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Publication Date: 
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PDF icon CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7.pdf419.7 KB
Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved Fel~~ase-..2002itfl8/21~.;~~IA-1~P86B00269Bq~ 00110010-7 ~?E~ IO 1954 1~ENLORANDUM FOfts Assistant Dti.rector for f~erations SUBJBCTs Additional Briefing Material for Clark Committee 1. Additional briefing material for the D`l.ark Gom-nittee, prepared in acoordanoe with your meoa4oranduan dated 2b Noveaaber 195l~, is attached. Attachment 1 supplements Tab A of the initial briefing material fur- nished by this Office bg summarizing the basic authorities for the fu~aetions performed by the Office of personnel. It i.s believed that the initial material adequately describes the functions of the various elements of this Of f Ice. 2. Attachment 2 provides, in ohart fozm, a tabulation of pro. fessional, olerical and military personnel on duty in the Office of Personnel as of 31 October 1954. Attachment 3 presents a statement of tha Fiscal Year ],955 for each Division and Staff within the Office of Personnel. Data used, in this chart were compiled from Fiscal Year 1955 requirements as reflected in the Fiscal Year 1956 budget presen- tation in accordanoe with informal diaoussion with a representative of the Budget Division, Office of the ~Comptrollere 3. The Office of Personnel does not produoe any publications exoept Agency Regulations, Notioea, Handbooks, etc. It has been assumed that suoh publications, if p?rtinent at all, would be in- aluded in the listing to be furnished by the Office of Collection and Dissemination. Assistant Di.roctor for Personnel Attachments ~, in quadruplicate 25X1A Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 25X1A P ~~~~~tsaaa~s~~ C ~C,s~R9G~~ MiP..hitlua`3'3R~ly 09'9;~~~~ ~tc'E-~~a~a~~R~9 E~~,aa~~o A8SI5~ANti OtRECfiOR FOR PERSONNE!_ 25X1A SPECI A9, C0~ RACE INC, ALdDI1ANCES AND PRDCESStNC SfiAFF PROCESSING AND RECORDS orvisiaN PtiANNDNC AND ANALt"S{S SAt=F CAREER SERVICE SiAfF P~,ACEFIEN AND EN~I,O~EI U'iI112A2rO11 SERVICES DIYISIaN DIVISION Fit" iYAR'I PERSOIIS~1. DIVISION PR~~~~~,?~t C~~R ~ E~!6 I(64A~ Ct~A~~e~9~D MiF~9Y+dR~e OF~tlC~Ri M:rtSI,RTtc ~R61S`J~O ~~~~6 ~l961~~R~ PRAND 1OfiAL CaASSaFiCA~710N PERSONNEL, Ai1D MAleE PROCUREI~Nr DIYI$ION DIYIStON Approved For Release 2002/08/21E~CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP8tiB002ti9R000100110010-7 Q,-. ~K,a ~ais~w? s~ar~ ~s~~~, Y~At~ 995(+ H~~r~d p~I~iE~B'i~89~~+; 25X1A Oi'i.~ 605 A~:. 25X1A Or~f c CE Of Pt:RSONJYEI. ?Ilt3GE~ S6A5?FlPCF}': ~. FfSCA~ 57EAP. 9955 '; 11SSISiANF OIAEC70R fOR PERSONNEL sti~t;IA~ cc~iR~~~, ~I~~.; Ai~QMANCES ANO PROCESSING &i~~~ PI ~~.EMtpt~' ?9W0 Zl ~ ~ 'A~` ;ON 0'. 9: S ; t1 fH laMPi:C`'~E SERY CES DiiS OR PROCESSING AND RECORDS DtY1S~ON i/ DoEe wos a*:c~.ucsg ?aYEaiM A~sr~rr~wf Drtpr~Cxa Jvc~w~s~ A~~a?sr~ oR t6o>5oai~E~ga~~ow ~~ C0~4P$N8A7rGw C~~rrn:: (Ya~r~~.~ S:S5S~785i PCANNINC AND ANAI,vStS SIAFf !4i d I ~ARt PERSOt~p, DIVISION 2~.1~_~ CAREER SERiHICE SFAi'F CLASS t f t CAt I OIJ FE~OI;f AND MACE PROCll~tRNi DtYISIOIi D;Y.S:ON Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP8tiB002ti9R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved Fo Rele~ 2002/08/21Y;`.~l~-~DP86B00269Ri00110010-7 D~IO 1~IJTHORITIES ~ Ok':?'I(:E OF i'k~SOi~EY~;y ~ Ths+ b8aio nu'~ioriti~ anri reerpornsibilitiea for the funatio~ perfai by the Q~ffice of Perraoauiml d+srLe? from those r~aposis~ in the f7d.xsctor of Gacctral Intelligenos as heed of t2ae C?ntral I.ntsZliger~e ~g~y~ His getvgr~ reepor~ibilitiss for persoa~nel iaaaegemet~t and provis ias~ f~the Office of Psrsw~l are stated fst Eaecutivs Order X30, improved 21t Fnb~y 147, tahich prov3r~lss in pr~rtt The head of each ager~oy, 3u accardanc~s Stith appli~ab3e stacadarda, Executive a~ders~ and rulssa shall be responsible i'or personnel marazg~*aent in his agerROya To amsist and advise him. in aarryit~ out this responsibility he shall m~iatain ua~? e~stabliah mtch affiae or division cu' ~rersomaol ~ m~- bye ~?squiredg Hs shall desigxxata a director of personnel or other sirnila~r2y reaponsfble official to be i.n ~zarga of such office or di~vi.siono dtrsth director or other official shall. represent the head of the agea-uy in personnel mattere,~ sub~sct to his ~~l8trittTtl a~ a 1'k~e- head of sash agsa~cV shall pxvvide for the caopea^atic~- of his agexsgy with the Civil Sarv3oe Coutaissicn i.n the oon~ dttat cif personnel mattera~- L o The authority to appoint peraoauasA carries with it the auth,oritg to efface prooeatior~~ reassigamerd;~t~ aepa.+catiome at~ci other types of perms sanr~a~l mcti.Axase Tn generaYs this authority teats pith the Ptead sai' Basch ~r:~utive dap~ar'~~ and age althrn~h its et~aek.~o3Eas 3a sub~cot to laws ru3.ea a~ ragulatio~aa applicable to pttsitic~ sud parsorraasi, under hi.s ~urisdiQt3ana Positions sad personnml of the Central Itatsl7.ig~e dlgenoy ass general3~- exeaapted from thQ usual Civil Service Rules and Regulations by section. 30 of the Caatral Tntelli.getace Agency Aat os 149 (5o Uos BC o ~aU~ j) ~ In acoordatnos With this statutory exemptioa Pram tbs o+x~etitivs sa~'vd,ce,, tht~ Direatra? sacsrcises his iappointment authority ~ritbsia the basic fnorZc of Ci-aii Serti~e Au].s VI, whi~ah pravidss in part: ?i`he head of an aganay may fil]. s~epted positions by the tzppoix~tsaent of per+aorrs aithaut civil serv9roe eligibilitg or c~etitivs status and such persasis s2~a].]. x~t ricquiraa eampetiw tins status by mason of such appoiat~t.obTo fibs s~tez~t psr~ r,~itted ~ J ass e~3 the pravisiazss of this Rules aPPointmsats an~3 poaitiori chax~es in the araeptscl service eha1,1 be made 3n ~ac~ordanos with eu~i rsgul.ati.ans atbd practices as the head oS the agency concaeu~ned finds ~aaes+esarya 3o Thd rniasion and Puuotirax~ of the Office of Peraonnsa,, as defitasd 3n Agenoy Regulation ~ are qu~otsd is Tab A of the briefing materiati'L previousl~r funiished~ the Task Fososa The basio delegation of authority tc? the Assistant Director far Personr.~l is cos~tainsd its Aaet~p No~ee Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Reba a 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R0~ 00110010-7 (Fifty-Third Congress, Sess. II) Sec. 2, Act of July 31, i$g~+ (28 Statute 205) as amended (5 USCA62) No person who holds an office the salary or annual compensation attached to which amounts to the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars shall be appointed to or hold any other office to which compensation is attached unless specially heretofore or hereafter specially authorized thereto by law; but this shall not apply to retired officers of the Army or Navy whenever they may be elected to public office or whenever the President shall appoint them to office by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. commissioned officer in---etc. (59a, USC) Title 5) (Double Salaries, limitation of amount of retired pay as (a) After June 30, 1932, no person holding a civilian office or position, appointive or elective, under the US Government or the municipal government of the District of Columbia or under any co~vporation, the majority of the stock of whit is owned by the United States, shall be entitled, during the period of such incumbency, to retired pay from the United States for or on account of services as a commissioned officer in any of the services mentioned in Title 37, at a rate in excess of an amount which when combined with the annual rate of com- pensation from such civilian office or position, makes the total rate from both sources more than $3,000; and when the retired pay amounts to or exceeds the rate of $3,000 per annum such person shall be entitled to-the pay of the civilian office or position or the retired pay, whichever he may elect. As used in this section, the term "retired pay" shall be construed to include credits f for all service that lawfully may enter into the computation thereof. (b) This section shall not apply to ar.~y person whose retired pay, plus civilian pay, amounts to less than $3,000; Provided, That this section shall not apply to regular or emergency commissioned officers retired for disability incurred in combat with an enemy of the US or for disabilities resulting from an explosion of an instrumentality of war in line of duty during an enlistment or employme,t as provided in Veterans Regulation Numbered 1 (a), part I, paragraph I.l. (62, Holding other lucrative office (Title 5 USC) No person who holds an office the salary or annual compensation attached to which amounts to the sum of two thousand five hundred dollars shall be appointed to or hold any other office to which compensation is attached unless specially author- ized thereto by law; but this shall not apply to retired officers of the Army, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard whenever they may be elected to public office or whenever the President shall appoint them to office by and with the advice and consent of the Senate. Retired enlisted men of the Array, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard retired for any cause, and retired officers of the Array, Navy, Marine Corps, or Coast Guard who have been retired for injuries received in battle or for injuries or incapacity incurred in line of duty shall not, within the meaning of this section, be construed to hold or to have held an office during such retirement. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100110010-7 Approved For Rehcase 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R09~100110010-7 'bird mss, Sess . III Fec . 2, Act of ~xly ~3., ~! ,ly heretofore or heraaf~'~ar specialty aatharised thereto by lair: ar hatd ~' at~uar office to ~rhich ccasstivxt is attaiched the etmc of tiro thousand fi~rt hzuu~ced dcalLars s~i3. bs are office the e~aSary or ~ c~ti+aa att~hed tct ~5 } ag e i s i~CA~i2 } e by ~ With th+e dlvice sari canseat of the Saa~ate. mid t~.der ia?~-~-~t~ . elected to public oitf.ce or r'heae'va~ the Pre~s3d+ent sham. appoint. T'it3~r 5 ~ ~ .e Salaries? _ limitation of e~cnxat of s~etir~d., pay /' 'this saetion, the term "mtired pay=s sha1.1 be cont~tru~]. ts> include credits f that 3.a~rf~c'i.9,y ~' meter into the ttatic~ ~f holds a~ office the salary or annual. cossatican: ate t4 .eh than sum of tea t2~tnasausd five hundrtR dn3.lsrs sha.11 he appointed to otter o~'!'ice to vhich titian is attt~ched unless specially a~s~~ ls~r; but this shall not apply to retired officers of the Axm~, a oY' toast ~ fiver they nay be elected to public affi~e pree~dettt shall airpoix3t them to office by and frith tl~te advice _ _ ~_ _ _ cwt pf Senate . Retiz~si ral3.sted men of the ', Bavy, I-~rine Corps ~ ~ retired for say mouse, and rt~ired officerr~ of the At~,Y, _ ~s ar toast t3aard s~ have bees retired For in~Zries received f.n battles ;~~ ~ or position tar the retin*c3. pey, ~hicheve~c ~ may elect . Aa ritativt t?~' elective, t~T the ~ Qoverz~ent t~7c' ' s~mici~.t. ~ClY~t t~f ' Pict at Calla or under aqy copp~iratic~a, t3~e 'i'~' of the stools t~f sht~, ra!~ed by the thited 3tate$, shs~ be entitled, d~tri~ the peTfc~. of such ;,'ey# to ret3re~d gsry from the ~i.ted States for or can ao~azant ai' servic+es as a s~~ o~.eer in ~' Qf the services mentioned in title 37, at a in ~s t~f an ama~unt rich 4rhea combined With the s~ rate of ~tic>n fr~aae suet aivili~tn office or position, melees th+e fatal rate fra~a b?ath set mire thaa ~3, IXfO; an3 when #~ retired pey aecsaats to f-r t r of ~s p{er ar~aum s:uh person sha17 be egtitled to the pay of the b ~ This sect#.tu~ shad. nz~t air try any ~ ,use retired +, plus civilian to less than $3,~0; ProviBeds That this section shat7.1 ~ appl;~ r ~~ s~'gex~c~Y i.ssioaed officers retired for disability incurred ~ 1.~trtality of var iA Ziae of duty during as eati,snt or e~aplcrr