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Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE MEMOPANDLM FOR: SUBJECT . Your.request on Jackson's Precipitious Memorandum Div r: / 73 1. As I. indicated to you, the request by Cliff Opper for on-line access to CIRIS data and the CCPC Facilities Inventory is involved. No one is against providing DIA, or others in the community with a need to know, data contained in the CIRIS files. We now do provide it to them in standard hard copy runs and in response to specific requests, so we're really only addressing machine access. 2. This presents security problems because the intelligence community data is on the same machines as CIA management data. CIA is concerned about a possible spill-over. This apparently has sufficient potential to have caused the CIA for several years to drag its feet in providing access through direct terminals outside the control of the DCI. There are two answers to this: a. force the issue on security; and b. put community information on its own computer. This latter may be expensive, but in the long run, if the community idea flies, we cannot allow interchange to be inhibited because of the particular and justified interests of other agencies. 3. You will recall that I have proposed, as agenda items for the IRAC to be held after the Director meets with (a) the COINS paper and (b) the establishing of an IRAC Management' Information Working Group to guide information systems development for the community. It seems to me there is every reason to have one coordinated Management Information System with the principle established that the DCI controls the vocabulary and the operating procedures.. In the event that such a working group is established, it should consider the Opper request and the whole matter of policy concerning sharing of information, security, and the like in context. Note: Opper's request represents-the need of only one piece of DIA. It does not represent other legitimate DIA elements that may wish to have sim- ilar machine access. Even if use patterns were legitimized so as to warrant a terminal for Opper, there would be policy questions in DIA as to where that terminal should be located and who should have access to it. Without STAT Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 dragging our feet, _ seems important that both give their STAT full support to 0 request and that they verify that the present method of sharing the inf,..:.ation is not adequate either in the near term or longer view. I suspect that 0 request is in thee"nice-to-have" category. F'ner, it would be poetic justice about now to take the initiative with and force his acquiescence to the point that CIRIS is what Defense wants to employ regularly enough in their management structure to warrant expenditure for direct access terminals. Ii. There are two other alternatives once we get the polio question on direct access to CIRIS settled. First, suggested by is STAT to provide DIA with the computer tapes for CIRIS and CCPC. This strikes me as a very reasonable improvement over the current hard copy arrangements. Second, to look into the White House/OMB computer and determine whether the DCI community information could be located thereon. This latter has some intuitive concern to me. 5. I understand that request was made in his capacity as a member of the CCPC and was neither coordinated within DIA or approved by anyone in the DIA command element. I have prepared a letter to (attached) that summarizes the options and our. views, and suggests that the question should be taken with This will give 0 the opportunity to get II support for the proposal, or to withdraw the request if that support is not forthcoming. STAT WA~ STAT Attachment: a/s. Distribution: Original and 1 - Addressee 1 - CCG (Chrono) 1 - CCG (Subject File) 1 - CCG (Reading File) 1 - IC/DSG (Reading File) Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2004105112 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE STAT STAT STAT STAT STAT Member, Critical Collection Problems Committee Defense Intelligence Agency Attention: DC3 Room 901 Pomponio Plaza,_Rosslyn /r, f 7-3 Your concept proposal. to provide DIA on-line, interactive access to the intelligence community CIRIS and facilities inventory data bases was passed to me by We are both sympathetic and have been giving it careful thought. In the long run, these data bases must support the program analyses and decision processes of USIB and IRAC members. I gather that, in this context, is working on a management information system for the GDIP at NSA has his system working well and we receive CCP and APS tape input-to CIRIS. I understand that iI has consider- able interest in DOD intelligence management information systems and is looking further at the NSA model. My notion -- having been assigned responsibility by 0 for the Data Support Group -- is to work jointly with and get maximum mileage from the lessons learned from CIRIS, to conform whatever final systems that may be developed, and their vocabularies, to support the DCI,~ and other consumers, and to keep work loads and costs within range. The entire question of community management information is being pro- posed as a subject for IRAC deliberation. I have urged that the IRAC principals discuss this need -- particularly in light of the Director's plan to increase IRAC1s role in cross-program reviews. I hope that a working group will be charged with specific action on management information, one part of which would be your request. This would provide a forum for the DIA Director and the ASD(I) to go on record regarding their need for the CIRIS and facilities inventory data bases in a more responsive mode than our present methods of sharing information provide. Obviously, the data would need to be accessed often enough to justify the expense of pro- viding on-line, interactive remote links to it. I have gone into the matter with Chuck Briggs of CIA. Since CIA internal statistics are maintained in the same computer, the possibility of spillover, a serious concern to the CIA, is a hangup that must be over- come before your immediate request can be satisfied. There are three ways we can approach this problem: (1) force the security issue head-on; (2) STAT STAT Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 L Ap moved For i le ~ Oba/sesl into aRd~cated coom000uter system, and (3) Ve the c _rcg and data bases to DIA to ranfplats on its own STAT Computers. M:e 3;,, of these options involve policy decisions. STAT i' f incL nz== m, therefore, is to approach with your faro sal STAT and to suggest t that it be weighed against his and broader needs. 11 Co cam; ro er Distribution: Original and I - Addressee 1 - 1 - CCG Chrono 1 - CCG Subject File 1 CCTr Reading File 1 - IC/DSG Reading File STAT Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 25X1-__,. Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : IHC-MM-400 27 March 1973 25X1 25X1 25X1 25X1 MEMORANDUM FOR THE RECORD SUBJECT: Data Support Terminal REFERENCE: Memo to Chairman, CCPC; from DIA Member, CCPC; Dtd 20 Mar. 73; Subject: Data Support Terminal 1. A meeting was held with members of DIA and the IC staff on 23 March. The attendees are listed in Attachment A. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the request for a data support terminal.which would be located in the Pomponio Plaza Building, Rosslyn, as requested by the ref erence memorandum'(Attachment B). The request involves more than access to the CCPC Facilities Inventory; it also includes access to the Defense CIRIS data. 2. The DIA people indicated they have a requirement for.rapid-access to the DoD information in the CIRIS data base. This includes Special Air Force, CCPC,.as well as, GDIP and SRV data. The reason for requiring the information concerns their management resource responsibility which relates to requirements and responding to requests for in- formation. cited 3 examples of the type of information he requires: "Cost for a particular mission, imagery costs and, number of.PIs in the government." The DIA people indicated that the information they are requesting is a subset of the problem that is being addressed by Mr. DP-2 Plans, who is addressing the overall DIA management resource system. It was not at all clear that this request had been coordinated with him. They stated initially their request is for access to CCPC facility in- ventory and.CIRIS data and that at some future point in time they would want to be able to update the CCPC and CIRIS data bases. 3. I suggested that they have send a formal request-to' D/DCI/IC, to sub- stantiate their re examples of the frequency of queries and approximate size of the print- outs required on a daily/ireekly basis,. and also to address whether or not other or anizations of DIA had similar re- quirements. I I was reluctant to take this Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 25X1 SECRET 25X1=? 25X1 approacli4pnr ,Vwonoc eAT ll~}g0` R /Z' ~~g~6 ~ ~~ ~0 0 uld not be fulfilled without going to the D/DCI/IC level. A great deal of discussion ensued around this matter. Mr. indicated that the DSG would send a response back to per the reference (Attachment B). 4. Assuming that the DIA request is validated, I sug- gested the following alternatives for obtaining a terminal at the Rosslyn Pomponio Plaza Building: 1. CIA/OCS - Computer Center dedicated line with terminal. Same as IC/DSG terminal -.full access - interactive to CIA Computer Center. 2. CIA/OCS - Computer Center tie-in to DIAOLS (DIA On-Line System)_ Install a DIAOLS Terminal at DIA Building. 3. CIA/OCS - Computer Center tie-in to COINS; COINS ter- minal at DIA Building. 4. TTY/TP (Teletype/telephone) request; Courier delivery. 5. CIA/OCS - Computer Center dedicated line with "read only" terminal at DIA Building. Remote batch printer, OCS controlled, at DIA Building. TTY/TP request to CIA. Remote batch printer, OCS controlled, at DIA Building. 25X1 7. DIAOLS - Provide CIRIS (CIA) tapes to DIA,arid install on the DIAOLS. Install DIAOLS terminal at DIA Building. The multi-level security problems preclude the implementa- tion at this.time of Alternatives 1 - 3. Alternative--4 is .the way they?re doing the job today--making a telephone re- quest and sending the information over by courier. In ad- dition they do obtain copies of the 'Consolidated Defense Intelligence Program from DSG and they do make periodic visits to tale DSG as necessary to obtain data. Alternatives 5 - 6 appear to be feasible although procedures would have to be established with the OCS. Alternative 5 is a read-only ter- minal tied into OCS with a remote batch output printer located in the Pommponio Plaza Building. Alternative 6 is use of a telephone or teletype request with a remote printer located at the Pomponio Plaza Building (also remote batch). DIA was reluctant to accept Alternative 7 (i.e., to develop their own system usin the CIRIS Data Base in the DIAOLS computer), however, indicated that if they - 2 - A p p r o v e d For Release 2 t9? TIA-RDP86MOO612R000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2004/05/12 CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 could not access the CIRIS data base this is indeed what they would do. The classification level of the CCPC and CIRIS Funding Data Base is Secret, however, there are other narrative descriptors that include SI/TK/C projects, which would probably preclude handling this in- formation on the DIAOLS systems. 5. Alternative 5 appears to be the most desireable, assuming that their requirements are valid, however, as suggested to discussions should be held be- tween members of his staff and OCS to work out procedures. 6. There is no action required at this time for the IHC/SS. I is in the process of preparing a reply to the reference memorandum and we are anticipating a re- quest from Adm. de.Poix to General Allen. 25X1 25X1 Atts (2) I Approved For Release Z00~/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 EC h L k General Taylor Approved For Releas I: CIA-RDP86MOO612ROO0200030003-7 k J! /Attachment- A to IHC-MM-4QQ Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 s1cp1' 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 Next 1 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 'Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 THE DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE WASHINGTON, D. C. 20505 MEMORA DUM FOR: The DIA Member, Critical Collection Problems Committee N SUBJECT Data Support Terminal REFERENCE :--,Your Memorandum of 20 March 1971, Subject as above. 1. The Chairman, Critical Collection Problems Committee, has referred action on the reference to mu office. N 2. Data Support Group, Intelligence Community Staff, will contact Mr. Haug to start action on your posal. We agree in principle that direct DIA access to the Defense CIRIS and facilities inventory data bases is des- irable. The most important question to'he resolved will be the security of the non-Defense data that is stored in the same computer. I Community Comp ro er Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 21 March 1973 MEMORANDUM FOR: Community Comptroller SUBJECT Data Support Terminal for DIA. 1. The facing memorandum responds to a DIA request for a remote terminal to tap both CIRIS and the facilities inventory data bases (TAB A). A memorandum response was selected rather than informal contact, because it puts us on record as willing to tackle this problem. 2. The principal considerations are: personnel access and physical security at the remote terminal; the cost of installation and computer time; and security for the non- Defense data bases stored in the computer. Of these, security of the non-Defense data bases is the most difficult. Don Jackson (IHC) has told us that although the optimum resolution of this prob- lem is still five years away, interim solutions may be possible. 3. A quick-fix solution, assuming computer compatibility, could be to give DIA the Defense CIRIS and facilities inventory data bases on tape. This avoids the larger issue of sharing centralized data bases, which we think should be faced head-on. 4. IHC and OPPB have been informed of this action. 5. Recommend signature of the facing memorandum and return to us for dispatch. Distribution: Orig. and 1 - Addressee 1 - IHC 1 - OPPB 1 - DSG Chrono Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7 Next 4 Page(s) In Document Exempt Approved For Release 2004/05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000200030003-7