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5 ? 5312 EMPLOYEES
? 5312. Positions at level I
Level I of the Executive Schedule applies to the following posi-
tions for which the annual rate of basic pay shall be the rate deter-
mined with respect to such level under chapter 11 of title 2, as ad-
justed by section 5318 of this title:
Secretary of State.
Secretary of the Treasury.
Secretary of Defense.
Attorney General.
Secretary of the Interior.
Secretary of Agriculture.
Secretary of Commerce.
Secretary of Labor.
Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Secretary of Transportation.
Special Representative for Trade Negotiations.
Secretary of Energy.
Secretary of Education.
Pub.L. 89-554, Sept. 6, 1966, 80 Stat. 460; Pub.L. 89-670, ?
10(d)(1), Oct. 15, 1966, 80 Stat. 948; Pub.L. 91-375, ? 6(c)(12),
Aug. 12, 1970, 84 Stat. 776; Pub.L. 93-618, Title I, ? 141(b)(3)(A),
Jan. 3, 1975, 88 Stat. 1999; Pub.L. 94-82, Title II, ? 202(b)(1), Aug.
9, 1975, 89 Stat. 419; Pub.L. 95-91, Title VII, ? 710(c), Aug. 4,
1977, 91 Stat. 609; Pub.L. 96-54, ? 2(a)(25)(A), Aug. 14, 1979, 93
Stat. 382; Pub.L. 96-88, Title V, ? 508(c), (g), Oct. 17, 1979, 93
Stat. 692.
Salaries of positions at Level I increased to $74,500 per annum,
effective in the first pay period beginning on. or after Oct. 1, 1979,
see Ex.Ord.No.12165, Oct. 9, 1979, 44 F.R. 58671, set out as a note
under section 5332 of this title. Ex.Ord.No.12165, further provided
that on Oct. 1, 1979 the limitation in Schedule 5 of Ex.Ord.No.12087,
Oct. 7, 1978, changed and for the period Oct. 1, 1979 to the start of
the first aplicdble pay period in fiscal 1980 the following rate of pay,
$69,600, was payable.
Salaries of positions at Level I increased to $69,600 per annum,
effective in the first pay period beginning on or after Oct. 1, 1978, sec
Ex.Ord.No.12087, Oct. 7, 1978, 43 F.R. 46823, set out as a note under
section 5332 of this title. Ex.Ord.No.12087, further provided that pur-
ruant to the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1979, funds are
not available to pay a salary at a rate wl Approved For Release
Ch. 53 PAY RAT
5 ? 5312
The first adjustment which, but for the enactment of Pbons 9546,
would have been made in the annual rate of pay for Po
Executive Schedule tinder section 5318 of this 9title 5-66, after
et out a11, 197te a not to take effect, sec section 1(4) of
under section 5318 of this title.
Salaries of positions at Level I increased to $66,000 per annum,
upon recommendation of the President of the United States, see note
set out under section 358 of Title 2, The Congress.
Salaries of positions at Level I increased to $66,000 per annum, ef-
fective on the first day of the first pay period beginning on or after
Oct. 1, 1976, by Ex.Ord.No.11941, Oct. 1, 1976, 41 F.R. 43889. Ex.Ord.
No.11941, further provided that pursuant to the Legislative Branch
Appropriation Act, 1977, funds are not available to pay a salary at
a rate which exceeds the rate in effect on Sept. 30, 1976, which was
Salaries of positions at Level I increased to $63,000 per annum, ef-
fective on the first day of the first pay period beginning on or after
Oct. 1, 1975, by Ex.Ord.No.11883, Oct. 6, 1975, 40 F.R. 47091.
Salaries of positions at Level I increased from $35,000 to $60,000
per annual, commencing on the first day of the pay period which
begins after February 14, 1969, upon recommendation of the Presi-
dent of the United States, see note set out under section 358 of Title
2, The Congress.
Historical and Revision Notes
Derivation: United states Code . Revised Statutes and Statutes at Large
S U.S.C. 2211(a) Aug. 14, 1964, Pub.L. 88,426, 1 303(a),
78 Stat. 416.
Explanatory Notes
Standard changes are made to conform Pub.L. 96-88, 1 508(g), substituted
and Welfare" in item
in the pref. "Health, Education, Human
with the style of this ititle oas outlined applicable
ace to the report. relating to the Secretary of Health and
Human Services.
Pub.L. 96-54 struck out paragraph des-
ignations (1) to (14) for the positions
of all numbered des gna
lion by Pub.L. 96-61. 1977 Amendment. Par. (14). Pub.L. 95-
91 added par. (14).
1919 Amendments. Pub.L. 96-88. 1
_ ..,- ae...e_ 1975 Amendments. Pub.L. 94-82 suDstl-
Codification. Numbered designations
for the position added by Pub.L. 96-88
have been omitted in view of the deletion
i ttons to this sec.
2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886R001700030009-5 provisions applying level I of the
e President may authorize the exercise
by. this section by the Office of Person-
ndividuals not subject to the provisions
at in the competitive service, by such
for text of (b) to (d)]
II, 4 2314(C)(2). Oct. 17, 1980, 94
Savings previsions. All actions made,
issued, undertaken, entered into, or taken
under the authority of any law repealed.
modified or affected by the Foreign Serv-
ices Act of 1980 Pnb.L, 96.486. Oct. 17
1980. of Stat. 2&71, to continue in full effect orre uperseded by apU proopriatte authority.
see section 4172 of Title 22, Foreign Re*
It. aations and intercourse.
re L09W94ive History. For legislative
et 1t8 U. S Copde c se of ng. and Ad . News we
Is 4419.
ad regulations
llations of the agencies and the Office
spect to this subchapter, subchapter III
I title, the Foreign Service Act of 1980,
of title 38 relating to employees in the
ery, Veterans' Administration, are sub-
tions as the President may prescribe.
and regulations of the President may
e for text of (1) to (5)]
e II, 4 2314(C)(8). Oct. 17. 1980, 94
ar- set out as a note under section 8901 of
,no Title 22, Foreign Relations and ' Inter-
ct. course.
e iss ed unde~rtavken, entered into, or taken
as. under the authority of repealed,
>ut ices Act of 1980, Pub y h96-4651 Oct. 17 in full
lea foorce and St&L to modified, revoked,
iti- 1 , or secction 4172 of Title?~ Foreign Rela
for tions and Intercourse.
Legislative History. For legislative
nt. history and purpose of Pub.L. 96-465. see
Ive 1980 U. S. Code Cong.. and Adm. News, p.
ro- 4419.
nd adjustments
its. "(2) Each Increase in a pay rate or
(1) schedule which (1) shaStakes to tithe maximum ex
pursuant: aent anpracticable , d shall take effect one pumther first
the day of the first applicable pay period
or- commencing on or after October 1 of
6. such fiscal year...
his ' Percentage ' Limitation ' on Adjustment Title
d. XVII, 1 1701(a). Aug a13L1981, 95 Stat
mt. 763, provided that: "(a) Notwithstanding
any other provision of law, the overall
in percentage. of the adjustment of the
In- rates of pay under the Generae
S nndee
or any other statutory pp66.,ay y
the Codeon [this tion], whichisi United bSctates
In. effective with the first applicable pay
see:. period shamnotnexceed 4.8 percent toter
fis- . 1, 1981,
(a) Notwithstanding sections 1341, 1342, and 1349-1361 and subchap-
ter II of chapter 16 of title 31-
[See main volume for text of (1) and (2)]
may be adjusted, by the appropriate authority concerned, effective at the
beginning of the first applicable pay period commencing on or after the
day on which.a pay adjustment. becomes effective under section 6306 of
this title, by whichever of the following methods the appropriate authori-
ty concerned considers appropriate-
[See main volume for text of (i) to (iii); (b) to (d)]
As amended Pub.L. 97-258,. 4 3(a)(10), Sept. 13, 1982, 96 Stat. 1063.
1982 Amendment. Subset. (a). Pub.L. Legislative History. For legislative
97238, I 8(a)(10), substituted "sections history and purpose of Pub.L. 97-258. see
1341, 1342, and 1349-1351 and subchapter 1982 U.S.Code Cong. and Adm.News, p.
II of chapter 15" for "section 665". 1895.
1. Applicability of section
Limitation of this section to not appli-
able to payments for credit hours. 1981,
60 Comp.Oen. 623.
? 5311. The Executive Schedule
Plan for Authorizing Executive ? Level
Positions In Executive Branch; Presiden-
tial Submission to Congress. Section
414(b)(2) of Pub.L. 95-454 required the
President to transmit by Jan. 1, 1980, a
plan to Congress for authorising execu-
tive level positions in the executive
Legislative History. For legislative
history and purpose of Pub.L. 96~-54, see
1979 U. S. Code Cong. and Adm, News, V.
? 5312. Positions at level I
Level I of the Executive Schedule applies to the following positions for
which the annual rate of basic pay shall be the rate determined with
respect to such level under chapter 11 of title 2, as adjusted by section
6318 of this title:
[See main volume for text of preceding positions]
United States Trade Representative.
[See main volume for text of following positions]
As amended Pub.L. 97-466, 4 3(d) (5), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2505.
Repeals. Pub.L. 93-818, Title I, f
141(b)(8)(A),' Jan. S. 1975, 88 Stat. 1999,
set out in the credit of this section, was
repealed by Pub.L. 97-456, f 3(d)(1), Jan.
12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2506.
1982 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level I increased to $88,600
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1982, as provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12387, Oct. 8, 1982, 47 F.R. 44981, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12387 further pro-
vided that pursuant to section 101(e) of
Pub.L. 97-278 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate in effect on Sept. 30, 1982, which was
Limitation on the use of funds appro-
printed or authority made available for
the period Oct. 1. 1982, through Sept. 30,
1983, by any Act to pay the salary or
st ionfin thelegislativenexecutivice or e, or ju-
dicial branch, or in the government of
the District of Columbia, at a rate equal
to or greater than Level V of the Execu-
tive Schedule see section 806(a), (b), and
id) of S.293&, Ninety-seventh Congress,
,d) Session as reported Sept. 22, 1982,
which was' 'incorporated by reference in
Pub.L. 97-276, 1 101(e), Oct. 2, 1982, 96
Stat. 1189, to be effective as If enacted
Into law, and which is set out as a note
under section 5318 of this title.
1981 Increases In Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level I increased to $85,200
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1981, as. provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12330, Oct. 15, 1981; 46 F.R. 50921, set
out as a note under section .5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12330 further pro-
vided that, pursuant to section 101(c) of
Pub.L. 97-51 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate In effect on Sept. 30, 1981, which was
Limitations on use of funds for fiscal
year ending Sept: 30 1982, appropriated
by any Act to pay the salary or. pay of
any individual in legislative, executive, or
Judicial branch in position equal to or
above Level V of the Executive Schedule,
see sections 101(g) and 141 of Pub.L. 97-
92, set out as a note= under section 5318
of this title.
1980 Increases in Salaries. 'Salaries of
positions at Level I increased to $81,300
ppeer annum. effective on the first day of
he Oct. first 1pa1980eas provided by o Ex. Ord.
No. 1224 Oct. 16, 1980, ` 45 F.R. 69199.
10x. Ord. 'lo.' 12248, further provided that
pursuant to section 101(c) of Pub.L. 96-
889, funds are not available to pay a sal-
Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886RO01700030009-5
Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886RO01700030009-5
ary at a rate which exceeds the rate in
effect on Sept. 30, 1980, which was
Limitations on use of funds for fiscal
year ending Sept. 30, 1981, appropriated
by any Act to pay the salary or pay of
any individual in legislative, executive, or
aubdove~Level V of the Executive Schedule
see section 101(c)..of Pub.L. 96-038, as
amended, set out as a note under.section
5318 of this title.
1979 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level I increased to $74,500
per apnnum, effective on the first day of
Ot. 1, 1979, asdprovgiidedi by Ex. Ord. . after
12165, Oct. 9 1979, 44 P .R. 58671, as
amended by lax. Ord. No. 12200, Mar. 12
1980 46 F.R. 16443. Ex. Ord. No. 12184
farther provided that pursuant to section
101(c) of Pub.L. 96-86 funds appropriated
for fiscal year 1980 may not be used to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds an
Increase of 5.5 percent over the rate in
effect on Sept. 30, 197 which is a maxi-
mum rate payable of $69,630.
Applicability to funds appropriated by
any Act for fiscal year ending Sept. 3,
1980 of limitation of section 304 of Pub.
L. 95-391 on use of funds to pay the sal-
ary or pay of any individual in legisla-
tive, executive, or judicial branch in posi-
tion equal to or above Level V of the
Executive Schedule, see section 101(c) of
Pub.L: 96-88, set out as a note under aec-
tion 5318 of this title.
Compensation' and Emoluments of Sec-
retary of State; Fixing at level In Effect
on January 1. 1977. Pub.L. 96-241, $ 1;?
May 3, 1980, 94 Stat. 343, limited the com-
F ensation and other emoluments attached'
o the office of Secrete of State to
those in effect Jan. 1, 1 during the
period beginning May 3, 1 and ending
on the date on which the first individual
appointed to that office after May 3, 1980,
ceases to hold that office.
Legislative History. For legislative
history and purpose of Pub.L. 96-54 see
1979 U. S. Code Cong. and Adm. News, pp.
931. See, also, Pub.L. 96-88, 1979 U. 8.
Code Cong. and- Adm.News, p. 1514-
Pub.L. 97-456, 1982 U.S.Code Cong. and
Adm.News, p. -.
? 5318. Positions at level II
Level II of the Executive Schedule applies to the following positions,
for which the annual rate of basic pay shall be the rate determined with
respect to such level under chapter 11 of title 2, as adjusted by' section
5318 of this title:
Deputy Secretary of Defense.
Deputy Secretary of State.
Administrator, Agency for International Development.
Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
Administrator of Veterans' Affairs.
Deputy Secretary of the Treasury.
Deputy Secretary of Transportation.
Chairman, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Chairman, Council of Economic Advisers.
Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System,
Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
Director of the Office of Science and Technology.
Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agen-
Director of the United States Information. Agency.
Director of Central Intelligence.
Secretary of the Air Force.
Secretary of the Army.
Secretary of the Navy.
Administrator, Federal Aviation Administration.
Director of the National Science Foundation.
Deputy Attorney General.
Deputy Secretary of Energy.
Deputy Secretary of Agriculture.
Director the Office of Personnel Management.
Ambassadors at Large.
Administrator, Federal Highway Administration.
As amended Pub.L. 96-466, Title II, 1 2302, Oct. 17, 1980,
Pub.L. 97-449, 1 3(1), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2441.
1986 Amendment. Pub.L. 96-466 added vided, see section 2408 of Pub. L. 96-486
item relating to Ambassadors at Large. set out as a note under section 3901 ots
_-_,.-- R
lati..,. and inter.
Repeals. Section 16(c) of Pub.L. 93-
496, set out in the credit of this section,
was repealed by Pub.L. 97-449, 1 7(b),
Jan. 12, 1985, 98 Stat. 2444.
19811 Increases In Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level II increased to $77 300
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1982, as provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12387, Oct. 8, 11)82, 47 F.R. 44981, set
out. as -a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12387 further pro-
vided that pursuant to section 101(e) of
Pub.L. 97-276 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate in effect on Sept. 30, 1982, which was
Limitation on the use of funds appro-
priated or authority made available for
the period Oct. 1 1982'F through Sept. 30,
1983, by any Act to ay the salary or
pay of any individual an office or po-
sition in the legislative, executive. or ju-
dicial branch, or . In the government of
the District of Columbia, at a rate equal
to or greater than Level V of the Execu-
tive Schedule, see section 306(a), (b), and
(d) of 8.2939, Ninety-seventh Congress,
2nd Session, as reported Sept. 22, 1982.
which was incorporated by reference in
Pub.L. 97-276, 1 101(e), Oct. 2, 1982, 96
Stat. 1189, to be effective as if enacted
into law, and which is set out as a note
under section 5318 of this title. _
1981 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level II increased to $74,300
F per annum, effective on the first day of
he first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct: 1, 1981, as provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12330, Oct. 15, 1981, 46 F.R. 50921, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12330 further pro.
vided that pursuant to section 101(c) of
Pub.L. 97-51 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate In effect on Sept. 30, 1981. which was
Limitations on use of funds for fiscal
year ending Sept. 30 1982, appropriated
by any Act to pay the salary or pay of
any individual in legislative, executive; or
judicial branch in position equal to or
above Level V of the Executive- Schedule,
am sections 101(g) and 141 of Pub.L. 97-
92 set out as a note under section 5318 of
this title.
1980 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level II Increased to $70,900
r annum,
he first pa
er Oct. 1, 1981
No. 12248. Oct
out as a note
title. Ex. O
vided that pu
Pu b. L. 96-389.
pay a salary
rate In effect
year endin
by any Act t
any Individual
judicial bran
above Level V
aft section 1
amended, set
5318 of this tit
1979 I
positions at
per annum,
the first pay
er Oct. 1, 1
12165, Oct. 9
amended by 19845 F.R.
further provid
101(c) of Pub.
for fiscal yea
pay a salary
Increase of 5.
effect on Sept
mum rate ppa
Act for
a , of liml
Pub.L. 96-391
salary or pay
lative, executi
position equal
Executive Sch
Pu b. L. 96-86,
tion 5318 of its
histo and p
931. See, al
Code Cong.
Pub.L. 97-440,
Adm.News. V.
Cross Referee
Annual rate
ler General e
section 703 O
? 5314. Positions at level III
Level III . of the Executive Schedule applies to
for which the annual rate of basic pay shall be t
respect to such level under chapter 11 of title 2,
5318 of this title:
Solicitor General of the United States.
Under Secretary of Commerce, Under Sec
Economic Affairs, and Under Secretary of C
Under Secretary of Education.
Under Secretary of Health and Human Servi
Under Secretary of the Interior.
Under Secretary of Labor.
Under Secretary of State for Political Affa
of State for Economic Affairs and an Under
Coordinating Security Assistance Programs
State for Management.
Under Secretary of the Treasury (or Counse
TTndar. QACrAtarv of the Treasury for Mon
Amendment by Pub.L. Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886RO01700030009-5 neral Services.
ah_ 1a 198E except a_
Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886RO01700030009-5
pplicability to funds appropriated by
Act for fiscal year ending Sept. 8,
of limitation of section 804 of Pub.
0-391 on use of funds to pay the sal-
or pay of any individual in legisla-
executive, or judicial branch in post-
equal to or above Level V of the
cutive Schedule, aft section 101(c) of
,.L. 96-86, net out as a note under sec-
5318 of this title.
umpensation and Emoluments of See-
ry of State; Fixing at level in Effect
January 1, 1977. Pub.L. 98-241, 1 1,
3, 1980, 94 Stat. 843, limited the com-
istion and other emoluments attached
the office of Becreta: of State to
is in effect Jan. 1 1077, during the
od beginning May a, 1980, and end"
the date on which the first individuag
ointed to that office after May 8, 1980,
ea to bold that office.
Wislative History. For legislative
or and purpose of Pub.L. 96-54, see
U. 8. Code Cong. and Adm. News, pp.
See, also, Pub.L. 98-88, 1979 U. 8?
e Cong. and Adm.News, p. 1514
.L. 97-456 1982 II.S.Code Cong. and
m.News. p. -.
pplies to the following positions,
hall be the rate determined with
of title 2, as adjusted by section
,tional Development.
ronautics and Space Administra-
the Federal Reserve System,
sd Technology.
s Control and Disarmament Agen-
Administration.. .
302, Oct. 17, 1980. 94 Stat. 2164;
Stat. 2441.
ad, see section 2403 of Pub.L. 96-465
out as a note under section 3901 o>S
le 22, Foreign Relations and Inter-
Repeals. Section 16(c) of Pub.L. 93-
496, set out in the credit of this section,
was repealed by Pub.L. 97-449, 1 7(b),
Jan. 12 1983, 96 8tat. 2444.
1981 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level II increased to $77,300
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1982, as provided by Ex. Ord..
No. 12387, Oct. S. 1982, 47 F.R. 44981, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12387 further pro-
vided that pursuant to section 101(e) of
Pub.L. 07-276 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate in effect on Sept. 30, 1982, which was
Limitation on the use of funds appro-
priated or authority made available for
the period Oct. 1 1982, through Sept. 30,
1983, by any Act to pay the salary or
pa of any individual In an office or po-
sition in the legislative, executive, or u-
dicial branch, or in the government of
the District of Columbia, at a rate equal
to or greater than Level V of the Execu-
tive Schedule, see section 306(a), (b), and
(d) of 8.2939, Ninety-seventhh Congress,
2nd Session, as reported Sept. 22, 1982,
which was incorporated by reference In
Pub.L. 97-276, l 101(e), Oct. 2, 1982, 96
8tat. 1189, to be effective as if enacted
Into law, and which is set out as a note
under section 5318 of this title.
1981 Increases In Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level II increased to. $74,300
r r annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1981, as provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12330, Oct. 15, 1981, 48 F.R. 50921, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12330 further pro.
vided that pursuant to section 101(c) of
Pub.L. 97-51 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate in effect on Sept. 30, 1981, which was
Limitations on use of funds for fiscal
year ending Sept. go, 1982, appropriated
by any Act to pay te salary or pay of
any Individual in legislative, executive, or
Judicial branch in position equal to or
above Level V of the Executive Schedule,
see sections 101(g) and 141 of Pub.L. 97-
92 set out as a note under section 5318 of
this title.
1980 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level II Increased to $70,900
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1980, as provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12248, Oct. 16, 1980 45 F.B. 69199, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12248, further pro-
vided that pursuant to section 101(c) of
Pub.L. 98409, funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate in effect on Sept. 30, 1980, which was
Limitations on use of funds for fiscal
year ending Sept. 30, 1981, appropriated
by any Act to pay the salary or pay of
any individual in legislative, executive, or
judicial branch in position equal to or
above Level V of the Executive Schedule,
see section 101(c) of Pub.L. 96-536, as
amended, set out as a note under section
5318 of this title.
1979 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions, at Level II increased to $65000
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1979, as provided by Ex. Ord.
12165, Oct. 9, 1979, 44 F.R. 58671, as
amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12200 Mar. 12
1980 45 P.R. 16443. Ex. Ord. ~7o. 1216.
further provided that pursuant to section
101(c) of Pub.L. 96-8 funds appropriated
for fiscal year 1980 may not be used to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds an
increase of 5.5 percent over the rate in
effect on Sept. 30, 1978, which is a maxi-
mum to rate payable of $60,662.50.
any Act for fiscal year ending Sept. 30,
1980, of limitation of section 304 of
Pub.L. 95-391 on use of funds to pay the
salary or pay of any individual in legis-
lative, executive, or judicial branch in
position equal to or above Level V of the
Executive Schedule, see section 101(c) of
Pub.L. 96-86, set out as a note under sec-
tion 5318 of this title.
Legislative History. For legislative
1979 U. 8. CoderCong.oe duAs .9Ne~ws see
931. See, also, Pnb.L. 96-485, 1980 U. S.
Code Cong. and Adm.News, p. 4419?
Pub.L. 97-449, 1982 U.S.Code Cong. and
Adm.News, p. -.
Cross References
Annual rate of basic pay of Comptrol-
ler General equal to rate for level II, see
section 703 of Title 31, Money and Fi-
? 5314. Positions at level III
Level III. of the Executive Schedule applies to the following positions,
for which the annual rate of basic pay shall be the rate determined with
respect to such level under chapter 11 of title 2, as adjusted by section
6318 of this title:
Solicitor General of the United States.
Under Secretary of Commerce, Under Secretary of Commerce for
Economic Affairs, and Under Secretary of Commerce for Travel and
Under Secretary of Education.
Under Secretary of Health and Human Services.
Under Secretary of the Interior. -
Under Secretary of Labor.
Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs and Under Secretary
of State for Economic Affairs and an Under Secretary of State for
Coordinating Security Assistance Programs and Under Secretary of
State for Management.
Under. Secretary of the Treasury (or Counselor).
Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs.
Administrator of General Services.
Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886RO01700030009-5
Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886RO01700030009-5
Administrator of the Small Business Administration.
Deputy Administrator of Veterans' Affairs.
Deputy Administrator, Agency for International Development.
Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board.
Chairman of the Merit Systems Protection Board.
Federal Communications Commission.
Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board.
Chairman, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
Chairman, Federal Trade Commission.
Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission.
Chairman, National Labor Relations Board.
Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission.
Chairman, Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority.
Chairman, National Mediation Board.
Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board.
Chairman, Federal Maritime Commission.
Comptroller of the Currency.
Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Under Secretaries of Defense (2).
Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space
Deputy Director of the Bureau of the Budget.
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence:
Director of the Office of Emergency Planning.
Director of the Peace Corps.
Deputy Director, National Science Foundation.
President of the Export-Import Bank of Washington.
Members, Nuclear Regulatory Commission.
Members, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department
Director, Institute for Scientific
Director. Office of Justice Assia
Under Secretary of Agriculture
Administrator. Maritime Admin
Dec. 27, 1979, 93 Stat.;1204; Pub.L. 9
I, 1 123, Dec. 21. 1982. 96 Stat. 1913
1983, 96 Stat. 2441; Pub.L. 97-456.
Codification. Pub.L. 92-255Title 11 1
257 1 4(6)
209(a), as added Pub."
Mar. 19, 1978, 90 Stet 243, which wad D
out in the credit or ca.e section
omittec in the complete revision of Title t
II of Pub.L. 92-255 by Pub.L. 96-181. t
1 4. Jan. 2, 1980, 93 Stat. 1309, under
tii h ?he former Office of Drum Abuse
198E Amendment. ruo.i.. u4-lw nav-
stituted "Under Secretary of Commerce,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Eco-
nomic Affairs, and Under Secretary of
Commerce for Travel and Tourism' for
"Under Secretary of Commerce and Under
Secretary of Commerce for Travel and
1981 Amendments. Pub.L. 97-63 substi-
tuted "Under Secretary of Commerce and
Under Secretary of Commerce for Travel
and Tourism" for "Under Secretary of
Pub.L. 97-31 added item relating to
1990 Administrator, Administration.
Item relating to Under Secretary of Agri-
culture for Small Community and Rural
1979 Amendment. Pub.L. 90-361, 1 808.
as added by Pub.L. 96-157. added item
relating to Assistance. Research, and Office Statistics,ls
struck out item relating to Administrator
of Law Enforcement Assistance.
Effective Date of 1981 Amendment. 91-41 eff 1m1981, see secct onb6 o Pu .Lt 9l-e3 set
out as a note under section 2121 of It'itle
22. Foreign Relations and Intercourse.
Effective Date of 1880 Amendment.
Amendment by section 100 of Pub.L. t190-
Oct 1', 1980 ,
356, set out as a note under section 2204h
of Title. 7, Agriculture.
Repeals. Pub.L. 93.818, Title I, 1
141(b)(3)(B) Jan. 3, 1975, 88 Slat. 1900.
set out in tits credit of this section, was
repealed by Pub.L. 97-456, 13(d) (1). Jan.
12. 1983, 96 S t a t. 2500.
109E Increases In Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level III increased to $70.500
pper annum, yye~fppfective on the first day of
h. first 1, 1982,sasspr~ovidednby ExrOrd.
No. 12387. Oct. 8. 1982, 47 F.R. 44961, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12387 further ro-
vided that ppursuant to section 101(e) of
pub a sal yeatua rater which exceed6bssthe
rave In effect on Sept. 30, 1982, which was
u Approved For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886R001700030009 _5 hevuse mad* of funds bllaPfo r
Administrator of the National Highway Traffic Safety Admin-
Administrator, Federal Railroad Administration.
Chairman, National Transportation Safety Board.
Chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts the incum-
bent of which also serves as Chairman of the National Council on the
Chairman of the National Endowment for the Humanities.
Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service.
Under Secretary of Housing and Urban Development.
Urban Mass Transportation Administrator.
President, Overseas Private Investment Corporation.
Chairman, Postal Rate Commission.
Chairman. Occupational Safety and Health Review Commission.
Governor of the Farm Credit Administration.
Chairman, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission.
Chairman, Consumer Product Safety Commission.
Under Secretary. Department of Energy..
Chairman, Commodity Futures Trading Commission.
Deputy United States Trade Representatives (3).
Chairman, United States International Trade Commission.
Administrator, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration.
Associate Attorney General.
Chairman, Federal Mine Safety and Health Review Commission.
Chairman, National Credit Union Administration Board.
Dannty Director of the Office of Personnel Management.
nesa Administration.
as' Affairs.
for International Development.
protection Board.
Ions Commission.
, Federal Deposit Insurance Cor-
.,oan Bank Board.
latory Commission.
Ions Board.
age Commission.
f the Tennessee Valley Authority.
National Aeronautics and Space
the Budget.
ncy Planning.
e Foundation.
Bank of Washington.
am mission.
f the Federal Reserve System.
a of Investigation, Department of
on Safety Board.
lowment for the Arts the incum-
man of the National Council on the
Ivment for the Humanities.
n and Conciliation Service.
I Urban Development.
stment Corporation.
and Health Review Commission.
Dpportunity Commission.
rety Commission.
rrading Commission.
resentatives (3).
itional Trade Commission.
and Atmospheric Administration.
and Health Review Commission.
n Administration Board.
if Personnel ' Management.
ror International Affairs and. Com-
For Release 2009/04/22 : CIA-RDP86M00886R001700030009-5
teV V I/KNMhN'1' UKGANLZATION , 90,314
Director,. Institute for Scientific and Technological Cooperation.
Director. Office of Justice Assistance. Research, and Statistics.
Under Secretary of Agriculture for Small Community and Rural
Administrator, Maritime Administration.
Executive Director Property Review Board.
As amended Pub.L. 90-361, Title I, 1 808, as added Pub.L. 96-157, 1 2,
Dec. 27, 1979, 93 Stat. 1204; Pub.L. 96-365, 1 3 (b), Sept. 24, 1980, 94
Stat. 1173, and amended Pub.L. 97-31, 1 12(1)(A), Aug. 6. 1981, 96
Stat. 163; Pub.L. 97-63, 1 4(a),(4), Oct. 16, 1981, 95 Stat. 1014; Pub.L.
97-195, 1 1(b) (1), June 16, 1982, 96 Stat. 116; Pub.L. 97-377, Title
1, 1 123, Dec. 21, 1982, 96 Stat. 1913; Pub.L. 97-449, 1 3(2), Jan. 12,
1983, 96 Stat. 2441; Pub.L. 97-466, 1 3(d)(6), Jan. 12, 1983, 96 Stat.
Codification. Pub.L. 92-255 Title II
209(x), as added Pub.L. 94-1137 1 4(b)
Mar. 19, 1976, 90 Stat. 243, which had
added the item for Director of the Office
of Drug Abuse Policy and which is set
out in the credit of this section, was
omittet In the complete revision of Title
II of Pub.L. 92-255 by Pub.L. 90-181,
1 4, Jan. 2, 1980, 93 Stat. 1309, under
which the former Office of Drug Abuse
Policy was abolished. Pursuant to that
revision the item relating to the Director
of the Office of Drug Abuse Policy has
been omitted.
1982 Amendment. Pub.L. 97-195 sub-
stituted "Under Secretary of Commerce,
Under Secretary of Commerce for Eco-
nomic Affairs, and Under Secretary of
Commerce for Travel and Tourism' for
"Under Secretary of Commerce and Under
Secretary of Commerce for Travel and
'1981 Amendments. Pub.L. 97-83 substi-
tuted "Under Secretary of Commerce and
Under Secretary of Commerce for Travel
and Tourism" for "Under Secretary of
Pub.L. 97-31 added item relating to
Administrator, Maritime Administration.
1880 Amendment. Pub.L. 96-355 added
Item relating to Under Secretary of Agri-
culture for Small Community and Rural
1979 Amendment. Pub.L. 90-351, 1 808,
as added by Pub.L. 96-157, added item
relating to Director, Office of Justice
Assistance,. Research, and Statistics, and
struck out Item relating to Administrator
of Law Enforcement Assistance. 1981 mendment-b .Pub.L.97 efectivemOct.
1, 1981, am section 6 of Pub.L. 97-63, set
out as a note under section 2121 of Title
22, Foreign Relations and Intercourse.
Effective Date of 1980 Amendment.
Amendment by Pub.L. 96-355 effective
Oct. 1, 1980, see section 10 of Pub.L. 96-
856, set out as' a note under section 2204h
of Title 7, Agriculture.
Repeals. Pub.L. 93-618, Title I, 1
141(b)(8)(B), Jan. 3, 1975, 88 Stat. 1999,
set out in the credit of this section, was
repealed by Pub.L. 97-456, 1 3(d)(1), Jan.
12, 1983, 96 Stat. 2505.
1982 Increases In Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level III increased to $70,500
per annum, yefpfeectivee on the first day of
e first pa
No.~l , Oct.' 8, 1982 provided beginning . 444981, et
out as a note under section 5832 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12387 further pro-
vide that pursuant to Section 101(e) of.
Pub.L. 97-276 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate In effect on Sept. 30, 1982, which was
Limitation on the use of funds appro-
priated or authority made available for
the period Oct. 1 1982, through Sept. 30,
1983, by any Acf to- pay the salary or
pay of any individual in an office or po-
sition in the legislative, executive, or ju-
dicial branch, or in the government of
the District of Columbia, at a rate equal
to or greater than Level V of the Execu-
tive Schedule, aft section 806(a), (b), and
(d) of 8.2939, Ninety-seventh Congress,
2nd Session, as reported Sept. 22. 1982,
which was incorporated by reference In
Pub.L. 97-276, 1 101(e) Oct. 2, 1982,'96
Stat. 1189, to be effective as if enacted
into law, and which Is set out as a note
under section 5318 of this title.
1981 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level III increased to $67,800
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1981, as provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12330, Oct. 15, 1981, 46 F.R. 50921, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12330 further pro-
vided that pursuant to section 101(c) of
Pub.L. 97-51 funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
rate In effect on Sept. 30, 1981, which was
Limitations on use of funds for fiscal
year ending Sept. 30, 1982, appropriated
by any Act to pay the salary or Tay of
any individual in legislative; executive, or
Judicial branch in position equal to or
above Level V of the Executive Schedule,
see sections 101(g) and 141 of Pub.L.
97-02, set out as a note. under section
5318 of this title.
1980 Increases in Salaries. 'Salaries of
positions at Level III increased to $64,700
per annum, effective on the first day of
the first pay period beginning on or aft-
er Oct. 1, 1980, as provided by Ex. Ord.
No. 12248, Oct. 16, 1980, 45 F.R. 69199, set
out as a note under section 5332 of this
title. Ex. Ord. No. 12248, further pro-
vided that pursuant to section 101(c) of
Pub.L. 96-369, funds are not available to
pay a salary at a rate which exceeds the
.rate in effect on Sept. 30, 1980, which was
Limitations on use of funds for fiscal
year ending Sept. 80, 1981, appropriated
by an Act to pay the salary or pay of
any Individual in legislative, executive, or
Judicial branch in position equal to or
above Level V of the Executive Schedule,
see section 101(c) . of Pub.L
amended, set out as a note underion
5318 of this title.
1979 Increases in Salaries. Salaries of
positions at Level III increased to $50,800
the annum, yefpfective on the first day of
ere Ocfirst t. pa iv ded ~ byoEx r0 d.
No. 12165, Oct. 9, 1979 44 F.R. 58671, as
amended by Ex. Ord. No. 12200, Mar. 12
1980 45 F.R 16443. Ex.. Ord. No. 1216d
further provided that pursuant to section
101(c) of Pub.L. 96-86 funds appropriated
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