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AMAMOV, OoXo-n- (continued) C,-,,,d 2. ZDANOTICH, T.G., prof.,colrtor t8ktm.nsuk,red.; IVANOV, G.A.. doktor geol.-min,mauk, red.; YjJ'AVAYEV. N.M., red.; KOROTIOV, G-V., Imndogeol.- win.nauk, red.; IMUrKOV, N.V., kand.tekhnnouk. redo; K&AUTEM, A.A.. doktor gnolo-nin.nauk. rec'..; GY.KLICHMMO,; SZNDXRZON, X.M.,kand.gevl...-min.nauk. red.; USUKOV, I.K.. dote.. kand. tekbn.mmuk, red.; YJI,13WKOV, V.S.. ka nd.geol. --mln.nauk, red.; KOROLEVA. T.1., red.izd~va~ "fULKINA, E.I.. red.izd-va-. PkOZOROVSKATA. P.L.,; IFADNINSEAYA, A.A., tekhr.-,RdA. [Mining; an encycloptidle Nandboo1c] Gorr,oe delo; eateiklopedichaskii sprevochnik. Glav, :-ec, L.11.Terpigorev. Hoe"o. Gos.nauchro-tekhn. izd-vo lit-ry po ugc1'ro' ~-rouwshl. Vol.2. [Geology of coal deposits and surrvating] Geolog'111& 4,oIInykh mostorothidenii i markaheiderskoe delo. kedkolegiia totp I,,V.Troianskiy. 1957. &6 p. (MIRA 11:5) 1, Chlen-korr ondent Al, SSSR (for Zaravaiev) ellCbel f-f I- ~ ogy-Dict lonaries 7 v UTTSM9 A&Ke Interrelation between the tsetonle types of coal basins and their richness. Vbst. Hook, un., Ser. biol., POCIIV-, 19001-1, 9009. 12 no.3:73-76 157. (NIM lotl2l 1. rafedra garyuchikh inkopayevvl& Kf%skovskogo gosudaretvennogo liniversiteta. (Coal--asology) %mv Nkmyjkv.,4.91.41,10COW --iftratigraptilo sys~4pq of tb9 raraganft. aiwa. vast. AN lr&sakh. $32 13 no.4:73-79 Ap 157. (KLU 10:6) (Uragands Ikets-46ology, ftratigraphic) HATMEV116" kandidat goo I ogo--d neralogi chaskikh rauv. A fossil triton In the permfrost gone* Pr1roda 146 tio.7:103-105 ii 157. 10!q) 1,1ioskovskiy gosudarstvenn7v univeraltet Im. P.V. Lomonosova. (Mage"n Province-NYwts, Fossil) .m&TYx*nv; A. K. and MARTYNOV., Ya. G. "Napagation of Ultrasound in Cools. - report presented at the 6th 3cf. Conference on the Application of Ultwasound In the tuvestigation of Matter, 33-7 Feb 19.58, twganized by Min, of Education WM and %mcow Oblast Podagogic inst. im N. K. Krupskzqa. 201) low I DOW UnArTATION SOV/3150 Vier~srftsyb konter"telys slehom"Nk inst9tutov .9rann.atip al-tresig t1k% It Ingledo"Miyu vashchestva; trady Sam- f l ttlestion of ultrasonic$ for analysis o &I. 1P T o of PK- All-Ruestan Conforen f th t b M = . 0139 o e am e j *4GI 04o 01 t O J "4 A9t1tu e5. r 7) , resolve a" 7~84ber� of Pedagogical Us. aMPl. U0. 283 P. 1.50 "PLOo printed. task. ".I a. 1P. Zaltova ads.1 V. F. 1108srov, Professor. am L N. 3"Mwtsov. moms TaIs bo3u is intended for physicists, teaLmlelans, sere- sestisal 'wgineers and Other persom concerned with ultrasonics. ~$ $30 book sontains tweetv eight articles which ~Vast ultre- some ph"Mmoss to five general categarleas 1) historical date as the development of ultrasonics in the Soviet Union Over the put forty yeares 2) the speed of Sound In OuSpenglong or %cylog oweentgation end number and type of components and too relation- "IV tweell fLaual IFOISLc . Red * ~" sstblllty orelearolytoo; --kL- - - - ~~ _.. _rj_ 3TOoltiesmis Laveatigations or pSysicei and ct-mtcai properties of materials a" the "totminst ton Of phralcal and chemical can- staptdq a. jj. density of aqueous solutions, adimbatic cofft)rqsmj- UX10. malarity 0^ solutions (with given tomporatures). Viewait7, or so tension. saturation pressure and also ultrasonic lavooll- Ion of the carbon content and petrographic state or coal1 4 t trial GPVIIeStlOn8 Of ultrasonics, 0 9. emulolf1cation of to 0 'sing or textile fiber^ and anhancIng the suceptl- lot ;i some Synthetic fibers to dyeing, *to.$ and 5) apperstut sh produse q1trasonIq "&Too. R4) watreovolitlea are mentioned. Zola. and MA- r- -%accuua- The Problem or the is or Itlectrolytes 65 I-A-baudusmand I V. 0 f.- MlaxtIon 0 the thysleal-aud Cheml,:4 part as a Aqueous tj ature Interval m T ld th e # 4n e per Wat or Bloothyl Forome From 20 to 90 0 With thm Ultrasonic a" Oths:- Nothods 75 lkchannlkov In"atilatlai or the 3Wd of Ultra- 1c a- f rhase I h It am &;% pav n t e 3nee o nd Bypodu M* a .0 ap Q-b"trpt Order All- 91 T I h Dependency of the Abgarptj&~ td- sound Von U Ut .- .Ity 101 ~ ~MM Ta-M-, The Use Q-' Ultrasound to Create Periodic JSX - tructures 105 or -tive tov. 5- 1, - eadl---r-almotay. so" a.. Kagnatostric- lae A-31, Ultrasonic Pethod or ontermining the rqnlkh turar 68su" of Plastic Uquids 121 .GP-Mhlh A 1~t Ultrasonv: AsthOd of Investigating tj-- . eav,ft"IC N'Tt '~-l P~-'wc~a 127 an! "r 135 asuisirteation Of FlOtation Reagtnto by 19TRI-41s d on c avas ---jff0hn#jt.-A-.L- "r the Eff'sct OC Sound and resound on th Ph 143 roical and Kv,I-It rr~;Qr-az r'~ "2c*04 I Go hk*oG- V-, 11~ A-Dm1tr1yewa and_p. Marre"r Ul1rs87o-un-j--Du-;rn-fDyojnS Of P013'a0r " ' 1o 1t M n Y r1l* ar or the 111tron Type PATVWrBV, A.Z. d~sl resources in the U.SoS.R., their development during the 40 years of the Sovlet regIme. and the distribution ol proved reserves, IST. vyi. ucheb. sav.: geol. i rasv. 1 ne.4:3-12 Ap '58. (NIRA 11: 12) I,Moskovskly gosadarstvem2yy univereltat imul N.V. lomoneseva. Kafedra. goologil I khlmll goryachikh iskopayamyft. Mel geoloff) AUTHORS: ?4atveyev, A. K., Martynov, Yr. G. SOV/,-,o- 122-3- 38"97 'TITLE: The Dependence of Ultrasonic Velocitieb in CoEl nn the Meta- morphic Grade (ZRvisimost' skorosti ulltrazvuka v iskopayemnich uglyakh ot stepeni ikh metamorfizma) PERIODICAL: Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, 1958, Vol 122, Nr 3, pp 459-1,61 (USSR) ABSTRACT: The methods of bordering sciences are being app_i-~d more rnd more in the study of the physical and mechanical propert.tes of fossil coals. Through such methods questions pertaining to the changes in physical properties of coal in the lir-,,.ite, bituminous coal and anthracite series can be an!1-yered. The authors have studied bituminoui and anthracitic coal;3 by means of ultrasonics (Ref 1). The purpose of this stiidy was to determine the variation of ultrasonic velocities in coals of different composition as a reflection of their metamorphic grade. For this coals fr~,m thka Doi:ietskiy basijeyn (Donets Bat-in) were used. They were selected ff:rom beds wi-.h differing degrees of deformation from a depth of 300 to 500 m. Before the grade-velocity relationship could be determin- Card 1/3 ed, the influent.-e on velocities of pet~rograpf-ically dete:-rnined SOV/:?o-122-3-38/~7 The Dependence of Ultrasonic Velocities in Coal on the Metatiorphic Gradti components, of the intensity of leformation, End of other factors had to be studied. Figure I shows the dependence of velocity on volatile con- stituents in bituminous coal. An arithmetical average of velocities (C,, and C.,) and the coefficient of anisotropy of different coals is shown in table 1. On the b; of the foregoing study the authors offer the following conclusiou.: 1) The sonic vclocity in bituminous coals is primarily de- pendent on the metamorphic grade. The variation of velocity parallel to bedding is defined by an asymmetrical parabola. Minimum locities as shown by the curve occur in fat coals- The relation is similar to that determined by van Kravellen (Ref 4) for vitrinitc. 2) The coal is acoustically aniso- tropic; the propagation of elastic waves is faster :-arallal to bedding than perpendicular to it. The 10WE-St measure of anisotropy is found in coals in the middle ps.rt of the lignite-anthracite series. 71) The velocity curve which ac-;ual ly represents elastic prorerties of the coals confirms to some extent the suggestions of earlier authors (Refs 2, 31 that in the process of metamorphism a fundamental structural Card 2/3 rearrangement takes place in the medium-grade coals. Theie SOV/2o-122-3-3B/r," .1 The Dependence of Ultrasonic Velociiies in Coal on the Ketamorphic Grade are I figure, 1 4able, and 4 referenceei 3 of which are Soviet. ASSOCIATION; Moskovskiy gosudaretwennyy universitet im. 11. V. Lomonosova (Hoscow State Univeraity imeni M. V. Lomonosov) PRESENTED: May 12, 1958, by A. G. Betekhtin, Member, Academy of Sciences, USSR SUBMITTED: February 23, 1957 Card 3/3 1WW 7-ioLc_kell 49 PFIASF I DOOI--FXPLOITATD)N SOvi3._'-Ij Vserossiyskaya konferentstya prolemsorov I prevo iavate),-v pedaj1&j!irhrskikh instAutev Primeneniye ul' trankustiki k irsleclovaniyu veshchestva, V)91. 10. (utilization of Ultrasonics for the Investigation of Materials. no. 10) Moscow, IzG-vo MON, 1960. 321 p. 1000 copies print~A. )-,*ds. : V. F. Nozdrev, Professor, and P. B. Ki!drynvtuev, Professor. PURPO')E: T!,.4 ;q int'nde,f for physticirts nnd en1jineers intercs~,~d in F. !A i: No pet i (I'/ Cal d UtL'ization of Ultrasonics (Cont. ) SOV/5644 Martynov, Ye. G. , anL4,_A,._~K.Matve e~vGeologich. fak-, MGU - Geology Department of Moscow State University]. The Acougtic Anisotropy of Mineral Coals in Different Stagres of Metamorphism 147 Chercherako, G. V. , V. M. Nikolayev, Ye. T. Bezrukov, and V. 1. Belousov IGiprovostok neft' - State Institute for the Design and Planning of Petroleum Industry Establishments in the Eastern Regions]. First Results of the Use of the Ultrasonic Method in Determining the Saturation Pressure of Stratified Petroleum in Sredney-e Povolzh' ye 15 7 Savinikhina, A. V. rNeftega-obyy n. -i. in-t. - Petroleum Gas Scientific- Research lnstit~ttej. Ultrasonic Method of Determining the Temperature of the Onset of Crystallization of Paraffin 163 Mednikov, Ye. P, ITTI AN SSSF.J. On the Theory of the Acoustical Card 6/10 WTvxwT h~udr-XjrjLjaxjcjL; VASIVIM, P.T.. doktor geol.-mineral. !. Alp mauk, retsensent; EUTPWT# A.I.. doktor deol.-ulner#tI.nauk. rptsemont; ITABOT, O.A., doktor pol,-mivarel.raruk, reteenzent; HIROMOV, I.T., nauchnyy red.; KOROMA, ?.I., red.izd-Ta; XOMM OYNTA, N.A.,, EGoology of coal basins and deposits in the U.S.S.R.) Geologiia ugolinykh baseeinov I mestoromhdanil SSM. XoBkva, Goo.nauchno- tekhn.isd-vo lit-ry pe, gornomu delu, 1960, 495 p. (NDA 13:11) (Coal geology) KARTMT. I a.G.; KOVEW, A K. BeYationship between the dWee of not&-3orphiss and thot modulus of elasticity In coal. Vokl. AS SSSR 135 no.2-.427-429 V 160. (MIRA 13:11) 1. Mookovekly goeularstvennyy universitet In. K.T.LoaDnosova. Predetwleno, akadsmtkom N.K.Strakhovyu. (Coal--flesting) (Blast1city) (Metamorphism (Gooloa)) MATV,VYEV, A. X. Doe Geol-Min Sci - (diss) "Basic principles of distribution of coal content in-4-the USSR and changes in cnal properties." Moscow, 1961. 19 PP; 3 PP of maps; (Moscow State Univ imeni M. V. Lomon- osovs Geology Faculty); 200 copies; price not given; list of author's works at end of text (14 entries); (KL, 10-61 sup, 208) MARTYNOV, Ye.G.; MkTVEYEV A K Zw~~~ Using the ultrasonic method for studying the properties and structure of coals. Mat..'em. kom. no.1:93-102- 161. (MIRA 17:2) 1. Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet. KARMIOV, Ye.G.; MATVEYEV, A.R. Ultrasound propagation in coal and stidipwntary rocks. Prim. ulftraa- kust. k issl. veshch. no.14:11-19 '61. (KIM 14:1.2) (Ultrasonic waves--Speel) (Coal geology) - X&TTF"YEVv A,Kj MAMINOV, Te*G*j MAZOR, Yu*R, Zonallty of contact imetamorpUsm 1n coalo DakleAN S= IP no.6: U34-24% Ap 161. (MIRA 14:4) 1. Mmkovskly gomdaratwomMy valversitet imenl M.VLamonotova, ft-Odstawlew akadodkon N.M.StrakWMYM6 (Coal Apology) (Notamrpkdm (Geology)) SATPAYFFV, K.I.p glav* red.; KUSHU, G.L.9 zam. glav. red.; MkTVEM, __A,X,vred.; CRARYGIN,, H.M... red.; MSTEROVA., I.L'~-rwf-.j--- ALFEROVAv P.F., tekbn, redo [Coal geology; a conection dedioated to the memory of the Aleksardr Aleksandrovich Gapoev]Voprosy geologii uglia; sbor- nikp pDaviashchemWi pmriati geologa Alsksandra Aleksa,.-idrovi- chM Gaixmva. Alw-4ta,, Izd-.vo Akad. nauk Kazakhakoi Sb-1, 19W. 173 P. (KERA lf": 10) 1. Akademiya nauk Razakliskoy SSR, Alma-Ata. Institut geclogi.- cheskikh nauk. (Coal geology) ANTIPIN, V.I.; BUDANOV, N.D.; KOTWKOV, V.A.; LEYBOS111TS, A.M.; PROEWROV, So P*jq . kand.geol.-miner.nauk; SIRMAN, A.P.; FAWS-FU, A.A.; SHTEYN, M.A.; BASKOV, Ye.A.; BOGATKOV, "Lle.A.; WMEVA, M.M.; ZARUBINSKIY, Ya.I.; WINA, Ye.V.; RAT33TAYLrV, S.K.; XMIPANIMS, N.G.; YIEZUBOV, L.P.; PONOMARET, A.I.; REWICHENKO, V.T.; RULEV, N.A.; TSELIGOROVI., A.I.; AWTER, R.K.; SHIMTSOV3, P.F.; VYMiODTSEV, A.P.; KOTO"'A, A.I.; W%MOVSKIY, G.N.; LOSEV, F.I.; R01WOVSKAYA, L.I.; PROXHDROVO S.F.; HATVEM A.K dots reteenzent; CIIEL*-TSGV, M.Lp iuzh., retsen A.E. otv. red.; 1VTO11KOVA, Ye.P.,, red. izd-va; IL'INSIKAYA, G.M., tekhn. red. [State of flooding and conditions for the exploitatia-i of coal- bearing areas in the U.S.S.R.] Obvodnermostl i uslovila eksplu- atataii mestorozhdenii ugol'zWkh raionov. Pod nauchn. red. S.F.Prokhor-ma. Moskva, Gosgortekhizdat, 1962. 243 p. (MIRA 15:7) 1, Moscow. Vsesoyuzr47 nauchno-i.3sladovatel'skiy institut gidro- geologii, i inehenernoy geologii. 2. Kafedra geologii i ge-o- lrh4mii gorruchUth iskopayeaqkh Moskovskogo GosudarstvennN,,o u.-dversiteta (for mat-!,7~yev). (Coal geology) (Mine water) MATVEYEV, A.K.; 9ffURYG.'N, A.M. Introduction of mRther-,itical methodu in the Ge.-Aogletil flepart-went of the Moscow State University. Vest,.Mosk.un.-Ser.4i Geol. 19 no.11:97-lDo S-0 164. (MIRL 17:12) 1. Kafedra geologli i geokhimii goryucHkh i-qkop&yemykh Mosko-,-skogo universiteta. mum M-0 MARTYNwo Y6.0. Study of coal by an ultrasonic method. Lit, I poL IsIxop. no.2;31-;~- 165 Mr-Ap 164. (MIRA 37:6) 1. Roskovskiy goeudaretvennyy universitet. )ILTVB]3v A410 . - - - . P--,- I-- Tlo topozVoic el~snzlo sjmvr.,O 07&gr,,g O-.,skbrw (lake) in the Nwth of Russia. Izv. klFSSSR. Ser. pog. no,5:17-22 N-S 865. (KLRA 118: 11) 1. Vrallskiy gasudaretvemw universitet. MATUM, A.M. -. Mechanizing the repairing of anvils. Mahincet"tell w.1: 14-16 ja 162. (NDU 15: 1) (Forging machinery-44aintenance and repair) HILTYEILV, A.M. , In&h. For a mwesoaW carrying out of the peat vinn1mg meqnigr in 1962e Torf.prom. 39 nu*4:1-4 162. .,ICFA 15:7) 1, Glavnoye Wavleniye torfyanoy prouq3hlemnosti Vaerossiyokogo soveta, narodnogo, khosyaystva, (Peat inductry) K&TWmv A.M.. insh. Let's mark the 46th anniversary of the Great SociaUst October Revolution with labor achievements. Torf. prom. 40 no.7:1-3 '63, (MIRA 17:1) 1. Glavnoye upraylenlye torfyanoy pronWshlennoeti Soveta narodnogo khozyaystva RSFSR. ABMZI, V.I.; AFTOKOV, V.Ya.; BLYUMEITMG, V.V.; VAREFTSOV, V.S.; VELIER, NA.,- ZYUZIN, V.A.; IVAROV, V.1i.; KUZHMAV, 'I J.; LUKIN, A.V4,; 14AMffjZL_AAL; CZMW, BJ.; PALITSZV, A;"-z; FEROVs V.P.; PRMOROV, N.I.; RUMMY, V.Ys,; MZWEly, Ye,P.; SOMPOV, S.G.; TYME-INOV, S.N.; TSUPROV,, S.A.; Cll?JL'-lJXUV, M.A. Viktor Georgievich Goriachkih,- obituary. Torf.prom. 39 no.4:40 two OURA 15:7) (Go2*iachkLn, Vi!ctor Goorgievich,, 1893-1962) MATVJUZV., A.M. insh. . Brief stmmry of the 1962 maw= and tanks for 1963. Torf pra~6 40 no.2sl,-7 063, (MMA 16.' 4) 1, Glavuoye upravleniye torfyanay praWshlonnosti Vearossi7skozo sovatA narodnogo khozyWtvae (Peat industry) A'7 /; T 6 ~ -, ~ RAWWRIV, A.N. lWortant potontla.11ty for the Increase of mat iwoductlon. Uteri- awdle, 314 no.lOs3l-32 0 157. (KLIRA 10:11) 1. Gl&vW Yetorinarnyy vraoh Starozhilovskoge rayins, WasalAkey oblasti. (ftssue extracts) (Starozhilovo District-Swine) GUBW* Re; NA"WWp A*W. Relloble wthods In caring for young animle and In increasing the prcduction of mat. Visterinarlia 36 no.12-110-111 D 159. (AP-A 13:3) LbIrektor sov-1rhoss OG*Iovkov*,O Narofoaluskago rayona, Moskovskoy obla- stl (for Owev). 2.Gl&mWy voterinamyy rrsoh sovkhova "Solovkovo," larofouinakoge rayon&, Mookovskoy oblastl (for mtrerev). (1hro-rejainsk D19trict-Yeterinary hygiene) (Stoet, and stookbreeding) GUSHCHIN, V.N., veteriaarnyy vraah; veterinarnyy vrach. KC.13T!rUCHENKD,l S.P., vaterinarAvy vrach Effective method of treating mastitis in cows. Veterinariia 41 no.,1)72 mr 16.4.. (VITRA l8r]j 1. Podaobnoye khozyaystvo "Kraskovog, Moskovskoy oblasti. MA'ZVBIJSV, A.W., Inzh. Development o-f defectoscopy on Soviet railroads. Test. TSIII M 16 no.8:7-10 D '57. (MIRA 11:1) (Railroad-t-Ralls-Testing) K&TTB7MVv &eN*o insh. - *;Rli ~, - Ormdh of the use of rail detectors, Pat' I put. khoz. no.2:24-26 ]p 158. (MIRA 110) (Rai Iroads--PAI 19--%otir4g ) KOZIOT, Viktor Borlsovich; LTSIM, Illya Mitrofanovich; MATFJMO Alskundr Nikolayovich*- - J, molsey YlsAlmirvivic"h; ~aL&x.-To-v-g'o'nTY^Tv-i~novich; QLILWMCff , A.&,, zvd,; MMOT, P.A., tekhn.r". Elbtection of defects In rails) Rellsovaia defektookopila. No*wa, Oos.transp.shel-dorAgd-vo. 1959. 230 p. (MIRA 12t6) (Railroads-plails) LNUM, Feaor Vasillyevich., kand. teklm. nwk; MA IV, AlekswAr Ilikolayevich. inzh.,- SHTRWM,., Yuriy Riko ichj, insh.; dMWMF--,A.k., inzh., retnewent; ZUBLEVSM, S.L., inzh., red.; USIM, L.A., tekbn, red, [Flav detection in locomotive parts] Defektookopiia detalei lokomotivoya Moskva,, Vass. izdatellsko-poligr. ob"edinenie M~-vz putei moobababonlia,, 1962. 127 p. (HIRA 15 z 5) (Locamotives-Inspectiou) (Itagwtia testing) (Ultrazonic waven-Industrial applications) XiTyaw. Imb. PerrWobe spotters of tbirntill2aw detsotor and their sensibility to the field of seatter of tmmm fatkam GrRaU, Trudy TONII NPB no.243tS-16 16k, (MM 1616) Rajjrmdq--ftllm-T9mtlft) ftgnetic 46") i KOZIDV, V.B.,- LYSENKO, I.M.; MffvEYEV A.N.) TRAKHTENBRX, !~.V.; USPENSKIY, Ye.I.; GURVER,.' . .---MPAWV.* B.N., Lnzh., reteenzent; SPASSKIY, D.S., insh., red.; MEDVEDEVA, M.A., tekhn. red. (Flav detection in renils] Rellsovaia defektorskopila. (By) V.B.Kozlov i dr. Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskva, T:--anszhel- dorlzdat, 1963,, 286 p. (MIRA 16:8) (Railroads-Imils-Defects) (Nondestructive testIng) .0 $- 2 ASA 0 j 11 's 111 11 I I - II IIaA it 1 4 . I U . I Val I Q A A a a I a i 1 41 I i"1111 I is M Ow"tum 7-7, Operat4onal Wthcd iq-,the Quantum Theory of Iiii Fleld,'~-4.N. 1"tveyev) "-Chair of TheorV %44~ 14os Univ,, Ser Fisikamat i Yost Ikuks No 7p '99-104 I P 26t" that operational calculua itself cut bw:,UM'- d in the apectral thdory of As% operators: Plesner,, DAN SSSR,, 26, io, 190). stat* t-be_main advantage of operational calaul~w, Ii its great heuristic effectiveness. A meth4d, te=t clAwe to the oberAtionsl method vwxys 110' e" OmPloyed b~P-A.A. Sokolov &wfb. I;mnenko,. 21 In.tbeir vork on the quantum theory of the ZiOU (iMmitoveys Teorlys Folyaj, GITTL# lVil). Xetwl ijj~~Oya mainly the a-matrix and utilizes the v OU studied properties e. the resolvents of Hermitian. or, sokoum. 14ATIMEV~ A. N. "On the Question of the Radiation of Elementary Parliclots Yoving rdth Relative Velocities." Cand Phys-Math Sai, Moscow Or,~er of Le-rin State U ineni L~,, V. loinonosov, 29 Dec 54, (W1, 20 1 -ec 54) Survey of Scientific and Technical dissertations '. afended at USSR Hipher Edunationql Institutions (12) SO; Smn. No. 556, 24 Jun 55 u3w/Physics Undulator cotterence FD-2364 Card 1/1 Pub. 146 - 29/34 Author Matveyev, A. N. Title Opti=n length of the undulator (onlulyatorl Periodical Zhur. ekap. i teor. fiz. 28, 760, J6-m 1955 Abstract V. L. Ginzbu-,-g pointed out (Izv. AN SSSR, 11, 165, 1947) that Onl.~- the use of the factor of coherence of radiation in the undulatoi, (H. Motz, J. Appl. Phys. 22, 527, 1951; H. Motz, W. Thon and R, Whitehurst, J. Appl. Pbys. 24, 826, 1953) gives the possibility r:,' obtalning significant power of radiation, while at the same tUie the xmdulator's radiation powcr is directly proportional to ItB length (H. Motz. loc. cit.); therefure it is convenient to i,~- crease the length: however, theve factors governing the Increase of the undulator's radiation power are in opposition to each .--t r (e.g. as the electrons traverse the undulator, the conditions f~-r cohero!nce of radiation deteriorate in view of the spreading of t., "bunch". -The auth;.)r considers the resolution of this contrad-.'.- tion, and obtains optimum length- 3 references. Institution Moscow State University Submitted January 24, 1955 WrINIcle 'h4y;ics - Radiating Electron FD-3349 Card 1/1 Pub - 146-2-;/28 Author : Astveyev A~ N. Title . .......... : Role of i;;in in the emissiou of the radiating electron. (Letter to the edit-or) Periodical : Zhur. Usp. i Teor. Fiz-, 29, No 5, 700-701, 1955 Abstract : Criticism is expressed of results published by N. F. Nelipa (ZbZAY, 27, 427, 1954) who found the ratio of the total radiation of an electron to the total radiacion of a dpinless particle to be 1* (Mc2/Z2)2. CoWutations carried out by the author in his disser- tation (Kcscow, 1954) differed from these by Nelipa and approached those b: J. Schvinger (Phys. Rev., 75, 1912, 1948). Eight references, including two M . Institution : Moscow State University Submitted : January 24, 1955 Asa x . . . . . . . . . . . . FVrO z7z Al _1V Ar, -M, I&- It JF Tl_ tv 4 zg __'_ 4_kf_,~ Vc- Cetegory : USSR/Nuclenr Phys:tes - Instruments end Installetiona. Method C-2 of Measurement and Investigation. Abs Jour t Ref Zhur - Fizikni, No 3, 1957o No 5756 Author iW-Wmu"As - Title IS1;O-CTw8-tVF Fecry of Electron Vibration Induced in a Synchrotron by Rsdiation. Orig Pub iTr. 3-go Vaes. mrtem, slozdap 2, X., AN SSSR. 1956, 164 Abstract No PbBtrect Card 1/1 T yt V j Category ; USSR/Hucleer Fhysics - Instraments and Installations. C-2 Methods of Measurement end DnVOEtigAtion. Abe Jour t Bef Zhur Fizika, No 3, 195Y, No 5757 Author fox Title s Haalation _Ri;W6nanc-_ in Syncqrotrora, Orig Pub s Zh. ekBperim. i teor. fiziki, Lgr-6, 3o, No 4, ac4. Abstract i The cuthor strtes thpt. even in tho cleosicel examinction of the problem, redirtion losses are capable of pro6uaing resonant phenomenr (disturbance to the stnbility of motion). The para- meter E is introduced to datermino the radiation displacement of the frequency of the betatron oscilletions. The connoctit-n between this parameter end the intensity of radiation or with the enerp of the accelerated partioles is, however# not. mado clear in this work. Card . 1/1 MOTV(_7~F_V ~-N SUBJECT USSR / PriSICS CARD I / 2 PA - 1652 AUTHOR XATV M A.N. TITLE On the Part Played by Spin in the Radiatirn of the Radiation Electron. PERIODICAL lurn.eksp.i teor.fis, ~1, fanc, 3, 479-489 (1956) Issued: 12 / 1956 The radiation electron is aisumed to move within a constant m&gnetic field. Damping is disregarded. The Quantum-neehanical formalao for the intensity of radiation with and with- out consideration of.Uin are boat computed not according to the HAMILTONIAN scheme but according to that of LORENTZ forces. First, expressions for the av4raged modification of the fourdimensional energy impulse vector are de- termined. There then follows averaging with respect to the photon vacuum. The radiation W is equal to the fourth component nf this change of momentum mult'l- plied by c/i. Current operators wre given for DIRAC'S equation and for the scalar equation. The wave functioats of tYe alectron in a constant magneti~t field for the DIRAC equation and for the scalar equation are explicitly writ- ten down. The expression for W is explicitly written down and transformed several times. The "part played by arin" is characterized by a definite term. For the determination of the differential spectrum it is necessary to integrate over the angle rc~ in the expression for W. The thus obtained formulae for the differential spectrum are transformed several times. Also a formula which V Zurn.eksp.i toor.fis,ll,fase-3,479-489 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1652 characterizes the radiation of a spinless particle is given. At -.71trarelati- ristic enrrgies asymptotic formula* are obtained which are suited for the study of the entire spectrum. The sole exception is the domain licar the high- frequent end. The formulas obtzined (for electrons and spinless particles) make it possible to study the -lifferential spectrum at any energies_,. At any energies and along the entire length of the spectrum, the spectru:-.. of the radi- ation of a boson is lower than that of the electron. If energy ircreases the maximum ofthe radiation density of 'he electrt~a, shifts towards the far end of the spectrum. The density maxisum of boson radiation in this cazie does not shift tovards the end of the spectrum but to a point of the spectrum which is located approximately in the first third (reckoned from where it begins~. This difference is shown by a diag.~,tm and is very considerable in thso extremely ultrarelativist.4a case. In conclusion the expressions :-or the total energy of the electreii and of the spinless particle are determinud and &lao the corresponding asymptotic formulae for the case of low energies to also for the extreme1v relativi-tic caBo are given. In the extremely relativistic ~%ase the radiation of the itpinless particle is ,, 16/9 times weaker than 4aat of an electron. Institution: Moscow State University /~,'7 19 ke" 'USSR/Nuclew Physics C-2 Abe Jour : Referat Zhur Fizika, No 5, 1957, -0982 Author : Matuyev, A.D. Inet : Moscow State Uuiversity Title : Influence of Radiation on Betatron Oscillations of Electrons in S-i-no-hrotrons With Hard Focusing. Or'6 Pkfo : DOkl- AN SSSR, 1956, 107, No 5, 671-674 Abstract : Discussion of results of an approximate aralysis of the Problem of the influence of radiation on the radial beta- tron osculation3 of electrons in synchrotrons witL ~-awd focusing. The am-litude of the forced oscillations was L obtained with allowance for the adiabatic damping, but without accounting for the radiation. frictiun, which the author assu s to be spall. It is tihown that under these assumptionF;, fc-r accelerators with hard and soft focusing Card 1/2 ' t~=/Nuclear Physics C-2 Abe jour : Referat Zhur - ?Izika, No 5, 1957~ 1098-2 of comparable Wametera, the use of ha-d focusing is more suitable; particularly at large energies. In eithcr case, the ampli~-ude of the oscillations increases with energy. Card 2/2 MATVCV(C-V~ Fi-N- SUBJECT USSR / PHYSICS CARD I / 2 P,& 38 7 AUTHOR MATMV, I.N. TITLE On the Influence Exercised by Radiation on the S~rnchrotron Oscillations of Electr-4no in the Case of Hard FocussinE. PERIODICAL Dokl. kkad. Nauk, 208, fasc-39 432-435 (19561' Issued: 8 / 1956 re-riewed- 10 / 1956 Hard focussing reduces the amplitadf? of betatron oscillations considerably, slid therefore transition to hard is probably unavoidalole from the point of view of botatron oscillations at enorgies of several BeV. For the exact solution of this problem it is necessary to take also synchrotron oscillations into account For information concerning synchrotron oscillations inducqd in the case of soft focussing by radiation see M.SANDS, Phys.Rev..U, 470 (1955). Here the domain of high euergies Is investigated. On these conditions the effecta connected vith mo- difications of velocity (accompanied by only slight modifications of the energy of particles) can be neglected and the equation d(E-E a)/d/4,-eV o(cosy-cosy .-(I-I N .1 may be used. Here E denotes the energy of the particle, che phase of the passage through the high frequent field, I - the energy radiated per revo'-- ution, AL - the number of passages through the accelerated inter-ral, eV - ~he L 0 IL-4plitude of the accelerating field. The quantities denoted by the index 8 refer 4~0 the state of equilibrium. Onefind h III- I-ISM(Ia120 s)[4zRs(6E/E,3) + C ~1-2n(f )] 6Rr','r')' dfl and herefrom a further expression for 61 which is explicitly given. rext, the modification 6S Tlokl.kkad.Nauk, 108, fasc-3, 4-32-435 (1956) CARD 2 / "~. PA - 1387 of the orbiv in the case of a %odification of erbrgy ny the amount 6F.-E-Ea iE compute4. If acepleration occu:es on the k-th harmonic of the high frequent fie:j. there results: -qr - k W(a/ A 5E/E), A - I + (L/2nR ), and heref rom f urther t!ip .required equation of motion + 1~ + ~? 2 y - O.sHere L denotes the leig-In of all rectilinear stretches ol; I synchrotron, ;is is the d;V! t7' a or from the phase of equilibrium. The latt-named equation vae derl.ved while the quantum-like character of radiation was neglected~ The qua:.Lum-like character can be taken into account either by the addition of a term to the equation of motion or by direct deliberation, Both waya furnish the same expression for the iiverage quadratic deviation. After some traneformations there results herefrom further the expreasion: y 2 _ (55 F3/164N(ka/A C)ctgg (hc/e2)(Me2A which is suitable for application. Next, an expression for the average deviation for the synchrotron osnillation_~ of the average radius, which is in connection with these phase oscillations, is given. From the point of view of synchrotron oscillations, hard focusping is, in any case, not disadvantageous if compared with soft focussing, and in some respicta it even offers advantages. INSTITUTION: Moscow State University "N.Y.LOMONOSOV" P4ATVE\(EV, 4 N. SUBJECT USSA / PHYSICS CARD 1 / 2 PA - 1430 'AUTHOR MATVUV, A. N. TITLE The Motion of Electrons in Cyclic Accelerators as a Stochastic Process. PERIODICAL Dokl.Akad.Nauk, j0J, fasc-3, 495-498 (1956) Issued: 9 1956 reviewed- 10 / 1956 Because of the theoretionl and practical importance of the case with an arbi.- trary field, a general inveBtJgration of this phenomenoL is recessary. The corresponding mathematical apparatus is dictated by the phyfical nature of the phenomenon, i.e. by the fact that the major part of radiatirn is not produced by betatron- or synchrotron oscillations but by the cyclic -ation of the elec- tron. Consequently, the emission of radiation is independent of the phase of these oscillations, and therefore the cyclic motion of the electron together with its betatron- and synchrotron oscillatians must be considered to be a stochastic process. At first the stochastic ecuations for the betatron- and synchrotron oscillations induced by radiation are given and discussed. Radlation damping may be neglezted. The distribution function found in consideration of the absorption of the elec- trons on the walls is explicitly given. In the case of an infinitely great dis- tance of the synchrotron walls, i.e. if absorption is lacking, GAUSS' distribu- tion is ob-ained herefr*m. From tho general formula it is possible to determine the probab;lity density for electron losses in the interval (t,t+dT) cRused by collisions with the wall. Herefrom there further follows a law for the inten5ity Dokl.Akad.Nauk, LOI, fa3c.39 495-498 (1956) CARD 2 / 2 PA - 1430 loss of the bundle as a result of electron losses on the walls. The formulac r,b- tained arG very well suited for computation because of the very fast convergeic~2 of the series contained therein. In the case of more or less stro?ig absorptirn tLe first term alone will suffice. Similar formulae are applicable also to oscillations of 'lie phase. In view -If the fact that during the acceleration process the phase corresponding to the ~A- librium is somewhat shifted, and because therefore also iu-he permJ tte-d devi ationo are shifted a little, somewhat more complicated formulae are obtained, are, however, not given here. The formulae obtained may be aprlied to tiny sinchrotrons, and it is Dossible to develop the theory in a more precise manner in n:)nsidersi- tion of the noulinearities of radial- and phase oscillations. In the same manner it is possible to determine the axial oscillatlons rf eleet.rons induced by radiation, but their amplitude is Lrich F-maller than in the case of radial oscillations. The here developed stochastic theory of electron oscillations in synch.--;trOrj5 makes it possible to ~iolve the problems arising in connection wit- the,-e nscilli- tions. The generalization of this theory to other types of cyclic acce-L-r&tcrs is obvious. INSTITUTION: Moecow State University 1'V-V.LOJv1ONOSOV11- MW MATUM, A.N. Squatiom for betatron vibrations talting Into account radiation Metion. Test. Nosk. un. Ser. mate, wkh., astrou., f1s. khim., 22 no.5:63-66 157. (NM 11: 9) I,Jbfodra statistichealroy finiki 1 makhaniki Kovkovskcgo gosudarstvennago univerattets., (Particle accelerators) 56-4-13/54 AUTHORt MatTeyev, A.N. TITLEs A Non-Linear Theory of Phase Oscillations Tnduced by Quantum Radiation Fluctuationsin Electron Synchrotrons (Nolineynays teoriyL, fazovykh kolsbaniy, induteirovannykh k7antovymi fluktu- atmiyami izlucheniya v elaktronnyki: sinkhrotronakh) PERIODICALe Zhurnal Zkoperim. I Toorst. Yiziki, 195T, Vol. 33, Nr 4, pp. 913 - 917 (USSR) ABSTRACTo It Is thown that the linear theory of the phase oscillations for accelerating devices for energies in the W-rangs does not render well the working limit domain. When a non-linear theory of th2 phase oscillations Is derived, however, better results are obtained. When a synchrotron is aperated under certain, given conditions, it should @toy v::rking tt a part- icle energy of 1,3 BeT, whereas according to the non-linear theory this should already be obtained at a partial* energy of about I DaVe This conclualon also confirms the earlier drawn o2nolusions (Ma4veyev) that at electron arm rgive ct se- veral 39T one must by all means pass over to fixed focusing, Card 1/2 There are 6 Slavic references. 56-4-13/54 A Fon-Linear Theory of Fha3e Oscillations Induced by Qunntu.;, Radiation Flue- tuationsin Electron Synchrotrons . ASSOCIATIORs Moscow State University (Mo9kov9kiy gosudaretvannyy universitet) SUBVITTEDs March 2, 1957 (initially), and May 8, 1957 (after revision) AVAILABLEs Library of Congress Card 2/2 J. -,-r , 1'61,~ ~z -)A A/. AMM Matwo7ov. AA. 56-5-28/4.6 TIUM On Zlectron Lobses Due to Phase Oscillations Izaduarl ty Radiation Fluctmtions in Synchrotrora (0 p-iteryakh elektromy p-A fasovykh koletanlyakh. in&utsIrovarxjkh fluktuatelysmi irlucheniya Y slukhrotronekh) PBRUDIIDAL: Unrual Ikeperim. i T eoret-FUW, 1957 - VOL 33, 11'r 5, pp. 1254- 1260 (UM) ADSTRACTt An effective method of computation is given for deriving mid setting up of formulas which are necessary for the detersdination of electron lussem caused by phase oscillations in the synalkwitron with a pre- viously given aocumqy. Puirthemore, the aocumay of oomputatioL ambe estImated from the formalae. Prooesdir4; from tits resuRta ab- tainti in the works 'by Matveyev (ref.7) it is shown In what way the boundary conditions have to'be foroulatod in order that the influence exered.sed by the nonlinear-ity effect my be taken Into acommt. Thor* are 7 references. 6 of Aich are Slavic. ASSOCIATIM Mosock State University (blookovskly losudaretveAVy universitet) SOMMM: NAY 17, 1957 AVAMMIZ: Library of CoWvns card I/i MAINE"M A. W.,. Doe PhYL-M4th S,:'i (dies) -- "Tnvestigation of the thpv-. of electronic synchrotrons and betatrons". Moscow, 1938* 2h prp %'14c)sccv Orcler of' LeniL and order of lAbor Red Banner State U im M. V. Lomonosov, Physics 150 CaPies (xL, vo 6, 1959, 123) AUTNOR: Matveyev, A. N. SOV/57-56-6-33/37 "~_ TITLE: ~F~e ~gn ~ue o~ff_article Losses in Synchrotrons Caused by Scattering on Residual Gas (0 velichine poter' chastits iz-za rasseyaniya na ostatochnom gaze v sinkhrotrinakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal tekhnicheskoy fiziki, 1956, Nr 6, pp 1829 - 1836 "USSR) ABSTRACT: This is & theoretical approach to problems whinh are of concern in the dynamics of acclerated 'particles, 'aking into account the scattering at residual gas atoms. The computa-~ion method presented permits to calculate tn any desired degree of accuracy the attenuation of betatror osc---llations in a rectangular cross-seotion vacuum chamber ane. to estimate the oczundag error. Besides, the influence of the shape of the vacuum chamber upon the particle loss Iue to scattering ia examined. The considerations here presenied tend to show that in spite of different radial and axial dimeasions of the vacuum chamber both the radial and the axial betatron oscillations show an equal effect upon the loss of particles. Hence the problem is not solved in a two-dimensional phase plane b-it in a four-dimensional phase space. The differential equation Card 1/2 Mfor the distribution function is deduced, its simultaneous On the Magnitude of Particle Losses in Synchrcions SOV/157-58- 8 Caused by Scattering on Residual Gas solution with the boundary conlitions ('10), however, proves to be very difficult. The enlution is obtained covering the case of an attenuation In a rectangular cross-section vacuum chamber to any previously given degree of accurasy. if the losses of particles are small, this solution for a rectanCular vacuum chamber also permits to estimate the losses of particles in a vacnum chamber of an arbitrary shape with a definite accuracy. There are 9 references, 0 of which is Soviet. ASSOCTATION: Fizicheski MGU (Facilty of Physics,lioscow State University~ SUBMITTED: July 6, 1957 Card 2/2 AUTHOR: Matveyev, A. N. SOV/56-34-5-46/fil TITLE: Electron Capture in a Betatron (0 zakhvate eiektronov v belatrone) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperii-.ientallnoy i teoretichesk.jy fiziki~ 1958, Vol. 34, Nr 5, PP, 1331 - 1353 (USSR) ABSTRACT: V.I.Logunov and S.S.Seirenor (Ref 1) reported on a statisti,-al capture mechanism in a betatron. They estimated its efficiency. In connection with this two imvortant remarks must 1,e made- 1) This mechanism can work only in the case of very high densities of tl,e injected electrons,. This mechanism.. according to the opinion of the author, will in particular not work under the conditions which in the above mentioned paper are reCarded as an erample, This author suhqLantiates his assertion by a numerical estimation. According to the opinion of the author the beam will the dynamics of the widen rignt after the inection. Hence ., electrons will differ considerably from the dynamies assumed in the previous work which is mentioned above. 2)TIiqcapture machanism decisive --n this case is determined by the C,)ulo:.b interaction Card 1/3 and, with regard to the exam;,le to be inveetigated. is baEed upon Electron Capture in a Betatron SOV/56-314 5-z6P;1 the following facts:Immediately after the injection an intensive loss of electrons begins at -the wi~ills of the vacuum chamber on the side of the injectors la tk'L1;t &M~da where the surface of the beam is in contact with the viall of the vacuum chamber a widening is initiated. Already after a nhort time a strong loss of electrons takes place on all walls of the chamber. Thf-, vac!uum chamber then app,:ars to be fllied by an electron cloud of ie- creasing density.. T,ie annihilation of a certain number of electrons on the walls leads to the "survival" of other elect~ors. The mean number of revolutions of the electronLi after injection is about equal to 2 or even less. A corresponding mathematical formuldtion can be assigned to the physical concertion of -the capture, It leads to a theory whxch qualitatively and quartita- tively agrees with the experiments There is I reference which is Soviet. ASSOCIATION: Moskovskiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (140sco-a State UnIVE-rsity) SUBMIrPTED. Card 2/13 Electron Capture in a Betatron 1. glectron capture -Performance SOV/56-34-5-46/t'l 2. Retatrom"Pplicaticnis 3, Betatrons Card 3/3 21 (9) AUTiOR: Natveyev, A. N. SE)V/56-35-2 -10/6 0 TLE. On the Capture Mechanism and the Limiting Current in Bet-trons (0 mekhanizme zakhvata i predellnom toke v betatronakh) PERIODICAL: Zhurnal eksperimentallnoy i teoreticheskov fiziki, 19581 Yol 35, Nr 2, pp 372-380 (USSR) ABSTRACT: in continuation of a number of experimental (Refs 6) and theoretical works (Refs 7 - 15) the euthor of the present paper investigate3 the electron -apture in a betatron in consideration of the Coulomb..(Kulon) interaction of the electrons in the beam and the electron losses on ths malls of the vacuum chamber. The capture-mechanism., as a consequence of an interaction, can be divided into three groups: into a mechanism connected with the self-induction of the non-steady current in the chamber (Refa 9, 12), a mechanism which is based on the interaction of electrons with the Coulomb fieli of the spatial discharge (Refs 10, 11, 13, 14, 15) and a statistical mechanism (Ref 16). Card 1/3 Rodimov (Ref 15) iavestigated the capture-mechanism on the On tho Capture Mechanism and the Limiting Cur-rent in Betatrons SOV/P56-35-2-10/60 basis of the Coulomb interaction of the electron beams among one another., The author of the present paper obtains for the electron distributica in equilibrium: 2 - 2 r R r )3 ~e(Ro) 0 R0 0C7 c m0CT For the number of captured electrons the final iormula NI - N C(a - 1)2/(2a - I) o%*N0(a -1 )2 ; a --.: ~ I is obtained. N 0 is the number of inJected electrons. For the density of the electron beam it holds that . ~t',/(2a - 1 ) ---~ ~ 5 6 e1/2 There are 3 figures and 17 references, 10 of which are Soviet Card 2/3 0 0n the Capture Mechanism and the Limiting SOV/36-35-2-10/60 Current in Betatrons ASSOCIATION: Moskovgkiy gosudarstvennyy universitet (Moscow State University) SUBMITTED: February 12, 1958 Card 3/3 - KA!IVZDV. AJ6---- Aaount of electron logneg beCau" of pbum v&cillationc induced by radiation fluctuations in synebrotrons. yest.Kosk.un Ser. awt., makhastrongfisvkhin. 14 no.4:97-104 139. (MIRA 13.6 1. lafodra statistichesitoy fisiki i mekhaniki Moskovskogo universitsta. (Symcbrotroa) MR.rVEIN, Al-Asey Hiko-13yevich; ALUMTV, A.!., red. [Electrodynamics and the theory of relativity] Kiektrodina- mika i teoriia otnositellnosti. Moskva, "Vysshaia shkola " 1961. 424 P. (MMA 17:51 41" .7,71 :TAT iw hm ai- NOTOVICH, O.Ye., kand. takha. mauk; TROFIMMt a.S.p kand. takha. zauk$-A-MF!,- --A,P,x-insbo Calculatirg fraw rods of agricultural machinery for torsion. Trakt. I mollkbo=ash. no.6331-34 Je 065. (ERA 1817) 1. Vaesoyuanyy nauchno-tcaledovatellakiy inatitut seltakekhosyayst- vennago mehinostroyenlya (for Kotovich). 2. Bashaellkhosinstitut Ifor Trofimov), 3. Nugrbvshavakly 9el'xkr*hexyaymtv9miyy institut (.for Natveyev). S/125/60/ODO/05/07/01" AMHORS g Gurevich, S. V.. 'Didkovskiy,.j. P., Xatveyev, A. P., sM Oslmushkin,, V. X, TITLE2 Experience with Electroslag Woldin for Welding Rings Of "VT6" Tit tanium LlILoZ PERIODICAL& Avtonatioheskaya avarka, 1960, No. 5, PP. 56-61 IFFXT 8 Thick titanium alloy rings ard flanges used in chemical and some other industries were welded up to n(w on resistance butt welding machines like the ONSGA-300" (Ref. 1), anc the quality of the joints was not always satisfactory. Tho article gives a detailed description of t~h& electroslag process used for joining ringe, 1,500 am in diameter and 95X75 mm arose section, consisting of two forged halves, with forged plate electrodes of same "VT6" titanium alloyj work was done nn an "A.-5"' welding iiachine designed by -the Electric Thlding Institute with a sing! phase "TUS-3000-1" transformer. The information includes details on t preparation of "AN-T2" flux for this purpc9e, on the chemical composit: of the parent matal, on electrode and weld (Table 1); photographs of joints and microstructure of the weld, and detailed engineering recommen X_ Card 1/2 S/12),/60/000/05/07li-- Experience With Llectroslag Welding for Welding Rings of "VT6" Titanium Alloy dationo as to how to eliminate weld defects in the procef:s. The technique can easily be learned by operators. The process will be employea for series production of welded "VT6" alloy rings, There are 4 photographs, 2 tables, and 3 Soviet references. A-1:MCIATIONs Orden& Trudovogo Krasnogo Zrameni Institut elektroevarki in. Te. 0. Patons. AN USSR (led Banner of Labor Electric Welding Institute ineni Te. 0. Paton AS UkrSSR) (S. N. Gurevich and V. P. Didkovskiy); Kuybyshev (1. P. Natveye7 and V. K. OsImushkin) S~--BMITTEDg January 12, 1960 i..&rd 2/2 S/239/62/048/001/002/002 1015/1215 AUTHORS: Naumenko, A. 1. and Matveyev, A. P. TITLE: Recording of the volume of inspired air in man in a barochamber PERIODICAL- Fizio!ogicheskiy zhurnal SS-SR im. 1. M. Sechenava. . +8, no. 1, 1%2, 97m98 TEXT: In clinical practice, the spirograph is commomly uwd ,. determine the minute volume. These authors know of no stud;es in which this method was applied for investigational purnoses --)n man. A device, consisting of a dry gasometer with electric transmission, was designed in order to record the minute volume in man in experimental conditions in a barochamber. Thus, it was found that at an "altitude" of 3000 nt the respiration was 14 respiratory movcments/friin, instead of 16/min "at sea level". The vital capacity increased up to 6600 ml at the "altitude", decreased d,)wn to 5500 ml immediately after descending, regaining its normal value of 4600 ml 3 min. later. The -nethod is also recommended for the recording of the minute volume in studies on the physiology of labor and sports. There are 2 figures. ASSOCIATION: Oidel obshchey ~--iologii TsNILa pri 1-m Meditsinskom institute im. acad I P Paviova, Leningrad (Diviiion oc General Physiology, TsNIL. Institute of Medicine im acad 1. P. Pavlov, Leningmd) SUBMITTED: March 9, 1%1 Card 1/1 WAS, B.S.# doteent, kand.tokhm.naukj-,!Ikln~~A-I.-k-~,P--,o assistent; PRWOONVIO Yu.A., stud-)nt; SHEVChENKO, V,A.,, student; GOIDVM , A.V., studentj SURKIW, V.I.,, student Results o-*.' static tension tests of steel cylindrical specimens having circular single and group notches, and of smooth-roll burnisched specimens. SNor.dokl.Stud.nauch.ob-va Fak,mekh.sell. Kuib.sel' khoz.inst. no. 1:72-78 'U. (MIRA 17:5) 2.. Kuybyehes;,akiy sellskokhoryayst-ennyy institut. POIAND/Acoustics. Abs Jour: Referat Zhur-Fizika, 1957, No 4, low4 Author : Gellman, A.S.. Kabanov, N.S., ~Matveyev# A.S. inst :Not given Title :Ultrasonic Cor-trol of Joints Made by Spot Welding. Orig Pub: Zavod. Labcra,.oriya, 1954, 2U, %15, 562-567 Abstract: No abstract. Card : 1/1 Aff"IN. Ta.D., kandidat takhnicheskikit nauk; BM, P.P.. professor, doktor takhnicheaklirk nauk, BWUHTJff-W, M.L., imudidat tekhatcheakikh nauk; GRAIROZOT, P.A., starshly nauebnvy sotradnik; GLIM. B.N.. inthenerl DAVIDOV39ATA. Te.A.. ~mndldat takhnicheskikh nauk; 13WHIN, P.M,, inthener,- TAFAKIN, N.I., ka-Aidat flalko-mtematicheskikh nank-, IVANOV, D.P., kandidat tekhatchest,kh nauiq XNOROZ. L.1., inthener; KOUIN, N.M., kAndidat tokhnlahegktkh tank; XORITSKIT, Y.G., dotment, ZROTKOV. D.T., inshener; KORTAYMY, I.T., profesaor, doktor takhnt-- chemkfth muk; MILIKOV, X.Y., kandidat tekhritchesklkh rawk; LOU0.01, V.A., kandidat tekhnichevkM mauk; LIZINA, A.Y.. inshon*r; Nj2ZCM%. A.3.. kandid&t tokhnicheskikh nauk; MILIMLE. B.S., imudidat TA=7h;- skikh nauk; RAVIDSHEIN, N.M.. imndid&#. tekbutcheskikh nauk; PTITSYN. V.I., Inshener [deceased]; RAKOVSKIT. 1I.S., ~mndtdat takhnicheakikh cauk, RAMUTADT. A.G.. imadidat tekhnit.hesklkh nauk; RUDCHINKOV. A.T., profeasor, doktor khUlch"Idkh mauk; SIGOIATIV. 5,T&., kandt- "t tekhnicheskikh nauk; SMINTAOIN. L.T., tmadidat tekbuicheskikh nank. SULIKIN. A.G., inshmor; TUTOV, I.Ye., kmadidat takhnicheakikh nank, XW.F.CHOV, N.M.. professor, doktor lekhatcheek1kh nauk; TSYPIR, 1.0.. kandidat takhnicheakith nauk; SEAROY, X.Ta.. inshener; SHNOW, Ta.L. dntsent; SHKRIXV. 3.A., k&udid&t tekhnicheskikh n&uk: YUQOOVA, S.A., Imudid&t fisiko-mtenaticheskikh nauk; SLTZLI , B.A.. doksor tekhatcheskikh nauk. redaktor; SOKOLOYA. T.7.. te1rhnicheskly redaktor [Machine builder's reference book] Spravochnik mashinostrottella; v shesti tasakh~ i3Ld-vo mashinostroit. lit-ry. Vol.6. (Glav. red.toms, B.A.Saiell. Izd. 2-ae, impr. I dop.) 1956. 500 P. (KL&A 9:8) (Machimery-4oustruction) -am. MODan , I.S.; IMLMWTAK. N.Y. CoMwSlon radlow*AAve "Iwo. PftVmwSrssr4* k-v.l.-2&2S ja 136. (ma 9: 8) (Jkmdlcwtlvo qpp]Llwti jwo) (Blestric "Uwe) ~5 (2) 'PHASE.1 BOOK EXPLOI'ATIOF SOV/1289 Tsentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellakly inat:tut tekhnologit I mashinostroyeniya %r1'broizmeritel'r.aya albparatura TsNI-ITMah (libration-measuring in- struments or the Central Scientific Research Institut, of Technology and Nact.Inery) Noscow, Nashgiz, 1958. 108 P. (Series- Its: Sbornik trudov, kn. 8V 3,000 copies printed. Ed.; Matvejev, A.S.., Cardidate of Technical Sciences; El. of P~ib- lidyng House:Mimova, A.G.; Tech. Eds; El~klnd, V.D- and Uvarova, A.F.; Managing Ed. for lAterature on Machine and Instrument Construction (Mashgiz): Pokrovskiy, N.V., Engineer. PURPOSE: This book is intended for engineers and technicians at plants and scientific research institutes who are engaged in the development and use of modern equipment for investigation of vibrations by electrical methods. COVERAGE: The present oolleution of articles of the Instrument- making Department of the TsNIITMASh (Tsentrallnyy nauchno- Card 1/3 Vibration-measuring Instruments SOV/1"289 isoledovatellakly institut tekhnologil I mashinostroyenlya-Cen- tral Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machinery) --overs work eonducted during the period 3.954-1956 on the de- velopment ind modernization of new a& existing vibration-mea- ouring instrLunents designed for theinvestigatior, and measure- ment of vibrations of various machines,, mechanisms and Individual parts. In addition., the book contains articles on calibrating devices for checking vibration-measuring inst". nts, and on in- stallations for determining moduli of elasticity of materials by the resonance method. TABLE OF CONTENTS: Vasillyeva, R.V., Engineera Metho4s and Instr%vnenta for Measure- ment of Vibrations of Turbines and Their Pirte Vasillyeva, R.V., X.R. Tsekhanskly, Pridland, Engineers. Instruments Vibrations of Turbine Bearings Ye.M. Shej~xman, and V.I. for Investigation of 3 23 Card 2/3 I Vibration-measuring Instruments SOV/1.289 Sheynnan, Ye.M., Engineer. RC-cell for Correction of Phase Characteristics of Vibratlon-measuring Instrume:,-&ta 41 Vamillyeva, R.V., X.R. TBekhanskly, and V.I. Fridlyano, Engi- neers. Horizontal and "Ifertical. Vibration Stands for Calibra- tion 45 Vasillyeva., R.V.,, Engineer. Vibration 3tands for Calibration of Vibra-meters and Accelerometers in a Wide Range of Fre- quencies 59 Yermolov, IoN., Engineer. Measurement of Modull of Elasticity of Materials at High Temperatures by Resonance Method -97 AVAILABLE: Library of Congress Card 3/3 GO/ar 3-23-59 PATYBYW. A.S.Aand. takhn. nauk; MEMIOV, I.N., insh.; MW--DVUK, M.P. Ultrasonic inst %awate des4ped ty the Central SolentifIc Research Institute of fochno2oa mA NachInery. [Tru~,T] YSIFIXTUSH 88:5-29 158. (N-LIA 312: 3) (Ultrasonic wave-Industria2 licationn) (ftlee techniques (Ilectranics) cj~qb at... 9;09 3/032/60/026/01 1/010/035 BO,i 5/B066 AUTHORS- Yermolo-v, I. K., Krakovyak, M. F., and Matvay?v A, S. TITLE: Control of Small-diameter Tubings by Means o-' Ultraso-ind RAflootion and TL~okneBs Gag 40 PERIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriya. 196o, Vol. 26, No. pp. 1232-1235 TEXT: The thickness gages using ultras3und reflection are particul,_rly suitable for testing thin parts (less than 5-10 mm) In all cases where ths., ultrasonic pulse generators are inadequate. In tube inspection t,,'.Ie intensity of the echo signal may be 4noreased by the use of radiat ton headz with concave contact surface. The authors already described (Ref. 1) a radiation head with two piezoelectric crystal plates forming ai angle. The disadvantage of this design is that the thickness is measured in fact on two points. When using the easily deformable barium titanate, the disadvantage lies in the poor quality of the piezo element. In discussing th) interference reduntion of the device the authors describe in T-he Card 112 65525 Sontrol of Small-diameter Tubings by Means of S1032160,102.4' /011/910/035 Ultrasound Reflection and Thickness Gage BO"iVB066 present case the operation of a thickness gage whioh u;ilizes u-1trascund reflection, and point out the following: one of the main causes ,f interfe-ence is the frequency modulator, its core which is made of magnetoelectrio materials. To avc1d resonan' vibrations, the -,r.;re Was made of oermets (W. 2), Ps, for instance, in the frequenoy modiil.aLcr -.f the YPT -6 (IRT-fflievice made of "oksifer 400". As the second cau;Be interference the authors mention the excitaticii of elastic vibrations in the piezoelectric crystal plate of the radiation he;~,d. The authore showed that this exeitation can be reducAd by the application of wedge-shapel plates. An attenuation of the aurfa~.e waves may also be achie-,red by extending the radiation head, so that also thicknesses in tub-ag with a diamezer of more than 10 mm may be controlled. By means of th,~ URT ( gage thn interferance le-rel was 'lowered ani it wa~, th-as rdade pcasible measure thicknesses in the range cf 0.35 - 50 mm with a maximum er-cr of -;2%, There are 5 figures and 4 refarp,~aes. 3 Scv~e! and ' British, ASSOCIATION: Tsentral:nyy,.a:-e'.,-skl-y irstitut *ekh_o~-.1:;gi' i mashinostroyeniya (Central S.,ientific Researcb Ins.-oi'-2te of TeehnoloRv and Machine Bui2diniz7 Card 2/2 S/032/6O/O26/0'1/C'1./035 B01006S AUTHORS. Matveyev, A. S. and Krakovyak, M. F.- TITLE. Ultrasonic Quality Ccntrol of Tbin-wall T,,-bings by Moan:i -~f OT-ree Waves PERIODICAL: Zavodskaya laboratoriya, 1960, Vol. 26, o, ii, pp. 1235-1238 TEXT: The authors describe a deiice for automati3 coutrol of thin-r-ra.'_i tubingB by means of intermittent "free" waves. '"he theory of he otcurrence ef "free waves" in r.. thin It-mina, which is plaoed in a lig'.1.d or gaseous medium, was described in the monograph by J~ M. Brokhovsk.11rh (Ref. 2). it was shown that two wave types may develcp. symmetric and asymmetric waves. If (:efects occur in the thin metallic layer thro,gh which the waves are pageed the wave propagati. is interrupted undi:r -he -2 (IDTs-.2 - y c..rtrcl formation of a reflection. The WALh Xit fcr the qaalit. of t!jbes described in the present article operates with free waves in '~,e Lorm of short pulses, with "he application of the imrers-lcn method. Card 1/2 85526 Ultrasonic Quality Control of Thin-wall S103 ;O1026101110"I'D35 Tubings by Means of Free Waves BO I 5YBk 166 Contrary to other methods of this kind (Refs. 3,4) only -ne vibrator used in the present case which means an appreciable simp.'ification cf the device. It may be seen from the block aoheme and the replAuctien of' tle device that the tube is submerged in water, allowed to ro-ate about the axis with a velocity of 300 rpm, and short pulses of long tudinal wa-ures are given with a frequency of 2.5 MO/sec upcn the tube suiface. The maximal duration of a pulse is 2 microseconds. In the case of material defects, the free waves are reflected, part of the energy .,eturns tc the emitter which then receives the elastic vibrations in the :ransmissicr interm-.9sions. The reflected pulses are amplifipd and reco-ded by means of a sign-ling devios (bell or lamp). rhe device descrbed Wa3 designed by 1, 1. .'uzvrev and permits -:=trols n t-,Abes with a lengTh )f up to :.5 m. T_Fe_;e---i--e-TT1gures and 6 references: 2 Soviet, 3 German, and I US. ABSOCCATION: Tsentralllnyy nauchno-issledovatel~skiy institit tekhnclcgil i mash-'nostroyeniya (Ventral Scientific ReseLrZ-.h Instt,.Ite of Teab-nology and Machlre _%Alding) Card 2/2 S1032~61102 7/004/C-2 81132 8 B103/B201 AUTHORS: Gubanova, M. R., Yeremizi, N. I., Yermolov, I. N., aijd 4~1-vo;KO-Y, -A. S. TITLE: New methods and instruments for the nondestr,otive material control, developed at TsNTTMUhqb PERIODICAL; Zavodskaya laboratoriya, v. 27, no. 4, 1961, 499-501 TEXT: This is a report on the resuice of the principal studies on defgctoscopy, conducted at the laboratoriya defektookopil (Laboratory for defectcacopy) of the authors, inctitute (see Association) in the past 2-3 -.rears. Immersion - ultrasonic method. Full immersion. It opens amp-e possibilities for automation in defectoscopy. The following methods wid instruments belong here: A. Laboratory model of OAk4-1 (IDTs-i) '..efectoscope for the detection of faults in turbine disks. The device my be used also for other workpieces by allowing the tank, in which they are to be dipped, to be modified conforningly. B. Apparatus -nd methods of automatic control of thin-walled tubids by Lamb's waves. The 14AL%-2 (IDTs-2) defectoscope used for this purpose is able to detect Card 1/4 8/032/61/027/004/'028/028 New methods and instruments for B103/B201 both the faults inside the metal and on the inner and outer tube surface. C. immersion - ultrasonic thickness gauge wr%4-3 (TTTs-3). It operates without contact with the workpiece (tube) basing or the n-times reflected pulse. Partial immersicn. D. The acoustic contact batween radiator and workpiece is brought about by a jet of water. This method is suited for large-eized products (large-size sheets and tubes). acoustic irradiation. E. Ultrasonic defectosoope WA-1 (IS-h-D-717for the automatic control of tires. The types under A - E are intended for control in series production, and thus have a closely specialized range of application. Ultrasonic Dulse-contact method. F. Control of thick welded Joints (ui -To 350 mm? (electric slag method) is performed by means of a YAkk-io (UDTa-10) defectoscope operating with four frequencieti. A neon lamp (12 kg weight) serves as an automatioasignal lamp for it. Thicker welded joints caused the laboratory to examine the basic laws governing the propagation of ultrasonics. The result of these studies has been the VAIA-11 (UDTa-11) defectoscope which is able to contr,11 welded Joints up to 500 mm thick, and detects defects of 3-5 mm. Go Original methods of controlling welded products by layers have been developed. H. A method of determining the magnitude of defects in Card 2/4 S103216 1102 7 /004/028/02 e New methods and instrument,i for B103/B201 forgings on the basis of the amplitude of the reflected signal has be6n worked out. I. Resonance - ultrasonic method. The respeutive o:>ntrol systems have been improved. The resonance-dolgetoacope thicknesi gauges YPT-5 (URT-5) and YPT-6 (URT-6) permit thi0mees to be read of ' ~L scale without diagraLD nor computation devices. This is achieved IY an additional measuring circuit with a straight.-line frequency adjustable condenser. J. Various disturbances have been eliminated. K. Hadioscopy with X- and izamma rays. Optimum conditicre have been worked out for this 7rocess, and models of scintillation recorders of radiation have been developed. L.~ Both advantages and drawbacks of the gamma scintillation method have been examined. M. A special magnetic defectoscope ,--I (DKN--l) has been developed for the control of drive shafts and otner large workpieces wiih -the greatest pobsible mechanization of the process. Test models are used for controlling the cold-rolling process and pipes at the Novo-Kramatorskiy mashinost,roitellnyy zavod (Novo-Kramatorskiy MAchine-building Worke)q and axles-at the-Novocherkasskijv elektrovoznyy zavold (Novocherkaesk Electric Locomotive Works). N. A speoial magneEic transportable defectoscope AMM2 (DMP-2) which operates with magnetic powder defectoscopy and serves for layer examination of defects deep Card 5/4 S/032J6 1 /G27/004/028/028 Now methods and instruments for B103/B201 i"Ide welded joints, has been developed. T-1,e device is produced in s.Qries at the Kishinevskiy zavod "Elektrotocl~-riborll (Kishinev Works "Elektrotochpribor"). 0. A demagnetization ;,pparatus has been developed, which.removes the remanenn, e of magnetism better than all systems used hithe:eto. P. A device has been worked out cn the basis of the resonance method, which determines the tendencytD intercrystallite corrosion in austenite steels usiAg electromagnetic I-Aigh-frequency methods ("vortex" methbas) ', ~. Studies have been conducted concerning the use of high- frequency defectoscopy in the automatic quality control of non-ferrowag- netic products& especially of tubes. R. The physical and technological bases of capillary methods of defectoscopy haive been examined, and a capillary ultrasonic control method has been devised, I,, bases upon the action of' intensive ultrasonic waves on a product dipped into a wetting liquid. ASSOCIATION: (TsNIITUASh) Tsentrallnyy nauchno-iseledovatellskiy institut tekhriologii i mashinostroyeniya (Central Scientific Research Institute of Technology and Machine Building) Card 4/4 Ur ,pi SOV/136-59-3-6/21 AUTHOR: Abdeyev, M.A., Miller, O.G., Kubys4ev, I-T.N. and Natveyev A.T TITIA: Conversion of Lead Matte at the Ust'-Kamencgorsk `Uead Works (Nonvertirovaniye vysokosvintsovistykh shteynov na Ust'-Kamenogorskom svintsovom zavode) 25 (USSR) IMODICAL: TsvetWye Metally, 1959, Nr 3, pp 23 ABSTRACT: A method of obtaining copper is given from matte containing 18-24% Cu, 12-18% -Pb, 24-30% Fe, 7-8% Zn,. C.9-2.5% As, 0.5-0.8% Ob and 15-18% S. The main difficulty is the presence of lead in the matte. This is removed by an --after- blow. During the afterblow, copper is also oxidised and passes into the slag. This is decreased by addition of coke whi.:;h reduces the copper oxide and copper passes back from the slag. The lead sublimes. It is necessary to submerge the blast dee?ly for several minutes. Th.-Lea operations are given. The first is used for small quartit ies of mtte. 40 kg coke are used in the afterblow. In"tensive removal of sulpbur only begins when the blast is deeply submerged in the metal. 1.5 tons Cu is obtained with analysie; Cardl/2 SOV/136--59-3-6/21 Conversion of Lead Matte at the Ust'-Kamenogoxsx Lead Works 99.07% Cu, 0.2% Fb, 0.2% Zn and 0.2%,Fe. Tie second and third operatioas yield 3-4.5 tons copper using a full 8-ton converter, the full reaction taking tmelve bours. 50 kg coke is used and copper with a-~,.analysis of 98-16% Cu. 1.0% Fb, 0.2% Fe and traces of S is obtained. The slag from this reaction contains 18.8% Cu, 15-93% FbI 24.3% Fe and 15% S102 * There is 1 table. A CIATIONS: Altayskiy gorno-metallurgicheakiy insti!;ut (kltay Mining-metallurgical Institute) ~Albdeyev, MIller) Ust'-Kamenogorskiy svintsovo-tsinko 1.01binat (Ust'-Kamenogorsk Lead-zinc CombiLe) Yk:tyehev) Irtyshskiy medeplevill d 'Irtysh Copper-, (devil smelting Works) atvey~~y z avo Card2/2 ARTAMONOVP Kole; IXBLDFVp N.I.; YLAGALIMt E.Ye., L&EXIMOs A.K*; YAKUSHIN# H&V.; KAZAKCYV# V-N-j BRTUKWiOVt N.G.; :IJKITITIA, L.I.; KHVESYUK9 F.I,; Prini-14 achastiye,--!4ATV--,UV2 I.T.; KOVAM, L.I.; ROIWCiVp V.S.; MOCHUMOp B.P.; ZUDOVA, T.I.; OM,~ROVP M.N.; PECHERKIN, S.N.; IZKINt Ye.G; KHLUDKOV9 V.I. Shaft-furnace copper =eltlug with an oxygen-enric:rLed blow. TSvet. met. 34 no.3:32-39 mr 161o (MIRA 14:31 1. Irtyabski7 polimetanicheakiy kombinat (for Art,&wnovs Lobedevq Jergali7ev, Lesechkop Hatveyevs, Kovalev, Romanov, harchenkop Zudowtv Omarov). 2, Vaesoyuzr4y naucbmissledovatel'skiy ingtitut tave-L,ykh metallov (for Yalcushir., ~ Kazakov, Bryukhanov, Nikitina, Khvesy-ak, Peabankint fakint Kblujkov). (Copper-HoUllurgy) (Ox7gen-Iisdustria.1 appliceLtions) YAXUSBINS, N.V.; Ht"num.. N.G.j UZAXOT#. VA. 1 NILITIM, L.I.; WOMMs, F.I.0- PZCMWJX# S.N.; ARTAMDNDV, X.I.; IJMMZV, N.I.; lp-TA-u-ill-A.T.) MALKV,, S.I. Converter treatment. of complem imetal mttsa vith an oxygen wariched blow* Svet.mat- 34 no*10:34F-39 0 151. NEU 14:10) I* Vowwoyuxogry,,iawbna-inaledovateltakly Lutitut tmtnykh r*t&Uov (for UkuhLx,, ftyW&mov,, Usakovs, Nikitina., Mmayuk, Pecherakin). 2. Ertyabskiy PollmetaUlcheakly koilAnat (for Artammov, Lebedev, )ktveyevp i~-Wevj , (Nonfer-ma mmt&ls,--m9taUwW) (Converters)