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Y-- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 43GikC 1 William P. Bundy ER 6-9144 6 April 1955 \ 4 QUARTERLY REPORT OF INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT FOR NSC POLICY PAP:ERS January - March 1955 (u-3) I POLICY PAPERS CONSIDERED OR ACTED ON BY THE COUNCIL ON WHICH SPECIFIC INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT WAS RENDERED. 1. Basic National Security Policy (NSC 5501, 6 January) NIE 11-4-54 NIE 11-6-54 Soviet Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action Through Mid-1959 - 14 September 1954 Soviet Capabilities and Probable Programs in the Guided Missile Field - 5 October 1954 2. Exploitation of Soviet and European Satellite Vulnerabilities (NSC 5505/1, 31 January) NTE 11-4-54 NIE 12-54 Probable Developments in the European Satellites Through Mid-1956 - 24 August 1954 3. study of Possible Hostile Soviet Actions (NBC 5515/1, 1 April) NIE 11-4-54 Soviet Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action Through Mid-1959 - 14 September 1954 Soviet Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action Through Mid-1959 - 14 September 1954 SNIE 11-455 - Review of Current Communist Attitudes Toward General War, 15 February 1955 4. Economic Assistance For Asia (NBC 5506, 21 January) NIE 100-55 NIE 13-54 NIE 10-7-54 Controls on Trade with Communist 11 January 1955 Communist 1957 - 25 Communist 1957 - 23 China - China's Power Potential Through May 1954 Courses of Action in Asia Through November 1954 ET Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 .CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 / ',Neer Pi \?w.,^s-} NIE 10-54 Soviet Bloc Economic Warfare Capabilities and Courses of Action - 24 February 1954 5. Far East (Review of NBC 5)4.29/5, 22 December) NIE 10-7-54 - Communist Courses of Action in Asia Through 1957 - 23 November 1954 NIE 1354 Communist China's Power Potential Through 1957 - 25 May 1954 NIE 41-54 Probable Developments in Japan Through 1957 10 August 1954 NIE 43-54 - Probable Developments in Taiwan Through Mid-1956 - 14 September 1954 NIE 62-54 - Probable Developments in Thailand - 7 December 1954 WEE. 63-7-54 - Probable Developments in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia Through 1956 - 23 November 1954 NIE 65-54 - The Political Outlook for Indonesia Through 1954 - 11 May 1954 NIE 66-54 - Probable Developments in the Philippine Republic - 16 March 1954 o. Formosa (NSC 5503), and the Offshore Islands (13 January and subsequent meetings) NIE 100-4-55 - Communist Capabilities and Intentions with Respect to the Offshore Islands and Taiwan Through 1955, and Communist and non-Communist Reactions with Respect to the Defense of Taiwan - 16 March 1955 CIA estimate Reactions to Certain Possible US Courses of Action with Respect to the Islands off the Coast of China - 21January 1955 SNIE 100-3-55 - Communist Reactions to Certain Possible US Courses of Action with Respect to the Islands Off the Coast of China - 25 January 1955 SNIE 100714-9+ - The Situation with Respect to the Nationalist Occupied Islands Off the Coast of Mainland China - 10 September 1954 -2- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 Declassified and Approved SLUE 100-4-54 SNIE 100-6-54 NIE 43-54 ForRelease2013/08/22:CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 The Situation with Respect to Certain Islands Off the Coast of Mainland China - 4 September 1954 World Reactions to Certain US Courses of Action Against Communist China - 28 November 1954 - Probable Developments in Taiwan Mid-1956 - 14 September 1954 7. Vietnam (24 January Memo for NSC) SNIE 63-6-54 - Current Trends in South Vietnam NIE 63-7-54 - Probable Developments in South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia Through 1956 - 23 November 1954 19.514 Through - 15 September NIE 10-7-54 Communist Courses of Action in Asia Through 1957 - 23 November 1954 8. Iran (NSC 550)4, 13 January) NIE 34-54 NIE 30-54 Probable Developments in Iran Through 1955 - 7 December 1954 Prospects For Creation of a Middle East Defense Grouping and Probable Consequences of Such a Development - 22 June 1954 II OTHER MAJOR MATTERS CONSIDERED ON WHICH SPECIFIC INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT WAS NOT REQUIRED. 9. US Aid to France. On 5 January the Council agreed that Defense should now rescind the construction and procurement limitations on US aid to France which were imposed in September 1954 pursuant to paragraph 9 of NSC 5433/1. 10. Port Security. (Continental Defense -- NSC 5)408). On 20 January the Council adopted a revised policy on Port Security, and agreed that to further strengthen the port security program the possibility should be explored of coordinating intelligence on the movement of bloc vessels with at least Canada and the UK: (Action being taken by ONI.) 11. Berlin. The NSC agreed, on 13 January, that existing policy contained in NSC 5404/1 is applicable to the present situation and to the most likely future contingencies. 12. Russian Anti-Soviet Political Activities. On 27 January 55024 was adopted as US policy on this subject, and referred to a Special Committee chaired by Mr. Nelson A. Rockefeller, Special Assistant to the President, for coordination. In March the Planning Coordination Group was substituted for the Special Committee. -3- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 Declassified and Approved ForRelease2013/08/2 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 r-7-) 13. Electro-Magnetic Communications (NSC 169, 27 October 1953). On 3 February the NSC noted that the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization would submit recommendations based on his Progress Report on NBC 169 and the views of the JCS. 14. Armaments. On 10 February the NBC recommended that the President designate an individual of outstanding qualifications to conduct on a full- time basis a further review of US policy on control of armaments, he to have a qualified adviser from State, Defense, AEC and CIA. 15. Turkey. NBC 5510/1 of 28 February was adopted as US policy on Turkey. 16. Attack Warning Channels. On 3 March NBC 5513/1, Attack Warning Procedures for Civilians, was adopted; a Special Committee of the National Security Council, with CIA representation, to coordinate implementation. 17. Economic Controls. On 3 March the NSC noted that the President authorized the Director, Office of Defense Mobilization to propose to Congressional committees stand-by authority to impose economic controls in the event of aggression against our possessions or our armed forces of such character as to constitute in the President's judgment an act of war. 18. Atomic Energy. On 10 March NSC 5507/2 was adopted as US policy on peaceful uses of atomic energy. 19. Eorea. NEC 5514 was adopted on 10 March as the revised US policy towards Korea. 20. Technological Capabilities. On 17 March the NSC noted and discussed a report to the President by the Technological Capabilities Panel and referred its recommendations to appropriate departments and agencies of the Executive Branch for study and report to NSC about 15 May. 21. Admission to US of Certain Excludable Visitors. On 24 March, NSC 5508/1 was adopted as policy guidance on the admission to US of certain European non- official temporary visitors excludable under existing law. 22. Foreign Information Program and Psychological Warfare Planning. On 24 March NSC agreed that a review of existing arrangements in the areas of foreign information and psychological warfare should be undertaken by Special Assistant to the President Rockefeller. III MAJOR ITEMS PENDING BEFORE THE COUNCIL AND PLANNING BOARD. 23. Japan. On 7 April the Council will consider NSC 5516. NIE 41-54, Probable Developments in Japan Through 1957, 10 August 1954, and NIE 100-55, Controls on Trade with Communist China supported Planning Board deliber- ations and drafting of NSC 5516. 24. Indonesia. On 11 April the Planning Board will meet to begin drafting -- Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 ? ? Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7 a policy on Indonesia intended to supersede NSC 171/11 adopted 20 November 1953. NIE 65-55 of 1 March, Probable Developments in Indonesia Through 1955, will support. 25. National Security Outlook for Fiscal Year 1957 will receive Planning Board attention during April. The forthcoming NIE 11-2-55, Soviet Atomic Program, and NIE 11-3-55 Soviet Capabilities and Probable Courses of Action Through Mid-1960 will support. 26. Germany and Western European Union. During April the Planning Board will review NSC 5433/1, US Policy Toward Europe, adopted on 25 September 1954. NIE 21-55, Probable Developments in the UK; NIE 22-55, Probable Developments in France; NIE 11-55, Probable Soviet Response to the Ratification of the Paris Agreements; and NIE 23-54, Probable Developments in West Germany will support. 27. Southeast Asia. NSC 5405, present policy towards Southeast Asia will receive Planning Board review during April. The forthcoming NIE 63-55, Probable Developments in Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia through July 1956; and NIE 64-55, Communist Prospects in Malaya and Related Territories will support. Distrlpution:, , 106./DDI (2) for DCI, D/DCI and DDI AD/NE (2) DD/P (2) for General Balmer 0/NE Chief, Estimates Staff AD/CI AD/CD AD/RR SjCI:T Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/08/22 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000500130026-7