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Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Administration Career Trainee Program (ACT) Ffi: E. Fitzwater EXTENSION NO. DDA 84-0036/1 Deputy Director for Administration ,- DATE ST 7D 24 Hqs 15 February 1984 d b TO d er, an esignation, room num : (Oicer building) DATE OFFICER'S COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom RECEIVED FORWARDED INITIALS to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) xecutive Director Chuck: 7D 55Hc~s f d rom um Attached is a memoran 2 me to the DA Office Directors concerning the Administration CT ACT i a . Program wh ch we re calling 3' Also attached is a DA CT background paper that might be of interest to 4. you, - As you may be aware, the DA ha f i d i h CT P i rogram or part pate n t e c 5. many years. Some Offices have had greater participation than others. f i in h d d Most o to. o our CT tra n g a 6. with operations. On 21 January 198 I tasked our CID to study ways to i i ' s mprove our profess onal employee 7. career development. A Task Force headed by the 040 provided several i deas and recommendations to improvi 8. career development. The Task Force concluded that the best plan was to l I start with new employees and ensure 9. that they received proper training from entry on duty. Not only shout they understand operations but also 10, receive.generalist training that would help them with their careers tu. in this Directorate. Actually, what we are proposing to do is I increase the participation by more 12. DDA:HEFitzwater:kmg (15 Feb 84) DA Offices than have participated than have participated Distribution: in the past and to formalize traini Orig PRS - EXDIR (by hand) w/atts that has existed but in a piecemeal 13. 1 - ER w/atts 1 - DDA subj`w/atts fashion.. STAT 1 - DDA Chrono 14 1 - HEF Chrono { Ha is Atts ~~._.. DC AXE FORM 610 USE PREVIOUS 97~ EDITIONS - AT. p-,2w Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 - Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 r 1911, rut, i 19, b- -4 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director of Communications Director of Data Processing Director of Finance Director of Information Services Director of Logistics Director of Medical Services Director of Personnel Director of Security Director of Training and Education FROM: Harry E. Fitzwater Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Administration Career Trainee Program (ACT) 1. During the past year we have given considerable, thought and attention to the concept of using the Career Trainee Program as a source of professional employees for DDA Offices. We are now ready to formalize our ideas, develop plans and take necessary action. 2. In order to implement the coordinated use of Career Trainees in the Administration Directorate, I have approved the following program: TITLE: Administration Career Trainee Program (ACT) OBJECTIVES: The ACT Program is being established in order' to ensure the input of high quality junior professional employees for DDA Offices and the MG Career Subgroup through the Career Trainee Program; broaden the perspectives of future office managers; and to foster the mutual under- C> and achievement of Agency goals. ADMINISTRATION: The DDA Career Management Staff (CMS) will be responsible for overall coordination and implementation of the ACT Program. Initial administrative provisions include the following: - Office Directors and the MG Subgroup will determine the proportion of new professional employees required to enter their respective organizations annually to meet Program objectives- _ Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 - CMS will obtain annual input requirements from DDA Offices, maintain records of participants and prepare periodic reports of Program accomplishments. - Participants will be selected by DDA Offices and the MG Subgroup from both internal and external candidates who meet appropriate CT standards. - Pay rates will be established in accordance with CT guidelines. - Participants will be assigned to a Training Development Complement of the sponsoring Career Subgroup during the first year of CT training and interim assignments. - Formal training will consist of the Career Trainee Development Course (10 weeks), a new DA Professional Orientation Course (about 4 weeks), and possibly some Field Operations Training (1-2 weeks). . Interim Assignments (2 or 3) of 12 weeks each will be provided for each participant. Participation in ACT will be completed three years after entrance on duty.. A brief evaluation will be prepared at that time by both the employee and the Career Subgroup reflecting the relative success of the Program on the individual in meeting overall objectives. Consideration will be given to offering a short review course (possibly one week) as the program is concluded so that participants can exchange views and reinforce the total developmental experience. 3. The positions r e quiredl for Career Trainees during the one year period of training and interim assignments will be described in an appropriate budget submission and additional ceiling requested for FY 86 or the first available opportunity. In the interim, the sponsoring components will have to absorb the charge to personnel ceiling. 4. Our initial goal was 25 ACT participants for FY 1984. Thus far we have three on duty and several are already committed for the April 1984 CT class. The Office of Personnel will be referring likely ACT candidates to the Chief, CIS who will be 2 - Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 responsible for expediting review by individual DDA Offices as appropriate. It is requested that you notify the Chief, CMS as soon as possible of the number of ACT participants you need for the balance of FY 1984 and of the particular skills, experience and education that you will require. Hit y E. t~pzwater Distribution: Orig - DDA/CMS Subject 1 - cy each addressee 1 - DDA CMS Chrono DDA/CMS pas (20 January 1984) STAT STAT Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 ADMINISTRATION CAREER TDRAINEE PROGRAM The Career Training Program is virtually the only selection,. entry and training program for Operations Directorate junior officers. It, also serves as 'the entry program for some DDA, DDI and DDSET officers, Its objective i.s the careful selection, .extensive training, and job placement of junior officers to optimize the individual's work performance and job satisfaction. The use of CT's in DDA Offices and the MG Career Service has involved three basic stages. In January 1965 the first group of entered on duty for the support services. The concept was that is CT's would start as generalists, serve overseas as support officers in small stations and after about six years they would pick a specific ' career field in one of the DDA Offices. By February 1968 approximately 125 CT's had been hired under the generalist concept, It was necessary to change the policy at that time because. ceiling reductions and BALPA sharply reduced the number of general aIministrative positions overseas. In the second stage the CT's began as members of a functional support career service, acquired :he professional skills of that Career Service, and moved uT) their managerial path. The second stage of DDA participation in the CT Program did not last very long. There was a need to absorb a large number of the g neralists into the functional specialties within the DDA Offices, _-en personnel reductions in-the ensuing years severely reduced the input of junior officers. The third stage that followed has been relatively unstructured from a directorate standpoint with the DDA C_fices and iIG Career Service each participating independently and on a very limited scale, Today there are several very good reasons why the Administration -rectorate needs to re-establish the CT Program as a significant ceurce of professional employees. There is an increasing need for. IIne. junior officers in a ma _-i t% of PD A Offices . Use of the P? OC',i'ufit i oulc1 eStao1 sip a 111'aTh Sta :dar 1 for d i r c t o ate c Eicers. A perception also persists that many DDA officers spend six careers in rather narrow specialties and that this results in parochial viewpoint. CT training would provide 'officers a broader rspective and understanding of t] Agency- early in their careers. there is an increasing nee'. for DDA offices to work closely -cgether to achieve common goals. Joint participation in.-the C'F Program ~ulc1 r: iden accua.intences among officers and foster future cooperation. Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 R1iCO 1 !ENDATIONS In order to implement the coordinated use of Career Trainees in the Administration Directorate, it is recommended that the ~ollo:wwing program be approved: 1. TITLE: Administration Career Trainee Program (ACT) 2. POLICY: The ACT Program is being established in order to ensure the input of high quality junior professional employees for DDA Offices and the MG Career Subgroup; broaden the perspectives of future office managers and to foster the mutual understanding and achievement of Agency goals and objectives, Office Directors and the MG Subgroup will determine annually the proportion of new professional employees required to enter their respective organization through this system to meet these objectives, 3. ADMINISTRATION: The DDA Career Management Staff will be responsible for overall coordination of the ACT Program, obtaining annual input requirements from DDA Offices and the MG Subgroup, maintaining records of participants and preparing periodic reports of program accomplishment-s. Participants in ACT will be selected by DDA Office.s and the MG Career Subgroup from both internal and external candidates who meet appropriate CT standards. Pay rates will be established in accordance with CT Guidelines. Individuals will be. assigned to a Training Development Complement or the sponsoring Career Subgroup during the first year of CT training and interim assignments. They will then be assigned to regular staffing complement positions. The CT positions required for one year of training and interim assignments will be described in the first appropriate budget submission and additional ceiling requested for FY-86 or the first available opportunity. In the interim, the sponsoring components will have to absorb the charge to personr.~ _ cei A . PROGRA I CO :TE N I' ? The ACT Program will consist of the ___ follo~~in elements: a. CT Develo}>?:;eii Course - 10 t el:s b. Clancestinc Operations Familiarization Course - 2 weeks c. Into inn" I (1)1)0j - 12 t:eeks -2- Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 d, DDA Development Module - 4 weeks e. Interim II ?(DDI or DDS#T) - 12 weeks f. Interim III (sponsor's choice) - 12 weeks TOTAL - 52 weeks g. Initial 2 year assignment h. Participants will complete the ACT Program after three years. 5. EVALUATION: An evaluation .?:ill be made by the sponsoring component of the relative success of the Program for each participant. The evaluation will include brief narrative comments and the following ratings: Complete Below Above Complete Failure Average Average Average Success E.,pJ.oyee Appears to Have High Potential. Erployce Exhibits a Broad Perspective, Employee is Conscious of. Coallon.Component Goals Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 ADD A SUPPORT TRAINING MODULE TO THE CAREER TRAINEE COURSE: In con junction with the Office of Training and Education and the Office of Personnel, you should explore and repo lit on the need for and the feasibility of adding a segment to the Career Trainee Program which would provide intensive support-related training to those new employees who have a high potential, not only for rapid career advancement, but also for overseas assignment. This course would be to give a professional introduction and PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION COURSE / DIRECTORATE OF ADMINISTRATION (POC/DA) A. HISTORY AND INTENT In 1964, the need. for specialized training for newly hired, junior Agency support officers was recognized and addressed by the inception of an eight-week training program designed specifically for junior support officers. This program was incorporated as one section of the Junior Officer Trainee (JOT) program. In 1969, with a change in policy reducing*the number of Support Generalists, the JOT Support Officer Track was eliminated and responsibility for the training of junior officers was transferred to the ind.ividua l sup port offices. _ On 21 January 1983 the. Deputy Director for Administration requested in a memorandum that the DA/ CMO consider as a long range planning item (among others) the following: ar' 1: COURSE PROPOSAL: rar'c,e of r'' D T: actions cr.., v; res to our nF igi -p t ntial employees who will be cafe ring co pr oce the Directorate through the Career Trainee Program." The intent of this pro; oral is to describe, in general terms, one possible approach by whi h the concerns above could be addressed. The proposal as presented below is based on a series of premises which may need to be altered depending on the perceived r NOT!": INVOLVED CONFIDENTIAL - DiA T Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 STAT 3Y+t ~ . Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 nee }s of the Directorate ar d the resources available to be dedicated to the development of this program. These basic premises are a,s follows: - 1. Number of trainees: 30-40 per'year_ 2. POC/DA to be integrated into the current Career Trainee Program_ 3. Having completed the Career Trainee Development Course, at least two interim assignments, some operations training and the POC/DA, any further training of the DA CT will become the responsibility of the office to which the CT is to be permanently assigned. 4. Length of POC/DA: Approximately 20 training days (four weeks). B. COURSE OBJECTIVES 1. The student will be able to demonstrate a thorough familiarity with t'ne support functions of each of the Directorate of Administation's (DA) nine-offices as well as the functions of the Office of the Deputy Director for Administration (DDA). 2. The student will be able to demonstrate a working knowledge of the DA's planning activities each student will prepare a presentation in support of a specific DA activity- and justify the need to continue the program. 3. The student will be able to demonstrate a working knowl_dge of the Agency's Budget and Finance functions, responsibilities an3 procedures. L. The student will be able to demonstrate a functional know ledge of the Agency's basic computer systems- 5. In connection with one or more "in-Basket" exercises, each student will have r ed formal Staff Notes as produced in the DA. l'' ^i7= 6. The strident will be able to demonstrate a basic iii deist i of of The Agency's personnel management systecm, and will be able to distinguish between personnel requirements and personnel admir?istr _.lon. CC FlDENT1AL - DRAFT Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 k. C. PROGRAM AND COURSE STRUCTURES 1. The POC/DA would be incorporated into the CTP in such a way that having completed some portion of the normal CTP, the DA participants would be split off onto a separate tract:. Since a significant part of the work of DA offices is support to DO overseas operations it would be appropriate for DA CT's to participate in the following course modules: a. Career Trainee Development Course (10 weeks, unmodified) b. Some amount of Field Operations Training (such as the .one and one= half week Clandestine Operations Familiarization Course) - C. 12 week -DO Interim Assignment d. Professional Orientation Course/Dir ectcrate of e. 12 weak non-DO Interim Assignment weeks) Administration Assignment of the C1 to his/her home DA office for subsequent specialized training and one more Interim Assignment to be determined by that DA office The POC/DA itself should be developed in such a way as to maximize the involvement of the students in the functions and operation of the various DA Thus, one course its: if will probably be built around a number of exercises and in-baske~ problems which will demand the greatest possible student involvement and activity- As an initial cut at a course schedule, the following blocking of times (totaling 20 training days) may be considered: 1/2 day - introductions and Overviews - 1/2 day - Functions of the Office of the DDA 2 days - Office of Communications (includes visits to remote sites) ! &V - O i ice of Data Processing in addition to the 3 20 hours of instruction they have already had on Word- Processing equipment during the CTDC) 3 Gays - Office of Finance 1/2 day - Office of Information Services 2 days - Office of Logistics 1 day - Office of Medical Services CC'i F I DENT I AL - DRAFT Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 . C _ Y - _ -. ._ _.-_..- .. _._ bi_. Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3 2 days -Off ct of Security day - Office of Training and Education 2 days - Off ice of Personnel 2 days - Final Exercise D. ADMINISTRATIVE CONSIDERATION'S AND RECOMMENDATIONS I. It should be recognized at the outset that a program based on exercises and in- basket problems as well as lectures, will take a considerable amount of time and effort to develop_ . Recommendation: I?- -a program such as the one proposed above is to meet its goals and objectives,. one: additional full-time professional plus a full-time clerical employee-. need to-b--allocated, to devote six months solely to organizing the course and preparing-the training materia's needed. 2. Emphasis in the course is to be placed on providing intensive. support-related training to new hi gh-potential employees who may possibly serve the Agency overseas. Also, the course will emphasize the functional training of the students and shotrld not significantly overlap with specialized training the CT's will be given by specific offices after the completion of their second Interim Assignment- Recommendation.:. The course speakers will need to be briefed in-depth about the goals and intents of the course, well in advance of their presentations. Also, there will need to be considerable coordination efforts made between the POC /DA course director(s) and the officers in the specific DA offices responsible for any subsequent specialized training. The optimum class size for(~a program such as the one described above would probably probably be in ~hrin, .. of f 20 - 25 students. the e o -,head t io 1' lip en _ `ng on 1 is : c c l ii'i'? o e 1 _ is 1S R x r year, following the students' first ack 'the course should run once to tti'- ice per , ~~,..:._.~~ exp-eri::r,ce fconducting other follow-on Interim Assignments (with (wit~ the gained from u training programs, Le. the Operations Course for DO bound CT's and the Analysis Training Course for those going to the DI, it appears that the best learning takes place after at least one interim assignment). CONFIDENT I.~A? - DRAFT Approved For Release 2009/03/13: CIA-RDP86M00886R002300010114-3