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Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTERNAL USE ONLY NFAC #5423/79 15 October 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, National Foreign Assessment Center FROM Coordinator for Academic Relations, NFAC SUBJECT : Annual Report 1. The Agency's dialogue with specialists from universities and private research centers has broadened and intensified during the past year. Even at universities where restrictive guidelines governing relationships between faculty and staff and the Intelligence Community have been adopted, there seems to be a greater willingness by faculty and students to distinguish between the myths and allegations of past CIA abuses and current realities of our work. Improvements have resulted from changing attitudes on campus, a constricted job market for scholars, and other external factors, as well as from the expansion and vigorous presentation of our academic relations program. 2. During the past few years the role of the Academic Relations Staff has expanded from its earlier role of coordinating NFAC (formerly DDI) relations with academia, to a more positive effort to foster and encourage constructive ties with the academic community, meanwhile advising and assisting the DCI on academic affairs as well as providing other Agency-wide services. This expansion of missions and functions has been achieved with a staff of two full-time, middle management officers. 3. Major Endeavors and Accomplishments: a. Services to the Director of Central Intelligence on Academic Relations: (1) CAR handles much of the DCI's correspondence with academics, either by preparing coordinated replies for his signature or by answering on his behalf. There are not many such letters but some of them are very time-consuming. ADMINISTRATIVE � INTERNAL USE Om! Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 . Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-14DP8660-0985R-0150301710:10001-5 NFAC #5423/79 SUBJECT: Annual Report STATI NTL (2) CAR has organized a series of university presidents visits to the Agency as part of its endeavor to facilitate a free-flowing exchange of ideas on how to maintain the academic-intelligence relationship on a sound and proper basis. A total of 18 university presidents have attended the four meetings held thus far. (3) CAR advises the DCI on the "guidelines" (on relations with the intelligence agencies) adopted by Harvard and a few other academic insti- tutions and, as such, is a member of an ad hoc working group consisting of the General Counsel, Inspector General, and Deputy Director for Operations. (4) CAR is responsible for initiating and managing a series of discussion dinners in which academics and officials from other government agencies are invited. These are held at approximately six-week intervals. Eleven such seminars have been held with topics ranging from Central America after Somoza and North-South Relations to Soviet Nationality Prospects and Con- ventional Arms Transfer Problems. b. Miscellaneous All-Agency Functions: (1) CAR is the Agency coordinator of reporting on foreign affairs external research (FAR) under . He represents the Agency on the Interagency Committee on FAR reporting and serves as liaison between CIA components and State on FAR matters. As part of this responsibility, CAR has chaired an all-Agency working group to revise I The revised regula- tion has been submitted to the Regulations Control Branch, DDA and is expected to be issued before the end of 1979. (2) CAR advises and represents the Agency on a variety of subjects having to do with academia. Most _ Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 /111111711,51rIA I ilft 1a U UAL STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 AITINISTRATIVE - INFERNAL UNE ELT NFAC #5423/79 SUBJECT: Annual Report of these fall under one of the following headings: (a) CIA relations with academic institutions or individual scholars. CAR receives many inquiries directly from the academic community, whose members prefer not to deal with Public Affairs. CAR is also consulted by the Office of the General Counsel and by DO and DS&T divisions (especially DO/DCD, DO/FRD and DS&T/ORD) on academic relations. Advice on Freedom of Information questions is a fairly frequent example. (b) Recruitment and External Research. Because of contacts in the academic community, CAR occasionally receives inquiries regarding employment by the Agency and proposals for external research projects. CAR function in these cases is to put these inquiries into proper channels but also to see that they are handled in such a way as to foster good relations with academia. (c) Public Affairs. CAR represents NFAC on the Public Affairs Advisory Group (PAAG). CAR and PA activities overlap to a degree and informal communications and coordination channels of our activities are well established. c, NFAC Functions: (1) CAR advises and assists the NIOs in the selection of consultants and coordinates the recruitment and payment procedures. CAR has also assumed responsibility for the "generalist" consultants nominated by the DCI, who have no NIO sponsor. There are now 31 NIO consultants, including five generalists. Seven additional consultants are in process. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : alA-RDP861300985R000300040001-5 MICTUIRL u U111.1 Approved For Release 2001,/03/06: CIA-RDP861300985R,?003019040001-5 - Li NFAC #4416/79 22 August 1979 MEMORANDUM FOR: Director, National Foreign Assessment Center FROM Associate Coordinator for Academic Relations, NFAC SUBJECT Academic Relations Biannual Report 1. Attached for your information is the biannual report for NFAC academic relations covering the first half of 1979. Information is compiled in a format that has been used for several years and which has proven useful for comparing trends in these activities. 2. The data is reasonably complete, It was compiled from records in the Academic Coordinator's files and was reviewed by the Office Directors and the NIOs and provides a reliable gauge of the scope of relations between NFAC and academia. STATI NTL Attachment: As stated 1A1 jur 3kmliP-ipATilf7: mu 0. a . Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 ... a VP al 11110 italrrnu iJ *�t f041 if Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 NFAC #5423/79 SUBJECT: Annual Report (2) CAR, in an attempt to maximize the benefits to be derived from academic visits to the Agency, has arranged seminars and other information exchanges between academic participants in DCI discussion/dinners and analysts working in the same fields. (3) CAR arranges meetings with individual scholars who are visiting or passing through Washington. These meetings may take the form of informal debriefings, lectures, or seminars. In the past year, approximately a dozen such scholars have visited the Agency to consult with NFAC analysts (this is in addition to academic participants in DCI discussion/dinners). (4) CAR arranges Agency visits for university student/faculty groups. Twenty such groups. were hosted by NFAC during the first nine months of 1979. Most were briefed by a senior official and also had a substantive briefing by NFAC analysts. CAR assesses each proposed visit and then arranges for (and may participate in) the briefings requested by the visitors. (5) CAR screens invitations from the academic community to supply speakers on NFAC subjects and seeks analyst volunteers for those chosen for favorable response. In the next few months, NFAC analysts will be visiting the University of Denver, University of Minnesota, Saint John's University (Minnesota) and Morehead University (Kentucky). (6) During the past year CAR has initiated three scholar-in-residence employments. One was arranged but then cancelled by the scholar concerned (Robert Jervis One is scheduled for 1980-1981 (John Gaddis for OPA). The third is in process for 1980-1981 (Professor Richard Ned Lebow of the National War College for OSR). -4- mut II'r 0" Y Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 � ADMINISTRATIVE INILLN. U:1LT NFAC #5423/79 SUBJECT: Annual Report (7) CAR regularly distributes unclassified Agency publications to about 200 scholars at universities around the country. During the first nine months of 1979, 51 unclassified Agency publi- cations on Chinese, Soviet and Latin American subjects were mailed to a total of over 150 experts in those fields. In addition, 40-50 scholars, most of whom are directors of university international studies programs or of private research centers, receive copies of other Agency publications. The requests of approximately 70 more scholars for copies of Agency publications or Information also were filled by CAR, (8) CAR circulates a monthly listing of academic meetings in which NFAC analysts might be interested. CAR also reviews analyst attendance at academic meetings, participation at academic meetings, publications in academic journals and visits to academic institutions. Perhaps the clearest indication of the progress that has been made recently in improving the Agency's ties with academia is in the growing participation of our specialists at academic and professional conferences. In the first nine months of 1979, approximately 350 NFAC people attended 145 conferences, conventions and symposia in their areas of interest. These gatherings included national and regional conventions of the major academic associations in about a dozen disciplines, conferences of the principal area studies associations, conferences of professional associations, conferences devoted to the affairs of a single country or topic, and symposia, colloquia, and fora. More and more of our analysts are being asked to make presentations at these affairs. So far this year, 26 analysts have presented scholarly papers at their meetings. (9) CAR has encouraged independent critical articles on CIA publications in professional journals. One appeared in the Spring 1979 issue of Contemporary China. The Commerce Department is doing one that will appear later this month in their publication Business America, and the AAASS has agreed to publish one later this year. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : elA-RDP861300985R000300040001-5 MIMINISTRAIPit 1NILUL C-c Lt.LI STATI NTL STATI NTL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 I1i.UML uaL; NFAC #5423/79 SUBJECT: Annual Report 4. Major Organizational Developments: a. Staffing: (1) CAR is staffed by two full-time officers and two secretaries. (2) The Coordinator of Academic Relations is Mr. , who joined the Agency in July, 1977 after experience with The Johns Hopkins University Washington Center of Foreign Policy Research, the Institute for Defense Analyses, and the Naval War College that qualified him for the assignment. (3) The Associate Coordinator is a two-year rotational tour. The present Associate Coordinator, was assigned in August, 1978. b. CAR Attendance at Professional Meetings: CAR personnel try to attend the appropriate professional meetings each year as there is no better way to keep in touch with trends in academia or to maintain old contacts and make new ones. The following meetings were attended during the academic year 1978-1979: American Political Science Association Annual Meeting, New York City, in August-September International Studies Association Section on Military Studies Annual Meeting, Kiawah Island, South Carolina, in October American Historical Association, San Francisco, December International Studies Association Annual Meeting, Toronto, in March -6- ifilAIHIOTDITIIIC BITMAI iir nmiv Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 ADMINISTRATIVE - INTEL USE ONLY SUBJECT: Annual Report STATI NTL NFAC #5423/79 5. Future Plans: a. CAR intends to continue to pursue the activities listed in paragraph 3. b. CAR is exploring the feasibility of inviting the deans of the foreign service-oriented schools, the directors of the international affairs research centers and possibly the chairmen of departments of interest to NFAC for a day of briefings and discussions on substantive (analytic) and personnel (consultants, lateral entry recruits, scholars-in- residence) problems -- all from the Washington area. This "day with NFAC" would be an alternative to the university presidents visits. The project has the attraction that our guests would be specialists on NFAC subjects themselves and much closer than the presidents to prospective consultants, scholars-in-residence, and regular employees. c. CAR is attempting to coordinate NFAC activities, particularly visits to universities and academic meetings, speaking to student groups, and discussions with university faculties, with personnel in the Office of Personnel, Recruitment and Placement Divisions in an attempt to share our contacts and entree with academics and academic institutions. Initial discussions have been held with Chief, Recruitment Division, Office of Personnel. d. CAR will be attempting to coordinate public relations activities more closely with others with similar or overlapping roles, i.e., Office of Public Affairs and EEO. CAR is attending a Public Communications meeting at on 27-28 November on this subject. -7- a *yams"' ILITT711111 umt ninv Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 STATINTL Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 ADMINISTRATIVE MENAI USE OM NFAC #5423/79 SUBJECT: Annual Report 6. Statistical Summary: The attachment contains a statistical summary of the Academic Relations Staff's activities during the first six months of 1979. This statistical compilation has been prepared for the D/NFAC, every six months, for the past several years. Attachment: As stated STATI NTL -8- Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 RUIT111110211AIIVIL !Li 1664.1., Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 ADMINISTRATIVE � INTEMIAL USE ONLY NFAC #5423/79 SUBJECT: Annual Report Distribution: Original - D/NFAC 2 - NFAC/CAR 1 - NFAC Registry NFAC/ACAR/ (11 October 1979) STATI NTL -9- Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 MINIM I HA I lit Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 S 11,t, Attachment NFAC ACADEMIC RELATIONS ACTIVITIES 1 January - 30 June 1979 A. Distribution of Unclassified Material (excluding DOCEX and NTIS) COMPONENT MATERIAL RECIPIENTS NFAC/CAR 7 Reference Aids (USSR Agriculture Atlas, CR 78-14025, CR 78-15073, ER 78-10512, ER 78-10505, ER 78-10494U, ER 78-10516) 10 Reference Aids (CR 79-15494, CR 78-15480, CR 79-10464, CR 78-15257, CR 79-10005, CR 78-15321, ER 79-10131, ER 79-10057, ER 79-10001, SR 79-10004) 7 Reference Aids (China City Briefs, 52 China Scholars Pao-t'ou and Hsi-an, CR 78-14919, CR 78-13497, CR 78-16506, ER 78-10680, ER 78-10721) 8 Reference Aids (ER 78-10750, 52 China Scholars ER 79-10092, ER 79-10020U, ER 79-10073, ER 79-10206, CR 79-10564, ER 79-10245, CR 79-11870) 3 Reference Aids (CR 79-12264, Vols. 52 China Scholars 1-III, CR 79-10822, CR 79-12497) 46 Soviet Scholars 46 Soviet Scholars 5 PRC Leader Appearance Listings 1 China Scholar 3 Reference Aids (CR 79-10002, CR 79-10001, RP 79-10149) 5 Reference Aids (ER 78-10478U, ER 78-10365, ER 78-10680, SR 79-10004, RP 79-10149) 24 Cuban Scholars 34 Generalist Scholars To.3-rrnwil ultr nmiv Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 1 1 1.i ;L L t EIL I Attachment A. Distribution of Unclassified Material (excluding DOCEX and NTIS) COMPONENT MATERIAL RECIPIENTS NFAC/OER 2 Reference Aids (ER 79-10057 and 180 Scholars 1978 Joint Economic Committee's Allocation of Resources in the Soviet Union and China--1978, Part 4--Soviet Union) 3 Reference Aids (ER 79-10073, ER 79-10020U, ER 79-10092) 2 Reference Aids (ER 79-10131, ER 79-10001) 1 Reference Aid (ER 79-10206) 120 Scholars 186 Scholars 132 Scholars 1 Reference Aid (ER 79-10245) 142 Scholars NFAC/OCO 6 Reference Aids (ER 78-10365, ER 78-10494U, SR 79-10004, ER 79-10067, RP 79-10149, ER 79-10145) 1 Scholar NFAC/PPG International Political Effects of 26 Scholars the Spread of Nuclear Weapons NFAC/CAR A total of 58 ad hoc requests were filled B. Requests to Publish Books or Articles COMPONENT # REQUESTS OPA 4 OCR 1 PPG 2 C. Academic Guests COMPONENT # GUESTS NFAC/CAR 12 NFAC/OCR 1 NFAC/OER 1 NFAC/OGCR 1 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 nvin,1071191TitIr2INITTIM /Ins, . , Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 " 1 11`,11,11 1ini.1 Attachment D. University Presidents Visits DATE # GUESTS 15 February 7 E. Briefings to Academic Groups DATE GROUP PARTICIPANTS 1/17/79 Hope College, Michigan Washington Honors Semester Group NFAC/ACAR, DD/NFAC 1/18/79 Colgate University, January 1979 NIO/Warning Washington Workshop in American Foreign Policy 1/25/79 Stetson University, Deland, Fla. NFAC/CAR, NIO/Warning 1/30/79 Hollins College, Virginia NFAC/ACAR, ES/DCI, OER, OPA 3/7/79 Yeshiva University, New York NFAC/ACAR, OER 3/12/79 Georgetown University--School of Foreign Service, Washington, D.C. NFAC/ACAR, NIO/Africa, OPA 3/12/79 Kenyon College, Ohio Same as above 3/21/79 Eastern Connecticut State College NFAC/ACAR, OPA 3/21/79 Madison University OGCR/CD 4/6/79 US Military Academy, Arabic Club, West Point, New York NFAC/ACAR, OPA 4/11/79 Ohio State University, Athens, Ohio OGCR/CD 4/20/79 George Washington University, Washington, D.C. NFAC/ACAR, OPA 4/27/79 US Military Academy, Russian, French, Chinese and German NFAC/ACAR, OPA Language Clubs, West Point, New York 5/7/79 University of Georgia Graduate A/NIO/SS Students Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 :INTFERial UF Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 AIMINNIVArlum 01;;',1 wiLl raltwi &IVO 4 Lira Om t a S' Attachment E. Briefings to Academic Groups DATE GROUP PARTICIPANTS 5/10/79 Pace University, New York NFAC/ACAR, OTR, Chief/Coordination Staff 5/25/79 Syracuse University, Maxwell NFAC/ACAR, NIO/PE Graduate School, New York 5/30/79 6/6/79 Hope College, Michigan Monroe Community College, New York F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetings DATE MEETING 1/2-9/79 Annual Meeting of the American Association for Advancement of Science (AAAS), Houston, Texas 1/3-7/79 Workshop on "The Development of Industrial Science and Technology in the PRC: Implications for US Policy," Bermuda Meeting on UNESCO, WARC and US Information Policy at Georgetown University CSIS, Washington, DC 1/10/79 1/11-13/79 1/17/79 1/25-26/79 Conference on the East Asian Security in the 1980s, Rand Corp., Santa Monica, California NFAC/ACAR NFAC/ACAR, SALT Support Staff PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE Meeting on Contemporary US Policy Toward the Soviet Union, Council on Foreign Relations, Washington, DC Conference on Outlook and Policy for Changes in the Industrial Structure of OECD Countries, Sheraton Hotel, Arlington, Va. 1 - OGCR/attend 1 - A/NIO/SS/attend 1 3 1 - NIO/PE/attend - �ER/attend - OSR/panelist 1 - OSI/attend 1 - NIO/USSR-EE/attend 1 - NIO/USSR-EE/attend 1 - A/NIO/PE/attend -4- Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 tp.A. ULI a 1111111P1'1.1.% "rilfr vArn-rh.).111 17`.."." Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Attachment F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetings DATE MEETING PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 1/25-27/79 Southeast Regional Conference of 1 - OPA/present paper & Association of Asian Studies, panelist University of Kentucky, Lexington, Ky. 1/29-31/79 American Physical Society Meeting, 1 - OSI/attend New York, NY 1/31/79 Sixth Annual Briefing Conference of the International Business- Government Counsellors, Inc., Washington, DC 1 - A/NIO/PE/attend 2/7/79 AEROSPACE 79 (AIAA 15th Annual 1 - NFAC/ACAR/attend Meeting and Technical Display), 5 - OIA/attend Sheraton-Park Hotel, Washington, DC 2/8/79 Meeting on Third World Arms Pro- L - A/NIO/PE/attend curement and Production Strategies, Georgetown University CSIS, Washington, DC 2/8/79 Briefing to the Board of Directors 1 - NIO/China/speak of the Advertising Council, Inc. on Subject, "New Relations with the PRC and Continuing Relations with Taiwan," New York, NY 2/8-9/79 Seminar on Contemporary China and 1 - OPA/present paper Japan, East Asian Institute, Columbia University, New York, NY 2/10/79 Speech to the "Off-the-Record 1 - OCR/speak Club," on "Intelligence and the War of Independence," Washington, DC 2/12-16/79 Annual Meeting of American Academy 1 - OSI/attend of Forensic Science and Medicine, Atlanta, Georgia 2/18-21/79 Conference on Strategic Direction: 1 - NFAC/ACAR/attend Defense Technology '79, Chicago, 1 - OER/attend - Illinois 2 - OSR/attend -5- - g'rfrWII !IN! milt Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 � Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86B00985R0063-15-0-640001-5 int.* 11,11::::"Uat kbr,4.1. TaI e.ra� F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetings DATE MEETING 2/26-28/79 6th Energy Technology Conference and Exposition, Washington, DC 2/26-3/3/79 INTELCOM 79-International Tele- communications Convention, Dallas, Texas 2/27/79 Meeting on "Third World Arms Industries: Problems and Prospects 1 Georgetown University CSIS, Washington, DC 3/1-2/79 Probe International Conference on Violence Abroad, St. Regis Hotel, New York City, NY 3/6-8/79 3/7/79 3/13-15/79 3/16/79 3/16/79 3/19-23/79 3/20-23/79 JANNAF Propulsion Conference, Anaheim, California Attachment PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 2 - OSI/attend 10 - OER/attend Conference on Significance of Sahel for Southern Africa, George- town University CSIS, Washington, DC 9th International Symposium & Exposition of Industrial Robots, Washington, DC Seminar on Korea, Columbia University, New York, NY Address the Founders Day Dinner of the West Point Association of Graduates, Washington, DC 1 - OSI/attend 1 - NFAC/ACAR/attend 1 - A/NIO/PE/attend 1 - OER/attend 1 - OPA/speak 1 - OWI/attend 1 - OCR/attend 1 - OSI/attend 1 - A/NIO/EAP/present paper 1 - OER/attend 1 - NIO/China/speak Annual Convention of the American 7 - OGCR/attend Congress on Surveying and Mapping, Washington, DC Conference on Executive Leadership 1 - OER/attend Forum on Major Issues in Foreign Policy and International Trade, Brookings Institution, Washington, DC Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CMA-RIDP86600985R000300040001-5 MINIS NA 1 " � Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP861300985R0003000400i01-5 F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetingl. DATE Attachment MEETING PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 3/21-24/79 International Studies Association Convention, Toronto, Canada 3/22/79 Briefing on Current Energy Situation to Seminar at General Motors Corp., LaGrange, Illinois 3/22/79 3/22/79 2 - NFAC/CAR/attend 1 - OPA/panelist 4 - OPA/present paper 1 - OER/attend 2 - OER/speak Meeting on "Religion in the USSR 1 - OPA/attend Today," Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies, Washington, DC Seminar on Japanese/American Security Relations, Columbia University, New York, NY 3/22-23/79 Discussant on Money & Banking Panel at Meeting of Virginia Assoc. of Economists, Virginia Beach, Va. 3/28-30/79 Expo'Sium '79, Lake Geneva, Wisconsin 1 - NIO/EAP/attend 1 - OER/speak 1 - PPG/panelist 3/28-4/1/79 Symposium on "The Defense Environ- 1 - Acting NIO/CF ment in the Next Decade," Hudson 1 OPA/attend Institute, Tarrytown, NY 3/29/79 3/29-31/79 3/29-4/1/79 3/30/79 4/2/79 Approved Conference on Technology of the Office of the Future, William Penn Hotel, Philadelphia, Pa. A Conference of Europeanists; 2 - OCR/attend Institutional Change or Institutional Decay, Washington, DC 1 - OCR/attend Annual Convention of Association of Asian Studies, Los Angeles, Ca. 1 5 1 - A/NIO/EAP/present paper - OPA/attend - OGCR/attend Conference of Council on European 5 - OPA/attend Studies, Washington, DC Present Briefing at Army War 1 OSR/speak College Seminar on Negotiating European Security, Carlisle Barracks, For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 ADAIRlieTnrflIgg7-_. VITTTP111 rv"! Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP861300985R000300040001-5 L UAL Attachment F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meeting5_ DATE MEETING PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 4/2-4/79 4/3/79 4/3/79 International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, International Inn, Washington, DC Seminar at Tulane University on Soviet Foreign Policy, New Orleans, Louisiana Study Group Session on "The Politics of Change in the Soviet Union," Lehrman Institute, New York, NY 1 - OWI/attend 1 - OPA/attend 1 - NIO/USSR-EE/attend 4/5-7/79 National Meeting of the Latin 6 - American Studies Association, 1 - Pittsburgh, Pa. 2 - 4/5-7/79 4/8/79 4/8-11/79 4/18-20/79 4/18-20/79 4/19/79 Meeting of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, Philadelphia, Pa. Conference on Israel in the Begin Era, Baltimore Hebrew College, Baltimore, Md. 1 - 1 - OPA/attend OER/attend OGCR/attend OGCR/attend OPA/attend 2 - OPA/attend Workshop on Soviet Military & 1 Science & Technology, Airlie House, Warrenton, Va. East-West Banking Symposium, Airlie House, Warrenton, Va. t\ - A/NIO/SS/attend 3 - OPA/attend Society of Photo-Optical Instru- mentation Engineers Conference, Washington, DC Seminar at Johns Hopkins SAIS on 1 The Irony of Vietnam: The System Worked, Washington, DC - OSI/attend - OSR/attend Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 � Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Pa F. NFAC People Attending Professional MeetinR DATE MEETING 4/19-21/79 Regional Meeting of the Latin American Studies Association, "Cuba and the Caribbean; 20th Century Perspective, Tampa, Florida 4/20-21/79 4/22-25/79 4/22-25/79 4/23-26/79 4/23-27/79 Annual Meeting of Advisory Board, Patterson School of Diplomacy at University of Kentucky, Lexington, Association of American Geographers Meeting, Philadelphia, Pa. Graph Expo '79, Chicago, Illinois American Physical Society, Washington, DC 13th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment, Ann Arbor, Michigan Attachment PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 6 - OPA/attend 1 - OPA/present paper 1 - OCR/attend 1 - NIO/PE/attend Ky. OGCR/attend OGCR/present paper OER/attend 1 - PPG/attend 2 - OSI/attend 2 - OGCR/attend 4/24-26/79 Tufts University, The Fletcher 1 - School of Law & Diplomacy, Eighth Annual Conference, "Intelligence: Deception and Surprise" 4/25-27/79 4/26/79 4/26-27/79 4/26-28/79 1979 Society of Naval Architects 1 - and Naval Engineers Ship Technology and Research Symposium, Houston, Texas Seminar on Indonesia, Asia Society, New York, NY Workshop on Energy Resource Potentials, Stanford University, Stanford, Ca. Population Association of America, Philadelphia, Pa. 1 - 1 - 2 - NIO/Warning/attend OWI/attend A/NIO/EAP/attend OPA/attend OER/attend OER/panelist 1 - OGCR/attend Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 tanliii;DBIA1 - r6,-2,C., U111.1 wApproved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP861300985R000300040001-5 1 F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meeting_s_ DATE 4/29-30/79 4/29-5/2/79 4/30/79 4/30-5/3/79 5/2/79 5/2/79 5/2-4/79 5/3/79 5/3-4/79 5/3-4/79 5/4/79 MEETING Attachment PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE Seminar on Technology & Interna- 1 - tional Security, MIT, Cambridge, Mass. The National Information 2 - Conference and Exposition (NICE III), Washington, DC Conference on New Developments in 1 East-West Trade, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. 1979 Offshore Technology Conference, Houston, Texas Seminar on the North-South Korean Confrontation, Towson University, Towson, Md. Briefing to the Western Interstate Energy Board's Quarterly Meeting, Denver, Colorado 1979 Annual Meeting of the Presi- dent's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped, Washington, DC Briefing to the Bank of America 1 - OER/speak Petroleum and International Finance Departments Symposium on the Malay World, 1 - A/NIO/EAP/present paper University of Ohio Meeting on Research in Income and 1 - OER/attend Wealth, Washington, DC Discussions with SOCAL and Faculty 1 - OER/speak Members of the Stanford School of Engineering, San Francisco, Ca. OSR/attend OCR/attend - OER/attend 1 - OWI/attend 1 - OCR/panelist 1 - OER/speak 1 - OCR/attend Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 AIMINISTRAFIVE -77 flY 1 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP861300985R000300040001-5 1 I ITAALu li;11 F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetings DATE MEETING 5/4-5/79 5/8-11/79 5/10-13/79 5/14-17/79 5/17-18/79 5/17-19/79 Conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies, Washington,' DC 28th Annual Conference and Exposi- tion National Micrographics Association, Atlanta, Georgia Conference on Scholarly Exchanges 1 - OPA/attend with the USSR & Eastern Europe, 1 - NFAC/ACAR/attend Johns Hopkins SAIS, Washington, DC Attachment PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 1 - OPA/present paper 14 - OCR/attend 1 - OER/present paper 1 - OSR/present paper 3 - OCR/attend 50th Annual Meeting, Aerospace Medical Association, Washington, DC 1 - OCR/attend 3 - OSI/attend Seminar on The Art of Negotiating, 1 Watergate Hotel, Washington, DC Conference on "Civil-Military 1 - NIO/USSR-EE/attend Relations in Socialist and Modernizing Societies: Europe, Asia and the Middle East," Santa Barbara, Ca. - OCR/attend 5/17-20/79 Sino-American Conference on 1 - Mainland China, University of South Carolina, Columbia, South Carolina 5/18/79 Seminar on Korea, Columbia University, New York, NY 5/20-23/79 IBM Seminar, "The Office System: 1 Planning and Managing," Dallas, Texas 5/20-25/79 GUIDE-48 Conference, Philadelphia, 1 Pa. 1 5/21-23/79 Word Processing Workshop, Chicago, Illinois 5/23-26/79 Conference of International Society 7 for Political Psychology, Washington, DC 1 - OSR/attend A/NIO/EAP/attend - PPG/attend 1/0 - OCR/attend - OER/attend 2 - PPG/attend - OSI/attend Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 MMINISTHAtin - iffic-iia. iJUA 1 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP861300985R000300040001-5 AUMMISini "IiLLU:H: UNIT F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetings DATE MEETING 5/24/79 41st Annual Meeting of the Aero- space Industries Association, Williamsburg, Va. 5/28-6/1/79 The American Geophysical Union 1979 Spring Meeting, Washington, DC 5/29-6/1/79 APL 79 Conference, Rochester, NY 5/30-6/1/79 6/4/79 6/4-7/79 6/5-6/79 6/5-7/79 6/6-8/79 6/7-8/79 6/7/79 1979 Conference on Laser Engineer- ing and Applications/IEEE, Washington, DC Joint Academic/Intergovernment Conference on Indonesia, johns Hopkins SAIS, Washington, DC Attachment PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 1 - NIO/PE/attend 2 - OSI/attend 1 OER/attend 1 - OSI/attend 2 - NIO/EAP/speak and A/NIO/EAP/attend 2 - OPA/attend 2 - OER/attend 1 - OSR/attend 1 - OGCR/attend 1 - OCR/attend 1 - NIO/China/attend National Computer Conference 4 - (NCC), New York, NY IAEE-RFF Conference on Interna- 1 tional Energy Issues, Washington, DC Symposium, "International 2 Symposium on Barrier Warfare, Harry Diamond Laboratories, Adelphi, Md. Conference on Economy of China 1 sponsored by the Centro Studi Sui Sistemi Socio-Economic Dell'est, Milan, Italy Conference on "The Difficult 1 Balance: United States-Soviet Relations," Chicago, Illinois Conference of Society for Interna- 1 tional Development, Washington, DC 1 OCR/attend - OPA/attend - OSR/attend - OER/attend - NFAC Scholar-in- Residence/speak - OER/attend - A/NIO/PE/attend Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 IMAIINIMATIVF .11411:ri111ftF ni .Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP861300985R000300040001-5 fNlb I gA I Attachment F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetings DATE MEETING PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 6/10-15/79 6/10-16/79 6/11/79 6/11-15/79 6/12/79 6/12/79 6/14-15/79 6/17-22/79 6/18-20/79 6/18-20/79 Conference on the Muslim Middle 2 - OER/attend East Heritage and Change, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey National Endowment for Arts Studio 1 - OGCR/attend Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut Visual Communication Congress, 1 - PPG/attend New York International Symposium on Sate- 1 llite Hydrology, Sioux Falls, South Dakota Presentation on "The External 1 Challenge Posed by the Soviet Union," Council on Foreign Relations, New York, NY Conference on World Oil and Natural 1 Gas Supply, Sheraton Inn, Reston, Va. Rand Workshop on Study of Soviet Nationality Problems, Santa Monica, Ca. 29th International Design Conference, Aspen, Colorado 1 1 1 1 15th Joint AIAA/SAE/ASME Aero- 1 space Propulsion Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada Conference on "Comparative Marine 1 Policy: Perspectives from Europe, Scandinavia, Canada and the US, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island - OGCR/attend - NIO/USSR-EE/speak - OPA/attend - NFAC Scholar-in- Residence/attend - OPA/attend - OGCR/attend - PPG/attend - OSI/attend - OGCR/attend 6/19-20/79 AAAS Colloquium on R&D Policy, 1 - OPA/attend Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC 1 - A/NIO/PE/attend Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 AMINISTRATIVE IN HL4iliShWLT .143AlletTr4 Tnfr iU777.01:11 nylv Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Attachment F. NFAC People Attending Professional Meetings DATE MEETING PARTICIPANTS/PURPOSE 6/19-21/79 Military Operations Research 1 - OPA/attend Society Symposium, US Military 7 - OSR/attend Academy, West Point, NY 6/21/79 Hudson Institute Seminar on 4 - OPA/attend Indochina, Airlie House, Warrenton, Va. 6/23-29/79 1979 American Library Association 5 - OCR/attend Conference, Dallas, Texas 6/23-30/79 National Endowment for Arts 2 - PPG/attend Studio Seminar, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut 6/24-26/79 Sixth Annual Security Issues 2 - OSR/attend Symposium, Carlisle, Pa. 6/24-27/79 Conference of American and 1 - OGCR/attend Canadian Societies of Agricultural Engineers, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, Canada 6/25-26/79 Conference on Tactical Missiles in 3 - OSR/attend Air Warfare in the 1980s, United States Naval Academy, Annapolis, Md. 6/25-27/79 6th Annual Industrial Graphics 1 - OGCR/attend International Conference, Anaheim, Ca. G. NFAC People Speaking on Campus (excluding training or recruiting) DATE CAMPUS PARTICIPANTS 2/1/79 Johns Hopkins University SAIS, 1 - OER Washington, DC 2/13-15/79 Wittenberg University, Wilmington 1 - OER College and Anderson College, Ohio 2/15/79 Johns Hopkins University SAIS, 1 - OSR Washington, DC Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 virrinniAl P-1 mai Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Attachment G. NFAC People Speaking on Campus (excluding training or recruiting) DATE CAMPUS PARTICIPANTS 2/15/79 Nuclear Engineering Department of 1 - OSI North Carolina State University 2/22/79 Johns Hopkins University SAIS, 1 - OER Washington, DC 3/1/79 Johns Hopkins University SAIS, 1 - OER Washington, DC 3/8/79 Georgetown University, School of 1 - OPA Foreign Service, Washington, DC 3/21/79 La Salle College, Philadelphia, 1 - OSI Pa. 3/27/79 Air Command and Staff College, 1 - OSR Maxwell AFB, Montgomery, Alabama April 79 Hiram College, Hiram, Ohio 1 - OSR 4/2/79 George Mason University, Va. 1 - OGCR 4/5/79 George Washington University, 1 - OER Washington, DC 4/6/79 Johns Hopkins University SAIS, 1 - OER Washington, DC 4/6-7/79 Princeton University, Woodrow 1 - A/NIO/NP Wilson School of Public & Interna- tional Affairs, Princeton, New Jersey 4/12/79 George Washington University, 1 - OER Washington, DC 4/17-18/79 US Army War College, Carlisle 1 - OSR Barracks, Pa. 4/17-18/79 Augsburg College and St, Thomas 1 - OPA College, Minneapolis-St. Paul, Minn. 4/19/79 School of International Affairs, 1 - OPA Columbia University, New York, NY Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 E;-. U143.1 / ,ivolroTruiTnic verrmm vur . Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Attachment G. NFAC People Speaking on Campus (excluding training or recruiting) DATE CAMPUS PARTICIPANTS 4/23/79 Baltimore Hebrew College, Baltimore, Md. 1 - OPA 4/30/79 Army Command and General Staff 1 - OPA College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 5/3/79 US Army Command General Staff 1 - OPA College, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas 5/9/79 National War College, Washington, DC 1 - A/NIO/NESA 5/11/79 Naval War College, Newport, Rhode 1 - NIO/USSR-EE Island 5/11/79 Northwest Nazarene College, Nampa, Idaho 1 - OCR 6/3/79 Elmira College, Elmira, New York 1 - NIO/China 6/14/79 Northern Virginia Community 1 - OER College, Alexandria, Va. Campus H. NFAC People Teaching at Academic Institutions DATE CAMPUS .COMPONENT Continuous Naval War College, Newport, 1 - NIO/WE (former) Rhode Island Winter Johns Hopkins University SAIS, 1 - NIO/China (former) Semester Washington, DC Winter/ Georgetown University School of 1 - SA/D/NFAC (former) Spring 79 Foreign Service, Washington, DC Winter 79 George Washington University 1 - OGCR College of General Studies, Washington, DC Winter/ National War College, Washington, 1 OER Spring 79 pc -lbri-r1r.nitag vftlr multi IN% �,.g Mb 'MISR IM� la RSV. Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIA-RDP86600985R000300040001-5 ADMINISIHAiin Attachment I. NFAC Scholars-in-Residence 1 - O/D/NFAC 1 - OER J. NFAC-Sponsored Conferences DATE COMPONENT CONFERENCE 1/24-26/79 NIO/EAP North Korea March 79 OPA Brazil April 79 OPA Cuba April 79 OPA USSR 4/19-20/79 OSR Arab-Israeli Arm Forces Comparative Analysis Conference 6/2-3/79 OER Symposium on the Impact of Oil Price Increases on Economic Growth K. NFAC People on Teaching Sabbaticals DATE CAMPUS COMPONENT January- Georgetown Uni- 1 - OPA June 79 versity, Washington, DC -17-_--...0 alrom Approved For Release 2001/03/06 : CIAIRDP861300985R000300040001-5 v _