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Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9 ? SECRET ? 15 SEP 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General FROM: SUBJECT: Preliminary Thoughts on Follow-Up to the EOD Processing Inspection Our follow-up survey need not be as exhaustive as the original inspection. This time around, we'll give much less attention to the mechanics of how the system works (or where it fails to work), and will focus on the simpler question of whether E it's working better. Based on the DDCI's 13 May guidance (attached), the answer to this question will be measured by the 25X1 statistical data of the processing components, the experience of the hiring components, and the impressions of our most recent EOD employees. Although the formal kick-off for this survey is a couple of weeks away, I'd like to give notice as soon as possible to the EOD processing components and the Executive Director that we'll be levying some information requests on them. In fact, the full scope of our work on this project won't be clear until we get some of this data. I've drafted a couple of memoranda (attached) which you may wish to use to announce the follow-up inspection. An item-by-item review of actions taken on the seven original recommendations approved by the DDCI will be an obvious requirement, but may not be very informative. That is, the sum total of these actions (no matter how positive) won't necessarily 25X1 add up to the answer that the DDCI is looking for. Our files indicate the following results to date: -- recommendations 2, 3, 4, 5 and 7 have been 25X1 implemented, and we will try to measure what their effects have been. 25X1 -- regardin recommendations 6a and b, I'm aware that you and h a2ed in 7 rnest and painful dialogue with v In the context of the overall EOD process, this recorrmendation may be moot if PSD can sustain its current delivery of PATB read- outs in less than two weeks. Any technical and legal issues of PATB testing could also be separated out for later cnnsidPratinn_ -- action on recommendation one was assigned to the Executive Director. He is also responsible (per the attached DDCI memo) for progress reports on all other Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00l54R000100070010-9 . SECRET 0 recommendations and a status report from the Career Trainee Task Force. Our files indicate no response to date from the EXDIR on any of these. At a more general level, I would hope that this follow-up won't be too tightly bound by the thrust of the original inspec- tion report. The question, after all, is not whether they've adhered to our previous prescriptions, but whether they've found a way to make the system work. With any luck, we may even be offered some new and interesting solutions for our EOD problems, and we should be open to these possibilities. In fact, I'd like to challenge our inspectees to come up with their own alternative suggestions and solutions--although it's a bit late in the game. I see no difficulty at this point in meeting the DDCI's deadline of 1 January for this follow-up report. We plan to exercise great care in evaluating the statistical performance data provided by the processing components. These data may differ considerably from those used in the original inspection due to Agency ceiling limitations and other conditions that have prevailed in the last half of FY 1983. 25X1 Although ~ won't be disengaged from her OGI inspection duties for another week or so, it would be helpful if we could meet with you and Q sometime soon to sort out our initial line of march on this project. This will allow me to begin task- 25X1 ing the processing components and scheduling some early interviews. 2 SECRET 25X1 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00l54R000100070010-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9 1 3 G:AY 1983 MEMORANDUM FOR: Inspector General FROM: Deputy Director of Central Intelligence SUBJECT: Decisions on IG Survey on Entry-On-Duty Processing 1 83-0675/2( 1. Attached are the DCI's and my decisions on your recommendations on the Agency's entry-on-duty processing system. You will note that we have deferred-action on Recommendations 9 a and b until 1 January 1984. The Office of Personnel believes that recent innovations, some of which were based on your suggestions, will make the system substantially more efficient. We are willing to wait until the end of the year to see if these changes have had the desired results. 2. At that time, however, I would like you to take another brief look at EOD processing to assist us in making a final decision. You should focus on the following: A. Time in Process: Has the average time in process for clerical and professional applicants (including CTs) signifi- cantly declined? If not, what are the most significant factors still causing delays? Are recruiters contacting promising applicants promptly, and is the material on these applicants reaching interested components quickly? To what extent are delays still caused by an overloaded polygraph schedule, back- ground investigations, or PATB processing? b. Image: What has OP done to improve its dealings with applicants, specifically to control correspondence and other errors? What has OP learned from its new questionnaire for recently hired employees, and how is it following up on questionnaire results? Are new employees satisfied with - the=i_r-.communications with the Agency prior to EOD? c. Hiring Components: Do hiring components sense a change for the better? Do they find that they are able to get better people on board in less time? SECRET Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9 SECRET 3. I have also asked the Executive Director to-provide a progress report on actions completed on the remaining recommendations as well-as a status report from the Career Trainee Task Force. He will route these through you so they can be incorporated with your findings. 4. Given the extensive time and effort invested in what has become an extended dialogue on our recruitment and, in particular, our EOD process,-I would hope to see substantial progress by the end of the year. Attachment: .IG Survey cc: Executive Director w/o att SECRET ohn N. McMahon Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9 Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9 Iq Next 1 Page(s) In Document Denied Approved For Release 2008/04/17: CIA-RDP86B00154R000100070010-9