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Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600030022-1 , " ,rrz ?'??ir 74-V 1.,a? . - :????!4?. )4 4-Ng &4g? .= 4. , H,1 e?- ?-?", - tAAt A :7, ? 4? ? ettr( 444' , . . ? ,... ., . . . . . . ? * ?art... ? ? , , ... ,.,....? ,*, * ??? .**0.. . .). .f..? . ? ??? .... ? ? '.... ?? * ? ? *. to IA A .x. . e . . 4. ? t_ - ,- ? t A e 4-...00, ?!** ???,* .4* ? P* ..s? ..? 0?-.... ANI. *t 0?-*****...*******,-0 ????*****, ..?? Von.**. ''' e, ? ' i 4, .. , ???'' . ?? . .1_ V t.:0.? , If . i E O'' ; - 't..,_ - .ti- ,, ., i t7"-t t . , .....;4., 't ",,,4';ANADIFSWItt'e M A A.4-7." 1... 1=44t,f4.4,,A.4-r...% . A." '..*% -1' .., ?-? .,. 4 .,,, , ' ,, . ,A C.? t :4 . 4 4 ' '.-L' 4'i ..A' ."'kt;?? \-,-?.?4- '-':le, ? ?I'f7t - ) ' "WA' ? '`k- ", .e? 1, Alk 5 t ' -4 vr,f1' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600030022-1 --- - _ -.,.. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600030022-1 COMF1DENTIAL Available trend measurements from Western Europe on c question bearing upon U.S. versus Soviet military strength in the atomic area suggest that the Sputnik launchings "zd a naJor impact in lowering U.S. military prestige vie -0 -vis Soviet Russia. "Do you think that the Western powers are stronger in atomic we-pone than the U.S.S.R., weaker, or clout syul?" Great West =din gAl2ADX June No. of cases West stronger 39% West weaker 5 About equal 27 No cminion -Ns Net "West stronger" 34 Nov. h...? Nov. June Nov. June Nov. TeTh'71 722310M-0 9702 TTTT 26% 39% 31% 20% 14% 30% 20% 21 6 10 6 20 7 12 31 36 40 35 20 34 89 A g 1.41 2- Ti0% 10(5 5 33 21 14 -6 23 16 'mediate poet-Sputnik jodgments on America's standing vis-a-vis the U.S.S.R. in iodulatraxxigizah were even lower on the average in the West European nations sawled, with an especially adverse pattern in Grist Britain. "All things considelvd, do you think the U.S. or Russia is ahead in total military strength at the present time? Con- siderably ahead or only a little?" Gre:t West Okrialiffct. NjieWtot. Nov. Oct. No. of cases T-Y*) Ti'o!T -07 ik U.S. considerably ahead of Russia 4% U.S. ? little ahead 15 Russia a little ahead of U.S. 31 Russia ponsiduably shoed a Both equal (vol.) NO opinion Net U.S. ahead 6 -31 7% 10% 96 6% lig 17% 10% 19 22 15 11 16 17 25 22 17 16 13 21 13 14 19 6 7 12 6 9 9 0 20 22 20 34 23 22 rigx Tik -15 15 1 -I -10 12 15 * * * Cammuna Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600030022-1 ? ..6", Declassified and A proved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600030022-1 CONFIDENTIAL The recovery over 1S5? of some of the scientific pretties the U.S. lost to the U.S.S.R. with the Sputniks was not accompanied by any general inprovreme in judg- ments vs to which side is niliterily stronger. Only in Greet Britain, it will be noted in the trend comparisons above, was there c gain which.however, fell appreci- ably short of taking British opinion out of the minus column. Moreover, imacvement in Great Britain was offset by an equal decline in West Gernany. 'Adeir, a few scattered worldwide returns to tie Nest European picture .2.1 U.S. versus Soviet Alitary ight yield a picture of a virtual strndoff, on the average,. with the U.S. at best only slightly in the van. When it is appreciated that the countries surveyed in the present connection are almost without exception out allies, it oust be presumed that a lore representative picture would be even less favorable. "All things considered, do you think the U.S. or Russia is ahead in total military strength at the present tine? Considerably ahead or only a little? Ivo, of Survey Viet-Nam (College Students) Greece (General Population) Italy (General Population) Ckinawa :General Population) Uruguay (General Population) Nest Gernany (Gener.1 Population) Japan (General Population) Turkey (College Students) France (General Populcsion) Great Britain (General Population) AVERAGE NET FAVORABLE ? Net Favorable pats of Survey to U.S. Worth, 1959 32 November,1958 20 October, 1953 15 Deoember.195C 14 June, 1950 4 October, 1950 Decenber.1950 -1 June. 1950 -2 Deccber,1950 -10 December,1S5C -15 5.8 1 See Special Melor.ndu , dated Deco ter, MS, "Brief Surlary of Sore Survey Indications Bearing Upon U.S. Vs. S.vist Scientific Prestige," Confidential. CCINFIDENTIAL Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000600nmn97_1 mitt- Declassified and Ap ? roved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600030022-1 COlf IDEITTIAL The results of a recently conpleted survey in Italy -- the freshest data avail- able in the present connection -- raise the possibility of s favorable opinion devel- opment 'Mich if more widely verified would be of no little significance. Despite the sharp drop in U.S. scientific prestige in Italy over the past year (documented in the preceding nenorandum), it appears from the trend conparisons below that there has been no corresponding decline in favorable judgments about U.S. military strength. "All things considered, do you think the U.S. or Russia is ahead in total military strength at the present time? Considerably ahead or only a littler No. of cases Nov. TRiff ra y U.S. considerably ahead of Russia U.S. a little ahead 1* 17 1* 25 10 17 Russia o little ahead of U.S. 13 14 11 Russia considerably ahead 9 9 7 Both equal (Vol.) 23 22 24 No opinion . * ilig * Net U.S. ahead 12 15 15 That military evaluations of the U.S. have remained stable despdte sharply declining U.S. prestige in the scientific ergs could men that Soviet epees sucoesses are not, at least to the sane degree se formerly, being autonetisally translated into military power. The Russians !homely's may have oontributed to @ugh a development by their stress upon peseeful rather than military implications of their resent scientific developments. carnecrus. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/09/13: CIA-RDP86T00268R000600030022-1