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April 21, 1967
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21 April L-)67
SUBJECTS CoAveruation with Secretary Vance. 21 Aril 1 67
It seemed to me that he has the pararxount re:e1Don4t'btli.ty for
Tote 11i-ence activities.-
ctivit to s. -
latter responsibility was obviously not exclusive. On ue o,., ter
e;.errciae. One is the statutory responsibility for the ~ rote tie ,
sources and n eethods. Th ?osier is his re&ponsib.lity for Cater.-,
the objectives of the national intelligence effort. I raid than. this
uti er the authority of the secretary of I}ofense. I pa ix::tee
that the IaCI has two basic artd noa.dale aable respornsibilit
procedural and jurisdictional lines of authority. hi:, an e.:. lyr
cow be riasenblest haa4 to corns from r arcs vrhic'i are
:ror ,a
is three separate Presentat ong, The develu-:>iv.oct of a
scrllua preseeieta tioi inevitably involves cuttixig t sro, , ' em tr bti c
of the display of D*ftnae Department resources. Cbvio-40A? thin t:.~-
Department had to take the initiative iA the constrxrction cf?
saic that he agreed with it. I Said that we roco ,nine that the Lit.
which is ight occur to hirrr. Vance read the letter gore .
letter personally to :'fir. Vance so that I could ans? ;er .:ay- tkxess
tarot oriented display and (or this reason askee. r:~e to cLcchver
Mr. 1Ieln: s wantee to be corr plettly clear about his attitaC~lt tom
oriented display of intelligence resources. I told ":r. Vao .:e t _
disposition of the "20 Questions" and the Constructio t of a. tar
1. 1 caUec; on dir. Vance in his office at 1?T) Tai...
2. ,t..' t t.lti3 that he was in coma plate aka*roerrecat .e ;.
these views. 1I* cid not seem to me overentbusta.stic about thib
exercise or particularly optimistic that It would serve a pawtfcc iL.
Approved For Release 2004/05/12.: CIA-RDP86M00612R000100040050-5
Approved For Release 2?004f05/12 : CIA-RDP86M00612R000100040050-5
useful purpose. At least he thought it would be a long time b ::for :
anything significant came out of it. I told him that we would deal
with Solis Horwitz on matters of policy and that I would assign son
person or persons to deal directly with Herb Benington on matters
relating to the construction of the display. (I have subsequen"dfy ac- ,:riled
Horwitz, Benington and Bill Fischer of the BoB that Gerry P*wttib0:::-.o:!
and Nathan Fitts would represent the DCI in this capacity.)
3. II said that I shared Mr. Vance's skepticism and t}at,
while I believe that we should push for the target oriented die Slay
vigorously as circumstances permit, we should sirr ultaneoumiy _u .. ;r.
take ,an -evaluation of particular areas which, because of their experuje
and/or importance, appear to warrant special examination. 1 po x ~r:.
out that the purpose of a display is to reveal imbalances in the tot:..
grogram e o or areas of over~a , etc. A good many of these a~
pretty obvious already and, LA my opinion, should be the ubj ct c
immediate examination, It was for this reason, I said, that eve k-;.--
put forward the "20 Questions." I also said that I had had several
conversations with General Carroll about the necessity for stdi-e:
of discrete areas of intelligence activity, such as the effort a-ainl,.
the Soviet ICBM program, etc. Mr. Vance agreed that we shoulc
ahead with this kind of thing.
4. Mr V l ip .:4A, that he had just received the Dav : Re -) , : t
from Al Flax and wondered whether I had read it. I said that I ha ":t
and that I was concerned about the 1:BM.problem as a test of the ` P.
of the intelligence community to launch a concerted and effici -nt ei
against a really important target. I said I hoped that this prbbler;i
might indeed serve as a catalyst to help improve the orgganization::r.
arrangements in the community to plan and program the activity a.
this kind of target. The Davis Report, I said, was concerned wit:
only one element of the problem, although a very important O ie,
that was the overhead coverage. Mr. Vance said'that he had instr...y-.
Flax and Larsen to brief him on the totality of the effort and the it= tive
effectiveness of land based, as well as space, coverage. I s -id t : 5
I hoped he would include us in any discussions of this character.
real problem seemed to me to be to identify the specific targi is .
were ac a -to"varrO-Ua 1~ es o collection act ty and lcientif
means of coverage most liken to afford covera eof a par cular
As an em Te; . r riientioned the problem of the enga;err~ent" r , dar x;; gar,
the precise value of which as an indication of ABM activity still see 1-_a
to be in some doubt.'
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Approved For Release 2004/05/1-2' CrA7-iiD 86M00612R000100040050-5
5. I said that I thought the program review procedures rs?cw
in effect, at least as regards CIA, the CCP and the CIP, *-ere
whether any substantial improvement in the procedures re~ati:* to
these reviews was possible. I expressed some reservatioh abc! ;
NRP however, and pointed out that theJP is not given any,thie
the searching scrutiny to which other large intelligence progra rr:,-j
subjected. I Said that it was obviously important to rna.inta;n to
degree the informality with which reconnaissance programs; are :t.:.
cussed and approved. On the other hand, I thought that the pro;
would benefit from review through somewhat more formal proce. t,raz.
6. Finally. Mr. Vance reverted to his converEatiot, with cgi,,
irector and Admiral Taylor about the need for a very searchir-
critical rLItiew of our round based intelligence fac if i ias. 'l`hq
tar v Defense ilvri
n a
s meeting and personally erne. !Ae.
his interest in the problem. His basic concern continues to be u =: th
t th
our relations with such nations as Turkey, Pakistan arc,, ,,htopia
can be distorted by considerations relating to the presence of ir:t: J gence
facilities on their territory. 1L.4r. Vance indicated that they wool sae
pre ared to
money in ordqV,jc avo the ne.cessit
maintain nn?
n`ce fac
n f
ities i
oreign countries. We disc.,;
e pro em poadd by-the lived of`Over~eas command, for tactic-
early warning intelligence facilities. I assured Mr. Vance- that t,, d
already undertaken a review of the take and objectives of oversee: r
collection facilities and would develop some conclusions about ti:
purposes and importance of these activities and the cost ant::. rela. iva
effectiveness of alternatives.
JOHN A. t: ROl"F
Mr. Sheldon
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