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EXECUTIVE REGIS.2 ROOM .7-E- DOS, FBI reviews completed TOP SECRET to sE RETwhen fl11 nWek 115W tip a4 downgraded CONTROL AND COVER SHEET FOR TOP SECRET DOCUMENT `%.w DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION S OL' TS ~ ` REGISTRY SOURCE ,a_ 4/If~ifl r\ 5~~.9alEd:. CIA CONTROL (N] DOC. NO. DATE DOCUMENT RECEIVED DOC. DATE .~ COPY NO. 'e7'O ? P LOGGED BY NUMBER OF PAGES f / NUMBER OF ATTACHMENTS EA. .4 )~%y~ ATTENTION: This form will be placed on top of and attached to each Top Secret document received by the Central Intelligence Agency or classified Top Secret within the CIA and will remain attached to the document until such time as it is downgraded, destroyed, or transmitted outside of CIA. Access to Top Secret matter is limited to Top Secret Control personnel and those individuals whose official duties relate to the matter. Top Secret Control Officers who receive and/or release the attached Top Secret material will sign this form and indicate period of custody in the left-hand columns provided. Each individual who sees the Top Secret document will sign and indicate the date of handling in the right-hand columns. REFERRED TO RECEIVED RELEASED SEEN BY OFFICE SIGNATURE DATE TIME DATE TIME SIGNATURE OFFICE/DIV. DATE DDP(TSCO) 25X1 of th.; _'_ _ Name: - 0 NOTICE OF DETACHMENT: When this form is detached from Top Secret material it shall be com leted in the appropriate spaces below and transmitted to Central Top Secret Control for record. DOWNGRADED DESTROYED DISPATCHED (OUTSIDE CIA) TO BY (Signature) TO ,_,,ignature) WITNESSED BY (Signature) BY (Signature) OFFICE DATE OFFICE DATE OFFICE DATE FORM TOP SECRET GROUP I 26 U S E P R E V I O U S E D I T I O N S . Excluded from automatic 6-64 (OP-1) 2-51) FBI REVIEW COMPLETED downgrading and declassification 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 4 Jrbrral Currnu of fiturstigntiott Uuiteb ftatre frparttttrttt of 3iustirc Wuellingtoti 25, I. C. YzRSGNAL AAL CONFILr;NTIAL 3Y SY}IAL MFSS IGE Rear Admiral Sidney W. Souors Director Central Intelligence Group The funds for operation of the Special Intelligence Service throughout the Western Hemisphere by this Bureau will expire, as you are aware, on June 30, 19116. In view of the lack of additional funds for operations during the next fiscal year, I find it necessary to snake immediate plans for ceasing operations in the foreign field as of June 30, 19L6. It is necessary that we start withdrawing our personnel from the foreign field in the near future in ceder that all personnel will be returned to the United States and all operations may cease by that date. frith best wishes and kind regards, Sincerely yours, Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 ApprovedFor Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 17 April 1946 It has come to ey attention that a three million dollar it.. in the Federal Dureau of Investigation appropriation for the coming year has been eliminated because the Congressional Cositittes believed that it did not meet with your desire that the Federal Dureau of Investigation engage in activities beyond the continental limits. a It is of the utmost urgency that the Federal Bureau of Investigation be permitted to continue its security fiaaoticas whose ramifications extend into foreign areas. At the present ties the Federal Bureau of Investigation has representatives la the countries of the Western l{emisphere, in London, Paria, Rome, Kenila, Toigo, and in the American Zone in Germany. The security mission which it performs may bo 1Llr/tf'ated l1/ the Canadian investigation in ottaus which reaches JA 1110 t 4,F- United States as will as mtgland. They are engaged in ether t . vestigations which reach from South American ooustries into 8urope. It is difficult for them to begin these matters at the continental borders but essential that they should initiate their investiga- tions at the sources from which the activities emanate. Approv&l is requested for the continuance of this function. Respectfully submitted, 311 K! R. 3oUk*S Director Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 WRF'C` CF THE Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 r15RSOUL Secant M 8P8CIAL cRR Mr. J, fddar yoovrr Director federal bureau of Investigation United 8tatss Dsp9rtsent of Justice Washington 2% D. C. With reference to your letter of April 16 oonaarn- tat yo: r 8peeLa3. InteUL.nce Servies in the Westerns Ueai- sphere, I have been infarmwd at tinkl.,e How* that the !resident has passed the ward to the cooeittee that it is his desire that thin aeti*ity be continssd.1w you. I have also been informed 1r !rover, or the AppmIcLtia s Bub-Cose;ittee that the item saw tad these astivitiss will be inserted in your Appropriations Ant in an appropriate This should clear up the confusion waiob developed. With all good wishes, 8iaeerehr, SLIMQ C. 3OU^ Lireator. JCL Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 STRICTLY CONFIDIS11TIAL BY SPECIAL Z ES8ENGO Director Central Intelligence Group Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg rigid control," is probably based on erroneous impression of the President's letter of January 22, 1946. It is wq understanding that the National Intelligence Authority is being given authority in the Directive to call upon the State, War, and Navy Department to assign from time to time persons and facilities of their respective departments to work under the direction of the Director of Central Intelligence. As stated in rrgr ,,revious letter, if this Directive is approved, it would appear tonne thore would be no reason why the Federal Bureau of In-.ostir;r,tion should not withdraw as rapidly an possible from Central and South Anr,rioa. I would ap,xeoiate your advice in the matter. Dear General Vandenbergs Reference is made to your memorandum dated Juno 29, 1948, pre- pared by yon for the National Intelligence Authority reflecting the approval of the Intelligence Advisory Board for a NIA Directive extending the functions of the Director of central Intelligence. I have examimod the proposed NIA Directive which was attached to your asaoorandam of J-me 29, and I desire to indicate sy approval. As reflected in my letter of JAms 25, 1946, I should again like to point out, howver, that the statement contained in the Discussion which was attached to your nerre- randna of June 29, 1948, on the matter to the effect that "This does not, of course, preoluds the use of specialised departmental personnel tinder Washington, D. C. TOP SECRET TOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001- ]Kr- J. dpr Hoover, Liraator 7e6m'a1 Darsw of Infistiptioa H, S. Departasat of Justice Washington 25, L. C. Tarr latter of January 3, 1949# in w$i1ch you most generously offer to ra1a4ksa to GIG asrtain radio frequencies now asd to the Federal lnr+au of Iavastigetion, is gate aaknowlsdged. Tarr soopwation in this matter will drsstly facilitate CIG operations in Letin Annrica. eirsation have Tedualoal w instructed to of the this op rt haof your Camaasicatioae Livisim is order to~arr arrange thecae nesesaary details of sharing radio frequencies during the period of transfer. .)inoere]y yourr, Dsps17 Wrier, CO MU$ICATIoAd Lily,, K n Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 TOP SECRET JUL 3 1946 Mr. J. Zdgar Hoover Direetce Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Justice Buildin( Washington, D. C. I deegr appreciate your cooperation in expressing approval of q proposed N.I.I. Directive in your letter of 2 July. With reference to your comments on the statement contained in the Discussion to Z.I.L. ,t, you will note that it was amended to read as follows t "This does not, of o0urset preclude the use of specialised departmental personnel under rigid oeitral control.. as wtu- allr sib to by the Director of Central,Int?llicen.. and authorised departmental officials." This ansadsd version was intended to clarify the, meaning of the sentence in vies of the point which you raised in your letter of 25 June. It is q intention to ..p2a in the operation in question the beet qualified per.emesl frau all possible seems. It is therefore entirely oonoeiv- able that I would like to use on specific missions specially qualified parsennsl of Corsrmsent departments other than State, War and Navy. I realise, hors.., that aep such arrangement would have to be agreed to by the r.sp.ssible officials of those departments, as indicated in the above amended - %once. I hope that this amendment clarifies the mean- ing to your satisfaction. With reference to the second paragraph of your letter of 2 JJuly ulyr Ia very pleased to concur in your offer to withdraw from 1 South America provided you are willing to postpone with- drawal until the Central Intelligence Group is adequately organised and staffed so that we may arrange an orderly transfer with a minimum of interruption. As evidenced by H.I.A. support for your 1947 budget for this activity, it is antleipated that this will involve continued coverage of that area by you for the better part of !hat fiscal year. LOP SECRET Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 top SUCH, With your cooperation to this extant, I an surs, that we sari work out an orderly transition. I also hops to disouas with ynu at ^o e later data the possibility of 4 utilising the ser?ises of ?ore of your eaparieased psrsomrl. With hiadsst personal reprds, I as V.ry truly yaws. twrT b. VAngra W IQaut neat Q !1sral !y;e Di.restar ",it ^.eatrai Iut.t114sres Distributions -2 em%ral .s-2 3.eretariat, EA - l Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001 0 40 leberal iiureau of *nuratigntioiu Tniteb hates Department of Justice Wasllingtan 25,31). 9- July 8, 1946 STRICTLY CONFIDAN1I^L BY SPECIAL MESSENGER Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg Central Intelligence Croup Dear General Vandenberg: I am in receipt of your letter of July 3, 1946, concerning the proposed NIA Directive Number 4, which related to, among other things, the empowering of CIG to set up a field operational force for the purpose of effectuating world-wide secret intelligence coverage. I have noted your oomment?regarding discussing with me the possibility of your utilising the services of some of the FBI experienced personnel. Although I an, of course, most anxious to cooperate with you to the fullest possible extent, I regret to advise' you that due to the responsibilities and duties of the Bureau in the field of law enforcement and the commitments made for the Bureau's personnel, which personnel incidentally has been out considerably since the war, I will not be able to assign personnel to you. I wanted to advise you of this fact promptly in order that you will not depend upon me or expect this Bureau to make personnel available to you. Concerning your reference to the support of the NIA for the Bureau's 1947 budget requirements for its Central and South American operations, I wish to observe that these funds were sought prior to the time that any plane had been made to establish an Operations Unit under the National Intelligence Authority. If r had known that the National Intelligence Authority contemplated the establiahment at this time of an Operations Unit for the purpose of maintaining secret intelligence coverage, I would not have planned to have the Bureau remain active in this ,field in the Western hemisphere. In the light of your acquiescence to the Bureau's withdrawing from Central and South America, I believe it would be well to work out immediately an acceptable program which will permit Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R00030007g001-O 4 Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg a transfer of the responsibilities for intelligence coverage in the Central and South American countries, on an orderly basis. If you will furnish to me a general outline of the program which you intend to follow in taking over the intelligence responsibilities in the Central and South American countries, I will prepare an appropriate schedule for the discontinuance of the Bureaus activities on a parallel basis in order that there will be no conflict of interest or duplication of coverage. With best wishes and kind regards, Sincerely yours, Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070o-0 jrderal Surratt of *rnurstigatiott tniteil $tatre 41rparttnent of htatire Wnsllington 23, I1. Qr_ Jvly 15, 1946 25X1 25X1 25X1 Lieutenant 'ieneral Uoyt L. 7an(;euunrg Lirector Central Intclli. ence Group desire to advise that the offices of the Local Attaches in will be closed and the FBI personnel withdrawn. It is expected that the closing; of the offices will be coriFieted in thirty days. This action is being taken and information furnished to you in view of the desires of the National Intelligence Authority and the Central Intelligence Group as set forth in your letter of July 3, 19)6, for a gradual withdrawal of the FBI representatives to Latin America in order that the Central Intelligence group may assume 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Rettese 2004/01`/30 CIA-RDP86B00269R0003000 ?.;r. E. A. Tamm, Assistant to the Director Federal 3ureau of investigation From: Donald H. 3alloway, Colonel, S. Army Subject: Transfer of Secret Intelligence 2unetions in Latin America With reference to our conference today 1 wis.i to leave the following points for development as the general basis for this transfo.r: 1. tJe wish to receive from you a _;eneral outline of existing F3I covora"e, .including the number of person-el and the capacities or titles under which they are assigned. 2. We request that in each field station copies of all pertinent reports of lnvesti,;ations current or closed be set aside to be turned over to our representative; and that, in WVashin ton a copy of all such reports prepared by FBI from these torritorios be made available to us for our records. 3. ."e request that all office and technical equipment now held in field stations be marked for transfer to our repre- sentative on the withdrawal of FBI, and that an inventory of such equipment be now prepared for our review. Such list would include office furniture and fixtures, typewriters, filing cabinets, and photographic equipment for development and printin.. It would be understood that sovernmental records would reflect this transf^r, reliving FBI of further responsibility for this Sovernraent property. 4. We request that radio corutunIcations eqa' 7r.:zont _n field stations be preserved for transfer to our representative in the same manner as in the preeedinC ;,ara :raph. We request further that automobiles now 'n the field be Made available for transfer to our representative. 5. Vile su;;;;est that full colt +ocrL?.tio , in the field be arranLed by diroctin; that F~pl offices in operation for at Q Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 cu acts, sources o_? i:lfornatton, and informants should be and' Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 - in `all of our E]nbasalesvandvin various LConsu ateslintthetAnieijc Republics. 44 Backs round. to close the offices in Panama anduHaiti.1eRHowever, ~bec une o1L $ vigorous protest by the Embas i s s and the offif Aeica ce omrn Republics, Assistant-Secrets 0 B d ra 1J en approached Mr. J. Edgar Hoover and was able to have the two offices remain open for-an additional period . d ngTPanama and itaiti, it was learned that the maior-"Ann^" P b ecause o the recent decision which provides that world-wide intelli gence coverage is tb th oee responsibility of the Central Intelligence .;roue (CI(}), Apparently, FBI took the position thnt ai,,,.a 44- -- ~< ,u vyvu1-uunJ. To reauce FBI foreign coverage. ,Problem: Since there is a possibility of a change in the responsibility of the coverage in the American Republics, the Department must con- sider the various aspects, repercussions, etc, which might result from such a change. .any of the Republics are holdin? national elections. All are attempting to readjust their internal affairs to post-war conditions, and all are exporienoing tnfluonce in somo forr.. or other from minority L;roupa. An intorruptiur: of the present operations in our Embassies at this particular time wo-,1.1 D.o :r.oot unfortunate. It is to the advantage of the ':nits ! t;ot.o to soe that ;ur Embassies are not deprive,I of the coverr, -,o n-,' is s .ich have been carefully built up dur'.n.: the pant ? 'r' '',e r . Y:time: Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 25X1 utilization of the present orGanization wc.ild be -:ost a.lvantii t-}~,p but if that is not feasible then an orderly transit' v bn9u.i +:~ definite plans which would cause little or no inter'untio- ' ser- vice to the interested agencies would be desirable. The Department riust consider the relationship which has been built up betweo,n the Civil and Legal Attaches` offices and the police and intolli,ence organizations In the Americas. These relations should be maintained and widened since they are to our advantage. The present system of corm unieation should be preservooa. There are receiving; and sendin radios which have bean aut4orize.i in thirteen of the countries. Permission for some of these were obtained only after much ne_;otiation. These should be saves: for to attempt to rene;otiate after their removal would be useless In many instances. etc. must be taken into consideration. w Recommendation: It is su,~,_-ested that General Vandenberg be approached relative to any plans which CI1 has as regards assuming; irimeGiato coverage in the American ;republics. If there is no possibility of continuing the ;,resent ?31 coverage which, from the Department+s standpoint and that of the various missions, would be most advantageous, then we should request General Vandenber to arrange for us to moot with his CI!~ representatives and representatives from the _-3I in order to discuss the over-all problem and to formulate a plan for the orderly transition in any change v,} ich mi ht occur. Approved For Release 2004/01/30=: CIA-RDP86B00269R000300071- Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-Q CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE GROUP StCRET b &:ORAI DuM FOR TH-3 DIRECTOR, CBNTRAL II:TELLIGENCE Subject: Conference at Federal Bureau of Investi'ation, 18 July 1946 1. There follows a suLimary of the subjects and aUreements covered in a conversation held this date by representatives of the CIG and the FBI on the subject of the transfer of responsi- bility for intelligence coverage in Latin America. CIC was represented by Colonel Galloway, and FBI represent a ves present were T . Tatum, 1,'.r. Ladd, and his Assistant. 2. The general problem and the points of vie-w-afthe two agencies concerned were discussed by all representatives. The CIG expressed the followin; estimate of the situation: a.That CIG was desirous of taking over the intelligence coverage in Latin America at the'oarliest possible date; that beginning from scratch it would take a reasonable length of time to recruit, train and introduce competent personnel and proper facilities; that the job would be made much easier if CIG were able to capitalize on the accomplishments and assets of the FBI and could count on the cooperation and assistance of FBI in taking over and carrying on the work now in pro,;ress. It was felt by CIG that the transfer of responsibility should be a coordinated undertaking in order to avoid lapses in operations and to assure continuity in intelligence production. In order to imnlement such a coordinated plan the operational desks of CIG and FBI would necessarily work closely together. Colonel 'lalloway expressed some apprehension at the withdrawal of 7-:3I personnel without consultation and aoroement by CIG, and requested that the withdrawal of Personnel from be reconsidered, was agrees that this request would be conveyed to the Director, FBI. CIq represe:tatives stressed the point that it was to the cojnnon advantar'o of both a encies to transfer to all its assets that could be transferred on the Ground. (See attached meno). To this proposition the :'B1 agreed but stated that few if any roprosontativos of 'B1 could be spared by the 3ureau and in the ovcnt of a transfer of radic equii:nent, T would so far as poisiblis rocoiva a coiiparablo a:nou.nt of such material in the TTntto 1 :'.tatos for their own activities. ~CI.RET 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 SECRET 3. I::r. Tai r expressed several times the general attitude of the Director of the Mr. Hoover. Ile stated i,;r. -ioove- felt that if the 231 were to get out of Latin America it should got out as quickly and as expeditiously as possible. This point of view was appreciated by the representatives of CIJ who in- sisted,howover, that F3I coordinate its withdrawal with the CI-, entrance so that continuity night be preserved. Mr. Tatum agreed that F13I should not withdraw from a given area without consulta- tion and agreement by CIG. 4. The conference resulted in the following arrangements. The 173I will appoint a working committee which will meet with a working corunittee designated by CIG. This joint committee will dertermine the MI assets in Latin America and what part of the may be transferred to the CIfi, the desires and plans of FBI cove-,ring the withdrawal of their personn,,-_ and facilities. Bas d upon the work of these two corLmitteec the Operations Branch will, draw up a detailed plan for taking ove_ the secret intelligence coverage in Latin America. After the approval of this plan by the Director of CIG, it will then be submitted to the Director of FBI for his inforri tio?i and consideration. After agreement by the two-a::oncios this Man will be the guide for a coordinated :) ,, GALLOVJAY Colonel, u.S.Army Assistant Director - Special Operations SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R0003000700ff1-0 idr. J. Ldrgar hoover Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Justice Building Washington, D. C. Uy doer ISr. Iioovera I acowledge receipt of your _atters of July 8 and July 15, 1946. I appreciate very much your offer of ass-etanoe and the su ;estion that we work out imnodiatoly & program for the transfer of secret intelligence responsibilities in Central and South America. Accordingly,{ I desi hated certain officials,who have conferred with Are E. A. Tams on 18 July? to discuss the general policies for this trans- fer, the details of which will be developed in subsequent conferences. It is understood that H re Trim will furnish the names of your ropres,,ntatives, and designato the time when these conferences can comrsence. In the discharge of its intel.Ligenoo funotlns, "BI has acquired many advantages which will facilitate un- interrupted continuance of intelligence operations. Sinop our immodiate aim is to relieve FI3I at the earliest -possible date, I believe it ossontial that the aoaorl.ishments of FBI in gathering intelligence information, and administrative facilities be made avallublo to CI(} insofar as is I:ractioable. .+ith this principle, I an certain that I havo your areo:msnt and cooperation, 5inoe F'131 hau lie a:ul reap ,n3lo .tit;; to c )n- duct inteligonoc opor:i Cons in t~iia area until Juno ~), 1947, u.lle7#! previ.)us1;; ,o.L. ovod by C13, I rooo:xawad that your field staff bo nui:.''VaLied at the level you detorminn1e nooesaary for oporat one until we advise that .,it:ulrawal is feasible. As agrood, I have dcai,;natc.d roprAaentative$ wh.. will study oxiatin;; i'll eovor?a,;e an,.L ca-laboratic j :ar own officials in dovisi_i_ u:i orderly do silos plan nor transfer. It is :ay roco:.:.o:u:utLo:. that -7.3I pcrsv_t:.ol remain at each field station for a time after the trrival c?.:3, of my repreaentativos 'n order that the successors may the benefits of the Bureau's experience in eac.l country. Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Copies of intelli;;once reports en the field and in Waohin;;ton, prepared by the ^4I, would be of the ;reatest value to CIG. It was agreed that field reports world be turned over to my reprosentatives. I an oo:-fident that specific reports in your .. t shington office will be made available to me whenever we co:raider it necessary. Our field officers should also be acquainted by your special agents with local coiitacta and sources of information which you have developed, and arrangements worked out for possible further utilization of these persons. Your advice on the handling of such informants, and safeguards against untrust- worthy individuals, will be greatly appreciated. It is understood that these details are agreeable to you Administrative facilities now existing in the field will be of considerable advantage to the continuance of operations. I refer to office furniture and equipment, vehicles, radio communication apparatus, and the like. To replace such equipment would entail delay which would be difficult to justify. It is understood that such a.transfer is agreeable to you except in the case of photographic equip- ment, and I concur in your retention of this apparatus. I Will also arrange replacement in kind locally for the radio communication apparatus which you will leave in the various stations, as agreed upon. With regard to your letter of July 15, 1G48, I re uest that you reconsider the withdrawal of your personnel in It would be most unfortunate to leave these posts vacant even for a short time. I am sure or reprasentattvee can devise an early relief for these particular posts and I am confident you will agree to this. In outlining the general policies and agreements herein I have stressed the principle of orderly withdrawal without hiatus, bearing in mind our several responsibilities to the Government in this important work. You and your representatives have boon most cooperative and I desire to express my sincere appreciation. With all good wishes, HJYT i . `~ n:+: } I n: ;:{G Lieutenant ,eneral, '13:. Director of Central Intel-igence Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070084'0` 10 jeberal 19urrau of bnurstigatiau lIniteb Mates Departuirnt of Justice Washington 25, ift. 'ff. Lieutenant General Hoyt S. `Janaenberg Director Central Intelligence Troup . -. r'! v;.. Al AL r:l j &I, . At You will recall that I recently decided to close our liaison office because of the restricted jurisdiction under which we operated there. This closing was temporarily held in abeyance at the request of the State Department to determine whether a new working arrangement might be effected. Since this has not been possible, I have now issued instructions that the office be closed immediately. In view of the plans presently being worked out calling for Central Intelligence Group units to replace our personnel in Latin America, I thought it advisable to inform you of this closing, although unlike our other offices in Latin America, our personnel in Panama performed only limited functions and I don't know whether you consider it necessary tj replaco them. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R00030007D0'09i' jfeberal idurrau of *nuestigatiozz united l;tates Department of JuMire Wuellington 25, f1. QS. :u:iy it, l') Y Lieutenant General ? oyt 3. Vtncenberr; Director Central intelligence Group I refer to your letter of July 22, 1946, concerning the working out of a program for the transfer of secret intelligence responsibilities in Latin America to the Central Intelligence Group. L' representatives, of course, are i.n touch with lr. Penrose, Mr. Leddy, and '.r. Doyle, who have been designated to represent you in connecticn with the details con- cerned in the various matters mentioned by you in your letter. They will undoubtedly be able to make satiafactory arrangements with reference to these matters. rBI personnel in was informed I must advise that the arrangements for closing the FBI Offices in these countries have already pro;;ressed to the stage where it is not practical or possible for us to continue beyond August 16, 1946. You will note that there is only one man stationea in each of these offices and, there?'or*, it will undoubtedly be po;+si.ble for you to rake some arrangement, to take over in these countries as of that date. I am sure you will ai:roe that the transfer of jurisdiction and respcnsibility will be ;,reatly f-tcilitatcd if the ^':i; will furnish a plan to me at a very early date setting- forth the irtentions of the "antral rn- telligence Croup with respect to the trans:'3r of res.' bilt.ty. In, line with your desire to take over the intelli !-enco covera,?e in Latin ivn ri^.a, am most arod ou to compicto :.11 nrran;r? eats and the .1 nal transfer at. the earliest oossit,ln tine. Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 aonoraible Lpruiliv trsdan Asaict,.nt 6curut.:rj of at4te for I:nerici.n tcepuullc l.ffcirs Department of A to Waashin ;tol'i, D. C. 1. refer to convcr:a.,tlons r,elu u r~. ~rusvaat..titey Of tia.ib Aecriey 'r:1t~: sir. Joseph '.L:rucr{ :liu ir. Jc,cit ia,al on ;45 Juiy 1'146,, in :.1alch ware; aimcu:.:.c," ~,:.ear~z ;,luxes for t L tr,,'ju1er of rubpoz ibility' or intealilgOntlol v c.o orwt,., z.r 1,u tlii -mcric:i: i rom T v t eUe r._1 6,uruuu of Iraves tit:,tiori to traits t'ge;t7cy. to tiie Le;kr,rt: ortt 01 6t-t16 i'or its cor-.sider.:tion ean4 rippreev:wl i:ra overall vlu.n for ttiev ti?.ais..vr oi' claaxdestine iratnUigcncu LtivitiOL in ..we;rici rroc; FBI to CIO* xhi,B outliric; iltai is r t t, ct .aurcwi tti. .ucoadly, it was ugruc,cI t:u.t 6pccL:1 cousideer,.Liotl ::ouia be, iver, to tue it t::aiL ..,oati:a ; two princip Jl yut,,yuc; t:: were diacusstd. In. it,c ,:14ce it wLa at;rc4?c gust CIO woulc: submit 25X1 plr.ccmont in of .:r rt pr acrit;,t vc o-, GIG, to iw. JULY L.:,; coritiaiuity O covvrc.a;o ir: 1oc,_;;.iori cuzibici.:rc,: e;:: a..ti+tl uy the iiaiatvatrie?l M" .,. rAW r.Mc i-loutessat !lt fa7.t t- --M r+eetor r,f fentr*? nte, Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 ,Aew~.i 'nI' .."co m z -n 16 S ptemb4 T .1346 General Yandtnberg aocr.,prn1.d 'y set with the last sssy "t-to, 'r. Braden, Yr. Russall RnA r. lady in Mr. br ien's ffice. Mr. Braden'n position on Yr. Hoover's 'w*pOSa3 ? t,ryt.wl in Gem-0 Vandenberg' a reply to Mr. Hoover. Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 z Approved For Release 2004/01/3a-: CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 SEF 1 STRICTLY COIN ID1:NTXAL 3Y SPECIAL 1I0,S:,PNOER Mr. J. Edgar Hoover Director Federal Bureau of Investigation Department of Justice Washington, D. Co phis will acknowledge receipt of your letter of August 23, 19413, enclosing the inventory of the proper* loft by the Legal Attache at -in the custody of I of the American Embassy. Your kind cooperation in carrying through these arrangements, in accordance with our understanding and the request made by us to the Department of State, is greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, "SLGNE5 ' HOYT 3. VAND`r:N131 HG Lieutenant General, USA Director Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 frbrrid RUM= of *nargdionflon Uuitrb Btatrs Department of Bustire Ulashiugton 25. L Qi. September 19, 1946 SF 'JUTLY CON' IDF,N r1/.:, Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg Director Central Intelli once Group Dear General, Vandenberg: Lashington, Reference is made to our l t y e ter of Septb 16 em, 1946, advising that the matter of future cov i erage n had been discussed by you with the Department o . You said that Assistant Secretary of State, Mr. Spruille Braden, had advised that the State Department could not agree to ?the proposed withdrawal from any of the countries named above since they consider coverage by personnel from within these 'countries, essential. In view of this, September 30 ss had been nl In compliance with your request instructions to our representatives in o hold in abeyance ell plans ruc ons are received by them from me. er With best wishes and kind regards, Sincerely yours, -Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 omaw.rxsanFCrae - 9li Lp 1DlG r ,% r. z?;,, ., 8ICIl11U-tE T Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 on 25X1 25X1 25X1 ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 19 Beptesber 1946 Subjects Besting with sr. 1. A. Tam, Federal Burasu of Investigation Refsrenossa A. Letter for the Director, FBI, frog the Director of Central Intelligence, ashjecta Withdrawal of FBI Representatives, dated 16 September 1946. ji. Seem 916 12/3 tipr the Director of Central Iatelligcess, =dated, with inclosed draft of 019 directive. 1. Letter fear the Director of Central Intel see from the Director, FBI, subjects 1. Late yesterday afternose, September 18, I had a talk with er. Y. A. Seas, Assistant to the Director, FBI. Daring the caevreation, the felleainr, topics were discussed and agreements made as reported below. ha I Rvatt1t11F sosepted the offer o!' the Director of M to Est aeeea^itw SawstiPtufts of Prospective CID ampliQsea ce a basis of reinbe rsmeset at I100 per saes. I explaird to Mr. few that sm official esseptwss of this asraaers^snt wield be :, .ad that is this Lttsr a request wolf be mods rir a worldsg iaisw as that the esteils scald be arraegcd. 11r. Twee rsplicd that inert was as $trelp settaibistsepr that be thoaght it was a reasenaMa +rrsa_asaet wRlt weld M to the :swan advantage of both aimed.., is stated tether that as seem as be ra"i"d the official ragawet tw would Acaipats appropriate, individuals is the swam to sseyiste arranpseeeto. . I headed to Or. law Usmerel famdemberg's letter to the D irestert Ai , an the sae ee ry thdratsal of lilif peraoeesi &; ^r. !eve stated that he "Werstasd parreetlj the positiso of CID In relative to the Dapa,tswt of State and admitted that sbviously the nest move was P1laa. sr. tare isdisaMd that be would dievess the :stirs matter with Mr. ^ewwr, cis was at the time out of tan, asA that want he had And sash a diseuasies be waj not Pre; atrad to state shat ^r. leaver' a aoUen would be. Mr. Tama thou,rht that ^r. L,ewr might elect to discuss, 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Director 19 Sept. 1946 Central Intelligence the contemplated vithdrux2 with Mr. Brtdwn, bale he i:ic: not fe. i certain of uucL action. .a. I handed to Mr. T. a aworaridw bey the Director, Crztral Tatartgg tc., CIO 10, with ino1c u-e, CIG -11reotivn, and ssplainod to Mr. Tana that thin the .itrr,ctiyr, vhioh lir. Moovnr oxwiine.l * b8fnre Ra(4 nantnin,d :rts of which Mr. Meavar ni.wapprovc4. I ezpialsted the chm"gee aaea am ex a weed the opln' - n Vint tl,r ndditirrne c,crr- :.. 'In-. ry-"h ,+r. = 0o'der' o o,)intems. Mr. lwa stated that he avetld dieoaae the doormend. with Mr. Hoover as seen as he was available and would inform us as to Mr. Hoover's a Yreewant. or die.grsaaent. 4. I disanesed with Mr. Team tt.s prtaedure to be followed in Mead]ing ,,rcparty in the event that FBI withdraw their reprewntstivee in Latin Harioan courtries prior to the arrival 6? #U6 perrentu:l. I rrteted this c j cliey had beau aIpeowd bir the dtat t- !'eparb,ent ao followae '"he 'onion (81 i epv..entative eweld well upoii the Chief of the state Lepartient IlieoirnnL who would ate n tipet'ary suetodiaa for thm & opsi til . his ea.tadiw would sip a rewipt to M. Upon arrival of GIG remmustatlws, the sarwiesahle p reptrt w *weld be aseapted r thoa and receipt d f r. Mr. Tana agreed that this sea entirely eatiofaetery end Oat be Ww7A - !uteri the in'ividuals emeeraed. I Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 ,Approved For Release 2004/01/30: CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 lm DIRECTOR J ~; v federal Wureau of nnrsrtigation Initrd l;tates 3orpartment of fustice Washington 23, iA. C October 1, 1946 STRICTLY CoNFIDiXTIAL BY SPECIAL MESSENGSR 25X1 Lieutunant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg Director Central Intelligence Group 25X1 25X1 Dear General Vandenberg: There is attached a receipt for the property and equipment turned over to I upon occasion of this Bureaus withdrawal from that country. It should be noted that this receipt is signed by your representative In connection e th the Radio Equipment listed thereon, it will be appreciated if you will arrange to furnish this Bureau with similar equipment in the immediate future in accordance with our previous agreement. 1T4th best wishes and kind regards, Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 pproved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 August 16, 1946 The following, represents a complete Inventory of all ro)ert turned over by the Legal httache, o the representativ Intelligence Groul;: FUBIIITUI{E Good Fair AA 1 hs hogany Desk, 50k x 30 x 32 with Glass Top I 1 Cedar Desk, 33' x 60 z 30, x 1 Walnut Finish Desk, 3% x 59i x 31 1 Walnut Finish Desk, 34 x 60 x 30k x 1 Mahogany Desk, 2-drawer x 1 Walnut Finish Desk, 5E x 31 x 30 x 1 Leather Covered Sofa X 2 Easy chairs x 1 Swivel Arm Chair, b:ehogany x 1 Swivel Arm Chair, Leather Covered x 2 Swivel Chairs, :- r:rhless, atraight Booked X 2 Swivel ;heirs, rdalsss, Leather Covered X 6 Straight-Backed Leather-Covered :;hairs (2 Ivory Cclor; 4 Dark Leather) x 1 Ceder Table, 24" x 42" x 2E" i Cedar Table, 2C" a 34" x 2e" A 1 cedar Table, 34" x dC" x 3C," x 1 Y.ooden Table, -6" a 33" x 32" x 1 Lahogany End T.Jble X 1 Small End Table with 2 3helvea A 2 General Fireproofing; .;o. "Aleteel" 4-Drawer Filing Cabinets, 44k" 1 1 1 :.ooden Filing- .ebinet, 4-drawer, L:aholLany Finish x 1 rcoien FiiinE , ibinet, 4-drawer, L'.aple 'inieh x 4 Aelnut Finish Index ::abiaets, E-Drawer, 15I, X 1% A 16: X .alnut 'iilist _itbnds for Index Cabinet:,, 1 _ x 13.. x to 1 Ceder Index .,bbinet, 6-Drawer with Stand x 1 ketal r'iline yabinet for b x 7 Cards 1 noo?iea supply bbinet, ..:bhc,,7any 'iliish, lb x 36 x 70 x 3 Green Steel rilin- .. inets >. 1 Matiofony Bcokcbse x 3 Wetal Venetian Blinds S Wooden Venetian Blinds 2 Valances for Office 2 Pre. Green lraperieb x Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 25X1 25X1 I Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Goou !:, 1 Blue-green xue in L.i,. Offioe X 1 Blue-green Rug in tl.L.iL. Office (o' x y' j x 3 Florescent Desk Lt-iups :5 Florescent Ceiling Lights Pictures with erames x 1 pr. '.,ooderi Book-ends x OFFICE ;;ZMIT UI 1 :loyal Portable Typewriter, Serial NO. r>-68 11C3258R 1 Royal Portable Typewriter, Serial No. Y-88 1106007A 1 :1e-iAneton Rand Typewriter, Standard, Serial No. J-309627 1 ReminLton Noiseless Typewriter, itbnderd, Serial No. ;fit 56d22C 1 Underwood Typewriter, Standard, Serial No. t:5522276-11 1 L. C. ..cith 14" .;brribge, Serial No. 1A1E32787-14 1 Typewriter 3tbnd 1 Mallink Safe, aerial No. 1Y21728 15 Desk Trbya 2 Tickler Boxes 8 3x5 AAssi?nment Poxes 3 "Speed Products Jo." Staplers 1 "Pilot" Stapler S Inkwells wit(. (-ens 1 Inkwell with 2 Iens 9 Desk ?ads 2 Pencil jharpeners 1 6-apace Sorting; tack 1 4-apace Sorting tbek 3 `roper r unches 1 "Line Dater" S ta.n, (shows Date Only) h6I3v ELLANZO (IS 14 Padlocks 1 'a bster's ;ollagiate Dictionary a 1 Webster's Daily Use 7ictionary X 1 Funk & ..egnells College Standard "Dictionary X 1 Spanish Dictionary (VelAzquez) 1 Appleton's New Speniah-sngllst, and 1 Guiandlish-S ,anise: Ototionary 1 1846 world ..lsaanec 1 Kho'a ;iho in Latin :"ariea 1 Hombres .uien .s ?uien 8 Telephone :iandsets Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 PKOTOGRAPS liEPMENT Good F al 12 Rolls V118 Verichrome Kodak Film a 10 Rolls V120 Kodak Veriohrome film x 12 Packs Kodak 3x, x 4-'1 Veriohroms Film z 12 Paoka Kodak Veriohrone 81 x 3J Film x 18 Rolls 60 ft. x 9 in. Haloid Copylite Photostat Paper x 1 Duophoto Photo Equipment Machine, Serial No. 7682 x 1 Duophoto "Dryer" (Electric), Serial Jo. 8272 z 1 Duophoto Squeegee Plate 1 Squeegee 2 "Wretten" Kodak Safety Lamps, Model A, with Four Glass Reflectors a 2 Kodak Utility 3afelight with Brackets, Model 0, with Glass Reflectors 1 Bakelite Film Developing Tank for 35 mm. film x 1 Bakelite Adjustable C ut-Film-Paok Developing Tank a 1 Hard Rubber Film Developing Tank for Film Pack, with 48 Metal Hangers x 1 12-inch Paper k ;utter 2 6-quart size Enamel Lhemioal Mixing Peas x 3 Large size "Casco" Enamel Developing Trays x 2 pr. Stainless Steel Tongs X 8 Chrome Squeegee Plates X 2 Plastic Mixing Rods X 1 Rubber Apron x 1 6-foot length Rubber Hose x 5 pre. Rubber Gloves X 1 Tank.and Tray -odak Thermometer a 1 Yellow Safety Bulb x 6 Bottles, 1-gallon size, Kodak D72 Developer X 3 Bottles, 1-gallon size, Kodak Aoid Fix Beth x 4 1-gallon colored Jugs for Developer and Hypo Containers I 1 Bottle lens ::leaner x 1 rhoto pork Bench Vicercy 4" x o" :onteot Printer x RADIO NQUIPMOT 1 Hellicrafters Type IIT-4B Transmitter, Serial No. 5126 1 Hallicrafters Type H:T-5B Speech Amplifier, Serial No. 3964 1 Hellicrafters 'cdel 7'ortable aeoeiver, 3eriel No. 111-1-15923 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 ved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 :x- DIC Bw.UIP TT - continued 1 Hallicrafters Z,odel 52011 Receiver, Serial No. H-128964 1 Hallicrafters Model 3X-28 Receiver with 12-inch Speaker, Serial No. H-136373 1 Hammarlund Super-Pro Sommunications Receiver (with power supply and speaker), Serial No. 79 1 Hammarlund Super-Pro 0 cmmunicetions Receiver (with power supply and Good i 3 speaker), Serial No. 8526 x 1 Stancor "69" Transmitter (ft;-x) , t ) aerial No. 193 3 80-meter .oils for Stancor 69 Transmitter a 3 40-meter ;oils for Ztencor 69 Transmitter x 3 2C-meter .:oils for Stanoor 69 Transmitter x 1 2-kilowatt, wodel ?x20, 110-volt, 60-cycle Fincor Power Unit, Serial No. 8339 x 1 "" Semi-automatic Telegraph Key X 1 Hand Telegraphic -Key "Signal" x 1 Electric Lantern, "_;colite" with Spare Battery X Flashlights with 6 Spare Batteries Storage Battery, 6-cell, 12-volt (rebuilt) with Batt Hydrometer x 1 .ia6,rec, for Hellicrefters deceiver x 1 Instruction Bock cnu Diagraw for Helliorafters All projerty received in the condition indicated. 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 AO(PProved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 ,-' geberal itureau of Iuurstigatiott Uttitrb ftatre Drpartntratt of 11ustice thasltingtott 25, 33. Of. STRICTLY CONFI)ENrI_ii, BY SPECIAL MESSENG ;R Lieutenant General Hoyt S. Vandenberg Director Central Intelligence Group Dear General Vandenberg: to As You know, we formerly had a representative assigned the I The work in as en o such an extent that we have transferred our representative from The property formerly used bryl has been left in the custody of to be used by representatives of the Central Intelligence .group upon their arrival. A copy of the recei,t obtained from listing the equipment available to your organization is attached hereto. Vith best wishes and kind regards, 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Awed For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 25X1 august 27, 1946 keep the property in custody for the Central Intelligence Group. Cabinets: Filing cibinet, steel, 2 drawers leg -1 size. Filing cabinet, steel, 3 dra.?ers, legal size. Index card file cabinets, 2 drawers, steel. C Chairs: Swivel, wooden Tubular, steel Desks: Steel, 6 t rrbo ha.* been portorreing intelligence d&tias as 1eya1 attach" of the various 44plmmtia missions in 8onth and Central Vseea and in the art area. datives of . the Central Int.Uigens Grorp will take over the iatenigmai dati is Latin'iaa which bean* been parto ed by the FBi sires 19W. fit .ceder that the eontinnity of intwaisswo operations in fasts dr.1a'3" dwLU not be Mbovsr to the prejudIc"tt I taoh6s been aw* With Yr. J. tar Weat rep menti at tag the MI at U not dos- -t f r+os their posts of duty until each.tins an pa' "tad and trained CID r.,. i satativee shall. arrive at in the ANa`iasn Repnh11c. I as trwmaittiag to you trresith a acheduls s.ttt forth the dates tta - CD) representatives will arrive for dnt' in tar. ari,.ars Latin Americas countries. This scbedla he. aLso been to the FBI, which ben indioat.d that a !SI representative w l be p .seat at Bash post ube the is sl attache relingpisbee his duties ad as CIO representative tabs over of CIG, will proceed to Latin Mertes sod his t t ow the itis.rarar amd schedule attarohsd hereto. has yr soore oonftaureo oavastar and he in t , arts rdtiah hays been made as between the tdI and this CTO in regard to the latter's as tit of intalligentes duties in the American Republics. Mr. ftederiok B. I,on, Director of Lhe Croce of Controls of t h4 L4partment of State, and Mr. Jack D. Neal, Chief of the Division of Yoreign Aot.ivitp- Correlation of the Deportment, have worsted closely With the appropriate representativrs of cm in the implementation of the arrangements looking forward to the assumption by CIO of intelli- Qsnoe duties in Latin America. Loth :tr. Lyon and :tr. Neal are not only entirely fam liar with the Lnt.Uj enoe roLlritios or the 'BI in Latin Armrica but era also being kept completely infox- ind +ue to ENlatur t,o anewse Intelligence opera .l one I n cut wren. Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 25X1 'he ptsrp;)ae n: this is not, OWL' to sdvfse 7W of the YaerUg*ing, out, also to sasgrst that 7= a$ *M ft to fWasat a rrpranantative of the Dspaat.snt Of Slats to ameam"W and. air. a. Ik%W 11weer4 4 1 0 -- witauoaw 1. a esisr DWrrtannt of Stmt. slay be is amb dam the cm rspresentative is instsllyd in S atb WA Csa L s1 Jearioa and in um cacIm"m waft. Thr repressatatires ft o haw been eels ted - who .a e a q te r nat sd ter dntry in the Amore W n .Etwgt b1, at e# I b4lawae owd3mmW? aevttied for their deltas. I wish to aaslaarw AM th t 1940m ' the Cm intelli`,etaew aoueattet.nt in the *mum Aal I as one" to nara. in IfffOrt4fte aard signIfiaane+a., and that an rte. r alder Will shortly P" O" to hair PO." Of dents !a Saatd. sad ir la 18"WIT mw Powalwo eerioa and in Um Csribbmn apr" we b.ipe imftvatfl to 1-No t the with um v sr3,ons chiefs of saeat4 mimum ttw Mu iad o itals, with a sign to abtatat'Lig the bNt oration of the intwatligettcte effort. aatpeotftl]y you", HOYT S. VANDENBERG Lieutenant General, USA Director of Central Intelligence ILLEGIB Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 JiOaA?fl -;Y% 7?;i: ,:U> Concurrence8z 1. Control, 060 T&wr4Colonel OaUoMy 3. Colonel Wright Origin :uui :lackgrowti of L:orreapondenca: . 1. Conversabions between Ueneru1 VKrdonbarg and Assistant, secretary of State Spruille Braden 2. Converaations and carrospondence between Control, CO 8and the '?M treccot of Cer19"il I'Jr5i1rdeuce rrerrrGucrsrf Ccuetei' my IIOL.L 2' Ab'LiDEYSBEFJC "m I Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 Dear General Vandenberg: You may recall that as a result of our_discu sions last year it >uAQ M_~ _ e Central Intelligence. Group. January 3 with reference-tocontemplated arrangements covering the replacement in Latin America of special agents of the Federal Bureau of Investigation with representatives of th A be responsible for indicating, after the arrival of the at that post. post, the overlap necessary ~?=a ~-i-iva.i or the CIG representative and the departure of his FBI predecessor. It was left therefore that the American b be specified in adVAnrn ne?y,^?^.,a.P-Lt-u_L' no period-=could of their - `~"'ly al ter tine arrival CIG replacem ements _ t,,,+ o, - ~1 Provided this arrangement is maintained I see no objection to the projected trip'of of CIG and a colleague from F'BI, snc am also prepared in accordance with your aug;f;estion to authorize Mr. Jack D. Neal, chief of the Division of Foreign Activity Correlation, to proceed to Latin America as the representative of the Department of State at approx- imately the same time. In connection with the foret;oint; we are fully con- vinced of the importanco of' the work which you are Lieutenor.t theritral tioyt Vuluienbur A., Diructur, Cantral Irate 111 o~ii:~ i;i'out> VYu!, 1,1 ur t7 11, r _-C 25X1 25X1 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0 about to undertake in Latin America, and we share Your desire to have that work accomplished with the fullest and most complete collaboration between field representatives of CIG and the personnel of the ForeiEr. Service. Sincerely yours, For the Secretary of State: 9j2 Approved For Release 2004/01/30 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000300070001-0