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Approved For Release 2003/01/T6-. X861300269R000500020018-5 TA I 00WITTM, lACt Subject: Co ants and Recommendations of the Defense Departrent R.erpsreesentativ*es on the Std Committee 'Regarding Implementation of NSC 50 with respect tot a. Coordination of 1nte11igeraeee activities. E'. Production of dational Intelligence. e. Responsibility for research and reports. IT. Political sues arie s. se f e n a a* b. I. Ur. Armstrong e s re arks at the IAC meeting an 22 July 191x9. CIA > andum 5 August 1919, subject as above. leinutee of IAC meeting of 19 Ault 191&9. CIA memorandum of 25 Au ,uet 1949* addressed to the Standing Cc .tt a Hers of the LW, sub- ject as above. CIA ge randum of 1 September 1949, to the Stn d-- ing C ttere Umbers of the IAC, subject as above. 1. The eparteent of Defense reepreeseer: tativees on the Standing he JAC submit the following marts and r e datione relative to the, Department of Stater proposals new under consideration: functions of ICAPS the Stanft Comitteee of the IAC (1) As was brought out in the 30 August meeting of the SC/IAC,, it is desirable that the functions, reeponeibilitte e, and coeposi- t..ion of ICAPS and the SC/IAC be definitely established And -published for the information and guidance of all concerned. These are not gene rally well understood at present, as is evidenced by the minutes of the IAC meeting of 19 August which shows that, song the IAC members, there was, a considerable divergence of opinion as to whether ICAPS or the SC/IAC was the proper a?ency to fake the OSD REVIEW COMPLETED Approved For Release 2003/06/1 IA-RDP86B00269R0005018 0+7 Og Og Approved For ReJgase 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B00269RQ,0500020018-5 taff action rec uired in conyocticn with the Depart mt of State proposals in order to rake the suitable for consider-ation by the (2) The ar to tt of Defense sera of the SC/IkC consider that the !unctions, responsibilities, and membership of ICAPS an shred be as follows: (a) ICAP& 3. Should be composed of full time meabers contribu- ted by the agencies ropreeen ted an the IAC. ii. Should be under the direction of and responsible to the Dar?voter of Central intellig sake. iii. Should ha= a as an* of its primary responsibili- ties, the acconpl:ieheent of staff work in cCT'nso. tiara with the developomt and presentation of and procedures for the production and coordination of intelligence aria agencies represented on the IAC. In matters of {his sort the objective of ICAPS should be the pro ction of an unbiased, comprehensive presentation or report covering all aspects of a subject. This It should be able to do because of the Ads variety in training, experience, and genes,-al background of its s berg. Approved For Release 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000500020018-5 Approved For Release 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B002694000500020018-5 iv. Should function as a secretariat for the i* (3) Should be composed of at least. one represeant&ttve from each IAC agency. ii. Should review, on behalf of the IAC, such matters and the Standing Cor it eye the +C, v. Should perform such other functions as the Director of Central Intelligence may d i.rec (b) The Standing Comitt eer of the IACt as my be referred to it for action by the IAC or the IAC Secretariat 1JUPS), Normally all staff irk on such matter CkPS prior to submission of items to the SC/IAC or C could ti-An be directed pri x?ily toearard tt v:erplished (a) Presentation and discussion of r-visions which reabers might consider desirable, from an a agencies they represent. (b) Thorough indoctrination of all SC/IAC suers in all aspects of the matter der consideraV an including the views of W her SCfIAC ambers and hence the probable r datlone they will make to their respective Directors when. the matter comes up fur consideration by the IAC itself. (There shouldbe no formal voting by this SC/IAC and it should be clearly understood that the views szpresded by /IAC members will not necessatt2 r be the same on any particular subject as those presented by their Wrectors Approv o ensW0 88/1eL: t'AA- 69R000500020018-5 . 3 w Approved For Release 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000500020018-5 foregoing it in recd ended that the IAC sp ro - -- ;lu Lm Nuuu.sar in appropriate form for the aefwm&tiort and guidance of all concerned. As to future action on the remainder of the Department of S'tata s the riepartawnt, of Defense members of the `"C/IAC consider that, as a first step, these proposals should be referred to ICAPS for appropriate 'the staff action,, need for such action was recognised by the LAC in its meeting of 19 August and it is further borne Out by the facts t &t, in the Some of the mejor points at issue are Implied ratha-r than f 30 August, It deevelopesd that x expressed clearly in the papers under consideration. be -SOMe of the terms used area Bather misleading. c. There Is a difference of opinion as to the 5C/1 C res for recoe?amending acti.eea on matters which pertain to the inter, mation of the CIA, tunctlonv and responsibilities of ICApz and the lity eestSbliabed and understood at the time of the IAC Meeting of 19 Au uat, it is believed that the IAC would have selected ICAPS rather than the C/IAC to such anti n still seems desirable not mly because it is in consonance with the Comments In paragraph 1 above but because some Concentrated efXort by a u11.-time, c t,nt staff is needed to put the als in ae f rm suitable ideration by the ;C/IAC and later by the IAC itself. a staff ag or ear- the SC/IAc is not, for it functions on a basis only., and,, In the spacer of some three weeks, it 'as ben able Zittls atoti3sifcrcfttw0aa a WfBFQB00269CO00500020018-5 any s ff action on the pr Approved For Release 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B00269R 00500020018-5 blame kwas ante in the Dsparta t of 5t ae to reports. In view of the foregoing it is reco=mw IAC indicate whether those portions of the cur; ant pro bloms relating to the internal organization of the Ik should be con_ arider+sd at this tie; i.e., should the reatte~r of an n1ratiwates Divi. e#.rta3*, as michp be considered. (The De-art nt of Dof:.wq members of consider such matters the sole r0spOnsibility of the sir c. for of Central. Intelji -ace and, flanoee, not appropriate for action by t or by the fC itelf - a les the Director of Central asks for advice from that body. }. The original Department of Z" atv proposals, along with all peas tinent data a rich have bow developed since then, be referred to use in c nnec titan with preparat 4 on of a ec preheensivee report giving a clear, unbiassed preaseentaation of all aspects of the problee and all issues involved. ct. cheat It ,P- has f3shad this report, It be referred for consideration, at wr ich time the staff level ale noy view* can be expressed and the report revised (by ICAPS) in light of such coa"asnts, if naae:eeoevaar and ap ropriate. d. ih finall, repot be referred to the lAG for Consideeration. Approved For Release 2003/06/16 : IA-RDP86B00269R000500020018-5 ved For Release 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B00269RQQ0500020018-5 OF z R VIOU$ ACTION 5tAT D RTV T P. For the purpose of the record there is given baker a action an this attert D@Parta*ft was egg an effort to outline certain portions the IAC meeting of 22 July lDbP s G which daelt with pre blaws of IAC or interaenta . chamater as diatimjutshed fron those ahich ware internal to CIA. He result of harems efforts Vould; be tlsprni ie to or its consideration an soon as possible. 2 Ault 1919, Mr, AAr etro submitted four dealing with the *lamentation of use 0 with respect tot a. Coordinatief- of intelligence aCttV1tL*16 U. Production of National intelligence9 c. lssponaibil ty for research and reports. Political pries. papers wars circulated to i abera of the IAC tay the CIA namsrurAum 3? its of 29 august 19102 the IAC sieer proposals. +. Arestron presented a reamw e the pro- tbere was a ahwt discussion as to the ap priate apncy ecaplish the necessary staff work preliminary to a. C ide jio of the prarAems, t7 the IAC. It was finally decided that their should be Approved For Release 2003/06/466 CWA-RDP86B00269R000500020018-5 Approved For Re ease 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B00269R P0500020018-5 of the LIC for (staff) standing Oo ittea of the met can 30 Ai 2 papers as aWlified by the CIA me + T was Vneral agreement an all major points and re d attons mum approved a. That ICAPS sere as a joint staff mder the direction of, the states and resg ibilitise of ICA .and the Standing Ownitteco Au st 1 949., The first portion of this meet and responsible to, the Director of Central Int,Uigenve: That it be sa e d of members contributed by the as ages ias on a full-time basis, bat no and be heeded b.r a chief who will also be of the LAC* ting* the agcy, a* That matters of coardiratton be referred to I ire; study and emendation 1 the Der of Central lnteU through the i)irector of Central Ierteilige nos by the , rt ,CAP itself any submit to the DCI, or through the I to the I AC,, rem i-Andations which it considers ap consideration. d. That the representation an the rtsnding Committe sera as that of the LAC, and that the standing Committee as a subordinate onus .ttoe to the lAC to wider, on an lnt*r- agetmy basis, problems referred to it b, The reminder of the meeting wis devoted to a disc on of the C #+s +aoordinatire responsibilities*.. seise stun was not vary productive because the papers unftr consideration did not give a clear Approved For Release 2003/06/16 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000500020018-5 Approved For Release 2003/06/16 :CIA-RDP86B00269,00500020018-5 s iced presentation of ail aspects of the Problems under eouslderatton. 6. C ttee hold a f wither asesting cc 8 5. r 3949 msmovu4w of 1 =c -#.aaber 1910 contains the meal to review the action taken In the 30 August 1910 meeting and to proceed with the staff work Mich is r*4uired to put Proposals in suitable alsps for consideration by the IAC, Approved For Release 2003/06/1.613 CIA-RDP86B00269R000500020018-5 Approved For Relea QA-PQP UNCLASSIFIED when blank - TOP SECRET when attached to Top Secret Document - When detached from document regrade cover sheet as appropriate. Attach to each CIA and Non-CIA collateral Top Secret document maintained by CIA. CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT (COLLATERAL) 86 Year Undated ER TS 0208 1 Copy Comments and Recom of the DOD Reps on the S C Re Implementation of NSC 50 re Co-ord, Production, Res on FT Pol SLUns_ CIA ORIGINATOR (Directorate, Office, Division, Branch) NON-CIA ORIGINATOR (Dept, Agency) Control No., Copy No. ATTENTION: Access to the attached document is restricted to only authorized recipients or Top Secret control _personnel. For accountability purposes, all dcsi natg ed individuals are to sign and date this form. REFERRED TO SEEN BY REFERRED TO I SEEN BY --+ ---- Remove this sheet upon completion of any action noted below, classify form, and forward to the CIA Top Secret Control Officer. 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