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AUTHORS- Safronov. , N., Matsyuk. L. R., K
N olobkov, Yu. M.
TI The MU-1 (MSP-1), (4(,R-2 (MSP-2') and Ma-4 (MSP-4) Ma:~hlnes; for
the Heat-Bonding/of Thermoplastic Films
PERIODICALi Byulleten' tekhniko-o?konomicheskoy informatsil, 19EI), No. 11, pp.9-11
TEM In 1960 one of the Institutes developed several hypes of mach[res for
tne heat-bonding of large-size ar"Ac-les of' thermoplastic films by heat-tralisfer
agents. The MSP-1 machine is des:Lgned for the heat-bonding of large-size poly-
etVene films of 25 to 150~k thielmess. The machine travels along tj,.e table on
two guide rails and can produce rec t4 linear T-shaped and lap seams. To avoid t.he
molten polyethylene sticking to the rolls, beat-bonding is effected through a
cellophane or fluorplastic-41film. The heating temperature of the rolls can be V/
evenly controlled in therange of 100 - 300 0C and maintained constant with '1~he aid
of the automatic LM-12WEPD-12) thermoreguiator. The machine design makes 1*.
possible for the bonding head to copy a table unevenness in th,~ range of + 150 mm,
The bonding speed can be regulated from 0,5 to 10 m/min, the network voltage is
220 v, the machine is lever-and push-button-controlled, its welgh,~ is 115 kg.
Card 1/3
S/193,/6G1/DX/O I I/004/`_122
The MC9-1 (MSP-1), M(1-2 (MSP-2) and M64-4 (MSP-4) Machinei for the hea-Fond-
Ing of Thermoplastic Films
The machine can be also used for the bonding of other polymer films, e g
poly-vinyl chloride up to 100~k thickrtess, "ftorlon" [translator's no-.e. mos-
probably the commercial brand of a fluor polymer] up to 30-40~v thl kness, e*.,-
The MSP-2 machine Is also intended for the welding of pol ethylenek 11M3 parl, Irij-
larly of a thickness of' less than 60,U.. Bonding is effected by unilateral c~ortacl
of the material with a gas heat-transfer agent, which is heated up to 180 - 2~A)OC
and gets on the material through a jet comb. The exact seam width Is ensured 1~y
two endless steel strips. The superiority of the MSP-2 machine is characteriz~-d
by the possibility of heat-bonding the films wl'thout. intermediate layer betweer
heat-transfer agent and material being. bondtd, A deficiency Is the lower bonding
speed of the machine - up to 6m/min, The machi-ne is stationary, I. e. the
being heat-bonded is moving. The MSP-4 machine is designed for the semi-aut-oma-
heat-bondlng of fluorplas,~Ic films and 2an be successf'ully uzed for the bonding
of fabric film materials up to 40OIAo thickness. The machine is a stationary
installatlon with two bonding heads ensuring a continuous bonding proces.,~ of
rectilinear T-shaped and lapped seams by bilateral heating of the ma,~erlal. 1-w--.
Card 2/3
S/ 1 9~/60/000/0 1 1100VO 7,;,
The MCR-1 (MSP-1), MCH-2 (MSP-2", and MCff-4 (MSP-4) Machines fo?- tne Heat-B)rA-
Ing -~f Thermoplastic Films
endless steel strips of the upper and lower bonding heuds, synchroni7ed by dt-lve
rollers grip the film being bonded mna g'aldes It. between two slide heaters, .1
load which can be displaced by a ley,3r makes it possible to regulate *,he pres3ur
of the heaters on the material being bonded- After the heaters trie ma!-erial
passes between two coolers ensuring -the cooling of the seams under pressure,
Steady temperature conditions are ensured by the EPD-12 thermoregulator. The e/
heating temperature amounts up to 54X)OC, the bonding seam is 5 mm wide. The
bonding speed can be evenly regulated In the range of 0.08 - 0.0 M/min; ne*,-wc.rk
voltage is 220 v; voltage of the electric heaters is 36 v; weignr. of ma,:.hinf- -
205 kg; overall dimenslons (length x width x height) - 1,4:-4j x 1,000 x 1,24C- nn,
There axe 2 figures.
Card 3/3
nos S/135/60/000/01 1/007/', !6
, /
AUTHOR& Matsvuk L N Candidate of Technical Sciences, Reytlinger, S-A.
MdHN;#~CrThemical Sc I
~enoes, Kolobkov, Yu.M. Engineer
TITIZ% Welding of Polyethylene Films With Gas Heat Carriers
PERIODICAL: Svarochnoye proizvodE.tvo, 1960, No. 11, pp, 26-29
Welding of polyethyleme films with gas heat carriers excludes the
necessity of using supports, thus presenting a considerable advantage over the
heat resistance welding method. Optimum. wolding conditions were determined on
an experimental laboratory machine, either fixed or portable, by one-sided I-eat-
ing by gas carriers of the material to be welded. One or several r-CM-55 (G.cM-53)
burner nozzles were used. The experimental machine was used to design a model
for welding large-size work under the supervision of N.N. Safronov (Figure 2),
The investigation showed that when welding polyethylene films by heated gas, the
quality of the joints and the welding speed depended on the distance betweer. the
nozzle tip and the material to be welded, the consumption and temperature of gas
and on the pressure of the arresting strips on the material. When welding 60-
micron thick films using air and orenozzle with a 1.5 mm diameter outlet. aperture,
Card 1/_3
Welding of Polyethylene Films With Ga.s Heat Carriers
best results were obtained when the distance between the nozzle and the work
piece surface was 5 mm, the air temperature 290-3200C; air cpsumption - 3.5 to
4,5 1/min; pressure of the arresting strips - 0.5 to 1 kg/cm , and welding sp-~ed
0.5 to I m/min. The tearing strength. of such joints was 85-99% of the base
material strength and shear strength equalled that of the base material. The LA/
strength of overlap joints was also equal to that of ths base material. Best.
strength properties were obtained using Inert gases (ni---gen or argon) as hea-
carriers. The welding speed can be Increased using th e consecutively arrang-?d
nozzles and attains under the described conditions ~ m/min. It can be Increas-!d
still more by using more nozzle.
Card 2/3
There are 6 figures and 1 table.
Welding of Polyethylene Film With Gas. Heat Carriers
Figure 2. General view of a machine 10
for welding large-size work by gas VRILt
1151,410 It cos S/ 1 91/60/000/C I 2,/0r_9/C'!;I
AUTHORS: Matayuk. L. N.. Bogdashevskiy, A. V.
TITLE: Ultrasonic Welding of Polymeric Materials
PERIODICALt Plasticheskiye massy, 1960, No. 12, pp. 30 - 37
TEXT: The authors have been concerned since 1959 with the determination
of optimum conditions for ultrasonic welding of plastics. Experimental
work was done on a device which consisted of an acoustic unit which 1fas
loosely fastened to a bracket, a pressuze-generating mechanism, and :1
holder (Fig.1). Magnetostriction vibratcro for a working frequencf of
20 - 30 kerri were used as converters of electric vibrations to ultrasonic
waves. The vibrators were fed by a Y3r-10 'UZG-10) generator. Waveguide
concentrators were used for the transmission of mechanical vibratiors from
the magnetostriction vibrator to the weld, which do not only tranamit
vibrations but also increase their amplitudes. To obtain spot welds,
waveguide concentrators with an amplification coefficient of 7 were used
(Fig.2). Rectangular, knife-shaped, half-wave concentrators with uni- or
bilateral tapering were used for the production of continuous weld seams.
Card 1/3
Ultrasonic Welding of Polymeri~. Materials S/191/60/000/012/009/016
The experiments were made according to two methods. In the first method
(MJ3TY-M3W(NVTU-XEI)), the welded material is compressed between the con-
centrator and the passive reflector. The acoustic unit or the passive
reflector exerts the pressure upon the welded material (Fig.3,a). A
material which extinguishes ultrasonic waves (rubber, wood) is used as
passive reflector. In the second method (Fig.3,b), a tuned reflector was
used. Such a reflector consisted of a steel rod fixed onto a rubber base.
Its height was determined experimentally, and was about 1/4 of the length
of the wave propagating in the steel. To investigate the thermal processes
occurring during welding, the maximum temperatures and their increase in
dependence on the properties of the welded material were studied for the
following compounds: polymethyl methacrylate (Fig-4,a), polytetrafluoro
ethylene, and polyethylene (Fig.4,b) under the action of ultrasonic vibra-
tions, as well as for polytetrafluoro ethylene under the action of ultra-
sonic vibrations and bilateral impulse heating of the material (Fig.4,v)-
Fig-5 illustrates the dependence of temperature of the weld seam on the
pressure applied. The temperature distribution over the thickness of the
welded material (Viniplast 5 + 5 mm) is graphed in Fig.6, the effect of
the resonance shift of the system on the strength of the weld seams in
Card 2/3
Ultrasonic Welding of Polymeric Materials S11911601000101210091016
various liltrasonic welding methods in Fig-7. There are 10 figures and
12 references, 5 Soviet, 5 US, 1 Dutch, and 1 Japanese.
Card 3/3
AUTHORS: hIatf3_,yuk,__L,~ ;'.',_KoIobkov, 'fu. M., Kotovshchikova, 0. A.,
~-riJlelevich' V. k.
TITLE: Weldine of fluoroj)!&at fiims
PERIODICAL: Plasziciies4iye Massy, no. 5, 1962, 23-29
-~'XT :Weld`r.6 invest;.6a!~:ons iiere carr-~~d out on 200-300 ;, th.Jck films
pol,,,tetrafluoro ethylene (.ftoroplas-u-4), (2) polytri.fluoro chloro
etnylene (ftoroplast-3) and (3) various fluorine containirE; copolymers
(ftorlon). The and M'-771-12 (INISP-2) machines with nichrome
bands 0.1 = thick and 2 w~a,~ were ,used. Amperage was 8-1? a, tempera-
ture of' tne he&tint3 elemeat 1,~'~--4,-"PIC, pressure 0.15-2 kgf/cm and the
working length of the heat-~n6 Eemient ")~ ;am. The following data were
determined: (I' shear, (2' t,-ar at monoaxial 1,)ad, strength of the "T"
welded joint, (4) specific strength o and relative elongation. A
tensile-zesting machine with ,herLostat was used for this purpose.
(1) Results of the investigation of welded, non-oriented 60,100 and. 200
thick polytetrafluoro ethylene fili-as (7314 549-56 (TUM 549-56)): Heating
Card 113
S/1 9 621C,0610051007/01 2
Weldin- of fluoropla3t fi-"LiS Bt I 6YBI 01
at 360-380 0C for 3-4 min is tne welding. 15.5 a are necessary
for 200 p and less for thinner films. Press-~res are 0.2-0.5 kgflCM2. When
cooled quickly, the welaing seawi .,.as Liore transparent than the basic
ma t e ra~ al .This proves a hiC.-h cor.,,unt of amurphous phase, since the links
of the macromolecules cannot cryt--tallize completely during quick cooling.
Tt is characteristic. 17or ftoraj-:aut-4 films that the tear strength of
the weld increases with an of the amorphous phase- 70-75 of
'0 1
the strength of the basic materi&-- was the best tearing -strength for 200
and slightly more for and o0 k. 1r. ti~.e light of these results, a
stationary welding installatio:. -a-,th two su-)erimposed welding heads was J
developed for the continuous welaini~ o." fluoroplast films. Two endless
belts carry the material -~o tne stri;) hea*-ers 25 cm Iong an'" then to the
cooling device. Coo' ~ .,, I~nd tied n,:, was Jone under Prussure. The maximum
heater surface teuperature was , welding seam 5 mm, rate 0.08-0.9 oi/min.
(2) Investieation of welded p,~~ly-.rifliiuro chloro ethylene films showed
low strenj;th due to the Lic~h cryij-.allii;~Ltion rate of the polywer.
(3) invest Igati or, of welded O'c.-l;lj p thlc,~ fto.-Ion films with h.-*Igh degree
of crystallization and iii'Eh dens:.ty of trie amorphous phase showed that,
without layer, maximum strentth was obtain6d at 260-3000C and
Card 2/3
S/19 62/000/005/007/G12
Weldin6 of fluoroplast fili.,3 BI 1 CxI 01
2. -- C - ~, *I.aOK f-lz.s a* 106C 00, a rate of 1-2 m/min
1-5-2-5 k6flcm For I -11c, ; I
was best. Here tne tearin- stre-et. -ao 76-75;-, and the shear strength
90,. that of the bac,'"_ Miite;-ial. Two-_A~,dod wpL-I'ting Cf
95-116 P thick films withou,' lay2j- at 16-j-111)(000 at a rate of I in/min, at
25G-2600C at a rate cf 7./Min. A tearing strength of b5l/~., was obtained.
Harder condit4lons are rE21-uired :'3r a:-ed 'i'ms. S--rengt~eninjS of
the weldinE seams , Vilh--cri occurs in -.he c,:-~r6e of u6ing, is caused by
increase of -intermolecular i rite -ac t i3n, ow~r,1-7, to decrease of solvent content.
10 days' action of concentrated H,NO, at 500C does not change the strength
of the basic material and we'din- S L,
u e a. Fluoroplasta may be welded
althou.-h they do not chanee intc ILI.e v.~s_cus state during heating up -.o
decomposition tu,-..?eratur,~, other polymers are welded in
the state o~ ~,Iastic _-(zforma~-_cn. _n v-1scous jtate, the mobiity of
the molecule c;',iain sectlons lno:-eases, diff~~;sion of entire macromolecules
is possible and weldint; Lakes 1_:ttle tir,,e 'iolyeL'iylene: 2-3 sec). In
the highly elas-;i.c 4tate, however, only the diffusion on individual
molecule chain sections is possible, and this requires longer welding time.
There are 11 figures and tables.
Card 3/3
ACCESSION NR: &P4018164 S/0191/64/000/003/0030/0035
AUTHORS: Matpyul~,, -L-.N.; Bogdashevskiy, A.V.
TITLE: Welding polymeric films by Infrared Irradiation
SOURCE: Plastloheskiye massy*, no-3, 1964, 30-35
TOPIC TAGS: polymeric film, welaing, Infrared Irradiation welding,
pol.vfluoroethylen6 resin, polyolefin, polyvinylchloride, polyethylene
terephihalate, polyamide, welding machine, welded seam strength, weld-
Ing support, Infrared Irradiation abnqrption r
ABSTRACT: Welding of polyfluoroothylane re:jins, polyosefins, polyvi-.
nylahloridt, polyethylene terephtha~tal~e, polyamides and pentaplast I
by infrared irradiation was investigated. Infrared Irradiation weld-1,
Ing ~s suitable for all polymeric films which turn. Into the viscof.-.u-!
Id state on heating and which do not require high welding pressur El.
The support for the film has a si-nificant Influence on welding b k
Infrared irradiation; the rate of heating, connecting layers of the
Titertals and seam formation depend on it. The support should be a
exi le material which absorbs infrared rays and has adhesion to the!
Card 1 /2
ACCESSION NR: 124018164
melt, i.e., the m-ilted polymer does not flow much. Carbon, white and'
black rubber, microporous rubber, offset linen (rubber), "Porolon",
glass wool and glass cloth supports were examined, as were the temp-
erature reguirements for weldin,,; each type of polymer. The rate of
weldine polymeric materials depends on the intensity and density of
,the irraaiation energy the extent of Infrared Irradiation absorption
by the,mateiials, its thickness, and the support used. The absence of
d1rect ccntact between the molten polymer zune and the heat source
leads to production of stronger welded joints than are obtainable w~Lth
,heated elements. With infrared irradiation welding It is possible to~
ifeld monolayer packets whose thickness is limited by the intensity of
n,;he radiation source. "Yachine (for infrared irradiation velding of
of polyethylene film) was constructed by K.A. Lashkov." Cirig. art.
has: 12 figures and 2 tables.
DATE AN: 27Mar64
ENCL: 00
OTHER: 000
Caird 2/2
_.J~AlaUK, L.N-;, -.-.30GDAaLEVSKIY , A.V. ; ZHAROVA, L.K. ; KDLOBKCV,
Yu.F...; KOTOVShCEIKOVA, O.A.; VOUOV, ;~.A., inzh.,
Welding of polymer filmall Svarka polirernykh plenok.
Moskva, Mashirostroenie, 1965. 76 p. (MIRA 18:5)
ACCESSION NR: AP4041786 S/0191/64/000/007/0056/0059
AUTHOR: DDgdasheveddy, A. V. , Jeatayuk, L. N.
TITLE: Investigation of polymer films over wide ranges of temperature and velocity
SOURCE: Plasticheskiye massy*, no. 7, 1964, 55-59
TOPIC TAGS: Polymer, polymer film, static tensile strength, REP-10 tester, RIP-1.5
tester, polyethylene, low pressure polyethylene, high pressure polyethylene, tensile
strength, uniaxial tensile load, blaxial tensile load, fluoroplast
ABSTRACT: The REP-10 device, which gives accurate experimental data in the uniatial 1
static tensile testing of polymer films between -70 and +300C in air or in liquid medi.L.
and which is supplied with a special self-tightening clamp for gripping the samples during
the test is described in detail (see Mg. *1 of the Enclosure). The RIP-15 device, used at
higher rates of loading, to also depcribed and illustrated i(Fig. 2 of the Enclosure). On
this machine, the loading velocity can vary between NO mm/min. and 3 m/sec., with a
limit of 15 kg. For testing polymer fibmts blaidally over a wide temperature range, a
third special device has been developed, which is also described and illuatz-ated schema- i-
tically (see Fig. 3 In the Enclowe). Stress-strain curves*btalmd with this device:
low-pressure and high-pressure potMWFlene film (SEP-10 and fluoroplast-4) tested
A_ A
ACCESSION NR: "4041786
in two directions at rates of 0. 12-90 cm/w3c. are given. The REP-10 tester makes it
, lancli
possible to accelerate testing considerably and obtain reproducible results at high loaft.
rates where the yield point to increased and the character of destruction approaches that
of brittle fatigue. This apparatus thus ma1ces it pposible fo d9termine peculiarities of
materials which could never- be detected by other kinds of testing, and which are very
important for the determination of soMceability ;ln constructions. An, aumple in shown
In Fig. 4 of the En.clozurei' Orig. art.', ham. 7 illustrations and 3 graphs,
OTHER.. 000
ACC NRi AP7001405 C,4)__SOURCE_CODi_.- UR/0~13/6QOOO/021/0107/0108
INVEhMW Lashkov, K. A.; Klizova, T. N.; Fomichev, V. A.; Matsyuk.'_k~ 'N'. Kolobkov,
Yu. M.
ORG: none
MILE: Device for heat-pulse welding of polymer films. Class 39, No. 187991
SOUPCE: Izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye xnaki, no. 21, 1966,
MPIC TAGS: polymer film, polymer -f;LI-a;3HEkd4;;j~V- i-eat welding
ABSTRACT: An Author Certificate has been issued for a device for heat-pulse welling
of polymer films. The device consists of two insulation blocks, heating elementi;
Card 1/2
Fig. 1.
I - Bottora block; 2 - e-shaped support; 3 - top block.
ACC NRi AP70001405
in the form of metal strips with copper inserts, and a support. To obtain closed-
contour articles with a curvilinear lap weld, the blocks have a surface curvature
corresponding to that of the articles to be welded, and the bottom block is
mounted on an a-shaped support. Orig. art. has: 1 figure. (BCjj
SUR rn'nF-- 11 11/ qIMM nATY- ATD V12'P_q_C:- r.I(IQ
I C rL AN-S. '; r-iins. I-egumtnus Grains,
--tTdL866-(A. NO. 4. 1�59, 15619
-77 7
d Treatre,11, or)
u r f r i i zy v
nH ukti I W-7, 30--36
-,wjqjjn,7.~ of tije MeAnevskaya Airicul t~,-P-I
lnptlt te. ot -:)nl~ in tre nortnern CIEt
,~f' 7JSS? b,,jt eIRD in the cOnfjitjCr,,F! Of
h I eq t vxi)- a n jjnrorlant
of d(
~,f ccrn. ~M'.
ren.-.Led dI-P!I'er,,ntiv to wottlI7F Of
dry Off. ~'11 all C(-.rc.,;ntrtVrjn:~
roll,)I-ionp of nin~-!,&I sn'Lts and M 'C"
-mitstf-,ncee, FLT..-Irt froin cll.:: n(.7
I c
cause aupreclable cl~an;zes In the groAh an~~
develo.-~ment of clants. Tt e pre,arE!tlm,
r A T
-ec a In .-i f7 t i~r ea mr, cer tr at
-jraLlon. F!nrouted
1 v d e,-, rr~ seG
'n vrowt-_ tr'e controt.
vi,rnall,,at.lon o ' qeo.~~p termerati;re c*.~
sil'icaous arch !.,anted sort.9 e cro,-, lelO
of ser-,~ waE lovored, tne qimritllty, !._-af
z r.. rc; f wA = re---4,j c e:' .
Cultiv=ited Plants. Genur&i PrQblams. m
-~antrlbuAon of The Saiintists of MoldavIya to trio
Dain3lopment of kgric)ulture.
kgri,,LLitura shi viteritkd ~~oldo"y, 1957, No. 10, U-i4
No sbstract.
i-Ard! 1/1
Development of biologleal and WimItural sciences In tbo- Noldovi*w
S-S*R. [with s~r7 In N&9lI*h'j:lsv.AN 5SU.Sor.bI*j*u**4:471,-478 Jl-Ag
158. (KMA 11:8)
1. koldavskir filinl Akademii uauk SSSR.
K(YFALSKIY, A,7e., doktor eel 'ekokhozvaystvenrith NATSM, L. S., kand.
ss2 Iskokhosysystvourvkh nauk. n"IICII""~~:,-,.Ili-~--. -
A good handbook oz plat alltwre (OPIant cultwes by ?.I. Pbdgorqri.
Revieved by A.B. Kvwarskllv L.S. Mateluk). Zemledelle 6 no,7:93-94
ii 158. (mm 11 t 6)
(Field crops) (PbdCorWi, P.I.)
30 - 1 - 3 3/3
AIPTHOR: Koserko, I. Ye. , Candidate of AGricultural Sciences
TITLEi The Tasks of :3iolo--ical Research in the Moldavian SSR
(Zadachi b1ologicheskikh isslcdovaniy V Moldavskoy 33R)
Out-1-Town Session of the Department of BioloCic-
al Eciences (Vyyezdnaya sessiya. otdeleniya biologicheskikh nauk)
PERIODICALs Ves-.nik AN SSSR, 1958, Vol- 210, Nr 1, pp. 125 - 126 (ussn)
ABSTRACTs From Be tember 1Lb-, ~to ~-,m~ber 2~1,195~7tbe congress took place
in he br~,no f the All ir. the Moldavian SSR, which was or,-anized
together with VASKhNIL. The congress was intended to di3cuss the
results of bidc-gical research in this field and to Cive precise
inf-irmation concerning the taaks to be performed in future. It was
attinded by 400 representatives of the branch of the AN and other
sciantific factory institutions, as well as by representatives of
the Moscow and Leningrad Institutes. The following reports were
1),L. S. Matsyukt The principal results and probleras in the develop-
ment of the Biolo-ical Scienaes in the Moldavian
2) A. Ye. Kovar3kiy: Innovation in the selection and the hybrid-i-
Card 1/3 zation of maize.
The Tasks Ofr-Biolo,~ical R,-2search in the Moldavian SSR.
Out-of-ft-im Session of the Depart:-,Lnt of Biolot;ical Sciences
3) Ya. I. Printst The present sta-c of the phyloxera problem, way:.
anj problems of further research.
4) D. D. Verdcrevs'~iyt 1h,- iriiaunity of plants against infectious
diseases and wLys of their practical utili-
5) Di-,-.o- '2lie zoils off Moldavia and their mair ch,~.racteristic
N. A. Krdsil'nikov: On the part played by mL-roorEanisris in plant
7 'P. A . "en *,- cl : 2'. e i ~-. po r t % n c e o f cii --* c t ir. t-he 1 i ft r, f - 2,a,. '~ o r-
G.~ Kh. C1..-_-_y1a!:hjnn: ~'Iie cherAc-1 stimulation of the --ro-at':l
of plants.
t :7, i n Mo 1 -
9) M. I. Sidorcv: Or Vic problem of the agricultural
Y.le followinj Z,~C'iOn3 were active: aqriculture, botaricc, a~;roche-
. istry, -.iicrobiolo~.;y oC the soil$ plant physiolo- , plant bioche-
,i V F
,:I.istry, selection _nd ~,cnetics of plants$ plant structure and agri-
culturej protection of plunts, zoology, hydrobiolo[;y and ichthyolo-
Ly; phYsiology of plants. It vas recommended to extend the treat-
Card 2/3 ment of Tnethodical lrol,~lems connected with the investigation cf
-Z -- 1 - 7 ~
" -_ , , /
The Tasks of Biclor~ical Research in the Jl~clJavian SSR.
Out-of-Taim Seselon of the Deparlment of Biolc_icui Scienceo
scils, and to take tieasures for t'-C fLrt'lel' dCW,,l0j;: Ont
tendin,g to explain the ori6in oC the 50iij of "c1davlLi, t-~ finI
new ways of increasin.- the yield of noils and tc, LL_,jirst
erosion, etc. Furthermore, the necesuity of the research )f "lie
flora was stresied, as ivell as of work conroctrid wl!-h
and acclimatizati~Dn. on the investi_,~.tion of opore -1.aj;tU dz--d %YiW!
experimental botanics. 'Phe followir_,~ sa.-,ez~tion:, vlurL C,;rt!:,)r
to map ajE;rochemic~.l cliarto of the soilz, -if fieldl-_, c c o,; v a
crops and nany years of plartina; t1he _JP,,eati.,-_ti,r. the
orap-nisms of various types of soil, t.L lri~, r~;ani,~ an-1
mineral fertilizers and microelecient3, tliku _i--reusc f V; t2u re t i Ca 1
invcsitGations on Plant physio1c.-i and 1jio_-1o,:.ii-,3'1ry; il';C.
t--.on of neasures for th. strugEle aE:ainct an--' il-rit ver-
mins, the increased treatment of p~,y sic,' o,,,J o:~,l ~rroblems in crJer
to increase the productivity of ajriCUltUral ani~-a!.3, ~.nJ, lastly
an increased introduction of scientific Ln
AVAILABLE: Library of Conjress
Card 3/3 1. Biology research-USSR 2. Biology reports-USSR
GRIMALISKIY, V.L., prof.; CHETYRKIN, V.S.1 Prof., red.tona; RUDI, G.Ya.,
kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; SUBIDTOVICR, A.S., kand.sellskokhoz.
nauk, red.; KOLESNIK, L.V., doktor sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; SEVY.-
NOV, A.N., doktor tekhn.nauk, red.; KOVARSKIYA.Ye.i doktor sell-
skokhoz,nauk, red.; FROLOV, N.P., doktor ekonom.nauk, red.-. MAAT~PK,
L,S,,. kand.sellskokhoz.nauk, red.; GUSAK, I.V., kand.tekhn.nauk,
red.; URSUL, D.T., kand.filos.nauk, red.; LEGASI, I.Ye., kand.
istor.nauk, red.; SHFVCHUK, I.P. MWesimm.nauk, red.; KACHANO-
UP N., red.; TIMDSHE?MO, A.G.V mamestitell
red.; SHPANER, V.,
[Bodies of water of the Reut Basin, their hydrobiological conditions
and the outlook for their utilization in comnercial fishing.)
VodoemV basseina reki Reuta, ikh gidrobiolpgicheakii rezhim i per-
spektivy r7bokhoziaistvennogo ispollzovaniia. Kishinev, Izd-vo
sellskokhoz. lit-ry, 1962. 191 p. (Kishinev.Sel'skokhoziaistvennyi
institut im. M.V.Frunze. Trudy, vo-1.29). (MIRA 17:2)
MaTRIMMO, Tu.I., Inah.; IVASHIN, V.M., inzh.; KUZNETSOV, V.P., inah.;
MATSMI, X.F., insh.; YAKOVLEV, N.A., insh.
The %ugansk Hour* competition in the mines of Luganskugoll Combine.
Ugoll Ukr. 6 no.5s23-26 IV 162. (KIRA 15211)
(Dorsets Basin-Coal mines and mining)
(Sociaust coq*tition)
DMMIYMO, Tu.I.,, inzh.; ITASHIV, V.M., inzh.) MATSYq M.F.,. inzh.;
""' j7Af6ftjj"
PANIN, G.G., Inz'i.; SMIRNOV, N.D., inzh..-, N,A., inzh.
Ikys of increasing the labor productivity of miners at the
mines of the "Luganskugol"-" Combine. She,kht, stroi. 8 no.2-
2-7 F 164. (MIRA 17--1)
1. stants'-ya kombinata
laiganskugoll (for all, oxcept Yakavlev). 2. Kommumareldy
gorno-metallurgicheskly institut (for Yakovlev).
NATSM, V.G., inshener.
Now technical specifications on tummel work and rules on safetty
waimrse. Tmnsp. stroi. 7 no.302 Mr 157. OCM 10:6)
(Ttmeling) (Industrial safety)
~9 T -51 ~ 0 < V . C-.
MUGEM, A.A.. red.; ANPILO;OV, 1.M., red.; ASSONOV. V.A.. red.; BABAT-AWTS,
N.A.. red.; BABCKIN. 1.A.. red.; BALAKUTOV, I.D., red.; BOWROD-
SKIT, M.N., red.; 11OLOlMiKO, D.N., red.; BUCHHXV, Y.K., red..;
VArHM G.S.. red.; VOROMKOV, A.K., red.; GARKALMMO, K.I.,
red.; GOBATOV. P.Te.j red.; GOLOVLEV. V.Ta., red.; DCEUCHA'MV, M.M.,
red.; DUBNOV, L.V., red.; YEMA7M, A.D., red.; UROUMO, Ye.K..
I.K.. red.; MATSM. V.G-, red.; MIKOLAYXV, S.I.. red.; ONLOCHUE,
KeN,, red.; K.P., red.; PILYUGIN, B.A., red.; PLATONOVA, A.A.,
red.; PCLBSIN. Ta.L., red.; POKROVSKIY, L.A.. red.; POKATtM, D.Te.,
red.; POLYUSME, A.Kh., red.; RNWHIM. V.P., red.; SHDOV, N.A..
red.; SIDDHENKO, I.T., red.; FIDKOV, A.A,, red.; CHAKIKONCHMV,
A.G., red.; CHEMODTIROV, M.Ta.. red.; SHUMAKOT, A.A., red.; 'WE-
WAMO, H.Te., red.; PARTMNSEIT, T.N., red.izd-va; ATTOPOVIGH,
[Standard safety reigulations for blasting operationsj F-dinve
pravila bezopasnoati pri vzryvnvkh rabotakho Izd.2. Moskvo, Goo.
nauchno-ts1-.Ym.izd--;-o lit-ry po chernoi i tevetnoi metallurgii, 1958.
318 P. (MIRA 13:1)
1. Russia (1923- EFAS.R.) Komitet po nadzoru za be2opaenyfli
vadeniyam robot v promyshlannosti i gornomu nadzorm.
(Mining enginsering-Safety measures)
YArasev, Nikolay Fedorovich,. V.G. 14&tsy&, V.I. Razuerov,
I P. A. ChasovItin, and It -Te.--Me-r~ov ~
Novay* teldmika v stroltelletve tonaeley setropolitenov SSSR (Nev Techniquea
In Subway Toontl Construction in the USSR) Moscov, Tranozbeldorizdat, 19139.
139 P. 5,000 copus lprlauA.
General Ed.: P.A. Chasovitin, Candidate of technical Sciences; Ed.:
Ye-A. Velichkin, Enginber; Tich. Ed: P.A. Khitrov.
PURPOSE: The book is intended for subway construction vorkers.
COVERAGE; The authors discuss earth-waving iquipwat,,nechanized tuzW1 shieldF,
and 1c6ding and hwaling equlywnt for tannel constructions. Also discussed
are tunnel constructiow and methods of producing and assembling segments of
tunal lining sade from reinforced- concrete block* or tubing. Modern methois
of constructing dafts, escalators, through and station tunnels, and means of
mechanizing individftl construction operations am presented.
Card 1/3
New TechdWes in Subway Tunnel (Cont..) SOV/2700
The authors thank Academician A.I. Daryshnikov for suggestions. There are
25 references, all Soviet.
Frm the Authors
Ch. I. Brief Raview of the Development of Subway Tunnel Construction
in the USSR 4
Ch. II. Surface Equipment and Operatioits in Subway Tunnel Con-
struction 11
Ch. III. Mechanized Tunneling Shields
Ch. IV. Loading and Underground Transport of Rock 59
Ch. V. Precast Reinforced Concrete in Timnel Construction 72
Card 2/3
in Subway Tunnel (Cont.) SOV/2700
Ch." V1. Methods of Constructing Shafts and Tunnels 96
Ch., VII. Mechanization of Individual Construction Operations 123
Bibliogpmyhy Cited 159
AVAILABIZ: Library of Congress (TF847, R90-5)
Card 3/3 12-9-59
Alkaline phosphatass aw-.1vity in o-nithelial oells of the
foreotomaoh of a=ll rwsinanto. TSI~olojiia 5 no.6t&82-
685 N-D 163. (MM 17glo)
1. Kafedra gistwologil L'yovskogo soavoterinarnogo Instituts.
SOV/ 124-58-8-9117 D
Translation from: Referativnyy z-hurnal, Mekhanika, 1958, Nr 8, p 114 (US!IR
AUTHOR: Mats yulyavichu a, D.A.
TITLE: - -%tr4m~s-e-9 an rc-es Due to Transverse Impact (Napryazhe-iiya
i usiliya pri poperechnom udare)
ABSTRACT: Bibliographic entry cn the author's dissertation for the de-
gree of Candidate of Technical Sciences, presented to the i.i-t
mashinoved. AN SSSR (Institute of Machine Construction,
Academy of Sciences, USSR), Moscow, 1955
ASSOCIATION: In-t mashinoved. AN SSSR (Institute of Machine Construction,
Academy of Sciences, USSR), Moscow
Card 1/1
NkTMLYAVICHrUS, D.A. [Kaoiulevicius,D.]
Vibration spectrum of a bar under the influence of transverse impulso
of short duration. Liet ak darbai B no-3:201-213 160. (ESAI 100)
1. Institut energetiki i slaktrotekhniki Akademii nauk Litovskoy SSR
(vibration) (Rodg)
MkTSYULYAVICRYUS, D.A. [Maciu1evio!Lus,D.j
Calculation of a transverse elastic stroke with the help of
electronic-calculating machines. Liet ak darbai B no-3s215-228
96o. (EUI 10:3)
(Klectronic calculating machines)
ns t I
-- ,- - --M
, ~_, --.~ --~h !*4 -
MATSYULYAVICffU,9, D.A. (Maciulevit~ius, D. I (Villnvus)
Synthesis of the configuration of staLically det-armin-able ro,--
constructions with mini-mLm weight. Izv. AN S.ISIRL. Tekh. kib.
no.1all4-117 Ja-F 065. (MI FLA 18 ~ I.'
Design of a small single-phase transformer. Politekbobueb,
ne.200-5941 0 058. (PaRA 11:11)
1. Novoroshdoetvensksys. spodnyaya shkolar g. Tikhoretak.
(Electric transformers)
&WFMIT, nadluir TWinlrowlaht UM3311% 6jekswAr Federoviah;
DANOVO A*Go, rodsktora, TOWIMO K-N., tekhnicheskly redaktor;
UK=, I.S., professor, retabnsent
[Col2ection of problemin and exercises In navigation) Sbornik sadach
I uprombnenil po navigatelt. Leningrad. Goo. ltd-vo Yodnoge trams-
port% Loulagraiskoe otd-Me. 1954. 323 p. (MMA 8:1)
(UvIgMton.-Problems. exercises. etc.)
MOMO Ajj~rsxndr Yedorovich; GANOV,A.G. , redaktor; PEYMON,N.N.,
afi4y"ll ~r-or
[Correction of nawlgatlowa charts and aaw4alm aboard ish*.Pl
Korrektura navigatsionnykh kart I posobil na sudne. Lenin-
grad, Isd-vo ONorskol transport,g 1955. 36 p., supplestent.
(Charts) (NLRA 9:2)
MATSTUTO. Aleksandr Pedorovich. GAMDV. A.G.. red., SANDUM, N.V., red.
fzi-d-vi: VOLCHDK. 1E.M.,
[Principles of handling seagoing ships] OsuoTy moskDgo sudo-
voshdontia. LeuiuMd. Isd-vo "Rechnot transport,* 1958 192
(Navigation) (Mlil 12-WO
Tide tables not corresponding to the needs of the fleet.
Mor.flote 20 no.8:15-16 !Ag 160. (JU3U 130)
1. lafedra sudavoshdonlys Leningradskogo vyeshego
inshenernogo morskogo uchilishcha In. admiral& Makarova
(for ShchatInIna). 2. GlxvzWy shturman Baltlyekogo
parakhodstva (for HatoWuto).
BYKOV, V3adimir Ivanovich, kand. tekbn. nu*; HINITEM, Turly Ivanovich,
dotment, kand. tekhn saftl XATSYUT J p retm=94; SDCMUV, T.Td,
IVO.; UACBATUROTO V:T. p ra67rUVMMVWq N.B. 9 tekba. red.
erf ,
[Phase radio axwIption mystemp Dese"awigatorl Fasuvaia radionavi-
gatsionnaim, sixtems, gDekka4laylgator.0 NoWma, Isd-w "Morakoi tran-
sport,� 1961. 150 P. (XOLA i4a 8)
1. G3Avmyy shturman Baltlyakogo gowdarstwommw mrskogo parokbod-
Am (for Mataruto) (Docca navigation)
ALEKSANDROVSM, V.V.; MATSYIJTO, A.F.; GOIOV, A.G., kapitan dallnego
plavaniyat inzh.-digrograr, spots. red.; FRISEW, Z.S., red.
lzd-owa; KOTIZAKOVA, CI.I., tekhn. red.
(Collection of problems and exercises in navigation] Sbornik
zadach I uprazbzwn:il po navigatsii. lzd*2,,, perer. Leningrad.,
Izd-vo OMorskoi transl:)Ortp" 1961. 318 p. (KERA 15:3)
(Wavillation-Problemss exercises, etc.)
BRY WIN . Nikoley YakovIevich) kapitan dal I nego plavaniya: HATSYUTO,, _
AlekBandr FedorQyich, kapitan dallnego plavaniya;
-7WOOVIC-H.Venjamin Iaayevichy kapitan dallnego plavaniya;
MATYUSIMIAp red; CAPTSOVAI, T*Fop tekbne red,
(Use of radar for the prevention of sbip collisions] Ispollzovanie
radiolokatora dlia produprezbdoniia stolknovenii sudow. Moskva,
Izd-wo *Morskol transport,* 1962. 101 p. (KM 15:5)
(Collisions at sea-Prevention) (Radar in navigation)
DIYAKONOV, Vasiliy Fomich;.VATw~YUTO.,_Aj.,.# kapitan dallnego pla-
var-iya, red. -
(blautical astronoaWl Morakhodnala astronomila. Izd.2., pe-
rer. i dop. Leningra6, lzd-vo qiorskoi transport," 19b3.
587 p. (MIRA 17:4)
It ~
Control of helminthiasis in Yazan (2951-1959). Kaz. med. zlnx.
no.1:89-92 Ja-F 162. k'!-fIRA 15:3)
1. Kafedra infektsio=ykh bolezney (zav. - dotsent N.P.
Vasillyeva) Kazanskogo gosudaretvennogo instituta dlya
usovershenstvovaniya vrachey imeni lAnina i parazitologicheskiy
otdel gorodskoy sanitarno-epidemiologicheekoy Btantsii
(glavnyy vrach - A.I. Kr3pysheva).
TSAWA, V. Ya., dotBert (Kamanl); KI -TT, TS.D. (Kp-zml)
Conference of the All-Union Society of Felminthologists. Kax,
med. z1mr. 4&9*2--93 Jl-Ag'63 (KMA 17 a2)
dots., red.
[Physics textbook; collaction of problems with solutions]
Uchebnoe posobie po fizike; sbornik zadacb s resbAniiami.
Leningrad, Leningr. elektrotekbn. in-t sviF-'. 1964. 1?3 p.
(VIKA 18:7)
Flachinerj Repair Shops, national enterprise. P- 7~-
Vol. 3, no. 3, Mzr. 195L (Mechanisace)
Praha, Czechoslovakia
50: Eastern ~,uropean necession Vol. 5 No. 4 1,pril 1956
X&TUN. V., motor rompunkta (&Zanok, Irasnoyarokly kray).
Prolongation of the service of portublo loudspeakers.
35-37 Jo 153.
Kinomekhanik no.45:
(HLU 6;8)
(loud speaker;)
MAPZM. V.-, siogtor rempookU (S. Zamk. Kmuawskly kray)
F100260101B Of 04 foua&bmd low In projectors should be carried.
calk ouly at the thatery. ZI&om*MmIk w,12:)l D '53. (MLM 6:1.2)
Obtim"Ieture projeato")
Assistance given t~y machi ne .-tractor stations to newly founded col2ectlive farm-s.
F. 413 (Mechanisace Zemedelstvi) Vol. 'I, no I---, -:kept. 19~7 Praha, Czechoslovakii
30. Monthb- Index of East European Accessions (PEEA-T) LC, Vol. 7, no. 1, Jan. 19~1~
Development and organization of electric industries in Great Eritain.
P. 79. ELEKTROPRIVRM-A. (ocavet za enerr-7etiku i ekstraktivnu industriju)
Beograd. Vol. 9, no. 2, Feb. 1956.
So. East European Aiccessions List Vol. 5, N11- 9 September, 1956
MAT7.2-3, H.
Nikola Tesla, inventor of the r:)tating magnetic field and
pol.-phase system. p. 974. TEHNIKA (-Savaz inzenjera i techicara
Jugoslacije) Beograd. Vol. 1-1, no.-6, 195(-
SOURCE: East Europe Acce5sion5 Li5t5 (EEAL),
Library of Congress, Vol, 5, no. 11, Nov. 1956
A r"wrt on the work of the Third Conference of the Yugoslav Nations.1 Committee,
International Confernce on Large Electric Systems. p. 432.
(Tehnika, Vol. 12, no. 3, 1957, Yugoslavia)
SD: MonthlyList of East European Accessions (EEAL) LA, Vol. 6, no. 7, July 1957, Uncl.
MANTES. Hermn. ing.
Formerd to the first issue of OlKlektrotehnikit.m KLektrotehnika
Rrw 1 no.1-2:3 158.
1, Prodejednik Klektrotehnickog drustva Brwatoke; direktor
Instituta s& elektroprivredu; clan lbdakcionog odbora,
N~ ~.V.,,doktor tekhn.nauk
Ship vibration In areas where machinery to located. Trudy
NO sud.pron. 7 no.2.1261-282 '57. (KM 12:1)
ANWHOV, V.V., band. tekhn.nai k; AGIM. jD,V-,A*tor.t-q)dm.nauki prof.;
PAKDAS, A.M., daktiv tekhn.nauk, prof.; VJRKHOVBXIT, A.Y., doktor
tokha,sauk, prof.; '3011KWICH, F.A., itand.tekbu.nauk, dote.;
Noles dckl4iWiwkhn.m&ak, prof*.IXA"M N.Vol daktor tekhn.
us _fj.; RY2WHOT, A.A.. daktor t9kFdi.nabJc: prof.; MBY]muv,
DONG-0- otvosa vyPask
DOW wthod for caloulating thernal stremewl Novyl raschatuyl
astod vychislentla termichaskikh napriashanii. Gorlkii, 1958.
57 p. (Gorkiy.Politekhnichankil inmtitut. Trudy, vol.14, no-3)
(MIPA 13:7)
(Therml stresses)
prof.; '
DOYDOT. Vadim Vas11'!kTT
SrVZMZW. Ivan Nikolayev ich,prof .; PXRLINO A.A.,inx)-., red.;
VITASHKINA, S.A., red. izd-va.; &MCHMY. M..
[Study manuml on the resistance of ships in inland navigation]
Uchebmyt spravochnik po prachnosti sudev vnutrennego plavantia.
Isd. 2., perer. t dop. Moskva. Iz&-vo *Rechnot transport.' 1958. 754 p.
(MIRA 11:12)
(Ship resistance)
Seventy-fifth birthday of Academician Wlian Aleksandrovich
Shinanskii. Sudostroenie 24 no.12:66-67 D 158.
(MIU 12:2)
(Shisanskli, IUlian Aleicsandrovich, 1883-)
DATIDOW, Tedim Vasillyevich, prof., doktor takhn.naukg W!~ZS. Xa~a~lyp,
-44klaramw, prof.,. doktor takhn.imiuk; CHUVIKOVSKIT, V.S., kand. , retsenzent; NOTITSKIT. D.1.. dotment. red.; TITASH-
KINA. S.A.. red.isd-vn; TZRKAKOTA. T.?.,
[structural mackumics of a ship. Dynamic stress cal=lational
StroitellnBia makhanika korablia. Dinamichaskle reschety.
Nnskva. Isd-vo I%chnot transport.0 1959. 378 P. (MIRA 13:2)
(Narine engineering) (Ships-Hydrodynbmics)
-HLTUSI, N,V.-, doktor teklm.nauk, prof.
Determining strboxes in ship htLUs untier the iqmt of waves.
Ttai-G-P-1`15 no.163-65 161 [i.e. 1591. (Kqjfl 15:.U)
-5A mip*LB;~rodynamic impact) (Strains and stresses)
YAKO=V, M.S., inzh., starshiy prepodavatell; MATTES N V d6ktor
tekhn.nauk, prof.; KOZYULINA, R.M., red.
[Methods for determining the at4lity of river vessels to, pass
thraugh ice] Metodika opredeleniia ledoprdkbodimosti rechnykh sudov.
Gortkii, 1961. 23 p. (Gorkiy. Politakhnicheskii institut. Trudy,
vol. 17, no.1). (KIRA 16: 3)
1. Gm#ko*vskiy poUtelchnicheskiy institut imeni A.A.Zhdanova,
kafedra sudostroyeniya (for Yakavlev).
(Inland navigation) ('Aae-breaking vensela)
SZOA 1, Wentin Frantsevich;ll IFrkfj'dokto t ~~- ~3*uk;
9-TmL--&& of. ~r a
KURWUK(W'q" A.A. 9 prof. ktor te-
r te nRW
reteensent; CTO k ZmgukOwtmm2mD; MAKSn4&D-
ZE 79 G.A. , red.; TSAL, R. K. , tekhn. red.
[Diplow projeet on the course in the structural engineering of ships]
Nursovae proektirovanie po atroitellnel mekhmike korablia. Leningrad
Goo. soiusnoe isd-vo xWostroit, promWobl.9 196.1* 131 po (MIRA 14:81
(naval arobitecture)
DATIDOV, Vadim Vasillyevich;
-t* tse n-z,ent;
KURMMCV, A.A.p doktor tekhn aby,, le
CHWIKOVSKIY, V.S., doktor tekhn. nauk, reteenzent;
TRYANIN, I.I., kand. tekhn. nauk, dots.,, red.;
(Dynamic strength calculations of ship structures] Dina-
micheskie raschety prochnosti sudovykh konstruktaii.
Izd.2., perer. i dop. Moskvat Transport, 1965. 316 p.
(MIRA 18t5)
VOwde calmlatione of the at
Ione ~"the ~Vl ~h,'of ship stnwtures (Dinmddesidye raschety
piudywat 2d ed. . rev. and enj. Nnew Jr4-vo "TnMpmt
ig6o. 3A-p. tnus.,-bibito. Ermta slip Ifismirted. 4000 ;;Ies printed.
-20FIC TACO: shipbuilding engineering, vibration, calculation
PURPOSE AND COVERAGE: This to a textbook for advanced students studying ship
and for sbip-building engineers. It deals vitb calculations of the vibrations and
dynemic strength of ship structures, mainly of vessels for inland vaterways. Dynamic
calaulations of lWdrofoil vessels are also included. 7he gawral theory of small
vibrations of eywtems with one, several, and an Infinitely large nuOer of degrees
of froo6mg practical wtbods for calculating the vibration of ship structures,
causea-of vibrations and remedial measures, and permissible vibration rates an pro-
"BLU OF jmbrifte4t
System with one degree of freedom - 12
"Systems vith several degrees of freedom 5T
Prismatic beems
Local vibrations (oscillations of bull structinvs)-- 149.
-ACC NIs M5019634 ko
Combluedlibration of the ship - 200
Generating vibration forces - 239 ql~o
Prevention and reductice or vibration - 256
Btrengtb =de. vwe 13W*ct 287
M OMt 13/ VM: 0210 Ws Oll
L ~9581_66 GD
(A) SOURCE CODE: GE/004077~-,;/O-(56/6-i&/o2977~,301 1.
AMMOR: Matthee, A. (Graduate engineer)
TITLE: Packaging of fine bake products and confectioner's ware in individual
portions for retail sale
SOURCE: Backer und Konditor, no. 10, 1965, 297-501
TOPIC TAGS: food technology, packaging technique
ABSTRACT: The article discusses the various methods and procedures and the materials
used (tin foil, plastic sheets and paper, parcbment, etc) in packaging fine bake pro-
ducts and confectioner's ware in individual portions for retail sale. Packaging in
large quantities for shipment is not discussed. The concepts at the basis of the
packaging techniques described here were worked out,, developed and standardized under
the direction of the Institute for Packaging and PaparBroducts manufacture, Dresden
(Institut fur Verpackung und Papierverarbeiturig) which In part have previously been
published and declared as obliZatory standardit. Orig. art. has: 26 figures.
.Card i /i 11b
KERSTAN, Johannes (Jena) G.D.R.); MPTTHEc.,,.,.~~uq_Ljena, G.D.R.)
Generalization of a theorem of 3 iwnjak. Rev math, RoLz-- 9 rnc.~:
811-829 164.
AUTHOR: Mattias, B. T. 29-4-5/20
TITLE: Superconductivity (SverkhprovodimoBt1)
PERIODICAL: Tekhnika Molodezhi, 1958, Nr 4. pp. 7-8, 39 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: This is an abbreviated translation from English of an article
published in "Scientific AmerIcan", 1957, number 11, pp. none
AVAILABLE: Library of Congress
1. Superconductivity 2. Periodicals-Scientific Anerican
Card 1/1
AUTHOR: Mattilap P.
TITLE:--Sol inding of Ore at the Dressing Plant of the
vVi=ti~ Mine (Samoizmellaheniye rudy na obogatitallnoy
fabrike rudnika 'Vikhanti ").
PERIODICAL: Tayetn3ye Metally, 1958,, 5r.8, pp.10-14 (USSR)
ABSTRACT: Following an investigation by L. Kossmaa at the
laboratory of the "Outokumpe company on the abrasive
properties of various ores from the "Vikhanti" mine, and
measurements of time required for 3elf-grinding (Table 1),
provision was made for the adoption of this method in the
designs of the dressing plant at that mineo In 1956
one of the ball-mI113 was converted to self-grinding,
the results agreeing with those of the laboratory investi-
gations. At the suggestion of engineer Tanner the
productivity-loas of the mill through the adoption of
self-grinding was eompen3ated for by increasing the
diameter of its cylindrical part from 2200 to 2750 mm
and the-length from 2200 to 3200 mm (Fig.). The change-
Card 1/2 over was effected in the summer of 1957, and the author
Self-Grinding of Or@ at the Dregsing Plant of the ~'Vikhantl* Mine.
gives details and comparative performance data (Tables
3 and 4) for the old and. now practice. The results have
been entirely satisfacto.r out further work with bettor
sizing and to find the op?,;al speed of rotation i-s to be
carried out. There is I figure and 4 tables.
ASSOCIATION: Rudnik "Vikhenti", Finlyandiya ("Vikhanti" Mine,
1. ores--Processlng 2. Ores--Properties 3. Machines-PerforHance
4. Abrasion
Card 2/2
. , As. prof,. inge habile
The stross of Clued mtdkl connections. Gap 16 no.1131-37 -To '62.
RODIGNOV., G.V.; TlADB,40P,(,V, V.A.; C;i;,YYOVSKIY, E.G.; '33- A.R.
Pri.nciple layouts and I)aaic elamants of earthmoving m.-chimes, using
the effect of soil caving, Trudy Inst. gor. dela Sib. otd. AN SSSR
no.7:14-24 162. (~MU 16:9)
Taking the parameters of the wor.:iag face into account in designing
a rotary vorking part, using the soil caving method. Trudy Inst.
gar. dela Sib. otd. AN SSSR no.7:25-42 162.
Experimental studies of a single-rotor working part of a caving ex-
cavator. 43-48 (MRA 16:9)
Meet of antimony on the structure and properties of gray
cast iron. Lit. proisv. nool-19-42 Ja 163. (MMA 16:3)
(Gast iron-44otallography)
[Growing planting stock for shelterbelt afforestation]
Vyrashchivanie posadochnogo materiala dlia zashchitnogo
lesorazvedeniia. [By] D.P.Ishin i dr. Moskva# Sellkhoz-
izdat,, 1963. 406 p. (MIRk 17:3)
VASBUKOV, I.A., inzh.; KONONEMO,, S.G,j, inish,; MATTISp G.P,, inzb,;
Furnaces for the local heat treatment of weld joints. Srar.
proizv. no.7:30-31 JI 163. (MIRA 17:2)
1. Ncivosibirskiy zavod tyazhelyka stankov i gidravl!Lcheskikh
pressov im. A.M. Yefremova,
MATTISEN., k. F. Cand. Te0--. '7c-i.
Divrertati,7~n: -"Peat Cukes ir. Water 3torave tind- Prevert!ve !','-
Union Sci Res Inst of Water 3-urnly, 3eweraFe, ;~ydra-.ilic Stlnuctiir-s nn'~
Hydroi-eology "i7ODG"C" 8 Y,,, 47.
SO: Vechernya-va Mos'kva, M,y, 1947 (Project !217C-4.)
MUM. A.R.. kwAidat tekhnicbssklkh asuk.
loprovenents In pond m1twe system. TrW sov.Ikbt.kvn. no.2:
36-" 153. (MM 7-- 7)
1. Mookovskly tokhnichookly Inatltut rybwy promyshlonnoott
khosymystva Imul A.I.Mikoyans - Moorybvtus.
(Fish ponds)
IUYAV, Aleksandr Ivanovich- SUICHOVINHOY, Filipp Mikhaylovich. av,
Petr aeorgiyevich; ~U=TIVNI A-FI.. retsenzent; TSIUCHIN. P.1..
-&-ktor; CHRBYSMWA, Te.A.. takhnichesidy
retsenzent; ILILNA. Y.T.. re a
(Designing and operating bydraulic installations in waters used
for fishing] Prooktirovanie i ekspluatatalia gidrosooruzhenit
ryboyodnykh kboziaistv. Nomkva. Fishchepromizdat, 1956. 270 p.
(Wdraulic engineering) (MLVA 9:8)
(Fish culture)
KIRILLOTp Aleksandr Aleksandrovieb;
uIr Nikolayevloh; ISAYN , A.I., "tared;
ruzomm. T.S., red.; JaSlUq Te.l., tekba. red.
[Reference munal on hydrsullc oulgineering In rel&tlon to fish
m1turel SpravoahMk po rybokhosialstwonnel gidrotakhnike. Noskw%
Plahcheproulsdat, 1958. 427 P. (MMA 1l.. 10)
(Fish miturs) 01~,lraulle OV4,4neerivc)
(-!! ~ -IT ! -.53 ~ ~--, A --fi ~ -
On the vegetation and climatic relgionalization of the lower Volga
Valley. gar. un. 72:41-47 159o (KERA 13:8)
(Volva Valley-Vegetation and climate)
RATTISE14 Anatoliy Ernstovich; MARTYSHEV, F.G., prof., doktor
~--:7;-"~al'tnbf.-"bgiff,'re'rsenzent; 0.1LOVA, Z.F., nauchn. red.;
[Hydraulic engineering and lnnd 4..mprovement in fish
culture] Gidrotekhnika i melloral.siia v rybovodstve.
Moskva, Vysshaia shkola, 1965. 299 p. (MIRi 19:1)
MATTIS"N, N. L.: "A study of the oxidative an,! proteolytic enzymes of a
culture of Penicillium. chrysogerum."' Botanical Inst imeni V. L.
Komarov, A-ad Sci USSR. Leningrad, 1956. fDissertation for the
Degree of Candidbte in Biological Sciences.)
Source- Krd-zhnaya letopi No ),10 1956 Moscow
Protoolytic properties J-Penicillitm species. Test. Lon. un. 11
no.15:136-138 156. (WI-gh 9:10)
Proteol7tic Onsys" Of PORIcilli'm 1*rY~Qgemm Q-276 [with s,,,w7
lu 209110h]. AntibictW 3 no.4t24-29 JUAg 958 (MIRA 11:10)
1e 10oratorlya novykh antiblotikor (Zav. - doktor khimichegkikh
nauk P.A. TaklmOv) Botanicheskogo bistituta iment VA. ZDmgrova
S dies on the drnamles of protgol*rtle only" activity in p~ni-
cillium chrysogenum in the accumulation of penicillin In culture
media [with summary In Uglieh]o Antiblotiki 3 no.6:14-19 N-D 158.
(HIRA 12: 2)
le Liboratorlya novykh antibiotikag, (sav. - doktor khim. nauk P. Ya.
Yakisov) Botaulchoskogo instituta imeni V.L. Zmarova AN SSSR, Lenin-
In Penicillium chrysogenum. eff. of penicillin
concentration in medium (Rus))
(PWICMLTUM, metab.
protesses in Penicillium chy7sogenum, eff. of
penicillin In culture medium (Rug))
-Z3~ ~Ir. - . - ~-
Relation of the activity of peroxidase and catalase in Pealcillium
chrysogenum Q-176 cultures to the accumulation of iDenIcIllin In
the culture sodium Lvith summary In Anglish]. Btokhtsiia 21 no.
1:22-29 Ja-Y '58. (MIRA 11:3)
1. ]6aboratoriya novykh antIblotikov Botanicheskogo Instituta im.
V.L-Kowarowa AS SSbIR, Leningrad.
(MICILLIM, cultures.
chrysogems Q-176, relation of peroxidase & estalase to
penicillin concent In medluis (Rus)
(PANICILM. metabolian,
P*nftllllum chrysogenum q-176 culture. relation to catslase
& peroxidase concentrattom (Run)
In Penicillium chrysogenum Q-176 culture, relation to
penicillin concentration (Rue)
peroxidess In Penicillium chrysogewsm q-176 culture,
relation to penicillin concentration (Rue)
MATTISON, N.l..; 14TZKI)',
Tio.3:377-32D ';;5.
1. Botanic~.esk`y 'nsLi*-,.;t hnf~r.4
I Len;ngra'4'ski mf-,-
AUT'HORS: b-attkhiz, Z., Neudachin, V. G., and Smirnov, Yu. F.
TITLE: The lower levels of 0 17 and F 17 in the ac-nuclear model
Akade:riya nauk S"36R. lzvestiya. Seriya fizicheskaya, v. 26,
no. 6, 1962, 1060 - 1069
M%--.~T: The 017 nucleus is cDnsidered to be a tetrahedrcn havinE n(-particles
in its F'our corners tI-ere and with the last neutron moving in its field.
~As system has the form H - H H H + H
I.:I.e Hamiltonian of t rot + vibr + p V-P9
1)2 is
Aj -of the nucleus, the
wh, e r e i I y ~j the rctation energy
total angular momentum.,in the given state, j the angular momentum of the
neutron, L the mean anrular momentum of the F 2 vibrations of the a(-particies
of the core; Hvibr is the vibration energy of the core, Hp the single-
-jarticle 11amiltonian.
H,-p-= V06 (r - RO) Q44.-11 (0,
(A) gives the
11:ard 1/f
17 S1048162,102610,~610
The loaer levels of 0 a.-, d ... B104/B102
.,.nAinE energ_y between nucleons and vibratinr core. A nuclear level ~'i%. :-,17.
(Fi~;.) is blotted, and the level shifts due to core vibrations are ex~iminE,*-
1 17
lhc; -,uadrupole moment of the 0 Eyound state with a coupling constant
0.7 is determined to I)a -0.027 barn. T~e 'Lifetime of the first exc:L*.("
st,,-.te (1112+) is 1.6-10- 10 se-1. 'Ihese dita agi-ee well with ex-oerlmient~L-
res,_~Its (Ref. 51, F. Aizenberg-Selove, T. Ijauritspn, Nucl. Phys., 111,
2. k. Yamper et al., Proc. Phys. Soc. A, 70, 897 (1957)). The nucleon is
7'Ca~Cly coupled ~,.-ith the core. There are 1 fiC~ure and 1 table.
1~-- Z,,CIAT! ON: ',auchno-is~,ledovatellskiy institut yadernoy fiziki :-:osI.Cvq-
kop_o gos. universiteta im. M. V. Lomonosova (Scientific
Rese~irch Instit-Vte of Nuclear Physics of the ;vosco-j. itate
University imeni ',,. V. Lonjonosov.)
Card 2/0
Mk"j.IMZA Z.; NEUDACHIN, V.G.; S14IF11OVj, Yu,F,
Reduced a~pha~dtJis in the alpha-model of the nuclew. Irv.
AN SSSR. $w. fize 26 noo9:11=,~-1206 3 162, (MITW 15:9)
(Nuclear modele)