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June 23, 1978
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Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200150006-2 k z JUN 1978 M3MORANDUM FOR: Director of Central Intelligence John F. Blake Deputy Director for Administration SUBJECT: Criticality of Agency Space Requirements REFERENCES: Memo dtd 26 Oct 77 to DCI fn,- A-DDA, Subject: Space Acquisi.tio . (iiR 77-2369/2) (b) Memo dtd 30 Dec 77 to DCI fm A-UDA, Subject: Background Data for Visit of Jay Solomon, Administrator, GSA (ER 77-12054) 1. Action Re uested: That another appeal be made-to Mr. Jay So o ron, nistrator of GSA, to obtain relief fror:: the current moratorium on acquisition of space in the Metropolitan Washington Area (MWA). Further, should the appeal to Mr. Solomon prove unproductive, that a represen- tation for relief be made to the President. 2 . Background: a. The references contain the historical transcript the Agency's attempts, dating to December of 1975, to obtain additional space in the MWA. These docwiients also contain complete justification for the acquisition. Attachment l is a resubmittal of reference (L) with the cogent attachments included for your convenience. During the intervening 6 months, efforts to obtain STATINTL additional space have continued, albeit without report- abIn sur esc _ During Anri 1 197f it was learned that a 25X1A 0 indicating tuat an eiemenrary scnooi u some 36,000 s. f. located on the Ft. Myer reservation would be available circa June of 1979. Again, a bid has been forwarded to GSA and, at their request, to the Joint Chiefs of Staff for Department of Army consideration. Ap, " oaE seP0O2/fl5i/0fec # )Olb&9 000204 i)Oi2 by t4t1 ~* in any event, occupancy would only partially Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200150006-2 SUBJECT: Criticality of Agenc cc Requirements could not occur prior blem and solve OUT space pro . January of 1990. To date then, all attempts to obtain relief through the utilization of backfill space, i.e., space already under the control of or leased by the GoverimIe t-, have not produced positive results. .. . We have not relied entirely on external sources to solve the space problem. During January- March, an indepth survey was initiated and completed as were two studies designed to unearth ways in which to better utilize that space already under control. As a result, some 30,000 s.f. (nearly half from the t3DO) have been identified for recapture, and an additional 7,000 s.f. (the Ames cafeteria) will be available once the contractual relationship with GSI can be terminated. Notwithstanding these economies, our FY-78/79 requirements after a thorough scrubbing, still approach 100,000 s.f. (see Attachment 2) . c. The demand for space has reached that proverbial level portrayed as an irresistible force about to meet an immovable object. Part of this thirst stems from the expansion and/or realignment of component functions, NPAC being a prime example. Another major factor is the need for space to accowj odate the explosive growth of computer projects: SAFE, ADSTAR, CAMS, plus the general support computer functions of ODP. These factors have combined to create, especially in certain areas of the Headquarters Building, substandard working conditions which impact upon-the morale of the individual efficiently and effectively. In some of the i on unct ,. analytical sections, crowded conditions, while not yet at the hot-bunk stage, are certainly approaching that point. d. The most worrisome aspect of the situation involves the time frame necessary to effect relief. People can be imposed upon and importuned to continue to produce regardless of the work conditions which must be borne. The same cannot be said for facility renova- tion and construction contracts which must be entered into now if we expect to have the various computer systems on-line as scheduled. Fully one-third of the 100,000 s . f. requirement is for machines or their associated utility systems. The crux of the problem Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200150006-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-01019ROAW200150006-2 ovate s e+_ s, nC. ,4cnstr cy Sign is e lease otai of 24 i"l :xzt hs . ecau A is at a r iu-,, (w are. zta r'I. ^ t' i t- s relief L. st u t r';a rv t : 24-its, annot for a in the lessor spat gate t he gates bel, I=0rtiO1l ILLEGIB S. Staff Position; I' i cC axti e is rc . C `e';-lie holdings. i. ditic* is . E "'L 'will i< any backfill s .t t ~ t act ioas 11e ads. u for acquiring be o t4 ixte;r.1 b /s/ John ") .; Originating Office: qw Tames TI. MtPoil our 1 0 JUN 1979 am.e s 11". McDonald Director of Logistics Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200150006-2 t a. i '.fi b e f o r e at: o isitio I Date STATINTL Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200150006-2 Approved For Release 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200150006-2 Approved For Wolease 2002/05/07 : CIA-RDP86-010198600200150006-2 2 6 JUN 1978 " lie air Genera Washington, D.C. 2040 Jay., This is to continue our d space acquisition which began last f al corrs? yonder;co and continued at our st andersta..d that the CIA's require; space in the utilizatioal 1r such at no vacant s ,aco is : va i a1bic or can he Ci;:'1";;T! d i;j" further GC:41SO 1011+ 0:.. :;.'- anst 3 tract ve ;i;lc: `J1.;i '-1 I.? Lor jicltl J.. Is ;~ ] ^asin a addi', AC? l c i):? C`.: t^C1 \ . OnC~` 11 S .);,'. u1 .l t,. i )li u e t i- 1 , ~_ t ?i 1 i) neces_ ry t.0 Il'1r.1., . r:ifi.. : :t.1 f icas :i C alter to irectly 15C operational i attendan )olio li Caro n'-; C): f irther decentralize sonkiu'X s~oD ; ace on tary i tstsilati0nS outside 0 instal tio:is in t e a ediatf: area are consistently fully occupied}.