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Approved For lease 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP86-00800 P00200110002-3 DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1A - Scope and Description IA-01 GENERAL It is the intent of this contract to provide and secure additional grounds maintenance services 1A-02 SCOPE 1. The work to be accomplished under these specifications consists of providing the services of four (4) Grounds Maintenance Equipment Operators for the period of 15 April 1976 through 30 June 1976, at the rate of $5.00 per hour as quoted in the Contractor's proposal. 2. Since costs of this contract are based on hourly labor rates, the Government may desire to extend the scope of the contract at a later date by requiring either a larger work force, or by extending the time of contract termination by authorizing additional funds, but in no case will this contract be in effect for more than one year from date of acceptance. Such extensions in scope, *if utilized, will be made by written modification to the contract'. 3. The contractor will be required to provide the four (4) grounds maintenance equipment operators prepared to go to work under the cited contractural conditions within 15 calendar days after notice to proceed. 4. The Contractor will mare every effort to provide the same four (4) individuals for work during the length of this contract in order that work. performance remains consistent, that individual work capabil- i ti es become recognized and to avoid the inconvenience and delays which other- wise result from last minute additional personnel clearances being required. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP86-0080OR000200110002-3 Approved Fo lease 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP86-0080Q 00200110002-3 DIVISION 2 - SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS Section 2A STAT 2A-01 GENERAL 1. The Contractor shall abide by all security requirements I Workers will be badged and escorted at all times. No employee or representative of the Contractor will be admitted to the site unless he furnishes satisfactory proof that he is a citizen of the United States. 2. Workmen assigned to this contract shall report for work by 0800 hours Monday through Friday and shall receive work assignments from the Roads and Grounds Supervisor, Public Works Section. No overtime work will be incurred nor will overtime hourly labor costs be paid by the Government. 3. Workmen assigned to this contract shall be assured of the normal 40-hour ''ur week except for legal holidays and other non-work days applying to Public STAT Works employees, and regardless of weather conditions will work the same normal duty hours as regular Public Works employees. They may be employed on other than grounds maintenance work assignments during periods of inclement weal : r. 4. All grounds, maintenance equipment, POL and equipment maintenance will be provided 2A-02 PERSONNEL' REQUIREMENTS The Contractor and all personnel employed by him for purposes of this contract shall be fully qualified and experienced in their particular field of work, and be legally licensed and certified for the operation of mowers, tractors and other types of grounds maintenance equipment. No workmen will he used on this contract who cannot satisfy the minimum, requirements of the Security Office for adrri tance STAT and employment STAT All personnel will comply with fire prevention and security requirements, and traffic rules and requlations 1 -1 Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP86-0080OR000200110002-3 STAT STAT Approved Fokablease 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP86'-0080J00200110002-3 2A-03 MINIMUM WAGE RATES AND OTIIER I_A130R STANUAI:DS The Contractor shall pay grounds maintenance equipment operators employed, or STAT working directly wage rates not less than those as established by law. In the event of any difference between the Contractor and the Government concerning the proper and legal minimum wage rates to be paid, the classification of employees to conform to prevailing practice, the amount of wages due employees, or any other application or interpretation of labor standards to apply, the difference shall be referred to the Contracting Officer, and the Contracting Officer shall determine the matter with advice from and report to the Secretary of Labor as required by the Department of Labor regulations. 2A-04 BILLINGS AND PAYMENT The Contractor will be required to submit a copy of his weekly payroll or invoice the second troy I: day of the following Greek forIverificat.ion of Contractor STAT employee attendance at the job site and number of hours worked. Payment will be based on verification of hours worked and will be paid weekly and in full for services bi"lled under the contract. Payment will be made to the Contractor, and not his individual employees, STAT will not be responsible STAT or liable for any expenses incidental to Contractor employee travel or other costs but will be billed and will pay only for the agreed to contractural hourly labor rate of $5.00 per hour. 2A-05 LEGAL RESPONSIC:tL.TTIES OR REQUIREMENTS It will he the responsibility of the Contractor to comply with any Federal, Staie or other legal requirements with regard to equal employment opportunity, social security withholding pay.m ents, certification and licensing, hospitalisation insurance, worker's compensation, comprehensive, accident and personal liability Approved For Release 2005/08/02 : CIA-RDP86-0080OR000200110002-3 in'.U ,.nce coverage, or other considerations as may be applicable and required by l Approved F.Gfelease 2005/08/02: CIA-RDP86-008f1000200110002-3 2A-06 TRANSITIONAL _QUARTER It is mutually agreed by the parties to this contract that the period of performance may be extended to 30 September 1976 at the option of the Government and that the rates stated herein will be applicable for the three months from 1 July 1976 to 30 September 1976. Separate funds will be provided for the Transitional Quarter period and exercise of this option is therefore subject to availability of funds. FY 1976 funds may not be used for services provided during the Transitional Quarter period. Approved For Release 2005/08/02 CIA-RDP86-0080OR000200110002-3