Plenary Meeting the reports were delivered by Academician of the Republic Academy of Sciences S. B. Baishev on Social and Economical Problems of the Develop- ment of the Kazakh SSR"; Kazakh Minister of Nonferrous Metallurgy S. T. Takezhanov on 1Development of the Production of Nonferrous Metals in the Republic and the improvement of the Raw Materials Base in the Future"; Deputy Minister of Agriculture Kazakh SSR O. Sh. Kurmanov on "Basic Directions of the Development of Kazakh Agricul- ture in the Future ; and Candidate of Economic Sciences S. Y. Dzhandosov on "The Problems of the Improvement of the Effectiveness of Social Production of Kazakhstan in the Long Run." Reports were also presented by Academicians of the Kazakh Academy of Sciences Sh. Ch. Chokin and V. P. Zakharov on "The Problem of the Transference of Some Part of the Drainage of Siberian Rivers to Kazakhstan and Central Asia and Its Influence on the 113 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 52 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE USSR KAZAKHSTANSKAYA PRAVDA 2 F.'ep 74 p 2 Development and Distribution of Production Forces of the Kazakh SSR"; Corresponding Member of the Republic Academy of Sciences T. A. Ashimbayev "Prognosis and Some Problems of the Long-Term Development of the Industry of Kazakhstan"; Candida*w of &onomic Sciences Zh. B. Balapanov on "The Spec"A1tzation of Production--the Basic Means of the Development of Agriculture of the Republic"; and Doctor of Economic Sciences U. B. Baymuratov on "Prospects of the Intensification of the Production 'rider Conditiont of Soientific-Technical Progress." At the meeting of the Conference's four sections over 100 reports and scientific communications were read. The final Plenary meeting was addressed by Scientific Secretary of the Commission for the Study of Production Poreea and Katural Resources of the Presidium of the USSR Academy of Sciences L. N. Sheles:t, Deputy Chief of a Department of the State Committee for Science and Technology of the USSR Council of Ministers A. P. Tsygankov, Head of a Department of the Design Institute of the USSR Ministry of Communications I. A. Balakirev, Deputy Chairman of Gosplan Kazakh SSR A. T. Sit1ko, Professor of the Alma-Ata Institute of the National Economy T. Sh. Shaukenbayev, and others. After discussing the topical problems of the development of production forces and utilization of natural resou:^es, the Conference adopted recommendations directed toward further thorough predictioa research aimed at the development of perspective and long-term plans of the development of the natlonil eco.omy. In the work of the Conference participated heads of departments of the Central Committee of the Kazakh Communist Party T. K. Katayev and T. 0. Mukhamed-Rakhimov, heads of Republic Ministries and Administrations, representatives of Gosplan USSR and other Union organizations, and scientists of fraternal Republics. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 'Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 POLONSKIY, A., Doctor of Medical Sciences, and STREL'NIKOV. I. , Candidate of Medical Sciences (Text) With use of the Moscow State Scientific Research Institute imeni N. V. Sklifosovskiy as a base, a session of the All-Russian Conference of Neurosurgeons has been called, devoted to certain acute problems--treatment of brain contusions, brain luxations and ischemic insults--and to new developments in surgery. Partici- pating in the conference were more than 900 delegates from the Russian Federation, the Ukraine, Belorussia, Estonia and some of the other Union republics, B. D. Komarov. director of the Institute imeni N. V. Sklifosovskiy, dealt with the organization of the therapy of patients with skull-and-brain traumas. Hf pointed otit the increase in traumas, the necessity of recognizing neurotraumatology as an independent department of neurosurgery, and the need for specialized departments for training in this specialty. Chief Neurosurgeon of Moscow Prof V. V. Lebedev, among other speakers at the con- ference, developed the basic positions concerning the diagnosis, surgical treatment 1/2 USSR POLONSKIY, A., MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA 22 Jan 75 p 3 and hospital admission of patients with brain contusions and luxations. The surgical treatment of ischemic ins+:lts is among the least developed areas of neurosurgery. Modern methods of -,tudying patients with this ailment, and surgical methods, were discussed at the conference. Of great interest was the report de- livered by A. N. Konovalov, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Medical Sciences USSR; this dealt with the success?ul treatment of patients with thromboembolisms by use of the operation microscope and microsurgical instruments. Along with significant success in the development of surgical treatment of brain injuries, the participants dealt with organizational weaknesses such as the hospitali- zation of such patients in general hospitals. The necessity of a wider use of surgi- cal methods in patients with ischemic insults was pointed out.. A motion picture Illustrating the work of the Neurosurgical Department of the In- stitute was shown during the conference. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Ajppyo d For Release 1999/09/26 : PIA-RDP86TO0608RO0( QjvtQpiSrZcE 52. USSR BETEVA, N., MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA Corresporlent CONGRESS OP ANESTHESIOLOGISTS AND REANIMATIONISTS Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 31 Jul 74 p 3 [Abstract] The First Congress of Anesthesiologists and Reanimationists RSPSR was held in Sverdlovsk with 150 participants. The Congress was opened rrith a report by Deputy Minister of Health RSPSR A, V. Sergeyev. He pointed out that the role of the anesthesiologist in surgery has broadened and that the field has also moved beyond the area of surgery alone. Great attention has been given to this field--the RSFSR no~j has 371 special divisions of anesthesiology and resuscitation L iti hospitals, employing, over 4,000 specialists. Discussion of this and other reports centered on questions of anesthesiology and reanimation in emergency surgery and traumatology, cardiovascular rurge.ry, obstetric and gynecology, and etc. The four main lines of study being followed are the physla- logical mechanisms of narcosir; clinical anesthesiology; clinical testing of pharma- cological agents; refining respiratory, narcotic, and diagnostic equipment., The need for expanded theoretical research was noted. In conclpsion,.the Congress adopted recommendations on the major questions in the field. 1/1 53. USSR PROBLEMS OF GASTROENTEROLOGY Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 7 Feb 75 p 3 [Text] Recently in Moscow was begun a scientific session of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Gastroenterology of the Main Administration of the Moscow City Executive Committee of Public Health which is the coordinating organ for the whole co'uitry in gastroenterology. In opening the session Institute Director Prof A. S. Loginov characterized the activ- ity of the collective during the past year, noting, in particular the improved quality of medical service to gastroenteritic patients, and its closer approximation to prac- tical needs. The bonds of the Institute and the corresponding divisions and cabinets of both Moscow and other cities have been strengthened. The Institute has taken ac- tive part in joint sessions with other scientific institutions of the country and in conducting scientific congresses, conferences and plenums. Pifty-three reports were delivered and discussed. These dealt with various aspects of diseases of the stomach, duodenum, liver, bile ducts, pancreas and intestines. A separate session was devoted to the organization and methods of the gastroenterologi- cal service. 1/2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Appto cfFor Release 1999/09/26 : CIAADP86T00608R0002004LI,.@6 &lciLrNci; Introduction of the achievements of science into the public health service in a matter of great importance. A special seminar dealing with this objective was held for the heads of the gastroantvrologioal divisions of medical institutions in Moscow, also, a similar session of the "Pathology of the Digestive Organs" problems commission. Fartlcipating in Scientific session were more than 500 scientists and practicing physicians from 59 cities throughout the country. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 54. USSR PEOPLE'S UNIVERSITY OF MATHEMATICS Moscow RABOCHAYA GAZETA in Russian 5 Dee 74 p 4 [Text) A Peopl9'a University of Applied Mathematics began its activities at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics in Donetsk. Teachers of secondary schools will elevate their knowledge at the Faculty of Elementary Mathematics. The Faculty of Applied Mathematics is for engineering-technical workers of enterprises and scientific establishments. Academician Yaroalav Borisovich Lopatlnskiy of the Academy of Sciences Ukrainian SSR, Doctors of Sciences Vladimir Yakovlevich Gutlya kskiy and Albert Denizlovich Shatashvili, and other scientisus are reac'ng the lectures at the university. The new People's University will make it possible to elevate the level of training of opecialists with higher education. 55. USSR CHMUTINA, L., Volgograd NEW PROGRAM OF PHYSICS FOR MEDICAL STUDEN:t Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 12 Feb 75 p 3 (Text) At Volgograd in the Chair of Physics of the Medical Institute a meeting was held of the Central Problem Educational Methodical Commission under the Main Adminis- ,.. tion of Educational Institutions of the USSR Ministry of Health. Scientists from eleven higher educational institutions of the country met to discuss the outline of the new physics program for students of the therapeutic, pediatric, stomatology, and sanitary-hygiene faculties. The basic report was delivered by Chairman of the Commission and Head of the Chair of Physics of the Second Moscow Medical Institute imeni'N. I. Pirogov A. N. Remi zov, who stressed the necessity ,f maximum adaptation of the physics course to the charac- ter of general theoretical and clinical medical disciplines. In the center of atten- tion of the Commission was also the problem of the use of victual methods in the edu- cational process, and also discussed was the laboratory work in physics and the list of required lecture demonstrations worked out by Ye. L. Raff (Kazan') and D. S. Kroytor (Kishinev). Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 57 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE USSR CHHUTINA, L., MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA 12 Feb 75 p 3 The oroject of the repeater course program for students of the Faculty of Increasing Qualifications was considered. The Commission noted the advisability of issuing methodical recommendations on the physics course for all faculties of higher medical education institutions. 56. ussR STUDENT FIELD CLASSES Moscow PRAVDA in Russian 26 Jun 74 p 3 (Text) In the Priel'brus'ye (around Mt. Elbrus) hills at the Glaciological Station of Moscow Univeralty a training and production practice for students in the Chair of Cartography of the Geographic Faculty is underway. The practical program includes phototheodolite survey of inaccessible slopes and glaciers, radio range finding and angle measurements, and photometric and computer processing of materials using highly accurate optical instruments and electronic computers. In the photographs: right -- leader of the exercise docent A. Bryukhanev'and student M. Pribylova, processing photographs in the Stereometric Laboratory; below--cartography students on field exercises. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 r'1 1 Apr 75 58 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 X. MISCELLANEOUS 57. USSR INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHORS Kiev KIBERNETIKA in Russian No 6, 1974 p 153 [Text] Pilipp Illarionovich .4ndon--Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences, leader of a division of the Special Design Bureau MMS rexpansion unknown] of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences [IK AN UkrSSR], Kiev; Khaynal Andreka--scientific associate of the Computer Center [VTs] of the Institute of Industrial Economics and the Organization of Enterprises of the Ministry of Heavy Industry, Budapest, Hungarian People's Republic; Anatoliy Vasil'yevich Anlaimov--Candidate of Physieomathematical sciences, docent of Kiev State University; Vladimir Vasil'yevich Bublik--engineor at IK AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Igor' Aleksandrovich Vdovichenko--Candidate of Technical Sciences, Dnepropetrovsk; 1/7 USSR KIBERNETIKA No 6, 1974 p 153 Tamash Ge:gey--Candidate of Technical Sciences, scientific associate of the Cantral Institute of Physics Research of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest; Viktor Mi,chaylovieh Glushkov-Academician, director of IK AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Valeriy Aleksandrovich Grebnev--junior scientific associate of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Anatoliy Mikhaylovich Oupal--junior scientific associate of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Takhmasib Mustafa-ogly )Qdashev--aspirant of VTs of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Anatoliy Yefimovioh Doroshenko--engineer of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Aleksandr Petrovich Zhezherun--engineer of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Aleksandr Anatol'yevich Zhelikhovekiy--aspirant of the Moscow Phyaicotechnical Institute; Aleksandr Andreyevich Zhmurov--aspirant of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; 2/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Appco 4for Release 1999/09/26 : CIA5##DP86T00608R000209pllkQl ZcIEKCE KIBERNETIKk no 6, 1974 p 153 Arkae+.y umitriyevieh Zakrevskiy--Corresponding Member of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences, head of a department of the Institute of Technical Cybernetics of the Belorussian Academy of Sciences, Minsk; Aleksandr Mikhaylovich Zakharin--Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences, junior scientific associate! of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Yuliya Vladimirovna Kapitonova--Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences, deputy head of a department of IK AN UkrSS1, Kiev; ,Alta Viktorovna Kozina--aspirant?of VTo.of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Vi.ktor Petrovich Kozyrev-- junior scientific associate of the Scientific Council on Cybernetics of the USSR-Academy ol Sciences, Moscow; . Vladimir Ivanovich Konstantinov--junior scientific associate of the Institute of Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk; Vasiliy Stepanovich Kostyrko--aspirant of IK AN UkrSSR, Kiev; USSR KIBERNETIKA No 6, 1974 p 153 Aleksandr Adol'fovich Letichevskiy--Doctor of Physicomathematical Sciences, senior scientific associate of IK AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Engelina Solomonovna Lukhovitakaya--Junior scientific associate of the Institute of Applied Mathematics of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow; Imre Arturovich Mellnikov--Jun''r scientific associate of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Estonian Academy c Sciences, Tallin; Andrey Tikhonovieh Mishchenko--Candidate of Technical Sciences, Junior scientific associate of IX AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Kaarel Oskarovich Myartin--Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior scientific asso- ciate of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Rwtonian Academy of Sciences, Tallin; Ishtvan Nemet;.--aspirant of We of the Institute of Industrial Economics and the Organization of Enterprises of the Ministry of Heavy Industry, Budapest, Hungarian People's Republic; 4/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 USSR KIBERNETIKA No 6, 1974 p 153 Yevgenly Alekseyevich Nurminekiy--Candidates of Physieomathrsa tical Sciences, junior scientific associate of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Rest Aleksandrovna Pukk--Candidate of Physicomathematical Sciences, senior scientific associate of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tallin; Roman Moiseyevich Reydman--Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior scientific asso- ciate of the Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of the Cellulose Paper Industry, Kiev; Vladimir Nikiforovich Red'ko--Doctor of Physicosa thematical Sciences, head of a chair of Kiev State University; USSR KIBERNETIKA No 6, 1974 p 153 Khenn Yaanovich Saar--junior scientific associate of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Ivan %:il'yevieh Sergiyenko--Doctor of Physicomathenatieal Scicncee, head of a department of IT, AN UkrSSR, Kiev; '?eonid Borisovich Smikun--senior engineer of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Boris Oeorgiyevich Tam--Corresponding Member of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, director of the Institute of Cybernetics of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, Tall in; Oennadiy Semenovich Tealer--Candidate of Physicomathematlcal Sciences, head of a sector of the Special Design Bureau MMS of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Vladimir Alekseyevich Trubin--Ca. to of Physicomr,thematical Sciences, senior scientific associate of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Enn Kharal'dovieh Tyugu--Doctor of Technical Sciences, head of a laboratory of the Scientific Research and Design Technological Institute, Tallin; 6/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 61 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE USSR KIDERNETIKA No 6, 1974 p 153 Georgiy Yevseyevieh Tseytlin--Candidate of Physioomathematical Sciences, junior scientific associate of IK AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Naum Zuselevich Shor--Doctor of Physicomathematical Sciences, senior scientific asso- ciate of IK AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Gennadiy Nikolayevich Yun--Candidate of Technical Sciences, senior scientific associate of IL AN UkrSSR, Kiev; Yekaterina Logvinuvna Yushchenko--Doctor of Physicomatr.ematical Sciences, head of a department of IK AN UkrSSR, Kiev. NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKAYA REVOLYUTSIYA I IZNENENIYE STRUKTURY NAUCHNYKH KADROV SSSR (The Scientific Revolution and Changes in the Structure of Scientific Cadre in the USSR), Moscow in Russian, "Nauka" 1972, 200 pp The scientific resolution to having an ever greater effect on all spheres of life. There are not only changes in the role of science in society and in social produc- tion, but also in the forms of work of science itself, and in the forms of the bo- cial organization of science. The number of people occupied in science and scien- tific services is increasing constantly. Scientific activity has become a mass pro- fession. Its structure has changed and the division of labor In science has become more complex. Under these conditions the problems of the management of scientific activity acquire huge significance. This is especi-Ily true in the socialist nations since under socialism the general state planning of the development of all areas of the national economy, science, and culture has become possible. in Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 A m o v , d For Release 1999/09/26 : CCJk-RDP86T00608R000 0 ,1 1 cE OVISHIANI, D. M., et al., NAUCHNO TEKIINICHESKAYA REVOLYUTSIYA I IZMENENIYE STRUKTURY NAUCHNYKH KADROV SSR, "Nauka" 1972, 200 pp was the first to open truly vast expanses for the development of science. Under the conditions of developed socialist society science has not only occupied a position unique in its history but has also been converted into a powerful lever for the solution of economic, social, and political problems. There has been a consequent unprecedented increase in the importance of the study of methods and means for the acceleration of scientific-technical progress, and the im- provement of the efficiency of scientific-technical research. These tasks were con- vincingly stressed at the 2L'th CPSU Congress. As an extensive multi-faceted social phenomenon both the inte rtal and external rela- tionships of science are studied from various sides and aspects: historical, philos- ophical, economic, political, pyschological, informational, and others. Some of these are oriented toy' the study of science as a system of knowledge while otb rs are oriented towards analysis of science as a social institution, a specif:? sphere of social activity. The sociological aspect of the study of science, one of the central ones, examines science as a developing social institution, as an historically conditioned mode of activity. In their most general form the sociological problems of science include 2/7 GVISHTANI. D. M., et al , NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKAYA REVOLYUTSIYA I IZMENENIYE STRUKTURY NAUCHNYKH KADROV SSSR, r'Nauka" 1972, 200 pp two groups of problems: A) the interaction between science and society; B) the so- cial relations in science Itself. Of these problems, that of the structure of scien- tific cadre is of major significance. The importance of this problem is due to the fact that the rational structure of scientific cadres is a major factor in improving the efficiency of science. At the same time the structure of scientific cadre is one of the most important characteristics of the state of science and the directions of change. The level and forms of cadre structure development to a considerable ex- tent effect the unity and continuity of the cycle "science-production".... In recent years there have been many books and articles dedicated to the problems of the formation of the scientific-technical intelligentsia in the USSR and to various aspects of the problems of training, structure, and dynamics of scientific cadre. However, many aspects of these changes in scientific cadre structure under the condi- tions of the scientific-technical revolution have not been well studied. This work is the result of the first stage of sociological and scientific research conducted by the sector of sociological problems of the development of science at the Leningrad Division of the Institute of the History of.Natural Science and Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences. The research program includes the study 3/7 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Appr tefbFor Release 1999/09/26 : CIA;RDP86T00608R0002O9: fb) f - CE USSR OVISHIANI, D. M., et al., NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKAYA REVOLYUTSIYA I IZMENENIYE STRUKTURY NAUCHNYKH KADROV SSSR, "Nauka" 1972, 200 pp and analysis of the structure end dynamics of scientific cadre in the USSR. It is planned to study not only data on all individuals engaged in the sphere of science, i.e., those occupied at academic scientific institutions, vuzes, sector NII rSc ien- tific Research Institutes] planning design institutions, and the scientific institu- tions, and tNe scientific subdivisions of industrial enterprises, and not only the main tendencies in the distribution of scientific cadre by sector of science and type of institution, profession, qualification, demographic characteristic, etc., but also those processes in production, :science, and social life which will, in the immediate future, determine the number and especially the structure of scientific cadre and the requirements made upon them and methods for meeting these social needs. The present monograph covers only some of the points of this general program. The object of its research is the professional, qualificational, occupation, and demographic structure of scientific cadre as well as the distribution of scientific workers by type of institution. The first part of the book examines general theoretical and the methodological prob- lems in the study of the structure and dynamics of scientific cadre during the scien- tific-technical revolution. ThD second section, based on extensive statistical material, contains the multi faceted description and analysis of the structure and 4/7 GVISHIANI, D. M., et al., NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKAYA REVOLYUTSIYA I IZMENENIYE STRUKTURY NAUCHNYKH KADROV SSSR, "Nauka" 1972, 200 pp dynamics of scientific zadre in the USSR. The appendices describes data sources on scientific cadre and some methods of research and forecasting.... I, Methodological Problems of the Study of the Structure and Dynamics of Scientific Cadre CHAPTER I, Scientific - Technical Revolution and the Problem of Scientific Cadre 9 CHAPTER II. Structure and dynamics of the scientific cadre as an object of 27 research 1. Changes in the Social forms of the activity of scientists. Structure of scientific cadre. 27 2. Dynamics of scientific cadre. 34 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 64 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE OVISHIANI, D. M,, et al., NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKAYA REVOLYUTSIYA I IZMENENIYE STRUKTU RY NAUCHNYKH KADROV SSS.1, "Nauka" 1972, 200 pp 3. Scientific-management personnel as an element of the occupational structure of scientific cadre 41 4. Structure of scientific cadre and problems of higher education 48 II. Structure of Scientific Cadre in the USSR and its Dynamics (1950-1970) CHAPTER III. Changes in the Number and Structure of Scientific Cadre 55 1. General growth in the number of scientific workers 55 2. Professional struc;.u r3 and tendencies of change 63 3. Q.ualificational structure and directions in its change 80 4. Occupational structure and problems of its improvement 87 5. Shifts in the demographic structure 1 00 CHAPTER IV. Changes in the Distribution of Scientific Workers by Type of Organization 110 1. Distribution of scientific workers by type of organization and characteristics of its change 110 2. Scientific cadre of industrial enterprises (Plant sector of science) 1 17 APPENDICES GBISHIANI, D. M. et al., NAUCHNO TEKHNICHESKAYA REVOLYUTSIYA I IzMFNENIYE STRUKTU RY NAUCHN'!KH KADROV SSSR, "Nauka" 1972, 200 pp I. Basic Sources of Data in the Study of the Structure and Dynamics of USSR Scientific Cadre 128 1. Classification assumptions 128 2. Materials of state statistics as the main source in the study of scientific cadre 145 3. Role and significance of sociological questionnaires 154 II, Mathematical Methods of the Study of the Structure and Dynamics of Scientific Cadre 16o 1. Formal models of the description of the structure of scientific cadre and its changes 16o 2. Range and entropic analysis 164 III, Methods of the Forecasting of the Number and Structure of Scientific Cadre 176 1. Uses of the methods of extrapolation and forecasting of scientific cadre 176 2. Use of methods of modeling for the forecasting of the number of scientific cadre 188 roved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 65 FPD: SOVIET SCIENCE 59. USSR UDC 614.23.007:65.12,2 POPOV, 0. A. PROBLEMY VRACHEBNYKH KADROV (Problems of Medical Cadres), Moscow, Meditsina Publish- irg House, 1974, 288 pp. [Text] Annotation The book is devoted to theoretical, methodological, and organizational questions of planning and forecasting public health and to problems of medical cadres in the USSR, the socialist countries, and the economically developed capitalist countries. The work considers the problems of developing specialized medical care for the popu- lation and differentiating and integrating medical specializations. The need for improved specialist training is emphasized. Several methods of makirg a systems analyeis estimate of the level of medical care to the urban and rural population, of the placement and use of doctors, and of their availability by branches of public health and specialization are presented. The book also deals with questions of optimizing the organizational forms of medical care and orppnizing the labor of specialist-doctors. The author treats a number of methodological problems which arise when forecasting demographic processes, laws of the incidence of disease, and the level and nature of 1/5 POPOV, 0. A., PROBLEMY VRACHEBNYKH KADROV, Meditsina Publishing House. 197u, 288 pp dispensary care and preventive service to the population. The treatment of the questions permits the author to approach the methodological premises for mathema- tical modeling of the factors which determine the need for medical care and for specialist-doctors. Moreover, he establishes algorithmic norms which can be used (models and algorithms) to construct diffe-ential norms of public need for medical care and specialist-doctors. The book also considers a few features of the position of public health workers and their placement and use, as well as the problem of the need for medical cadres and attempts to find them in the economically developed capitalist countries. The work will unquestionably be interesting to a broad range of public health organ- izers, scientific workers, people who are developing automated control systems for public health, planning workers, and teachers and students at medical institutions of higher learning and institutes for advanced study by doctors. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page From the Editor 3 CHAPTER 1. Methodological Principles of Planning and Forecasting Public Health 5 Stages of Work on the Public Health Plan 17 2/5 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1Appffived For Release 1999/09/26 ~FbIA-RDP86TO0608ROF62Tai'0U16 2 USSR POPOV, 0, A., PROBLEMY VRACHEBNYKH KADROV, Meditsina Publishing House, 1974, 288 pp CHAPTER II. Modeling--Tool for Planning and Forecasting 20 CHAPTER III. Differentiation of Medicine and Medical Specialization 32 The Development of 2pecialf.4ad Medical Care and the Evolution of the Medical Profession 35 Characteristics of the Medical Profession in Foreign Countries 44 List of Medical Specializations and Medical Positions 51 Modeling the Training of the Specialist-Doctor 58 Public Health Cadres iii Foreign Countries 62 CHAPTER IV. Methodological Promises fo" Determir'.ng the Need for Specialist- Doctors and Their Training 70 Analyzing and Forecasting Demographic Processes 74 Methods of Studying the Health of the Population 82 Incidence of Disease Among the Population According to Data from Certain In-Depth Investigations 87 CHAPTER V. The Level of Medical Care--Basis for Planning and Forecasting Public Health 96 Walk-in and Polyclinic Care 98 Hospital Care 106 CHAPTER VI. Placement, Use. and Training of Specialist-Doctors 113 Placement of Specialist-Doctor Positions 117 3/5 POPOV, 0. A., PROBLEMY VRACHEBNYKH KADROV, tdeditsina Publishing House, 1974, 288 pp Training of Specialist-Doctors 127 Distribution of Zoctors Over the Country's Territory and Rise in the Number of Specialist-Doctors 134 State of Medical Training in Certain Countries 140 Availability of Doctors and Distribution of Specialist-Doctors in Some Countries 145 Comparative Evaluation of Doctor Workloads in Some Countries 153 CHAPTER "II. The Structure of Doctors, and Their Placement and Use According to Data From In-Depth Investigations 158 Organization of the Labor of Specialist-Doctors 170 CitAPTE;. VIII. Methods of Forecasting Public Health 178 The Methods of Extrapolation 184 Indices of the Elasticity of the Level of Medical Care and Availability of Medical Cadres 188 Correlation Analysis and Forecasting on the Basis o? Simple and Multiple Regression 190 Methods Used in Forecasting Medical Cadres in Foreign Countries 203 CHAPTER IX. The Need for Medical Care and Public Health Resources 207 Tasks Facing Public Health in the Ninth Five-Year Plan 211 4/ 5 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Appr( a For Release 1999/09/26 : CII7RDP86T00608R00020' q'MU' B-YImcE POPOV, G. A., PROBLEMY VRACHEBNYKH KADROV, Meditsina Publishing House, 1974, 288 pp Forecasting the Organizational ?corms of Medical Service 216 Forecasting the Factors Which Determine the Need for Specialist-Doctors 218 Noi.ns of Medical Care and Medical Cadres 224 CHAPTER X. Methods of Determining the Amount of Trait:tng for Specialist- Doctors 239 Modeling Working Time and Norms for Doctor Workloads 239 Normative Staffs of Specialist-Doctors 246 Forecasting the Workloads of Special int-Doctors 250 Total Need for Specialist-Doctors and Determining Calculated Norms 2 53 Constructing the Plan for Training Medical Cadres 2 69 Bibliography 284 60, USSR YAROSHEVSKIY, M. 0. (Editor) SOTSIAL'NO-PSIKHOLOGICHESKIYE PROBLEMY NAUKI (Social -Psychological Problems of Science), Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1973, 252 pp The complex processes of the development of modern knowledge, the new types of organizational relationships, and change in the ratios between the formal and in- formal aspects of the scientist's activity force every participant in science (and especially those who have the functions or organizing and administering research) to resolve social-psychological problems. For effective solutions to these problems there must be a solid foundation in the science of science. Theoretical and experi- mental development of this foundation has now bemin at a number of research centers. The productivity of such developmental work is determined above all by methodologi- cal orientation. Soviet science of science is based on Marxist methodology, the principles of the historical approach, the doctrine that scientific concepts, models, and categories reflect nature, and on the treatment of science as a socially determ- inistic system whose structures and content record progress in social-historical practice. Accordingly, the intellectual, motivational, and other psychological traits 1/5 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 68 YAROSHEVSKIY, M. 0., SOTSIALINO-PSIKHOLOOICHESKIYE PROBLEMY NAU''Zi, Nauka Publishing House, 1973, 252 pp of particular scientists and groups of scientists require identification of their social-historical premises. The uniqueness of scientific activity at the "microlevel" cannot be understood out- side of large-scale social processes. The "small group" is a nonautonomous, self- enclol:ed system whose functioning characteristics are revealed from the system itself. The basic research collective, the behavior of its members, and their interpersonal relations initially depend on the social whole. Under conditions of socialist so- ciety science is created by people with a progressive world view, people who are inspired by the ideals of nerving social progress. It is natural that these ideologi- cal principles influence the position of scientists in not only the system of social in the broad sense) relations, but also in specifically scientific relations. The achievements of Soviet science include not only its universally known contribu- tions to the development of a number of fundamental problems, but als: our exper- ience in training highly skilled cadres, organizing research, and establ:shing an optimal scientific climate for creative work at leading scientific researcti insti- tutions. YAROSHEVSKIY, M. G. , SOTSIAL'NO-PSIKHOiOGICHESKIYE PROBLEMY NAUKI, Nauka Publishing House, 1973, 252 pp The 24th CPSU Congress, going deeply into the tasks of further developing scientific research under conditions of a developed socialist society and defining these tasks concretely, emphasized that increasing research effectiveness depends on the creative activism of scientific workers thelrselves. This requires that the theoretical pre- requisites for organizing scientific labor be worked out. The authors of this collection have set as their task throwing light upon timely social-psychological problems of scientific creativity relying on analysis of con- crete forms of communication and interaction by scientists at one of the fundamental research centers of the Academy of Science USSR and investigating a number of timely, practically important social-psychological aspects of science (concerni:-g scientific communications, the motivation and rtimulation of creativity, ratios between formal and nonformal relations, social and subject adaptation by young scientists, the re- ception and evaluation of scientific achievements, and others) using concrete material. In their treatment of empirical material the author collective, which consists basi- cally of associates of the Sector of Problems of Scientific Creativity at the Institute of the History of Natural Science and Technology of the USSR Academy of Sciences, has tried to employ a comprehensive approach to the phenomena studied, considering them 3/5 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 YAROSHEVSKIY, M. G,, SOTSIAL'NO-PSIKHOLOOICHESKIYE PROBLEMY NAUKI, Nauka Publishing House, 1973, 252 pp from the point of view of the interdependence of subject-logical, social, and personality-psychological factors. The author collective expresses its gratitude to S. R. Mikulinskiy for valuable critical remarks about the manuscript. FOREWORD INTRODUCTION 5 7 GENERAL SOCIAL-PSYCHOLOGICAL CUES-IONS OP SCIENCE " 20 V. V. Maksimov, Scientific Communication and the Information Service at the Present-Day Scientific Center" " 22 V. B. Gasilov, The Perception and Evaluation of Scientific Achievements" " 59 K. B. Serebrovskaya, The Present-Day Nonformal Collective in Fundamental Research 96 THE SMALL GROUP IN SCIENCE 1 8 V. B. Gasilov, "Ways of Bringing Beginning Scientific Associates into Research Collectives" 2 129 B, A. Frolov, The Motivation of Creative Work in the Scientific Collective" YAROSHEVSKIY, M. G., SOTS IAL I NO -PS IKHOLOGICHESKIYE PROBLEMY NAUKI, Nauka Publishing House, 1973, 252 pp A. A. Bayev, "The Research Group and Its Leader" 166 THE PROBLEMS OF THE SCIENTIFIC SCHOOL M. 0. the Yaroshevskiy, "The Three Aspects of Science and the Problems of Scientific School" A. N. Tkachenko, "Category Prerequisites for Consolidation f a o Scientific School" S. D. Khaytun, "Prerequisites for the Appearance of a Sciencific School" 190 Ye. S. Boyko, "Toward a Typology of Scientific Schools" 202 METHODOLOGIES 210 V. V. Maksimov, "Analysis of the System of Scientific Relations Among Scientists Based on the Texts of Their Publications" 211 S. D. Khaytun, "Determining the Degree of Concentration in a Scientific Subject List" 226 S. D. Khaytun, "Analysis of the System of Relationships Among Scientists Using the Magnitude of Entropy" 232 A. 0. Entina, "Investigation of Leadership During the Selection of a Group Goal with a Comparison of the Levels of Pretensions of the Group" 236 APPENDIX 245 Tsvetnitskiy, L. V. and N. 0, Alekseyev, "Materials for a Study of Cadre Dynamics at a Scientific Center" 245 5/5 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 173 174 185 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1. USSR ANTROPOV, P., Yelgava ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR THE APPLICATION OF POLYMERIC MATERIALS IN LAND RECLAMATION AND WATER ECONOMY [Text] The Latvian Scientific Research Institute of Hydraulic Engineering and Re- clamation was given a new name of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute for the Application of Polymeric Materials in Land Reclamation and Water Economy. The tasks of the Institute were widened. Scientists of the Institute are now engaged in the elaboration not only of problems of reclamation but also of those of irrigation. The Institute was entrusted with the coordination of scientific research of other institutions of the country in these domains. It also carries out a number of joint investigations with scientists of CMEA. Polymeric products developed by the Institute find increasing application both in our Republic,and-the entire Soviet Union. The reclamation engineers have highly appraised, for example, the connecting pieces from polyethylene for the closed drainage. These products alleviate the labor-consuming character of work in padding the drainage 1/2 USSR ANTROPOV, P., SOVETSKAYA LATVIYA 24 Sep 74 p 4 systems and increase its effectiveness. For packing purposes a special filtering tape is produced, which replaces the scarce and short-lived moss. The Institute has organized the experimental production of spirally coiled plastic tubes to be used for packing collectors of the closed drainage. These novelties are undergoing the check-up on the experimental farm of the Institute, "Peterniyeki, and in other kolkhozes and sovkhozea of the Republic. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 2. USSR ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF CLINICAL AND -APERIMENTAL SURGERY MOW" MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 8 Jan 75 p 3 N. N. Malinovskiy--head of the Clinical Division, Corresponding Member of the iSR Academy of Medical Sciences 3, USSR ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF EYE DISEASES, MINISTRY OF HEALTH USSR Moscow NEDITSINSKAYA GAZErA in Russian 1 Jan 75 p 3 V. S. Akopyan--junior scientific associate 4. USSR DOMRACHEV, V. , supernumerary correspondent of Pravda ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF HUNTING AND FUR FARMING Moscow PRAVDA in Rua2J.;n 28 Dec 74 p 6 [Text] The collective of the All-Union Scientific Recearch Institute of Hunting and Fur Fanning for the first time sent to Leningrad a batch of furs of the Kamchatka cage-bred red fox "Ognevka" for the January International Fur Auction. Head of a Laboratory Gleb Valer'yevich Sokolov states that his experiments with the Kamchatka red fox were begun at the Institute and its fur farm "Vyatka" two years ago. The scientists caught some fifteen young foxes on Kamchatka, brought them to Kirov b:r plane, acclimatized them, and then crossed them with silvery-black foxes. The results exceeded expectations. Besides pure "red foxes" the offspring also included the so-called "sivodushki." (Cross between silver and red foxes. "ra.zs- lator's note] Their ful, is not interior in beauty to sable. Foxes multiply quite rapidly. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF OBSTETRICS AND OYNECCO!..OCY, MINISTRY OP HEALTH USSR L. Persia,iinov--director of the Institute, Academician of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences ALL-UNION SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF TRAFFIC SAFETY, MINISTRY OF INTERNAL SECURITY USSR Moscow PRAVDA in Russian 6 Dec 74 p 6 (Text) On the streets of Moscow one can see a special truck of the All-Union Scientific Research Institute of Traffic Safety of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. It is equipped with devices which make it possible to carry out an experimental study or the flow of traffic. In the photograph: The study is carried out by associates of the Department of Automated Traffic Control Systems V. Polukarov, S. Kabanov, and M. Romashov. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 7. USSR ARKHANGEL'SK MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 28 Ppb 75 p 3 Ye. El'man--Latin instructor 8. ussR CENTRAL ASIAN SCIENTIPIC RESEARCH IYDROMLTEOROLOGICAL INSTITUTE Mo.icow PRAVDA in Russian 17 Jun 74 p 6 rText] A scientific expedition of the Central Asiat. Scientific Research Hydro- meteorological Institute has arrived at the Abramov Glacier. Tr s will be the tenth summer watch glaciologists have made on one of the glaciers of the Pamiro Alay at a height of 4,400 meters. For the nine r -ceding years Uzbekistan scientists have carried out much work in the program of th rnational hydrological decade. They have compiled dete.iled maps of the glacie dies the course of meteorological processes taking place in it, and established the role of various sources of the ice river. Together with scien- tists from Leningrad they have carried out radio location sounding of the glacier to determine its thickness. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 N raved For Release 1999/09/26 7CIA-RDP86T00608R0?0t0~ilb69 -2F- 9. USSR CENTRAL SCIEIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE FOR THE ADVANCED TRAINING OF PHYSICIANS Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 15 Jan 75 p 3 A. Ivanov--senior scientific associate 10. USSR CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF SANITARY EDUCATION Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russi^n 18 Oct 74 p 2 D. Loranskiy--director of she Institute 11. USSR CENTRAL SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF SANITARY ZDUCATION. MINISTRY OF HEALTH USSR Moscow MEDITSIItSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 8 Jan 75 p 4 Ye. Chernik--senior scientific associate 12. US#?l? DNEPROPEThOVSK MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 10 Jan 75 p 3 Prof V. Dzyal--head of the Chair of Hospital Therapy Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE ApbMT4e1 For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 I.'. USSR "SK MEDICAL INSTITUTE ,r MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 8 Jan 75 p 3 Yu. Stempurskiy--head of the Chair of Marxist-Leninist Philosophy and Scientific Communism. 14, USSR AROBELIDZE, 0. GEORGIAN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE FOOD INDUSTRY Moscow SOTSIALISTICHESKAYA INDUSTRIYA in Russian 9 Jun 74 p 4 (Texts Georgian bread, bapsd in the special ovens--Torne--has an especiall3 pleasant smell and taste. However, its good properties are not restricted to this. .:t turns out that the bread can be used for the treatment of diabetes if one adds protein, r?t, and an ir.reased amount of yeast to the recipe. This was scientifically proven Associates of the Laboratory of Biochemistry and Microbiology of the Georgian ientific Research Institute for the Food Industry. Doctors recommend the diabetic ~orgian bread to patients needing a high protein diet. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 15. USSR INSTITUTE OF BIOCHEMISTRY IMENI A. N. BAKH, USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 3 Jan 75 p 3 V. Bukin--head of the Laboratory of Vitamins 16. USSR INSTITUTE OF CARDIOLOGY IMENI A. L. MYASNIKOV, USSR ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 8 Jan 75 p 2 I. Shkhvatsabaya--director of the Institute, Corresponding Meml,er of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences INSTITUTE OF CARDIOVASCULAR SURGERY IMENI A. N. BAKULEV, USSR ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES V. I. Burakovskiy--director of the Institute, Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Medical Sciences 1 /1 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved FApc {release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP 6T00608R0002001 I OQ46vIET SCIENCE 18. USSR INSTITUTE OF DESERTS, TURKMEN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Moscow PRAVDA in Russian 3 Jun 74 p 1 (Text] Every day the deserts of Central Asia retreat before man. The gigantic Karakumskiy and Fergana Canals and the thousands of kilometers of irrigation net- works connected to them are bringing water to the Kara-kum and Kyzyl-kum deserts, How much this water means to farmers of Central Asia and perhaps not even to them alone! The water has arrived and new cities are rising, hundreds of thousands of hectares of fields, orchards, and vineyards are blooming. The discovery and exploitation of the very large gas and petroleum deposits in Turkmenlya and Uzbekistan, the con- struction of trunk pipe lines and railroad lines requires ever more detailed studies of the desert zone. These photographs were made at the hottest point in our nation --the Eastern Kara-kum, where associates of th Repetekskaya Sand-Desert Station of the Institute of Deserts of the Turkmen Academy of Sciences work, Modern equipment a;,d instruments permit researchers to solve difficult problems in the further de- velopment of the Kara-kum. In the photographs: left--with the help of special instruments Station associates determine the structure of sand dunes; below--scientific associate V. Dedkov and laboratory worker U. Sargulova study solar radiation. 1 /1 19. USSR INSTITUTE OF EVOLUTIONARY PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY, USSR ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 18 Oct 74 p 3 Prof Yu. V. Natochin--head of a laboratory 20. USSR INSTITUTE OF LABOR HYGIENE AND OCCUPATIONAL DISEASES, USSR ACADEMY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 18 Oct 74 p 2 R. Solodova--senior scientific associate Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Ap ivoved For Release 1999/09/26 : CfA-RDP86T00608R00d~W6i 'f I1NQE 21. USSR INSTITUTE OF MICROBIOLOGY Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA in Russian 1 Jan 75 P 3 A. L. Akopovich--leader of the Laboratory of Fermentation Microorganisms, Doctor of Biological Sciences 22. USSR INSTITUTE OF ORGAN AND TISSUE TRANSPLANTS, MINISTRY OF HEALTH USSR Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 23 Aug 74 p 4 [Text] The USSR /.cademy of Medical Sciences' Scientific Research Institute of Organ and Tissue Transplants hail been transferred and made directly subordinate to the USSR Ministry of Health. Henceforth it will be called the Institute of Organ and Tissue Transplants of the USSR Ministry of Health. Within the Ministry the Institute will be subordinate to the Main Administration of Therapeutic Prophylactic Aid. The Institute of Organ and Tissue Transplants of the USSR Ministry of Health is de- clared to be the chief institute for the nationally important problem of scientific research on and the development of an artificial heart and auxiliary blood circulation and also on the problem of organ and tisr , transplants. 86T00608 R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 79 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 23. USSR TASS INSTITUTE OF RADIOPHYSICS AND ELECTRONICS, UKRAINIAN ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Moscow PRAVDA in Russian 14 Jan 75 p 3 (Text] Using the world's biggest radiotelescope, UTR-2, installed near Kharrkov, scientists of the Institute of Padiophysics and Electronics of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences have discovered new peculiarities in the behavior of pulsars--the super- dense neutron stars. Despite cosmic noises and terrestrial interferences, the specialists succeeded in catching and clearly fixing the "voice" of pulsars. The radio-wave pulses of these distant cosmic objects for the first time were recorded and studied on frequencies of 10-25 MHz, a range previously considered unpromising for investigations. It was found that vulsars--the rapidly revolving stars with a density of matter of hundred thousands and millions of tons in a cubic centimeter-- periodically emit not a single, as was considered before, but several different radio-wave pulses. 24. USSR TASS CORRESPONDENT, Dub-.2 JOINT INSTITUTE OF NUCLEAR RESEARCH Moscow SOVETSKAYA HOSSIYA in Russian 18 Jan 75 p 3 [Text] In the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research a new experimental unit, "Pho ton,11 intended for the investigation of the structure of matter and phenomena of the micro. world, has been put in operation. It belongs to a class of industrial units of a new generation and represents an intricate complex of modern equipment working in line with an electronic computer. An important peculiarity of "Photor" is its un i- versality. With its aid, using powerful accelerators, one can perform investigations of a large class of phenomena. The work of "Photon" resembles the work of eyes. It is intended for "viewing" the internal world of elementary particles. In the same way as eyes catch light photons and convert visual imagers to signals sent to the brain, the "Photon" unit with great precision and 100 percent efficiency is capable of intercepting electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength a billion times shorter than the wavelength of light photons and directing information on characteristics of this radiation through cables 00200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr ?5 80 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE to an electronic computer. The electronic computer ensures complete automation and control of the parameters of numerous elements of the unit, and also perform a pre- liminary analysis of the r ults of expe~^;ments. The creation of the "Photon" (it was developed on the basis of the ideas suggested by scientists of the Institute led by Prof M. N. Khachaturyan) is an important a- chievement of the International Scientific Center in Dubna. In the near future this unit will be used in the experiments on a synch rophnsotron of the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. 25. USSR KNAR'I)V MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSLASKAYA GAZETA in Russian 10 Jan 75 p 4 V. N. Ofitserov --docent Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 26. USSR AI3RAMOV, G. KIEV SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH AND DESIGN TECHNOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF CITY ECONOMY Moscow IZVESTIYA in Russian 17 Dec 74 p 6 [Text] A machine for tree transplantation was created at the design bureau, of the Kiev Scientific Research and Design-Technological Institute of City Economy. Two cone-shaped steel shovels are moir'ted on a special frame of tractor T-74. The shovels are controlled from the cabin of the tractor with the help of a hydraulic system of levers. The machine is driven to the tree. The shovels envelop the tree, dig into the earth, and extricate the trunk together with its roots. The tree is then placed into a metallic container and transported to the new place. An experimental model of the machine was prepared at the expe rime ntal -p roduc ,n amalgamate Ukrkommuru,ash." Recently the efficiency of the machine was successfully tested. The transplanted trees have excellently taken root. 27. USSR MINSK MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 15 Jan 75 p 4 F. Narkevich--assistant of the Chair of Oncology, Candidate of Medical Sciences 1ST MOSCOW MEDICAL INSTITUTE IMENI I. M. SECHP210V Mascots MEDITSINSKAYA GAZI;'A in Russian 15 Jan 75 p 1 Ye. Ogipov--head of the Chair of CPSU History, docent Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 'Aft r$ved For Release 1999/09/26 PtIA-RDP86TOO608ROM if0 2E 29. USSR 2ND MOSCOW MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA OAZETA in Russian 10 Jan 75 p 4 Prof Yu. Yeletskiy--prorector for educational work 30. USSR 2nd MOSCOW MEDICAL INSTITUTE IMENI N. I. PIROGOV Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 15 Jan 75 p 3 Prof 0. Savel'yeva--heed of the Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Pediatrics Faculty 31. USSR 2ND MOSCOW MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 28 Feb 75 p 3 Prof I. Pyatnitskaya -head of the Laboratory of Clinical Narcology 32. USSR NOVOSIBIRSK MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA iAZETA in Russian 8 Jar. 75 p 2 Prof To. Korolenko--head of the Chair of Psychiatry Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Aplptneel For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA3-RDP86T00608R000268'I"676sYENCE 33. USSR SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF MATERNITY AND CHILD WELFARE IMENI N. I. KRUPSK-~V' Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 3 Jan 75 p 2 K. Faradzheva--director of the Institute. Doctor of Medical Sciences SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH INSTITUTE OF THE PHYSIOLOGY OF CHILDREN AND ADOLESCENTS, USSR ACADEMY OF PEDAGOGICAL SCIENCES Yu. Lukoyanov--senior scientific associate 1/1 3 5. USSR STAVROPOL' MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 3 Jan 75 p 2 F. Mishin--secretary of the Party Committee 36. USSR VOLT-OGRAD MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA it, Russian 10 Jan 75 P 3 N. Yerivantsev--head of the Chair of Anesthesiology and Reanimation, Doctor of Medical Sciences 37. USSR YEREVAN MEDICAL INSTITUTE Moscow MEDITSINSKAYA GAZETA in Russian 10 Jan 75 P 3 Prof A. Beglarvan--head of the Chair of Pathological 4nalcomy Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 84 1. Hungary DR NANDOR KISS Budapest MAGYAR RADTOLOUTA in Hul..sarian Vol 26 No 6, Dec 74 p 384 [Text] We find It difficult to realize that Dr Nandor Kiss, chief phys.Lcian and active member of the Association of Hurgarian Radiologists, died suddenly at the age s of 75, performing the duties of his practice until the last minute. He started h i s career as a medical officer in the armed services; dur'ng this service, in the late 1930'x, he underwent training as a radiologist in the institute under Prof Kelen. During the years following liberation, he worked first at Vass-Street Hospital and then at the surgical clinic on Baross Stree`. He has been untiringly active in setttng up and leading t'le X-ray departments of the fr,cilities located at Madach I. Square and May 1 R..oa. He was the radiologist of Szei.'etet [Love] Hospital after his retirement. Dr Nandor Kiss spent time on scientific endeavors in addition to his practice, which required much effort. Among his publication,., those dealing with various aspects of gastroenterology are the most valuable. He was a humble human being, and a real humanist; as such he earned the loyalty and love of his coworkers and patients. At his bier, Dr Istvan Irto, physician-in-chief, secretary of the Association of Hungarian Radiologists, delivered the eulogy, and r;eposited the wreath of our Association. We shall remember him with reverence. May he rest in peace! 2. POLAND BIEFWACKI, Tomasz, Gdansk P ytechn?c, ZDZISLAW KACZMAREK Warsaw NAUKA POLSKA in Polish Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 56-60 [Abstract] From May 1969, Corresponding Member of PAN [Polish Academy of Sciencesl from May 1971, Member of he Presic:.~um of VAN; May 1971--Dec 1972, deputy scientific secretary of PAN; from Apr 1972--Undersecre`ary of State in the Ministry ?r Science, Higher Education and Technology and First Deputy Minister, 9orn 7 August 1928 in Poznan; graduated in 1951 from darsaw Polytechnic, Department of Engineering, M. E.; 1958, Doctor of Technic..]. Sciences; 1961, Doctor Habilita tux. From 1947 on, worked as academic instructor in the Warsaw Po:'.ytechnic, being in turn: junior assistant, assistant, lecturer. and docent; 1967, assc^.iate professor; 1972, full professor. he is Director of the Institute of Environ- tntal Engineering at the Department of Water and Sanitary Engtneering of Warsaw Polytechnic. Apart from Warsaw Polytechnic, in 1957.-1960 he was head o" a department cf the Hydrometeorological In- stitute, and then, in 1963-1966, it?s Dirac tor-in-Chie 1. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 85 FPD: SOVIET SCIEIICE & ,)LAND BIET,NACKI, Tomasz, NAr3KA POLSKA Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 56-60 A Member of the PZPf: (Polish Un.ted t, Ors Party, Communist] and an active social and political worker, he filled sevdral important posts within the Party framework. Decorations: Silver and Gold Cross of Mc,-Ii., Knights Cooss of Polonia Restitute, and several medals. Specialist in environmental engineering, he is engaged in particular in a systematic study of the probability and preliet:,.n of the occurrence of hydrometeorological phenomena and processes, retention systems, methods of optimum utilizatinn of water resources, and of phyisical processes at the interface of water and atmosphere. He has to his credit about 70 works. The article describerl in some detail h!. scien- tific achievements. 3. POLAND GORCZYCA, Stanislaw, Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow TADEUSZ MALKIEWICZ Warsaw NAUKA POLSKA it Polish Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 61-66 rAbstract] Prof Tadeusz Malkiewicz was born on 3 October 1904 in Krakow. ::1 1927 he took his metallurgical engineer's degree at the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Krakow. During his studies at the Academy he became interested in physical metallurgy and worked (1925-1927) as a junior assistant at the Department of Metallogrpphy. His graduation '.-hesis was entitled: "Crystallization of Steel and Occurrence of Lami- nation in Sem1hard Steels." His main interest continues to be centered on special steels. From 1928 to 1939 Prof Malkiewicz worked in the Polish metallurgical enterprises "Huta Pokoj," as head of the Laboratory of Metallography, and in "Huta Baildon," as head of the Laboratory of Physical Metallurgy. in 1934 he became Chief Metallurgist of "Huta Baildon" and in 1937 its deputy director. After the war, which he spent abroad, he worked in Poland in various posts of arthority in metallurgical industry (1948-1962), the most important of which was tha? of director of the Institute of Iron Metallurgy in Gliwice. His activity in scientific and eduzational field was of 1/2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 86 FPD:SOVIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 POLAND GORCZYCA, Stanislaw, NAUKA POLSKA Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 61-66 most importance. From 1950 on, he taught at the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow. first as lecturer, then as docent (1954), associate professor (1957), and professor (1965). In 1966 he became the head of the Department of Metallography and Heat Treatment, which he still is, and from 1966 to 1472 he was dean of the Depart- ment of Metallurgy at the Academy. Under his leadership 200 master's and 14 doctorate thases were defended and degrees conferred upon his students. Be ides, he supervised 40 doctorate and 13 habilitation theses. Bibliography of Prof Malkiewiez's scientific publications numbers 52 works, several of them in English. He is also a member of such scientific societies as "The Iron and Steel Institute, London" (1935-1973) and at present "The Metals Society, London," "Verein Deutscher Eisenhuttenleute, Dusseldorf" (from 1929), and "Societe Francaise de Metallurgie, Paris" (from 1960). He is Associate Editor of "Acta Metallurgica" and "Soripta Metallurgica," Since 1971 he is also Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Prof Malkiewicz is a person of no party adherence. His services in science were re- warded by several decoration: 1949, Silver Cross of Merit; 1955, Decennial Medal, of Polish People's Republic; 1955, Knights Cross Polonia Restitute; 1959, Badge of Honorary Metallurgist; 1970, officers Cross Polonia Restitute. 2/2 4, POLAND SZAFRANSKI, Przemyslaw, Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw JERZY PAWEKIEWICZ Warsaw NAUKA POLSKA in Polish Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 67-70 [Text] Born 16 October 1922 in Czestochowa; 1947, graduated from Phy-'^omathematical Department of the A. Mickiewicz University in Poznan; 1952, obtains ..o doctor's degree in chemistry; 1952, lecturer, Department of Agricultural Technology, Highe-? School of Agriculture, Poznan; 1954, docent; 1955, head of the Department of Ger -al Chemistry; 1956, organized Department of Biochemistry and became its head; 1960, associate professor; 1967, professor and Corresponding Member of the Polish Acadr- j of Sciences [PAN]; 1972, director of the Intercollegiate Institute of Biochemistry at the Academy of Agriculture in Poznan, where he continues at present. He is member of the High Council of the Ministry of Science, Higher Education and Technology and Acting Chairman of the Scientific Council of the Intercollegiate Institute of Bio- chemistry of the Academy of Agriculture and of the Department of Plant Genetics of PAN in Por.nan. He is also member of the Scientific Council of the Institute of Biochemis- try Lind Biophysics of PAN, and of the Department of Dendrology and Arboretum of Kornik, and member of the Ccmmittee of Biochemistry and Biophysics. 1/; Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 87 PPD:SCVIET SCIENCE Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 SZAFRANSKI, Pz emyslaw, NAUKA POLSKA Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 67-70 For his achievements in scientifi^ and educational work, Prof Pawakiewicz was awarded a Decennial Medal of the Polish People's Republic, Gold Cross of Merit, and Knights Cross of Polonla Restituta. 5, POLAND GORECKI, Henryk, Krakow LUDGER SZKLARSKI Warsaw NAUKA POLSKA in Polish Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 71-75 (Abstract] porn 26 March 1912 in Yekaterinovka near Lutsk, Ukrainian SSR; 1929, graduated f_.m a secondary school in Leningrad; 1933, graduated from the Mining Institute, Electromechanical Department, in Leningrad; 1934-1937 worked in mining industry in the U:iSH; 1939, obtained a candidate of technical sciences degree from the Mining Institi:.te in Moscow; 1934-1941, lecturer at the same Institute; 1940-1941, docent at the Lvov Polytechnic; 1945, Lecturer at the Silesian Polytechnic (Poland) anO then at the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy, Department of Machinery. Krakow; 194;, defended his doctorate's dissertation on the Application of Thyristors in the Consrol of Hoisting Machines; 1948, associate professor; 1958, professor; 1946-1970, herd of the Department of Electrification of Mining Installations; 1956, creation of the Department of Automation and Industrial Electronics due to his initiative; 1969, deputy director for Scientific Matters at the Institute of Power Drive and Industrial Installations; 1963-1966, Dean of Electrotechnical Department at the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy; 1969, Corresponding Member of the Polish Academy of Sciences. During his 30-year activity he rendered great services in the organization and development 1/3 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 88 PPD:SOVIET SCIENCE POLAND OORECKI, Henryk, NAUKA POLSKA Vol 22 No 3 1974 pp 71-75 of the Academy of Mining and Metallurgy in Krakow: his Department produced 5 pro- fessors and many docents, who in turn organized further departments and institutes. Prof Szklarski is the author of over 100 scientific works, most important of which are quoted in this article (36), several of them in English. Prof Szklarski took part in numerous international congresses and conferences, e.g. ; International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC), 4th Congress, London, 1966; lst Organizational Congress of the Organizzazione Internazionale dei Transport a Fune (OITAF), Rome, 1957; International Meeting of Mechanization o.', in India, Dhanbad, 1961; Meeting of the Commission No 10 of the CMEA, Kharkov, 1962. Prof Szklarski maintains close scientific relations with departments of electrification of the mining industry of the Mining Institute in Leningrad and with the Department of Mining Electrical Engineering of the Mining Institute in Moscow, wi'h the Polytechnic and University of Nottingham, and with the Hoyal School of Mines in London. On the initiative of Prof Szklarski in 1967 the Organizational Committee for the Automation of Mining (ICAI?i(;) was created. This Committee, represented on the Polish side by Prof Szklarski has already held 3 international conferences in Hungary, Poland, and Bulgaria. 2/5 Prof Szklarski is the laureate of several state prizes, anti ..s decorated by a Gold Cross of Merit (1951), Decennial Medal of the Polish People', Republic, and Knights Cross of Polonia Restituta ( 1973 ). Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2 1 Apr 75 89 FPD: SOVIET SCIENCE 6. YUGOSLAVIA GAVRILOSKI, 0. , Doctor DOCTOR VLADIMIR PETRUSEV Belgrade VETERINARSKI VESNIK in Sergo-Croatian No 12, 1974 pp 999-1001 fAbstractJ Vladimir Petrusev (1919-1974) dedicated his career to military veterinary service in SR Macedonia. He studied at Belgrade and Sofia schools of veterinary medicine and graduated in 1943. As a student he actively engaged in progressive Macedonian youth organization participating in revolutionary worker and student ac- tions controlled by the KPJ [Yugoslav Communist Party] against the regime in power at the time. While employed In Strumica, he undertook along with his veterinary work many activities against the occupier under the orders of KPJ. Aftez liberation he was immediately sent t-~ Doran where he organized the veterinary service. Because of his organizational capabilities and technical knowledge he was assigned to the main headquarters in Macedonia to organize military veterinary service. Prom the re on he occupied high managerial positions such as administrator of veterinary hospital. He worked on improving cattle breeding in SR Macedonia and particularly horse breeding, His death interrupted his work on theoretical research of military veterinary service. He was a renouned Communist and was often elected Lo administrative positions of the communist and socialist unions. In 1952 he was elected president of the veterinary union of SRM. 1/1 7. YUGOSLAVIA SOPRENOVIC, G. R. , Doctor, Pr'fessor PROFESSOR I'OCTO R MIRKO SIPKA Belgrade VETERINARSKI Vt?HIK in Serbo-Croatian No 12 `.974 pp 997-999 fAbstract1 Dr Mirko Sipka (1904-1974) was professor of veterinary medicine at the University of Belgrade. He studied veterinary medicine in Vienna and completed his studies in Zagreb. His particular interest in bacteriology and laboratory work lead to his becoming assistant of the Central Veterinary Bacteriological Insti'`ute. Sipka went for further bacteriological studies to Austria, Germany, D--nmark, anei Czecho- slovakia where he obtained theoretical and practical knowledge necessary for control of foodstuffs with animal origin. He was one of the founders of the bacteriological laboratory annexed to the slaughter house in Karlovci. He also worked in cor.';rol and standardization of veterinary drugs. An energetic and dedicated scientist, dream was realized when he joined the faculty of the school of veterinary medicine in Belgrade. His main concern being prot'ction of human health, he did research work on tuberculosis, brurelosts, n fever, and listeriosis. Spiky was greatly respected and loved by his friends, colleagues, and students. Approved For Release 1999/09/26 : CIA-RDP86T00608R000200110016-2