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Approved FbpOkelease 2003/9Mc ,I - DP86BOO20R000200060080-5 2 USIB-D-5.1/2 3 April 1963 UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOAR D MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD SUBJECT Proposed Amendments to Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIDs) to Reflect the USIB Action on the Committee Structure of the USIB REFERENCES : (a) (b) (c) USIB-D-27. 1 / 18, 31 May 1962 (corrected 7 June 1962) USIB-M-225, 18 July 1962, item 8 USIB-D-5, 1/1, 7 September 1962 1. The attached memorandum (Tab A), prepared by the Coordination Staff, incorporates revisions in Reference (c), above, to reflect the comments submitted by Board members on Reference (c). The dashes and underlining therein indicate, respectively, the deletions and additions -,proposed to be made in the text of certain existing DCIDs. 2. It is requested that Board members record in the vote sheet attached at Tab B either their approval of or other views on the proposed revisions in DCIDs set forth in the attached memorandum from and return the vote sheet to the Secretariat not later than close of business on 15 April 1963. 3. Revisions proposed for DCID No. 2/2 (Charter for Critical Election Problems Committee) are being circulated separately for USIBd~$iei~~aara in s< view of DIA's and the Services' non-concurrence in the provision that proposed studies by the CCPC should be subject to approval by the DCI. Although this provision was specifically approved by USIB C see reference (b).7, DIA and the Services now propose that such studies be approved by USIB rather than by the DCI. 25X1 25X1 Executive Secreta y Approved For Release 2003/ ;9EC-RE17DP86B002 GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic 69R@0 SON0d 08 Approved F Release 2003/ 1G. 4TDP86B00- JR000200060080-5 Tab A USIB-D-5. 1/Z 3 April 1963 MEMORANDUM FOR THE UNITED STATES INTELLIGENCE BOARD SUBJECT: Proposed Revisions in Director of Central Intelligence Directives (DCIDs) to Reflect the USIB Action on the Committee Structure of the USIB (USIB-D-27. 1/18) I believe that the proposed revisions set forth below will adequately implement the recent USIB decisions with respect to the Committe structure and the comments by Board members on the earlier proposed revisions circulated in USIB-D-5. 1/1. a. DCID No. 1/4 (Committee on Documentation) - No change required. b. DCID No. 1/5 (Terms of Reference, Watch Committee of the USIB) - No change required in revised version, approved 8 August 1962, except that the reference in paragraph E. 2. to "NSC 5438" will now be changed to reflect issuance of "NSAM No. 226" on 27 February 1963. c. DCID No. 1/11 (Security Committee) - No change required. d. DCID No. 2/2 (Charter for Critical Collection Problems Committee) - Revisions being circulated separately. e. DCID No. 2/3 Organizations and Individuals) - Revise paragraph 6 to read: "Under tll& ?liaa~ ship-ef the -Gem nil-I to lige ~e-Age e , -a-oom4mi-ttee Approved For Release 2003/j9R `jQA'rjbP86B002 25X1 Approved FgvRelease 2003/(,M'/,''P86B0D8R00p3p0R60080-5 USIB-D-5. 1/2 3 April 1963 eerrrpo-sed- o itztereat ~epresetitatives-o? the -I+AeI-14geaee -Board departrrients -a-n& ageaeie s wi-ll -rneeee-r-io~l Ball -t-o- eo wader -m-u uak prob1e_rns-aad itzterests-th-eoi :.t4eawi-tai-t-h.-i.s-pPegrarrr. Coordination shall normally be achieved through specified points of contact designated by interested agencies. " f. DCID No. 2/4 (Exploitation of Foreign Language Publications)- Revise paragraph 3 to read: "There is-hereby-e-ste-bli-she-dtke-Gerrrmittee aft Expkritatiot-i-e ~-o-re-igr~-Ea gtaage-Fta ieat oes,--a-rb 3xte-x iit extal eerr m4ttee-etade.r t4ie-ehai-rmaa+i-sh4p-o-f-the- # nt-ra1-I tell4geaee Agexeyr A-emde--s-e the Intekligeaee -Beard more-4avked-t-o- de-s4gRat,-- -ref)-re-- seatat4ve s -to-t -i-s-Cori ittee-.- -Other epsrtmeat-s- aad-ageaeie-s- of - the- Go. erxnraent-reay-be -is-v tec>- iy-the- Gommi-ttee to-par ie4.pate 3a di-se-s-s-ioa-s-of atte-fs-ice Yrieli-they h? e-aa ie erect-.--~ e-Eo rr}ittee shal-l-advi-se- a.fld-assi-st-the- mot- alIetel-14geaee-Ageaey is-thre ir~zpleer}tatierr o ti s ~1i~eeti Coordination shall normally be achieved through specified points of contact designated by interested agencies. g. DCID No. 2/5 (Procurement of Foreign Publications) - Revise paragraph 3 to read: "T-l-er 3s ere1}}F-eetabl-ie-hed-tl 4Co-rrl ittee am -Pro ee.rernne-r-t-oF -o-re-igti-Pi4rlieatieas; xter-dep rtmeat 1 eorrrrnittee-aader tb.e-ehai-rman-s4iap-o-f-tl Ge-nt-ra1-IeteF13geaeeAgeaey.- Approved For Release 2003/0 k 4SRpP86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved Fer.'Release 2003MER 1ATRDP86BOO 8000200060080-5 Tab A USIB -D - 5. 1 /.Z 3 April 1963 A-e-mbe-rs-e the I tel-14genee -Beard -smell-d-&s-ig+i-,te regr$se tat}vas to the- Go-mmittee : - E}the-r-departmetzt s -and, age-ne4e s -of-tom Go-v&r-ame* t rrr&y be-i-nwited -b-)t the -Garrrrriittee-to pa-rtic-ipate itz-d st ssio s-ef- irratters iti-vrhl.ehtii,ey-have an-rote-re-st.--The-Gei-n-m4ttee-sha]l-advrsa and. ors-,Rdst-t+iie-E;-entraT -Inte-lligerrc-e- z?rg-e-rtc-y 3n the-rnple nt-atio-rr o#' Coordination shall normally be achieved through specified points of contact designated by interested agencies. " h. DCID No. 2/6 (Goirrrittee-.oti-E.ehatzges Coordination of Intelligence Interests in the East-West Exchange Program) - See attachment. i. DCID No. 2/7 (Committee on Overhead Reconnaissance) - No change required. 25X1 k. DCID No. 3/1 (Production and Coordination of Foreign Economic Intelligence) - Revise paragraph 3. b. to read. "The Central Intelligence Agency and the intelligence components of the Depart- ments of State, Defense, Army, Navy, and Air Forcer -a-n& -of -t+i!e Approved For Release 2003$PC"DP86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved F' .Release 200 ATRDP86BOO R0002 ,Oa%6( ,k08O-5 3SApril 19632 Jerrrt-St-a-ff +J# &)-p , and the National Security Agency,- the -0f-fiee ef- Special- C rat4e.e s -(O&D} shall each furnish one member and an alternate to the EIC. Any other department or agency whose interest or competence may be relevant to problems under consideration may also be invited to participate in the work of the EIC. The representative from the Central Intelligence Agency shall serve as Chairman, and the Central Intelligence Agency shall provide the Secretariat. " 1. DCID No. 3/3 (Production of Atomic Energy Intelligence) - No change required. m. DCID No. 3/4 (Production of Guided Missile and Astronautics Intelligence) - No change required. n. DCID No. 3/5 (Production. of Scientific and Technical Intelligence) - Renumber paragraph 8 as paragraph 8. a. and add new paragraph 8. b. to read: "Because of the close relationship of the SIC, the JAEIC, and the GMAIC, close coordination is imperative. The SIC should take the initiative in insuring that such coordination is effected in areas of joint or overlapping concern. This does not imply that SIC should have a supervisory role over the normal activities of JAEIC and GMAIC in their respective fields. " 25X1 Approved For Release 2003:9RDP86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved FerrRelease 200SACMA' RDP86BOO R000200060080-5 Tab A USIB-D-5. 1 /2 3 April 1963 p.. DCID No. 5/5 (Charter for Interagency Clandestine Collection Priorities Committee) - No change required. q. DCID No. 6/ 1 (SIGINT Committee) - No change required. r. DCID No. 7/1 (Handling of Critical Intelligence) - Delete paragraph 10. "~'q-as sis~-tire ~xtel~~o-e?rtb 3-crr-yzig-oaf ad- eee~di. t4egtbe-abeve-cktae9r-r~spo si il-itie-s.a d-p~oeeda~eSr toe C deal -Ge~rrr +i i4eat oee- Gomm.i 3 s -lie-r~by~ eetabkielied, " S. NIS Standard Instructions (National Intelligence Survey Committee) - No change required. 25X1 G Attachment. (1) Draft revision of DCID No. 2/6 Approved For Release 2003%EPX+AFRDP86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved Felease 200SIOXRDP86BOa9R000200060080-5 R Attachment to Tab A A USIB-D-5.1/2 F 3 April 1963 T DIRECTOR OF CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE DIRECTIVE NO. 2/6 CO-MMITTEE-0N-E GH rNGE& COORDINATION AND EXPLOITATION OF EAST -WEST EXCHANGE PROGRAM 1.. Pursuant to provisions of NSCIDs 1, 2, and 3, and for the purpose of ensuring provic~i g-a e? a s e the coordination of intelligence interests related to East-West exchanges-, the CIA, as a service of common concerii shall, in concert with other interested agencies: in order to -aehi -v-e- the -me-xi u-m-i teIkge+1ee-beRe fit refrerrr,- the Ce .rrrittee-oe-Ece aeges-e th.e -U.- Sr Ietelrl4geaea Board ie-her 919y e starl3shed.- I -O-rg -nizatiofi The-Eoi.rrrittee- shall- ?e s4st o#-re rise tattve-s irem the - partme is -a-ndt ageo.E}e s -whiob eL-re-m-&m4D-e-r-s-ef- the -Beard, Other r-tmeitaaad-agaR.eie-s-may -IRvi-ted-bytlie-Ehalr rto partielpate-,- as-appreprie=te- -The Gextx l-I tell-igee.Ee-Ageeey- shal-l-previ- th-e- -a-n& the -se-c-ret?-r .at. 2- --F n tioa s- a. To Advise the Soviet and Eastern European Exchanges Staff, Department of State, on all intelligence aspects related to exchanges, exclusive of internal security; to assess the probable net advantages from an intelligence standpoint, considering both intelligence Approved For Release 2OO GREAIkDP86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved Fbe'Release 2004 E19 - IXRDP86B00 6R0QO,J00 60080 t to Tab A USIB-D-5. 1 /2 and technological gains or losses; and to make recommendations on itin- eraries and other details necessary to for effective intelligence ex- ploitation in line with the Priority National Intelligence Objectives. b. To Serve as the focal point for initiating, planning and developing exchanges which might contribute to the solution of critical intelligence problems. C. To Serve as a-c4ea 4i gheuse the focal point and channel of communication for all action and administrative information bearing on intelligence aspects of exekaRge exchanges. d. To- serve -a-s? a-eeerdixrat4ag -mee4ise4sm Coordinate, from are the intelligence standpoint, withi-respeette selection of U. S. participants in East-West exchanges aid-to- ~eeornenci ee~i-groeedt~re s -may ~e- qRi-r-e4 to i e~tr?-the-eoo~ l Rated b~3e?i g-aid-debriefi g o parties.-- paatrs- b-y-th-e~espons kl~e ieee; e. Arrange for the Department of State to receive the official views of the interested components of the Department of Defense and other departments and agencies, as appropriate, regarding industrial and per- sonnel security considerations. f. Develop procedures in accordance with the provisions of DCID 2/3 and DCID 2/8 to assure the coordinated briefing and debriefing of U. S. participants. Approved For Release 2003' q, MDP86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved f 'Release 2003/SWIGRE-VbP86B00UbR000200060080-5 Attachment to Tab A USIB-D-5. 1 /2 e,--'Fe Provide advice to Ear-west-Eoaes Saf, the Department of Stater concerning the intelligence aspects of exehaage- exchanges of sei&nt3 ie- t?-r.a1- materials with Communist Bloc countries for its use in connection with inter-agency coordination of such East- West exchange matters. In this reagard3 eke-apiary xebecs-sl~~ggni-see the- z ittee-o-f the official views of tie-i-r-respeet-i-ve-ergaRlae;t3ees the interested components of the Department of Defense and the AEC, as appropriate, shall be secured when recommendations with respect to items having military or atomic energy significance are involved. h. Advise the appropriate component of the intelligence community of the availability of materials acquired through exchanges in order that their exploitation and analysis maybe coordinated so as to assure the fullest utilization of the facilities and expertise of all agencies which have technical competence and responsibility in the particular area concerned. i. Arrange for the participation of other governmental departments and agencies as appropriate. j. g,-- -To- .ake-ropr-iate-repo-1 s-to- the Intel-l4gexee Beard as -to-the- -res+its- of -e-xis-. 2_ k.----Thhe-Go-i-ttee In carrying out these functions, the Central Intelligence Agency will, so far as practicable, utilize existing facilities and group sito- ea-r-ry--eat- 4t-q- fttrteti.ot1s; -ifriti-at4ng -ne_w p-roeecurre?s ?o-r-efle~dfeaioi-eeiy as-neeessarp.- Approved For Release 2003/sI/ igbTP86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved F'v1elease 2003/, MIN CR -bP86B00 R000200060080-5 Attachment to Tab A USIB -D-5. 1 /2 3. Coordination will normally be achieved through specified points of contact designated by interested agencies. Approved For Release 2003/0 AfM. I&O P86B00269R000200060080-5 Approved F elease 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP86B002 8000200060080-5 TabB USIB-D-5. 1/2 3 April 1963 MEMORANDUM FOR EXECUTIVE SECRETARY, USIB SUBJECT . USIB Vote Sheet Action REFERENCE USIB -D -5. 1 / 2, 3 April 1963 1. With respect to the proposed revisions in Tab A of the reference: a. I concur therein. b. I concur therein, subject to the comments or amendments set forth in paragraph 2 below. c. I do not concur in the proposed revisions. See comments below. (Signature) (Title) (Date) (Agency) *May necessitate classification of this memorandum. Approved For Release 2003/09/29 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000200060080-5