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~;..'ti']'1: 'L l ~'~'I:1.7.].i,]:\c?l: AG]:NC'x. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 I Apr-1.1 1.976 Iv1E~.iO 1'OR: Mrs. Jeanne Davis NSC Staff Secretary 13. C, t:; va r; s T' RC ,,1 Executive bccz?eta.ry Transmitted herewith is a retention copy of the "Doolittle Report" requested by Ms. Ruth Booth of your staff. 19: is my under - standing that this report is to be reviewed in response to a iaOTA request. B. C. Evans TSyt 1. 5c~938 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 'STATINTL Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 SPi CIAL S i ~` G~:OUP Washint;to:i, D.C. 30 afpteriber 1954 The President The Z ihite House Dear Mr. President: In compliance with your verbal directive, confirmed by your letter of 26 Julyr 195L (Appendix A), the undersigned have grade a comprehensive study of the covert activities of the ventral Into ligence Agency. We have carefully exc_xdned its operations in this area. We have also given due corr. ideration in our study- to the AgencyTs over, activit:Les and to its relationship with, the intelligence community as a Our findings are embodied in the attached reports For your convenience, conclusions and recommendations are s'.w:"iarizcd on pages 10 to 18. these we are in unanimous agrec-r runt. Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1--- Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 ive can not speak too hi gh-l y of" the assistance and cooperation that has been %-ivcn to us by the Central Intelligence Agency at all levels, and by the other. as gencies of Gove..rnment and induiv iiluals cC7I.2iuactC,ti,- ive are particular-1y :indebted. to our L ccu Live Director., i:r0 S. Paul John,-ton, and to I r0 J~. Patrick Coyne of the r:ati.ona i. Security Council., both of whom have worked with us throughout and whose assistance has been inval.ur-ble, . RespectfuLty yours .25X1 25X1 25X1 i' V 25X1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 I Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 I. - xxfr. PODUCTIOIJ COMITNTS II. COIyCLUSION~'S MID RF,COi? 1E Jl\TTON?S 10 A, With Respect to Pc:monnal 17L B. With R"espect to Security 12- C. With Finspec tr to Coo: c""nation and Operations 15 D. With Eesnect to Organization and Admire stration 17 E. With Respect to cost Ilactor-3 Il DISCUSSION 19 A. The Personnel Factor, a 21 B. The Secn!rit; Factors 28 C. Coordination and Operations 38 D. Organization and Administration L, 4 E. Cost Factors 18 ZIT. AP6.:.! ~V'!`~/ A.. Presidential Directive B. Programs and Procedures C. Chart - Present Organization of DD/P D. Chart - Possible Organization of DD/P 54 57 63 69 ww>.oea.xa.:.:.,;ua.r...: var awe.?.unrnws-s,safs++;a:e.,. rn.:.u.~:.,^.vas eattwtra~es~7car:avc. ~asrS9Gt~Y.:,.'Y.Y-.'J+'?bi3YY!'S+b'^:4.5[:SG::.s.'I :di1"iti1`PL%39:Z1Yi~'t::e, Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 Approved For Release-2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 ON TII1 COVE T ACTIVITIES OP VIE 11,T1DDt1CT ors The aoquisitiou and proper evaluation of adequu to and re. b_ e 3xxte~. ige ce on the capnbil =4a es and ll to tiars of Soviet lb-t--sir. is today's neat i pe t>~rted. as prof;}-ntly as po ?siblc. The C.I.A. has a recruiinent progran operating in coUckn >s and universities throughout the United States. pro-ram has not been entirely success". 0- in producing either the quantity or the q al :i.ty of applicants needed. for Agency requirements. ,;n part, this is due to 'the general shortage of tecbn c,^'lly trained people v:7_^ a.- :ri_s hews current 0cmands, by industry in practically all fields. On the other hand we have heard criticism scholastic sources that the C.I.A. approach, both to the school and to the individual,, not what it should be, and furthermore, that r-a:~y potentially good people are lost because of the very great ;Length of tine that now elapses between initial contact and entry into the job. 25 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 epproved For Release 2002/0 /21 : CIA-RDP86B00269ROp 10080001-1 learano'o of now pursonnc . at present avcrs.uo;a , c ays. The I' oJE3 .:f . takes only 30 days s l res i..~u a for, clearing its own par so-ariol. t lthouch we apps?e,ciato fully the special problem.:% invol.'lr-cd in M. &"P we believe it is both practical and essential to reduce the' pre4 ent 90 day 'por rod as much as possi.;e le Marry applic;J.nts find the C C:isar ' clearance j a'oc-C' u)`os unpalatable and annr_R-'in. . S c+7ue are rope"! l.ed by nisund.or- stara%?ing of the pr pose of polygraphic c minatio~; ancd. the techniques ennployed. Sono (p r. ly in scientific fields where futt_u?o professional reputation may depend upon P1f0.i.c ~= tion of paperer etc.) are un' i .l,in to accopt the inpl'.i,cations of a l fet iI iei of auo: ini ty, or of life under a pseudonym. Cie do not suggest that these requirements. be ibanaoLSZ. or relaxed In any degree We are certain that they are noces- nary for na im Tal security and success of covert Operations, But cone better moans of approach should be developed to ass-Lire the prospective employee that ho is necessary, and to persuade him that in this Agency he can, find a desirable career and at the same time Perform a %-'S t,l service ? to his country. We have boon i.?-pressod by the e col l erce of the Agency's training facilities and the Colap9tenca Of its instructor personnel. Our coi ont is that insufficient use is made of 6 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R00n1000800p1-1 tlWo ke'idasJ 06h1-+ iA=kb 8dB 0269R000100080001-1 centers which we i spected are beiUag operated far under capacity levels. Tltia_s, of course, is a reflection of the slags i ii g off in. recruiting programs, but - t; suggests al o that adequate use of the f: C1ll.ties : Fs not. now tiei made i~o : J:RJ1ove the avc;x?wai.l qu llty of Iigeney cov'cr act11-L _i_es by new train- iiag or refresher trai ing of per;:oirol al x c ady in the A cne We are aware that the present tendency of the Agency to take on more work than it can handle satisfactorily has tin. tea use of the training facilit--le,-, but it cannot limited op be repeated too frcquenc,ly that in C.I.A.' covert operations qua ..:i.ty is mere lr portant than quantity A small number of competent people :u2 a sensitive agency, can be more useful than a large nu er of Lncorr,petents. In the long run it trill pay to stop some of the lcss essential operations now to permit 10-15 percent of Agency coveru personnel to go into tray-inin . ,As the backlog of inadc. O methods able app?:?_ :rats or preocnt e),q,loyecs'b>>y interrogation,, field investigation and polygraph tcelr d.qu s. We have also c: cai ed. Df/PFS ri ethod of proccss?ng , cpF:xat on 3- personnel prior to their use by the covert services overseaso We b~al:ieve that C.I A. ~ s sec .city cl earanee criteria for prospective Agency personnel are z~,oundm llithott ccceeptiong they should be fuLly adhered to ;.~ practice,. The granting of pxovisionaJ or other intoriia clearances should be rrain1 sized. 28 ^:^sY.L:+nY_ciT~*A7aa'ri.3ti.''.t3SN,':.? =-: SS:s" i a.iw.r..::,?a's, :..,., ...x`,?ur~M;.1....W.,=.- -."... Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R0001 00080001-1 i Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 There is considerable room for ixnprovem--nt in ex7 stint, r,c u ity processing procedures for alien operational personnel. 29 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDR86B00269R000100080001-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 A urZLtom rec ziii en ent should be established regular for the by all overseas z;iissions of 30 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP46B00269R0001 00080001-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86130022698000100 80001-1 reports on the ttatt:s of personnel,, phti~~ticpections should be Xiiad`e by the Office O 'k Security of aU.1 ovex seas mission-,:x and of DD/P's h ec ;t? sr to s and othcr facci-l i ties in the United States. Ti ;hte- security' procodilre3 at heZkdqu2-1-^ ers anal part in the field will better :.nstv.xe the security of the Agency's facil:Lties,9 operation ss sources and methods, these ~rais- ing of ~recommendations should aid ._W ing the level of security throughout the entire Agency, particularly throughout the covert sea yrtce s. If such. a system of r.-,porting and inspecting is adopted;, the Director can, for the first time, look, to one office for the security of the entire Agency. He will then have a more precise and timely picture of secu ity-related developments throughout the Agency. We cannot emphasize too strongly the import .ice of the aont.i_nuation and intensification of C.I.A.'s counter-- :thtelligence efforts to prevent, or detect and eliminate penetrations of C.I.A. the endorse fully the present counter- intellAgence practices of the Agency which include 31 Approved For Release 2002/08121 : CIA-RDP86B00269R00010008000T 1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 autoziatic ecurit.y c?zecks and :Ciao Yuc-N-iews- of being t;on: idered Lor :xry~ see in the. .`Le,-1d or ?c s i-f raza.rrx at he'; CIO rpecial type-- o L c F'.+.rar].c(-4 ete We CIO not of 4 ., personae:.. :U, n' )l nec ?S: E3 %~. i z; onnc:~, but. n., beli.ev t?}- t cc~ r , c policies with. r es}.,ee t to Foreign Lntel ~. eire c projects the Cozspptroller oz the Agency is wsab:! e to nnni t i.xa meaning t7 records s11ow1in i he c: en(33 - tures aaaade for j)adl .vidual projects in this category, The Zioreign InteLU ence Staff keeps certain record, of such. exponc', ores but on the 'basis of a ccie-31dar rather than. a fin-cal year,, We believe that the CoiaiptroUer should be furnished v ith :L]i. brr-at.ion i-'ii'.ch will en .ble lilts: to record, control and account for the costs of the inditdi.dua.i projects of this element of the Agency Adequate protection for security purposes can and should be provided iiithi-7. the Office of the Coaptroiler. Certain other projects in the and poycho.logi- cal and pax'aty it .rw" areas., of a sensit ve natux~t are occasionally developed and processed without full in_f'oxration with respect thereto bein given to the Deputy Director for so Approved For Release 2002/08/g1 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 Administration and the Co.nptrol_ler. S3ncc., of necessity, the funds must be made available by the CoanptroLLar, it is inevitable that he will have knowledge that operations of this nature are being conducted and it is unlikely that more specific inform relating to the projects can lone; be kept. secret fron bin. In one par ticu:lrax, instance where subs tanti.cs l suns were expended, the Co, was called upon to make the expenditures with no supporting data being fux?ri:%nhsed to hint at the time c>r at any future date,, When we requested brc-kdot:rrns of coats of the operation found that they were available only in the area division involved .and that they were incomplete and ursstisfact 2. We are .of the opinion that this deviation from the normal procedure Of placing upon the Co::ptrol_l cr thy: resl o:~,t'orl ity of acco in-U- ing for expenditures is unsound, and is not justified by the claim that the security of the operation in improved by the deviation. We are of the opinion that the a.c17-ir.i strativc plans for indiv:i du l covert projects are not in all instances as complete in detail as is desirable and that if'thoy wore amplified the Comptroller and the Auditor--in-Chief would be in a much better position to carry out their respective duties and respon s ib:i3? it ies 51 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 - X V. !APP ?,DICE: ; 53 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R00010008000J-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 :CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 1,PPET'D:U: A THE I'dff:iTE HOUSE 26 J a:l.y 195).t U. Gen. James H. Pao? I t.tJ_e, U AFF?. Vashington, D. C. Rom Pane of Cear:sul_t alts on Covert Activities of the C~ 1+1ra.~ :iuatal7.:Lgc ce Agency I have requested ~} ou, and you. have agreed, to act as Chairman o .f a panel of c>71-Slltants to conduct t. study of the covert activities of the Centx a ? Intelligence Agency. With your concurrence I have invited M ::3: rs,. I.I.J.ll:1.,;1 Be Fran o, I`~:y)+rris I'.'.#acaca~, and. 1"2LI.kiam Pawle ' to act ~t t'C,h you. as m mbe,T_s. of the pana'-)_ . ILA'. S. Ha 7olu : enl has kind ;T agreed to serve as Executive Director of the pa ne_l. It is my c3.esire that the Panel of Consultants should under.- -take, a comprehensive. study of the covert acti,%, ti_?s of the Central Sntell.1., en_ce Agency in Part,;_cl:lr.r tix)so carried out under the terms of tdSCII) 16,5 of Aut;vst 28, 1951, and NSC 5412 of March la,, 1954. You wafa.l. consider the persorncl fa_c;.ors, the security., the, the eff:Lcac4. and the relative costs of these operations and, as far as r:x,;ssib7 o, equate the cost of the overal1 efforts to the results achieved. You will make any recorr:eihc:ations calculated to irm:prove the conduct of these operatioxns. To the extent that agencies of the Government, other than tho Cenbra l Intel i.gence 11z ency, are enrag.ed? in covert opera t_ions which may parallel C1unliC a e, or sur;plc. lent the operation s of C_CA, you may investigate such other operations conducted by any other C? epartment or agency of the Gover-,ri-nt in order to insure, irsoi'ar as practicable, that the field of foreign c]_ utc?esti ne operations is ci'. irately covered and that there is no unnecessa7 duplication of effort or expcnse. 54 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-'~ 1n wic:,%r of the pant Lcuiaa:I.y e;ertsa.t:lvc natturc c,'i i he c? cc~ti eru uperat;ioTl_ , their relation to the conch ct of our fO eig;ln 1O:I.t..ctir,. and the fact that these sensitive: oiler .t nor.; arc carried on 1?1.17'I 1?.C'.iitt t o }gat ial .L Security Coyne l 1C,.4-i_01-1 approved by Incs, is desire tat your repo:-'t be r ---de to me pcrJon li and. c1.a:ss:t:fied TOP SFC}.PiiTf. :[ wi1'? dci,c r;-l:~ne: ; I-)utbo_r? or not the report or any pact thereof ; hound your ..'E r rt have 1'1"rtber t c- ::' z 't .ono :t shol,~.d :>,Y~J*ec _t.t c if could he t.~ a J.t?b:1 e to me prior to October l; 1,9~;1yr i ' Co ral' ~ ion J on C J: ; '?r rc.l Task Force will dc'cl lzirl:;ely with the, organization and methods of operation of .the CIA and other r?elateci agencies within the 1.:ialtt.s rescri.bcd in the law as outlined An paragraph (J abc,ve~ Repcwrts of the Hoover are macic to the Con.Ureso The pur' ase of thou e stu i c:;, ~> l th that of the Hoover Task Porco and that, of your GI-com.)F ?. i "(; C) :o" that the UI}itEed States '. ol?.i, G c7')1T.E3'lT', dC;.rC'~-Ci an fo). c. '7',.~ a~ as cc C? ~`fb" #:t-~.?`:"u '~~ .t GI7C;:. Xesi)1:S'_b ?Lti r `t,_i,E and k,~;d3 Cl.zs CoYTC::C?t 5 or)('7`uaL:.L?'P.r r_ t^Q. ^:LC1:31 th--se C~eaE'.1' j,'L J.oY"L=, clr G C=S;a C ~t:1.c11. to oil-, ti Ilati011/a.! ,s ecu-I'':ty in l hes e' days Then 7.i1u5 liYnlilYt is aggi essive~.-~_y pressing itJ~J world - ide s1 1~b1~er-o .vt'e p ogr rani,. / a/ D igha J De IAsonhower 56 Approved For Release 2002/08/21 : CIA-RDP86B00269R000100080001-1 .:--,z. .~.-, ~ ,?~_ ~.. a~~ rte. .~-~~~..,,