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Approved For Relea' b0/08/10 : CIJ IREIPB?6201bi1 9?0200090008-7 93rd Congress, H. R. 1 August 21, 1974 R11 'act Making appropriations for the Treasury Departnleni, the United States Postal Service, the Executive Office of the 1'residei: tI and certain Independent .Agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1075, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatkves of the United States of America in Congross assembled, That the following sluts are appropriated, out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the Treasury Department, the United States Postal Service, the Executive O13ice of the President, a11d certain Independent Agencies, for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1975, and for other pur- poses, namely TITLE I-TREASURY I).EPMZTMEXT OFFICE OF TIME SRC'itE'r.%u SALACIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses in the Office of the Secretary, including the operation and maintenance of the Treasury Building and Annex thereof; hire of passenger motor vehicles: and not to exceed $10,000 for official reception and representation expens?, $25,850,000, of which not to exceed $100,000 shall be available for tanforeseen emergencies of a confidential character, to be allocated ansI expended under the direction of the Secretary of the Treasury and to be, accounted for solely on his certificate, and of which $3,600,f100 shall be for repairs and improvements to Treasury buildings and shall remain available until expended. For necessary expenses of the Federal Law- Enforcement Training Center, including purchase of six passenger motor vehicles for police- type use; and the hire of passenger motor veliilcles: $3,100,000. For nece,5sary expenses for preparation of p>liaus and specifications, acquisition of land, and construction of facilities for the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, $18,915,000, to- ]remain available until expended : Provided, That such sums as are nreecessary may be trans- ferred to the General Services Administratiomi for execution of the work. EXPENSES FOR ECONOMIC STA8TIJIZATION Treasury, Postal Service, and General Government Appropriation Act, 1975. Treasury Department Appropriations Act, 1975. 88 STAT. 613 85 STAT. 614 For expenses necessary to enable the Secretary of the Treasury to terminate and provide for an orderly phaseout )by December 31, 1974, of the economic stabilization activities conducted under the Economic Stabilization Act of 1970, as amended, includinn services as authorized 12 USC 1904 by 5 U.S.C. 3109, but at rates for individuals not?ito exceed the per diem note. equivalent of the rate for GS-18, $2,000,000: Pncaat ided, That advances, 80 Stat. 416. repayments or transfers may be made to any department or agency 5 USC 5332 for expenses of such termination. note. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-010-R000200090008- -7 -. Pub. Law 93-381 2 August 21, 1974 BUREAU OF ACCOUNTS SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Bureau of Accounts, $100,000,000. J'.ArarEa r of tiovER 'MEN'r LOSSES IN SHIPMENT For payment of Government losses in shipment, in accordance with 50 Stat. 479. section 2 of the Act approved July 8, 19:37 (40 U.S.C. 722), $000,000. 13l"REAi' OF AL('(1rrOL. 'I'OBAC(O AND FIRE.A1tJts SALARIES AND EXPENSES For )lece>arv expenses of the Bureau of-Alcohol, Tobacco and Fire- arms including purchase of (not to exceed two hundred and forty for replacement only, for police-type us(,), and hire of passenger motor vehicles; hire of aircraft; and services of expert witnesses at such rates as may be determined by the Director; 02,000,000. For necessary expenses of the ITIlited States Customs Service, includ- ing purchas& of eighty-nine passenger motor vehicles (of which 88 STAT. 614 seventy-eight shall be for replacement only), including seventy-nine 88 STAT. 615 for police-type use; acquisition (purchase of two), operation. and maintenance of aircraft: hire of passenger motor vehicles and air- craft ; and awards of compensation to informers as authorized by the 67 Stat. 577. Act of August 1:3, 1953 (22 U.S.C. 401) ; $28-1,800,000. of which not to exceed $150.000 shall be available for payment for rental space in connection with preclearance operations. BUREAU OF THE MINT For necessary expenses of the Bureau of the Mint, including pur- chase of one passenger motor vehicle for replacement only; and not to exceed $2.:100 for the expenses of the annual assay commission $32,000,000. For necessary expenses connected with any public-debt issues of the United States. $88,500,000. SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Internal Revenue Service, not other- wise provided for, including executive direction, administrative support. and internal audit and security; hire of passenger motor vehicles; and services of expert witnesses at such rates as may be determined by the Commissioner: 441,000,00. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For ReleaSl'2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-010198000200090008-7 August 21, 1974 - 3 - Pub. Law 93-381 ACCOUNTS, COLLECTION AND TAXPAYER SERVICE For necessary expenses of the Internal Revenue Service for process- ing tax returns, revenue accounting, providing assistance to taxpayers, securing unfiled tax returns, and collecting unpaid taxes; hire of passenger motor vehicles; and services of expert witnesses at such rates as may be determined by the Commissioner; including not to exceed $10,000,000 for employees on temporary appointments and not to exceed $183,000 for salaries of personnel engaged in preemploy- ment training of data transcriber applicants; $712,600,000. For necessary expenses of the Internal Revenue Service for deter- mining and establishing tax liabilities, and for investigation and enforcement activities, including purchase (not to exceed two hundred and three of which seventy-eight shall be for replacement only, for police-type use) and hire of passenger motor vehicles; and services of expert witnesses at such rates as may be determined by the Com- missioner; $791,000,000. FEDERAL TAX LIEN REVOLVING FUND For increased capitalization of the revolving fund for redemption of real property, established by the Federal Tax Lien Act of 1966 (26 U.S.C. 7810(a) ), $500,000. OFFICE OF TIIE TREASURER 88 STAT. 615 88 STAT. 616 SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses of the Office of the Treasurer, $14,000,000. UNITED STATES SECRET SERVICE SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses for the operation of the United States Secret Service, including purchase (not to exceed eighty-eight for police-type use of which seventy-seven are for replacement only) and hire of passenger motor vehicles; hire of aircraft; training and assistance requested by State and local governments which may be provided without reimbursement; and fencing, lighting, guard booths, and other facilities on private or other property not in Government owner- ship or control as may be necessary to perform protective functions; $79,300,000: Provided, That funds appropriated to the United States Secret Service shall be available to provide protection to the immediate family of the Vice President of the United States and for the utiliza- tion of the Executive Protective Service to provide security at the official residence of the Vice President. GENERAL PROVISIONS-TREASURY DF.FART]IENT SEC. 101. Appropriations in this Act to the Treasury Department shall be available for uniforms or allowances therefor, as authorized by law (5 U.S.C. 5901-2) including maintenance, repairs, and clean- 80 Stat. 508; ing; purchase of insurance for official motor vehicles operated in 81 stat. 206. foreign countries; entering into contracts with the Department of State for the furnishing of health and medical services to employees and their dependents serving in foreign countries; and services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109. 80 Stat. 416. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Relea_W2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019'}Ci000200090008-7 Pub. Law 93-381 - 4- August Z1, 1974 title. Act, 1975". - - - - - Postal Service Appropriation Act, 1975. 84 State 739. Citation of title. 88 STAT. 616 88 STAT. 617 Executive Office Appropriation Act, 1975. 63 Stat. 4; 83 Stat. 3. For payment to the Postal Service Fund for public service costs and for revenue foregone on free and reduced-rate mail, pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 2401 (b) and (c), and :far meeting the liabilities of the former Post Office Department to the. Employees' Compensation Fund and to postal employees for earned and unused annual leave as of June 30, 1971,,pursuant to 39 U.S.C. 200-1,$1,550,000,000. This title may be cited. as the "Postal Service Appropriation Act, 1975". COMPENSAT90N OF THE PRESIDENT For compensation of the Prvsident, including an expense allowance at the rate of $50,000 per annum as authorized by 3 U.S.C. 102, $250,000. COUNCIL Or ECONOMIC ADVISERS For necessary expenses of the Council in carrying out its functions under the Employment Act of 1946 (15 U.S.C. 1021), $1,600,000. COUNCIL ON INTERNATIONAL ECONOMIC POLICY For necessary expenses of the Council on International Economic Policy, including personnel services without regard to the provisions of law regulating the employment and compensation of persons in the Government service, $1,600,000 of which, an amount not to exceed $1,000 may be expended for official entertainment. 80 Stat. 416. 5 USC 5332 note. For necessary expenses of the Domestic Council, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, but at rates for individuals not to exceed the per diem equivalent. of the rate for grade GS-18; and other personal services without regard to the provisions of law regulating the employment and compensation of persons in the Government serv- ice; $1,250,000. UNANTICIPATED PERSONNEL NEEDS For expenses necessary to enable the President to meet unanticipated personnel needs, for emergencies affecting the national interest, secu- rity, or defense which may arise at home or abroad during the current fiscal year, and to pay adlministrative expenses incurred with respect thereto, $500,000. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For ReI lObb/68740 : CIA-RbP86-01 O 0002M000008-7 For the care, n.aiicteinurce, repair and alteration, refurnishing, improvement, heating and lighting, including electric power and fix- tures, of the Executive Residence, and official entertainment expenses of the President, $1,095,000. For the care. maintenance, repair and alteration, furnishing, improvement, Beating and lighting, including electric power and fixtures, of the official residence of the Vice President, $315,000: Provided. That advances or repayments or transfers from this appro- priation nnav he made to any depmtnient or agency for expenses of carrying out such activities. 88 STAT. 617 88 STAT. 618 No part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act for the regulatory functions of the Federal Energy Administration under authority of Public Law shall be obligated orexpeaded beyond 87 Stat. 627, the expiration date of that Act except with explicit approval of the 15 USC 751 appropriations committees. note. For necessary expenses of the National Commission on 1'roductivity, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3100, and hire of pas- 80 Stat. 416. senger motor vehicles, $2,000,000. For expenses necessary for the National Security; Council, includ- ing services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, $`1,,900;000. OFFnVi OF km) BrI T For expenses necessaryy for the Office of Managerent and Budget. including hire of passenger motor vehicles, and services as authorized by 'r) U.S.C. 3109. $21,000,0;)0. OFFICE OF 'I'r:t.rcu~cftt;vtc~,vrtoxs POTmCIcY For expenses necessary for the conduct of telecommunications func- tions assigned to the l)irector of the Office of Telecommunications policy, including hire of passenger motor vehicles., and services a:; authorized by :i I .S.C. ;109, ?3. F50,000. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Releas%;000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Pub. Law 93-381 6 - August 21, 1974 For necessary expenses of the. Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention, $3,000,000. For necessary expenses in connection with activities authorized by section 224 of the Drug Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 86 Stat. 71. (Public Law 92-255), $4,000,000. 21 USC 1134. For the "Special fund" established by section 223 of the Drug 21 USC 1133. Abuse Office and Treatment Act of 1972 (Public Law 92-255), $11,000,000. SPECIAL AssISTAwcE TO TIIE PRESIDENT For expenses necessary to enable the Vice President to provide assistance to the President in connection with specially assigned func- 80 Stat. 416. tions, services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, but at rates for indi- viduals not to exceed the per diem equivalent of the rate for grade 5 USC 5332 GS--18, compensation for one position at a rate not to exceed the rate note. of level II of the Executive s:hedule, and other personal services 83 Stat. 864. without regard to the provisions of law regulating the employment 5 USC 5313 and compensation of persons in the Government service, including note. hire of passenger motor vehicles, $910,000. For expenses necessary for the White House Office as authorized by law, including not to exceed $3,850,000 for services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, at such per diei rates for individuals as the President may specify, and other personal services without regard to the pro- visions of law regulating the employment and compensation of persons in the Government service; hire of passenger motor vehicles, news- papers, periodicals, teletype news service, and travel (not to exceed $100,000) and not to exceed $1.0.000 for official entertainment expenses ? to be available for allocation within the Executive Office of the Presi- dent; $16,367,000. Citation of This title may be cited as the "Executive Office Appropriation Act, title. 1975". Independent TITLE IV-INDEPENDENT AGENCIES Agencies Appropriations ADMINISTRATIVE CONP'FB;RENCE OF TIIE UNITED STATES Act, 1975. For necessary expenses of the Administrative Conference of the United States, established by tthe Administrative Conference Act, as e0 stet. 388; amended (5 U.S.C. 571 et seq.),, $750,000. 83 Stat. 446. 88 STAT. 619 ADVISORY COMMISSION Os INTERGOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS 88 A . 620 For expenses necessary to, (carry out the provisions of the Act of 83 Stat. 1162. September 24,1959 (73 Staat.tit)3-706), $1,075,000. 42 USC 4271 et Approved For Release 2000/08/10 -: CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Releast2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019MOO0200090008-7 7lugust 21, 1974 - 7 - Pub. Law 93-381 For necessary expenses of the Advisory Committee on Federal Pay, established by 5 U.S.C. 5,306,$1,30,000. For necessary expenses, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109; medical examinations performed for veterans by private phy- 80 Stat, 416. sicians on a fee basis; rental of conference rooms in the District of Columbia; hire of passenger motor vehicles; not to exceed $2,500 for official reception and representation expenses; and advances or reim- bursements to applicable funds of the Commission and the Federal Bureau of Investigation for expenses incurred under Executive Order 10422 of January 9, 1953, as amended; $90,000,000 together with not 22 USC 287 to exceed $18,698,000 for current fiscal year administrative expenses note. for the retirement and insurance programs to be transferred from the appropriate trust funds of the Commission in amounts determined by the Commission without regard to other statutes: Provided, That the provisions of this appropriation shall not affect the authority to use applicable trust funds for administrative expenses of effecting statu- tory annuity adjustrnents. No part of the appropriation herein made to the Civil Service Commission shall be available for the salaries and expenses of the Legal Examining Unit of the Commission, estab- lished pursuant to Executive Order 9358 of July 1, 1943, or any suc- 3 CFR 1943- cessor unit of like purpose. 1948 Comp., p. 256. GOVERNMENT PAYMENT FOR ANNUITANTS, EMPLOYEES HEALTII BENEFITS For payment of Government contributions with respect to retired employees, as authorized by chapter 89 of title 5, United States Code, and the Retired Federal Employees Health Benefits Act (74 Stat. 849), as amended, $264,817,000. PAYMENT TO CIVIL SERVICE RETIREMENT AND DISABILITY FUND For financing the unfunded liability of new and increased annuity benefits becoming effective on or after October 20, 1969, as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 8348, and annuities under special acts, to be credited to the Civil Service retirement and disability funnd, $882,287,000: Pro- vided, That annuities authorized by the Act of May 29, 1944, as amended (2 C.Z.C. 181) and the Act of August 19, 1950, as amended (33 U.S.C. 771-775) may hereafter be paid oi.It of the Civil Service retirement and disability fund. SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary to carry out functions of the civil Service Commission under Executive Order No. 11491 of October 29, 1.969, as amended, $975,000: Provided, That public members of the Federal Service Impasses Panel may be paid travel expenses per diem in lieu of subsistence, as authorized by law (5 U.S.C. 5703) for persons employed intermittently in the Government Service, and compensation as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109. 80 Stat. 599; 84 Stat. 869, 5 USC 8901. 80 Stat. 584; 83 Stat. 137. 33 USC 776. 64 Stat. 518, 520, 88 STAT. 620 88 STAT. 621 5 USC 7301 note. 80 Stat. 499; 83 Stat. 190. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-0101.9R000200090008-7 Approved For Release 2000/08/10p t1k- b8d-8d101 *00b20009006s?`s r, 21, 19. INTERGOVERNMENTAL PERSONNEL ASSISTANCE For grants to improve State and local personnel administration, 84 Stat. 1909. as authorized by the Intergovernmental Personnel Act of 1970, USC 4701 $15,000,000. note. COMMISSION ON THE REVIEW OF TIIE NATIONAL POLICY TOWARD GAMBLING For expenses necessary to carry out functions of the Commission on the Review of the National Policy Toward Gambling, established by section 804 of the Organized Crime Control Act of 1970 (P.L. 18 USC 1955 91-452; 84 Stat. 938), $1,000,000. note. COMMITTEE FOR PURCHASE or PRODUCTS AND SERVICES OF TIIE BLIND AND OTHER SEVERELY HANDICAPPED SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for the Committee for Purchase of Products and Services of the Bl%nd and Other Severely Handicapped, estab- 85 Stat. 77. fished by the Act of June 23, 1,971, Public Law 92-28, including hire 41 USC 48c. of passenger motor vehicles, $252,000. GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS REAL. AND RELATED PERSONAL PROPERTY, OPERATING EXPENSES. Not to exceed $7,200,000 of any proceeds received by the General Services Administration during the current.fiscal year from transfers of excess property and the disposal of surplus real and related personal property shall be deposited to this appropriation, and shall be avail- able for necessary expenses incurred in the Federal Buildings Fund in carrying out surplus property functions, pursuant to the Land and 78 Stat. 8971 Water Conservation Act of 1965, as amended (16 U.S.C. 460 1-5). 84 Stat. 1084 FEDERAL BUILDINGS FUND LIMITATIONS ON AVAILABILITY OF REVENUE The revenues and collections deposited into a fund pursuant to Sec- 8 88 8 STAT. 621 tion 210(f) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act STAT. 622 O T-1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490(f) ), shall be available during the 66 Stat. 594; current fiscal year for necessary expenses of real property manage- 72 Stat. 1709. went and related activities not otherwise provided for, including operation, maintenance, and protection of federally owned and leased buildings; rental of buildings in the District of Columbia; restoration of leased premises; moving Government agencies (including space adjustments) in connection with the assignment, allocation ~nnd trans- fer of space; contractual services incident to cleaning or servicing buildings and moving; repair and alteration of federally owned build- ings, including grounds., approaches and appurtenances; care and safeguarding of sites; maintenance, preservation, demolition, and equipment; acquisition of buildings and sites by purchase, condenina- tion, or as otherwise authorized by law; conversion and extension of federally owned buildings; preliminary planning and design of proj- ects by contract or otherwise; construction of new buildings (including equipment for such buildings) ; and payment of principal, interest, taxes, and any other obligations for public buildings acquired by pur- chase contract; in the aggregate amount of $1,008,870,700 of which (1) not to exceed $25,000,000 shall be available for construction of buildings as authorized by law including construction projects at loca- tions and at maximum construction improvement costs (including funds for sites and expenses) as follows : Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-0101.9R000200090008-7 Approved For Releaee 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-0101'!R000200090008-7 August 21, 1974 - 9 - :dub. Law 93-381 New Construction ; Arizona : Lukeville Border Station, $2,081,000 Texas: Laredo Border Station, $15,462,000 Washnigtoil: Blaine, Pacific Highway Border Station, $3,374,000 Extensions and conversions: Colorado: Denver, Federal Center Building #50, $1,209,000 Denver, Federal ('enter Building #85, $1,727,000 Ohio: Dayton, Federal Depot, #4, $1,147,000 I'ror'iCled That the, immediately foregoing limits of costs may be exceeded to the extent that savings are effected iii other such projects, but by not to exceed 10 per centuin; (2) not. to exceed $26,244,000 for purchase contract payments; (3) not to exceed $50,000,000 for.rental of space; (4) not to exceed $98,000,000 for aerations and major repairs: (5) not to exceed $354,000,000 for real property operations; (6) not to exceed $54,037,000 for program direction and centralized services; and (7) not to exceed $101,589,700 of the amounts merged with the fund pursuant to section 210(f) (3) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490 (f) (3)) of which (a) not to exceed $69,995,70 for the construction of buildings as authorized by law including construction projects at locations and at maximum construction improveiment costs (including funds for sites and expenses) as follows : Alabama : Mobile Federal Office Building -------------------------------- $224,000 Alaska : Fairbanks Federal Office Building and Parking Facili'ity-_______ 638, 500 Anchorage Court House, Federal Office Building, and Park Facility ---.-----_------------------------------______------ 2,000,000 Alaska Highway Border Station ------------------- ----------- 839,000 Juneau Post Office and Court House ----------------- ------------ 12,000 Petersburg Federal Office Building and Post Office, ------------- 25,000 Arizona : Nogales Border Station #2-------------------.---------------- 2,670,000 Arkansas: Batesville Post Office, Court House, and Federal Of cie. Building__ 86, 000 Fayetteville Court House and Federal Office Buildinng---------- 89,000 C'nlifornia : Los Angeles Federal Office Building and Multi-Parklu g Facility__ 1,981,000 San Diego Border Station ------------------------ ----------- 1,724,000 Hawthorne Federal Office Building ----------------------------- 92,000 Santa Rdsa Federal Office Building ---------------------------- 235,000 Santa Ana Federal Office Building ------------------------------ 18,000 San Diego Federal Building ----------------------------------- 225, 000 Calexico Border Station --------------------------------------- 88.000 Connecticut: New Haven Federal Office Building ---------------------------- 877, 000 Delaware: Wilmington Court House, Customs Court, and Fedleral Office Building --------------------------------------------------- . 151, 000 District of Columbia : South Portal Site Federal Office Building ---------------------- 10. 631, 300 James Forrestal Federal Office Building ----------------------- 170, 700 Department of Labor Building -------------------------------- 11.083,600 J. E. Hoover Federal Bureau of Investigation Building------ 514, 000 Florida : Orlando Courthouse and Federal Office Building --------------- 99.000 Tampa Motor Pool -------------------------------------------- 15,000 West Palm Beach Post Office and Courthouse.------.---------- 31, 000 66 Stat. 594; 72 Stat 1709. 88 STAT. 622 88 STAT. 623 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-0101.9R000200090008-7 Approved For Releaslw2000/08/10 :Fly -DPf f_91019R'000200090008-7 u ,aw 81 - 10 - August 21, 1974 Georgia : Atlanta, Richard B, Russell Federal Office Building ---------- $700, 000 Augusta Post Office and Federal Office Building-------------- 99, 000 Griffin Post Office and Federal Office Building ----------------- 176, 000 Rome Waycross Post Courthouse and Federal Office Building --------- 19- 1, 000 Hawaii : 19, 000 Honolulu Federal Office Building________________ ---------------------------- 1t:",, 000 Idaho: Sandpoint Federal Office Building____________________________ 16,000 Illinois : Chicago Federal Supply Center and Parking Facility ---------- 312, 000 Chicago Federal Archives and Records Center________________ 15,000 Chicago Federal Office Building------------------ _ 1,194,000 Alton Courthouse and Federal Office Building Carbondale Federal Office Building.. --_?______-----' 61, 000 -------------------------- 201,000 Indiana ; Indianapolis Federal Office Building__________________________ 15,000 Indianapolis Post Office and Courthouse_____________ 10,000 Iowa : --'? Iowa City Post Office and Federal Office Building ------------ 12, 000 Kansas: 88 SPAT. 623 88 STA . Topeka Courthouse and Federal Office Building_______________ 062,500 Kentucky : Covington, Internal Revenue Service Center______________ 79,000 Frankfort Courthouse and Federal Office Building____________ 67, 000 Louisville Federal Office Building____________________________ 53,000 Louisiana : Houma, A. J. Ellender Post Office and Federal Office Building-- 160,000 Nttw Orleans Courthouse and Federal Office Building -------- 30, 000 Maryland : Baltimore, E. A. Garmata Federal Office Building------------- 22, 000 Massachusetts : New Bedford, Hastings Keith Federal Building______________ 204,000 Michigan : Ann Arbor, Federal Office Building -------------------------- 322,000 Detroit, Patrick V. McNatuara Federal Office Building -------- 49, 000 Grand Rapids, Courthouse and Federal Building-------------- 57, 000 Saginaw, Federal Office Building ---------------------------- 448, 000 Mississjppf Aberdeen, Federal Office Building -_-_____ 54,000 Hattiesburg, Federal Office Building------------------------- 69, 000 Oxford, Courthouse, Post Office, and Federal Office Building-- 82,000 Nebraska: Lincoln, Courthouse, Federal Office Building, and Park Facility-- 67, 000 New Hampshire: Manchester Federal Office Building-------------------------- 456, 000 New Mexico : Gallup Federal Office Building ---- -------------------------- 137, 000 New York: BuIralo Federal Office Building____________________ 950,000 Champlain Border Station---------------------------------- 262,000 Hyde Park, F. D.: Roosevelt Library Extension---------------- 05,000 New York, Customs Courthouse and Federal Office Building--_- 113, 500 Rochester, Customs Courthouse and Federal Office Building---- 70,000 New York, Foley Square Courthouse Annex__________________ 737,000 North Carolina : Winston-Salem, Courthouse and Federal Office Building-_____ 830,000 Ohio : Akron, Courthouse, Federal Office Building and Parking Facility ----------??-------------------------------------- 43,000 Akron, Post Office---------------- 13,000 Columbia, Federal Office Building____________________________ 861,000 Dayton, Courthouse and Federal Office Building______________ 42, 000 Mansfield Post Office and Federal Office Building ------------ 348, 000 Oklahoma : Oklahoma City, Federal Office Building ----------------------- 603,000 Oregon : Eugene, Courthouse and Federal Office Building______________ 301000 Portland, Federal Office Building________________ 12,000 Pennsylvania: --'- Philadelphia, J. A. Byrne Courthouse and W. J. Greene, Jr., Federal Office Building------------------------------------ 10,624,000 Williamsport, Courthouse and Federal Office Building --------- 335,000 Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Releas't2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019'F1000200090008-7 August 21, 1974 - 11 - Pub. Law 93-381 Nashville, Courthouse and Federal Office Building ------------- 130,000 Texas: Dallas, Courthouse and Federal Office Building ---------------- 31,000 -McAllen, Border Patrol Sector Headquarters__________________ 22,000 Marfa, Border Patrol Headquarters -------------------------- 136,000 Midland, Post Office, Courthouse, and Federal Office-Building --- 135, 000 San Antonio, Courthouse and Federal Office Building---------- 594, 000 San Antonio, Post Office______________________________________ 73,000 Vermont : Norton, Border Station --------------------------------------- 10,000 Brattleboro, Post Office, Court House, and Federal Office Building ------------------------------------------------- 10,000 Virginia : Quantico, Federal Bureau of Investigation Academy----------- 555, 000 Roanoke, R. H. Poll Federal Office Building --------------------- 37, 000 Virgin Islands : Charlotte Amalie, Courthouse and Federal Office Building_____- 45, 000 Washington : Blaine, Peace Arch Border Station --------------------------- 3,081,000 Seattle, Federal Office Building ------------------------------ 2,503, 600 Seattle, Federal Center South --------------------------------- 2,878,000 West Virginia: Morgantown, Post Office and Federal Office Buildin------------- 200,000 Elkins, Post Office, Courthouse, and Federal Office Building ---- 454, 000 Wisconsin : Madison, Courthouse and Federal Office Building______________ 680,000 Total ---------------------------------------------------- 69, 995, 700 Puerto Rico : San Juan, Courthouse and Federal Office Building -------------- $25,000 Rhode Island: Providence, Post Office and Federal Office Ballding -------------- 118,000 South Carolina: Columbia, Courthouse, Federal Office Building, Park8ng Facility and Vehicle Maintenance Facility -------------------------- - 955, 000 Florence, John L. McMillan Federal Building and C.ourthouse__ 327, 000 South Dakota : Huron, Post Office and Federal Office Building ------------------ 470, 000 Rapid City, Courthouse and Federal Office Banding-__________ 31,000 88 STAT. 624 Tennessee: -- -- - - - - - 8B STAT. 625 Provided, That the immediately foregoing liii>its of cost may be exceeded to the extent that they apply to construvetion projects previ- ously included in the appropriation, Constrltctieai, Public Buildings Projects, to the extent that savings are affected in other such projects. but by not to exceed 10 per centum of the amounts, previously appro- priated for such projects under such appropriatimsl; (b) not to exceed $700,000 for repair and improvement of public buildings; (c) not to exceed $5,245,000 for additional court facilities; (d) not to exceed $16,149,000Jor construction services of on-going construction projects; and (e) $9,500,000 for the completion of buildings management proj- ects, including charges for work for other agencies begun in prior years but not yet completed and $2,571,000 to be deposited in the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts: Provided further, That for the purposes of this authorization, buildings constructed pursuant to the Public Build- ings Purchase Contract Act of 1954 (40 U.S.C. 35), the Public Build- ings Amendments of 1972 (40 U.S.C. 490) and. buildings under the control of another department or agency nwiwheret alterations of such buildings are required in connection with the nuoving of such other department or agency from buildings then, or thereafter to be, under the control of General Services Administration sball be considered to be federally owned buildings: Provided further, That amounts neces- sary to provide reimbursable special services to other agencies under Section 210(f) (6) of the Federal Property and Administrative Serv- ices Act of 1949, as amended (40 U.S.C. 490(f) fi;:6)) and amounts to provide such reimbursable fencing, lighting, gua.?rd booths, and other facilities on private or other property not in Government ownership or control as may be appropriate to enable the United States Secret 68 Stat. 518. 86 Stat. 215. 40 USC 603 note. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Rele a 2000/08/10: 1A-RDP _ 9)1101'9'14000200090008-7 86 STAT. 626 u aw - 12 - August 21, 1974 62 Stat. 818. Service to perform its protective functions pursuant to 18 U.S.C. 3056, as amended, shall be available from such revenues and collections: Provided further, That any revenues and collections and any other sums accruing to this Farad, excluding reimbursements under section 210(f) (6) of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 86 Stat. 219. 1949 (40 U.S.C. 490(f)(6)), in excess of $1,088,870,700 shall be deposited in miscellaneous receipts of the Treasury of the United States. FFOCIUL SUPPLY SERVICE OI:ERATrxG EXPENSES For expenses, not other wise provided, necessary for supply distri- bution (including contractual services incident to receiving, handling :Ind shipping supply itean I, procurenleilt, inspection, standardization, and supply management activities as authorized by law, transportation, public utilities, the utilization of excess property, the disposal of surplus property, the rehahilitation of personal property, the national stockpile established by the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock 60 Stat. 596; Piling Act (50 U.S.C. D8 h), the supplemental stockpile established 85 Stat. 427. by section 104(b) of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assist- 80 Stat, 1528. ante Act of 1954 (68 StaL 456, as amended by 73 Stat. 607), and the 7 Usc 1704. inventory maintained raider the Defense Production Act of 1950, as 64 Stat 798. amended (50 U.S.C. 20G1-2166), iiicltidhitg services as authorized by 50 USC tip. 5 U.S.C. 3109, $165,500,000: Procrded That during he current fiscal 2061-2166. , t 20 1-216 416. year the General Services Administration is authorized to acquire leasehold interests in proity, for periods not in excess of twenty years, for the storage, security, and maintenance of strategic, critical, and other materials in the national and supplemental stockpiles, pro- vided said leasehold intere s are at nominal cost to the Government: Provided further, That during the current fiscal year there shall be no limitation on the value of surplus strategic and critical materials which, in accordance with section 6 of the Strategic and Critical 60 stat. 598. Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98e), may be transferred with- out reimbursement to the national stockpile: Provided further, That during the current fiscal year materials in the inventory maintained under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. 64 Stat. 798. App. 2061-2166), and excess materials in the national stockpile and supplemental stockpile, the clisposition of which is autlorized by law, shall be available, without reimbursement, for transfer at fair market value to contractors as payment for expenses (including transportation and other accessorial expenses) of acquisition of materials, or of refining, processing, or other wise beneficiating materials, or of rotating materials, pursuant to sectioa.i 3 of the Strategic and Critical Materials 60 stat. 597. Stock Piling Act (50 U.S-C. 98b), and of processing and refining materials pursuant to section 303(d) of the Defense Production Act 65 Stat. 133. of 1950, as amended (50U.S-C. App. 2093 (d) ). NATIONAL ARCHIVES AND IiECOliDS SERVICE OPIAT[NO EXPENSES For necessary expenses in connection with Federal records manage- ments and related activilties,. as provided by law, including reimburse- ment for security guard services, contractual services incident to movement or disposal of reacurds, and acceptance and utilization of v for oluntary and uncompensatectl services, $50,500,000, of which $2,000,000 82 Stat. 1294. 44 U.S.C. 2504, and ncled nhall historical available until authorized exp expended. by Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Relea 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01 01 91K000200090008-7 August 21, 1974 - 13 - Pub. Law 93-381 88 STAT. 627 For expenses necessary for the review and declassification of docu- ments and related records management activities, pursuant to Execu- tive order 11652, directives issued pursuant thereto, and other applicable authorities, including expenses not otherwise provided for, and acceptance and utilization of voluntary and uncompensated serv- ices, $1,305,000. For expenses, not otherwise provided, necessary for carrying out Government-wide responsibilities relating to automated data manage- ment, telecommunications and related actitities, as authorized by law, including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, $7,000,000. PREPAREDNESS ACTrvrTiES OFFICE OF PREPAREDNESS SALARIES AND EXPENSES For expenses necessary for emergency preparedness functions and the disposal of excess materials in the national stockpile established by the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act (50 U.S.C. 98-98h), the supplemental stockpile established by section 104(b) of the Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 456, as amended by 73 Stat. 607), and the inventory maintained under the Defense Production Act of 1950, as amended (50 U.S.C. 2061-2166), including services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109 and expenses of attendance of cooperating officials and individuals at meet- ings concerned with the work of emergency planning, $7,650,000. For expenses necessary to assist other Federal agencies to perform civil defense mobilization functions, including payments by the Department of Labor to State employment security agencies for the full cost of administration of defense manpower mobilization activ- ities, $1,500,000. For expenses of general management and agency operations of activities under the control of the General Services Administration, $10,650,000: Provided, That not to exceed x+2,500 shall be available for reception and representation expenses. For expenses, not otherwise provided, necessary for Government- wide policy functions in the areas of financial management, procure- ment management, property management, automatic data processing management, and management systems development, pursuant to Executive Order 11717, dated May 9. 1973. $1,730,000. 60 Stat. 596; 85 Stat. 427. 80 Stat. 1526. 7 USC 1704. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Relea 20001081;gb: c ~P -0101 9flq00200090008-7 88 STAT. 628 August 21, 1974 72 Stat. 838; 84 Stat. 1963. INDIAN TRIBAL CLAIMS For expenses necessary to provide accounting records management, and other support incident to adjudication of Indian Tribal claims by the Indian Claims Commission, $2,523,000. ALLOWANCES AND OFFICE STAFF FOR FORMER PRESIDENTS For carrying out the provisions of the Act of August 25, 1958, as amended (3 U.S.C. 102 not(,), $60,000: Provided, That the Adminis- trator of General Services shall transfer to the Secretary of the Treas- ury such sums as may be necessary to carry out the provision of sections (a) and (e) of such Act. SALARIES AND EXPENSES For administrative expenses necessary in providing general admin- istrative and staff support services within the General Services Administration, not otherwise provided for, $47,978,000: Provided, That this appropriation shall be available., subject to reimbursement by the applicable agency, for services performed for other agencies pursuant to section 601 of the Economy Act of 1932, as amended (31 47 Stat. 417; U.S.C. 686). 57 Stat. 219. GENERAL PROVISIONS-GGENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATION SEC. 1. The appropriate appropriation or fund available to the General Services Administration shall be credited with (1) cost of operation, protection, maintenance, upkeep, repair, and improvement, included as part of rentals received from Government, corporations 61 Stat. 589. pursuant to law (40 U.S.C. 129) ; and (2) appropriations or funds 62 Stat. 1225. 50 USC 451 and note. 79 Stat. 1127. 40 USC 759. available to other agencies, and transferred to the General Services Administration, in connection with property transferred to the Gen- eral Services Administration pursuant to the Act of July 2, 1948 (50 U.S.C. 451ff), and such appropriations or funds may be so trans- ferred, with the approval of the Office of Management and Budget. SEC. 2. Funds available to the General Services Administration shall be available for the hire of passenger motor vehicles. SEr. 3. None of the funds available under this Act or under section 111 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949 shall be obligated or expended for the procurement by purchase, lease or any other arrangement, in. whole or in part, of any or all the auto- matic data processing system, data communications network or related , software and services for the joint General Services Administration- Department of Agriculture MCS project 97-72 contained. in the Request for Proposal CDPA 74-14, any successor to such project, or any other common user shared facilities authorized under section 111 of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949. SEC. 4. Not to exceed 2 per centuin of any appropriations made avail- able to the General Services Administration, excluding the Federal Buildings Fund, for the current fiscal year by this Act may be trans- ferred to any other such appropriation, but no such appropriation shall be increased thereby more than 2 per centum : Provided, That such transfers shall apply only to operating expenses, and shall not exceed in the aggregate the amou nt? of $2,000,000. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For R1 lea-W2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-010198000200090008-7 August 21, 1974 - 15 - Pub. Law 93-381 UNITED STATES TAx COURT SALARIES AND EXPENSES For necessary expenses, including contract stenographic reporting, and other services as authorized by 5 U.S.C. 3109, $6,285,000: Pro- vided, That travel expenses of the judges shall be paid upon the writ- ten certificate of the judge. DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEFENSE CIVIL PRErAREDNESS AGENCY OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for carrying out civil defense activities, including the hire of motor vehicles; and financial contributions to the States for civil defense purposes, as authorized by law; $03,400,000: Providdd, That not to exceed $28,600,000 shall be available for allocation under section 205 of the Federal Civil Defense Act of 1950, as amended. RESEARCH, SHELTER SURVEY, A;ND MARKING For expenses, not otherwise provided for, necessary for studies and research to develop measures and plans for civil defense; continuing shelter surveys. (narking, and equipping surveyed spaces; and financial contributions to the States under section 201(1) of th F d 1 c 1 e 26 USC 7443 note. 72 Stat. 533; 82 Stat. 175, 50 USC app. 2286. e era Ivl Defense Act, which shall be equally matched, for emergency operating 64 Stat. 1248; centers and civil defense equipment; $1'8,60)00. 75 Stat. 820. GENERAL PROVISIONS---QIVJL DEFENSE SEC. 1. Appropriations contained in this. Act for carrying out civil defense activities shall not be available in excess of the limitations on appropriations contained in section 408 of the Federal Civil Defense Act, as amended (50 U.S.C. App. 2260). SEC. 2. No part of any appropriation in this Act shall be available for the construction of warehouses or for tl lease of warehouse space in any building which is to be constructed specifically for civil defense activities. This title may be cited as the "Independent Agencies Appropria- tions `Act. 1975". TITLE V-GENERAL PROVISIONS Tins Acr SEC. 501. Where appropriations in this Act are expendable for travel expenses of employees and no specific imitation has been placed thereon, the expenditures for such travel eenses may not exceed the amounts set forth therefor in the budget estimates submitted for the appropriations: Provided, That this section shall not apply to travel performed by uncompensated officials of local boards and appeal boards of the Selective Service System ; to travel performed directly in connection with care and treatment of rmedical beneficiaries of the Veterans Administration; or to payments do interagency motor pools where separately `set forth in the budget schedules. 72 Stat. 534; 86 Stat. 503. Citation of title. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For Relea s '2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019M00200090008-7 88 STAT. 630 Pub. Law 93-381 - 16 - August 21, 1974 88 Employees, SEC. 502. No part of any alrpropriation contained in this Act shall Military n leavej be available to pay the salary of any person filling a position, other tosition. than a temporary position. formerly held by all employee who has left to enter the Armed 1 oretes of the United States and has satis- factorily completed his period of active military or naval service and has within ninety days sifter his release from such service or from hospitalization continuing after discharge for a period of not more than one year made application for restoration to his former position and has been certifiesd by the Civil Service Commission as still qualified to perform the duties of his former position and his 72 not been restored thereto. 84 Offices outside Src. 503. No part of any aplpropriation made available in this Act n.C., limita- shall be used for the purchase tor sale of real estate or for the purpose tion. of establishing new offices outside the District of Columbia : Provided, That this limitation shall nott apply to programs which have been apjrr'oved by the Congress and] appropriations made therefor. Fiscal year SEc. 504. No part of any apiipropriation contained in this Act shall limitation, remain available for obligatiokn beyond the current fiscal year unless expressly so provided herein. Foreign-.made SEC. 505). No part of any apropriation contained in this Act shall tools, pro- be available for the procuremc:=i t, of or for the payment of the salary curement of any person engaged in the procurement of any ]rand or measuring restriction, tool (s) not produced in the United States or its possessions except to the extent that the Administr,i;tor of General Services or his designee shall determine that a satisfactory quality and sufficient quantity of 4; hand or measuring tools prodse-ed in the United States or its posses- s' sions cannot be procured as mud when needed from sources in the United States and its possessiams or except in accordance with proce- dures prescribed by section 6-104.4 (b) of Armed Services Procure- ment Regulation dated January 1. 1969, as such regulation existed on June 15, 1970. This section sh~iu'll be applicable to all solicitations for bids opened after its enactment.. Space and service Si.,,(,. 506. No part of any appropriation contained in this Act shall 6; charges be available for paying to the Administrator of the General Services Administration n excess of 90~ per centum of the standard level user charge established pursuant to ;section 210j of the Federal Property e6 Stat. 219. and Administrative Services A of 1949, as amended, for space and 6' 40 USC 490. services. 5 Administrative SEC. 507. None of the fluids awailable under this Act shall be avail- n expenses for able for administrative expense--, in connection with the execution of purchase con- purchase contracts pursuant t(O section 5 of the Public Buildings 86 Stat. 219. tracts. Amendments of 1972 (Public Law 92-313) in excess of the aggregate 7 40 USC 602a amount of $300,000,000 (based em approved prospectuses) during the 4 fiscal year ending June 30, 1975. TITLE VI-GELcERAL PROVISIONS Motor vehicle purchase. 31 USC 638o note. 31 USC 638a. Police-type vehicles. Citizenship requirement for employees. DEPARTDIENTS, AOE;NCIES, AND CORPORATIONS SEC. 601. Unless otherwise sipecifically provided the maximum amount allowable during the current fiscal year in accordance with section 16 of the Act of August 2:. 1946 (60 Stilt. 810), for the purchase of any passenger motor vehicle (exclusive of buses and ambulances), is hereby fixed at $2,100 except stn Lion wagons for which the maximum shall be $2,400: Provided, That these limits may be exceeded by not to exceed $900 for police-type vehicles. SEC. 602. Unless otherwise speecified and during the current fiscal year, no part of any appropriation contained in this or any other Act shall be used to pay the com penswtion of any officer or employee of the Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For RoIeas 000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R&00200090008-7 August 21, 1974 - 17 - Pub. Law 93-381 Government of the United States (including any agency the majority of sTnm 631 of the stock of which is owned by the Government of the United States) whose post of duty is in continental United States unless such person (1) is a citizen of the United States, (2) is a person in the service of the United States on the date of enactment of this Act, who, being eligible for citizenship, has filed a declaration of intention to become a citizen of the United States prior to such date and is actually residing in the United Stages, (3) is a person who owes allegiance to the United States, or (4) is an alien from Cuba, Poland, or the Baltic countries lawfully admitted to the I;rnited States for permanent resi- dence: Provided, That, for the purt)ose of this section, an affidavit signed by any such person shall be considered prima facie evidence that the requirements of this section with respect to his status have been complied with: Provided farther, That any person making a false affidavit shall be. guilty of a feionr, and, upon conviction, shall be fined not more than $4,000 or imprisoned for not more than one year, or both : Provided further, That the above penal-clause shall be in addition to, and not in substitution for, any other provisions of existing law : Provided further, That any payment made to any officer or employee contrary to the provisions of this section shall be recover- able in action by the Federal Government. This section shall not apply to citizens of the Republic of the Philippines or to nationals of those countries allied with the United States in the current. defense effort, or to temporary employment of translators, or to temporary employ- ment in the field service (not to exceed sixty days) as a result of emergencies. SEC. 603. Appropriations of the executive departments and rode- Quarters pendent establishments for the current fiscal year, available for all-oes. expenses of travel or for the expenses of the activity concerned, are hereby made available for quarters allowances and cost-of-living allowances, in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 5922-5924. SEC. 604. No part of any appropriation for the current fiscal year Nominees not contained in this or any other Act shall be paid to any person for the approved. filling of any position for which he or she has been nominated after the Senate has voted not to approve tha nomination of said person. SEC. 605. Fluids made available by this or any other Act for admin- Administrative istrative expenses in the current fiscal year of the corporations and expense funds. agencies subject to the Govt rnment Corporation Control Act, as amended (31 U.S.C. 841), shall be available, in addition to objects for 59 Stat. 597. which such funds are otherwise available, for rent in the District of Columbia; services in accordance with 5 U.S.C. 3109; and the objects 80 Stat, 416, specified under this head, all the provisions of which shall be appli- cable to the expenditure of such funds sunless otherwise specified in the Act by which they are made available: Provided, That in the event any functions budgeted as administrative expenses are subsequently transferred to or paid from other funds, the limitations on adminis- trative expenses shall be correspondingly reduced. SEC. 606. Pursuant to section 1415 of the Act. of July 15, 1952 (66 Foreign Stat. 662). foreign credits (including currencies) owed to or owned oredits. by the United States may be used by Federal agencies for any purpose 31 use 724. for which appropriations are made for the current fiscal year (includ- ing the carrying out of Acts requiring or authorizing the use of such credits), only when reimbursement therefor is made to the Treasury from applicable appropriations of the agency concerned: Provided, That such credits received as exchange allowances or proceeds of sales of personal property may be used in whole or part payment for acqui- sition of similar items, to the, extent and in the manner authorized by law, without reimbursement to the Treasury. Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 'Approved For Re ease 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-019R000200090008-7 88 88 STAT, 632 Pub. Law 93-381 - 18 August 21, 1974 Publicity or SEC. 607. (a) No part of any appropriation contained in this or any propaganda. other Net, or of the funds available for expenditure by any corporation or agency, shall be used for publicity or propaganda purposes designed to support or defeat legislation. pending before Congress. U.S. Postal (b) No part of any appxopriat.ion contained in this Act shall be Service Service available for the payment-)f the salary of any officer or employee of employees, the United States Postal Service, who- Communication (1) prohibits or prevents, or attempts or threatens to prohibit or With Congress. prevent, any officer or emp} ee of the United States Pv tal Service 72 from having any direct oral or written communication or contact with 81 C any Member or cormnittre od 'Congress in connection with any matter D pertaining to the employmc rrt of such officer or employee or pertaining t to the United States Postal ;rvice in ally way, irrespective of whether such communication or conn:art. is at the initiative of such officer or employee or in response to tih request or inquiry of such Member or committee; or - 1. (2) removes, suspends from duty without pay, demotes, reduces in rank, seniority, status, pay. or performance or efficiency rating, denies Pc promotion to, relocates, reasw igns, transfers, disciplines, or discrim- tc mates in regard to any employment right, entitlement. or benefit, or et any term or condition of ernpfioyment of, any officer or employee of the re United States Postal Service? 'or attempts or threatens to commit any of the foregoing actions with respect to such officer or employee, by reason of any communicat-iorn or contact of such officer or employee 4' with any Member or committee of Congress as described in para- 5' graph (1) of this subsection.. Interdepart- SEC. 608. No part of any appropriation contained in this or any mental groups, other Act, shall be available. to finance interdepartmental boards, expenses. commissions, councils, committees, or similar groups under section 214 59 Stat. 134. of the Independent. Offices Appropriations Act, 1946 (31 U.S.C. 691) Spa which do not have prior and specific congressional approval of such method of financial support. 6 ohs Spaoe and ser- SEC. 609. Appropriations .tenilable to any department or agency vice charges during the current fiscal year f6a? necessary expenses, including main- and building tenance or operating expenses.,, shall also be available for payment to 86 improvements. the General Services Adnrinisti:uttion for charges for space and sor?vices e X400 and those expenses of renovation and alteration of buildings and facili- 5 exp ties which constitute public imps-ovements, performed in accordance r e P 73 Stat. 479. with the Public Buildings Act of 19.39 (73 Stat. 749), the Public pun trai 40 USC 601 note. Buildings Amendments of 1972 ('86 Stat. 216), or other applicable law. 86 : 40 USC 603 note, SEC. 610. Fundls made available by this or airy other Act to the fund 40 t U.S. or Postal created by the Public Buildings Amendments of 1972 (86 Stat. 216), Service guard`s, and the "Postal Service fund" (2 .9 U.S.C. 2003), shall be available for funds. 40 USC SC 603 note. emptoyment of guards for a.ll bniildings and areas owned or occupied 84 Stat. 739. by the United States or the Postal Service and under the charge and control of the General Services Administration or the Postal Service. and such guards shall have. with respect to such property, the powers of special policemen provided by the first section of the Act of June 1, Moto 1948 (62 Stat. 281; 40 U.S.C. but shall not be restricted to cer- pure tarn Federal property as otherwise required by the proviso contained 31 U. in said section, and, as to property owned or occupied by the Postal 3ztu. Service, the Postmaster General may take the same actions as the Administrator of General Services may take under the provisions Polio of sections 2 and 3 of the. Act of June 1, 1948 (62 Stat. 281; 40 U.S.C. vehic 318a, 3181) attaching thereto penal consequences under the authority Citi2 and within the limits provided in wction 4 of the Act of June 1, 1948 requi (62 Stitt. 281; 40 U.S.C. 318c). emplc Approved For Release 2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7 Approved For ReleasV2000/08/10 : CIA-RDP86-01019 400200090008-7 August 21, 1974 - 19 - Pub. Law 93-381 88 STAT. 633 SEc. 611. None of the funds available under this Act shall be avail- U.S. customs able for administrative expenses in connection with the transfer of Service any functions, personnel, facilities, equipment, or funds out of the functions, eta. United States Customs Service unless such transfers have been specifically authorized by the Congress. Sac. 612. None of the funds available under this Act shall be avail- Bureau of able for administrative expenses for the purpose of transferring the Customs ac- border control activities of the Bureau of Customs to any other agency tivities of the Federal Government. This Act may be cited as the "Treasury, Postal Service, and General Short title. Government Appropriation Act, 1975". Approved August 21, 1974. LEGISLATIVE HISTORY: HOUSE REPORTS: No. 93-1132 (Comm. on Appropriations) and No. 93-1262 (Comm, of Conference). SENATE REPORT No, 93-1028 (Comm on Appropriations). CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, Vol. 120 (1974): June 25, considered and passed House. July 31, considered and passed Senate, amended. Aug. 13, House agreed to oonferenee report. Aug. 15, Senate agreed to conference report. Approved For Release 2000/08/10: CIA-RDP86-01019R000200090008-7