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Y'3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 FOR RELEASE AT 11:00 A.M., Friday, July 19, 1957. JOINT STATEMENT OF GEORGE M. HUMPHREY, SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY, AND PERCIVAL F. BRUNDAGE, DIRECTOR OF THE BUREAU OF THE BUDGET The monthly budget statement for the final month of the fiscal year 1957 (which ended on June 30) shows that the Government's budget has been balanced for the second consecutive year with a surplus of $1.645 billion. The budget in the fiscal year 1956 was balanced with a surplus of $1.626 billion. A balanced budget for the fiscal year 1958 has been presented to the Congress. Receipts in the fiscal year just ended were $70.989 billion and expenditures $69.344 billion. These receipts were $361 million higher than estimated in January, 1957. Budget expenditures were $444 million higher than estimated in January, mainly due to larger expenditures for the Department of Defense which were not fully offset by lower expenditures in other departments. The budget surplus has resulted in a reduction of the public debt for the second successive year. The results for 1957, as compared with the January estimates and results for prior years, are shown in the following tables. (The figures are based on preliminary reports and are subject to later revision): BUDGET TOTALS (Fiscal years. In billions) Description 1957 1955 1956 January actual actual Estimate actual , Budget receipts Budget expenditures Budget deficit (-) or surplus(/) $60.4 64.6 -4.2 $68.1 66.5 /1.6 $70.628 68.900 /1.728 $70.989 69.344 /1.645 (Attached is a breakdown of receipts and expenditures by major categories as compared with the January estimates and actual figures for previous years.) Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES Fiscal Years 1955 1957 (In millions) 1953 Actual 1954 Actual 1955 Actual 1956 Actual 1957 January estimate Actual BUDGET RECEIPTS Individual income taxes $32,768 $32,383: $31,650 $35,334 $38, 500 $39,012 Corporation income taxes 21,595 21,521 18,265 21,299 -21,400 .21,531 Excise taxes 1/ 9,934 10,014 9,211 10004 9,152 9,176 Al]. other receipts and customs (net) 3,446 4,112 4,690 5,212 5,456 5,187 Total 67,943 68,032 63,816 71,849 74,508 74,906 Refunds of receipts (-) -3,118 -3,377 -3,426 -3,684 -3,880 , -3,917 Net budget receipts 64,825 64,655 60,390 68,165 70,628 70,989 BUDGET EXPENDI7URES National security: Pepartment of Defense-Military ' 43,610 40,335 35,533 35,791 36,000 38,377 - Mutual,securityprogram,Military and other 5,656 4,882 4,219 4,201 14,102 3,912 Atomic Energy Commission 1,791 1,895 1,857 1,651 1,940, 1,994 Stockpiling and defense production expansion 1,008 1,045 944 588 425 490 Total, national security 52,065 48,157 42 551 42,231 42,467 14,771- Special legislative: Veterans' compensation, pension and benefit programs 3,383 3,297 3,519 3,780 3,878 3,843 Commodity Credit Corporation (net) 1,943 1,526 3,414 3,766 2,242 2,881 Soil bank program - - . - . 4 1,227 499 Agricultural conservation program and removal of surplus agricultural commodities 355 349 294 394 465 433 Grants to States for public assistance and employment security 1,532 1,641 1,621 1,686 1,821 1,805 Federal-aid highway grants 1/ 509 531 595 740 - All other 597 448 457 854 882 865 Total, special legislative 8,319 7,792 ? 9,900 11,224 10,515 10,326 Departmental: Veterans' Administration (other) 950 952 886 951 978 962 Housing and Home Finance Agency 403 -593 153, 39 719 -31 Agriculture Department (other) 919 1,040 928 1,013 1,217 1,208 Commerce Department (other) -554 469 482 554 Ail 563 Department of Defense-Civil 813 605 548 571 628 625 Department of Health, Education, and Welfare (other) 590 543 566 616 779 739 Department of the Interior 587 535 515 512 '652 572 Post Office Department 659 312 356 463 459 522 Treasury Department: Interest on the public debt and on refunds of taxes 6,581 6,470 6,438 6, 846 7,260 7,312 Other 614 656 156 477 632 704 All other 1,218 834 1,089 1,043 1,950 1,069 Total, departmental 13,890 11,821 12,117 13,085 15,918 14,245 Net budget expenditures 74,274 67,772 64,570 66,540 .68,900 69,344 Surplus (+) or deficit (-) -9,449 -3,117 -4,180 +1,626 +1,728 +1,645 1./ Starting in 1957, Federal-aid highway expenditures and the excise taxes appropriated for this program are carried as trust fund transactions. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19 CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 ' Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 United States Treasury Department Fiscal Service Bureau of Accounts This statement is preliminary and is based on reports from collecting and disbursing agencies received through July 12, 1957. Final reports of Government collecting and disbursing agencies including certain overseas transactions for the year ended June 30, 1957, which it has not been possible to include in this statement will be incorporated in the final statement to be published at a later date. Monthly Statement of Receipts and Expenditures of the United States Government for the period from July 1, 1956 through June 30, 1957 (Cents omitted, therefore details will not add to totals) TABLE I?SUMMARY YearNet Budget receipts and expenditures Public debt (end of period) a Balance in account of Treasurer, U. S. (end of period) Gross receipts Net receipts expenditures Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-) Estimated 1958* Estimated 1957* Actual fiscal year 1957 (twelve months) $88,049,000,000 $73,620,000,000 871,806,766,077 +81,813,233,923 8269,200,000,000 86,000,000,00( 83,487,000,000 70,628,000,000 68,900,219,787 +1,727,780,213 270,600,000,000 6,000,000,00C 83,635,366,426 70,988,627,330 69,344,147,962 +1,644,549,367 270,527,171,896 5,589,952,362 Actual fiscal year 1956 Actual fiscal year 1955 Actual fiscal year 1954 78,820,426,174 68,165,329,582 66,539,776,178 +1,625,553,403 272,750,813,649 6,546,183,864 69,454,195,640 60,389,743,895 64,569,972,817 -4,180,228,921 274,374,222,802 6,215,665,047 73,172,935,738 64,655,386,989 67,772,353,245 -3,116,966,256 271,259,599,108 6,766,455,061 TABLE 11?BUDGET SUMMARY?FISCAL YEAR 1957 Classification Fiscal year 1957 to date Net budget estimates fiscal year 1957 * Gross receipts Applicable deductions 1 Net receipts 2 BUDGET RECEIPTS Internal Revenue 880,171,939,493 $12,623,430,367 $67,548,509,126 $66,898,611,000 Customs 754,461,446 19,909,511 734,551,934 749,000,000 Miscellaneous receipts 2,708,965,487 3,329,217 2,705,636,269 2,980,389,000 Total 83,635,366,426 12,646,669,096 70,988,697,330 70,628,000,000 Gross Applicable receipts Net BUDGET EXPENDITURES expenditures (deduct)1 expenditures 2 Legislative Branch $96,854,070 $96,854,070 $108,778,430 The Judiciary 38,812,575 38,812,575 40,033,867 Executive Office of the President 10,398,862 10,398,862 10,748,875 Funds appropriated to the President: Mutual security 3,918,258,996 $6,694,765 3,911,564,231 4,101,652,521 Other 302,214,777 141,182,025 161,032,752 35,101,385 Independent Offices: Atomic Energy Commission 1,994,386,748 145,119 1,994,211,628 1,939,858,056 Veterans Administration 4,917,617,971 112,308,522 4,805,309,448 4,856,617,604 Other 2,095,642,367 1,183,964,419 911,677,948 1,456,237,515 General Services Administration 572,084,802 2,069,977 570,014,824 689,924,050 lousing and Home Finance Agency 764,983,307 796,345,117 -31,361,809 718,690,154 Agriculture Department 8,059,310,198 3,038,486,534 5,020,823,664 5,151,665,462 Commerce Department 594,318,927 31,754,108 562,564,819 643,910,535 Defense Department: Military functions 38,259,753,301 2,380,593 38,257,372,707 36,000,000,000 Civil functions 732,838,971 93,616,555 639,222,416 648,985,224 Undistributed foreign transactions , 119,697,282 119,697,282 Health, Education, and Welfare Department 2,297,442,340 2,321,863 2,295,120,476 2,361,222,444 Interior Department 606,569,741 34,490,951 572,078,789 651,737,515 Justice Department 214,385,055 214,385,055 214,237,615 Labor Department 420,702,522 3,274,974 417,427,548 408,549,852 Post Office Department 4 3,065,158,620 2,543,487,435 521,671,185 459,415,013 -State Department 174,941,008 174,941,008 ? 184,026,794 Treasury Department: Interest on the public debt 7,248,584,569 7,218,584,569 - 7,200,000,000 Other 887,130,898 81,872,211 805,258,686 792,068,226 District of Columbia (general fund).. 26,458,650 26,458,650 26,758,650 Inclassified expenditure transfers -3,429 -3,429 fillowance for contingencies 200,000,000 Total '77,418,543,138 8,074,395,175 69,344,147,962 68,900,219,787 Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-) L X +1,644,549,367 +1,727,780,213 tFrom 1958 Budget Document released January 16, 1957. For details of deductions from receipts see Table III, and for details of deductions from expenditures see Table X. 2For details see Table III. 'Will be distributed to appropriate line classifications in the final statement. 4Transactions cover the period July 1, 1956, through June 30,1957. 5Represents expenditure adjustments reported by Regional Dis- bursing Officers which have not yet been picked up in reports of other officers. alncludes debt not subject to statutory limitations; which, on June 30, 1957, amounted to $445,988,759. The Act approved July 9, 1956, temporarily increased the statutory debt limit of $275,000,000,000 by $3,000,000,000 for the period beginning on July 1, 1956, and end- ing on June 30, 1957. Debt subject to limitation is shown on page 12. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 2 TABLE 111--BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES--JUNE 30, 1957 Classification RECEIPTS Internal Revenue: Individual income taxes: Withheld 6 Other 6 Total individual income taxes Corporation income taxes Excise taxes Employment taxes: Federal Insurance Contributions Act and Self-Employment Contributions Act 6 Railroad Retirement Tax Act Federal Unemployment Tax Act Total employment taxes Estate and gift taxes Internal revenue not otherwise classified Total internal revenue Customs Miscellaneous receipts: Interest, dividends and other earnings Proceeds of Government-owned securities and other investments Recoveries and refunds Sales of Government property and products Seigniorage Other Total miscellaneous Gross budget receipts Deduct: Transfers to Federal old-age and survivors in- surance trust fund6 Transfers to Federal disability insurance trust fund Transfers to Highway trust fund 8 Transfers to Railroad Retirement account Refunds of receipts: Internal revenue Customs Other Total deductions Net budget receipts EXPENDITURES 9 Legislative Branch: Senate House of Representatives Architect of the Capitol Botanic Garden Library of Congress Government Printing Office: General fund appropriations Revolving Fund (net) Total-Legislative Branch The Judiciary: Supreme Court of the United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals Customs Court Court of Claims Courts of appeals, district courts, and other judicial services Total--The Judiciary Executive Office of the President: Compensation of the President The White House Office Special projects Executive mansion and grounds Bureau of the Budget Council of Economic Advisers National Security Council Office of Defense Mobilization See footnotes on page 15 This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 $2,234,705,671 $1,969,462,778 $26,709,787,479 $24,012,110,214 1,817,935,652 1,486,662,565 12,302,039,310 11,321,966,304 4,052,641,324 3,456,125,344 39,011,826,790 . 35,334,076,519 6,722,482,814 7,194,926,564 21,530,672,306 21,298,521,621 892,374,420 854,641,008 10,655,324,379 10,004,194,869 535,680,794 549,194,839 6,634,467,20 6,336,804,603 52,040,319 53,751,099 616,012,721 634,322,955 1,582,787 1,293,975 330,031,086 324,656,405 589,303,900 604,239,913 7,580,511,055 ? 7,295,783,963 101,546,876 111,637,449 1,377,890,897 1,171,237,191 -29,461,938 963,135 15,714,064 5,269,031 12,328,887,398 12,222,533,415 80,171,939,493 75,109,083,197 58,161,450 57,363,228 754,461,446 704,897,516 226,363,035 189,966,965 1,035,494,904 844,988,384 -2,218,690 -21,454,478 323,169,036 290,361,788 39,271,022 52,967,138 397,051,706 640,035,704 103,699,953 89,139,932 731,967,755 830,070,898 3,633,257 1,530,428 48,541,109 23,458,846 20,834,124 6,389,683 7 172,740,973 377,529,839 391,582,703 318,539,670 2,708,965,487 3,006,445,461 12,778,631,551 12,598,436,314 83,635,366,426 78,820,426,174 470,130,941 549,194,839 6,301,190,672 6,336,804,603 65,549,853 333,276,574 137,200,000 1,478,925,050 52,038,348 53,739,007 615,913,517 634,261,856 404,145,831 392,135,862 3,894,124,551 3,652,611,882 1,492,554 1,876,237 19,909,511 23,176,261 86,939 593,574 3,329,217 8,241,987 1,130,644,467 997,539,520 . 12,646,669,096 10,655,096,592 11,647,987,084 11,600,896,793 70,988,697,330 68,165,329,582 1,656,615 1,677,171 19,618,758 18,750,967 3,396,047 2,233,342 36,988,149 34,586,666 1,781,789 1,112,656 22,149,168 12,083,282 23,142 19,434 246,446 247,636 1,044,878 932,901 10,024,196 10,560,980 1,834,583 1,692,154 14,389,086 13,810,306 -652,872 -1,805,021 -6,561,735 -5,193,458 9,084,186 5,862,639 96,854,070 84,846,382 118,578 123,937 1,606,332 1,534,104 21,172 18,126 261,971 238,260 45,821 47,245 642,303 587,917 .62,015 65,366 734,669 672,375 3,120,411 2,964,913 35,567,297 33,650,131 3,367,999 3,219,589 38,812,575 36,682,789 12,500 12,500 150,000 150,000 119,799 100,833 1,875,554 1,869,320 114,129 112,964 1,344,403 865,988 31,804 41,039 423,037 397,249 291,306 265,559 3,852,625 3,579,926 23,911 19,749 339,513 327,541 17,255 24,974 252,019 253,032 159,583 160,350 2,113,269 2,155,441 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 TABLE 111-BUDGEY'RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES-JUNE 30, I97?Continued 3 Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 EXPENDITURES-Continued Executive Office of the President--Continued President's Advisory Committee on Government Organization $2,836 $2,852 $34,762 $44,879 President's Commission on Veterans' Pensions. 26,047 13,675 294,853 Other Total-Executive Office of the President 773,127 766,871 10,398,862 9,938,234 Funds appropriated to the President: Armed Forces leave payments 1,446 14,095 Disaster relief 10 -6,049,058 699,364 15,915,408 15,421,018 Emergency fund for the President 5,720 46,163 23,663 Expenses of management improvement 2,774 109,185 301,948 Expansion of defense production (net) 1,170,342 16,243,712 129,786,287 237,037,834 President's special international program, Executive 679,695 319,476 6,396,279 5,491,948 Refugee relief -13,167 1,436,168 8,617,874 13,500,317 Miscellaneous 9,820 -521 161,553 -25,893 Mutual security: Military assistance: Defense Department: Interservice activities 2,497,680 17,672,125 85,862,720 76,677,173 Army 286,040,259 402,819,253 853,058,803 1,340,784,998 Navy 24,727,047 36,348,808 207,941,705 263,735,037 Air Force 81,603,672 290,658,510 1,111,687,674 800,750,312 International Cooperation Administration 1,330,147 4,006,257 46,007,287 113,814,031 All other agencies 1,103,013 2,301,524 14,042,716 15,445,048 Total-Military assistance 397,301,821 753,806,479 2,318,600,908 2,611,206,601 Other mutual security programs: Defense Department 4,698,179 9,859,713 80,609,434 81,102,333 International Cooperation Administration 141,897,917 147,615,828 1,315,744,571 1,297,268,879 Discharge of investment guarantee liabilities (net): Foreign investment guarantee fund -96,171 390,293 -1,311,214 3,477,190 Informational media guarantee fund 413,876 3,667,728 All other agencies 16,426,246 18,254,509 194,252,803 208,357,372 Total--Other mutual security 163,340,048 176,120,346 1,592,963,322 1,590,205,776 Total--Funds appropriated to the President 556,439,502 948,634,968 4,072,596,983 4,473,177,309 Independent Offices: Advisory Committee on Weather Control 25,046 23,123 250,951 220,826 American Battle Monuments Commission 330,264 357,849 3,955,051 4,494,691 Atomic Energy Commission: Defense production guarantees (net) -13,644 64 444,325 429,891 Other 196,107,471 137,686,148 1,994,385,953 1,650,661,131 Central Intelligence Agency-construction 177,814 2,397 1,607,080 10,147 Civil Service Commission: Payment to employees retirement funds 525,000,000 233,000,000 Other 1,407,968 . 1,601,759 20,056,091 20,223,848 Commission on Government Security 55,181 30,664 586,879 90,383 Commission on Intergovernmental Relations 87 107,870 Commission on Increased Industrial Use of Agricultural Products 9,875 119,863 Commission on Organization of the Executive Branch of the Government -30 267,068 District of Columbia Auditorium Commission 1,222 88,635 Export-Import Bank of Washington (net) -2,474,931 7,014,303 -99,974,282 -90,224,630 Farm Credit Administration: Public enterprise funds (net): Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation -78,395 -2,008,676 -556,757 -2,310,635 Federal intermediate credit banks: 11 Operating fund 40,789,760 -66,635,123 42,980,037 Investment fund Production credit corporation fund -75,740 11 40,123,081 -8,724 Production credit associations investment fund 40,000 Agricultural marketing revolving fund -24,203 -25,379 -2,735,507 -93,897 Administrative expenses 147,308 150,843 1,979,060 2,054,685 Total-Farm Credit Administration 44,709 38,830,808 -27,785,246 42,621,464 Federal Civil Defense Administration: Civil defense procurement fund (net) -41,943 -385,756 -732,901 -68,836 Other 6,586,519 6,095,402 63,775,144 55,939,505 Federal Coal Mine Safety Board of Review 4,140 3,840 51,717 58,246 Federal Communications Commission 580,000 573,248 7,771,908 7,563,917 Federal Home Loan Bank Board (net): Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. -2,893,790 -2,681,075 -33,362,796 -27,445,577 Other -229,695 -219,758 -23,488 -128,913 See footnotes on page 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 4 TABLE 111--BUDGEWECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES--JUNE 30, 19b4ontinued Inde Fe Fe Fe Fo Ge Hi In Int Int Na Na Na Na Na Na Na Pe Pr Re Sai Se Sel Sm Sm Su Ta Te Th Un Vet 0th Gene Re Per Re Tr Def SI Gen Housi Off i Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 EXPENDITURES--Continued lendent Offices--Continued deral Mediation and Conciliation Service $258,393 $260,581 $3,262,667 $3,309,241 deral Power Commission 404,470 413,240 5,204,013 4,981,926 deral Trade Commission 452,166 355,368 5,405,931 4,590,076 reign Claims Settlement Commission 60,611 220,477 645,515 9,406,765 neral Accounting Office 2,536,930 2,521,856 32,928,169 33,384,499 3torical and memorial commissions 32,050 35,719 597,099 236,221 lian Claims Commission erstate Commerce Commission erstate Commission on Potomac River Basin ? tional Advisory Committee for Aeronautics tional Capital Housing Authority tional Capital Planning Commission tional Labor Relations Board tional Mediation Board Lionel Science Foundation: 10,356 1,185,619 6,329,055 4,137 73,425 695,827 99,654 9,235 1,035,312 5,601,632 3,514 28,500 696,566 101,969 130,762 14,623,774 5,000 76,065,305 34,303 514,956 8,969,333 1,139,161 119,969 13,038,670 5,000 71,099,313 40,379 439,806 8,840,308 1,130,866 lynthetic rubber research and development (net) -632 144,732 486,375 1,526,309 )ther 3,812,882 4,667,274 45,266,608 18,481,647 tional Security Training Commission rmanent Committee for the Oliver Wendell 2,160 3,720 34,078 33,840 lolmes Devise sident's Advisory Commission on Presiden- 451 14,189 1,310 ial Office Space 2,851 9,198 legotiation Board nt Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 257,480 286,166 3,524,904 3,926,813 net) - 5,783,474 1,114,978 36,970,145 8,607,401 :unities and Exchange Commission 435,685 401,597 5,765,447 5,211,168 ective Service System all Business Administration: 2,065,139 1,888,295 28,123,537 26,788,786 )ublic enterprise funds (net) 13,525,688 3,136,515 74,127,810 52,508,375 lalaries and expenses 694,840 521,275 1,674,034 1,775,655 ithsonian Institution 469,587 404,298 6,314,827 5,053,271 ,versive Activities Control Board 27,302 24,551 308,240 285,714 -iff Commission 122,052 115,127 1,553,308 1,479,801 messee Valley Authority (net) -1,242,575 7,720,259 -6,692,874 -9,396,129 Tax Court of the United States ted States Information Agency erans Administration: 97,462 8,696,143 104,100 7,791,827 1,291,108 101,996,348 1,270,636 85,967,984 ompensation, pensions, and benefit programs 330,840,690 323,702,999 3,780,780,375 3,738,117,351 ,ublic enterprise funds (net) 8,027,094 -95,018 62,260,604 41,894,743 Other 74,694,915 74,959,980 962,268,468 950,789,574 Total--Veterans Administration 413,562,700 398,567,962 4,805,309,448 4,730,801.669 er independent offices 43 'otal--Independent Offices ral Services Administration: 660,131,153 627,110,129 7,711,229,025 6,982,208,600 .1 property activities: 'ublic enterprise funds (net) -44,446 -63,020 -577,871 -612,299 Aragovernmental funds (net) 8,897,794 6,187,196 -327,376 2,053,693 ther sonal property activities: 2,404,442 11,925,319 165,971,537 147,346,194 itragovernmental funds (net) -733,711 2,835,276 8,609,799 -3,394,894 ther 1,031,361 1,996,789 19,232,784 17,030,879 ords activities 446,749 575,575 6,935,421 6,379,759 nsportation and utilities activities ense materials activities: 91,624 85,009 1,209,252 847,964 ublic enterprise funds (net) 81,437 227,401 1,042,555 -1,327,369 :rategic and critical materials 86,658,474 34,606,905 359,740,696 350,920,819 ther eral activities: 5 8,000,030 ktragovernmental funds (net) 1,107,133 309,801 -628,036 -235,685 ther 38,001 441,231 806,060 4,488,949 Total--General Services Administration ng and Home Finance Agency: 99,978,866 59,127,485 570,014,824 523,498,012 ce of the Administrator: ublic enterprise funds (net): College housing loans 16,037,066 9,644,047 96,891,907 31,576,631 Liquidating programs -1,909,684 -3,256,941 -30,191,472 -40,129,518 Urban renewal fund 6,156,120 757,297 38,190,446 16,322,167 Other 150,782 -14,226 -5,827,086 211,846 her 660,234 667,109 6,922,860 5,865,165 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 TABLE ill--BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES-JUNE 30, I957--Continued .5 Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal year 1957 t o date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 EXPENDITURES--Continued Housing and Home Finance Agency--Continued Federal National Mortgage Association (net): Subscription to capital stock, secondary market operations $50,000,000 Loans for secondary market operations $-46,580,225 $29,619,994 -91,247,495 $94,481,309 Management and liquidating functions -21,333,291 -20,261,010 -176,908,583 -114,705,940 Special assistance functions 3,017,584 -17,350 21,442,618 220,893 Federal Housing Administration (net) -6,492,522 1,759,954 -38,642,210 -24,878,676 Public Housing Administration (net): U. S. Housing Act Program -676,045 -4,230,739 98,028,331 69,498,398 Administrative expenses 34,855 1,064,132 -21,125 67,003 Total--Housing and Home Finance Agency -50,935,124 15,732,265 41,361,809 38,529,281 Agriculture Department: Agricultural Research Service: Intragovernmental funds (net) 34,764 -15,263 35,822 -75,955 Reimbursements to Commodity Credit Corp 13,051,976 5,788,897 Other 12 -8,338,036 932,416 120,409,089 110,502,414 Extension Service 161,812 169,734 51,943,979 47,573,665 Farmer Cooperative Service 88,986 38,425 459,808 430,665 Forest Service: Intragovernmental funds (net) -172,774 40,693 4,354,014 44,275 Other 9,183,729 8,859,524 152,287,850 129,691,245 Soil Conservation Service: Conservation operations 5,079,645 4,968,400 65,913,018 63,169,723 Flood prevention, watershed protection, and other 1,644,554 1,830,611 22,169,402 19,781,292 Agricultural Conservation Program Service 31,183,322 1,006,679 261,352,715 215,161,152 Agricultural Marketing Service: Marketing research and service 476,5/3 802,742 25,159,134 24,053,315 Payments to States, Territories, and posses- sions 21,385 750 1,160,000 1,000,000 School lunch program 346,801 359,525 99,191,101 82,692,398 Removal of surplus agricultural commodities 2,357,946 23,037,668 171,091,696 179,069,511 Reimbursements to Commodity Credit Corp 366,926 Intragovernmental funds (net) 177,609 426,044 127 Other 43,143 498,849 577,838 662,411 Foreign Agricultural Service 271,083 307,967 3,377,312 3,555,972 Commodity Exchange Authority 62,193 65,535 779,975 785,303 Soil bank program 186,876,115 499,408,268 Commodity Stabilization Service: Acreage allotments and marketing quotas -242,237 418,117 40,275,918 39,185,223 National Wool Act 2,020,974 187,683 Special commodity disposal programs 257,420,255 178,154,494 Sugar Act program 332,348 145,486 66,976,251 65,380,429 Intragovernmental funds (net) 9,060,150 2,523,144 -7,372,708 1,891,509 Other 200 Commodity Credit Corporation: Price support and other operations (net) 269,425,526 348,616,009 2,609,874,269 3,586,057,677 Federal Crop Insuranceses Corporation: Administrative expen 438,716 579,641 6,264,600 6,743,809 Capital and insurance fund (net) ' -238,746 -637,814 7,307,736 3,173,629 Rural Electrification Administration: Loans 19,889,079 18,232,614 258,917,864 208,658,823 Salaries and expenses 653,703 623,265 8,344,290 8,123,693 Farmers' Home Administration: Loans 6,908,180 5,449,200 231,860,974 158,436,280 Public enterprise funds (net): Disaster loans revolving fund 8,319,765 501,551 9,659,621 2,792,989 Farm tenant-mortgage insurance fund 998,236 54,474 6,927,569 1,409,801 Salaries and expenses 1,667,424 2,095,764 27,533,490 26,521,875 Office of the General Counsel 205,377 204,985 2,676,642 2,244,853 Office of the Secretary: Intragovernmental funds (net) 41,328 25,024 144,831 98,391 Other 189,016 175,610 2,448,918 2,296,169 Office of Information 80,868 111,508 1,551,410 1,113,117 Library 65,612 48,164 734,893 712,521 Total--Agriculture Department 547,293,207 422,071,012 5,020,823,664 5,177,000,84C Commerce Department: General administration ..... 0... ......... 213,112 294,227 2,475,751 2,463,432 Bureau of the Census 540,297 1,642,279 12,112,107 18,513,371 Civil Aeronautics Administration ., 18,132,625 15,259,106 179,999,640 147,629,21C Civil Aeronautics Board 2,009,340 3,794,029 43,654,490 37,068,931 Coast and Geodetic Survey 561,829 1,269,799 10,876,504 11,058,11C Business and Defense Services Administration 580,960 759,691 6,809,788 6,792,43f Bureau of Foreign Commerce 333,736 558,782 5,132,748 5,201,14c Office of Business Economics 77,395 104,480 945,892 1,014,083 Bureau of Foreign and Domestic Commerce 7,042 Maritime activities: Public enterprise funds (net) 388,401 1,217,585 16,488,161 4,754,219 Other 14,287,951 46,601,343 164,718,182 223,604,733 See footnotes on page 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19 : CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 6 TABLE IR-BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES--JUNE 30, IM--Continued Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 EXPENDITURES--Continued Commerce Department--Continued Patent Office $1,273,147 $1,493,091 $16,618,854 $14,251,513 Bureau of Public Roads: Federal-Aid Highway Act 70,631,526 347,692,375 740,343,343 Reimbursement from Highway trust fund -347,692,375 Other 13 5,542,618 4,365,613 54,496,061 48,292,943 National Bureau of Standards: Intragovernmental funds (net) 188,025 542,534 1,866,578 702,289 Other 903,518 691,603 9,700,285 7,805,606 Weather Bureau 2,923,308 4,441,663 38,028,587 33,855,210 Inland Waterways Corporation (net) -691,096 -493 -1,358,816 -701,312 Total--Commerce Department 47,265,172 153,666,865 562,564,819 1,294,147,899 Defense Department: Military functions: Office of the Secretary of Defense 1,058,315 887,753 13,605,894 13,588,935 Interservice activities: Public enterprise funds (net) 36,983 70,135 Other 46,624,457 51,710,368 598,314,413 582,206,719 Department of the Army: Public enterprise funds (net) 21,921 -522,652 Intragovernmental funds (net) -106,764,688 -148,294,951 -365,706,955 -632,430,200 Other 607,634,670 841,376,452 9,376,170,023 9,334,294,451 Department of the Navy: Public enterprise funds (net) 41,061 23,164 491,860 4,893 Intragovernmental funds (net) -10,038,762 -60,772,559 -12,693,927 -204,997,817 Other 926,166,122 1,163,900,704 10,404,585,467 9,949,375,476 Department of the Air Force: Intragovernmental funds (net) 14,652,861 34,152,208 152,722,245 -105,930,810 Other 1,683,011,380 1,801,692,568 18,091,019,921 16,854,773,076 Total--Military functions 3,162,444,322 3,687,675,709 38,257,372,707 35,790,877,936 Civil functions: Army: Corps of Engineers: Rivers and harbors and flood control 56,584,195 62,371,167 611,173,470 537,680,702 Intragovernmental funds (net) -2,470,616 -411,707 -1,323,389 -4,114,870 Canal Zone Government 1,713,716 1,432,259 16,537,031 15,675,7'73 Defense production guarantees (net) 958,733 -29,834 622,262 851,969 Panama Canal Company (net) 831,058 -7,205 -8,656,943 11,844,391 Payment of Texas City claims 346,968 1,602,563 14,467,386 1,744,047 Other 858,084 803,353 9,242,551 8,754,609 Navy-defense production guarantees (net) -40,417 -2,415,413 4,091,340 -660,432 Air Force: Defense production guarantees (net) -99,994 -32,692 -1,772,375 791,447 Other ........ .... ....... ......... 997 1,364 23,763 13,909 Total--Civil functions ..... ....... .... 58,682,726 63,313,855 639,222,416 572,581,548 Undistributed foreign transactions -2,695,337 451,324,423 119,697,282 Total--Defense Department iealth, Education, and Welfare Department: 3,218,431,711 3,599,885,141 39,016,292,407 36,363,459,484 American Printing House for the Blind 230,000 224,000 Food and Drug Administration 698,807 580,493 7,962,322 7,081,864 Freedmen's Hospital 236,845 229,736 2,606,790 3,337,900 Gallaudet College 156,867 94,525 1,210,963 820,596 Howard University 422,899 661,803 6,894,189 6,577,724 Office of Education: Assistance for school construction 5,347,858 6,853,728 75,853,192 95,445,127 Payments to school districts........ 5,313,402 23,729,317 97,707,557 85,566,243 Other. . .... 0- . . . . . . ....... 'Vocational ................. 436,971 248,722 48,456,990 41,933,544 Office of ...... 779,540 282,416 40,826,595 36,131, z37 Public Health Service: Grants for hospital construction 7,171,416 3,890,319 73,072,321 55,819,997 Operation of commissaries, narcotic hospitals (net) -2,027 -3,255 353 -2,889 Other 22,472,227 17,916,563 332,333,295 236,287,023 Saint Elizabeths Hospital 1,338,034 1,067,371 5,399,490 4,294,923 Social Security Administration: Grants for public assistance 98,394,710 111,189,891 1,556,422,422 1,455,274,574 Grants for maternal and child welfare 442,038 471,871 38,251,948 33,622,653 Operating fund, Bureau of Federal Credit Unions (net) 27,092 -438 -54,180 -108,116 Other -35,272 307,979 3,322,087 3,588,219 Office of the Secretary: Intragovernmental funds (net) 20,072 35,881 -42,588 437,754 Other 443,141 419,733 4,666,723 4,420,566 Total--Health, Education, and Welfare Dept. 143,664,627 167,956,662 2,295,120,476 2,070,752,943 See footnotes on page 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 TABLE III-BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES-JUNE 30, I057-Continued Classification EXPENDITURES-Continued Interior Department: Departmental offices Commission of Fine Arts Bonneville Power Administration Southeastern Power Administration Southwestern Power Administration Bureau of Land Management Bureau of Indian Affairs: Revolving fund for loans to Indians (net) Other Bureau of Reclamation: Public enterprise funds (net): Upper Colorado River Basin fund Continuing fund for emergency expenses, Fort Peck project, Montana Other Geological Survey Bureau of Mines: Development and operation of helium properties (net) Other National Park Service Fish andWildlife Service: Public enterprise fund (net) Other Office of Territories: Public enterprise funds (net): Alaska Railroad Virgin Islands Corporation Other Other13 Office of the Secretary Total-Interior Department Justice Department: Legal activities and general administration Federal Bureau of Investigation Immigration and Naturalization Service Federal Prison System: Federal Prison Industries, Inc. (net) Other Total--Justice Department Labor Department: Office of the Secretary Office of the Solicitor Bureau of Labor Standards Bureau of Veterans' Reemployment Rights Bureau of Apprenticeship and Training Bureau of Employment Security: Grants to States for employment security Unemployment compensation for Fed. employees Unemployment compensation for veterans Farm labor supply fund (net) Other Bureau of Employees' Compensation Bureau of Labor Statistics Women's Bureau Wage and Hour Division Total--Labor Department Post Office Department: Public enterprise fund (net)--Postal fund State Department: Administration of foreign affairs: Salaries and expenses Acquisition of buildings abroad Payment to Foreign Service retirement and disability fund hdragovernmental funds (net) Other See footnotes on page 15 7 This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 $563,082 $325,467 $21,614,892 $3,727,802 2,908 1,142 27,790 23,199 3,262,318 3,662,177 34,741,952 34,511,196 146,905 98,740 1,886,380 1,235,503 364,263 508,179 5,786,322 6,506,123 2,232,017 1,780,725 60,567,266 52,049,923 128,355 -1,186,755 -103,654 -927,795 6,447,072 7,314,650 91,274,679 89,345,814 924,886 8,129,788 4,921 -67,189 -781,444 -855,201 14,007,029 14,035,315 163,442,622 161,880,717 1,805,397 768,033 29,667,705 27,884,683 -146,042 14,532 -2,221,665 -1,348,875 2,125,647 1,844,761 25,517,461 20,913,183 4,806,902 4,020,103 58,505,338 44,191,180 420,470 1,394,606 4,730,936 3,732,945 47,952,994 44,194,589 201,327 -191,210 3,153,419 620,265 74,988 81,870 1,452,431 459,742 -5,589 68,236 -90,325 367,390 967,217 1,056,792 17,830,963 24,881,559 205,216 176,154 2,329,264 2,128,666 43,270,233 38,044,672 572,078,789 511,789,669 3,220,290 4,189,515 37,725,562 38,473,806 7,314,946 10,921,922 98,643,051 97,428,547 4,518,317 5,020,205 47,883,530 48,951,431 -307,903 -108,818 -2,313,259 -2,206,455 2,683,702 2,668,489 34,446,170 33,305,992 17,429,353 22,691,314 214,385,055 215,953,323 55,217 29,496 1,839,222 1,672,453 174,248 158,077 1,899,700 1,787,025 56,645 59,119 904,391 870,503 28,370 27,719 382,012 383,690 258,671 260,588 3,384,744 3,366,737 42,355,159 39,481,624 248,315,751 231,169,931 2,234,819 2,488,482 25,216,446 29,939,204 2,796,366 5,109,408 53,210,352 68,411,811 154,688 35,821 173,410 1,152,780 556,745 576,559 7,705,423 7,381,520 5,313,302 4,718,635 57,103,817 51,486,361 507,823 528,015 6,787,621 6,390,076 27,994 29,960 409,997 373,905 767,552 732,364 10,094,655 7,905,378 55,287,605 54,235,876 417,427,548 412,291,381 43,300,401 55,622,229 14 521,671,185 463,079,313 7,926,893 -459,005 15 90,081,145 65,574,964 2,381,737 963,295 11,944,113 6,286,794 1,304,000 1,236,000 291,268 249,909 -9,494 -66,998 257,083 246,079 4,994,080 11,622,242 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 8 TABLE III-BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES-JUNE 30, 1957--Continued Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 EXPENDITURES--Continued State Department -Continued International organizations and conferences: Contributions to international organizations $4,369,600 $349,826 $37,059,690 $28,370,805 Missions and contingencies 268,975 190,075 2,636,470 3,105,874 International commissions 350,425 279,629 4,958,238 3,422,431 Educational exchange 922,935 605,737 18,250,469 19,540,071 Other 113,883 18,658 3,722,294 1,971,860 Total--State Department 16,882,802 2,444,205 174,941,008 141,064,046 Treasury Department: Office of the Secretary: International Finance Corporation--subscrip- tion to capital stock 35,168,000 Public enterprise funds (net): Federal Facilities Corporation -18,703 -3,014,702 -10,300,834 49,402,053 Reconstruction Finance Corp. liquidation 1,408,941 -1,525,305 -51,163,207 433,945,138 Civil defense loan program -6,158 -11,081 -803,618 478,920 Other Bureau of Accounts: 225,382 221,887 2,904,713 2,866,462 Interest on uninvested funds Payment of certified claims: 16 87,716 81,661 6,264,507 5,869,992 Department of Defense 80,833 17,082,743 28,412,712 205,520,884 Other agencies 1,874,737 1,320,609 7,061,937 Payment to unemployment trust fund 71,195,220 81,030,894 71,195,220 167,807,591 Private relief acts, judgments, and other claims 812,620 1,870,371 8,565,848 15,685,353 Government losses in shipment fund (net) 198 3,356 45,514 47,396 Salaries and expenses 1,417,858 1,197,869 19,117,891 18,439,890 Bureau of the Public Debt 3,106,487 5,147,240 45,956,847 47,371,141 Office of the Treasurer: Check forgery insurance fund (net) -5,867 -2,771 -4,113 -9,109 Other 2,071,309 2,203,231 15,090,751 15,324,442 Bureau of Customs. 3,503,083 3,322,685 44,023,132 44,468,919 Internal Revenue Service: Interest on refunds of taxes 4,897,183 4,566,932 57,008,674 53,746,793 Payments to Samoa and Puerto Rico for taxes collected 2,219,878 1,863,034 19,194,672 18,071,768 Salaries and expenses 23,966,672 23,042,055 305,131,677 303,979,900 Bureau of Narcotics 280,702 227,367 3,284,339 3,139,789 United States Secret Service 360,001 352,698 4,568,929 4,432,083 Bureau of the Mint 538,695 438,762 5,067,123 4,268,965 Bureau of Engraving and Printing (net) -103,605 -1,212,189 1,035,763 -439,083 Coast Guard: Intragovernmental funds (net) 497,271 413,807 411,538 2,295,371 Other 18,156,628 17,997,920 193,761,993 186,346,724 Interest on the public debt: Public issues" 534,777,838 503,760,956 6,007,901,642 5,648,157,075 Special issues 17 111,095,832 98,726,254 1,240,682,926 1,138,441,787 Total--Treasury Department 777,748,138 759,660,417 8,053,843,255 7,719,163,965 Xstrict of Columbia: Federal payment 22,558,650 19,892,700 Loans to District of Columbia for capital outlay 500,003 300,000 3,900,000 2,300,000 Inclassified expenditure transfers" 60,542 4,429 Total budget expenditures 6,189,973,506 6,936,812,346 69,344,147,962 66,539,776,178 tudget surplus (+) or deficit (-) +5,458,013,578 +4,664,084,447 +1,644,549,367 +1,625,553,403 ti See footnotes on page 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 TABLE IV-TRUST AND OTHER RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES-JUNE 30, 1957 9 Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 RECEIPTS Legislative Branch: Payments from general fund $72,730 $68,367 $145,395 $126,894 Other 58,705 104,607 1,220,284 1,625,123 The Judiciary'. Judicial survivors annuity fund: Contributions 23,130 1,007,752 Interest and profits on investments Funds appropriated to the President 34,236,045 8,376,476 241,438,424 107,455,002 Independent Offices: Civil Service Commission: Civil Service retirement and disability fund: Interest and profit on investment 216,667,795 202,843,663 220,793,978 211,829,113 Deductions from employees salaries, etc 52,867,578 45,108,720 640,365,534 570,953,817 Payments from other funds: Appropriation specifically for payment to the fund 525,000,000 233,000,000 District of Columbia 259,358 2,655,748 2,640,000 Appropriations and funds available for payment of employees 153,129 2,976,914 1,612,793 Railroad Retirement Board: Railroad retirement account: Transfers (Railroad Act taxes): Appropriated 46,468,892 51,333,674 617,235,216 630,905,624 Unappropriated 5,569,455 2,405,333 -1,321,699 3,356,232 Interest on investments 92,906,471 96,430,683 106,656,703 105,011,507 Unemployment insurance contribution for administrative expenses -1,838,793 -2,586,971 6,870,799 6,416,295 Veterans Administration: Government life insurance fund: Interest on investments 40,761,004 41,414,152 41,638,209 42,191,037 Premiums and other receipts 2,195,083 1,746,883 28,209,528 30,327,905 National Service life insurance fund: Interest on investments 162,468,149 159,612,938 163,367,656 160,669,823 Premiums and other receipts 35,204,279 34,442,058 426,888,348 410,211,037 Payments from general fund 1,595,958 2,699,582 18,432,978 78,426,936 Other 82,410 122,382 1,553,069 1,387,015 Other Independent Offices 1,269 2,255 19 -16,766,241 62,485 3eneral Services Administration 7,866 3,849 50,361 24,672 kgriculture Department 2,835,755 2,516,120 35,972,040 35,643,323 30mmerce Department: Highway trust fund: Transfers (Highway Revenue Act of 1956) 20?? 137,200,000 1,478,925,050 Interest and profits on investments 3,094,002 3,094,002 Other 415,530 447,747 7,541,535 5,484,950 3efense Department: Military functions 21 -2,135,961 1,628,457 1,515,241 12,457,834 Civil functions: Payments from general fund 21 -6,169,039 2,797,136 1,943,128 Other " 9,682,482 1,041,233 20,727,480 18,553,566 Iealth, Education and Welfare Department nterior Department: 3,699 3,319 93,729 71,624 Indian tribal funds 2,716,913 2,657,994 104,136,385 57,080,735 Payments from general fund 2,730 1,156,034 4,034,701 5,297,587 Other 425,260 714,552 5,229,084 4,292,396 Jabor Department itate Department: 2,016 20,862 74,787 132,770 Foreign Service retirement fund: Deductions from salaries and other receipts 206,355 366,678 3,204,812 3,475,029 Interest on investments 804,356 637,022 849,009 682,021 Payments from general fund 1,304,000 1,236,000 Other 5,813 4,937 396,601 2,175,712 Treasury Department: Federal disability insurance trust fund: Transfers from general fund receipts 65,549,859 333,276,574 Deposits by States 149,194 3,884,805 Payments by Railroad Retirement Board Interest on investments 1,363,466 1,363,466 Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund: Transfer from general fund receipts 470,130,941 549,194,839 6,301,190,672 6,336,804,603 Deposits by States 920,357 2,896,505 296,886,044 171,565,577 Interest on investments 228,476,674 206,196,371 555,338,178 487,450,075 Interest payments from railroad retirement account 5,220,000 7,439,000 Other 9,461 13,580 156,543 131,867 Unemployment trust fund: Deposits by States 16,122,179 16,464,899 1,541,558,428 1,330,147,249 Federal unemployment account (payments from general fund) 71,195,220 81,030,894 71,195,230 167,807,591 Interest on investments 99,742,404 87,400,322 224,849,178 198,912,838 Railroad unemployment insurance account: Deposits by Railroad Retirement Board 10,451,330 5,284,873 71,023,246 27,627,031 Transfer of receipts from railroad unem- ployment insurance administration fund 3,000,000 3,400,000 3,137,452 3,606,203 Other ristrict of Columbia: 249,765 745,052 22,421,511 21,317,171 Revenues from taxes, etc 8,905,125 7,601,961 169,059,565 156,069,099 Payments.from general fund: Federal contribution 22,558,650 19,892,703 Loans for capital outlay 500,000 300,000 3,900,000 2,300,000 Other loans and grants 701,630 881,939 39,600,888 7,434,733 Total trust fund receipts 1,816,318,039 1,616,737,906 14,364,934,989 11,685,265,741 ricrement resulting from 1.w:intim in the weight of ' the gold dollar .- 89 235 6,330 11,155 Total receipts 1,816,318,129 1,616,738,141 14,364,941,330 11,685,276,896 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 10 TABLE 1V-TRUST AND OTHER RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES-JUNE 30, I957--Continued Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal' year 1956 EXPENDITURES Legislative Branch The Judiciary-Judicial survivors annuity fund Funds appropriated to the President Independent Offices: Civil Service Commission: Civil Service retirement fund Federal employees insurance fund (net) Farm Credit Administration: Federal intermediate credit banks (net) 22 National Capital Housing Authority (net) Railroad Retirement Board: Railroad retirement account: Administrative expenses Benefit payments, etc Payment to Fed, old-age and surv. ins. tr. fd Unemployment insurance administration fund ... Veterans Administration: Government life insurance fund-Benefits, refunds, etc National service life insurance fund-Benefits, refunds and dividends Other Other Independent Offices General Services Administration: Trust enterprise funds (net) Other Housing and Home Finance Agency: Federal National Mortgage Association: Loans for secondary market operations (net)" Other (net) Agriculture Department: Trust enterprise funds (net) Other Commerce Department: Highway Trust Fund: Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 24 Reimbursement to general fund Refunds and labor standards Other Defense Department: Military functions Civil functions: Trust enterprise funds (net) Other Health, Education and Welfare Department Interior Department: Indian tribal funds Other Justice Department Labor Department State Department: Foreign Service retirement fund Other Treasury Department: Federal disability insurance trust fund: Administrative expenses-reimbursement to Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Payments to general fund: Administrative expenses Refunds of taxes Benefit payments Other Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund: Administrative expenses--Bureau of Old-Age and Survivors Insurance Payments to general fund: Administrative expenses Refunds of overpayments of payroll tax receipts Benefit payments Construction Unemployment trust fund: Railroad unemployment insurance account State accounts-withdrawals by States Trust enterprise funds (net) Other District of Columbia Deposit fund accounts (net): District of Columbia Government sponsored enterprises: Investments in public debt securities, net in- vestment (+) or sales (-) Sales and redemptions of obligations in market, net sales (-) or redemptions (+) Other Indian tribal funds Other Total trust and deposit fund expenditures Payment of melting losses on gold Total expenditures Excess of trust and other receipts (+) or expenditures(-) $89,940 20,887 12,585,748 53,584,521 -217,423 43,404,051 661,537 357,708 58,161,087 636,991 11,255,271 40,767,374 209,478 1,262,093 3,178 3,580 46,580,225 53,335,012 -85,096 3,603,185 121,434,557 759,758 62,703 -3,560 2,411,854 4,474 5,241,015 548,535 -1,848,679 21,800 209,461 40,755 216,175 10,422,579 2,341,290 640,020,873 91 8,134,316 121,502,633 286,494 16,751,626 80,727 +19,225,000 -64,245,400 46,031,088 -3,052,392 30,539,651 $73,907 6,995,815 46,305,896 -571,492 652,336 526,269 51,069,681 476,038 10,050,962 41,783,527 147,907 2,499,660 -205 3,779 -29,619,994 28,385,450 256,265 3,325,803 380,947 651,809 -3,043 2,842,598 3,856 6,397,631 275,346 -34,846,289 25,170 194,858 36,708 6,857,292 2,394,226 480,708,358 1,422 5,638,775 111,655,000 642 6,012,543 11,980,094 720,827 -17,400,000 -37,470,400 58,690,679 3,077,650 -11,797,735 $1,075,615 198,819 92,305,813 588,073,111 -4,777,151 126,494,926 -446,087 7,078,120 669,735,708 5,220,000 7,050,204 86,883,258 516,166,205 2,066,613 11,198,592 8,055 161,822 41,247,495 937,990,072 155,554 37,563,569 618,380,994 347,692,375 " 316,829 6,107,647 987,116 -8,598 20,735,896 70,083 53,689,012 4,672,475 -2,954,701 146,792 2,476,0'76 472,397 1,304,992 119,024,318 30,852,582 58,190,000 6,514,580,758 336,762 133,148,274 1,510,749,527 361,536 8,698,647 197,396,002 -812,760 +39,284,000 -85,796,000 40,953,151 -1,914,682 224,941,949 $983,476 143,426,914 504,247,302 -3,466,434 512,425 6,788,391 596,404,204 7,439,000 6,791,582 87,293,577 511,972,574 1,253,318 10,668,201 -3,942 112,381 -94,481,309 206,143,144 1,149,154 32,589,370 4,177,402 2,258,445 -3,043 15,215,644 49,990 56,276,447 3,501,517 -50,815,262 172,399 2,428,450 226,947 93,707,121 30,701,577 66,000,000 5,360,813,247 61,876 105,682,524 1,286,964,000 22,804 15,184,954 184,777,842 76,596 +548,011,000 -872,132,400 333,623,981 404,585 228,109,614 1,283,356,790 759,390,581 12,969,533,780 9,435,321,600 217 139 217 1,283,356,790 759,390,798 12,969,533,920 9,435,321,817 +532,961,338 +857,347,343 +1,395,407,400 +2,249,955,079 See footnotes on page 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 JUNE 30, 1957 TABLE V--INVESTMENTS OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES IN PUBLIC DEBT SECURITIES (NET) (Including certain guaranteed securities) II Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 Trust accounts, etc: Federal disability insurance trust fund $74,663,000 $325,363,000 Federal employees' insurance fund........ ...... 998,000 -$4,082 5,376,000 $1,495,000 Federal employees' retirement funds 219,502,600 207,161,256 803,307,600 547,699,000 Federal intermediate credit banks 26 99,330,700 Federal old-age and survivors insurance tr. Id... 56,923,016 473,767,396 220,287,146 1,462,539,683 Highway trust fund 46,694,000 404,444,000 Judicial survivors annuity fund 760,000 Railroad retirement account 80,609,000 97,570,169 35,553,000 120,602,000 Unemployment trust fund 6,051,800 15,957,296 274,186,779 257,674,417 Veterans' life insurance funds: Government life insurance fund 35,594,000 33,148,003 -16,406,000 -15,852,000 National service life insurance fund 154,212,000 153,440,000 89,242,000 135,440,000 Other 13,694,350 -1,578,898 21,503,030 6,624,825 Public enterprise funds: Federal Housing Administration: Public debt securities 12,026,000 13,423,339 78,220,500 55,991,000 Guaranteed securities 12,937,800 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp 3,003,000 3,000,000 18,500,000 15,000,000 Federal National Mortgage Association: Guaranteed securities 2,773,300 8,500,100 25,192,450 9,580,950 Other 1,548,000 -495,400 26 -85,421,050 7,232,150 Net investments, or sales (-) 708,319,066 1,003,889,178 2,299,439,155 2,616,964,826 MEMORANDUM' 7 (Included in Table IV) Government sponsored enterprises: Banks for cooperatives -4,700,000 1,800,000 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 12,000,000 12,900,000 103,800,000 104,000,000 Federal home loan banks 11,925,000 -.30,300,000 -66,816,000 424,574,000 Federal land banks 500,000 19,437,000 TABLE VI--SALES AND REDEMPTIONS OF OBLIGATIONS OF GOVERNMENT AGENCIES IN MARKET (NET) Public enterprise funds: Guaranteed by the United States: Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation $2,000 $3,100 $29,300 $38,000 Federal Housing Administration -3,916,100 -11,980,350 43,333,250 -29,843,113 Home Owners' Loan Corporation 75 3,075 54,475 59,600 Not guaranteed by the United States: Federal intermediate credit banks -39,445,000 135,860,000 -43,685,000 Federal National Mortgage Association (management and liquidation program) Home Owners' Loan Corporation 675 1,350 Trust enterprise funds: Not guaranteed by the United States: Federal intermediate credit banks -43,130,000 -237,360,000 Federal National Mortgage Association (secondary market operations) -99,800,000 -950,110,000 -100,000,000 Net redemptions, or sales (-) 446,844,025 -51,419,175 -1,084,858,800 -173,429,163 MEMORANDUM '7 (Included in Table IV) Government sponsored enterprises: Not guaranteed by the United States: Banks for cooperatives -4,485,000 -22,800,000 -46,075,000 -22,700,000 Federal home loan banks -60,360,000 -15,950,000 190,505,000 -588,500,000 Federal land banks 599,600 1,279,600 -230,226,000 -260,932,400 See footnotes on page 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 JUNE 30, 1957 12 TABLE VII--CHANGES IN THE PUBLIC DEBT (Includes exchanges) Classification This month Corresponding month last year Fiscal Year 1957 to date Corresponding period fiscal year 1956 Increase (+) or decrease (-) in the gross public debt: Public issues: Marketable obligations: Certificates of indebtedness -$1,306,338,900 -$4,303,342,000 44,022,299,600 42,593,090,800 Treasury bills -3,336,372,000 -2,170,000 +2,637,751,000 +1,300,746,000 Treasury bonds -8,060,250 -6,224,850 -1,064,910,950 +645,446,550 Treasury notes +41,369,500 -156,261,200 -4,976,451,350 -4,776,402,600 Other -68,619 -147,337 -603,221 -21,533,051 Total marketable obligations 4,609,470,269 -4,468,145,387 +618,085,079 -258,652,301 Non-marketable obligations: Treasury bonds, investment series -67,540,000 -28,541,000 -874,135,000 -579,092,000 Treasury tax and savings notes -521,250 -3,435,800 -10,064,675 -.1,906,596,125 United States savings bonds -589,871,264 -252,751,599 -2,860,869,656 -785,818,964 Other -128,014,264 +1,586,308 -792,936,506 +61,825,228 Total non-marketable obligations -785,946,778 -283,142,090 -4,538,005,837 4,209,681,861 Total public issues -5,395,417,048 -4,751,287,477 -3,919,920,758 .3,468,334,162 Special issues 4690,380,660 +774,639,000 +1,713,323,600 +1,863,631,000 Other obligations -1,579,600 -1,793,000 -17,044,594 -18,705,991 Change in gross public debt -4,706,616,048 -3,978,441,477 -2,223,641,752 -1,623,409,153 TABLE VIII?EFFECT OF OPERATIONS ON PUBLIC DEBT Budget surplus (-) or deficit (+) Excess of trust and other receipts (-) or expenditures (+) Excess of investments (+) or sales (-) of Govern- ment agencies in public debt securities (net) Excess of redemptions (+) or sales (-) of obliga- tions of Government agencies in market (net),, Increase (-) or decrease (+) in checks outstanding and deposits in transit (net). Increase (-) or decrease (+) in public debt interest -$5,458,013,578 -532,961,338 +708,319,066 .446,844,025 -1,346,184,438 -$4,664,084,447 -857,347,343 +1,003,889,178 41,419,175 28-603,933,483 -$1,644,549,367 -1,395,407,400 +2,299,439,155 4,084,858,800 -2,105,911,025 -$1,625,553,403 .4,249,955,079 +2,618,964,826 .473,429,163 438,869,442 due and accrued +730,248,171 +953,107,772 -.235,358,208 +15,290,726 Increase (+) or decrease (-) in cash held outside Treasurer's account28 +87,794,402 -45,455,656 +28,550,606 -.202,133,123 Increase (+) or decrease (-) in balance of Treasurer's account -249,922,542 +286,801,677 -956,231,505 4330,518,820 Net change in all other accounts +1,520,948,233 (28) +2,870,684,793 4303,756,686 Increase (+) or decrease (-) in public debt -4,706,616,048 -3,978,441,477 -2,223,641,752 -1,623,409,153 Dross debt at beginning of period 275,233,787,944 276,729,255,127 272,750,813,649 274,374,222,802 aross public debt at end of period 270,527,171,896 272,750,813,649 270,527,171,896 272,750,813,649 Duaranteed obligations of Government agencies, not owned by Treasury 107,137,950 73,888,475 107,137,950 73,888,475 Total public debt and guaranteed obligations 270,634,309,846 272,824,702,124 270,634,309,846 272,824,702,124 Deduct: Debt not subject to statutory limitation 445,988,759 463,485,675 445,988,759 463,485,675 Total debt subject to statutory limitation 270,188,321,086 272,361,216,449 270,188,321,086 272,361,216,449 See footnotes on page 15 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 ? TABLE 1X-SUMMARY OF PUBLIC DEBT AND GUARANTEED OBLIGATIONS OUTSTANDING JUNE 30, 1957 AND COMPARATIVE FIGURES FOR JUNE 30, 1956 13 Title June 30, 1957 June 30, 1956 Average in- terest rate Amount outstanding Average in- terest rate Amount outstanding Public debt: Interest-bearing debt: Public issues: Marketable obligations: Percent Percent Treasury bills (regular series) a 3.218 $21,919,127,000 a 2.654 $20,808,148,000 Treasury bills (tax anticipation series) a 2.891 1,500,704,000 Certificates of indebtedness (regular series) 3.345 20,472,685,000 2.625 16,302,697,000 Treasury notes 2.504 30,973,457,000 2.075 35,952,036,000 Treasury bonds 2.482 80,789,270,550 2.485 81,839,908,700 Other bonds ., Total marketable obligations 3.000 2.707 49,800 000 3.000 2.427 49,800,000 155,705,013,550 154,952,589,700 Non-marketable obligations: United States savings bonds 2.880 54,622,001,126 2.848 57,496,722,440 Depositary bonds 2.000 195,948,000 2.000 310,374,500 Treasury bonds, investment series 2.731 11,135,343,000 2.731 12.009,478,000 Total non-marketable obligations 2.853 65,953,292,126 2.824 69,816,574,940 Total public issues 2.750 221,658,335,676 2.551 224,769,164,640 Special issues: Adjusted service certificate fund 4.000 4,580,000 Canal Zone, Postal Savings System 2.000 400,000 2.000 900,000 Civil service retirement fund 2.500 7,371,946,000 3.089 6,647,474,000 Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation 2.000 717,503,000 2.000 672,700,000 Federal disability insurance trust fund ...... ....... 2.500 325,363,000 Federal home loan banks 2.101 50,000,000 2.000 51,800,000 Federal Housing Administration funds 2.000 89,241,000 2.000 87,191,000 Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund 2.500 19,462,885,000 2.500 19,466,609,000 Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation 2.000 102,690,000 2.000 103,190,000 Foreign service retirement fund 3.951 22,387,000 3.951 19,451,400 Government life insurance fund 3.500 1,200,427,000 3.500 1,216,833,000 Highway trust fund 2.625 401,444,000 National service life insurance fund 3.000 5,570,310,000 3.000 5,481,068,000 Postal Savings System 2.000 4,800,000 2.000 4,800,000 Railroad retirement account 3.000 3,475,108,000 3.000 3,600,405,000 Unemployment trust fund 2.625 7,995,644,000 2.500 7,736,668,000 Veterans special term insurance fund 2.625 34,082,000 2.375 20,234,000 Total special issues 2.635 46,827,227,000 2.705 45,113,903,400 Total interest-bearing debt 2.730 268,485,562,676 2.576 269,883,068,040 Matured debt on which interest has ceased 529,241,585 666,051,697 Debt bearing no interest: International Monetary Fund 1 ,068,000,000 1,742,000,000 Other 444,367,634 459,693,911 Total gross public debt 270,527,171,896 272,750,813,649 Guaranteed obligations not owned by the Treasury: Interest-bearing debt 2.611 106,434,150 2.606 73,100,900 Matured debt on which interest has ceased 703,800 787,575 Total guaranteed Obligations not owned by the Treasury 107,137,950 73,888.475 Total gross public debt and guaranteed obligations 270,634,309,846 272,824,702,124 a Computed on true discount basis. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 14 TABLE X-SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURE194F PUBLIC ENTERPRISE (REVOLVING) FUNDS--JUNE 30, 1957 (Included in Table III on a net basis) Classificationfiscal Fiscal year 1957 to date Corresponding year 1956 Net receipts (-) or expenditures Receipts Expenditures Net receipts (-) or expenditures Funds appropriated to the President: Expansion of defense production $141,182,025 $270,968,312 $129,786,287 $237,037,834 Mutual security: Discharge of investment guarantee liabilities: Foreign investment guarantee fund 2,500,551 1,189,336 -1,311,214 3,477,190 Informational media guarantee fund 4,194,213 7,861,942 3,667,728 Total--Funds appropriated to the President.... 147,876,790 280,019,591 132,142,800 240,515,025 Independent Offices: Atomic Energy Commission-Defense production guarantees 145,119 794 444,325 -129,891 Export-Import Bank of Washington 392,193,562 292,219,280 -99,974,282 -90,224,630 Farm Credit Administration: Federal Farm Mortgage Corporation 641,546 84,789 -556,757 -2,310,635 Federal intermediate credit banks: Operating fund 430,809,901 364,174,778 -66;635,123 42,980,037 Investment fund Production credit corporation fund 6,436,807 46,559,889 40,123,081 -8,724 Production credit associations investment fund 10,000 50,000 40,000 Agricultural marketing revolving fund 2,735,507 -2,735,50'7 -93,897 Total--Farm Credit Administration 440,633,764 410,869,457 -29,764,307 40,566,779 Federal Civil Defense Administration--Civil defense procurement fund 1,789,019 1,056,118 -732,901 -68,836 Federal Home Loan Bank Board: Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. 34,146,143 783,347 -33,362,796 -27,445,577 Other 5,030,673 5,007,184 -23,488 -128,913 National Science Foundation 59,927 546,303 486,375 1,526,309 Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation 709,620 37,679,765 36,970,145 8,607,401 Small Business Administration 38,026,912 112,154,723 74,127,810 52,508,375 Tennessee Valley Authority 271,374,794 264,681,919 -6,692,874 -9,396,129 Veterans Administration 112,308,522 174,569,127 62,260,604 41,894,743 Total-Independent Offices 1,296,418,061 1,299,568,021 3,149,959 17,709,630 General Services Administration: Real property activities 597,706 19,835 -577,871 -612,299 Defense materials activities 1,472,270 2,514,826 1,042,555 -1,327,369 Total--General Services Administration 2,069,977 2,534,662 464,684 -1,939,668 Housing and Home Finance Agency: Office of the Administrator: College housing loans 6,382,805 103,274,712 96,891,907 31,576,631 Liquidating programs 41,500,530 11,309,057 -30,191,472 -40,129,518 Urban renewal fund 16,581,531 54,771,978 38,190,446 16,322,167 Other 8,739,533 2,912,446 -5,827,086 211,846 Federal National Mortgage Association: Subscription to capital stock, secondary market operations 50,000,000 50,000,000 Loans for secondary market operations -91,247,495 -91,247,495 94,481,309 Management and liquidating functions 277,556,577 100,647,994 -176,908,583 -114,705,940 Special assistance functions 3,076,121 24,518,740 21,442,618 220,893 Federal Housing Administration 190,690,785 152,018,574 -38,642,210 -24,878,676 Public Housing Administration 251,817,231 349,845,562 98,028,331 69,498,398 Total--Housing and Home Finance Agency 796,345,117 758,081,572 -38,263,545 32 597,112 Agriculture Department: Commodity Credit Corporation: Price support and other operations 2,936,043,804 5,545,918,073 2,609,874,269 3,586,057,677 Federal Crop Insurance Corporation 16,971,632 24,279,369 7,307,736 3,173,629 Farmers' Home Administration: Disaster loans, revolving fund 82,146,518 91,806,139 9,659,621 2,792,989 Farm tenant-mortgage insurance fund 3,324,578 10,252,148 6,927,569 1,409.801 Total-Agriculture Department 3,038,486,534 5,672,255,731 2,633,769,196 3,593,434,097 Commerce Department: Maritime activities 30,339,311 46,827,473 16,488,161 -3,754,214 Inland Waterways Corporation 1,414,797 55,980 -1,358,816 -701,312 Total-Commerce Department 31,754,108 46,883,453 15,129,345 -4,455,527 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 TABLE X-SUPPLEMENTARY TABLE OF RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES OF PUBLIC ENTERPRISE (REVOLVING) FUNDS--JUNE 30, I957--Continued 15 Classification Fiscal year 1957 to date Corresponding fiscal year 1956 Net receipts (-) or expenditures Receipts Expenditures Net receipts (-) or expenditures Defense Department: Military functions: Interservice activities $70,135 $70,135 Army $779,969 257,316 -522,652 Navy 1,600,624 1,408,764 -191,860 -$1,893 Civil functions: Army: Defense production guarantees 533,390 1,155,653 622,262 851,969 Panama Canal Company 89,640,490 80,983,547 -8,656,943 11,844,391 Navy-Defense production guarantees 1,146,539 55,198 -1,091,340 -660,432 Air Force--Defense production guarantees 2,296,134 523,758 -1,772,375 791,447 Total--Defense Department 95,997,149 84,454,374 -11,542,774 12,825,482 Health, Education, and Welfare Department: Public Health Service--Operation of com- missaries, narcotic hospitals 193,721 194,074 353 -2,889 Social Security Administration--Operating fund, Bureau of Federal Credit Unions 2,128,141 2,073,961 -54,180 -108,116 Total--Health, Education, and Welfare Department , 2,321,863 2,268,036 -53,827 -111,006 Interior Department: Bureau of Indian Affairs--Loans to Indians 2,624,413 2,520,758 -103,654 -927,795 Bureau of Reclamation: Upper Colorado River Basin fund 3,516,502 11,646,291 8,129,788 Ft. Peck project, Montana 1,565,299 783,855 -781,444 -855,201 Bureau of Mines--Development and operations of helium properties 5,670,429 3,448,763 -2,221,665 -1,348,875 Fish and Wildlife Service 115 1,394,722 1,394,606 Office of Territories: Alaska Railroad 19,065,023 22,218,443 3,153,419 620,265 Virgin Islands Corporation 1,955,842 3,408,274 1,452,431 459,742 Other 93,325 3,000 -90,325 367,390 Total-Interior Department 34,490,951 45,424,107 10,933,156 -1,684,474 Labor Department--Farm labor supply fund 3,274,974 3,448,384 173,410 1,152,780 Post Office Department--Postal fund 2,543,487,435 3,065,158,620 521,671,185 463,079,313 Treasury Department: Office of the Secretary: Federal Facilities Corporation 27,504,958 17,204,124 -10,300,834 -39,402,053 Reconstruction Finance Corp. liquidation 53,384,358 2,221,151 -51,163,207 -133,945,138 Civil defense loan program 843,855 40,237 -803,618 -378,920 Bureau of Accounts: Government losses in shipment fund 710 46,224 45,514 47,396 Office of the Treasurer: Check forgery insurance fund 138,328 134,214 -4,113 -9,109 Total--Treasury Department 81,872,211 19,645,951 -62,226,259 -173,687,825 Total--Public enterprise funds 8,074,395,175 11,279,742,507 3,205,347,332 4,179,434,940 6Distribution between income taxes and employment taxes made in accordance with provisions of Sec. 201 of the Social Security Act as amended for transfer to the Federal Old-age and Survivors In- surance Trust Fund and the Federal Disability Insurance Trust Fund. 7Includes adjustment of $57,435,885 of prior year receipts from bonuses, rentals, and royalties received from oil and gas leases transferred to a deposit fund account by authority of the Comptroller General pending settlement with the state of Louisiana. 2Transfer of amounts equivalent to taxes received (included in "Excise taxes" above) are made monthly to the Highway trust fund on the basis of estimates by the Secretary of the Treasury as re- quired by Sec. 209 (c) (3) of the Highway Revenue Act of 1956. 2V/here no figures appear on certain lines there was either no activity reported or comparative figures are not available on ac- count of changes in classification. "Includes reimbursement from Disaster Loan Revolving fund in amount of $8,000,000. 11Production Credit Corporations were merged in the Federal Intermediate Credit Banks as of January 1, 1957 pursuant to the Farm Credit Act of 1956 (70 Stat. 659). The Act provided for the transfer to the banks of all the corporation's assets and liabilities except their investments in Production Credit Associations which are transferred to the Farm Credit Administration. These amounts include cash and holdings of public debt securities transferred to the merged corporation. Operations during the last half of 1957 are shown as trust transactions (as mixed ownership corporations) in Table IV on page 10. 121ncludes reimbursement from Commodity Credit Corporation in amount of $17,900,000. 13Includes adjustments due to reclassification of certain accounts transferred to "Commerce Department, Bureau of Public Roads, Other" from "Interior Department, Office of Territories, Other." "Transactions cover the period July 1, 1956 through June 30, 1957. 15Gives effect to reimbursements collected for administrative support furnished to other agencies amounting to approximately $32.277.342. 161n previous years the balances of lapsed general fund appropria- tions were consolidated in these accounts and used for payment of claims. Beginning in 1957 claims against lapsed accounts are being charged to accounts established for that purpose by the agencies administering the various appropriations. (70 Stat. 647). 17 Expenditures are stated on an accrual basis. 16Represents expenditure adjustments reported by Regional Dis- bursing Officers which have not yet been picked up in reports of other officers. 15Transfer of $17,500,000 has been made direct from the War Claims fund to miscellaneous receipts pursuant to Sec. 13 (b) and (c) of the War Claims Act of 1948. "See Footnote 8. 21 Adjustment due to reclassification. 22See Footnote 11. 23In March 1957, the Association exchanged preferred stock in the amount of $50,000,000 for notes in the same amount held by the Secretary of the Treasury in accordance with Public Law 85-10, March 27, 1957. 24Expenditures under the Federal-Aid Highway Act of 1956 are now being classified as trust expenditures since sufficient revenues have become available for reimbursement to the General Fund. 25Includes $300,000 transferred to the Labor Department, Office of Solicitor, in accordance with P. L. 855, July 31, 1956. 26Includes adjustment of $99,325,700 due to reclassification. Also see footnote 11. In addition, includes net investment of guaranteed securities in the amount of $16,650 for the Office of the Adminis- trator, Housing and Home Finance Agency. 271.1nder a revised classification, the security transactions of Government-sponsored enterprises are included in deposit fund ac- counts (net) and excluded from net sales or investments of Govern- ment agencies in public debt securities and net sales or redemptions of obligations of Government agencies in the market. 28 Distribution as between these two classifications is not avail- able. 29 Represents changes in cash on hand, in banks held outside the Treasurer's account, deposits in trLnsit and cash payments not yet covered by vouchers processed through accounts. Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 I6 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3 TABLE XI-COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF BUDGET RECEIPTS AND EXPENDITURES BY MONTHS OF THE FISCAL YEAR 1957 (Figures are rounded in millions of dollars and may not add to totals.) Classification July Au- gust Sep- tem- ber Octo- ber No- gem- ber De- ce- cern- ber , ...,u_ ":" '''' Feb- ru- ary March April May June Cumu- lative thru June 1957 Com- parable period F. Y. 1956 BUDGET RECEIPTS Internal Revenue: Individual income taxes withheld $988 $3,415 $1,935 $1,282 $3,333 $2,067 $1,025 $3,838 $2,083 $819 $3,690 $2,235 $26,710 $24,012 Individual income taxes-other 457 125 1,752 244 103 324 2,101 871 785 2,827 897 1,818 12,302 11,322 Corporation income taxes 837 352 1,709 451 380 1,825 461 445 7,327 520 502 6,722 21,531 21,299 Excise taxes 827 910 805 1,033 936 815 856 874 931 812 965 892 10,655 10,004 Employment taxes 320 881 451 207 662 355 316 1,160 692 633 1,314 589 7,581 7,296 Estate and gift taxes 119 112 69 113 85 '79 120 92 131 194 161 102 1,378 1,171 Internal revenue not otherwise classified 24 8 -5 3 -7 (*) 2 -3 (*) 2 20 -29 16 5 Customs 63 64 60 75 63 59 64 53 66 65 64 58 '754 705 Miscellaneous receipts 292 93 122 250 150 374 333 157 129 270 147 392 2,709 3,006 Gross budget receipts 3,927 5,959 6,897 3,660 5,705 5,898 5,279 7,486 12,145 6,142 7,759 12,779 83,635 78,820 Deduct: Transfers to Federal old-age and survivors insurance trust fund Transfers to Federal disability 295 799 397 182 587 299 255 755 566 586 1,111 470 6,301 6,337 insurance trust fund 52 66 31 119 66 333 Transfers to Highway trust fund 10 150 175 164 144 141 205 120 124 109 137 1,479 Transfers to Railroad Retirement acct 23 81 53 25 74 55 21 83 50 15 83 52 616 634 Refunds of receipts 124 115 79 95 62 -12 52 203 606 1,130 1,057 406 3,917 3,684 Total deductions 442 1,005 679 476 888 486 470 1,298 1,408 1,886 2,478 1,131 12,647 10,655 Net budget receipts 3,485 4,954 6,218 3,184 4,818 5,412 4,809 6,188 10,737 4,256 5,282 11,648 70,989 68,165 Comparable totals F. Y. 1956 2,765 4,734 5,498 2,692 4,662 4,889 4,684 6,195 11,313 4,082 5,050 11,601 68,165 BUDGET EXPENDITURES Legislative Branch 11 9 8 10 7 8 8 6 3 9 7 9 97 85 The Judiciary 3 2 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 3 5 3 39 37 Executive Office of the President 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10 10 Funds appropriated to the President: Military assistance 298 157 96 160 101 103 177 147 251 154 279 397 2,319 2,611 Other mutual security programs 122 125 148 131 136 120 130 113 124 129 151 163 1,593 1,590 Other 10 23 16 9 8 5 14 26 31 7 15 -4 161 272 Independent Offices: Atomic Energy Commission 140 163 149 164 160 153 181 150 169 183 184 196 1,994 1,651 Veterans Administration 363 367 348 396 408 406 409 409 416 421 448 414 4,805 4,731 Other 525 53 1 -28 8 19 121 54 29 23 57 50 912 601 General Services Administration 39 53 44 34 43 50 54 38 34 41 41 100 570 523 Housing and Home Finance Agency 87 -80 11 45 110 98 -40 140 -162 -148 -43 -51 -31 39 Agriculture Department 218 568 243 583 408 464 469 323 406 475 317 547 5,021 5,177 Commerce Department 106 143 -28 -40 49 45 36 49 47 45 61 47 563 1,294 Defense Department: Military functions 2,368 3,211 2,887 3,399 3,250 3,260 3,358 3,228 3,239 3,475 3,420 3,162 38,257 35,791 Civil functions 47 66 50 65 83 46 49 35 38 52 49 59 639 573 Undistributed foreign transactions 112 8 -17 29 -2 28 -8 20 -19 '72 -100 -3 120 Health Education and Welfare Dept... 185 204 184 205 177 171 220 212 183 228 182 144 2,295 2,071 Interior Department 43 61 55 49 56 44 39 54 39 39 52 43 572 512 Justice Department 17 16 17 18 22 16 17 16 18 18 22 17 214 216 Labor Department 31 52 14 71 14 13 74 19 17 39 18 55 417 412 Post Office Department 62 21 46 24 35 -22 65 48 64 44 93 43 522 463 State Department 36 16 10 14 15 11 15 17 3 14 6 1'7 175 141 Treasury Department: -- .- Interest' on the public debt 627 567 570 582 580 631 651 585 601 604 604 646 7,249 6,78'7 Interest on refunds of taxes 4 5 4 6 5 3 3 6 4 6 5 5 57 54 Other , ? 63 90 57 63 47 42 45 44 44 52 74 127 748 879 District,of Columbia (general fund) 23 1 1 1 1 (*) 1 1 26 22 Unclassified expenditure transfers (*) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) (a) Total budget expenditures.. 5,542 5,902 4,918 5,995 5,726 5,718 6,095 5,743 5,584 5,987 5,944 6,190 69,344 66,540 Comparable totals F. Y. 1956 5,382 6,225 5,340 5,355 5,172 5,651 5,274 4,950 5,399 5,387 5,467 6,937 66,540 Budget surplus (+) or deficit (-) .......-2,057 -948 +1,300 -2,812 -908 -307 -1,286 +446 +5,153 -1,731 -662 +5,458 +1,645 +1,626 Comparable totals F. Y. 1956 -2,617 -1,491 +158 -2,663 -510 -761 -590 +1,245+5,914 -1,306 -417 +4,664 +1,626 *Less than $500,000, Source: Prepared by the United States Treasury Department on the basis of reports received from Govt. disbursing and collecting agencies For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U. S. Government Printing Office, Washington 25, D. C. Subscription price $6.00 per year (domestic), $11.50 per year (foreign), includes all issues of the daily and monthly Treasury statements; no single copies are sold. GP 0 g 27296 Declassified and Approved For Release 2013/03/19: CIA-RDP86T00268R000100010009-3