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Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 SUBJECT Final Draft of TOD Instructions and D4 finitior_s On the above data the final draft of the TOD Instructin-nQ and Definitions was forwarded to Messrs. Fischer and 1a11#.nb for their comments. NSA review completed DOE review completed. OSD REVIEW COMPLETED NGA review(s) completed. Not referred to OMB. Waiver applies. Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 October 1967 I STRUCTICW3 AND DEFIMITIC }S FOR TAFiGi'T-aU:L?ED DISF LJtY 1. Table of Contents. These Instructions and Definitions provide gerre,l guidance for, the preparation of Target-Oriented Display (TOD) Tables by Re- porting lxrtities designated to participate in this activity. These Insruc? tions and Definitions are organized as shown below: Subject Pie Guidance for Table A (Total Resources Surmiary and Detail of 'n~rgeted Resources) Includes definitions of Cost Categories, Manpower, Targeted and Untargeted Resources. Explains detail of allocation of Untargeted Resources tihich relate to the intelligence function categories of Research & Develop- ment,, General support, and Investigative Activities. Guidance for Tables B. C and D (Target Tables) -iii,- I. Purpose of Tables II . Construction of Tables III. Definitions of Intelligence Functions IV. Allocation of Investment and Expense Each t s Sanple copies of Tables A, D, C and D. 2. Security Classification These Instructions a d D n efinitions and ' Tables A, B, C and D when nat filled in) are classified SLCRJ T. Upon ccrn- pletion of the Tables and acco.ipanS,irF text, Reporting Entities should re- clas 4ify the y+iaterials upward ar- necessary. Peportir Tntities arc to make their subviissions at the hit:hccst classi.:icc,.tion rLvuired to present the p r- tincnt detailed infoinration adequately., 3. Fiscal Year PeE~uIT 11 alt. In the cuhru.ssion of these TPD Tables, Re}porting Entities arc to }.rovi~''e data for FY 1967 and FY 1968. A se,aa?,e set of tables is required for each year. 4. Trans;,mission of TOD REpcrts by Pet:ort3 ng rtitics. One complete set of TL'D Tables and accor partying text is to bd su a.:itted fb . each Deport; ng entity addressed to the Chairman TOD Ccrrrittee, Office of the uircctor of Central Intclli6ence. Rerort,i;nf Entities 1,rithin the iieparb,xcnt of Dcf'ns will be advi ed ly sei aratc irr_tructions of additional requirements for sub- missions of POD data within that Departnrnt. 5. Time 3chcduie. :;ub i Jo.-Is by fe; erting Entities shoi;.i.d be r cfi~~ :d by the Chi irna . TOD Canimi.ttee on or before 31 December 1967. The TCI) Co W itter_ zgill review ,nd collate the atbai sior arn7. call for additional data (if no- ccssat?y) betty rcn 31 :,'dccribcr 1.967 and 15 i cbru-iry .1968. The Tr"D C(Xn? ittee wilt prclprc it final rtl;ci?t b,~sed on the:,e Wit:-issions between 15 i ct+r.zr~r -trd 15 ?larch 1968. Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 3ECRLT TOD true ;r and DefinXt& jts Cuidanc e for Table A (Total r'escurce ,ran'- and ;)etaij of Untargetcd "esrurccc) Reporting Entity . The Re;por`.ing Entities are the specific Unit-, 'ctiviti-- `j, Projects, Offices or other components which are included in the major Intc1lig -cf- I'rcr.rams. A mast(-r list of all Reporting Entities in all Programs is :mlaint,ain- by the I'xecutive Secretariat of tine TOD Committee. Part I. Identificatirn Data. (Page 1A) ach Reporting Entity in DOD which is an integral cart e vice I Cost C_itrtrri(-_ s (I)O,)) . The TOA of he Per: orting Entity for the cited fi 1 year is divided into the follovring three Ccct Categories. should uc snosnr iu 410_U X11u0 Control and Code. The Control lint: near the top of both pages of Table A iliinLld be left blank by the Reporting; Entity. The Coe numbers app caring tier oughout 'I-" iLae A reltzte only to the subsequent processing of data sub?issions and serve as cotr?wenient line designators on the Tables. Part II. Resource $urmary for Pepo rting Entity. (Page 1A) Fiscal Year. Inter the applicable fiscal year. Note that separate tablt, are re-uir c:d for each fiscal year re. por ted on. TOA (Total Oblitational 1ut:.ori . TOA is the total resources avaitabl to the Reporting Entity progrclrrmed for use during the cited fiscal year, T" A unclad?, .riot only newly-appropriated funds but also funds appropriated in or other.Tk e ava * ! e from prior periods anxi progr^;n'ned for use during the fiscal ;-&.r being; rea.ort+ ; tea. The TCA for the Reporting Entity is to be obtained from a protrarn or bu:.;get do~.vrt rrt which will be specified in separate iirztructions. :hercver funds are reporte 1, dollars n CV4 is a art. Security ClasaAfIcation. Table A is classified SECRI`.T when not filled in. rpon. completion, rctlassiQi Tam A upward if necessary. flepcrting Entities -4t;: to F ,ke their su iaissions at the highest classification required to present the pertir tint detailed information adequately. The iizfori-w'tion called for should not LR sari `Azed or sum;arized for the purpose of making it suitable for press ntation undo' a l_c_, r security classification. F'ra gra.m. Indicate "CIP", "CCP", or other frccram of i~.drich the Re., orting I~; it-y , / Enc~ ar _a . the Ar',,yj, Navy or Air farce will iYdicate its Service affiliation. Cther Repo`.ng P;ntiti cs will indicate the apprC prio tc affiliation. R&D. These costs art, for activities, which are r;_=portable under the "R&D" heading on DD Form 1573 (Pro,-raja Change Pecuest, 'Cost :etail). The, are. for research, devulojjinent, test and evaluation -which l :d tarard the production of a system, tE chni ue, or device which aids and supports ins - -_ ligence activities. Investment. These costs are defined in DOD Instruction 7040.5, dat e_t 1 September 1966. These are the costs for activities which. are reportable under the "Investment" heading on ED Form 1570 (Program Charge i.equcst, Ctx t Detail) . _ Expense, These costs are defined in DOD Instruction 7040.5, dated 1 Sept6mber 1966. These are the costs for activities which are reportabl.t3 under the "Expense" heading on DD Form 1570 (Program Charge Re uest, Cost . " Detail) (CIA). Reporting Intities-within CIA will provide 'i_nf rr. tion Cost C ate ories s( approximately comparable to the foregoingDU) cost categories. This can be acc,.anp- lished by aggregating Sub-Object Classes under the three foregoing headin s. DD Form 1570 Program Change Recuest, MAnpower Detail), This total is derive by taking the annual incrunent in "Ent Strength" and dividing by two. h'anurnier (in 1?I-rn Years). "Man Years" has the same meaning; as when used 7MI TT Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 SECIU/T Tu) Ifst ? ctions ani De.i iitions Guidance for Table A '(continued) Part -III. Ftecapitula tion. (Page lA) Targeted and Untar eted Iesources. The total activity relating to intt1_.; ence to be accounted for in Table A is divided into six functional categorie: in turn, form two groups: Targeted Resources and Untargeted Resources. 'Ihe subt );als of Targeted and Untargeted Resources together equal the TCA and i-:anpower figures entered in Table A, Part II (page 11i). "Collection", "Inf r tion Processing", "Production", "Count erintellit'ene" are considered. target-orit3rited, and their resources are to be accounted for in r?c: ition to the target subdivisions shown in Tables B, C and D. "Resear^Qeve1oI", "General Support" and "Investi,*tive t~ctivitir3 are considered as not ti.rget-orientdd, and their resources are to be accounted fo= only in Table A, Fart 1II B. ('rage 1A) and in Table A, Part IV (Page 2A). Allocation of "Investment" and "Expense". See Section IV of these Inst:?uc,Mons and Definitions for Tables B, C and D fer guidance relating to the alloc ?:tion ct ,' "Investment" and "Expense" in Table A, Sections III and IV. Part IV. Untargeted Resources. (Page 2A) intelligence Function Category and Subcategory Definitions. :;ee Section III of these lnstruc Lions and Definitions for Tables B, C and D. These definitions f: spy to the intelligence function categories appearing in Part III of Tablc A and to ttr_ sub- categories apj e~ ring in fart IV of Table A. 7.. Guidh nee for Tables B. C and D st'C NEIr p' f& Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 0r.~nr,,. r r . 0,%Pwir F'a 7 AS S'D'I I'3. C, aid 11 I. PURPOSE OF TABLES Table B: to relate Intelligence Functions to the Geopolitical Areas which are the targets (objectives) of those functional activities. Table C: within each Target Area, to further subdivide targets according to subject matter (Political, Scientific, Military, etc.). Table D: within the USSR and Communist China Target Areas only, to further subdivide the "'Military" target. II. CONSTRUCTION OF TABLES AND INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING TABLES A. IDENTIFICATION DATA: top of Tables B, C and D. 1. All Tables. (basic requirement) Identify the "Reporting Entity", "Agency or Service", "Program" and "Fiscal Year" by filling in the spaces indicated at the top of Tables B. C and D. (See instructions and Definitions, Table A, Part I for definitions -r` these terms.) This identification is to be repeated at the top of each of the pm a of all tables. 2. Tables C and D (additional requirement) Identify the Target Area to which the table relates. B. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION 1. Assigning Security Classification. Tables B, C and D are classified SECRET when not filled in. Upon eomple?. tion, reclassify the tables upward if necessary. 2. Use Highest Classification. Reporting Entities are to make their submissions at the highest classifi-a- tion required to present the pertinent detailed information adequately. The information called for should not be sanitized or summarized for the purpos' of. making it suitable for presentation under a lower security classificatio-i C. "CONTROL" AND "CODE". 1. "Control". This line, which appears at the top of each page of Tables B, C and D. ahculd be left blank by the Reporting Entities. 2. "Code". The code numbers appearing throughout Tables B, C and D relate only to the subsequent processing of data submissions and may be ignored by Reporting Entities, D.'VERTICAL STUB COLUMN (Tables B, C and D): lists the Intelligence Functions 1. Category Subdivisions. The categories of "Collection" and "Information Processing" are subdivide+. according to the character of the activity performed and the information or materials dealt with. The subdivisions withir "Collection" and "Information Processing" are synonymous except that one adcitional activity has beer iden tified as part of the latter category (i.e., ':G. General Information Storage. Retrieval and Dissemination"). The categories! of "Production" and "Counter- intelligence" are not subdivided. 2. Category and Subcategory Definitions.. See section III below. 3. Totals. The vertical stub columri of Tables B, C and J provide space for totallina the resources applicable to each of the four m0or categories ("'"ollection". "Information Processing", "Production" and "Coloterintelligence"). An ad- ditional line is provided at the bottom of the - to t.6?a1 it targeted resources Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 SECRET II-'E. HORIZONTAL STUB COLUMNS Table B: lists the Geopolitical Target Areas, including "'UndistriTT which -tU b e treated as a Target rea. Table C: further subdivides a single Target Area according to subject matter; applicable to all Target Areas. Table D: further subdivides the "Military" target in the USSR and Communist China Target Areas only. 1. Target Area columns. Each Target Area is presented in four columns, headed "Investment", "Ex x- se',, "$", and "Man Years". The "$" column is a subtotal of the adjoining "Inve3-_z:ent" and "Expense" columns. (These headings have the same definitions as in Tabt , Funds are to be reported showing dollars in thousands (e.g., 25X1 considered as part of that target country or area even if thevVarp The "Target Area" is the location AGAINST WHICH the intelligence effort c- the Reporting Entity is directed. The location FROM WHICH the effort is ctr' ed on is not a Target Area unless it is also an area AGAINST WHICH the activity is A.1--..&-.2 A'71 l._-1_Y9_.. .. ... 2. "Target Area" Defined. in the similar boxes of the "Total Resources" columns on page lB of Tab Le B These resources are to be spread, as appropriate, among the subdivision;; of the vertical and horizontal columns of Table B. b. Table C. This table relates to a single, designated Target Area. Th#- "Total Resources" column of Table C repeats the resource allocation shown in Table B for that particular Target Area. c. Table D. This table relates to a single Target Area, either USSR or Communist China. The "Total Resources (Military Targets)" column of Table h repeats the resource allocation shown in the "Military" column of Table C for the designated Target Area. a. Table B. .The figures in Part III A'. of Table A are also to be ent . "Total Resources" columns. 5. Allocation of "Investment" and "Expense". See Section IV, below of these Instructions and Definitions for detailed guidance on the allocation of "Investment" and "Expense" as between targets identified In Tables B, C and D. xl 5X1 /-5X1 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 OEUXE II. E. HORIZONTAL STUB COLUMNS (continued) 6. "Undistributed" columns. 1. Where the activities of a Reporting Entity, in whole or in part, can 4A. logically or with reasonable effort or in a meaningful way be related to one specific Target Area or entirely spread among two or more specific Target Aredf, appropriate entries should be made in the "Undistributed" columns. 2. The use of the "Undistributed" columns may be appropriate when the activity of a Reporting Entity is directed simultaneously at more than one Target Area, or Worldwide, or-to a remote region (e.g., Arctic,-Antarctic) my,,-, .covered by any one of the specific Target Areas, if (In the preceding cases) no strong rationale exists for relating the use of resources to a specific Target Area or Areas. 3. Where apportionment among Target Areas is reasonably possible and meaningful, a Reporting Entity should not use the "Undistributed" column". 4. Where resources are shown in the "Undistributed" columns, the Report.-: Entity should indicate by footnotes or other adequate explanation the nature of the activity, the components of its organization so included, any formula used to apportion resources, and the reason why (unless it is self-evident) the "Undistributed" columns are used. 5. The "Undistributed" columns of Table B are to be treated as if they represented a Target Area. Accordingly, the preparation of Tables C and D to further subdivide these resources is required. 1. The "Undistributed (non-Military)' columns may be used where the other headings appear inappropriate, or where the activity of the Reporting Entity cannot logically or with reasonable effort or in a meaningful way le related to one or more of the specific headings. 2. Subparagraph 4., directly above, applies. 1. The-"Undistributed (Military Targets)" columns may be used where the other headings appear inappropriate, or w +r ee the activity of the Reportinr Entity cannot logically or with reasonable effort or in a meaningful way be related to one or more of the specific headings. 2.Subparagraph 4., directly above, applies. 7. "Subject Targets" (Table c). a. The "Total Resources (on Target Area)" columns'of Table C are si+hdiv:ded according to e u jec argot"; i.e.',"'e character of the information heintr collected and processed or of the intelligence produced. b. The principal distinction made in Table C is between information whi. h is characterized as being related to a "Military" subject and that related to other subjects. The "Military" subject matter is further refined in Table D. c. The columns entitled "Political Economic & Sociolo ical" are classified, for purposes of this analysis, as distinct from Milita general, information relating to the economy of the Target Area hicaconsidered to fall under this heading; this includes information concerning military-sEuppor!:f_ng economic activities. Where economico-military information is so interrelated as to be non-separable, it will be classified as "Economic" or "Military" depending on the overall orientation of the Reporting Entity: i.e., a CIA erntit.%, will report its activities relating to such information under "Political, E.o- nomic & Sociological" while a DOD entity will report such activities under d. The columns entitled "Science & Technolo,? (non-Military)" make it clear from their title that they sre to he used only for non-military information. This type of information, if related to military targets, is to be reported in Table D. Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Or,~1iwl IT. E. HORIZONTAL STUB COLUMNS (continued) 7. "Subject Targets" (Table'( (continued) e. The columns entitled "Mapping, Charting & Geography it are, for the -3urpove of compiling this table, to be distinguished from the "Military" columns, in spite of the fact that it is recognized that many MC&G activities represent a form of military support. The entire Mapping, Charting & Geodesy program of the CIP is to be reported hereunder. In addition, other Reporting Entit~,.es dealing with this form of subject matter will report hereunder. 8. "Military Targets"(Table D) a. In the cases (only) of the USSR and Communist China, the "Total Rerourre.; (Military Targets)" are further subdivided according to the character of the military information being collected and processed or of the intelligence prod.i.ed. b. Two sets of columns relate to"Strategic Forces", as follows: 1. "Strategic Forces: Offensive.' These consist of the ICBM force, the MRBM/IRBM force, missile submarines, the strategic bomber force, and related research and development. (Space systems, which might otherwise have beer onsidered as "strategic", are to be reported under "Military Space Programs". 2. "Stratef-ric Forces: Defensive". These consist of strategic air defensa-. ballistic missile defense, antisatellite defense, and civil defense. c. Three sets of columns relate to "General Purpose Forces", as follows: 1. "General Purpose Forces: Air". These include theatre air defense, tactical aviation, and the airlift capability. 2. "General Purpose Forces: Ground". These include tactical missiles ant rockets. 3. "General Purpose Forces: Naval". These include general purpose sub- marines, surface forces, naval aviation, coastal defenses employing missiles, apd the sealift and amphibious assault capability. d. One set of columns relates to "Military Special Weapons". These include biological, chemical and nuclear weapons and related defenses as well as ,any related research and development. e. One set of columns relates to "Militaryy Space Programs". All Space .etivi- be accounted for under this heading. } f. One set of columns relates to "Military Command & Control".. This has reference only to the highest echelon of command. Secondary and other subordinate; ehelons are to be related, to the forces w1rich they direct or operate. III. DEFNITIONS OF INTELLIGENCE FUNCTION CATEGORIES AND SUBCATEGORIES A. t1ENERAL Y. The subcategories A. - K.) of the "Collection" and "Information Pr?ocessin ? categories, as shown in Tables B, C and D, are synonymous, except that the latter category contains one additional activity (i.e., "L. General Information Storage, Retrieval & Dissemination"). 2. The subcategories (A._- K.) of the "Research & Development" cat e oor`,r, whi.a appear only on page 2A of Table A, are also synonymous with the subdivisions of "Collection" and "Information Processing", except that the "Research & Develcmen",' category also contains the following additional subdivisions: "L. General Informa-:gin Storage, Retrieval & Dissemination"; "M. CU & IA"; and "N. Communications Ser"icer'. B. DEFINITIONS (1000)'COLLECTION". This category incl .des all those activities which are des _gria tc-i to acquire raw information and bring i? under U.S. control. (GIP units and ac;ivitiar involved in MC&G activities include under "Collection" their activities entitled "Surveys and Data Procurement" in accordance with 1967 CIP Admin. Inst., Sec. VIIIl. Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 SECRET III. B. DEFINITIONS (continued) 25X1 (1010)'Humint". This subcategory includes "Collection" and "Information Processing" activities in connection with information and/or material of all forms where human beings serve as sources and collectors. (1011) "Overt". This subdivision of "Huminb" includes "Collection" and "Information Processing" activities where the collection of information and/or material is conducted in such a manner that it may be attributed to or acknowledged by the sponsoring government or agency. (1012)"Clandestine". This subdivision of "Humint" includes "Collection" and "Information Processing" of information and/or material where the collection activity is characterized by espionage or illicit activities. These activities are planned and executed under the sponsorship of a governmental department or agency in such a way as to assure secrecy or concealment, and to permit plausible denial by the sponsor in the event the activity is compromised. (1020)"Ima". This subcategory includes "Collection" and "Information Processing activities where the information and/or material consists of any or all products of reconnaissance which provide a permanent record of the likeness of any natural or man-made features, objects, and activities reproduced on photographic material. Such imagery can be acquired throug>i the sension of the visual or any other segment, 25X1 25X1 by means of manned aircraft or unammed aerodynamic vehicles such a dr?,r,aq_ (1022) "Land/Sea Platforms This subdivision of "Imagery" includes "Collection" and "Information Processing" activities in connection wit;i information and/or material where' the collection activity is conducted from a ground or sea platform. If not self-evident, the nature of the platform should be identified by footnote or other explanation. (1023) "Other Platforms"'. This subdivision of "Imagery" includes "collection" and "Information Processing" activities in connection with informs--lion c:id1or material where the collection activity does not fit appropriately :into tither of the two foregoing subdivisions. Reporting Entities will not us(! th:.., subdivision unless specifically authorized to do so by higher authority. Within this context, Imagery foes not include records of communications, radar signals, or telemetry data which do not reproduce the likeness of objects. Where photography is ob" tained in incidental support of a "Humint" collection effort (e.g., attac photography) it is not normally necessary to report this effort under "Imilf but is considered a part of the "Humint" activity. (1021) "'Aerodynamic Platforms". This subdivision of "Imagery"includees "Collection" and "Information Processing" activities in connection wit'i information and/or material where the collection activity is conducted Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 SECRET III. B. DEFINITIONS (continued) (1090) "Nuclear Detection Techniques". This subcategory includes "Collection and "Information Processing" activities where the information and/or vateria: are pertinent to the functioning of the U.S. Atomic Energy Detection System (REDS), with particular reference to activities carried on by una.s 25X1 and activities encompassed within the CIP, all of which should be reported hereunder. This subcategory applies particularly to specialized and technical equipment and procedures related to the subject matter. Information relatw' to nuclear matters may also be accounted for by Reporting Entities other tia.ri the specialized units referred to above. In those cases, it may be more appropriate to utilize such subcategories as "Humint", "Imagery", "Colbint", or other headings where those forms of collection are employed rather than the more specialized detection techniques which are related to this subcat+3n-:ory. Where resources are shown hereunder, the Reporting Entity should indicate:. footnotes or other adequate explanation the nature of the activity, the com- ponents of its organization so included, and any formula used to apportion resources. ' ("00) ."Specialized MC&G Techniques". This subcategory includes "Collection" and "Information Processing" activities where the information and/or raterir". are to be utilized in connection with the production of maps, charts, repcr~.,3, tables, aids, and other devices and products within the general fields of geographic intelligence, geodesy,hydrography, and comparable areas. This subcategory applies particularly to activities encompassed within the MC&G program of the CIP, all of which should be reported hereunder. It relates to activities where specialized and technical equipment and procecures are involved. Information relating to this, general subject may also be accounted for by Reporting Entities other than the specialized units referred to above. In those cases, it may be more appropriate to utilize such subcategories as "Humint", "Imagery", "Comint",or other headings where those forms of collee J on are employed rather than the more specialized techniques which are related ) this subcategory. Where resources are, shown hereunder, the Reporting Entit-: should indicate by footnote or other adequate explanation the nature cf tre activity, the components of its organization so included, and any fortrula used to apportion resources. (1110) "Other". This subcategory includes "Collection" and "Information Processing'ractivities where the type of information and/or material or tie techniques involved in its acquisition do not logically or appropriately 14% any of the foregoing subcategories. Where resources are shoom hereunder, t e Reporting Entity should indicate by footnotes or other adequate explar.atioa the nature of the activity, the components of its organization so included# any formula used to apportion resources, and the reason why (unless it is self'-evident) the "Other" columns are used. Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 SECRET III. B. DEFINITIONS (continued) (2000)??INFORMATION PROCESSING". This category includes those aspects of intelligence activity which fall between the functions of "Collection" and "Production". These are activities which are necessary to reduce raw information to readable. text, or to a form suitable for analytical exploits`. or for storage in an intelligence data base. This category includes, but is reduction of electromagnetic radiation document translation d t , o, not limite and returns, photographic read-out and interpretation, technical analysis a' material, and the reduction of seismic, electromagnetic and acoustic data relation to nuclear detection activities. (CIP units and activities ihvolv:: in MC&.G activities include under "Processing" their activities entitled "Data Reduction, Source Evaluation and Libraries" in accordance with 1967 CIP Admin. Instr., Sec. VIII). (2010-2110) For subdivisions A. - K. of the "Information Processing" cate- gory (Tables B, C and D), the definitions of these same subdivisiont which appear hereinabove under "Collection" are applicable. (2120) "General Information Storage, Retrieval & Dissemination". This subcategory includes "Information Processing" activities which are carrie? on in order to maintain intelligence data bases and reference systems, with or without the use of automated equipment. This subcategory irciude-, general purpose libraries and sizeable specialized reference,collect.iont. Centralized service activity performed by sizeable staff elements tc' receive, file, read and route documents to intelligence analysts is included. In addition, sizeable mechanisms for the distribution of processed information and/or intelligence end product fall within this subcategory. Where resources are shown hereunder, the Reporting Entity should indicate by footnote or other adequate explanation the nature of the activity, tcomponents of its organization so included, and any formula used to apportion resources. (3000) "PRODUCTION". This category includes all activities designed ?so convert processed information into intelligence data through evaluation and art ys::.fiK, and the collation, correlation and synthesis of such data into Finish i In ligence and its presentation to users. (CIP units and activities involved ~-r MC&G activities include under "Production" their activities entitled "Prodtv-tdon and Distribution" in accordance with 1967 CIP Admin. Instr., Sec. VIII.) (4130) ."COUNTERINTELLIGENCE". This category (which appears in Tables B. and D and in Part III A. of Table A) includes those forms of U.S. intellig:ce activity and their resultant product, which are devoted to destroying the effectiveness of inimical foreign intelligence activities and which are undr- taken to protect against espionage, sabotage and subversion. InvestipaticzL which have a direct and important connection with the functioning of an intelligence agency may, if appropriate, be considered to form a part of -'---2 r'4-7 --A-- 11Tncroc+A 7,q+.i vP_ .. GOUntierin lief--L-LL5-1- , --- Activities" (see next paragraph); if sufficiently numerous, doubtful zituet:-one should be discussed with the TOD Committee for special handling. (1+11+0) , "INVESTIGATIVE ACTIVITIES" . This category (which appears on _y it. :'arts III B. and IV of Table A) includes activities concerned with personnel, t.`~. security investigations conducted as a prerequisite to employment by the Government, for access to classified material, criminal investigation:;, at=a oirE; fore th t l . g e o ar other administrative investigations generally simi (See Counterintelligence"', above.) & DEVELOPMENT". As a functional category of intelligence ( 000)" C 5 H RESEAR activity, "Research & Development" is a form of support which is rend?-bred Ttr the primary intelligence functions of "Collection", "Informatiop Processing", "Production" and "Counterintelligence". It also supports other specializlr.+ es i ant i " ~- ---- activities, the most mpo i Iced c (within the "General Support" functional category) which have been ications of an intelligence u n and are operated especially to handle comm character. Note that "R&D" is listed, also, as one of the "Cost Categories" it Table A. For TOD purposes, data on R&D resources is compiled and clessifi::di both under the "Cost Category" (Table A,Part II) And under the "Function Category" (Table A, Part IV). However, the R&D activities and the reourte totals under both of these categories are the same. Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 Approved For Release 2008/01/17: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100050074-8 SECRET III. B. DEFINITIONS (continued) "Research .& Development" as a'functional category, is not target- oriented, and consequently does not appear on Tables B, C and D. However. there are cases where, within a single fiscal year, project hardware noves from the stage of research and development to an operational status. In the case of such a developing system or such hardware, costs are to b,E! allocated to the other intelligence function involved (e.g. "Collection", "Information Processing", etc) when the system or hardware moves into an operational status. With particular reference to the "Collection" f ncti.i. the costs of such a system or hardware will fall under "Collection" for T*A purposes once the system has begun to collect data against a target and to operate in the environment for which it was intended, or once the 3yster has been made available for operations as part of a contingency reserve. When the system or hardware has thus moved to an operational status, the applicable resources are to be target-oriented on Tables B, C and D.. Whet., the foregoing circumstances exist and costs are to be allocated, the iepor_ Ang Entity should indicate by footnote or other adequate explanation the natura_? of the activity, the components of its organizatign so included, and any formula used to apportion resources. Doubtful situdtions should be discusti: with the TOD Committee in advance. (5010-5110) For subdivisions A. - K. of the "Research & Development" category (Table A, Part IV), the definitions of these same subdivisions which are provided hereinabove under "Collection" are applicable. The objective is to report on the research and development activities which are being carried on in order to improve intelligence activities of tht_= types covered by those functional subcategories. (5120) "General Information Storage, Retrieval & Dissemination". For this subdivision of the "Research and Development" category, the definition which appears hereinabove under "Information Processing" is applicable. (5130) "CI & IA". This subdivision of the "Research & Development" cats, ?oar-a relates to research and development being carried on in order to support the activities falling within the definitions (see above) of "Couriterintail- ligence" and "Investigative Activities". (5170)"Communications Services". This subdivision of the "Research & Development' category relates to research and development being c?o?rieci or, in order to support communications functions which are related to intelI_ .-rence activities. These "Cor.=nications Services" are defined (see bela) undaar the subcategory of the same name which is within the "General Support" function. (6000)"GENERAL SUPPORT This category includes those activities (rich provide logistic, administrative and/or management type assistance for the. conduct of substantive intelligence activities. The category applies- principally to undertakings of significant size which are more commonly fou.,vl at the higher headquarters; and in general, the support components within fi#3i4 units and activities need not be identified separately under "General Suppct"'fit should be target-oriented (Table B) and included under the substantive intelligence function which they serve (i.e., "Collection", "Information Processing", "Production" or "Counterintelligence"). Sizeable suppor act:. va.ties at higher headquarters which are not reasonably allocable to substantive aactyvities may be identified under "General Support" (Table A). Reporting Entities showing resources in this category should append footnotes or other actequiic..- explanation to identify the components so included and any formula used to apportion the resources. (CIP units and activities involved in MC&G a?.tivi.ies include under "General Support" their activities entitled "Services" and "Operations and Maintenance of Facilities" in accordance with 1967 CIi' Aden'. Instr., Sec. VIII.) (blb0) "Management & Control": This subcategory includes those orgatizati;gal components whose principal function is to give executive direction, excr:ise general n.,nagement, or otherwise provide guidance and control for the toi=iuct of subst ntive intelligence activities. In general, this subcateg ry ir.-.Ludes only man+5,7erial-type resources at higher headquarters (e.g., the tip 1?v