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Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 ROUTING AND RECORD SHEET SUBJECT: (Optional) Office of Logistics Quarterly Planning Conference FRO7 Chief, Plans: and Programs Staff TO: (Officer designation, room number, and building) 6; Chief, P&PD/OL OFFICER'S INITIALS OL 2 5848 DATE 29 December 1982 COMMENTS (Number each comment to show from whom to whom. Draw a line across column after each comment.) Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 _? _vi I(.- I 2 j DEC 1982 MEMORANDUM FOR: Chief, Building Planning Staff, OL Chief, Personnel and Training Staff, OL Chief, Procurement Management Staff, OL Chief, Security Staff, OL Chief, Logistics Services Division, OL Chief, Printing and Photography Division, OL Chief, Procurement Division, OL Chief, Real Estate and Construction Division, OL Chief, Supply Division, OL Chief, Plans and Programs Staff, OL SUBJECT: Office of Logistics Quarterly Planning Conference REFERENCES: (a) Multiple addressee memo from C/P&PS/OL, dtd 7 Oct 82, Subj: Fourth Quarter Objective Review and Planning Program for FY 1983 (OL 2 4638) (b) Multiple addressee memo from C/P&PS/OL, dtd 22 Oct 82 (OL 2 4858) 1. OL's first FY 83 Quarterly Planning Conference with the DDA has been scheduled for 2 February 1983, 1000 hours, room Building. Updates of "Directorate Level Objectives" will be presented at the conference. Your presen- tations should not exceed five minutes and should cover the accomplishment of activiticu the next the andrthe, problems and shortfalls, plans for quarter long-term outlook for accomplishing the objective on schedule. An updated milestone chart should be used as a visual aide along with any other information you feel appropriate. Please provide an updated milestone chart to P&PS by 6 January 1983. A dry run to the Director of Log' tics has been scheduled for 31 January 1983, 1330 hours, roo An agenda for the conference is attached. 2. As described in Reference A, updates of "Office and Division Level Objectives" will be presented to the Director of Logistics at the bi-weeklies, scheduled as follows: OL 2 5848 UNCLASSIFIED when removed from attachments. SECRET Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 SUBJECT: Office of Logistics Quarterly Planning Conference SD P&PD PD PMS RECD SS LSD P&PS 17 January 18 January 19 January 19 January 24 January 24 January 25 January 26 January 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 1983 0900 hours 0930 hours 0900 hours 1000 hours 0900 hours 1030 hours 0930 hours 0 0 hours 0 9 s Each OL. C.VLIlponen V ~ to the D/L. Milestone charts should be used to make presentat ons and a copy should be provided to P&PS who will attend the MBO bi-weeklies. 3. We have attached listings of FY 83 Directorate Level Objectives (Attachment A) and FY 83 Office and Division Level Objectives (Attachment B) for easy reference. You should refer to the Five-Year Plan for a list of all objectives through FY 87 and to the references for additional information on objective, reporting procedures. 4. Questions concerning the Quarterly Pla in Conference should be directed to on extension Attachments cc: D/L J(~~j ($j / -;L At 0- responsible for presenting objective updates 1983 1983 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 FY 83 Directorate Level Objectives (Reportable to the Deputy Director for Administration) BPS - Consolidate Agency Metropolitan Washington Area Activities in the Headquarters Compound C P&TS - Conduct a Comprehensive Review of Personnel Management Functions P&PS - Develop and Implement a Logistics Integrated Management System (LIMS) PMS - Develop Policy and Resolve Key Issues Affecting Acquisition - Establish Procedures to Execute Payments in Accordance with PL 97-177, Prompt Pay Act* c,:,- LSD - Provide Support to SAFE, Phase II* - Provide a System for More Timely and Efficient Response to Space Requirements Improve the Physical Environment and the Quality of Food and Service in the Executive Dining Room c P&PD - Implement the Digital Prepress System - Conduct a Pilot Quality Circle Program PD - Improve Responsiveness to Politically Sensitive Requirements for Goods and Services RECD - Provide Support to SAFE, Phase II* r - Continue to Work Closely with GSA to Improve Service to the - Design Methods for Improving Responsiveness to Furniture Requirements - Establish Procedures to Execute Payments in Accordance with PL 97-177, Prompt Pay Act* * Joint Objective. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 FY 83 Office and Division Level Objectives* (Reportable to the Director of Logistics) P&PS - Work with Management to Key Support Growth to Growth in Requirements - Automate General Provisions Format to Facilitate the Update of Contract Clauses SS - Increase Communications with Employees to Instill Greater Awareness - Continue Agreement with NSA to Provide Support PMS - Continue Support to OL and Procurement Teams LSD - Establish an Automated System for Maintaining Stock Levels and Cost Data Covering Administrative Supplies in Agency Supply Rooms - Research the Feasibility of Installing Automated Gas Pumps in Terms of Courier and Shuttle Service, Establishment and Stockage of Supply Rooms, Routine Maintenance Support, etc. at the Motor Pool Garage j-, (. 3-5, - Provide Support to the Credit Union and Take Over Management of 01 Stock Items from Supply Division - Investigate the Feasibility of Automating the Courier Receipt Filing, Tracing, and Retrieval System as well as the Codeword Accountability System Wit)iin the Mail and Courier Branch d'I - dd 4'."W JocrY- P&PD - Develop a Formal Training and Development Program for Photography Branch - Conduct a Waste Measurement Program - Develop Work Standards and Measure Productivity via the MIS * Although Directorate Level Objectives are tracked at the Office and Division Level, they are not included in this list since the Director of Logistics is briefed on those objectives during dry runs for the Quarterly Planning Conferences. Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 P&PD Continued - Develop a Requirements Package for Low Volume Copiers and Issue a Contract for Copier Rentals - Develop Requirements for Support to the Project - Provide ETECS Support for Users of Wang Word Processors - Evaluate the Feasibility of Expanding Video Support to the Intelligence Community - Conduct a Bindery Automation Study - Purchase and Implement Whiz Automated Mailing System - Develop an Automated Maintenance Program System for Division Application - Implement the P&PD/ODP Autofiche System - Prepare Up-to-date Floor Plans on P&PD Facilities PD - Establish Effective Acquisition Procedures RECD - Install New Cooling Tower at Powerplant - Reconfigure Powerplant Chilled Water Headers - Install New Standby Control Air Compressor in Main Building at Headquarters - Install New Transformer Vault in Headquarters - Construct Special Chilled Water Loop to Cool Operational Equipment Separately from Headquarters Building HVAC Systems - Construct Emergency Electrical Feeder to North Side of Headquarters Building - Construct Northside Utility Lines to Headquarters - Acquire Operational Field Office Space Using GSA 5,000 Square Feet Delegations - Complete Renovations for Occupancy of 30,000 Square Feet of NWFCU Space - Lease 100,000 Square Feet of Office Space S E C R E T Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 - Investigate Establishment of Periodic Engineering Inspection of Worldwide Agency Facilities - Modify Building and Support Systems in Support of O.C. Data Distribution System (Speedwire) SD - Develop a Purification Program to Improve the Viability of the ICS Data Base Prior to Implementation of LIMS - Conduct a Feasibility Study and Make Recommendations for Efficient Repair and Return of Equipment - Develop Methods and Internal Depot Procedures Governing the Handling, Storage, and Disposal of Hazardous Waste Materials in Compliance with the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act of 1976 - Establish a VM Program to Monitor Usage of Packaging Supplies and Materiel on a Yearly Basis Including a Reorder Cycle - Establish a VN Program to Obtain Statistical Data on Weight, Cube, and Number of Pieces Processed through Preservation and Packaging Section R&SB - Install an Automated Documents Control System S E C R E T Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3 bo C V) O A A V) U) C a) 25X1 E a) c p? 25X1 a V a) C x a) cU U a) C 'b . E-+ 25X1 cc 0 C b 0 i) W r--I cn cU v) C 0 E N E () 0 C cU E b O a) L. >, C M > bO ca cU ?r1 0 a ho N L. 4--) C C a) C a a) c E ?.4 v) r1 U C A a) U () 0 oG >t L. a) ?rc > a) U o C 4. 0 >, 1.3 w c L. 1-) C) a r+ r-1 a) E r-I U cU X H cc O W z ,i 0 CY ~A .~ 1n CU >.,.I., a .C ~ a) 0 ~G a V r -I L.. 0 -4 ca a a) ? c a E s c 4-3 Cl) CL 0 r+ p , a) ?rl 4) h0 C r1 > > C C) .O Q) O L. ho C cU .C L. a) ?ri b U) ,~ ,~ a v) cn C 0 v) E a) 0 ri W H A U U Approved For Release 2008/06/03: CIA-RDP86-00735R000100140033-3