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October 6, 1983
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Approved For Release 2008/11/07: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200250033-9
(C) fuel cells, ant Secretary for gy shall pre-
(D) diesel anginas; and pare a five year Panal 4Q~ odence.
(E) gas turbines. Technology, shall prrepal+e a five year I1a-
(0) 11M 05 AIM CONTROL-ft- tiosal Coal Sdeitde, TS nolofv. and Engl-
duetion of system operating costs and liars- leering Debelopcssat RslsWeh Plan: The
pro;bement of system availability. by. devebp- plan shall include-
ing new sensors and control systems that (1) identification and del144t4s* a( the
will enhance the commercial abplic attoli of near- and mid-term ties .far OX-
coal utilization technologies and systems. pending the use of ti the Industrial,
(7) SorrorrrnN tisii~aon '*lto ozvmor- electric utility, and o sectors. of the
ua ,v.-Characterisation CC the various lie- economy;
aids and solid wastes generated by. the an M's, detailed 6eseft)tft of, tbe, specific
of coal. and developme$ of preossess t activities will will assure the disposal: of such wastes in an oped by the Depa Amed of . - to ad-
environmentally acceptable manner. Devei- dress these opportunities and-carry out the
opment of processes that facilitate the cost- mandates of this Act;
effective recovery of raw materials frbisa . (g) a statement and explanation of ipeel> lc
coal utilisation wastes. Mstterialsdv priorities and ob es, tlmetabies for
shah be conducted to ensure that sdv~ atbleving such objectives, and a ~rc
process concepts an be supported with strategy for achieving such 'sblcroi9v s and
available engineering materials. the mandates of this Art and.
(b) The Coal Scones Research Progoos (4) A detailed description of the resource
reQui for the issp sspeta thee x"m in
x(11)) carried out through the Energy Tech.. plan, and those arddeei :_=T
nology Centers. the National whi
Laboratories. nd
the university c omumity, and the private (b) The p1sn snail) be, ` the
sector, and secretary of Energy to the t'reri~lent and
(2) administered by,the Assistant Sarre- the appropriate eommitteerof the Congress
tart' for Fossil Energy. within six months of enaetmbnt of tills Act.
PKOnumuno asV .OSrmi naosuM. urnvui urn MX" fei*)Ma l
Sac. e. (a) The purpose of the Engineering SEC. 8. (a) At the and of each of the five
Development Program shall be to establish fiscal years after the date. of so$cf1 MA of
proof-of-concept ami producing devel- d this Act, the Secretary 91 . shall
processes and coal systems at a scale large submit an annual ,report tpt
enough to permit reedy comaaetlcislis on and the appropr a cm es Of the Con-
by the private sector. The program d".be grass. The report shell a dISlied do-
structured and implemented to achieve the smription of the yactiviton ten-
following oblectiva within five years of in. dertalm for that fiscal, year, lad . the
and Wears" i1rd,tfse ob-:
(1) toonstruct Vie coal preparat ! lectives defined in the &ym $ian pursuout Act.
cleaning process facility of no more am to this Within " don of the a the fifth
600 tons per day (the faoWta i i-
ty within the Government where procure-
ment problems receive a knowledgeable
hearing. While the performance of OFPP
over the past nine years can best be de-
scribed as nixed, and certainly not favora-
ble from the viewpoint of the private sector.
we need it as the sole Federal office con-
cerned with procurement.
The regulatory authority which OFPP
had during the period 1974-1979 certainly
needs to be reauthorized. This requirement
is emphasized by the general disregard Ex-
eewtive agencies have shown for the Office
of Management and Budget (OMB) Circular
A-76 requirement to prepare a detailed
schedule for the review of each commercial
and indnatrhi activity and to conduct such
reviews within three years. Although the
Defense Department and the National Oce-
anic and Atmospheric Administration have
conducted some reviews, no agency is even
close to compliance.
You are also to be commended for your re-
quest to the Controller General to look into
the progress on procurement reform under
Executive Order 12352. The some general
disregard has been shown for this Order as
for OMB Circular A-76. While regulatory
authority for OFPP theoretically may not
be needed to insure implementation of OMB
Circular A-98 and E.O. 12352, the record of
compliance to date suggests such authority
is needed.
Overseeing the procurement of commer-
cial goods and services is a Governmental
function which requires great skill and man-
agerial ability. The proposed Pedelal Pro-
cureraent System and revised Federal Acqui-
sition Regulations require the OFPP for
successful implementation.
Your bill, S. 1001, is needed. We support
you and wish you success In getting it
Osaaoa A. DAOUrr, Jr.,
Executive Director.
ARA Services, Inc.
Boeing Computer Services Company.
Boeing Services International, Inc.
Burns & Roe Services Corporation.
Caloulon Corpora tlon.
Cerberotdes, Inc.
Chemfix Technologies, Inc.
Computer $Fiences Corporation,
Commis Corporation.
Control Data Corporation.
Federal Electric Corporation-A Subsidi-
ary of International Telephone and Tele-
graph Corporation.
Hughes Aircraft Company.
Kentron International, Inc.
Leas Siegler, Inc.
Lockheed Corporation.
Northrop Services, Inc.
Northrop Worldwide Services, Inc.
Raytheon Service Company-A Subsidiary
of Raytheon Corporation.
RCA Service Company-A Division of
Rural Metro Fire, Inc.
United Information Services, Inc.
Vinneil Corporation.
Washinu, D.C., October 3, 1983.
To. Members of the U.B. Senate.
From: Virginia Littlejohn, Executive Direo-
Subject Reauthorization of the Office of
F.edeml Procurement Policy (OFPP).
The Professional Services Council 1s a
trade association of professional and techni-
cal services firms and associations, repre-
senting small and large businesses. with a
common interest in Improving the Federal
governaseet's methods of procuring profes-
PSC strcegly endorses S. 1001, reauthoriz-
ing the Office of Federal Procurement
Policy (40PPP), as well as reinstating its reg-
ulatory authority as provided in Section V
of S. 1001.
A meaningful OFPP will serve as a focal
point for the development of procurement
policy and play a vital role In simplifying
and improving federal procurement policy.
We urge your support and assistance on
the reauthorization of OPPP. Thank you.
Fairfax, Va, October 4, 1983.
Committee on Governmental Affairs, Chair-
man, Subcommittee on Oversight of
Government Management, Hart Senate
Office Building, Washington, D.C.
DEAR CHAIRMAN COHEN: On behalf of the
International Communications Industries
Association, I am pleased to convey to the
Senate our support for B: 1001 as reported
(Senate Report 98-214, September 1, 1983).
We have dealt with the Office of Federal
Procurement Policy since it was created and
we continue to feel that the OFPP serves a
useful public purpose and should not be
abolished or diminished in any way.
As the National Audio-Visual Association,
we supported the creation of OFPP in the
early 1970's. It was our view at that time
that General Services Administration and
the Department of Defense operated far too
independently making it difficult for compa-
nies selling identical products and services
through two different procurement systems.
While progress has been made by OFPP,
there still remains much to be done.
Prior to OFPP, there was no point in the
Executive Branch beyond those two agen-
cies where outside organizations such as
ours could bring issues to a focus and find
resolution of public policy problems. Usual-
ly, we were forced to take our problems to
It is difficult to imagine the Office of
Management and Budget containing the
word "Management" in Its title without
clear regulatory authority in the multi-bil-
lion dollar procurement policy area. S. 1001,
as reported, provides the correct measure of
regulation and management authority for
Therefore, we strongly recommend that
the Senate adopt S. 1001. We feel confident
that in doing so the Senate will be assuring
itself that, most procurement policy differ-
ences among agencies are Ironed out before
these problems are referred to Congress.
We appreciate your leadership on S. 1001
and we look forward to seeing this bill, with
regulatory authority for OFPP, passed by
the Senate in the near future.
Warmest regards.
Senior Staff Vice President.
Washington, D! C., October 5, 1983.
Hon. WILLIAM S. Comm.
Dirksen Senate Office Building
U.S. Senate. Washington, D.C.
DEAR SENATOR Comm. The Computer and
Business Equipment Manufacturers Associ-
ation (CBEMA) would like to re-state its
support for your legislation, 8. 1001, to
reauthorize the Office of Federal Procure-
ment Policy.
We feel that the reauthorization of OFPP
is a matter of great importance to the Gov-
ernments procurement process. CBEMA
has for some time actively supported OFPP.
In addition to responding to your letter
dated April 7, 1983, we presented a state-
ment in support of reauthorization before
the Senate Subcommittee on Federal
Approved For Release 2008/11/07: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200250033-9
Approved For Release 2008/11/07: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200250033-9
October S. 1989 CONGRESSIONAL M D == SiENA1'E
spending Practices and Open f3overaeaeat
on at Ih C. lit , me S rovidbd
comsseats to !11!*'14o~-cw@ Rae
to tow" Mjftwt-
t7snwlef M Dessarbu
we stated that we Veep to amport~it the reauthorization of O'P?? loran addkinsai
five years. We arrived at that ntfss be-
house we f1mb beirs a that at feast eve
Yom is aaoeaary M tstedestseot opts ?sah-
lain as, weal esneslsad ehsnees its tfesvm
Muwaft : Process. Addkfeeily. we stew In
our letter than we believe it Is iea?a*a
that OFFP be glum directive auRbosttg..We
matntaain that the office ahaetld be granted
strong posltl10 ?slfesrity. >sowevr. in wfs
recall that the issue of directke wr.v~sser
levy authorILr was adiossrsd and elsdt'ifd
by yw acid aerates Gies df!hats loea
hearings on April 27. 1983. During that pot,
change, it was decided that by the we of
the term die saftorlty.wbal Is Oman-
dally dashed Is pe al ry to Job SUUMRY
strongly re-.----- .g t ? be
graded rrisalata W as ltp.
The need for OFF? to baveregniatge ?n-
thority is clear. OF?? has been uasfcle to
eaecesstu!!y >se+ep _ a
h our opinion too.,L ;
wit!eeanrt -eae~?tir~
tie zeleife . en eofsefiltaeaat
Leisured in bOMWA t of to
on that the rioet wotdd
we ft pnev~e m e an aelh -
times ifs a iftlildy assn lviyflt.
We oleo b e tethat IIioip >,ueei ssad
sense that ifse he n lsilrio/selt ffsrf~
wm in the OdOae of Msesiarrst zed
Budsetwlyaaeharteydkos egefthtsaieer6
leg and. isgprwfltag.tile eeges? eahlaiall
and ettesi enasa of tie f rRaaseat
peacesseeb by prorldtng this overall ave.
tidnin the form of policies Mod>:egnl foc '
to the vartaets dder as They selabmh
their Procures aft Odkies. ltl tlfie vegali
we b e f h v e 1t is lsegeelaet that 'O P bare
regulatory astYaseflpr 1e bas the asp polar
ft Am
We strongly aoywnt yeas dfa is afad at
predaste the UUMV to grow am
viewsthat regard. we lye. tfiued to
ekftrsle shoats lea dams ft derleMay, .
ufte a
ade tud- laalzr! idoaM6.
single setaetoral Aogwmuwn L-ya, Sxscutive lie Prvsidne
!hens, aid it was weable so zaef wn Aftd
tiigehames Is revbfm and 9016Msi06 tie RECOQltrI O Mat&1OR
FA1i . Hecauas of this Lek at suMM sifan..
ity Federal srrocnze? t bas. The
become fndadsive and flEagmoated. Thirs Is Off. With-
an obvious need for a strong procuj Gait .Obieetiou. the 840atet,fran Mow=
office which is what OFF? was intended to l it may speak cut of
be Under the pas ts?"
(s ff"I faIss pots seeds to h?. Loa Isola Florida. is >aetDO~tiael{ lot lfi
pyre the F der,al oeyeerement Brits. It minutes.
we can be at ago addiyonah ,ankisoea
Please feel free to can upon us. Very truly your, RLAUTHOR?liATIOf OF' THE
Two a awn Wfss,
. Bsssism XT. oebier s, iMit 1iaarZE on S. i0Q2 oeAf P sder-
Heo. WztuArr 8 Cootar. hhll.a~
ma, aoconxaltfec as OUNSW Q rich. -
S I%83
pabie od:seskfet asa.eltfast4tdr slues
aioitietie Aron bt, % IM,thet06fsrse
?wPeeaase-' ~t A i4 vftlwhdr steer
snei Abud" at vefle . 3*. i ems.
Thai it hir_ Het; afawl eln6sr fteesn
9itae Is +eftitied to hwe, aft M oats.
atdere4 here -hi .ale t?.11$41.QAM kYted
across tberh in are Adetfle8sn.
8ee004 at 8eteetaot wed the
se:lta of the Q>dfee cif' 'Il11itltssl Pis-
emement poffey. Wb ' *tIH that
seosD wldte Some Wets shit4 to -the
Aarieeert fie rewndillha "
Let me aft "M I perepeo-
tlat to . help ' eteeify- tje' `i $.htetlre
!fame ebeet which Ow vAWie DoaTt,
Lent in we eoileerndd. y ms
colleagues that reautbp eft a
n 2tiitiOnat nbt la d at
the Office to
pq +
dent. eeMhnsbd b#' ' sand it
ho h the`' R
01dw in w it `fir
defats--I i ypis
tlod 'which e
The Ides for a mift lot
imr-oift the F .tea
the Senate by MoW
The Procasefaeeet
eroded In IJ'l2 ttaa&. ON*! *s' e, hoed
to raise the visibllM3 of the 0oaasre-
meat function beith with" &"-IPA
sewase CAiee Drofl oeweea tr e. f
" flai3oa, ietfi-eea Q?sa'aer?R MW De.
our support far lhhla_Waliae wlfeh scot a~ #ine fease an such !Mods ae;paaen law Us` *I aWp t ie of which an aresseeef of was Irocedwil Pdatrl
.1 my ~_ not Sand Sa why! oftaia for
Part performance of OFF? in provides view and appeal to m
overall s of procurement policies this bill isltttftied to es by pens in ressO B" these pcUcy Menthes is hap
and procedures by government agenda. it the fun Senate. There are ifeelata?s ca. nobody makes a decision, ? waste[nl
cvREMENT.. PC%a&
Mr. ALWIlt
oar. cEilLr's.
, want
to join ail Sea tOr Can*, tin hts re
Approved For Release 2008/11/07: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200250033-9
Approved For Release 2008/11/07: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200250033-9
vacuum is created. Everybody keeps This is an "institutional" point of some of the statements he made in
going their own way. That is why the view on the Department's part. justifying the actions that he took.
Congress gave OFPP regulatory au- Deputy Secretary Paul Thayer reflects I do not know where he heard the
thority in 1974. The idea was to get this view today. But were he still pre- phrase that the particular legislation
these bureaucratic fights resolved, or, siding at the Chamber of Commerce as under question would "force Hispanics
alternatively, raise their visibility so he was before he enterd the Defense to wear a tag around the neck," and
they could be focused upon by the Department, he would probably be as likening that to the actions of Adolf
Congress and/or the President. supportive as that organization is of Hitler against the Jews.
I sponsored the 1979 reauthorization this legislation. Apart from the tax- If that ill-informed statement were
of OFPP as well. Then the House view payer, it is the businessperson who is not beneath the dignity of the Speak-
that regulatory authority was not interested in selling to the Govern- er to utter, it is beneath the dignity of
needed prevailed. Thereafter, OFPP ment that suffers the most from the ? this Senator to comment on any fur-
was basically ignored by the agencies fragmentation and inconsistency that ther, except to say that it does belle a
and was not able to accomplish a more exists in Federal procurement. Keep total lack of understanding about
limited mission of developing an ex- in mind that many do not even bother what the bill does and what it
ecutive branch consensus for a uni- to try to do business with the Govern- tended to do.
form procurement statute proposal to went. The Speaker also said that he could
Congress. When that many do not bother to find no constituency for that particu-
That experience was persuasive. try, there is no competition and that lar bill.
Without the regulatory authority, means the Government has to pay The Speaker is dead wrong.
OFPP is not a credible interagency co- more for its goods and services. Mr. CHILES. Will the Senator yield
ordinator. This year the House has Mr. President, there is that saying at that point?
passed a companion reauthorization "the more things change, the more Mr. HUDDLESTON. I yield.
bill and regulatory authority is in it. It they are the same." That is kind of Mr. CHILES. The Senator has been
is in the bill Senator Comm has re- what I feel when you look at the situa- the leader over many years in trying
ported. Neither in 1974 nor 1979 did tion Senator CouEi and I are trying to to bring to the attention of the Senate
the Armed. Services Committees of bring to our colleagues attention and the country the need for an immi-
eitherHouse obtain a referral of this today, gration policy. He only continues
legislation. It was not obtained in the I am not interested in knocking the today something that he has been
House this session. Defense Department just for the sake doing for many, many years. I share
The Department of Defense opposes of it. But I have experienced this issue his disappointments. I just wanted to
the regulatory authority. Put simply, before and I think the merits are on comment on one point of the constitu-
that;is why we have not, as yet, consid- the side of reauthorizing a strong ency, that there is no constituency for
eyed this legislation on the Senate OFPP. I think, too, we should recog- the bill.
floor. They opposed it in 1974; they nize the Department's agenda, and not The Speaker needs to come to my
opposed it in 1979; and they tried to let it deter us from considering this State if he says there is no constituen-
get the administration to abandon legislation before the full Senate on cy for this bill. He does. We welcome
reauthorization efforts this Congress. the floor. him there. He comes to our State
The reasons on each occasion have Thank you.
been very similar. The DOD is going Mr. HUDDLESTON. Will the Sena- sometimes.
to resist OPPP because, among other tor yield? I can assure the Speaker, and cer-
things, OFPP Is a congressional crea- Mr. CHILES. I yield. tainly the Senator from Kentucky
ture that facilitates and encourages Mr. HUDDLESTON. If the Senator knows from his own experience, that
more congressional oversight. I agree -has finished that subject, would he in Florida, having suffered the rav
with that, even if the oversight comes {yield to me the time he has remaining ashes of what happens because of our
_ failure to have an immigration policy
from committees other than Armed on
{ his special order?-
Services, and I think it is a good thing, Mr. CHILES. I so yield. and the hardships and the other prob-
not a bad. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The lems that we have suffered, there is a
It Is a little bit like the Inspector nator from Kentucky. constituency that is sort of equal to
General Act we passed in 1978. None the 10.5 million people who are in our
of the agencies wanted an Inspector State now in the feeling that any sov
General that had to report to Con- IMMIGRATION REFORM ereign nation needs to have an immi-
gress as well as their own Secretary. Mr. HUDDLESTON. Mr. President, gration policy and needs to be able to
DOD successfully resisted then, and already this morning the action by the decide or elect to decide who comes to
they are not very happy with the peaker of the House (Mr. O'NEiis.) in their State. There is certainly con-
weaker kind of Inspector General they setting aside for this session of Con- stituency in my State.
have now. But I think what is going on gress the immigration bill has been re- I must say I also believe as the Sena-
over there is helping to focus the Con- ferred to by both the majority leader tor has said, that we need to find an
gress attention on where it should be- of the Senate, and the distinguished appropriate vehicle to give the House
not hurting. - minority leader (Mr. Bun). a chance to be able to consider this
Second, Defense does not like some- Senator BYnD suggested that in view bill. I share that sentiment.
one who might be as close to the Presi- of the fact that this body has already Mr. HUDDLESTON. I thank the dis-
dent as they are-particularly when passed that particular legislation twice tinguished Senator from Florida.
you get down to the day-to-day Assist- by substantial margins, and that there What the Speaker apparently is not
ant Secretary issues-to be able to is a need for immigration reform in aware of, is that recently reliable pro-
force a decision and arbitrate. Again, this country, we ought to seek ways of fessional polling has taken place on
OFPP tends to have an overall per- either reenacting that legislation and this issue. The result is that a vast ma-
spective, more like the President's sending it back to the House, or possi- jority of the Hispanics in this country
than a functional agency perspective. bly-and I support this endeavor- and the blacks in this country support
When it comes to the issue of whether finding some House-passed measure the immigration reform that would
or not what is good for the Govern- that is of particular significance and control illegal entry into the United
ment as a whole is good for DOD, the adding to it that piece of legislation. States and provide sanctions for those
Department of Defense wants to As one who has for a number of who knowingly hire illegals
decide that by itself. I believe a system years been closely involved in trying to. It is reasonable that they do, be-
that is more likely to give the Presi- develop a reasonable program of immi- cause they are the ones who are suf-
dent and the Congress a role is a gration reform, I was shocked by the fering and being e'-advantaged be-
better idea. The more sunshine to arbitrary and ill-advised action of the cause of unlimited illegal entries into
these decisions, the better. Speaker of the House, and particularly the United States.
Approved For Release 2008/11/07: CIA-RDP86B00338R000200250033-9